Disclaimer: You know what comes here and I assume no one reads these cause I don't. However for legal reasons and because I don't want to be sued, I don't own Evangelion.

Author's Notes: I think it's been two months since the last chapter was posted. I have been slack but the wait should have been worth it. I actually got a pre-reader. I sure this will please some of you who have commented on that before. Sorry for the delay about that but in the end I was asking her to pre-read my other current fic. Anyway most of the format changes are down to her and they were greatly appreciated.

Before I forget I should mention that many thanks go to Karina Kineshi for her pre-reading efforts.

Shinji's Lullaby

Chapter 7

"I think Asuka is asleep," Kaji commented after being silent since his arrival at the bar.

Misato's only reaction was to turn her head to the side and observe them from the corner of her eye. She held her gaze for a few moments before turning back to her beer. She didn't know what to do: torn between not wanting to talk and not wanting to leave them alone.

"You know…talking about it might help?" Kaji's question went unacknowledged by Misato as she stared into the polished hardwood bar. He had seen this face before; it was one she rarely wore when she wasn't alone and appeared when she was lost about something deep and personal.The last time he had seen it had been just days before their college relationship ended.

"They're not like us," Misato's distant comment didn't get an instant reaction from Kaji.

Kaji swirled the ice in his drink before finishing it off with one swift sip."I doubt that anyone could be like them." When Misato didn't respond he gestured to the bartender that he wanted another.

"I don't think they're ready," Misato was still staring at the bar and hadn't noticed that the barman was still filling Kaji's glass.

"From what I've seen, I don't think you're ready either," Kaji watched her features harden as she lifted her face to stare at him.

"You're not really qualified to say something like that."

"I think you know that I'm just as qualified as you are," Kaji maintained an emotionless façade as her stare bore into him.

Misato knew he was referring to the fact that her only significant relationship had been with him. She turned away from him, frustrated in part by her glass being empty.The bartender was quick to respond but returned to the far end of the bar quickly as Misato looked increasingly aggravated.

"And what would you know?" she coolly demanded despite her desire to yell at the straight-faced man.

Kaji calmly sipped at his drink before he responded, "I only know as much as I've been told and most of that has come from Shinji." He didn't want to stare at her when she was making every effort not to meet his gaze.

"So you don't know anything then," Misato's firm statement was made as she stared hard into her beer.

"You mean I don't know everything," Kaji corrected.

"Whatever,just stay out of my business," Misato tried to focus on her drink and ignore him. The last thing she wanted to do was talk to him about this because it would probably bring up a past she was trying to forget. However,the longer the silence went, the more she dreaded it; as there was nothing to stop the memories from surfacing.

"It's not something I can do easily since I made a deal with Shinji to take care of you and stop you from doing something silly." Kaji smiled at Misato's scowl but hid it behind his glass as he took another sip.

Misato turned so that she could view the young couple and saw them in the same position. Shinji appeared to be dozing off, but he lifted his head and looked straight at her. After a few moments he offered a weak smile,but she guiltilyturned away and missed the disheartened frown that crossed the young man's face.

"You know I'm beginning to think that Shinji was right," Kaji absently commented as he motioned for another refill.

"About what?" Misato tried not to look too interested but a glance in Kaji's direction told herhe wasn't falling for it.

"Before I left the table we were just theorising on why you were so upset. I first thought you may have been jealous but Shinji seemed to be pretty accurate. Maybe you are just lonely," Kaji resisted the urge to acknowledge Misato's reaction.

Her eyes had widened before a forlorn sense of inevitability began to filter through. She idly played with her glass as she waited for Kaji to say something. Hopefully he'd say something…before her despondence could take a greater hold on her heart.

"Shinji said that?" Misato didn't want to speak but as she did she realised that her fears had been correct. Her desolate voice was soft and without much conviction.

"He should know what it's like to be alone but he can't understand why you are persistently interfering." Kaji swirled his drink, letting the clinking ice fill the silence that had descended.

"You think you have all the answers, don't you?" Misato's attempt at a scornful remark failed miserably but Kaji had the grace not to recognise it.

"I wouldn't say that but I think I can see why you feel the need to be around them," Kaji didn't elaborate and appeared to have a greater interest in his drink rather than Misato.

"Why don't you enlighten me?" Misato's sarcastic request belied her growing trepidation. It was a rare thing for Kaji to be serious, especially around women. Misato knew that better than anyone else.

He liked being able to read people and he enjoyed goading them even more. However he became serious when he felt he needed to reveal something to someone he knew. She had witnessed it once when he had a conversation with Ritsuko in college and Ritsuko hadn't reacted kindly. She had faced a couple of her own intensely personal conversationswhen they were alone but they always felt like he had read her soul. It was something she wanted to avoid.

"Outside of NERV, Shinji is the most important thing to you. Previously he's had to rely on you for a lot but now that Asuka has become his main motivation you think you're losing him. Nomatter what you say, you consider them your family but you feel threatened by their closeness. Maybe you just feel left out. Whichever it is, you've just been trying to maintain some part in their lives when they're not piloting. Of course since it's all new to Asuka and Shinji they want to spend as much time together as possible. They aren't getting the privacy they think they deserve and that's where all the conflict is coming from." Kaji hadn't looked at Misato once and instead had stared at the back of the bar with a sombre expression.

"You think I rate my job as being more important than Shinji?" She tried not to scream but she was still loud enough to turn a couple of heads.She would have preferred to throw her drink in his face, slap him silly and then drag the children home to bed.

Kaji kept his cool and appeared to be perfectly composed. He met Misato's gaze with one of his own that showed his own resolve. He could see that shewavered under his scrutiny but made no outward sign that he recognised her moment of doubt.

"If Shinji was really your son, would allow him anywhere near an EVA?" Kaji watched Misato's mouth open but her first attempt to form a word failed.

"There's no one else that can do it, if he doesn't the world will end," Misato gave Kaji a dark glare as he smirked at her answer.

"A valid point but also a convenient excuse."

"And I suppose you'd be different?"

The atmosphere appeared to thicken as he pondered that idea."No, I probably wouldn't," Kaji admitted and then proceeded to down the remainder of his drink.

"Then what do you want from me?" Misato's question came quickly but Kaji didn't answer. Misato watched as he calmly waited for the barman to refill his glass. She had the bartender do the same for her and then expected Kaji's answer when they were left alone.

"Give Shinji and Asuka a chance. Start acting as their guardian rather than always being their commanding officer. Just what is your problem with them, anyway?"

Misato shuffled her beer between her hands for a few moments before answering."You don't ask for much but it's more than I can give. If they can't or chose not to pilot, it's my responsibility. I can't just let them do what they want. Like it or not they have responsibilities too." Misato stopped when Kaji looked mildly amused by what she was saying.

"You know I never thought I'd hear the word 'responsibility' come out of your mouth," Kaji chuckled to himself while Misato looked miffed.

"We can't all live like we're still in college," she quipped back,hoping to knock the smile of his face. Contrary to her intention, Kaji seemed to find the attempted insult complimentary.

"From what I hear from Shinji, at home you'rejust like you were back then."

Misato didn't dignify Kaji's comment with a response. He tried to settle himself down as he remembered that he had intended on getting some answer but had drifted off the topic. While Misato may have welcomed the silence, he was trying to think of a way to get her to speak. He wasn't helped by the fact that the waitresses were moving to their table to serve the main course.

"Did you know that Shinji plays the cello?"

Misato shifted in her seat nervously."I know he owns a cello but I've never heard him play," Misato hadn't really considered her admission before but she felt awkward now that she knew she had never seen or heard him play. She also became a little unsettled as a sly smile appeared on Kaji's face.

"How about me make a deal, if I can get Shinji to play here tonight, then we go out to a bar and you tell me what I want to know. If I can't… then I'll stay quiet and never talk to you about this again," Kaji's smile made Misato think of a used car salesman, amplifying her suspicion.

"I don't see why I should agree to a deal like that."

"You should relax, I mean,you win either way!If you win, I'll never question your judgement ever again. If I win, you get to see Shinji perform on stage. Come on, you have nothing to lose, I'll even pay the bar tab if you drink with me." Kaji waited patiently for Misato's answer as he watched the waitress deliver their main courses to their table.

"If Shinji's too afraid to play his cello in front of me, what makes you think that he'd play it on stage in front of this crowd?" It sounded as though Kaji was willing to bet against the odds and she suspected that he had an ace up his sleeve.

"You've just made the best argument for you to accept the deal. So what's it going to be?"

"Okay, I'll agree but don't expect me to justlet you con Shinji into going up onto stage," Misato quicklytook her beer and made her way back to the table. Kaji silently followed behind confident with the knowledge that Shinji had already agreed to perform.

For Misato, the main meal passed quickly despite her lack of participation in the conversation. Misato didn't mind since she felt that no matter what she said, Asuka would take offence. However, she felt a little left out as her two wards jovially conversed as they devoured their lobster.

Asuka did most of the talking,mainly instructing Shinji on how to eat the red shellfish. She also included a moderate amount of teasing but found that the relaxed Shinji would occasionally respond with a comeback that she couldn't beat.

While they enjoyed the evening, Misato continued to glance at Kaji as he sat next to her. He didn't seem to have noticed the constant flitting of her eyes in his direction; instead he only appeared to be acting with an air of calm dignity. Gone were the charming smiles and flirtatious comments as he watched over the two children with what she could only describe as pride.

She was almost like a fly on the wall, as Kaji would occasionally interject the two teens so that he could add hisown opinion. They never discarded his advice and were accepting of his input, which made Misato feel a little envious.

It wasn't just his interaction with them but how they viewed him, especially Shinji. She had only ever seen them together at the various parties that she had hosted at her apartment. In nearly all of those cases, Kaji had spent most of his time either trying to charm the female adults present or fending off the amorous advances of Asuka.Also in those instances,Shinji had taken a backward step, staying out of the spotlight and happy to have everyone's attention elsewhere.

They were different but they seemed to gel together in a relationship that for the first time she saw as almost parental. She knew that they had talked regularly ever since Kaji came to Tokyo-3 but the reports from Section Two did little to convey the sentiment of their friendship.

There was a comfortable air around the table that usually wasn't present because of Asuka's temper or Shinji's introversion. For them both to be conversing with a calm ease was a dream but to have Kaji included and not herself left a bitter taste in her mouth.

"I haven't had a meal like this in a long time." Asuka sighed as she chewed some of the lobster.

She had lived with them since they came to the city but she didn't think she could participate in their conversation without ruining the atmosphere. She had learnt more about Asuka and Shinji from listening to their discussions in the last week than in the whole time she had known them. She had to admit that she was jealous of how easily Kaji seemed to be able to relate to them. Watching the three of them was like watching the dream she had harboured about herself when she moved the two pilots into her apartment.

She had wanted to provide them with a stable living environment. A home that was relatively normal in the abnormality that was Tokyo-3 and Project-E. Someplace where they would feel safe and wanted, where they didn't have to believe the only reason they were there was to pilot. Where she could possibly fill some important role in their life away from her job as their commanding officer and maybe they could do the same for her. She sighed as she realised that it was never a realistic reality.

If Kaji hadn't boxed her in, she would have left for the bar. Misato doubted that anyone would have noticed her departure. As she finished her meal, that idea became more appealing since she had no more food andwas running low on beer. A glance around the table confirmed that everyone else was also coming to the end of their meal. She wondered if they would really care if she excused herself and left for the bar.

As she leaned back in her chair, she remembered her deal with Kaji. The truth was that she was in a winning position either way. Maybe she would be able to drink herself into incoherence before she had a serious chat with Kaji. Besides it wasn't like she was going to lose considering he had barely made an attempt at persuading Shinji. Slowly she started to realise that she may have already lost.

Misato figured that he would try something but she hadn't really considered the possibility that Kaji had already convinced Shinji to perform on stage. Her mind reeled like a punch drunk boxer as she realised the she had lost the instant she had agreed to his little wager. When he smugly smiled at her bemused expression, she knew that it was all over.

With the main course coming to an end, she started to resign herself to the inevitable. She leaned forward, propping her elbow on the table and resting her head in her hand. Resisting her previous urge to escape to the bar, she decided to fill the gap in the discussion.

"So Shinji, what are you going to do when you don't have to pilot anymore?" Misato's innocent question caught the rest of the table by surprise.She hadn't spoken since she sat down and for her to start with such a question seemed peculiar.

"Do you really think that he's thought about what he's going to week, let alone what he's going to do after we save the world?" Asuka's theatrical statement wasn't exactly filling Shinji with confidence. While he didn't have any substantial plans, he at least thought Asuka wouldn't have been as dismissive of him.

"Not everyone has earned a college degree by the time they're fourteen. I doubt anyone would take you seriously no matter how smart you are… orshould I say think you are?" Asuka was infuriated by Misato's insinuation and her gaze hardened to a menacing stare. However, Misato had already turned back to Shinji, ignoring her reaction.

Shinji was sitting stiffly in his seat, fully aware of the rising tension. Caught in the middle, the place he hated most, he could do nothing but wait for Misato to continue.

"Do you have any plans? I know you play the cello… but I always saw you as a philosophy kind of person… maybe teaching… or possibly a chef?" Shinji watched Misato's musing with increasing angst. He nervously glanced around the table to see that both Asuka and Kaji were also waiting for an answer. He had never told anyone of what he wanted to do with his life.

"I think you're good enough to be a concert cellist but to get the best classical music education you'd probably have to study in Europe. Although the thought of 'Shinji's Lovely Diner' is somewhat appealing," Kaji rubbed his bare chin to emphasise his contemplative tone.

Misato imagined walking into a restaurant and being greeted by a cheery Asuka in an apron. The scene continued as it showed Asuka being polite to people she would continually described as being unworthy of her attention. "But can you imagine Asuka being the kind and patient waitress. That's something I could see Hikari doing… but not Asuka," Misato added teasingly.

"UnfortunatelyMisato, Hikari is only interested in that dumb jock Toji and not my Shinji." Misato gave Asuka a brief glance that was supposed to conveya message for Asuka to relax.

Asuka couldn't decide whether Misato was dismissing her statement or thinking that she'd prefer Hikari in her position. She glared at Misato but she was already focused on Shinji who seemed happy that the conversation had gone off topic.

"You never said what you wanted to do,Shinji."

Shinji swallowed nervously in response.

"Come on Shinji, you're among friends so there is no need to be ashamed," Kaji's words of encouragement did little to sway the tentative pilot. In the end Asuka nudged him in the side, prompting him that she too was interested in what he had to say.

Shinji focused on his hands that were sitting in his lap but eventually gave into the inevitable."Kyoto University," Shinji whispered as a defeated sigh that was almost unheard through the noise of the restaurant.

"What were you going to study?" Asuka's tone was soothing compared to the cold, harshertone she reserved for answering Misato.

"Kyoto, didn't your father study there?"

There was a slight murmur from Kaji as he scoured his memory for an answer. "Actually,I think his parents met while they were both at Kyoto University." Misato held Kaji in her gaze or a few moments after his informative comment before she turned back to Shinji.

"Well I hope you're going there for your mother's sake and not your father's," Misato was glad to see Shinji firmly nod in agreement with her.

"I wanted to see if I could find out something about her," Shinji's voice was still quiet and he appeared to be more like when they first met.

"I thought you said that your dad destroyed everything that was hers?" concern was clearly visible in Asuka'seyes, as he appeared to be retreating into his thoughts again.

"I don't think he could have destroyed everything. I just wanted to find something. Even a yearbook photo would be…" The table slipped into silence as they considered Shinji's heartfelt dream.

"You never answeredAsuka's question," Misato's observation cut through the silence before it became oppressive. "What were you planning on studying?"

Shinji looked blankly at Misato. "I hadn't given that much thought," he confessed with an embarrassed smile as he scratched the back of his head.

"Idiot," Asuka playfully chided as she flicked his nose with her finger. For a moment therewas a flash of panic in Shinji's eyes until he realised that shewasn't being serious. He blushed slightly as he noticed her smile. Further discussion was put on hold as a waitress came to claim the disused plates.

"Could I have a word with the manager?" Kaji sweetly asked the waitress as she cleared away the last of the plates. He placed his elbows on the table, linking his fingers so that he could prop his chin on them. His head tilted on a slight angle as he looked up at the wide-eyed girl.

"He's… kind of… busy… at the moment… um… attending to some… other guests," the waitress stammered, blushing as Kaji smiled at her.

"He could spare a few minutes, couldn't he?" Kaji broadened his charming smile and Misato pitied the waitress, as she appeared to have lost all brain functions. As she stood there like a deer in the headlights, she forgot about the plates that started to slip from her grasp.

"I'll see what I can do," the waitress responded having recaptured the plates and regained some control over herself.

Kaji turned back to the table looking proud of himself but both Misato and Asuka were not impressed.

"You know she's probably a University student," Misato darkly commented as Kaji watched the waitress approach the manager.

"She's just an airhead, anyone with any self-respect would've behaved in a more dignified manner," Asuka saw the sudden spark of mischief in Misato's eyes and waited for the inevitable strike.

Misato smugly smiled at Asuka, as the girl's face flushed with a hint of red. "At least she didn't throw herself at him and try to permanently attach herself to his arm."

"I did notthrow myself at him," she growled threateningly but it was more for her own benefit. When Asuka looked at Misato, she wore a look that said she thought otherwise. Kaji was discreetly looking in the other direction and as she turned to Shinji as her last hope she saw that he was not so subtlytrying to avoid her gaze.

"What do we need to talk to the manager for anyway?"

"How else are we going to get Shinji on stage to perform?" Kaji was still looking at the waitress and the manager as he spoke. After a few moments the manager gestured for Kaji to approach. Kaji left the table, winking at blushing waitress on the way.

"So he already convinced you to play tonight," Misato mused to herself as she watched the discussion between the two men.

"Yeah but I don't think he knows that Asuka is going to sing as well," Shinji absently spoke as he also watched Kaji.

Misato turned to him, taking note of his anxious demeanour, and then to Asuka who was looking on with anticipation. "Maybe it'll be worth it after all…"

Shinji stopped looking at Kaji and turned to the wistfully looking Misato. "What do you mean?"

"I made a deal with Kaji that if you played your cello here tonight, he would take me out to a bar and pay my tab." Misato left out the part about telling him what bothered her about their relationship, knowing that they would probably like to know as well.

"I asked him to try and stop you from drinking too much," Shinji spoke with a frown as he returned his gaze to Kaji.

"At least we won't be around when she makes a fool of herself," Asuka ignored Misato's glare and focused her attention on Shinji. "Don't freak out on me."

Shinji could only nod dumblybut continued to fidget nervously.

"Relax Shinji, it's just like public speaking. Just think of the audience naked," Misato leaned forward to make sure that Shinji would notice her suggestive pose. She smiled as both Shinji and Asuka's faces reddened but for opposite reasons.

"I thought you were supposed to imagine them in their underwear?" Asuka discontentedly queried as she frowned atMisato's seductive posture.

"I don't think it matters much to him," Misato's statement drew Asuka's attention to the glazed look in Shinji's eyes.

"You better not be thinking of Misato naked Third Child."

"I wasn't… I wouldn't… I was thinking about yo…" Shinji clamped his hands over his mouth before he could finish what he was saying.

Asuka hesitated, blinking several times as she stared at him. Caught between angry retaliation and her own risqué thoughts, she could only blush. She continued to look at Shinji, who hadn't moved, until a sly smile spread across her lips and she leaned in closer.

As she drew near, Shinji lowered his hand, allowing Asuka to lightly brush her lip against his before she moved her mouth to his ear. "They're red," she breathlessly whispered making sure that the warm air caressed his skin. Leaning back she saw her tense boyfriend trying to comprehend what she meant.

From the corner of her eye, Asuka noticed Kaji trying to get their attention.He was gesturing for Shinji to join him near the stage and the manager of the restaurant. She stood up and Shinji abruptly copied her, more out of instinct than conscious thought.

He stepped to the side and waited for her to clear the table before he asked to inevitable question.

"What did you mean Asuka?" Shinji tried not to swallow as Asuka mischievous smile triggered his natural reaction: fear.

"I was just giving you a little descriptive help. Underwear or naked, it still applies," Asuka started to walk to the stage dragging the dumbstruck Shinji along with her.

Shinji was glad for the pain coursing through his shoulder, since it distracted him for the revelation his mind was on the verge ofreaching. Putting thoughts of Asuka's enigmatic comments aside, Shinji tried to focus on the task at hand.

He wasn't helped by the fact that his biggest previous audience consisted of the three bridge bunnies. Shinji's fear of the audience began to pale in comparison to another realisation. He'd forgotten the music.

Little did he know that Asuka was having a similar problem when she tried to recall the lyrics.

Gendou Ikari had maintained strict discipline in his life ever since the death of his wife. He had deprived himself of what were simple pleasures and comforts in preparation for one day when they would be reunited. His body had been cleansed and remained as sterile as possible so that his implant would be accepted, not rejected.

He had spent years flushing his system of the toxins and hormones that had built up in his body after years of eating meat and other animal products. It was suggested that there was only a minimal risk of the artificial products interfering with his plans but all risks needed to be eliminated. This left him in a paradoxical situation as the other vital half of his plans unknowingly took the risk he avoided.

He had watched as the manager set down their meals and Rei's eyes had widened slightly at the sight and scent of her steak. She had stared down at it few moments, considering itssize, shape,and texture.

With her eyes intently fixed on her meal, she picked up her knife and fork and sliced a small portion from the whole. Carefully studying the tanned meat pieced by her fork, she appeared to be fascinated by it as if it was a precious stone.

It was little more than a slight hesitation and if someone watching had blinked, they would have missed the small chunk of meat being devoured. Rei savoured the taste of the meat and itsjuices as she chewed it thoroughly before swallowing.

She repeated the process but didn't bother to examine her next cut of the steak. She slowly added other the other vegetables to the small portions of meat, enjoying how the mixture of flavours enhanced the experience.

Gendou had kept a steady watch over her as they both ate and was loathe acknowledging his own body's reaction to the aroma of the cooked meat.

If anyone else had considered it, they would have visualised him eating a rare and bloody hunk of beef with a goblet of blood red wine on the side. It was an image that fitted nicely with the gothic appearance of his office but he had preferred his meat well done.

There was a sudden shift in Rei's eyes as the red orbs tracked the movement of something in the restaurant.

Gendou had seen enough of the other two pilots and didn't look back.

Rei also appeared to lose interest them and she continued to chip away at the large steak that had been reduced by half. He found himself grateful that soon she would remove the temptation from his sight.

However he had to consider the implications of such an event. The risk for him was minimal but they had never considered the risk for her, even though they were both equally important. She had always been obedient to his wishes and he had assumed that despite their lack of contact, she would have devoutly continued to live as he instructed her. The fact that she had chosen to eat meat showed some disregard for his discipline.

Her eyes suddenly darted to the sound of a cello being played. Her eyes narrowed as she focused on Shinji as he frowned at the cello as if it had somehow offended him. Rei noticed that the cello's owner didn't appear pleased as Shinji retuned his instrument.

Before the owner could voice his protest to the brown-haired boy, Shinji played a short, melodic tune that silenced everything. The restaurant came to a standstill and the cello's owner stopped his protest, all after hearing Shinji's short improvised harmony.

Rei understood why, as the soft music felt like it was tugging on her soul. She forgot what she was doing and focused completely on Shinji as he fidgeted with the instrument. Her bemusement increased as Asuka pushed the piano seat to the centre of the stage and instructed Shinji to sit on one side of it.

He repositioned himself so that he was perched on one side of the bench like seat with Asuka sitting on the other. Shinji was half turned away from her as he settled the cello and himself into a more comfortable position.

Asuka waited patiently, looking almost shy as she sat facing the audience with her head bowed and a microphone clasped between her hands in her lap. She waited for Shinji to begin and eventually Shinji became motionless pausing to gather his thoughts.

Neither of them had looked at the now anxiously watching audience. They all appeared to have understood that something exceptional was about to happen and were waiting in complete silence.

Rei felt a shiver run from the tips of her toes to the top of her head as Shinji played the opening notes. It was as if the cello guided by Shinji had sent a pulse of energy through the floor and the entire audience had felt it. Rei allowed herself to be swept away by the music, not noticing Asuka raise the microphone towards her lips.

Gendou listened to the familiar tune with his eyes firmly clenched closed. He had tried to banish it from his thoughts after hearing it for the first time in ten years a few days prior. It was a reminder that he didn't need or want but he receive another as his eyes opened.

As he gazed at the face of the girl across from him, he realised that for the first time she resembled the woman who made her existence possible. Her face was caught between joy and sorrow, as the melody appeared to dictate every facet of her features. He idly wondered if the emotions that were being displayed were actually registering in her mind as being her own.

His moment of bliss was brought crashing down as the voice of the Second Child began to resonate with the deeper harmony of the cello. He froze in place midway through cutting his food into sizable chucks. His infuriation rising as the song continued, he persistently put more pressure on the cutlery until the crockery gave way. The resounding crack did nothing to disturb the song or the tranquil and emotive atmosphere of the restaurant.

Gendou stood and strode out of the restaurant. His presence wasn't noticed by anyone as he passed through the tables and out the door. The room was timeless, everyone too entranced by the music and the performers to recognise or acknowledge anything else.

Rei was absolutely captivated, spellbound by the song that she felt on so many different levels. The feelings were only amplified as Asuka began to move from her position.

She had been sitting on the opposite end on the small bench to Shinji and there had been a small space between them. As the song became more powerful, she slowly slid to Shinji's side. She leaned on him without disturbing his rhythm and gradually lowered her head to his shoulder.

Rei observed the emotion that the two teenagers were conveying intensified as they became closer. She could also feel how their proximity had a similar impact on their now combined AT Field. The field was resonating with the emotion in the music and the emotion came from the combined efforts of her fellow pilots.

"Is this what it means to become one with another?" Rei whispered to herself, unaware of the moisture gathering in her eyes.

As the music began to reach its peak, Asuka turned away from Shinji. She lifted her legs so that she was lying with them stretched over the length of the bench. She was left side on to the audience with her back pressed against Shinji's. She tilted her head back and for a brief moment opened her eyes to behold the moon and stars that were visible through the glass roof.

Her eyes closed again as the melody reached its climax and then slowly faded out, her voice accompanying it all the way.

With the music dissipating, all that was left was silence. The audience was awestruck and the two children indulged in the fulfilment of themselves after having banished their darker emotions, leaving the overwhelming joy they felt only in each other's presence.

No one would remember how long the silence had extended but it was ended as an overly enthusiastic cheer erupted from a voice Rei easily identified.

Misato's applause was quickly followed by the rest of the restaurant who acted with a little more dignity than Misato.

The sudden noise had also startled Asuka and Shinji as they stood up accepting the thanks of the crowd. Their hands were locked together but it seemed Asuka had done it more to hold Shinji in place rather than any need for comfort.

Watching on, Rei felt a chill on her skin as a slight breeze passed by her. Her hand traced the damp line down her cheek following the path that the single tear had taken. She didn't remember crying and she couldn't fathom why she would have done such a thing. Looking up to the other side of the table she was surprised to see that only a half eaten meal and a broken plate remained.

Her eyes drifted back to the two other teenagers in the room as they warily made their way through the clapping crowd and back towards their seats. She looked at the fingers but the moisture from her single tear had already dried. With an intense desire for answers, she stood up with her plate in hand and walked in the direction that she had last seen her fellow pilots.

Shinji had been terrified standing up on stage and had only stayed because Asuka had held him in place. He could see that her smile was a little more forced than usual and his hand ached from her powerful grip. Shinji had the feeling that she had been just as nervous as himself, even though she appeared to crave attention. They walked through the crowd acknowledging the audience with nods and words of thanks but they both wanted to reach their table.

As they approached, a new sense of dread descended upon them as they saw Misato waiting for them. She was standing with tears in her eyes but they couldn't mask the emotions that were clearly showing she was just about to launch herself at them.

The inevitable came, neither child able to avoid the woman as she wrapped an arm around each of them and pulled them into a fierce hug. Between cries of joy she also appeared to be whispering words of praise but they couldn't quite distinguish the muffled words.

"Rei?" Shinji gasped out as Misato's hug started to lessen his oxygen supply.

"Wondergirl?" Asuka incredulously questioned, as she broke free of Misato to get a clear look at the blue haired girl.

"Interesting to see you here Miss Ayanami. May I say that you look quite attractive in that skirt?" Kaji added his patented charming smile and a polite bow to emphasise his compliment.

Rei looked up at him and even though she knew the intent of his words, she couldn't help but blush. A quiet voice in the back of her mind suggested that she had dressed differently to gain similar praise from Commander Ikari. The more rational part of her mind said that she would only receive praise from him when she performed her duties and never for anything else.

If she had any resemblance to being normal, she probably would have sighed at the thought.

"What are you doing here?" Asuka asked, her irritation clearly showing as she stood with her hands on hips.

"It is arestaurant; I came here to eat," Rei stated the obvious, despite still holding her plate in front of her.

"Oh, so why don't you just join us?" Asuka loaded her words with as much sarcasm as they could hold.

"Thank you for the invitation Pilot Sohryu," Rei moved to the table.

Asuka gaped at the blue haired girl before sighing. "Should have known a doll wouldn't understand sarcasm," Asuka grumbled under her breath. She turned to begin another tirade at Rei's expense when she noticed that Shinji was watching her with concern.

"Have you been crying Rei?" Shinji's quiet question turned everyone's attention to Rei.

Rei was stunned by the unexpected question and a little uncomfortable as Asuka approached her. The red-eyed girl watched her fellow pilot's blue eyes as they examined her.

"You need to clean off the make up if you cry.At least you'renot as bad as her," Asuka pointed at Misato who had just released Shinji.

Misato was unconcerned by the dark smears below her eyes and stepped over to the table where she produced a handkerchief from her purse. After wiping away the majority of the mess with the aid of a small mirror, she cupped Rei's chin with her hand and tilted her head up. She carefully wiped the pale stain from Rei's cheek before picking up her purse.

"Looks like we'll have to redo our make up. Follow me Rei," Misato walked through the restaurant with Rei staying a step behind. Again she winked and smiled at a few of the men she past and grinned triumphantly as she looked back from the bathroom door to see Asuka and Kaji looking a little annoyed by her antics.

"You'd think she'd grow up."

"Now, now Asuka, she just having a little fun," Kaji responded, trying to sound casual about Misato's behaviour.

"Well,she could try doing it with a little more discretion," Asuka smoothed out her dress, uninterested in continuing the conversation.

Sitting next to her, Shinji was still coming to terms with what had just happened. He had forgotten the crowd in the euphoria of the song and it had been an almost heart stopping shock when the applause had finally started. It was praise and a reaffirmation of his worth that he had always treasured but it was also meaningless.

Now that the buzz had finally worn off, he felt empty and he knew why. The praise meant nothing since it hadn't come from the one person he wished would give it to him. No matter what had happened and how things had changed, Shinji still thought that he needed to prove his worth to his father.

A smile graced his lips as he thought of how Asuka would admonish him for wanting the praise of such a cowardly man and despicable father.

"Excuse me," the manager startled Shinji out of his thoughts as he appeared at the table.

Everyone turned to face him and waited for the man to explain his sudden intrusion.

"On behalf of the staff and the patrons, I'd like to thank you for such a magnificent performance," Asuka sat up proudly, while Shinji looked a little uncomfortable with the man's praise.

"They are exceptional children," Kaji added, noting the opposite reactions of each of the teenagers to his words.

"That they are but since we are only a restaurant, we are lacking an appropriate gift. It would probably be better if you accept this for them sir. Hopefully you we willbe able to hold onto it until they are allowed to drink it," the manager handed Kaji a bottle of wine.

Kaji wasn't a wine expert by any means since he preferred beer or spirits but he knew of a couple of wines. They were mostly of the expensive variety that wasused to charm women with more delicate tastes. From memory, the cost of the bottle in his hands would probably be more than what he earned in two months.

"That's not really much of a present," Asuka grumbled, obviously not knowing the wine's value.

"Don't worry my dear, I have the kitchen preparing you an excellent dessert with the management' compliments. It should be here shortly," hecollected Rei's half eaten steak and then left for the kitchen.

"You know Asuka, I'd have to do some research but this bottle is quiteexpensive. It might be a good idea to save it for a special occasion when you two are married and will be able to appreciate it more." Kaji smiled as both children blushed at the suggestion that they would eventually marry. He was starting to see why Misato like teasing them so much.

As they waited, a soft voice appeared over the background noise of the restaurant. "Where did my steak go?" Rei asked after she appeared to suddenly materialize by the table.

"The manager took it away to make room for dessert," Shinji informed her and she looked a little annoyed by the revelation.

"Don't worry about it Wondergirl, they are bringing dessert."

Asuka was about to complain about Rei still standing when Shinji realised that she didn't have a seat to sit in. He quickly stood up and fetched an unused chair from a nearby table. He then seated Rei at the table, trying to avoid the threatening glare from his date.

"Thank you, Shinji," Rei bowed her head slightly as she spoke.

Shinji, who had just seated himself, was about to say something in reply when a thought struck him.

"Rei, weren't you with Misato?" Shinji's quiet query drew Rei's attention away from the scenery outside.

"She said that she required additional refreshments," Rei immediately looked back out the window after speaking.

Shinji looked confused by her statement but Asuka was annoyed that Shinji wasn't paying her the attention she deserved. "The only thing Misato finds refreshing is a cold beer." It had been meant as an offhanded comment but as soon as the words left Asuka's mouth everyone except Rei looked to the bar.

Their fears were confirmed as they spotted Misato filling a drinks tray with as many different beers as she could fit. The barman looked concerned whilethe other men at the bar just stared in amazement.

They didn't focus on her for long as they noticed the approach of two waitresses carrying an assortment of desserts. They effortlessly carried the cumbersome load to the table and Shinji had to remind himself that he didn't need to offer his assistance.

Rei had been expecting her usual dessert of a simple bowl of fruit. When the waitresses placed down the exotic looking dishes onto the table, she was intrigued. She determined that they were probably delectable by the Second Child's hungry look. She had seen that look in the eyes of Aida and Suzuhara as they gazed upon the lunches made by Shinji and she had always found them delicious.

"Who ordered all this?" Misato's curious question came from behind Rei but the major quickly seated herself with her tray of beers.

"It's compliments of the management," Kaji declared as he attempted to get a hold of one of Misato's beers.

"These are mine but who owns this?" Misato slapped Kaji's hand away and then picked up the bottle of wine.

"It's a present for the children," Kaji informed her as she replaced the bottle back on the table.

Misato wasn't really interested in it, mostly because she knew nothing of wine. She chose to ignore it and instead looked over her selection of beers.

"Try this," Asuka held a spoonful of chocolate mousse up to Shinji and he hesitantly accepted it.

"Isn't that cute?" cooed Misato, irritating Asuka and embarrassing Shinji.

"May I also have one of those?" Rei's polite request stopped the impending argument.

Shinji handed her one of the two remaining bowls whileMisato eyedthe last one.

"Looks like you'll have to share," Asuka taunted back when she noticed Kaji also seemed interested in the last bowl.

Misato's gaze shifted from the mousse to Kaji and then to her tray of beers."He can have it, I have my beer," Misato's arms encircled her treasure and asshe hugged the tray.

"Are you sure you should be drinking all that?" Kaji had unusually voiced his opinion on the side of caution.

Misato eyed him suspiciously, "Remember that you were the one who is taking me out to a bar tonight. This is just my warm up."

Shinji was watching her with a mixture of concern and fear while Asuka look completely disgusted by her guardian's admission.

"Besides, you'll have to drive the children home and you wouldn't want to set a bad example by drinking and then driving." Misato completed her short speech by flashing a brilliant smile and then downing a beer in a matter of seconds.

Kaji smiled at the woman he knew well.

Shinji and Asuka decided against pointing out the fact that she herself was setting a bad example.

Rei ignored them all as she enjoyed the rich taste of her chocolate mousse.

Gendou Ikari stood before the purple behemoth known as Evangelion Unit-01. He stared up through his tinted glasses to where the eyes of the beast glowed. Since it was not activated, there were only two pitch black holes in the purple armour staring back at him.

Gendou still continued to watch it even though it was not looking back at him. He stood tall with his arms behind his back. His left hand gripped his right wrist as if it was trying to hold it there. His body didn't sway or lean, as he stood perfectly perpendicular with the floor. The room was deadly silent with no one else in the cages at this time of night. From behind the tinted glass came the only movement, Gendou blinked.

He bowed slightly, his left hand temporarily releasing his right so that it could adjust his glasses before returning it to its former position. As he moved there was an audible sigh that echoed through the empty room. "It should never have changed, it was perfect," Gendou returned his gaze to the monster of his own creation. "I was happy. We were happy, weren't we? Maybe it was just part of SEELE's plans or was it your own? You had to choose to leave this world, so why did you? But that would be a stupid question. You did it for him," Gendou continued to stare up at the purple beast.

Unit-01 gave no acknowledgement of what was being said nor did it give any indication it could understand.

"Once you discovered that you were pregnant things started to change. You were always the most important thing to me but I was no longer the most important thing to you, if I ever was in the first place. You devoted everything to the project like I did but you devoted just as much to him. When you sought comfort you would seek him out and he barely left your side for the few years you shared together. Can you really blame me for ignoring him like you ignored me?"

Again the Eva stayed silent, as Gendou appeared to wait for an answer.

"And now he rediscovers that song, the song you sang to him incessantly. You never sang for me and when I heard you singing a song you wrote for him, it was only further evidence of your detachment from me. I didn't realise until you were gone how much you had removed yourself from my life but that will change. He may have found happiness for now but it will not last and in the end he will be the tool that will return you to me. There will be no one else. It will be only us, forever. The time is coming and I will allow nothing to interfere with my plans," Gendou stood motionless, a smirk firmly in place on his lips.

He wished to see some reaction or sign that he had been heard but nothing happened. The only time that the gigantic being would move on its own was for his son. Gendou waited a few moments more before he turned and marched out. He remained unaware of a presence standing high above him in the shadows of the control room.

The room was sound proof but the person had the external microphones on and had turned the sound down on the video that played on a screen.

Kouzou Fuyutsuki pushed a button that turned the microphones off and then turned up the volume of the video. He stood in much the same posture as Gendou but his face was adorned by a pleasant smile. He let the music fill the room. Its very existence seemed to inspire the man with defiance against Gendou.

However there was little he could do and when the music ended so too would any thoughts of interference in his plans. He couldn't help because he found himself surrounded by darkness, only the music bringing him any light.

It was something that he could call upon when things seemed too much. He had the original, a tape of his dictations that he had left on when Yui appeared for an unexpected visit. She had Shinji with her and during their conversation he had become unsettled.

She sang the song to him to help him drift off to sleep before they had continued to talk. The tape had ended before the conversation but it was his only remnant he had of her. He had only found it when he had been looking to his old life for a reason to go on and that tape had been part of it.

"You'd be proud of him and you would have liked her," Kouzou whispered to the empty room as he viewed the screen. It displayed the surveillance tape of Shinji and Asuka as they performed at the restaurant. He smiled as the song came to an end and the crowd eventually burst into applause.

He could see Shinji trying to avoid the spotlight but Asuka wouldn't let him leave her. Basking in the spotlight was something that Asuka would have normally loved but she was holding Shinji at her side.

"Maybe there is hope for them yet. Maybe it'll be enough to save us all," Kouzou forlornly spoke as he ended the playback. He took the disk that held the video and tucked it into the inside pocket of his jacket.

It was over his heart along with the tape of his conversation with Yui, the only place he felt anything was safe. He left the room feeling a little happier and with a little more confidence that the children wouldn't be as predictable as Gendou believed.

The elevator doors opened to what could have been a scene of Kaji and Misato during their college years. Instead it was of Shinji and Asuka who were only tired, not incredibly drunk.

Shinji leaned against the back of the elevator with one hand around Asuka's waist while the other hung by his side holding the bottle of fine wine. The auburn haired girl had both hands around his waist and her head on his shoulder. She appeared to be close to sleep but still fidgeted as she tried to get herself comfortable in her position.

It took a moment for him to realise that the doors were open and he slowly moved forward. He was still feeling the effects of his large meal but reminded himself to call Rei in the morning. He could still remember her getting out of the car, her pale face showing almost a hint of green after she ate too much dessert.

Asuka allowed Shinji to guide her through the elevator doors as shegradually started to move on her own. The movement started to reawaken her mind and she groaned in protest, having had more dessert than she could handle. Although one benefit was that she was now leaning heavily on him and had practically crawled inside his jacket while he was still wearing it.

Shinji moved the bottle to his other hand and thenmanaged to get his keys despite the girl clinging to him. He opened the door and shuffled through it with Asuka apparently starting to drift back to sleep. Dropping his keys back into his pocket, he closed the door.He was hard pressed to wake her but it was the best of any alternatives he could think of.

"Asuka. Asuka wake up," he spoke tiredly, also feeling the effects of the lack of sleep from the last couple of days. He switched the wine bottle back to his other hand so that he could use the arm wrapped around her to help pry her off. "We're home," he tried again, this time using his arm to pull at hershoulder.

"Want to sleep," she mumbled as she tired to hold onto him but she eventually let her grip loosen. She stood up on her own, wiping her heavily laden eyes with the back of her hand.

He gave her a warm but exhausted smile before he stooped down to undo the laces of his shoes. As he started to kick them off he felt her put some pressure onto his shoulder. He looked up to see her using him to keep her balance while she slipped off her shoes.

"Stupid Doctor Akagi and her last minute synch tests," she grumbled to herself. She quickly became aware that he was staring at her and her first reaction was that he could probably see down her dress. However,when she looked at him, their eyes locked and she knew that he'd been staring at her face the whole time. She stood up straight, blushing as she became self-conscious of his adoring gaze.

He slowly lifted his hand to brush a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. He could see in her eyes how the contact between his palm and her cheek dispelled the doubt from her eyes and brought out a look of contentment.

They shared a blissful smile but it was left to her to take the initiative.

She tentatively stepped closer, reassured by his hand that continued to caress her cheek despite her movement. She had to suppress a giggle as his eyes showed his surprise at her sudden proximity. She noticed that he was about to say something but he was pre-empted as she kissed him.

He was timid at first but slowly relaxed and became more confident in his actions. He continued to match her as she increased the intensity and heard her murmur her approval as he slowly backed her up against the wall.

Asuka, feeling it against her back, reached under Shinji's jacket and pressed her hands to the back of his shoulders. She felt him take the hint and move closer to her, momentarily breaking the kiss to sigh in contentment before redoubling her efforts in another drawn out kiss.

Both of them felt the increase of temperature that was caused by the increase in passion but it only drove them closer. The overwhelming emotions that they were experiencing became a drug that neither wanted to give up.

As he sought to get as close to her as possible, he finally released the bottle that had been holding at his side. It was something he'd later see as a blessing as is it landed squarely on his foot.

"Ouch," the sudden pain in his foot made him break the kiss. "Sorry," he whispered as he back away from her. He didn't get far because of her holding him close by but he did look down accusingly at the bottle.

She moved her face closer to his, pressing her forehead to his and examining him from close range. "Idiot," she huskily whispered without any trace of anger, only a hint of amusement.

Shinji could see the longing in her eyes but a small voice in the back of his mind reminded him of a nagging doubt. When she tried to reengage the kiss, he backed away. At first he didn't get far with her refusing to relinquish her hold but as he persisted, she let her hands slip from his shoulders.

He could clearly see the fear in her questioning eyes as he tried to remember exactly why he stopped. She waited patiently, letting him gather his thoughts so she could get a clear answer. His presence was calming, which added to her tiredness. It was a soothing combination that made her want to fall asleep in his arms.

"We should probably go to our rooms," Shinji spoke, his voice was anything but convincing. He bent down and picked up the undamaged bottle, trying to avoid her frown.

"Why? What's the matter?" Asuka tried not to plead but took a firm hold on his jacket to make sure he couldn't move. She examined the doubt and apprehension in his eyes even though he was looking at the floor.

"It feels right but there's still something wrong," his stammered answer did little to impress her.

"You're not making much sense," her level voice warning to him to be more articulate.

"I just can't let myself go like that. I don't want to surrender myself to you, just be hurt again," his defeated attitude annoyed her more than what he said.

"It's just kissing, it's not like I'm asking you to give me your soul or sleep with me," she noted that venting her frustration wasn't helping. Through his eyes, she could see the turmoil of his mind as he started to panic.

"I know that but… I can't…" His hand came up to his head as if had a severe headache.

She watched on, as he appeared lost in anguish as he tried to figure out something that he couldn't fathom. She felt a pang of guilt for pressuring him when she knew that he wasn't adept at expressing himself or dealing with pressure.

"It's only been a week," he began as his hand fell to his side. "It's been one of the best weeks of my life but it's almost… surreal. A dream that's so unlike anything else in my life that it can't possibly be real…but it is. That's why I can't forget that you can still hurt me," he paused as he heard her gasp. He quickly tried to clarify.

"What?" she asked, prompting him to act faster.

"I mean… you and Eva. For now at least, I'm not the most important thing to you and it's hard to not think about that. I want to give you everything but I can't if you can't do the same. I'm sorry," he slowly walked away and she heard his door shut.

It wasn't that she was upset, more that she understood to the point where she was also suffering from an inability to understand her feelings. Her mind had been constantly reminding her of the pain he could cause her but she had banished that idea through sheerwillpower.

Now she was beginning to realise how much of a strain her position was having on him. She hadn't committed to him but he had to her. He had given her time and while she had been debating her own problems she had forgotten that he had to endure the wait.

She slowly pushed off the wall and paced to her room, feeling a weight on her shoulders after realising a simple fact. Upon returning from the best date she had ever had, she had been seeking comfort from him so that it was easier to forget her own problems. It was search that had led to more problems than it had solved.

She silently slipped into her room, wondering how she could remedy the situation.

Shinji decided that at the moment the best place to forget was in the shower. The warm water wasn't as good as a hot bath, but he was too tired to run one. Hewould have preferred a long walk with his SDAT but it was too late for that.

The last two nights hadn't been the kindest in terms of sleep for the young teen. One night was plagued by doubt after his fight with Asuka. The other had been with the ever-present scent of LCL after Doctor Akagi informed them of an unscheduled synch test.

She had obviously heard of Asuka and his little argument and had decided to test their ratios when they were most vulnerable. Luckily they were able to maintain the progress they had made after Wednesday's tests but Ritsuko had seemed determined to find some fault with the results.

Misato had confided in him that it was his father that had ordered the tests. It came as no surprise to him and was another reason why he was worried about Asuka'seventual choice. His father seemed to be waiting for them to fail so that he could separate them.

He gritted his teeth as he turned the water off, the shower having lost its mind numbing effect. He stepped out of the shower and quickly wiped away the excess water before putting on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He draped his towel over his shoulders before making sure the bathroom was presentable.

"Not much point cleaning when Misato will probably be vomiting by the time she gets home." He sighed as he wished she'd control her drinking for once. He walked back to his room, the towel over his shoulders stopping the water from his hair dripping onto his clothes. He sat heavily on his bed and leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he massaged his temples.

So preoccupied with removing the dark thoughts from his mind, he failed to notice the shift in weight on the bed until his towel was lifted over his head. He instinctively tried to escape the unidentified presence but his movements had been anticipated as a pair of hands held him down.

"Sit still idiot, I was just trying to dry your hair," Asuka harshly whispered in his ear to calm him down.

He stopped struggling and after a few moments the weight was lifted offhis shoulders. He then felt her begin to massage his scalp through the towel. The soothing action made him hesitate in asking why she was there.

"I'm hereto talk," Asuka stated surprising Shinji by answering a question he hadn't asked.

"About what?"

"Us of course stupid," she couldn't help but sound a little annoyed by his lack of insight.

"Oh," was all he could dejectedly say, unable to see the mixture of irritation and concern it causedher.

She bit her tongue to hold back any remark she was thinking about and instead continued to dry his hair. It was just something to buy her enough time to think of a new approach, considering he was less enthusiastic than she anticipated.

As a plan formulated in her mind she didn't hesitate in acting. She let the towel drop back around his shoulders and leaned into his back. Her arms wrapped around his body but also pinned his arms so that he couldn't move. She could feel the tension in his body but didn't speak until he relaxed into her embrace.

"You like being close to me, so why were you afraid when we got home?" Asuka spoke in a calm voice while her chin rested on his shoulder.

He didn't quite know how to answer. Her proximity was both soothing and invigorating but it was a combination that wasn't conducive to clear thinking. Fortunately, she answered his question for him.

"You were afraid to over commit yourself and that if you did, I'd hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm…"

"You can't say that if you would leave me just to pilot!" His sudden outburst caught her by surprise.

She then released him as she slowly backed away."There's no need to shout," she grumbled as she leaned against the wall, pulling her legs up to her chest.

"Sorry but…" He stopped speaking, too tired to think about what he felt. "Do you know that my father was away on Thursday? He was in Tokyo-2 talking to the UN but when he got back yesterday, the first thing he read was the Section Two reports on us. He was the one who called yesterday's synch tests," he expected an answer from her but he didn't get the one he planned.

"So? He's the commander of NERV and he said that if our synch scores dropped that he'd have us separated. Of course he was going to order the tests at the most inconvenient moment." She noticed the tension in his shoulders as a sure sign that he wasn't pleased with her effective defence of his father.

She continued to watch him as he let his shoulders slump and his head hang forward. She inched her way forward until she was sitting alongside him and looked down at his face. He appeared to blankly staring at the floor so she put an arm around his back and pulled him closer.

She didn't feel the need to talk; she only wanted to comfort him. The moonlight was only just able to illuminate the scene as she glanced around. Her eyes focused on the picture frame by the bed. Leaning forward, she was able to eliminate the glare that hid the image from view. She wondered if they were ever going to be as happy as they looked.

"You know that I've never really had anything to live for?" Shinji began hesitantly buthis words graduallycame with ease and brought a sense of clarity to his thoughts. "I didn't even care if I died. I just wanted to disappear. But now I have you and the closer I get the less I want to let go. It… it scares me that no matter how hard I hold on, there will always be something else that you would want more. I'm scared that I'm going to give you everything and try my best for once in my life but it won't make a difference and you'll still leave me."

The silence after his heart wrenching speech was oppressive. From their previous conversation that evening, she knew that he was feeling the strain of keeping the balance. What she hated to admit was that she hadn't really considered what it would feel like if she were forced to choose.

She was starting to realise that choosing Eva over him was now harder than it had been. She wanted the comfort he brought, the peace of mind she found in his touch and the reassurance that he would never intentionally hurt her.

She recognised that there was a bond that was strengthening, even after theirfight. It was close to what she felt during their synchronisation training only it was fulfilling to the point where she was content. That thought was both frightening and comforting: having something that calmed her restless soul but acknowledging that she would disregard it just to pilot her Eva.

Asuka stood up suddenly, releasing a growl of frustration. She looked down at him as he stared up at her and she finally decided to act now and think later. "Let's talk about this tomorrow," her statement was made as she pulled the towel from his shoulders and pushed him onto the bed.

He stared up at her confused for a moment, noting that she was impatiently waiting for something. Realising she was waiting for him to climb into bed, he quickly scrambled to do so. He pulled back the sheets and rolled over but as he lay back, she jumped onto the bed and quickly draggedthe sheets over them.

"Ah …Asuka," Shinji gasped.

"You said that you wanted to hold onto me, so here's your chance," her voice did little to relax the stunned boy. Slightly annoyed by his lack of response, she quickly moved to give him a deep kiss. As he started to kiss back, she pulled away and let her head rest on his shoulder.

"That's better, now let's go to sleep." Although they were in much they same position, as they had been the first time they had slept in the same bed, he still felt tense in her arms. She fidgeted at first, trying to get comfortable before glancing up to see him staring at the ceiling.

"What's the matter with you? It's not like we haven't done this before." She waited for an answer but his face started to flush with colour.

"Ah… it's not what we're doing, just… what I saw. They were…um… red." He shut his eyes and waited his punishment after what he said but he felt her press her face into his chest. The warmth that followed suggested to him that she was blushing but he choose not to mention it.

After a few moments silence, he asked, "Isn't Misato going to be mad if she finds us like this?"

"She was already drunk when we left the restaurant and she was going to a bar. She won't be up till after midday or she won't come home at all. Either way we'll be up before she realises we were in the same bed. Just relax, I don't want to think anymore today," her voice was beginning to fade as she succumbed to sleep.

"Okay…" He yawned trying to let his mind rest but thoughts of tomorrow persisted. He knew that it would probably be a tense discussion so he'd need to create a relaxed atmosphere. It would also help if they were alone. "Do you want to go on a picnic tomorrow, so we can talk." He gazed down at her and blinked when he noticed that she was looking back with a small smile.

"Sure,but we're going somewhere where you can swim," her sleepy voice seemed to enticing him to doze off as well.

"Why? I can't swim." He sighed,a little dejected by the thought.

"I know but you have to learn sometime if you are going to take me sailing." She tiredly attempted to blow a disturbing strand of hair away from her nose.

He yawned, moving her hair for her. He looked down to see that she had fallen asleep and tried to settle himself down into a more comfortable position. After he settled down,the sleeping girl snuggled closer to him, her head shifting so that her breath tickled his neck.

Finding her steady breathing a soothing comfort, he quickly found himself drifting off. His thoughts were untroubled as he at first failed to remember and then gave up thinking about what problems they had yet to solve. As he surrendered the final vestiges of consciousness,he held her as close as possible, wishing that it could always be like that.

Feeling that it had only been a few seconds but knowing that it had been several hours, Shinji rolled onto his side and turned off the alarm. He didn't need to be up that early and he wanted to sleep as long as possible but he soon realisedsleep might not be an option.

His eyes snapped open when he felt Asuka's breath on his face. He didn't know whether to be happy or scared that her uncertain eyes were looking back at him.

In his efforts to reach his alarm clock, he had rolled to his side and brought his face to within inches of hers. With their bodies pressed together and their lips almost touching, he decided to be scared as a mischievous glint in her eyes was followed by an equally impish smile.

"At least you waited for me to wake up this time," Asuka whispered in a playful tone, kissing him before he could stutter out an explanation or an apology.

He slowly joined in the kiss and moving on instinct let his arms encircle her and pull her closer. If his lips weren't busy he would have smiled, as she seemed to hum her approval of his actions.

They paused a moment to catch their breath and stared at each others flushed faces with a mixture of desire and amusement. Both of themwere thinking the same thought.

'It can't get much better than this.'

As they resumed,they couldn't have understood the prophetic nature of that thought. Neither knew that they were at a peak in their short relationship. If they had they may have acted differently or said something more,which may have helped in the longer term.

Either way, they didn't know that the intimacy they were sharing would be the highest point before one of the biggest falls in their lives. A descent that was initiated by the sound of three mobile phones and a horde of air raid sirens that announced the arrival of the next angel.

Additional notes: Yes, this is the end. From the start I never intended to write about the angels and Third Impact. Before you start ranting in your reviews, there will be an epilogue. It'll take place after the movies but for details you'll just have to wait till I finish it.

Constructive criticism is welcome as always. I'd like to know what you think of the changes and maybe Karina would be interested as well. The only thing for me to do now is to finish the epilogue and redo the earlier chapters; they need to be brought up to standard. So much work to do before I'd even consider posting it to EFO but that's how it goes.