![]() Author has written 11 stories for Fire Emblem, Companions Quartet, and Dragon Age. I've been around a long, long time. But even as I've grown older (and somewhat wiser), my love of writing fan fiction hasn't waned. Heck, it's what got me writing in the first place. Now, several years on, I've got two original novels done. They are The Binding (Chronicles of Azaria #1) and The Parting (Chronicles of Azaria #2). But I still nip back to fan fiction sometimes, as it was where I started. Of course, back then I couldn't write for toffee. Now though, anything's game. Like my stories? Tell me! I love getting feedback. I promise I don't bite. ;) I'm also an artist- you can find me on deviantart under 'sam241' or on instagram as maddoctorartist Notes on the stories: When Twilight Greets the Dawn, or The Reason Why Sothe Wears a Thigh Armour Plate (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) This was for a practice in characterization, since I felt that Sothe's character was poorly handled in Radiant Dawn. I tried to think what it was like to be in Sothe's head, in an effort to reproduce a believable account of his complex relationship with Micaiah. Quite challenging as I've never played the game and only have a gamescript of Path of Radiance and a Youtube playthrough of Radiant Dawn for background information. Also, since I found no official telling as to how the Dawn Brigade actually met up, I took many liberties with their background. The Leviathan's Lair (Companions Quartet) Here, I tried to see what elements are necessary in order to maintain a long plot. The hardest part was keeping track of characters and remembering their various personalities, which is tremendously difficult when all you've got is Julia Golding's tidbits in the original novels. Still, the process gave a lot of good lessons. The Pegasus Prince (Companions Quartet) I had this idea a while ago; all from a comment in one of the books where Col's told that companions to pegasi are so common as to be nothing special. I always love villains with sympathetic motives, and I couldn't resist dragging Col into it as well. A great story to practice complicated emotional reactions and having characters justify their sometimes less-than-rosy morals. Not as much action as Leviathan's Lair but more of a character study. Choices (Dragon Age: Origins)* So in a game based on choice (original title I know), I wanted to try and capture the feeling you get whenever you make a 'wrong' decision (which I did a lot during my first playthrough!). Except this time you can't just turn the console off and try again. The Arl of Redcliffe and Sacred Ashes arc stood with me most, so I picked those. Consequences (Dragon Age: Origins)* Interestingly enough this game was the first to ever make me enjoy an f/f pairing. And having never written such a thing before, I wanted to challenge myself. Was a lot of fun to explore the concepts! (And yes I chickened out at the end). That Which Lies Within (Dragon Age: Inquisition) Inspired by an episode of the anime Good Luck Girl! (Binbougami Ga). And then it sort of became its own thing. I wanted to portray a more fragile Inquisitor, and see if it helped the (weak) romance writing (I didn't like any of them at ALL). Seems to have done the trick. Note this is not 'canon' to the War of the Old Ones series. War of the Old Ones Saga- Part 1: Chances (Dragon Age: all games)* So, while I adored all the Dragon Age Games, I did find them very disjointed story wise, and some parts were just...well, they weren't written that well or consistently. This was therefore my take on making the stories more tied together, and blending in some FF13-Lightning Returns elements as well. Also Bethany is my fav and I wanted to give her a bigger role. And while Hawke and the Inquisitor have their charms, I still love my Warden above all else, and I didn't like how she was thrown away when she arguably has the most fleshed out character. War of the Old Ones Saga- Part 2: Catastrophe (Dragon Age: Inquisition)* Right, well this was the story I really wanted to write, but had to wait for. It was interesting fitting my Warden into the events of the game, with a few added twists. I also created the ultimate rarepair, of which I'm quite proud, hehe (Bethany Hawke/ Trevelyan). Also my first attempt at actual adult romance! Challenges (Dragon Age: Origins)* A fic that was initially supposed to be humourous, but the angst took over (yeah I'm such a one-trick pony). Instead I used it to help cement a few things about my Warden Elissa, as this affects future fics. Curse (Dragon Age: Origins)* I have been struggling with Leliana's characterization in the War of the Old Ones fics, so this was a bit of practice to try and get a few things clearer in my head. I'm not that great at writing emotions after all so this helped. War of the Old Ones Saga- Part 3: Conquest* Finally it's all done! This story I don't feel is as strong as the previous ones, mostly due to the plot overtaking the character interactions. It also reminded me why I don't like big casts of characters. However I learnt some important lessons, like how to avoid plot overtaking character development, which should improve my writing in general. Asterisked fics are part of the 'War of the Old Ones' universe, which will (eventually) be in this order: 0a. Challenges (optional) 0b. Choices (optional) 0c. Consequences (optional) 0d. Curse (optional) 1. Chances (completed) 2. Catastrophe (completed) 3. Conquest (completed) |