Kaze – "…"

Hikari – That's right. Feel bad.

Kaze – Gomen nasai minna-san! I know I said Friday on my profile (if anybody read that), but my internet crashed. It was fixed today, so I here I am, posting once more. Next chapter's already a good portion through, almost half. And ya know what? Seems like more chapter's are on the way – that's right! Toserrga is getting a little extension.

Lloyd - #wary look# What kind of extension?

Kaze – You'll see…review response time! Wahoo!

Houjun Ri – Lolz, how ironic, my best character in Link. I'm sorry Kratos scared you – he'll get better, don't worry. And what of the DDR machines? I shall never tell…

Zelos – Actually, you'll tell them in this chapter.

Kaze - …Quiet, you.

Captain-Jana-Sparrow – I agree with you 100 percent! OOCness is what makes this story what it is, after all.

Hikari – So what would it be like if it wasn't OOC?

Kaze – Hm…dunno.

SylphWindDancer – Woot! New reviewer! I'm super happy you like this fic, and that you liked the ending of chapter 6.

Tai Aurion – Haha! Poor Lloyd, you scared him! Ack, sorry I posted this so late. AP History is freakin' TORTURE. It takes up most of my life – I only get about 5-6 hours of sleep now – but I shall update whenever I can! And I'm super sorry I haven't reviewed your fic lately. Too much ta do in my life…but I'll read it when I get home! Must…make…some…kind…of…note….

Yuan - #comes with a pen# Here ya go Kaze!

Kaze – Oh, yay! #writes READ LLOYD'S BIRTHDAY on hand# There we go!

Tortured Hylian Soul – O.O Wow, lots of reviews! I luv you already, lol! I'm really glad that you liked this fic enough to review and even put you're favorite quotes! Now all questions shall be answered about the DDR machines! Who knows, somehow I might use some of the songs you listed. Heck, I don't even know. Bu-but...but wait…#watches Hikari catch the 5lb chocolate bar you threw at her# Ohhh…#drool#

Lloyd – Hikari, run.

Hikari - #watches Kaze edge toward her# Will do! #runs away, clutching the chocolate bar#

Kaze – NOOO!!!! #sniffle# The…the chocolate…This is your fault, Lloydie!

Lloyd - …WHAT?

Kaze – Lloydie!

Lloyd – Argh! This is worse than Toserrga! Dad, help me!

Kratos – "…"

Lloyd – Dad!

Kaze – Okay, okay, I won't call you Lloydie if you do the Disclaimer.

Lloyd – Fine! Kaze owns NOTHING.

Kaze – That's mean! Y'know what, I'll still call you Lloydie just for that.

Lloyd – What...!

Kaze – Nope! Let's ignore him! On with the fic!

ToS: Rain, Rain, Go Away!
by D.D.Z.

Last time…

Both angels stared at the screen as the grades stared scrolling again…they were slowing down when…

The screen went black.

Kratos and Mithos were still staring at the screen. Staring and staring…until Mithos fainted and Kratos exploded!!!

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPANED?!" Kratos roared.



Genis stood up. "C'mon, there has to be some reason that the screen went black like that!" (Yup. Who can still rhyme? I can!)

Kratos glared at him. "Well, any ideas, 'Genius'?" (1)

Genis opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, they heard a noise…

…coming from the back of the DDR machine.

"…What was that?"

Kratos growled, resting his hand on the hilt of his sword. "It won't be alive soon." He walked across the DDR platform, stepping on Mithos' chest as he went by.

"Uuf!" The blonde angel sat up as Kratos started to edge cautiously behind the DDR machine. "What's the big idea!"

The purple-clad angel looked back lazily over his shoulder. "Oh? I didn't see you there."

"And why the hell is the screen black! We were gonna see the overall score!"

"Behind the machine," Kratos said a quiet, slightly monotone voice.


"Something's there."

"Really? Well, it won't be alive soon!"

Genis and Regal facefaulted, no reaction from Presea, and Kratos sighed. "I am ashamed to have said the same thing as that idiot…"

"What was that?" Mithos said threateningly.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. Just don't ever talk to me again." With that, Kratos leaned over the corner of the machine again, before jumping into the space in-between the back of it and the wall. He unsheathed his sword in one fluid movement, and raised it to slice the thing, before stopping in the middle of the arc.

"…What the hell!?"


There, in the middle of dusting off her clothing, was Colette!

"Colette! What are you doing back here?" Kratos asked angrily as he lowered his sword. Meanwhile, Mithos and Genis were peeking around the DDR machine. "Did you say Colette Kratos?" Genis asked. Peering into the darkness, the ex-Chosen was seen a few feet in front of Kratos. "Oh! Colette! It is you! What're you doing back here?"

Kratos sighed again. 'Everybody's copying me!'

"Well, I was coming to tell you that Lloyd and everybody over there by the black box – oh, TV, actually – was going to start playing this really cool-looking game, when I saw you guys staring at the screen so intently, I didn't want to disturb you, so I went behind the machines, and then tripped over this snake!"

Genis and Mithos were in awe of the three-line single sentence, while Kratos' eyes widened at the last word. "Snake!?"

"Yeah! Right there!" The blonde pointed on her left to a long, black thing right behind her. No more than a second later, it was missing its head.

Everybody watching sweatdropped. "…Uh…you don't like snakes Kratos?" Suddenly, all of the times when they had fought snake-like monsters made sense – Kratos always had casted more drastic and powerful fire and lightning spells on them then needed. Nothing was ever left of them but smoldering ash. Makes you almost feel sorry for them. And makes you never want to get on the bad side of Kratos.

Kratos sheathed his sword uncomfortably, obviously trying to keep himself from casting Explosion and blowing everything to bits. "What are you trying to say? I just hate snakes more then I do everything else." Everybody sweatdropped again at the statement.

Genis squinted harder into the darkness. "Wait a second…" He moved towards the dead snake, looking around. "Don't tell me…"

"What is it Genis?" Colette asked.

"…This isn't a snake."

"What?" Kratos said, surprised. What, did he want to kill it even more?

"Then what is it?" Mithos asked.

The half-elf thought for a moment, looking at the severed 'head' of the 'snake', before explaining. "Well, it looks like this…cord, I think, connected this machine –" He pointed at the DDR machine "- to this plug-thing right here." He indicated two slim vertical slots in the wall. "When Colette tripped, she must have pulled it out, and then…it looks like…Kratos cut of the thing that connects into the wall. Which means…"

The color on Kratos' and Mithos' face drained away. "Which means…?"

"You'll never find out the score."

"You'll never find out the score."

"You'll never find out the score."

"You'll never find out the score."

Kratos- Stop the echoing!

Kaze- Right, right, sorry.

"NOOOOO!!!!!" The two angels howled.

Genis made a sound of frustration, before calling for their attention. "Hey. Hey! HEY, IDIOTS!"

They stopped, blinking at the half-elf. "What?"

Genis sighed, before saying, "You know, there's another DDR machine. Remember the one Presea and I played on?"

Kratos and Mithos looked at each other, before Mithos pointed out, "Hey, but you both lost on the first song! You didn't even finish it!"

Kratos glared at Genis. "He's right!" Then his eyes widened. "Wait…what did I just say? WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME TODAY?" he yelled as he grabbed his hair. No, not the pretty hair!

Genis sweatdropped at the scene. "Colette, I don't it's safe here…Colette?" He glanced around for the ex-Chosen. "Where did she go?"



Ah. There she is.




The short half-elf turned around, peering in the gloominess behind the DDR machines, as the TV was way on the other side of the room. "Colette? You alright?"

"Oh no…I'm sorry…"

Putting together the thump that was her falling, and then the thunk of something else hitting the floor – plus her still being behind the DDR machines – Genis came to a horrifying conclusion.

"Oh, crap."

"I'm sorry!"

Genis rushed forward to Colette as she was putting away her chakram. "No, no, it's fine, let's just get out of here quick!" he said in a hurried voice, urging his friend toward the TV.

"But what about Kratos and Mithos? Or Presea and Regal?"

"Er…the last two people should be fine," Genis answered as they neared the TV and the little crowd around.

"And Kratos and Mithos?"

Genis paused as they stopped next to Raine, and looked slightly over his shoulder at the other side of the room.

"…Wait for it…"

"For what?"

A loud "DAMNIT!!!" was heard, followed by other various words that I won't type, 'cause this is K+, not T.


Now at the TV…

"HEY! It's not moving!"

Hikari sighed. "Pick up the controller, Lloyd."



"It's still not moving."

The brown-haired girl sighed again, before moving over to help Lloyd.

Meanwhile, the other two players, Yuan and Sheena, were choosing their own players…but the controller felt foreign to Yuan, and the pointing hand on the screen went every which way.

"No…left, damnit! Hey, I'm talking to you!" Yuan yelled as his hand zoomed up, down, and right…but not left. "IT'S NOT LISTENING TO ME!!!"

But Sheena had already chosen her character, Zelda. Somehow, she operated the GameCube controller perfectly…must be…

…'cause she's a ninja! Duh!

"Alright! I knew your favorite color was pink!" Zelos declared, leaning toward Sheena. "And guess who else wears pink?"

Sheena looked sideways at the former Chose. "Your face?"

Zelos facefaulted, realizing his face must still be pink from when Sheena had slapped him before. "You're mean…" he whined.

"And you're annoying and distracting."

The red-head sighed dramatically. "Your words wound me!"


Everybody paused for a moment, blinking. "Okay…" Sheena said uneasily, glancing around. Her eyes fell on a Genis whistling innocently as Raine looked suspiciously at him, and an uncomfortable looking Colette.

"Psst, Sheena!" a voice whispered.

Sheena turned her head. "Huh? Yuan? What is it?"

"How do you work this thing? I tried hitting it with Twigy, but it still doesn't work!"

Sheena and Zelos stared at Yuan. "Twigy?" they repeated in unison.

Yuan rolled his eyes, holding up the same stick that he had gotten (from who knows where) when he poked the DDR machines, and that Sheena had stepped on. Yup, that's right, he had taped it back together! Dunno where he got the tape either! "It's the stick's name!" he said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

The ninja and former chosen officially declared Yuan insane, while Colette, who had returned from the DDR machines, squealed, "That's such a cute name, Yuan!"

"I know, isn't it!"

"Hey Yuan, did you say you need help?" Lloyd asked.

"Huh?" Yuan turned toward Lloyd, while Colette continued to call Twigy cute. "Oh, yeah! This stupid thing won't listen to me!" he said, pointing accusingly at the controller stick.

"No, wait Yuan! It's amazing! You point the stick in the direction you want it to go!" Lloyd said excitedly.

Yuan stared with wide eyes at the controller stick. "R-really? I wanna try!" Cautiously, he tilted the stick to the left. And it moved...left.

"Oh my goddess! That's amazing!"

"I know, isn't it!"

Zelos, Sheena, and now Raine, who had overheard the conversation, sweatdropped. "Those two are really one in the same, aren't they?" Zelos said, sighing. The two girls nodded.

"Okay! Got it!" Yuan declared as some announcer guy yelled "Link!"

"Finally!" Hikari sighed. "Okay, let's start! So it's Yuan as Link, Sheena as Zelda, Lloyd as Roy, and me as Pikachu. You guys ready?"

A 'yes!' from Lloyd and Sheena, and a 'yes yes yes!' from Yuan was her answer. "Okay!" She pushed the Start button on her controller, and the screen changed to the Stage Selection screen. "You guys want to choose a random stage?"

Sheena was examining each one. "How about one where we can learn the controls?"

Hikari nodded her head. "Then the Temple is the way to go!" She moved the cursor to Hyrule Temple, and was going to push 'A' when…

"Crazy half-elf!"

"You! Boy!"

The group around the TV – Lloyd, Sheena, Hikari, Yuan, Zelos, Colette, Genis, and Raine – turned toward the cries. Well, Raine turned around slowly, a withering gleam in her eyes. All the guys just stared at the two crazy angels fast approaching them, practically shoving each other out of the way to get to them.

Hm…boy? Mithos shouted the 'crazy half-elf' thing, which pertains to Raine…so…'boy'? Who does Kratos mean? Not Lloyd, most likely…nor Zelos…defiantly not Yuan…uh-oh…

Genis' eyes went wide (rhyme!) as a heavily breathing Kratos stopped in front of him. "Um…uh, hello, Kratos…" he mumbled, quickly realizing why the angels were there. Colette looked ready to apologize a mile-a-minute as she came to the same conclusion. Hm...is that possible? For Colette maybeh. Anywaaay.

"You two seemed to know the most of these weird machines," Mithos demanded, "So go and fix them so we can play DDR!"

The small half-elf gave him a look as if saying 'Did you ever see the machines in those human ranches?' while it looked life Hikari had a hard time not laughing her head off at the fact that Mithos said 'so we can play DDR'.

Genis sighed. "Well, those cord-things are cut off, so it seems like no power can get to the DDR machine. In other words – NO MORE DDR." He almost added 'To bad, so sad', but stopped at the angry – almost pouting – expression on the two angel's faces.

"But I need to prove I beat that idiot in that game!" Kratos protested angrily. And if you guys remember how he feels toward snakes, you don't wanna get Kratos angry.

Lloyd pouted at the words. "But Dad, we were about to start playing!"

Mithos growled, frustrated that he most likely wasn't going to start playing DDR anytime…soon, at least. "Well, if we can't play, you can't either!" he declared, throwing a weirdly-glowing ball at the GameCube.

"NO!" Lloyd shouted, and reached for the ball as it hit the GC. His exsphere sparked with a bright light, before everyone's vision was covered by the intensity.

It all seemed to happen in slow-mo - Lloyd gasped, Yuan yelled "Pretty light!" Sheena shouted "What the hell!" Raine screamed "My precious artifact!", and Hikari could only say one thing –

"Oh, crap."

(1) In case ya didn't know, Genis' name in the Japanese version really is, 'Genius'. lolz!

Lloyd – Kaze, explain what the hell just happened.

Kaze - #grins# This is what I shall call, a WUIRPT – Weird Unidentified Incredibly Random Plot Twist. Hmm…ya know, if you pronounce it right, it could be 'whirped' which sounds like 'warped', kinda. Get it? Get it?

Lloyd – You're insane. How can you be allowed to write humor fics? Especially with us?

Zelos – Because no one has stopped her yet. Actually, I don't think it'd matter either.

Kaze – Thank you!

Zelos - …No comment.

Kratos and Mithos – Noooo!!! The DDR machine! Will we ever play again?!

Kaze - …No comment.

Hikari – Stop it! Don't you think you made enough people copy each other's lines this chapter?

Kaze - #sticks out tongue# Fine, meanie! But…#stares at the chocolate in Hikari's hands# I'll stop if you share the chocolate!

Hikari - #mumbles something# Fine, only if you'll stop that.

Kaze – Yay! Ohh, by the way minna-san, PLEASE READ THIS!!! Okay, hopefully most of ya'll are reading now. I've put up a new ToS fic, an adventure fic, called Twisted Roots. Shocking, right? Not humor! Le gasp! Anyway minna-san, please review! Then you'll find out next chapter what happens on –

Lloyd - #groans and covers ears#

Kaze – Toserrga! Sorry, Lloydie!

Lloyd – Argh! Make her stop!

Ciao for now!