A Potter/Avenger Crossover

Disclaimer: I am also not making any money off of this story so any mistakes are my own. Therefore, I cannot be the owner of the Marvel or Harry Potter universes, that honor goes to their respective creators.


a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate.

A self-appointed doer of justice.



The moment twelve-year-old Harry received the letter from the Dursleys demanding that he return home for the Hol's he knew he was in trouble. They never demanded him home for anything, well they had always demanded him to come straight home from primary but never Hogwarts. In fact, Harry was certain they would have been happiest if he never darkened their door again during the summer months.

Harry was almost positive that none of them really knew the exact location of his school, his aunt might since his mother had gone here but Uncle Vernon sure wouldn't have known nor wanted to, and Dudley was too stupid to probably know where Scotland was even if he was looking right at it on the map.

So when Harry got an owl with the letter from his aunt one morning in the earlier part of December he suddenly felt his appetite diminish and he felt mildly nauseous. Not once, had his relatives ever wrote to him, even when he was in the hospital wing at the end of his first year, his relative never expressed a minuscule of concern. And now, for no apparent reason, relatives wrote to him, demanding that he return to Privet Drive without so much as a reason as to why. So, yes, Harry knew that he was in trouble.

Boy, it began

We are going to be in London on the day that school of yours lets out for Christmas. I expect you to be on that train when it departs from wherever in Scotland that school is located at. We will be picking you up sharply at 4 o'clock so if you know what is good for you, you will be waiting for us.


Petunia C. Dursley

"What's wrong Harry?" Asked Hermione while she primly buttered some more toast for her trying to ignore their other friend's slight more atrocious eating habits. Just as Harry pushed what remained of his breakfast away. He had efficiently lost his appetite.

"Yea 'Arry. Whsrong?" Ron parroted around a mouth full of food.

"Er, nothing. Just received a letter from my aunt saying she wanted me home for Christmas." Harry said glumly. He was rather looking forward to spending Christmas at Hogwarts again. What with no more Nicholas Flamel to research over the break he was hoping to spend Christmas relaxing.

Ron started choking forcing Harry to have to give him a couple of whacks on the back while Hermione all but tore the letter from Harry's hand and read it for herself.

"Oh, Harry! Your aunt sounds positively dreadful! She doesn't even mention why she wants you home! Perhaps you can ask Professor Dumbledore if you can stay like you did last year. I am sure he'd let you."

"Yeah Harry!" Ron said for the second time in about as many minutes not even bothering to look at the letter, "Your Aunt wouldn't dare say no if Dumbledore insisted that you had to stay. You know, safety and all."

Harry gave a weak and unconvincing smile recalling how he had begged to stay over the summer and how the headmaster had insisted he spends the summer at his Aunt's. "Thanks, guys, I guess I could ask him after Transfiguration."

Three of them did not speak anymore and finished their breakfast in silence.

Hours later found Harry walking dejectedly back to the Gryffindor Common Room his talk with the Headmaster had proven to be less than what he had hoped and now he was left feeling disappointed and upset.

Dumbledore had tried to persuade Harry into seeing it his way: because his Aunt was his legal guardian, if she wanted him home for the Holidays than there was little he could do. Harry had tried to argue that since Dumbledore was his Magical Guardian he could tell his Aunt that he would be safer here at Hogwarts but Dumbledore had ultimately refused.

"Harry, my boy. I must insist at this time that you go home to your Aunt. I realize that you do not like it there but it will only be for two weeks. Besides, it won't hurt to go back and strengthen the wards."

"But I spent two terms here and they were fine when I went back during the summer!" Harry tried to argue but Dumbledore refused to listen.

Harry was angry. Of course, Dumbledore would insist he go back. He should have known. Actually looking back at it now he wasn't even sure why he approached Dumbledore in the first place. Maybe if he hadn't told anyone then he would've been able to stay. If he didn't get on the Hogwarts Express on the first day of Christmas Holidays then it would be too late by the time it was realized that Harry should have gone home.

Mumbling the password to get into the Common room he was greeted by his anxious friends. "So what'd he say?"

Harry threw himself in a chair and stared into the fire before answering.

"He says I have to go back."
"But isn't Professor Dumbledore your Magical Guardian?" Hermione, ever the logical one, questioned. "Couldn't he just write to your aunt and say that you would prefer to spend Christmas here at Hogwarts?"
"I asked him but he said no."
"Why? Surely even those Muggles must know that if Dumbledore-"
"Professor Dumbledore," intoned Hermione sharply.

"-says you should stay then you would have to stay here, right?"
"I guess but he didn't say that I could stay. He said that I had to listen to my Aunt and go home, just because she was my Aunt." Harry said anger and frustration evident in his voice.
"We'll write to you every day Harry, I promise!" Hermione said with feeling. Ron quickly agreed as he had nothing in mind that could further cheer up his friend.

Harry did not mention that he wouldn't be able to write back as his uncle would lock all his "freaky" stuff in the cupboard.


On the first day of winter holidays after a relatively simple breakfast in comparison to what they had last night, the trio boarded the Hogwarts Express with nearly every other student. During the train ride Hermione and Ron tried their best to keep their friend distracted but even they could only do but so much as the closer the train got to King's Cross the more worried their friend became and the more withdrawn he seemed to get.

In the end, Hermione gave him a brief hug while Ron grasped his shoulder before his two friends eagerly made their way to their loving families animatedly talking about all the wonderful and exciting things that they had been forced to leave out of their letters home.

Harry was left alone standing with his luggage and owl in tow waiting for the Dursley's to come and retrieve him.

Surprisingly he did not have to wait very long as he scanned the crowds for his obese uncle and cousin and thin aunt.

The thinning crowd was still dense enough that other train passengers had to move out of Vernon's way to let him through, but his relatives were not a sight he could miss.

If Harry wasn't overcome with fear at the murderous look on his uncle's face he would have snickered. At least, in this sense, he had some sense of self-preservation as he would not be laughing in the face of danger where his uncle was concerned.

It appeared his uncle was about as happy to see Harry as he was them. Harry expected it, of course, but still could not understand why they had insisted on him coming back to Privet Drive for Christmas. Maybe they needed the shed painted and decided that it could not wait until the summer. Merlin forbid anything of theirs was in less than pristine condition.

"Well, hurry up boy, I haven't got all day!" barked his uncle drawing some startled glances and frowns from other people in the station their way.

One woman with a child, Harry only vaguely recognized as a first year, looked like she had half the mind to approach but didn't, only clutching the girl closer. She did keep one eye on his uncle though as he roughly grabbed Harry the scruff of his collar and pulled him up.

Harry gave her an apologetic smile hoping to convey that he was used to it and to not intervene. She frowned but still stayed a distance away although Harry saw her reaching for her phone. She must've been a muggle then, Harry realized.

"Move I said! I refuse to be late for the bloody flight because of you. What are you deaf now as well as worthless?" And roughly pushed the boy sending him stumbling and his owl hooting with indignation while Vernon to chuckle gleefully at the scene before him before walking lazily around him back to where his wife and son waited. Mrs. Dursley was looking at the boy in contempt no doubt thinking of all the times he had supposedly ruined their perfect little family by his mere existence. Her son who was nearly the size of her husband was round, looked vindictively through his piggy eyes at his younger cousin no doubt planning on making his holiday's yet again a miserable one.

Straining to get his luggage into the boot of the car he finally managed all while being under the watchful gaze of his uncle before being pushed roughly into the car.

Harry wasn't stupid enough to believe that the Dursley's were taking him on vacation, as he had seen their luggage in the boot.

"Come on Boy!" he growled menacingly, spittle flying everywhere including onto Harry and his glasses. He'd have to clean them later "I have already told you I will not have you making us late. I won't tolerate it. No, I won't. Now get on that plane and take a seat before you make us miss our flight."

"You know, you could at least tell me where we're going," Harry mumbled to himself praying that Uncle Vernon wouldn't be able to hear him.

"What was that boy!" Vernon hissed while painfully squeezing his shoulder.
"Nothing! I didn't say anything."

The oversized lump gave a suspicious look at his nephew before giving a harumph and settled into the seat behind his and Dudley's. Dudley, of course, wanted the outside seat leaving Harry to sit squished between him and the window. At least he could pretend he was playing Quidditch.

The flight was a long and uncomfortable one for Harry as he tried his best to ignore the punches his cousin sent his way in an attempt to take full advantage of Harry being trapped between him and the aeroplane's wall. Harry was sure by the time the plane began to descend he's arm was already beginning to bruise in several places.

When they had finally been able to exit the plane and they had gotten all their luggage from the luggage claim in spite of the odd glances and double takes of the other passengers when Harry went to collect Hedwig. They had almost made it to an awaiting cab when his uncle had a run in the TSA who threatened to detain them when they caught him giving Harry a particularly hard slap upside the head. They had threatened to call CPS too, but because they were visiting from England the security officers eventually let them all go after talking to Harry privately who had refused to tell them anything.

And because Harry refused to give a statement there was little anyone could but let him return to the Dursleys and let them all be on their way. Harry tried to ignore the looks of pity he received from some of the TSA's but it was hard considering there was so many of them and the fact that they were escorting them to a cab.

By the time everyone had settled in the cab with Harry in between his Aunt and Uncle, he felt his uncle's hot breath in his ear as he hissed out another threat to softly for the cab driver to hear.

"Don't mess this up, boy. This is our chance to get rid of you once and for all so don't screw it up. I will do all the talking when we get there you hear me? Don't say a word and keep your head down. I don't want people to see you with my family and hopefully," Vernon gave a hungry smile while patting his pockets "after this, you won't be around my family anymore."

"Yes, sir." Harry's whisper was drowned out by Dudley who had just seen F.A.O. Schwarz and was begging his mum to take him to it.

"Of course Duddikums! Just as soon as we drop the boy off we'll go. But remember we have another plane to catch in the morning. Remember we're going to Hawaii. Aren't you excited!"

Drop him off where? Harry knew that the Dursley's hated his guts, but surely even they didn't hate him so much that they were willing to abandon him in a populous city in a foreign country. He'd never be able to get back to London in time to catch the train, and then his friends would worry.

When the cab slowed in front of yet another skyscraper in the seemingly endless jungle of skyscrapers, Harry peered out the window trying to to get a good look at where they had stopped and to see if there was anyone he could ask for help later on after the Dursley's had left. The only people he saw was hoards of reporters and other people crowded around the front doors and two men in long coats standing at the door.

Stumbling out of the car trying to ignore the grip on his shoulder that was going to likely be bruised by morning the Dursleys and Harry made their way through the throng of reporters and to the door where the two men held them open wide for them. A double door entrance. Although Harry would have liked to pretend that it was 'cause they were important to have a double door entrance, it was probably more of the fact that his uncle and cousin, probably required a double door entrance as they were so wide.

"Welcome to Stark Tower" one of them bided to them as they walked through, which they ignored. Dudley was quiet for once trying to take in everything. With the high ceilings and the huge Christmas trees every some feet wrapped in red and gold garland the place was enormous and with everything so open there was a lot to take in. Harry wondered idly why they were walking into the building, it could be a hotel- a very nice one- but Harry doubted it. To him, it seemed more like an office building, not that he would know much about office buildings or hotels and their likeness.

"Not a word, you got that freak? Not one word had better come out of that mouth of yours or you will be getting it." Whispered Uncle Vernon before leading them to the desk.

"I am in immediate need of speaking to Mr. Stark about a matter of utmost urgency." Vernon said importantly while puffing out his chest.

"I am very sorry sir but Mr. Stark is currently unavailable. If this is about a paternity test then I can have Fitzgerald or Clark take you and your family to see Mr. Stark's personal physician who would be more than happy to run the necessary tests." The woman said without even looking up from her computer typing all the while. Although she said it friendly enough it was clear that the lines were well worn and committed to memory and that she did not appreciate his uncle's tone of voice.

"Now you see here." He said while leaning over the desk. "I am not going to be spending my day waiting around just so some half-cracked, wishy-washy doctor perform some test when I have proof that the fre- boy is his. So I suggest you just take the boy and be done with this whole business."

This warranted the woman to look up from her computer and raise an eyebrow at his brashness while peering at the boy that he must've been referring too. She noticed how one hand clasped firmly on the boy's shoulder and the boy wouldn't look at her keeping his head down the whole time.

A thousand thought were running through Harry's head as he's head involuntarily snapped up. Paternity test? Father? Didn't they know that James Potter had died? They'd told him for the longest time that he'd been drunk when he killed himself and his wife in a wreck.

While Harry had learned that this was not true and had been eager to believe that his parents weren't as bad as the Dursley's would have liked to have made them out to be, Harry could not bring himself to hope, that even for a second, his father might be alive.

"Are you threatening me, sir? Because I will have security escort you and your family out of Stark Tower."

Vernon threw her a menacing glare of his own, "You can't throw me out! I have his son, right here. Now I demand you allow us through to see him!" His uncle growled while jabbing his finger at Harry enunciating each word.

While Uncle Vernon was showing himself Harry chanced a look around. He noticed two men walking briskly towards them. Had security already been called? If so then they must've notified them quickly or been close enough by to hear the commotion and decided to investigate.

"What seems to be the problem here, sir?" One questioned firmly while the other one was assessing the situation.

"This woman here won't allow me to see Mr. Stark. You see, I have his kid and am willing to return him to his father for a price. After all, my wife and I deserve some sort of compensation for keeping the ungrateful brat all these years. I have to work hard to provide my family a good life and I cannot afford to have a freeloader stealing food out of my own son's mouth and from what I understand the boy will be taken care of here. And this woman is refusing to allow us to see him."

It would have been the first considerate thing his uncle had ever said on behalf of his well being but the glint in his uncle's beady eyes told Harry all he needed to know.

"Do you have an appointment?" The man looking speculatively at Harry, with the other one was looking intently at him as if trying to commit his physical appearance to memory. Neither sparing his uncle a glance.

"No. As I was telling the secretary I don't need an appointment. I have proof." Vernon said triumphantly knowing they would want to see the proof for themselves.

"Proof you say? What proof? I am afraid we are going to need a bit more than just your word that this young man is Mr. Stark's son." One man demanded while the other continued to look critically at the skinny boy before weighing in. "All I see is a skinny kid who looks like he could use a couple good meal and an obese child who looks like he could go without a few." He said with a shrug, not overly worried about his uncle's temper.

"I will only show the proof when I talk to Mr. Stark! And I cannot help my nephew is so picky. He doesn't eat anything my wife cooks for him and as for my son, well, he's big boned just like his old man." The rotund man said chuckling thinking he was easing his way into taking control of the situation.

The two men, Clark and Fitzgerald did not seem impressed or amused in the slightest. "Then I am afraid we cannot allow you to see Mr. Stark or any of his associates then. Without showing us viable proof first or if you are not willing to allow the boy to have a paternity test then we have no choice but to escort you, your family and the boy out. If you will kindly follow me."
"Now hold on a second! I did not travel all this way from London just to be turned down. I refuse to take this boy with my family to Hawaii. He is disruptive enough and cost me a whole plane ticket! I will not have him ruining any more of my holidays and costing me another ticket! No sir, I won't! Have him take the bloody test if that is what it takes to get him away from my family."

The woman behind the desk pressed her lips together firmly typing something rapidly into the computer before nodding at the two men. "Fayge has been notified and will be ready shortly."

"Very well. We shall escort you but I will warn you now, this one time: if at any time you cause a disruption," The man peered sternly at the Brit and each member of his family including the scrawny boy, although his gaze at Harry was was more of a sideways glance, "then I will not hesitate to send you packing. Understood?"

Petunia spoke up for the first time since entering the building "We understand." She said tightly while shooting her husband a look telling him not to push it. She wanted the brat gone as much as he did but if they got kicked out then it was unlikely they would get another chance to get rid of the boy without flat out abandoning him on the streets. So, for now, they would have to put up with the insufferable people and their demands.

With everyone carrying their own suitcases (as unfortunately the boy had his own to carry and couldn't carry any of theirs and they sure didn't want to carry anything of his) the process up to the room set up specifically for paternity test was very slow. The security guards raised an eyebrow at the caged owl but did not say anything, thankfully.

Eventually, one of the security guards showed Harry to a low swivel-like stool in the corner of the room and demanded that he take a seat while the other guard was doing the same to the Dursleys on the other side of the room. For the first time since they exited the taxi, Harry felt he could finally breathe.

He looked everywhere but at his relatives, trying to take in the room and wonder why the woman downstairs had immediately assumed they were here for a paternity test. Did a lot of people come here for a paternity test then? Why did they? Why was the Dursley's so insistent that he was this man's son?

And what would happen if Harry wasn't Mr. Stark's son? What would happen if Harry was Mr. Stark's son?

"The doctor will be in in a moment to get the necessary samples. In the meantime, I suggest you inform us what proof you think you have that has led you to believe that this boy is Mr. Stark's son. As I am afraid we cannot just take your word for it." The man's tone brooked no argument and for once even his uncle had enough sense about him not to further press the matter.

"I uncovered a letter that belonged to my sister saying that she had had an affair with a man named Tony Stark. Unfaithful little witch she was. Unfaithful and a freak. Of course, I wouldn't dream of cheating on my husband, but, of course, perfect little Lily would doing something like that, just for attention, that freak." The woman said spitefully with a haughty sniff as if even after ten years it made her feel like a bigger woman to degrade her sister.

"Be what it may ma'am I am still unclear as to what proof you have that this boy…. What's your name son?" The man directed the last question towards him in a slightly kinder tone.

"Harry. Harry Potter sir." the boy said so softly had the man not been standing practically right beside him he would have never heard.
"-That Harry here is Mr. Stark's son."

"He is, I tell you!" His aunt insisted. "Just do the test and you'll see. All of you will see that he is the man's son and therefore his responsibility and no longer ours."

"Dursley" his aunt snapped shrewishly.

"Mrs. Dursley" The man amended, "please rest assured that if his boy here is really Mr. Stark's son then you need not worry about ever seeing him again. Mr. Stark will gladly take on responsibility for the boy and relieve you of that burden as you and your husband put it. Now I believe the doctor is almost ready to get things moving along so if you will..."
Sure enough, a balding man in his mid-fifties came walking into the room in one hand he carried a small container and the other a wrapped package.

"Now what's this I hear about you folks needing a paternity test." The man who had yet to introduce himself said good-naturedly to the crowd, not seemingly perturbed by the tense atmosphere in the room.

"My nephew," Petunia Dursley jabbing a finger towards Harry making sure to clear any possible misgivings between her son and nephew, "is Mr. Stark's son but since no one here is willing to take mine or my husband's word for it we are submitting to a paternity test on the boy."

Between his aunt and uncle, they must've repeated those lines ten times by now.

"Hmm, very well then." He spoke aloud to the room before turning his attention directly to the black haired boy in front of him. "Why don't we start out by introducing ourselves since I doubt your parents really named you "Nephew"."

"M'name's Harry sir." The twelve-year-old said slightly louder this time, sending a wary glance towards his uncle who was giving him a hard look silently warning him not to screw things up.
"Well nice to meet you, Harry. Much better name than nephew don't you think? I am Doctor Connor Fayge but please call me Conner, or just Fayge if you want. None of that Doctor stuff, it makes me feel old. Speaking of which, how old are you?" The man said in an attempt to relax the child in front of him. Seeing that Harry wasn't going to relax even after he responded to the question, Connor sighed and began explaining what he'd be doing. "I'm just be doing a couple of quick tests to gather enough DNA samples. Let's see…. first, we'll do the Buccal Swab I think." He muttered to himself softly as he started reaching for the canister. Turning back he took in the boy's apprehensive look, Connor gave Harry a quick smile in an attempt to reassure the child.

"There, there Harry. No need to look quite so frightened. This test, at least, won't hurt a bit, I promise you. All I am going to do is insert this Q-Tip into your mouth and rub it against your cheek. Now if you'll open your mouth a bit for me…"
Tentatively Harry opened his mouth. "A bit wider than that Harry please, I've got to see what I'm doing. Very good Harry!" the man exclaimed after Harry felt something brush against the inside of his cheek, it must've been the Q-Tip before extracting it and placing it into the container and applying the lid noticing the boy's blush at the praise and his refusal to meet his eye. Connor frowned slightly at the boy's slightly odd behavior. Harry's eyes frequently strayed behind him to his uncle, on occasion Connor himself would glance at the overweight man only to find a permanent scowl on his face.

Making a further attempt to distract the child in front of him, Connor snapped the tourniquet loudly. It worked like a charm and once he had gained Harry's undivided attention he spoke softly and soothingly.

"Now I am going to need you to roll up your sleeve for the next part Harry. I don't really see the necessity in this next one myself, at least at the moment, but your aunt and uncle want to make absolutely certain that we cover all aspects now so there's no dispute later. You'll be fine though. There we go."
Connor continued softly speaking only loud enough for Harry and the guard not watching the Dursley's to hear.

"This one is simple enough, all I am going to do is tie this tourniquet around your arm just above your elbow and ask you to make a fist for me. It might feel a bit tight but I promise it'll be over soon and I can go and start getting the samples tested. And if things turn out how I hope they do then will get you reunited with your Papa in no time."

Harry watched as the man slipped the rubber piece of material around his bicep and tied a knot. Harry instinctively went to pull away but his wrist was caught gently by the doctor.

"It's all right. I warned you it'd be a bit tight but if you could go ahead and make a tight fist with your hand I can find a vain and draw the blood. I promise afterward I'll take it right off, what do you say Harry?"

Harry said nothing and averted his eyes, wincing at the piercing he felt as the needle was inserted into his skin once the man counted to three. He was so glad needles weren't necessary in the wizarding world.

"Aaand done! See! nothing to it, just like I said. Well, let me just take this off seeing as how we won't be needing it anymore and I'll go and check to see if we can't find ourselves a match." While patting Harry on the knee reassuringly.

Pocketing the vial and disposing of the syringe after placing a cap on it and taking the swabbed sample of Harry's cheek the kind doctor spoke to the rest of the room's occupance.

"It is going to take a couple of hours to run the test and get the results so you are more than welcome to stay here or I am sure these gentlemen wouldn't mind escorting you to get a quick bite to eat. I will, of course, wait for you get back before I share the results with anyone else."
"What makes you think we are going to be going anywhere?" Vernon challenged while getting out of his seat causing the security guards to shift from foot to foot wanting to nothing more than to toss him out of the building but not having a viable excuse to do so.

"Well, Mr." Connor glanced at one of the men in question,

"Dursley." The man supplied while keeping a close eye on the beefy man waiting for him to step one toe out of line.

"Well Mr. Dursley, seeing as I have just drawn some of your nephew's blood I was just suggesting grabbing a bite to eat as some people find they feel better once they have eaten something. Some people feel squeamish when it comes to blood and eating something can help. While it doesn't appear that this is the case with young Harry here, a bit of food won't harm him since he's a growing boy and all. Besides boys, his age are usually pretty big eaters. I am sure something for your son could be found as well." Connor said while eyeing the other boy with something akin to disgust. It was obvious the other boy was a big eater. Connor wondered if at any point the other boy had ever taken food away from Harry. A boy that size most surely did, perhaps on a daily basis.

"Oh I am sure he'll be all right won't you boy?" The look on his uncle's face dared Harry to disagree with him.

"I am fine. I'm not hungry anyway I had a big breakfast." Harry said softly while breaking his uncle's gaze by looking down at his worn out sneakers. It wasn't exactly a lie but considering it was approaching nine at night it was highly doubtful that any breakfast of any sizable proportion would hold anyone up for that long, much less a growing boy.

"Well if you're sure you're not hungry." He said uncertainty, doubt evident in his tone, while shooting a glance towards one of the men he knew as Clark, (The man gave a slight nod in recognition to what the doctor needed. To which Connor relaxed a fraction.) "then you and your relatives are more than welcome to go back to the lobby and wait. There is a coffee machine and a snack bar should any of you begin to feel hungry then just help yourselves. I will, of course, be down to go over the results of the test once I have received the results."

With that Connor gave Harry's shoulder a gentle squeeze. It was the same shoulder that his uncle had been squeezing so Harry gave a flinch at the unwelcomed touch.

Connor frowned at this before sighing. At this point, there was really nothing he could do until he got the results. He could always contact the local authorities if Harry proved not to be Tony's son, just to get him away from his Aunt and Uncle who clearly wanted nothing more than to be rid of him, it would be well within his duty. But Conner hoped he wouldn't have to. He hoped now, more than ever, that there was a match. Although shy, Conner felt that Harry was a nice boy and a special one at that. Of course, any son of Tony's was bound to be special.

Something was clearly wrong here, Connor just knew it, but he couldn't just go and accuse them of abusing the child no matter how much they appeared to want to get rid of him on suspicion alone. And to get the authorities involved would bound to be a traumatic experience for the boy.

He hoped that the boy would be a match to his boss. It did help that there were some similarities between his boss and the boy but it would take more than just facial similarities to get the child away from his relatives. A lot more sadly.

This was going to be a long couple of hours but he felt better knowing that Clark and Fitzgerald were going to be keeping a sharp eye on the Dursley's and their nephew. If necessary they would intervene should the Uncle become rowdy.

While Connor Fayge was waiting for the lab results he called left a message for Pepper Potts' his bosses assistant, and the CEO of his boss's company.

"Hey Pepper, it's Connor. I am currently running the lab results for another paternity test. Yes I know, they're still coming in- but I think it might actually be a match this time. I seriously hope so, the poor boy cannot be living a happy life where he's at, that much is for sure. Anyway, if you could meet me down in the lobby when I present the results I'd appreciate it. They should be ready in another half-hour or so. I currently have Clark and Fitzgerald keeping an eye on them as I do not like the Uncle character nor do I trust the wife. Anyway, I'd better go and check to see how things are progressing. See you soon."

With that, he ended the message and walked back to the swab sample reading the results.

He was mildly surprised but the surprise was easily outweighed by happiness. It was a match! He legitimately had the proof needed to get Harry away from his relatives. Now he had to just wait for the blood sample come back as a match as he was certain it would.

Around fifteen minutes prior to receiving the last of the results Pepper Potts came walking into the lab.
"I got your call. So you think you've finally found a match, eh? How much are they wanting?"
"I don't know, my main concern was easing Harry's fears."

"Fears? Is he afraid of needles?"
"Needles. His uncle and quite possibly his aunt too. I gather he's afraid of pretty much everything." Connor said with a shrug while turning his attention back to the polymerase chain. It was almost done and from what he could tell it was also showing a 50/50 match in the DNA.

"His uncle?" Pepper said concerned having an idea as to where this conversation was going but hoping she was somehow wrong.

"Yes, when you meet him you'll understand what I mean. The guy's a downright bully."

"A bully or an abuser?"

"Definitely a bully, but he appears the type who would be verbally abusive in the very least sense. I haven't seen so many outward signs of physical abuse but there are some things that concern me. I will, of course, want to check him out completely now that it is proven that he is Tony's son."

"What things? I will need to know so that I can tell Tony when he gets back from saving the city. And what about his aunt?"
"The wary glances he kept sending his uncle, the flinches when I touched him and other small things that most people would probably ignore but as I am a doctor it's my duty to notice these things and report them. The man pretty much had the poor boy pinned under a glare the whole time I was doing the woman doesn't appear to be as bad as the uncle, but I doubt she truly cares for the boy either. Their son, Harry's cousin, on the other hand… suffers from a different kind of abuse." Connor shook his head sadly, "Overindulgence. That can be almost as bad as neglect or other forms of child abuse. I honestly don't know which is worse at this point. I'd actually be inclined to say, that their son is worse off because at least we can get Harry away from them."

Pepper sighed heavily, "You really think he's being abused don't you?"

"I cannot doubt what I have witnessed, but I don't suppose it really matters now. There is no way Tony's going to let his son stay with them now."

"No, that man is going to want him here with him where he belongs." Pepper said with a slight smile.
Together the two of them walked in companionable silence towards the lobby. While their work paths did not often cross, both held a mutual respect for the other and had been under Stark's employment long enough to get to know each other well enough. Though thankfully, not too well as their paths only seemed to cross when Tony was sick or injured.

By the time the elevator doors opened a little over two and a half hours after Connor had taken the necessary samples, he found himself in the presence of his boss's son- now having confirmation himself- and the boy's loveless guardians.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dursley may I introduce Mr. Stark's assistant and CEO of Stark Industries, Ms. Potts."
"Finally! About time I meet someone who can take the boy off of our hands." Said Vernon almost gloatingly.

"Let me guess, the test came back and proved what my wife and I have been saying all along. Well boy, what'd I tell you? I told you, I did. Now, this is all fine and dandy, but before I just allow you to just waltz off with the boy we need to discuss payment."

Pepper had been prepared for this. That was why Connor called her in the first place. It was only natural to assume that the boy's current guardian would want some kind of monetary compensation. Why did you think they had so many paternity tests coming in? So many people wanted a piece of Stark's empire that they were willing to make a fool of themselves by claiming their son, daughter, niece or nephew was the child of Stark. There had never been anything that had even hinted that Stark had a child but once one person claimed Stark of being the father of their child, well the floodgates opened. And when word got out that Tony did actually have a son, who knew how many hundreds of people would make a claim that their child or a relative was another long-lost son or daughter of Tony Stark.

"Nobody mentioned anything about any monetary compensation Mr. Dursley. While I am sure Mr. Stark will be grateful for you opening up your home to his son I do not believe this calls for any monetary compensation do you? Anyone with any heart would want to take in a recently orphaned toddler and ensure his safety, the thought of you doing the right thing should be compensation enough."

"He stole food from my own son he did! I have provided for him for the last ten years and I will not be leaving this place without some compensation for all my wife and I have done for the fre-boy! We gave him hot meals, a roof over his head and a bed to sleep in."

"Of course you did Mr. Dursley. That is what guardians do." Pepper said calmly while shooting Connor a look. Fitzgerald inched closer to the man, obviously sensing the man's displeasure. While Clark looked mildly disgusted at the things the man was saying.

"Mr. Stark will be back sometime tomorrow so I would suggest that you come back tomorrow and discuss monetary compensation with him."
"I just told you I will not be leaving until I get paid for taking him in!"
"Rest assure, Mr. Dursley, you will get the payment you so adamantly demand, but only Mr. Stark can decide how much he is willing to give you and because you did not set up an appointment beforehand, tomorrow evening will be the earliest he will likely be able to see you."
"We have a flight to Hawaii tomorrow! I won't cancel my flight just because he cannot meet us now. You work for him, so just give us the ruddy money so that I can take my wife and son to a hotel and we can get some sleep."
"Tomorrow, Mr. Dursley," Pepper said firmly. "Harry will be staying tonight, and that is final. Come along, dear." Pepper said trying to usher the boy away from his irate uncle with little success.

"He won't be going anywhere with you until I get my hands on that money! He'll be coming back to the hotel with me, my wife and son and-"
"Mr. Dursley. I urge you to consider what you are implying here-"

"He won't be staying! He's my nephew until I get the money."
Clark and Fitzgerald took a step closer to Vernon prepared to subdue the man if necessary. While Connor stepped in trying to calm the situation down before it escalated any further.

"With the paternity test complete Mr. Dursley, Harry is no longer your responsibility. He's wellbeing now falls onto his father, Mr. Stark. If you choose to take Harry with you, then we will contact the police file charges, and among the charges will be kidnapping. I can guarantee that your face will the on the cover of every newspaper in America tomorrow- and likely the world- if you leave with the boy now."

"But Mr. Stark isn't here right now is he? You said yourself he wouldn't be back until tomorrow. Until then-"
"At that point, Mr. Dursley, Harry's safety and wellbeing falls on us as his father's Physician and the company's CEO." Interrupted Connor smoothly, although the man in front of him was starting to get on his last nerve.
Petunia spoke out at last. "The freak's not worth it Vernon. Just let it go and will be back tomorrow to collect the cash. Take the ungrateful freak. Here! Let his father see what a difficult child he is! And you make sure to tell him: that when he finds out that the boy is more trouble than he's worth, he had better not be calling us up for us to take him back!" She said while pushing the boy towards the two people before turning to grab her purse and making a grab for her carry-on.

"Duddikums, sweetheart, we're leaving now." Petunia called out in a far more kinder tone than she had just been using previously.

Harry glanced warily over at his cousin and sure enough, the boy had all but robbed the snack stand of all its sweets.

"But muuum, I wasn't finished! I'm still eating and I'm still hungry." Dudley whined. Angry at being interrupted.

"Oh sweetheart, of course, you're still hungry, you are a growing boy after all. What about this, you can take that sticky-bun with you and eat it on the way back to the hotel. How does that sound? And then, when we get checked in, we can go get that pizza you wanted earlier."

"Can I take two for the ride?" Dudley asked as his triple chin bounced in tune with every word and chew.

"A fine idea Dudley, why I was just getting ready to suggest that very idea. Come on now son. Let's get out of here." Vernon said while slinging an arm around his son's beefy shoulders.

Harry stayed back and watched the only family he'd ever known leave, luggage in tow, him here with two practical strangers.

The doctor had been kind to him but he didn't really know the man and sure did not know the woman. He looks anxiously between the two.

"Well hello, again Harry. Now that we know who your daddy is, I'd like to introduce you to your papa's right-hand woman, Mrs. Potts." Connor said causing Pepper to roll her eyes.

"Please Harry, call me Pepper. It's wonderful to meet you. Connor told me you haven't had anything since breakfast this morning so why don't we go upstairs and have JARVIS order us something okay?" The woman, Pepper, sounded just about as exhausted as Harry felt.