I don't own Naruto or He-man/she-ra

Naruto looked across the bridge at his enemy as he listened to his enemy tell about his life. The figure said "Please Naruto-kun. I am a tool who is broken, please end my life now."

Naruto closed his eyes as he reached for a kunai and he said "I wish we could have met each other in a different place, a different time Haku, I think we could have been the best of friends." as he opened his eyes raising his kunai and charged forward.

Haku closed his eyes and waited for death to claim him when he felt chakra gathering and heard the sound of birds chirping. He opened his eyes quickly and grabbed Naruto hand and said "I am sorry, I have one last duty to complete." as an ice mirror formed behind him and he dashed in.

Naruto acting quickly grabbed the back of Haku shirt as Haku stepped into the ice mirror and was pulled in along with Haku.

Kakashi was charging toward the trapped Zabuza with a Chidori in his hand raising his hand to thrust forward to end Zabuza life when an ice mirror appeared in front of him and Haku appeared throwing a senbon at the scroll behind where Kakashi was running from but as Kakashi hand started forward to take out both Haku and Zabuza, Haku was shoved forward by the arrival of a second figure.

Kakashi eyes widen as he saw Naruto now in the path of his attack and tried to stop it as the Chidori but it was to late and it went into Naruto chest.

Zabuza now free thanks to the senbon from Haku said "And now you die." as he went to swing his sword at the now bent Kakashi who was cradling Naruto when a new figure dropped in front of Zabuza blocking the strike with a sword and the figure said "I will not let you harm them. Leave now or die."

Zabuza looked at the figure in front of him was a woman and noticing the white and gold dress and the gold crown with the red cape behind her and the white sword she was caring and said "I don't know who the hell you are but your in my way."

Just then an arrow went through the air from the mist and pierced through Zabuza heart shocking him and causing him to fly back a few feet dead.

The mist started to clear as Zabuza died and the woman turned to Kakashi who was looking at her and she looked at Naruto who was on the ground and appeared to be dead and she took a deep breath to calm herself as she saw the wound that was trying to be treated by Haku and said "Step back and let me see him."

Kakashi quickly got in front of Naruto and asked "Who are you."

The woman put her sword away as her cloths faded to a red and white outfit. She had blond hair and brownish black eyes. She said "I am Adora. The man behind you is Bow, my husband. Now please move so we can save his life Hatake Kakashi." as she began to walk forward.

When Kakashi made no motion to move though he was trying to detect the other person Adora spoke of by their chakra and had yet to find the man and since he had not moved he was immediately slammed into the guard rail by Bow from behind and when Kakashi turned he felt a knife at his neck a man with a red cape, blue pants and a gold cloth across his chest and Kakashi saw the woman bent over Naruto and she said "It doesn't look good. The only one who can save him now is the Sorceress. We need to get him to her."

Bow nods and he reaches for his arm that is holding the knife at Kakashi neck and presses a little watch and Kakashi hears the sound of musical notes and then lightning began to form as a tunnel of light appeared on the bridge. As the tunnel formed Adora grabbed Naruto body and quickly ran through the portal. Kakashi starts to get up to run toward the portal only to be stopped by Bow who said "Sorry, you can't go there."

Kakashi looked at Bow with his Sharingan and said "Move or..."

Bow said "Or what. Your trying to stop a woman from rescuing your student who you nearly killed. What would Minato say about his student nearly killing his son."

Kakashi was frozen in place at that and before he could say anything he saw a figure run into the tunnel and the tunnel closed.

When the tunnel closed Bow who also saw the figure run into the tunnel said "Once he is able to return my wife will return with him and the pink haired girl. I will stay and fill their spot until they return as proof they will be unharmed." as he jumped back away from Kakashi pocketing the knife.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes and asked "Who are you really."

The man smirked and said "Lets deal with that scum first and we can talk later." as he looked back at the beginning of the bridge and saw Gato and his men.

Kakashi frowned and got ready to fight and saw Tazuna standing there looking at the blood on the bridge along with Haku.

He looked back and saw Sasuke groggily rubbing his head with one arm while still laying on the ground and thought "well Sasuke alive. For now there is nothing I can do since I need to protect the client."

Gato said from the front of his men "Well, Zabuza was useless but I wasn't going to pay him anyways. Kill everyone on the bridge and bring me the bitch there so I can kill her myself for breaking my arm."

Haku who looked at the body of Zabuza and bit his lip said "I am a boy and you will die for double crossing Zabuza-sama." as he began to form hand signs and ice needles formed in the air and launched at the men killing 10 as he thought "I am sorry Zabuza-sama but I have to repay Naruto for saving my life as you did. I will avenge you now though."

Seeing so many die the men charged and Bow pulled back his bow and fired arrow after arrow at the men.

Kakashi frowned as he pulled out a pair of kunai and prepared to fight.

With Sakura a few moments before

As the mist began to clear Sakura who was guarding Tazuna saw Kakashi bent over with Naruto on the ground as as she looked at the body of Naruto laying on the ground with blood coming out of him and suddenly she saw an image of another blond man on the ground bleeding to death and she heard inner Sakura scream "NOOOO.....not again, I failed to protect him." causing Sakura to grab her head as the world around her faded to black.

Sakura when the world came back into view Sakura found herself in a room made out of black stone and she thought "what happened and where am I. What happened to Naruto and the others." as she looked around she saw a metal door.

She walked to the door and opened it and heard it creak as she did and she walked out into a long dark hall and she looked to the left and right and notice torches lighting the hall and she bit her lip and began to walk to her left down the hall.

She passed many doors and tried a few but they were locked and she continued down the hall. She soon came to the end of the hall and saw a huge door and she looked around and pushed on the door and it opened and she saw it was a huge room very well lighted with torches and she slowly walked into the room and her eyes went wide as she saw the body of Naruto laying in the middle of the room and she quickly ran over to him.

When she got close enough she slid to her knees to stop and began to look over him as she noticed that he was only in a pair of white silk boxers and she saw a huge scar on his chest and she looked closely and saw his chest rise and fall and thought "he's alive." as she released a breath she didn't know she was holding.

A female voice that startled her said "Surprised huh."

Sakura quickly got to her feet pulling out a kunai as she looked around and asked "Whose there, show yourself."

A chuckle was heard and the voice said "Isn't it polite to give your name first when asking someone else's theres Sakura Haruno."

Sakura eyes went wide and she asked "How do you know my name." as she looked around the room trying to find the person speaking.

Sakura saw a falcon sitting on the top of a thrown chair and it took flight flying toward her and halfway to her it was covered in light and the falcon changed into a woman who appeared to be in her late 20 with brownish red hair and black eyes and said "I know who you are because I am the Sorceress and the one who saved Naruto there."

Sakura who was still standing in front of Naruto body asked "Where are we."

The Sorceress said "We are currently in castle Greyskull."

Sakura began to say something when she heard a whisper behind her say "Eternia."

Sakura turned and saw Naruto rubbing his head with his left hand and his eyes were still closed and Sakura screamed "Naruto, are you alright."

Naruto slowly opened his eyes and blinked several times said "Sakura-chan." in a questioning voice.

Sakura eyes began to tear up and forgetting about the Sorceress she bent down quickly and wrapped Naruto in a hug getting a gasp of pain from him.

Sakura heard his gasp and realized what she did quickly got up and looked sheepish and Naruto slowly set up holding his chest and the Sorceress said "It will take a little while for you to finish healing. Even with my powers you were nearly dead."

Naruto looked around taking in his surroundings and looked at the Sorceress and then at Sakura and he asked "What happened."

Sakura started to say something when the Sorceress said "Why don't you stand up and follow me so we can get you some new cloths fitting of one such as you and then have something to eat and I will explain to both of you about what has happened. Do not worry, you are in no danger here." as she turned and started to walk away.

Naruto blinked as he noticed his state of dress for the first time and thought "where did these boxers come from." as he looked at Sakura who was looking at him and he started to get up and felt pain through his body again and he was surprised when he felt a pair of hands help him up.

He saw Sakura helping him up and said "Thanks."

Sakura said "Whatever, come on." as she began to follow the Sorceress.

Naruto frowned at her off handed remark and he looked around the room one more time and his eyes landed on the thrown and thought "strange......I feel like I been here before." as he began to follow Sakura.

10 minutes later they stopped in front of a white door where a pair of woman stood in white dresses with blue scarfs covering their faces and the Sorceress said "Please go inside with these ladies Naruto and they will help to get you some new cloths since your old ones were destroyed. Once you are dressed please continue down this hall till the end and Sakura and I will be waiting for you there. OK."

Naruto nods and asked the question that was mostly on his mind since he woke up "Why does it feel like I been here before but I know I haven't." making everyone look at him.

The Sorceress smiled and said "The same reason Sakura here followed Adora through the gateway when she brought you here." making Sakura get a questioning look on her face and thought "I followed that woman....but why and what happened to Sasuke-kun and Kakashi-sensei as well as Tazuna."

Naruto asked "And that is."

The Sorceress said "For you to discover when you are better dressed." as she turned and began to walk away.

Naruto looked at Sakura who looked at him and the Sorceress said from down the hall without looking back "Of coarse you could always go in and help Naruto get dressed Sakura, I am sure you might like to see him naked."

Sakura turned bright red and screamed "Pervert." as she crossed her arms across her chest and began to walk down the hall after the Sorceress.

Naruto watched them go and felt a pair of hands circle both his arms and he was literally dragged off his feet into the room by the 2 woman.

Sakura followed the Sorceress into a huge stone room with a circle table in the middle and the Sorceress sat down in the chair with the largest back on it and said "Please have a seat and once Naruto arrives we can eat and I will be happy to answer any questions you both have. Please don't ask me any until then because I don't like to repeat myself." as she closed her eyes.

Sakura looked around the room taking in everything and thought "I wish something would start to make since because I am getting a headache from everything."

20 minutes later Naruto walked into the room and an extremely board Sakura eyes went wide as she saw him in a pair of black slack pants and a white silk shirt and a red vest hanging loosely on him and his hair had been cut and made less spiky and she thought "Is this really Naruto. He looks completely different."

Naruto saw Sakura stair at him and he blushed as he looked down and thought "god, that was so embarrassing. Those 2 ladies literally forced me into these cloths after they bathed me and cut my hair. I swear they were freakishly superwoman."

The Sorceress snickered at that moment and pressed a button on the table and a side door opened up and several woman dressed like the ones who dressed Naruto came into the room with tray and sat them down in front of Sakura, an empty seat next to her and one in front of the Sorceress who was sitting across from the 2 others and one beside the Sorceress before leaving the room.

The Sorceress said "Please sit and join us Naruto and I will explain everything to you and Sakura here about where exactly we are, how you got here, why you feel like you have been here before and why Sakura followed you here. After that I will be more then happy to answer any questions either of you have OK."

Naruto looked at her and asked "Why should we trust you."

The Sorceress said "There are 3 very good reasons why you should listen to me Naruto. 1, I saved your life after you nearly died from getting in the way of your sensei attack, 2, I know your entire family history including who your parents were and 3......you are the grandson of my daughter making me your great grandmother." making both teens wide eyed.

Sakura gasped and asked "How is that possible, you look like your not over 30 years old."

Another female voice from behind them said "Would you believe that the Sorceress here is over 500 years old." making both teens turn and see Adora standing there with a smirk on her face.

Sakura said "It's you, the lady from the bridge."

Adora said "Yes I am and I can tell you have doubts about what you heard Naruto but the Sorceress is telling the truth. She is very wise and powerful, so much so that she took care of the secret you learned about the day you graduated from the academy."

Naruto eyes went wide and Sakura asked "What secret, what is she talking about Naruto."

Naruto ignored Sakura and pulled his shirt up and began to channel chakra while looking at his stomach and asked "How." when he saw the seal not appearing.

Adora walked over and sat down next to the Sorceress and Sakura asked "What's going on Naruto. Why did you raise your shirt and look at your stomach while channeling chakra."

The Sorceress said "Please sit Naruto and allow me to tell you both everything."

Naruto looked at her in shock and slowly took the seat next to Sakura and the Sorceress pressed a button on the table and a metal tube rose out of the table and a hologram appeared shocking both teens and it showed the bridge in Wave and the Sorceress said "As you can see your sensei and teammate are both at the bridge still along with Tazuna along with many of the people of wave. It has been a little over a week since your battle there. Adora husband Bow, the man with the cape is currently replacing you both to ensure that you both will be returned unharmed after a short time to allow Naruto to heal. Now watch closely." as the picture of the bridge zoomed out and then it showed wave country then zoomed out more to show the planet.

Sorceress said "Your planet is called Gaiden prime, it is several million light years away from here." as the view changed to show a solar system and zooming out even more until it showed a galaxy and then even further out until it stopped and she continued "This is the entire Universe with billions or worlds and millions of different species and life forms and in the center of the universe......is planet Eternia." zooming in on the planet Eternia.

Sakura looked at the hologram and she asked "Wait.....you said that name when you woke up Naruto." as she looked at him

Naruto looked confused and said "I did."

Sorceress said "Yes you did but it's not surprising. Now you both may ask why you are hearing this about some planet and what does this have to do with anything. The answer is simple." as the hologram zoomed in and showed a castle with a skull in front of it and she said "Castle Greyskull." as it zoomed in more and showed the very room where they sat making both teens eyes widen.

Naruto asked in a stuttery voice as he looked around the room "Are you saying were not even on our planet anymore."

Adora said "You Naruto actually have very little claim to that world but I am sure the Sorceress will explain that momentarily."

Sorceress said "Indeed. Now I will answer the main questions you both have, you wonder why you followed Sakura and you wonder about your family and why you have been alone your entire life. The answer to both those questions are connected and begin many years ago before either of you were ever born."

Sakura who was trying to take everything in asked "You said you would answer any questions we have but all I am getting is more questions. Can you please answer some before I go crazy."

Sorceress asked "You know the other voice in your head Sakura. The one who constantly gives you headaches."

Sakura eyes went wide and Naruto asked "What voice."

Sorceress looked at him and said "Please let me answer some of her questions Naruto and then I will answer your questions. Show her a little compassion now and I know she will show you some later."

Naruto frowns but nods and Sakura asked "How do you know about that. I haven't told anyone about that voice, not even my mom or Ino."

The Hologram changed the view to show a woman with red hair wearing a gold grown, a white outfit with gold armor. Sakura looked at the picture and she heard in her head "That's me but how....."

Sorceress said "As I am sure you heard the voice just now in your head give you an answer that only you have to know I will continue. This was Teela, Captain of the Royal guard of Eternia, personal bodyguard of Prince Adam as well as his wife. She was also my daughter and......your grandmother Naruto."

Sakura thought "But if that is her daughter and she is the voice in my head how did she get there."

Naruto looked at the woman in the Hologram and thought "that's my grandmother.....but how is she connected to Sakura." as he looked at Sakura.

The hologram changed again to another person, a man with flat blond hair wearing white and purple cloths and the Sorceress said "This is Prince Adam, your grandfather Naruto."

Sakura had a flashback of the image that replaced Naruto on the bridge and she said "he died and Teela wasn't able to save him." remembering the words she heard in her head at that time.

Naruto looked at Sakura and the Sorceress said sadly "Yes.....Teela wasn't able to save him because she was still weak from childbirth of their son. An evil man named Skeletor attacked the castle where both Adam and Teela lived with all his men and kidnapped their son during the attack holding him as a hostage. Skeletor forced Adam to surrender his weapon in order to save his sons life and Skeletor took Adam sword and stabbed him through the hear with it killing Adam. Teela who against the doctors orders came to the battle to save her son and husband and saw her husband die. She then saw as her son was about to be killed also and used a device that was invented that we modified to allow the members of the Royal family to go between worlds to open a gateway and she attacked Skeletor while he was distracted by the gateway and knocked her son carrier through the gateway and she stabbed Skeletor fatally but not before she also fell on the sword of her husband."

Naruto who was listening to all this said "So both my grandparents passed away fighting this Skeletor guy and my father was sent through this gateway to planet Gaiden."

Adora said "Yes Naruto. Now that you know about them I will explain what happened after that. My name is Adora and I am the twin sister of prince Adam so I am your great Aunt. I lived on the sister planet to Eternia called Etheria. I won't tell you right now why I lived there because it's not important right now but when I heard about what happened I returned here and took over as the ruler of planet Eternia while I searched for my nephew. I sent out people from both Eternia and Etheria to look for him and I had nearly gave up hope when one of my best guard discovered the planet Gaiden and found your father. My guards name was Kushina Uzumaki, your mother."

Naruto eyes went wide and Sakura asked "Wait....if her name was Uzumaki then why is Naruto last name Uzumaki and not whatever his fathers last name was."

Adora said "I was just getting to that. You see, your father after he went through the gateway was discovered in the woods near the village of Konoha and taken there thinking he was just some regular orphan and placed in the orphanage. By the time Kushina found him it had already been 18 years. Kushina met him and arranged for a meeting with him and his sensei and they both came here to Eternia and I talked with him and explained everything. He was happy to finally learn about his family but could not stay because your village was in the middle of the 3 great shinobi war and he had people there in the village of Konoha he felt he owed the right to protect so he returned and I agreed with him but Kushina asked that she be allowed to go with him since he was the next person in line for the thrown and so that way we could keep in touch. It was agreed and his sensei created a false background for her claiming she was from the recently destroyed whirlpool country and she became a famous ninja in your village known as the red death because of her red hair and her fighting abilities. Your father and her got closer over time and eventually married in secret. When the war was over he was given a tough choice, return here to take the thrown or Eternia or become the leader of your village." making both teens eyes widen.

Naruto gulped having a feeling in his stomach and asked "Which did he choose."

The hologram changed and both teens eyes went wide as they saw the Yondaime Hokage appear and Adora said "Kushina discovered that she was pregnant with you at the same time he was coming to a decision and so he decided that since he had lived there his entire life and that he did not want you to see the pain and death that he had to that you would be brought back to Eternia and raised as the heir to the thrown and he would stay there until his village recovered and a replacement could be found and return here as well but.......a week before you were due to be born the Kyuubi attacked your village. When I came to Konoha to get you and your mother to bring you here I discovered both had died and I thought that you had as well so I returned here broken hearted believing that the only family I had left in the world was dead."

Sakura looked at Naruto and he was looking down at the ground and he asked "If that is true then how did you show up to bring me here when I nearly died."

Sorceress said "That is because of me Naruto. You see, I had been having dreams for the last 14 years about my daughter Teela and my dreams became more and more common about her and then 2 weeks before you nearly died I had a dream that showed you showing a hidden power that only prince Adam had and I heard Teela voice ask 'is this really Naruto."

Sakura eyes went wide as she looked at the Sorceress and remembered thinking those words as the Sorceress continued "I saw you attack a man holding your sensei hostage in a prison made out of water and when I awoke the sword of power was floating in my chambers having awoke for the first time since it was used to kill Adam and Teela I realized that could mean only one thing. I called for Adora here to come to castle Greyskull and I searched for you using my powers. I discovered you when you were talking to Haku in the woods and when Adora arrived I explained to her what I discovered and she quickly left to find you along with her husband Bow. They began to search for you and reached the bridge during the battle and waited for the right moment as to not make you think they were the enemy and when you were nearly killed they both acted and Adora brought you here with Sakura following her. Adora not knowing about Sakura special connection knocked her out thinking she was trying to keep you from being saved and so she brought you before me and I healed you and I used my powers to look through your memories to make sure that I was right and you were who I thought you were I discovered the secret you had discovered and I dealt with it releasing you from that so you could live a better life."

Sakura asked "What secret."

Naruto gulped as he looked at Sakura and the Sorceress said "If you wish Naruto I can show her your memories of that night so that she may know the truth."

Naruto looked down for several moments and asked "If.........Will I have to return if I don't want to." as he looked at the Sorceress and Adora.

Sakura who was shocked asked "Why wouldn't you want to return home Naruto."

Naruto closed his eyes and said "Can I go lay down somewhere. I don't feel so good."

Adora said "Yeah, I can show you to your room." as she got up and walked around and Naruto got up and as he began to follow stopped and said "You can show her whatever you want." as he walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

Adora saw Naruto was about to cry pulled him into a hug having seen his memories thanks to the Sorceress and said "I love you Naruto and I am sorry for not being there for you. I won't ever leave you again."

Naruto who had stiffened when he was pulled into a hug slowly relaxed and burst into tears.

Sakura saw him leave and the Sorceress waited until he was gone and she turned her eyes onto Sakura and said "So...."

Sakura looked at her and asked "What."

Sorceress asked "How curious are you about the entire truth including why my daughter is in your head. Know this, if you decide to discover the entire truth their is no going back. Your life will forever change. Even if you want to not believe the truth you will know it is true and know that your future actions will be based on it."

Sakura bit her lip as she looked at the Sorceress for several minutes and thought "do I really want to know....." and after weighing her options she asked "What is the truth."

Sorceress smiled and said "The truth is when Teela and Adam died Teela who had began to train to take over for me used all her magical powers and cast one final spell as she died. The spell was for her and Adam to never be separated even in death. When she did that the sword of power that was still inside of her from Skeletor attack amplified her powers 100 times and allowed for hers and Adams souls to be reborn however because Skeletor was still holding the sword his soul as well was reborn into a new body."

Sakura frowned a moment and said "So your saying that I am the reincarnation of your daughter Teela."

Sorceress said "Not exactly.....you see, Adam soul was reincarnated into a baby a year before you were but the day he was born a second soul was sealed into his body. Because of the effect of the spell when you were born instead of Teela being the soul in your body a second soul was added to match Adams Teela became your inner Sakura as you call her and over time you and her have began to merge together to form a new person which is a combination of both you and her. I would say in 2 years the merger will be complete. Just like the soul of Adam was slowly merging with the second soul in his body."

Sakura eyes darted back and forward for several moments before her eyes went wide and she looked at the door Naruto left and she said "Naruto....he is Adam, isn't he."

Sorceress said "Yes though he is not actually Adam, his soul may have once been Adam but he is not him just as you may have Teela soul in you you are not Teela. You are Sakura and he is Naruto however as you finish merging with Teela you will form a bond with Naruto. I am not saying it will be husband and wife. It could be just best friends but you will build a strong bond that will never be broken. How much of one will depend on you both."

Sakura asked "What about the 2nd soul in Naruto. How did that happen and what will it do to him when he merges with it."

The hologram changed again and Sakura saw Mizuki walk up to Naruto and tell him about a second exam. She then watched as Naruto stole the forbidden scroll and him learning Kagebunshin. She watched as he was confronted by Iruka and then Mizuki and her eyes went wide as she learned the secret of the Kyuubi. She then heard Iruka saying Naruto was not the Kyuubi and Naruto saving his life as well as him passing Naruto. She then watched as Naruto and the Sandaime talked and he told how the Yondaime asked for Naruto to be seen as a hero.

When it was over Sakura emotion were shot to hell and the Sorceress said "When I was healing Naruto and reviewed his memories I discovered the Kyuubi was in him so I used my powers to purify the demon chakra giving him a huge boost in chakra but killing the demon so the demon is no longer inside of Naruto basically speeding the process up to make a new Naruto. Now the choice is yours, what will you do."

Sakura bit her lip as she thought over everything she had seen and heard and she asked "How much does he actually know."

Sorceress said "he only knows what was said here in this room when he was here and since he woke up. Besides myself you are the only other person who knows about the reincarnation, not even Adora knows about that."

Sakura asked "You said I will become someone else then who I am......who will I be."

Sorceress said "That is up to you. I will tell you this. Until your merger with Teela is complete I can't let you leave." making Sakura eyes wide and she asked "Why."

Sorceress said "Since a part of you has Teela soul you will slowly gain some of her powers. If I do not train you in the basics of how to use them then you could accidentally destroy yourself and everyone around you. You don't want that to happen do you."

Sakura looked down and said "No."

Sorceress said "Good, now don't be worried about your friends and family in Konoha. There is a reason I look so young when I am so old. There is a natural effect that happens on this planet I will tell you about later that slows aging greatly. Over the next 2 years you and Naruto will both be trained to make you both stronger and smarter. I will take time to teach you to use the powers that are awakening inside of you and Adora will train Naruto about his Kingdom here, the people of our world as well as other worlds, how to fight properly as well as how to rule wisely. Once that is over I will send you both back to the day of your Gennin exams so that way the mission to Wave hasn't happened."

Sakura eyes went wide and she asked "Wait, you can send us back in time."

Sorceress said "Somewhat. This planet which I told you is in the center of the Universe is special. Whoever rules Eternia rules the Universe. All the power in the Universe both begin and end here and this castle is the focal point of all that power. Their have been many wars for the power here. The average human lives around 100 years if they are lucky right."

Sakura nods and the Sorceress said "here on Eternia because of all the magic and power this planet holds human age slower and can live up to 800 years old. Because of me being the guardian of castle Greyskull which means I am the focal point for the castle I may live to be 1000 years old so you won't age much physically over the next 2 years but mentally you will. Because of the key that we use to open the gateways between worlds we can send a person back in time but only if they are alive at that point in time and they don't age back to how old they are then. They replace themselves there so say your a 30 year old woman and you get sent back to the day you were born you would be a 30 year old woman when you are born and if you wanted to be there to live your life with your husband who died he would be 1 or 2 years old if he was older then you so you would never be able to be with him. I believe you can see why it is something we don't use often. I could go back and save Minato or Adam but then Naruto won't be born if I did that because there is no guarantee him and Kushina would still hook up and if so when they originally did. Time travel is not something to take lightly."

Sakura asked "Then why don't you send us back to the day on the bridge, why all the way back to the day of Gennin exams."

Sorceress said "There are several reasons Sakura. One is that is the day Naruto learned about Kyuubi. What would happen if when people went to tell him about it he didn't have the Kyuubi in him or the seal on his stomach. It would cause people to go into doubt about him being the Kyuubi. Second is that nobody knows what yours or his actual skills are then because all they taught you at the academy was basics. When you both show skills that neither of you originally had you can simply state you have been working on these on your own from some books or scrolls you once red and for Naruto......well that is a surprise for later. The last answer is simple but also the most complicated."

Sakura asked "What do you mean."

Sorceress said "Simple Sakura, remember how I told you about Skeletor being reincarnated as well. I do not know who he was reincarnated in or if he has a second soul like you both had. He could be anyone but like you he will have his powers he had slowly return to him and since he was nearly as powerful as I am in magic and he will eventually learn to use it again and when he does he will track down Adam and try to kill him because Adam was the only one who could stop him and since you have a connection to Adam you as well. Like I said, once you found out it would forever change your life. If Skeletor wins then he may find a way to return here and if that happens no one will be able to stop him from taking over the Universe. Only He-man can stop Skeletor."

Sakura asked "Who is He-man."

The Hologram showed Adam as he looked left and then right and he reached behind his back and pulled out a sword and said "By the power of Greyskull......I have the power." as she watched as he was transformed and her eyes went wide again.

Sorceress said "The sword of power which belonged to Adam and will be claimed by Naruto, since it was the sword who proved to me that he was alive, before you return is one of 2 magical swords. The sword of power is like a giant magnifier. It uses the powers that are concentrated here in Castle Greyskull and magnifies a person speed, strength, agility, power, endurance, and stamina by 10."

Sakura said "So Naruto will be stronger and transform into He-man."

Sorceress said "Yes, but only when he must. That is why we are going to train him so he won't have to rely on it as much as he would now and someday he will become the strongest man in the Universe. So do you have any more questions."

Sakura thought a moment and shook her head no and the Sorceress said "Good." as she got up and walked around to Sakura and touched Sakura forehead and said "You will only remember the entire truth when you return to Konoha. You will forget all about He-man, Skeletor, and the sword of power or the plans for your return....become a strong woman Sakura and know I am proud of you even if your not my daughter." as she stepped back and Sakura blinked for several moments and asked "What happened."

Sorceress said "You fell asleep when I was talking to you. Sorry, I get a little long winded."

Sakura nods and asked "Where is Naruto....I....I need to talk with him."

Sorceress said "Follow me." as she began to lead Sakura through the Castle.

Soon she stood outside of a door and Sorceress said "He is inside this room, you are sharing a room but there is a second bed. Tomorrow Adora will take you and Naruto to castle Eternia to begin training."

Sakura asked "So how long will we be training for. I understand about Naruto needing to see his family and learn from them but my family and friends are going to worry about us if we are gone to long.."

Sorceress said "That has all been taken care of Sakura. Remember Bow has stayed behind in your place and he will inform your Hokage and you can right a letter to your family and I will ensure they get it but sadly you won't be able to receive any because we don't want anyone to discover the secrets here. I am sure you understand. Consider this a training mission so you can show everyone how strong you can become.....even that Ino girl you are rivals with."

Sakura eyes got wide a moment and said "I never thought of it that way......I can't wait till everyone learns Naruto is actually a prince."

Sorceress said "You have a lot to learn about your teammate Sakura. Goodnight." as she turned and walked away.

Sakura thought "what did she mean by that." as she walked into the room and saw Naruto on a twin size bed asleep and she looked at him for several minutes and thought "I will talk to him tomorrow about the Kyuubi." as she went and washed up in the bathroom and then got in the other bed and went to sleep.

When the Sorceress returned to her thrown room she saw Adora standing beside it and Adora asked "So..."

Sorceress said "I informed her about the Kyuubi and it being destroyed now. She seemed to take it well but only time will tell." as she sat down on the thrown.

Adora asked "Why did she follow us here."

Sorceress said "Sakura may not realize it but she has a bond with Naruto and when she saw him injured like that she had to make sure he was OK even if she doesn't know why."

Adora asked "But what about that voice in her head you both spoke about."

Sorceress said "Sakura has hidden magical powers hidden in her and they formed like a second personality. As she ages she will absorb that power but she will need training in it so I will oversee some of Sakura training after the first year and a half. You have till then to train her and Naruto after that you will only have Naruto. Then I will send them back to their world and Bow can return."

Adora nods and said "It is going to be a long 2 years but it will be great to be with my nephew."

Sorceress nods and said "Well if you will excuse me I am tired." as she got up and left as Adora also went to get some sleep.