Author has written 3 stories for Naruto, and One Piece. SUSPENDED ACCOUNT Name: Foxie Age: somewhere between one and one million Gender: female Interests: anime, manga, annoying the hell out of my friends, and finding new and more interesting ways to cause chaos. Go me. Foxie's new favorite forum! Come on, you know you want to join and bug me some more.. Other: I am a horrible updater and I have an increasingly short attention span. Bribe me and you shall be rewarded. Actually, I'm surprised that For the Love of my Friends has kept my attention for so long.. Important Notice!! A belated birthday gift! I think everyone would agree with me when saying that Naruto's speech bubble should be "Hey Foxie! Update or else! I know where you live." And you know what? He does. Fanart: ~Side note to the fanartists- I love you. Really, I do. Random Announcement: I hate Sasuke. I really do. I pity all fangirls who sigh and giggle at his various appearances in the manga and anime. 12 year old (pre battle near the border) Sasuke: okay in the way you tolerate an annoying sibling. Post battle near the border Sasuke: can just go and fall on a spork. Why, you ask? ...well, duh, he almost killed Naruto. I was annoyed before hand, ticked off at his welcoming gesture in the manga before he tried to kill Naruto again, but what really inflamed my temper this time around was, oddly enough, the filler episode where they go over the battles and, for some reason, Sasuke and Orochimaru start talking to Naruto and Sakura. ... SASUKE COMPLETELY IGNORED NARUTO! Gah! . hangs a 'Let's go kill Sasuke' flag on her wall Stories: Estimated chapters: Around fifty.. sixty..I dunno, we'll just have to see! Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Humor, uh, I guess Drama and a bit of romance. Pairings: NaruHina and.. others. Possible SasuSaku, if I feel like it at the time. Oneshots: I don't do these very often but I do have a few... ~~This is Our Home- Complete Chapters: one shot Genre: A wee bit of and mentionings of humor, angst, and drama. Pairings: none ~~ Death of a Kage Bunshin- complete Chapters: oneshot Genre: angst, drama (I guess) Warning: beware of the jumps in topic. Spoilers too. Pairings: none (I'm pretty sure there's none... look at it sideways and it might be NaruSaku, but that wasn't my intention) You know, I think For the Love of my Friends should be a trilogy. XD What do you think? It would make the storyline epic and I most likely won't finish it until I'm well into college. If I can stick with it, it should be an interesting experience, at the very least. XD |
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