Spiritua Masquerade: Hi! Yeah, me again. :P Time for another crazy collab from Spiritua Masquerade, and my much more talented collab buddy...
Holyknightsteve: Such flattery! I'm all red in the face! Anyhoo, some of y'all may know me, some not. in any case, just as my friend Spiritua here said, it's time for what we're sure will be a fantastic collab. Please bear with me everybody. Spiritua here has to deal with a fella that's never done one of these before.
Spiritua: And Steve here has to deal with someone who's done far too many to be good for my mental health. :P Anyways, like he said, this is gonna be fantastic. Don't cringe when I say this, but it's Kratos x Colette. To a whole new, non-crack, realistic, ass-kicking level!
Holyknightsteve: Oh yes! Ain't no joke here folks. We hope that none of y'all are turned off by KratosXColette. Rather, we hope that you will receive it with open arms as we try to make a seemingly impossible pairing work. Naturally, Spiritua will be playing the part of Colette while I take over as Kratos.
Spiritua: Though it would be interesting for Steve to be Colette... -strokes chin in sinister fashion- I'm just messin' with ya, Steve, don't worry. :D In case you've never read a collab, let me explain that we alternate chapters, I write all odd chapters from the point of view of Colette and he writes the even-numbered ones as Kratos. Though you probably knew that by now, hmm? Anyways... Anything else you want to add, Steve?
Holyknightsteve: Not much else other than I join with Spiritua in saying that I hope y'all enjoy this fic as we'll be putting a lot of work (and sanity) into it. Everyone please give Spiritua a round of applause as she starts things off for us::cheers::
DISCLAIMER: We own the plot, and our own original characters, nothing else.
Warnings: Um... Crack pairing made un-crack, if that counts. Really, there's nothing overly Mature about this fic... o.O
Chapter One
It was the loneliest moment of my life, kneeling there on my knees in the center of Welgaia's eerily empty stone-like plaza, watching Aselia, my home, fade slowly into the distance above me. The view was dizzying, looking straight up at the ground, like I was sitting on the ceiling looking down... But that was the least of my problems. I watched my entire life fade up 'till then fade away above me, growing smaller and smaller in the distance.
With a jolt of homesickness, I realized I could make out the tip of the continent where Iselia rested. Squinting my eyes, I thought I could make out a faint blur of something interrupting the flat plains of the rest of the continent. Iselia.
"Goodbye, everyone. Genis, Sheena, Raine... Zelos, Presea, Regal... Goodbye... Lloyd." I choked out the last word, almost unable to speak the name of the boy, no, the man I'd left behind.
I thought I could make out a shimmer of red, shooting up into the sky. My eyes widened, and I strained my angelic vision farther still, but whatever it was had vanished. Red... Lloyd. Was that his goodbye? I leapt to my feet, murmuring under my breath an incantation I knew by heart.
"Angel Feathers!" I called, my voice unsteady, and threw my hand into the air. The familiar shimmer of mana flew straight out, straight at the beautiful blue and green world above me. I hope he saw that. More than I've ever hoped anything before, I hope he saw that.
I left the combined worlds just after they'd been combined, within a week actually, just after we named the Yggdrasill Tree and called the worlds Aselia, after the village from which the hero, Lloyd Irving, came. Though I'd known I was to leave with Derris-Kharlan ever since it's departure was decided, I didn't tell anyone, not even Lloyd. I wanted them all to be happy, and they wouldn't be happy if they knew I was going to leave. I remembered clearly, and still do, my last hour in Aselia...
"Colette?" Lloyd's voice came from behind me as I stood on the hill beside the Tower of Salvation, overlooking a vast portion of Aselia. I hastily wiped away my tears, pasting on a grin and turning to face the swordsman.
"Hello, Lloyd." I chirped, though my voice threatened to waver, which would give away my sadness.
"What are you doing all the way up here? Kratos is about to leave, and then we've gotta head back to Iselia to get started on our exsphere journey."
I bit my lip, unable to fight back the tears springing to my eyes.
"Lloyd, I..." I choked, unable to finish. His eyes widened.
"Colette, what's wrong?" Lloyd asked, his eyes and voice full of concern. He stepped toward me, but I backed away, tripping on a rock and tumbling to land on my rear. He crouched down in front of me. "Why are you crying?"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep it a secret from you, but I couldn't tell you, I couldn't make you unhappy..." My words exploded frantically from my mouth, and I'd be surprised if he could even understand them. But, being Lloyd and my lifelong best friend, he understood me far better than I'd have wished. Too bad he was oblivious to what I intended to do. If he'd realized it then, I wouldn't have had to go through the pain of telling him.
"You dork, don't be sorry. Nothing could bring me down right now! We saved Sylvarant and Tethe-... I mean, Aselia, and soon I'll be on a new adventure with my bestest friend." He grinned, but for the first time in as long as I could remember, I couldn't really grin back.
But why did he have to go and say 'bestest friend'? That would only make things harder...
"Lloyd..." I sobbed, and his grin slowly faded.
"Colette, tell me what's wrong. I'll help, or try to at least."
"I... Lloyd, I'm leaving with Kratos and Derris-Kharlan." Those words were a stab to my chest... And by the look on his face, they were a stab to Lloyd's as well. I couldn't look into his eyes, into the shock and hurt which resided inside them.
"N-no! You can't leave! We were s'posed to go on a journey... together..." His voice faded into a whimper, and I couldn't help it, I dissolved into a fit of apologies once again.
"I'm sorry, Lloyd, I'm really sorry..." My voice was growing slightly desperate, as this is the worst I've ever seen Lloyd since the first time I met him. I added a weak, "I'm sorry..." But it did nothing to ease the pain in his eyes or the despair in my heart.
"Colette..." That's all the boy could manage, but his tone said more than any words could.
"Lloyd, the poor people, they're still haunted by dreams and memories of Cruxis, of the Desians... I see how they look at me. When I go to Luin, Palmacosta, Ozette... They herd their children away from me, and anywhere else but Iselia, they flinch when they see my wings, even though I'm their Chosen. I may be the Chosen of Sylvarant, but I'm an angel before that, and... I've come to understand that no good can come of an angel in Aselia." I explained, my voice steadier than it had been through the whole conversation. He shook his head violently, as if driving away the logic that he knew I'd spoken.
"No! They just need some time, that's all. They'll be fine. Please, Colette, don't just leave..."
I shook my head sadly. "No, Lloyd. They need a world free of Judgment's rays and angels wings. Only then can the people truly recover. If I stay, I will bring up painful memories in every human, elf, or even half-elf who sees me, memories of loved ones being tortured and dying at the hands of the men with wings. Lloyd, I have to go. Please, please don't make this any harder for me."
He gazed into my eyes for what seemed like an hour, but I gazed back that whole time, forcing myself to bear the pain I knew I was inflicting upon him. After that eternity, he nodded, as steadily as he could manage.
"I'll come with you!" He offered, with a shaky grin. Once again, I shook my head sadly.
"You're the Eternal Swordsman. You're bound to this planet, no matter what. But... Lloyd, you need people, the outdoors, adventure. You'd be miserable on Derris-Kharlan." I declined, as much as it broke my heart to do so.
"But Colette, I need you. You're my bestest friend."
"We'll still be best friends, right? Even if I leave?" My voice was hopeful, as childish a request as I knew that was. He nodded.
"You'll always be my best friend, no matter what. No matter how far we are apart. You should know that, you dork." The brunette grinned slightly, and I giggled weakly.
"Yeah, I just had to make sure for myself. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry. Quit being sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for, you never have. You're per-"
"Chosen One, are you ready? We must leave now, or Derris-Kharlan will be too far away for the warp-gate to reach." Kratos's voice sounded from behind us, deep and commanding, cutting off whatever Lloyd was about to say. I rose to my feet, dusting myself off briefly before offering a steady nod of acquiescence.
"I'll meet you down there, Kratos." I agreed, and he nodded solemnly.
"Make it quick, Yuan is awaiting us, and we're walking the edge as it is." He stated, and I nodded once more. He then turned to Lloyd, his eyes full of sadness I'd never before witnessed in those of the solemn seraph. Nodding once, in an acceptance to his fate as much as a farewell, he softly intoned, "Take care of yourself, Lloyd."
Though I didn't see his reaction, for my back was toward him while I faced his father, I heard from behind me, "You too,, Kratos... Dad..."
As the seraph turned and walked back toward the tower, I turned to face Lloyd once more. Unable to think of anything to say, I stepped forward and enfolded him in as tight a hug as I could manage. For the first time ever, he matched my strength in his return hug. It's a shame he only just got his angel powers, right before I left. We never even got to fly together; I didn't know it then, but that was something I'd regret for the rest of my life.
"I'll miss you, Lloyd..."
He stepped back, wiping the tears off my face and somehow managing to grin.
"Nah, you won't have time to miss me. You'll be too busy on your cool outer-space adventures!" I could tell his optimism was forced, but I appreciated it nonetheless.
"Say goodbye to Genis for me. And the Professor. And Sheena, and Zelos. Ooh, and say goodbye to Presea, and to Regal too."
"Of course. Too bad they weren't here to say goodbye." We stood in silence, both of our gazes on our feet, for nearly a minute. Then I looked up, and sensing my gaze, he looked up as well. We both knew I had to leave.
"Goodbye, Lloyd." I whimpered, stepping a step back away from him, toward the tower.
"Goodbye, Colette."
I couldn't stand it anymore, the pain in his eyes and dripping from his voice. With a gasp of my own pain, I turned, and I ran for the tower steps.
For the first time in my life, I didn't trip, not once.
Kratos was waiting for me.
"Are you ready, Chosen?" He asked, his gaze fixed on mine. The fact that he was unfazed by the departure, or at least appeared to be, soothed me somewhat. I glanced back at the door once more, half hoping Lloyd would be there, half hoping he wouldn't. He wasn't, to my dismay and relief. I took a deep, preparatory breath, and nodded.
"I'm ready, Kratos." He nodded, satisfied.
"Step into this light after I disappear. Don't tarry, we're cutting it close and every second counts."
I nodded, and he stepped into the light. Within thirty seconds, his body had disappeared completely from sight. I stared at the rising circle of mana in wonder a moment, apprehensive, before recalling our need for haste and all but tripping in my hurry to get into the circle.
Righting myself, I stood facing the door, a pleasant yet slightly itchy tingling feeling creeping up my legs. I tried not to fidget, even as it crept up my torso and down my arms.
About twenty seconds into the warping process, a figure appeared in the door.
"Lloyd!" I called out in surprise, and he ran toward me.
"Colette, wait! I have something to tell you!" He cried in desperation, making a mad dash up down the long walkway to the warp gate.
But it was too late. I felt my body begin to slip from the Tower, and when I looked down, I could see straight through me.
"Lloyd, I'm sorry!" I called out hopelessly, an apology for leaving him now, as well as everything I've done to inconvenience him in our lives.
"Colette, wait! I l-"
And then there was nothing.
That had been nearly an hour ago, yet only a few minutes had I been sitting there on the angel-crafted stone. The warping process took far longer than I'd thought, and by the time I found myself, slightly disoriented, in a room in Welgaia, broke free of Kratos's restraint, and raced up to the crossroads of the forsaken city of Angels, my home was already distant.
I snapped out of my reminiscences when I heard footsteps sound behind me. Rising hastily to my feet, I whirled to face the one who approached, half knowing already who it was.
I looked to the ground, unable to meet his gaze, recalling ever-so-clearly how I had somewhat violently forced my way past him to get to where I stood then. I was ashamed of my actions, when Kratos had been at least somewhat kind to me, but... I'd had to be there. Had to see it for myself, that we really, truly were leaving.
He stood there, silent as the abandoned city around us, and I could feel his gaze upon me. For what seemed like forever, we stood like that, before I finally met his gaze with my own. His eyes held a mix of disapproval in my actions, which made me feel even worse, their usual cold indifference, and... what was that? That strange, shimmer in his eyes? Was it... compassion? No, that's impossible. Kratos never showed compassion, that's what made him the best warrior of our party. But that's the only word I could use to describe what was in his eyes right then.
"Come, we must locate Yuan." He stated, and I nodded in obedience, taking a step toward him. But then I hesitated, gazing back up at my home, as small as it was growing. "Chosen... There's nothing more for you out here."
"I... I'm sorry, Kratos..." I murmured repentantly, and he nodded, turning and walking back toward the main building. Glancing longingly at my distant home far above me, I murmured softly, "Oh goddess Martel, in whatever form you exist now, please, grant Lloyd serenity. Please, I don't want him to worry about me, or to hurt that I left. Please, make him forget about me. As much as it hurts to pray this, I want him to forget about me, and be happy. Please." And with one last look, I followed him.
Though I walked through the empty, unwelcoming halls of Welgaia, my mind was thousands, maybe millions of miles away. Home. Sitting and talking with Lloyd, having a snowball fight with Genis, learning with Raine, having midnight sleepovers with Sheena, chatting with Presea, laughing with Zelos, reasoning with Regal, and many more memories flashing through my head. As if just to torment me further, my racing thoughts froze on a portrait of Lloyd, as he was the last moment I saw him, desperate and hurt.
I choked on a lump rising in my throat, and at that exact moment my foot caught on something, the description of which I paid too little attention to to describe, and I fell flat on my face. That being only an expression, of course, but it came pretty close to being literal that time, my arms holding me up only long enough to slow my fall before collapsing. And I just lay there, attempting to breathe past that rising lump, until I heard Kratos's footsteps stop.
"Chosen, are you alright?" He asked, though his voice spared me the minimum concern. Despite my thoughts, despite everything, I pushed my chest up off the ground, looking up at him and offering what I hoped was a bright smile.
"Yes, Kratos, I'm fine, thanks!" I chirped somewhat enthusiastically, hopping to my feet despite the leaden feeling in my body, and when he turned and continued down the hall, I followed.
He eventually stopped at a doorway, a bit larger and more foreboding than the rest. Pressing his palm to the door, it slid open with a mechanical scraping sound. I followed him into the room, where Yuan sat, facing away from us, his eyes locked on the many control screens and his fingers flying at impossible speeds across the many interfaces.
"Yuan, we've arrived," Kratos announced, though I'm pretty sure that was obvious by then. In spite of his frantic keying moments before, the half-elf spun his chair to face us, his stress-hardened features relaxing in relief.
"Thank the goddess, I was sure you'd come too late and missed it. Or even worse, the planet got too far out of reach just as you were being warped, splicing you between the worlds. Or something even shittier, but I can't exactly think of what could be worse than being cut in half by the warp points of two planets," he pondered to himself, and I flinched, imagining how horrible such a fate would be. I wonder, what if my top half was in Derris Kharlan? Would I have to walk on my hands? Or would it even split me that way? Maybe the left side of me is here? Or maybe my body is here but my soul is there? No matter how I look at it, I'm sure glad it didn't happen.
Oh no. What if Lloyd had tried to follow? Was he spliced between the two worlds? No, we would have known if he was. Besides, his Eternal Sword wouldn't let him warp here anyways. I heaved a sigh of relief, drawing the two seraph's gazes upon me. Shuffling awkwardly, I tried to meet their gazes, but I had to look away. They made me feel so... young. Kratos always had, I guess, and I hadn't talked to Yuan enough to really gaze into his eyes.
"We're safely away from Aselia now," Yuan started slowly, apparently sensing something was wrong. I forced myself to smile and nod, but he seemed unconvinced. "From here on out we're heading to destination: unknown. I mean, I've still gotta steer and stuff, but... the hard part is behind us. Disconnecting two planets that have been connected for so long."
Kratos nodded, turning to me. "Colette, just because we're away from the rest of the human race,"—At Yuan's warning look, he added "and half-elven race"—"doesn't mean we can just vegetate. You'll still continue your studies, as well as hone your battle skills."
My eyes widened in surprise.
"But the Professor is still in Aselia!" I exclaimed in surprise, and Kratos shook his head.
"No, Colette, you will not likely see your Professor again. But I will continue to teach you. If you'll pardon my bluntness, I have a much wider variety of expertise than Raine Sage." He stated. After a moment of deciding whether or not to defend my teacher, I merely nodded. After all, it's not good to pick an argument with one of the only two beings besides yourself on a forsaken purple planet. Or a forsaken blue planet, or a forsaken red one, or a-... That was random. The point is, I stayed silent and agreed.
"When do we start?" I asked tentatively, and he looked to the clock.
"This evening. Meet me in the Welgaia Library at ten. Until then, I have things to attend to." With that, he turned and strode from the room. And I knew, somehow, deep in my heart, that this would begin the biggest adventure of my life.
Spiritua: Sorry this took so long, I've been absolutely swamped with schoolwork. I hope you like it, too. PLEASE Read and Review. If you're a fellow ff writer, you know how much it means to an author.