The Tsuchikage had a perminent twitch over his eyes as he walked into the council chambers in Iwa and sat down ignoring the looks or the sudden gasp from the other council members who saw Minato walk in.

Onoki, the Sandaime Tsuchikage said "SHUT UP ALL OF YOU."

Minato said "But nobody said anything. You really need to calm down Onoki before you have a heart attack."

Onoki said "I already had 3 today. The first when you first walked into my office, the next one after I killed you and you walked back in my office again and the third time when you one of your bodies got up and tried to attack you by turning into a nude blond hair woman. Now can you tell me exactly what you came here for and how the hell your alive again...and again."

Minato said "Yeah, that's what I came for anyways. I'm actually not here to start a problem...but actually to share information with you on how I am well as a threat to EVERY hidden village."

Onoki said "Well get on with it. I'm not getting any younger."

Minato smirked and asked "How would you like to." causing several to blink.

Minato said "How would you like to be able to return to your prime and be able to live hundreds if not thousands of years as the leader of Iwa. To not worry about sending you Shinobi and Kunoichi on missions and fearing they would never make it where you could learn every jutsu in the world...and posess nearly any bloodline in the world as well...because that is the secret that I am here today to discuss with you and see if you are interested in obtaining it for your village like I am prepared to offer it to every other hidden village. I'll give you a half hour to think over that and what your willing to pay for that secret." as he turned and walked out of the room closing the door. As soon as he did the shouting inside the room could be heard.

Meanwhile in Konoha

Naruto and Kushina stood in front of the Konoha council with 3 teams of ANBU and several Jounin in the room as well.

Sarutobi eye was twitching and said "Why oh why did you and your son decide to start a prank war on our village Kushina."

Danzo said "Sarutobi, before we get to that, I would like to know how she is alive since I know she died in the Kyuubi attack."

Kushina smirked and said "Go ahead Sarutobi, tell them how not only am I alive...but Minato as well." causing nearly everyone in the room to go wide eyed with shock.

Kakashi said "What do you mean Kushina-sama. Is Minato-sensei alive."

Kushina said "Yeah, he's over in Iwa talking with the Tsuchikage right now. Then he's going to goto Kumo, Suna, and Mizu talking with them also."

Danzo said "And exactly what is he talking about."

Kushina shrugged and said "You mind son."

Naruto said "No mom, I won the prank war so you have to be the one to demonstrate it."

Kushina sighed and said "Fine." as she walked over and took off her necklace and set it on the floor and channeled chakra into it and then put her necklace back on and said "Do it...but know paybacks a bitch."

Naruto said "Maybe so, see you in hell mom." as he pulled out a kunai and threw it right between Kushina eyes shocking everyone as she fell to the ground.

Naruto was instantly on pinned to the ground by several ninja before a puff of smoke caught everyones attention as Kushina appeared standing next to where her body was and Kushina bent down and picked up the necklace before destroying her old body with a fire jutsu before grabbing her head for a moment and then she said "He's not talking about much...just that we found a way to become immortal basically and seeing whose interested in learning it."

Everyone in the room but Naruto and Kushina were wide eyed and Naruto said "Unless some of you want to die perminately I would suggest letting me go." from where he was still on the ground.

Kushina said "I would listen to him. He's been personally trained by Minato and me since he could walk as well as others."

At this Naruto was let go and he stood up before his face hit the floor from where Kushina hit him in the back of the head.

Kushina then dusted her hands off and said "Now to answer your question about what the prank war was for. We knew you would want a demonstration of what we told you in your office was true so we decided to see who would die and who would not by seeing who could pull the most pranks before we both were captured."

Danzo narrowed his eye and said "And why is Minato offering something as powerful as we just witnessed to other villages."

Kushina said "The enemy of my enemy is my friend Danzo. The Kyuubi incident wasn't a random event. Minato and I were attacked before the Kyuubi attack by the man who summoned the Kyuubi inside the village walls. This man is to much of a threat for Konoha alone to face...after all he's defeated EVERY Hokage of Konoha at one point or another in his life in thier prime. If he can do that and still have the energy to summon Kyuubi under his control, I think that would warrent certian decisions to be made for the greater good."

Everyone was now listening to every words Kushina said and Sarutobi said "I reluctantly have to agree with your statement. Only one man has ever truly defeated Madara before and he is long since dead."

Danzo said "Madara...Madara Uchiha. But he died."

Sarutobi said "No...I saw the eyes of the Kyuubi that night. He was under the Sharingan control and Minato face Madara face to face. Homaru and Koharu both saw him also that night when he attacked Minato and Kushina after thier son was born. The reason Minato wasn't there to help us for most of the battle with Kyuubi was because he was in combat with Madara."

A beeping noise drew everyones attention and Naruto blinked before reaching into his pocket and drew a digital watch and said "This had better be a beautiful woman or something very important."

To the shock of everyone but Kushina a female voice said "Oh Naru-kun."

Naruto quickly threw the watch on the ground and began to stomp on it smashing it to pieces and said "God, not her again."

Kushina said "I thought you got a new ID number."

Naruto said "I did."

The Sandaime said "What was that just then."

Kushina blinked and said "Oh, remember how I told you Link island was far more advance with technology then the elemental nations. Well they built communication devices in watchs and you could talk to someone anywhere in the world if you had thier ID number. Were actually going to sell them at our store...unfortinately it gives fangirls a chance to hound you anywhere in the world as well...that just happened to have been one of my sons fangirls."

Naruto said "I swear mom, that girl shows up, I'm going to load my Kyuubi blast chip and destroy her and everything around her."

Kakashi said "Kyuubi blast chip...what's that."

Naruto said "Oh, since Kyuubi a being made of pure chakra the only way to truly kill any of the bijuu is to complete drain them of thier chakra. You can also seal them away inside humans, usually an infant. Konoha actually done that 3 times with the Kyuubi. Mom and dad found a way to seal Kyuubi away and make it nothing more then a giant battery that we can use to power weapons we designed. Mom told me that when the Kyuubi attacked that he used some kind of giant ball of chakra that was nearly the size of the Hokage monument." as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple of square chips and took one out of the others and said "This right here is the same exact attack, able to destroy everything within half a mile of blast zone. Packs one hell of a kick though. Broke my arm the first time I used it. But it could be yours if yours or anyones elses if you wanted to buy it from us."

At this everyone was wide eyed and Danzo said "I demand you turn that over to Konoha."

Naruto said "Sure...but without our weapon system to use it, then this chip is useless...and only we can create and sell the weapon system or give you the jutsu that will allow you come back to life if you died, or the jutsu that could give you and the Sandaime back your bodies in your primes with all your current knowledge completely healed with a bloodline if you wanted it...but the only way you or anyone else will get them is to play the game by our rules. You don't have enough pieces to force us to since if you try anything, we activate a seal and summon oursleves away and make sure your village won't get it while the other villages who agree to our terms do...and it would be far more benificial to you if you had us as an ally instead of an enemy."

Danzo said "Are you threating Konoha."

Naruto said "Only reason I'm here is because mom and dad want me to make human friends and possibly family."

Tsume said "What do you mean by human friends."

Kushina said "You ever wonder why the Six realm sage was called the SIX realm sage. He wasn't from our world. He created a link that connects to six different plains of reality. Link island, the place we've been living since the Kyuubi attack is where he first came to our world. From there if you are given permission of the elder council you can travel from realm to realm. When I said Naruto was trained by other teachers besides myself and Minato, I was talking about learning from others from other worlds. It was with thier help we were able to deal with Kyuubi once and for all using our knowledge and thier help. On one realm Humans have replaced parts of their bodies with machines to extend thier life turning them into what we call reploids. Another realm is where the Sage got the bloodlines he gave to our world. The Mokuton bloodline comes from a race of tree like people, The Byakugan from an eagle like race. There are others I could tell you about but it won't really matter since you won't be able to see them for at least a couple hundred years."

Homaru asked "And why is that."

Naruto said "Because in order for the elder council to allow a person to move from world to world where they can gain knowledge and powers that could change or destroy the world you have to show that you would not abuse the knowledge you have. They will look into your mind and heart and know everything about you and judge you. The only reason why we were allowed the honor of going from world to world is dad was willing to sacrifice his life to save Konoha from the Kyuubi when Madara summoned him. That gave him the right to go. Mom and I were granted the right because we both did the same sacrifice Mito Senju did."

Sarutobi, Homaru, Koharu, and Danzo eyes widen at that and Danzo said "So..."

Kushina looked Danzo in the eye and said "Don't even think about it Danzo or I'll make sure that you are not only denied from getting anything from us. I'll expose some dirty little secrets about you that could cause you to be consider in the same catagory as Madara Uchiha...personally I have no problems with you at the moment Danzo as I no longer have a reason to become a bringer of death...but do not make me find reason Danzo to change my mind." as her eyes went from green to red to black shocking everyone before they turned back to green.

Hiashi said "What was that." looking shocked.

Kushina said "My son meantioned when he said we could give a person back thier youth that we could give them a bloodline also. While on our travels we met the people who our worlds bloodlines came from. When we told them that many of the bloodlines had been lost to our world we were able to get many of them to agree to give us a sample of thier blood which a friend of ours was able to weaponize just like we did the Kyuubi where people can buy bloodlines from us."

Hiashi said "You can sell our bloodlines."

Naruto said "Don't get so full of yourself eagle eye. You were only given your bloodline because your ancestors accepted the gift the sage was giving them. Before that you were no different then anyone else. How many people have died because of them wanting the gift your ancestors were given...10, 20...300...4000...all those deaths over something that the sage wanted to be used to help the lives of the people of the world. It was our own greed and lust for power that turned his gift into a weapon and so in order to make it where no other will die for his gift we have given the people exactly what they would kill for, we weaponized the bloodlines so anyone could have them. The Mokuton was never meant to be used to attack people. It was meant to be used to created food to stop hunger, and wood to make shelter. Not to make dragons to crush people and forest to capture and kill people. Then lets take your bloodline. Name one good thing that your clan has done with it. Not from a military view, but something you could have done that would have made your clan seen as noble instead of slavers." causing several gasp to be heard through the room.

Shikaku thought "Did he just..."

Hiashi said "We are not slavers. Mind your place commoner."

Naruto smirked and pulled out his chips and began to go through them before he raised his right arm where a silver piece of metal was and he placed the chip on the metal and sent chakra into it and said "Byakugan." as his blue eyes turned white as veins shot out of the side and Naruto said "If I am a commoner, what are you slaver."

Kushina said "Son, that's enough...pissing the clans off is my job...and you better not be looking through the woman in this room cloths."

Naruto said "Naruto said "Nope...the hotsprings a quarter of a mile behind Sarutobi." before his head met the floor from a fist from Kushina.

Naruto eyes returned to normal and he wiped the blood from his nose and said "Man, I can understand now why you don't want others to have your bloodline, seeing some sexy as hell woman like that is a secret worth keeping."

Hiashi said "How dare you insult my clan." as he stood to his feet.

Naruto laughed and said "Oh, boo hoo, what are you going to do, kill me. I'll be back alive in less then a minute. Bend me over you knees and slap my ass. I don't swing that way...unless your a woman. I can never tell with long haired people like you. If you are, I feel sorry for any kids you have. You may be a big fish here in Konoha and you can get the others here to bend to your will to keep us from giving your bloodline away here...but Konoha is just a small pond compared to the rest of the world and since we are setting up the shop in every hidden village that agrees with our request what you want or say is going to mean absolutely nothing to them. In the end all that will happen is Konoha will become weaker and weaker as other villages increase in numbers and skills since only way someone will perminately die is if they were an idiot and forgot to use the jutsu to make sure they came back to life or if they were considered a criminal by all the villages that agree with joining us. We will even help the hidden villages deal with those people also."

Sarutobi said "There is no denying he's yours and Minato son."

Kushina said "And I couldn't be prouder because the fact is he's right. Nothing any of you do really has any effect on us since we don't need you, but you do need us. Declare us traitors, missing nins...Fine, we'll just let every tom, dick, and harry bring the heads off our bounty for the reward until your bankrupt. Lock us up. We will bite off our tongues and be free within an hour several miles away before you even notice our bodies are dead in the cells."

Danzo said "And your sure we couldn't lock you up or force you to surrender to us and our demands."

Kushina smirked and said "Danzo, if we could figure a way to turn the Kyuubi not only into a battery but also weaponize his you honestly think that we wouldn't find a way to protect ourselves from idiots like you. Now if that is all, here is a scroll with the details of what we are offering Konoha. You want us here then you agree to those terms. Come on son, I've had a kagebunshin buy a place for us already to set up shop and to live." as she tossed a scroll to Sarutobi before walking out.

Naruto said "By the way...Tajuu Kagebunshin no jutsu." as suddenly the entire room was filled with Kagebunshins of Naruto who said "My father may have been an army of one, but I'm a one man army." before the Kagebunshin went up in smoke showing the real Naruto had also gone leaving just the council and the Hokage there.

Tsume said "There's no denying it, that is definately Kushina."

Those who knew Kushina growing up could only nod.

In Iwa,

Minato said "So do you all agree."