Reviews for Catalyst
Guest chapter 4 . 3/24/2018
Now I'm finally showing myself, And so far i LOVE this book! Thank you So Much for your hard work!
Guest chapter 3 . 3/24/2018
It's very nice, except I have no idea what you mean by "to stop ROBIN". Does it mean Robin is the thief?
Guest chapter 1 . 3/24/2018
LOVE IT! The intensity is nice, and the detail's good! Keep going, Insanity 101! :)
LilLinkGirl chapter 20 . 5/21/2016
Wow, I know people were giving you crap about writing more after the first story but hey I enjoyed all of it :)
Ticktack chapter 20 . 12/31/2013
ok, through out your 'books' i suppose you could call, it you always had that thing with not really getting to the end quick enough, you just dragged it on and on, and now you freaking just rushed into it, i mean if you really needed to make something, make something that you have to wait but not to long, it was quite good thought, but i could tell as soon as you explained project x what you would do a mile away. the series changed a lot, form torture, to well more torture, to finally this, that whole lot about Hell and stuff. it dramtically changed, but even with this review i must admit it, this was one of the most impressive stories i've read in a while. you left me on my seat at sometimes and sometimes just begging to get this whole thing done with. well done.
Guest chapter 20 . 7/4/2012
These stories were sadly depressing, but incredibly well written. You have no idea how many times I cried during this! You are an amazing written, you definitely have a chance in authoring. I loved it, but Im kinda scared where you got inspiration to write something like this... Nevertheless, it was FANTASTIC.
Takua Nui chapter 20 . 3/17/2012
Groundbreaking. Amazing. Just as good as the rest. Emotional, sad, powerful story.
creativesm75 chapter 20 . 9/29/2011
nice and sad
azyrian chapter 20 . 1/23/2011
It's been three years since I last reviewed on this story, on any of the ABC trilogy. I came back the other day and reread everything and couldn't believe the progression of your writing style and of the story line. It's so unbelievably marvelous. The last chapter I had reviewed was 18, so I hadn't even finished the story back in 2008, but I did today. I can't even put into words what this ending made me feel. Of course it wouldn't be happy, because how can the Titans bounce back from something like that? The only word to describe it is bittersweet and the only feeling I have right now is something akin to that; a saddened mixture of being at the end of a terribly long journey and the sweet resolution it brings.

All I can say is thank you and that these stories may have just inspired me to finish my own fanfics that I've left hanging for far too long.
ivylei-67 chapter 6 . 2/20/2010
Yeah, I sort of guessed as much. Batman, what were you thinking? Don't you know it's all part of some evil plot? But no, both of them are just way too stubborn for that.
ivylei-67 chapter 1 . 2/20/2010
Ah, the drama! Robin's life is never simple, is it?
Kai chapter 20 . 7/29/2009
I read all three stories in one day. Amazing!
Shortness chapter 20 . 2/3/2009
OMG...this, i can honestly say, is the best story, including its prequels, on this site I've seen thus far. u hav AMAZING talent honey..i hope u 1 day will become successors with it..) o yes this story wuz so terrifying, yet so gripping. it wuz not jus the characters, but the story itself...the elements of it were so vry...vry..gah i can't find the word! lol Uve driven me speechless..i believe i won't be able to stop thinking about this fic for another two weeks. i miss that show so much..i went to look at a few episodes on you tube after reading this. I'm like way too old to be obsessing over a kids show again lol..but i do wish in the back of my mind that they'd bring it back. lol just for old times sake. hey, they brought powerpuff girls back. and THAT show was ANCIENT lol..o well anyway, i really expect to hear wonderful things from you..well..u might not be under the same alias, but at least give a lil shout out in ur millionaire making books to the site that started it all. i used to try to find this dusty person that supposedly wrote amazing stories but never succeeded sumhow lol..guess u changed your name a lil too early..guess i found u too late..but hey, maybe i just might find interest in this stupid site again. only if TT gets brought back. lol.. well, if some kind of heavenly force persuades you to reply back to this, my email is . lol well, hope to hear from you!

Shortness chapter 20 . 2/3/2009
OMG...this, i can honestly say, is the best story, including its prequels, on this site I've seen thus far. u hav AMAZING talent honey..i hope u 1 day will become successors with it..) o yes this story wuz so terrifying, yet so gripping. it wuz not jus the characters, but the story itself...the elements of it were so vry...vry..gah i can't find the word! lol Uve driven me speechless..i believe i won't be able to stop thinking about this fic for another two weeks. i miss that show so much..i went to look at a few episodes on you tube after reading this. I'm like way too old to be obsessing over a kids show again lol..but i do wish in the back of my mind that they'd bring it back. lol just for old times sake. hey, they brought powerpuff girls back. and THAT show was ANCIENT lol..o well anyway, i really expect to hear wonderful things from you..well..u might not be under the same alias, but at least give a lil shout out in ur millionaire making books to the site that started it all. i used to try to find this dusty person that supposedly wrote amazing stories but never succeeded sumhow lol..guess u changed your name a lil too early..guess i found u too late..but hey, maybe i just might find interest in this stupid site again. only if TT gets brought back. lol.. well, if some kind of heavenly force persuades you to reply back to this, my email is . lol well, hope to hear from you!

Shortness chapter 20 . 2/3/2009
OMG...this, i can honestly say, is the best story, including its prequels, on this site I've seen thus far. u hav AMAZING talent honey..i hope u 1 day will become successors with it..) o yes this story wuz so terrifying, yet so gripping. it wuz not jus the characters, but the story itself...the elements of it were so vry...vry..gah i can't find the word! lol Uve driven me speechless..i believe i won't be able to stop thinking about this fic for another two weeks. i miss that show so much..i went to look at a few episodes on you tube after reading this. I'm like way too old to be obsessing over a kids show again lol..but i do wish in the back of my mind that they'd bring it back. lol just for old times sake. hey, they brought powerpuff girls back. and THAT show was ANCIENT lol..o well anyway, i really expect to hear wonderful things from you..well..u might not be under the same alias, but at least give a lil shout out in ur millionaire making books to the site that started it all. i used to try to find this dusty person that supposedly wrote amazing stories but never succeeded sumhow lol..guess u changed your name a lil too early..guess i found u too late..but hey, maybe i just might find interest in this stupid site again. only if TT gets brought back. lol.. well, if some kind of heavenly force persuades you to reply back to this, my email is . lol well, hope to hear from you!

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