Author has written 13 stories for Teen Titans, Tales of Symphonia, .hack/SIGN, Naruto, Ace Combat, and Megami Tensei. UPDATE!! March 6th 2007! Persona 3 revived my writing prowess! Currently writing Fated Choices. Welcome to: Insaneiac the Maniac's bio. Name: Morgan. If you are looking for a last name, then stop right here. Rarely does my last name get spread about over this crazy thing called the internet. Nick Names: Insaneiac, ITM, Mike Baldo (Don't ask), Insaneiac the Defense Attorney (I'll defend you in court, but I don't know how appealing that might actually be), Insaneiac: The Terror of Death, Morgizzle (Thanks Spiritua :P), Xrong'ma (Thanks Dragonwings :P), Yosai (My Japanese name, thank you Hoshiko-chan!) and El Briefo Luchadore...just don't ask about the last one. LiveJournal: Yup, I got one now. It's The Asylum for the Creatively Insane Titles: The Chaotic One (My .hack//GU avatar title), The Testament of Insanity (Based off my own fic, Tales of Twilight. PM me if you want an official Testament Title) Writing status: Seems that, much to the chagrin of people, I will be focusing purely on Tales of Symphonia for the next while. Sorry folks. Other than that, with two speculative one shots out on couples that I like, a third story has began, the Tales of Twilight. Everything looks to be going well, despite my lack of concurrent updating schedule. Oh well, I am working on that too. .Hack//GU Stories Volume 2: Resemblance (A New title as story as become the focal project of Insaneiac): After I finish rewrited/reworking the original chapter, this story will be getting my full attention. The story that was NOT told by Namco/Bandai. Haseo, the Terror of Death, struggles to solve the mystery behind the Lost Ones, while learning that sometimes the closest friend one can have is a true rival. And, to top it off, Haseo is having nightmares. Nightmares of the avatar he possesses and of a mysterious figure that seems to recognize him. With AIDA running rampant and The World at risk, will the Terror of Death be able to protect his friends and save Shino? (Dramatic novelization of the .Hack//GU, the Insaneiac the Maniac version) Tales of Symphonia Stories -On Hold while Volume 2: Resemblance gets some work) Faraway Promises: With the happiness of Mizuho burning almost out of the spot light, a new centerpiece takes the stage. Kratos is calling Llythos out. Does he have any chance at all? Beneath the Surface: Act Two - Shinjitsu no Yukue And so it begins. The Act that will define this series as a completely seperate telling. If the first chapter is any indication of that already, one can surmise that the entire Tale will change in an epic fashion. And, as stated, someone will die in this act. Someone big. One of the original nine heroes (ten if you count Yuan in this story). It'll be a dramatic death too, the kind that gets everyone all teary eyed, even if you hate the character. Also, you can expect changes in characters during this, fundamental ones. Lloyd and Sheena for sure, Zelos as well. All in all, Beneath the Surface is in Act Two now, so you all best hold onto something steady. Tales of Twilight: The end of the world is coming. Signs have become apparent. Deaths that should not be, reawakening of old nightmares and nemesis, returns and farewells. Angels of Death and Destruction search for the three pieces that will bring suffocating serenity to the world that is. What is will fade and what was will never be. Body of a Goddess, Wings of an Angel, Voice of the Heart...Hark...The Sovereign cometh. TOT is finally back on being written, and a new chapter should be due soon...ish. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 stories: Fated Choices: This story is my newest endeavor, and is also a big AU. Based around the events of the full moon on November 3rd. Minato makes a decision that changes everything, including allegiances. Untitled: A three-shot set around the events of the October full moon, where Minato meets with the three most affected parties on the top of a solitary building. Goes from last encounter to the first. Stop the Pairing Wars! By copying and pasting this in your profile, you vow to respect other pairings and the people that like them. You shalt not insult them, explain why they can't be together, or say that they would rather be with someone else. You shalt have your opinions but shalt not insult pairings. You shalt avoid them if you hate them. You shalt keep an open mind about stories even if you despise the pairing. You shalt paste this in your profile. Stop Flamers Now! No more shall we tolerate flamers that flame for stupid reasons such as for pairings, who wrote the story, and just because they can! Copy and paste this into your profile if you want to join the organization called "Stop Flamers Now" Sheelos vs. Sheloyd: The Never Ending War Let's face it. This is one of the hot points in the Symphonia pairings. The fans of Sheena and Zelos (including me) and the fans of Sheena and Lloyd (including me) almost never seem to be able to agree. I mean sure, there are some fans of both and bless their hearts, both sides hate em. I kid. The fact is, when I look at these two pairings, I see nothing wrong with either of them. If you want a defending set of statements on Sheelos, go find Rose-Wisteria. She lists them out clear as day and I will admit that they make perfect sense. It's plausible evidence that supports a plausible pairing. For us Sheloyd fans, well I'm not certain one has doled out the specific evidence like Rose, but Lloyd Irving Aurion states why it makes sense and how it works, but more importantly, why it works. Here it is folks. My new in profile discussion. I am going to OPENLY defend both of them. Sheelos and Sheloyd, two of the prime examples of true love in Tales of Symphonia. The Sheelos Argument: Sheena and Zelos have obviously had history. Whether that is a failed relationship that fell apart either because of Zelos' voyeuristic ways or because of Sheena's inability to allow herself weakness, that is up to the reader and writer and player to decide. The fact is that this is a special couple. Zelos opens up to maybe two characters in the game, and guess what folks, Sheena is one of them. The other, of course, is Lloyd, but that means you have to be on the best terms with him. (Which I was once...totally worth it. Zelos over Kratos ANYTIME!) Further more, Zelos knows Sheena, which can be seen by several Z-skits. Now, by know I mean he has an understanding of the personality and emotional being of Sheena. That there is a connection that can't be ignored. And, true to the game, these two are total love/hate. Now, that age old saying of opposites attracting is, 75 of the time (sorry boys and girls, it is true) utter bullshit. But Sheena and Zelos do attract one another. I won't say they are meant for each other, because that is offensive to fans of other Zelos pairings and other Sheena pairings...but they do fit together. He makes her laugh and enjoy living and she makes him want to continue to live. What more can be said? The Sheloyd Argument: Sheena and Lloyd are two of a kind. Both have a determination to see discrimination fade away that goes beyond everyone else, they both have caused great harm to the ones they care most and both of them are charged with the task of protecting their world, whether it be by protecting a blonde little child or killing her. DESPITE the common analysis of Lloyd, he is not stupid. He is simple at heart. He doesn't see things in a complex manner; he just looks past the surface and sees its core. I earnestly believe Sheena needs that. Sheena needs someone who will always look past the past and see the person, or the race or the words or the hate. Sheena, while not too much smarter than Lloyd, is a planner. Lloyd needs that, someone who will grip his shoulder as he rushes in and tell him to wait and think it out. Someone who won't abandon him, but won't let him do something stupid. And, sorry Sheelos fans, the Flanoir and Heimdall scenes with Sheena are probably the most sincere feeling out of all of them. They fit together, just like they Sheena and Zelos fit together. They fit because they complete the other one and give them that which they are missing. Conclusion: When it comes down to it... both are true love. Sure, you may still hate one or hell, even both, but it is true love there. So, when you see something that says Sheelos and you get pissed, or see Sheloyd and feel the same, stop for a moment and think. Because no matter what anyone may say, the game proves it both ways. Lloyd Irving and Zelos Wilder are both perfect for Sheena Fujibayashi, and Sheena is perfect for both of them. So for just a moment, when you see that pairing notification at the story summary, think about this defense for both pairings. I'm not exalting one above the other, but both are special, both are sincere and true to the beginning of this little rant, both are true love. Quotes:. Main quote: "When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself, first at a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land and then it dies. However after a period of great slumber, Razgriz returns, this time as a great hero."The legend of the Razgriz - Ace Combat 5 "It’s a promise then? If you don’t keep it, I’m going to invoke the Mizuho tradition of making a liar swallow a thousand needles!" Sheena, Tales of Symphonia (My favorite Sheena quote) "Foolishness Dante, Foolishness… Might controls everything. And without strength, you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself." Vergil, Devil May Cry 3 "Zowie, that was close! But you’ve taken quite a trouncing today, haven’t you, Vergil? You could have chopped me into confetti by now if you were in tip-top condition." Jester/Arkham, Devil May Cry 3 "You’re the one who doesn’t get it. It’s not something you can reason with. It has nothing to do with me being a human and you being a demon. I’m driven by the inability to forgive him. My soul is screaming, demanding me to kill him. That’s enough motivation to keep me going. Besides, this is my family matter. You should stay out of it." Lady, Devil May Cry 3 "Look, this is a man who believes that if God himself came down from the Heavens, pointed a shotgun at his head and pulled the trigger, GOD WOULD MISS." Psycho Mantis talking about Ocelot in the hilarious comic Gigaville: The Last Days of Foxhound (Note, this statement does not reflect or represent any view of my own, I just think it's funny) "Um...we have a problem here." "You can't just slap a US airforce sticker on the side of a Death Glider and call it yours." General Jacob Carter, Stargate SG1 "So, tell me where Ronald is before I decide to super size your pain for only 37 cents more." Dr. McNinja...the coolest Ninja/Doctor ever. "DOC! YOU HAVE A TABLE OVER THERE WITH A SIGN THAT SAYS, "LASER DEATH RAY BARGAIN BIN!" Brock Samson, The Venture Bros. "So, I've hired the best Feng Shui guy in the business to come down here and get my Yin and Yang in balance, 'cause I, FRIGGIN LOVE HARMONY!" Captain Hank Murphy, Sealab 2021 "This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose vis-à-vis an introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V." V from V for Vendetta "There can be no excuse for those who use animation to exploit innocent children. That pisses Excel off! You've all been bad boys, so in the name of the toons, Excel will punish you!" Excel from Excel Saga "Obliterate! Eliminate! Lord Ilpallatzo told me so! Genocide! Manga artist-cide! And an order of homicide to go!" Excel from Excel Saga "There is so very much to learn. You understand so little." "Heroes from the realm of light... I will not allow it to end this way--not yet. If light and darkness are eternal, then surely we nothings must be the same... Eternal!" Xenmas from Kingdom Hearts 2 (BEST QUOTE OF THE GAME!) "I am THE SEA!" Davy Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest "Look, an undead monkey" Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest "Dirt...a jar of dirt..." Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest "It was just that he was all alone, always by himself, never anyone to share the game. A man who lived in dreams... That's who he was..." Spike Spiegel, Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door "Ah great, a bored little army." Spike Spiegel, Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door "If you truly plan on changing these worlds Lloyd, then you must accept that truth. If you wish to protect the ones you love and cherish, than you must understand that truth." Botta, Beneath the Surface "Raine starts wearing a leather jacket and a fedora; suddenly her phobia of water is turned into a phobia of snakes. She has a whip, but only uses it on Sheena." From the story Partners, chapter 13, by Dragonwings144. What'cha reading this quote for...GO READ HER STORIES YOU FOOLS! "You do not choose your destiny, it chooses you. And those that knew you before Fate took you by the hand cannot understand the depth of the changes inside. They cannot fathom how much you stand to lose in failure...that you are the instrument of flawless Design. And all of life may hang in the balance. The hero learns quickly who can comprehend and who merely stands in the way." Mohinder Suresh, Heroes The Voices in My Head...AKA The Friends of Insaneiac the Maniac Since all my Fanficting friends are doing it, so shalt I! My friends online and the people who I chat it up with, or who I have alot of interaction with just online. If you ever get the urge to have a sit down and want to chat with me, my MSN is Solid_snake_xtreme@ (YOU ARE BANNED FROM ASKING) and my AIM is TheInsaneiac (I don't believe in Yahoo.)Spiritua Masquerade: My bestest online friend in the whole world wide web! She is, for the most part, responsible for there even being a Tales of Twilight story, and is a constant fountain of advice, support, and absolutely crack pairings. Without her help, I would have probably reduced my story in a droning and repetive bore fest that only has really cool masked people in it. Honestly, I owe her sooooooo much, it's really not even funny. But she's nice and fun to talk too...and even though I'm a horrible person and selfish, she hasn't ran away yet. Yay for me! We're going to be writing a collab soon, one that should appear to one and all. It's called Excidium. Top secret for now, MUWHA Her profile is at Dragonwings144: Ah yes, Miss Wings. She write Raine/Sheena...she writes it good. She has very...interesting villains. Such fun to speak with and, of course, a fellow villain lover. (Who doesn't love those cuddly and huggily psychopaths) as well as a fellow writer of very...VERY risky things. Her OC's, as well, are very full of character and feel like they fit. And, let's face it, she's a friend of mine meaning she's just as crazy as I am. Her profile is at Holyknightsteve: I love this guy...purely platonic by the way. Hilarious, dramatic, ingenius...running out of words here. He writes Unconditional Love, the single best Sheena/Lloyd story on the web. It's that story that influenced me to start writing in Tales of Symphonia. It's also the only thing I've ever read to make me get all emotional and weepy at the end...and even now when I get to the end of this specific chapter (anyone who has read it knows EXACTLY which chapter I speak of) I still get watery eyes. We talk alot, go deeper into pairing rammifications and the such...really fun! I love talking with him. His profile is at Sylvia Viridian: While I've yet to speak online with this fine woman, she is most likely my most loyal reviewer for Tales of Twilight, and in my books, the Queen of Pairing Tolerance. Her ToS forum on is where I rest my wings most often, as I am just a big bowl full of tolerance...cepts for Colloyd... -Glares- She is also, like me, a big Yuan fan. And of course...people who love Yuan are always cool. It's a rule, it's in the Bible. (Warning, quote not actually located anywhere in Bible) Her profile is at |
ArissaMay (3) Bells of Tomorrow (54) Holyknightsteve (24) IdiotAmerica56 (11) | Insanity 101 (36) J.G. The Gamer (7) koinekid (45) Meowzy-chan (11) Remix17 (0) | Sylvia Viridian (20) Xekstrin (77) |