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![]() Author has written 4 stories for Naruto, and Bleach. Age: Old enough to drink legally. Gender: Male Astrological sign: Leo Likes: Reading, Writing, Fan fics, Alternative rock, College BB, NFL Football, Texas Hold-em Poker, Barbeque, Yuri, Dogs, and many, many other things that I will probably add over the coming months. Dislikes: Commercials, Hot and Humid Weather, Twitter, The Economy, NY Yankees, Jay Leno, Hilary Clinton, Yaoi, Cats, and many, many other things that I will probably add over the coming months. Link to the thief's story who plagiarized my work. http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/9091485/2/the-werewolf-ninja Kingkakashi's 10 picks for the Hottest Anime Girls Poll: (Naruto) Hinata Hyuga (Naruto) Kurenai Yuuhi (Bleach) Rangiku Matsumoto (Bleach) Orohime Inoue (Tenjho Tenge) Maya Natsume (Dead or Alive) Kasumi (Yu-Gi-Oh GX) Alexis Rhodes (Cowboy Bebop) Faye Valentine (Ghost in the Shell) Motoko Kusanagi (Neon Genesis Evangelion) Misato Katsuragi Picture links to all the girls listed on the poll are at the bottom of my profile page. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Favorite Anime's (in no particular order) Naruto Bleach DragonBall Z YuYu Hakusho Cowboy Bebop One Piece Neon Genesis Evangelion Samurai Champloo Ruroni Kenshin Full Metal Alchemist Gunslinger Girl Big O XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Favorite Naruto Pairings 1. NarutoxHinata (The best pairing for Naruto there is)
2. KakashixKurenai 3. JiraiyaxTsunade XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Worst Naruto Pairings 1. NejixHinata 1a. SasukexHinata 2. NarutoxSakura 3. AsumaxKurenai 4. KibaxHinata 5. Any yaoi pairing XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Best TV Sci-Fi Shows of all Time (in no particular order) Star Trek (The Original) Babylon 5 Firefly Battlestar Galactica (New) Farscape Red Dwarf Lexx Eureka Futurama Stargate SG-1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Link to Joanna Krupa Pictures: Link to the new story being cowritten by myself and Hefster(formely Zombie Hefster): http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5463972/1/Supreme_Genetics_Creation_of_a_Bloodline Link to what Hinata looked like when Sakura saw her Picture: http:///albums/e340/jessica_9oneone/Hinata.jpg Link to the new story being cowritten by myself and Neonzangetsu: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/4455744/1/My_Purpose_What_is_my_Purpose Link to a cute picture of Nel inmy revised story Do I Have A Purpose Anymore?: http:///gallery/25619671?offset=24# XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX POLL INFORMATION Due to some anime's which had numerous women to choose from like Bleach, Bible Black, Naruto, Sailor Moon, etc. I was forced to limit the number of girls from those anime's to a maximum of 5 of my choice. I realize the five I have chosen may not be the same five you would have chosen, but they are who I have decided upon for each of those anime's case closed. The reason I limited the number is because I wanted to include as many different girls and anime's as I possibly could to get what I consider a very strong cross-section of women for the poll. Hopefully, I've succeeded in this? You can vote for a maximum of 10 women, so please have fun while voting and creating your own personal Top 10! A few words about the pictures used for the poll. I tried my best and spent several hours combing through several picture and images sites trying to find what I considered quality pictures to best show off each girl. However, if any of you feel the picture I've used for a girl isn't good enough or you think you know of a better one to use, please feel free to send me a pm with the direct link to this picture and I will take a look at it. If I agree with you, I will edit the photo link for said girl to show the new picture. Please no hentai pictures. I'm not against hentai, in fact I enjoy it. But ffnet would never allow a link to a hentai picture anyway. The Picture Links for the poll voting are listed alphabetically by anime show below: Please report any non working picture links to me via a PM. Ah My Goddess - Belldandy Picture Link: http:///albums/h170/paulogwapo123/amg_29_800.jpg Ah My Goddess - Urd Picture Link: http:///albums/p121/Akira_Tonaka/Urd.gif Air Gear - Simca Picture Link: http:///albums/rr17/Yasashiku24/airgear.jpg Battle Vixens - Sonsaku Hakufu Picture Link: http:///albums/ll50/Lugh02/Ikkitousen_0_by_samurai4ya.jpg Battle Vixens - Kanu Unchou Picture Link: http:///albums/uu35/Hawker_Hurricane/Ikkitousen/723a7aea.jpg Battle Vixens - Ryofu Housen Picture Link: http:///albums/tt169/Moojin_2009/5c750217b34d1c5e4332ace63d5d314893f.jpg Battle Vixens - Ryomou Shimei Picture Link: http:///img98/6034/ryomou00pf9.jpg Bible Black - Kurumi Imari Picture Link: http:///kurumi/51-822426/ Bible Black - Yukiko Minase Picture Link: http:///azaz/51-684019/ Bible Black - Hiroko Takashiro Picture Link: http:///bible_black_www/51-311044/ Bible Black - Rika Shiraki Picture Link: http:///bible_black_www/51-311095/ Bible Black - Kaori Saeki Picture Link: http:///forumtopic-1196/your-top-5-hottest-anime-girls/?fpid=5526266 Big O - Angel Picture Link: http:///img143/8432/angel1ni4.jpg Bleach - Rangiku Matsumoto Picture Link: http:///albums/q304/kaliman99/Echi/matsumoto.jpg Bleach - Yoruichi Shihoin Picture Link: http:///img100/6883/bleachecchi0002atd61uy3.jpg Bleach - Orohime Inoue Picture Link: http:///img126/1738/orihime47ov8.jpg Bleach - Soi Fong Picture Link: http:///albums/t46/ashleyjordanbrown2/Cute/SoiFong3.jpg Bleach - Rukia Kuchiki Picture Link: http:///albums/uu179/mai-1/rukia/rukisece.jpg Code Geass - C.C. Picture Link: http:///img214/241/3vjlkv3.jpg Chrono Crusade - Rosette Christopher Picture Link: http:///albums/x84/yoyosalzi/chrono-crusade-rosette-christopher.jpg Claymore - Teresa Picture Link: http:///img147/6578/7402746375963336881600xbq0.jpg Cowboy Bebop - Faye Valentine Picture Link: http:///img249/6668/cbfaye0135ah5.jpg D.Gray-Man - Lenalee Picture Link: http:///img249/7325/092dgrayman.jpg DBZ - Android 18 Picture Link: http:///art/Android-18-in-bikini-69963976 DBZ - Videl Picture Link: http:///albums/ae169/Visored_grunt_R34/Anime/Babes/Dragonball/Dragon_Ball_Z_Videl_by_Balnazar.png Dead or Alive - Kasumi Picture Link: http:///albums/pp201/purple_amethyst1992/kasumi.jpg DearS- Ren Picture Link: http:///img257/323/n1yk1.jpg Death Note - Misa Amane Picture Link: http:///albums/ii114/lttlegurl/Misa_Amane_by_AnemonesFallenAngel.jpg Divergence Eve - Misaki Kureha Picture Link: http:///albums/qq17/alchemistx4/misaki1.jpg Divergence Eve - Suzanna Bluestein Picture Link: http:///albums/dd23/WarSparton/divergence-eve-8222.jpg Divergence Eve - Kiri Marialate Picture Link: http:///albums/r277/Robo-Demon/AnimePaper_Divergence-Eve.jpg Fatal Fury/TKoF - Mai Shiranui Picture Link: http:///img92/1483/top1091in.jpg Fate/Stay Night - Saber Picture Link: http:///albums/q439/fire_dz/saber-lily.jpg Final Fantasy VII - Tifa Lockhart Picture Link: http:///albums/o137/jacksoku/tifa/rainbow346225.jpg Full Metal Alchemist - Winry Rockbell Picture Link: http:///img132/8933/winryfullmetalalchemist.jpg Full Metal Alchemist - Lust Picture Link: http:///img250/9981/lust112e41bj7.jpg Full Metal Alchemist - Riza Hawkeye Picture Link: http:///albums/ae169/Visored_grunt_R34/Anime/Babes/Riza-Hawkeye-Fullmetal-Alchemist-fe.jpg Full Metal Panic - Kaname Chidori Picture Link: http:///albums/uu35/Hawker_Hurricane/Ecchi/23acc79f.jpg Ghost in the Shell - Motoko Kusanagi Picture Link: http:///albums/aa13/HockeyFan7/motoko-2.jpg Girls Bravo - Maharu Sena Kanaka Picture Link: http:///albums/ac154/Nachigo/Maharu_Sena_Kanaka.png Godannar - Shizuru Fujimura Picture Link: http:///albums/dd286/GalStyx/MinitokyoAnimeWallpapersGodannar_28.jpg Gundam 00 - Sumeragi Ri Noriega Picture Link: http:///art/Sumeragi-Lee-Noriega-Wall-01-129638700 G Gundam - Rain Mikamura Picture Link: http:///albums/v130/crapitalism/Stuff/rain.jpg Gundam Seed - Meer Campbell Picture Link: http:///albums/nn123/obelisk69/03ps0.png Gundam Seed Destiny- Stellar Loussier Picture Link: http:///albums/kk46/punkztah_69/Stellar.jpg Gurren Lagann- Yoko Picture Link: http:///albums/s339/Mrlee3077/GurrenLagannYokoMotivator.jpg Hellsing - Victoria Seras Picture Link: http:///albums/u5/lantere/Anime/Hellsing005.jpg Inuyasha - Kagome Higurashi Picture Link: http:///albums/af120/master112394/Anime/untitled11.jpg Inuyasha - Sango Picture Link: http:///albums/aa227/toothpasteforbreakfast/sango.jpg Inuyasha - Kikyo Picture Link: http:///albums/s321/Kushina15/inuyasha/kikyo-1.jpg Inuyasha - Kagura Picture Link: http:///albums/zz97/Kaze-Tsukai/Kagura/Kagurakickassness.jpg Kiddy Grade - Éclair Picture Link: http:///albums/vv355/Im_Eclair/AnimePaperscans_Kiddy-Grade_miky110.jpg Love Hina - Naru Narusegawa Picture Link: http:///img256/7526/lovehinawallpaper32yt.jpg Lupin the 3rd Fujiko Mine Picture Link: http:///albums/ae169/Visored_grunt_R34/Anime/Babes/FujikoMinelupinsexyhentaioppaipants.gif Maburaho - Kuriko Kazetsubaki Picture Link: http:///img.php?loc=loc211ℑ=61629_Minitokyo.Maburaho.Scans_285494_122_211lo.jpg Mai-HIME - Mai Tokiha Picture Link: http:///albums/cc195/Ulquiorrra/MaiTokihahentaiecchipicture02.jpg Mai-HIME - Natsuki Kuga Picture Link: http:///art/Natsuki-Kuga-80855483 Naruto - Hinata Hyuga Picture Link: http:///albums/e340/jessica_9oneone/Hinata.jpg Naruto - Kurenai Yuuhi Picture Link: http:///art/Kurenai-88144082 Naruto - Anko Mitarashi Picture Link: http:///art/Anko-ver-2009-139812639 Naruto - Ino Yamanaka Picture Link: http:///albums/l356/XXShaunie-chanXX/ino/Sexy-Ino.jpg Naruto - Temari Sabaku Picture Link: http:///albums/ad65/neko_slave_qwerty7/Konachancom-51097bikininarutoswimsu.png Neon Genesis Evangelion - Misato Katsuragi Picture Link: http:///albums/uu35/Hawker_Hurricane/Evangelion/58f2c0e1.jpg Neon Genesis Evangelion - Rei Ayanami Picture Link: http:///art/Rei-137030559 Neon Genesis Evangelion - Asuka Langley Picture Link: http:///albums/ss110/enriquebalin/00093-1109060783795.jpg Neon Genesis Evangelion - Ritsuko Akagi Picture Link: http:///img13/4952/ritsuko20.jpg Noir - Mireille Bouquet Picture Link: http:///albums/rr149/BloodyBuffy89/MireilleBouquet-1.jpg One Piece - Nami Picture Link: http:///img167/9782/namiiixv7.png One Piece – Nico Robin Picture Link: http:///albums/ee324/D-64/nico.jpg Onegai Teacher - Mizuho Kazami Picture Link: http:///albums/hh33/terrorfromabove/Anime/Hentai/MizuhoKazami.jpg Outlaw Star - Melfina Picture Link: http:///albums/qq339/LoomieB/harryandmelfina.jpg Queens Blade - Airi Picture Link: http:///img41/3996/queensblade051920x15363.png RosarioVampire - Moka Akashiya Picture Link: http:///img517/5788/moka1jb2.jpg RosarioVampire - Kurumu Kurono Picture Link: http:///img389/5849/mukuru.jpg Rune Soldier - Melissa Picture Link: http:///albums/ii93/RuneSoldierz/RuneSoldier5.jpg Rurouni Kenshin - Kaoru Kamiya Picture Link: http:///img168/4155/rkkenshin130.jpg Rurouni Kenshin - Megumi Takani Picture Link: http:///albums/f136/maelyka/wallpaper08a.jpg Rurouni Kenshin - Misao Makimachi Picture Link: http:///art/Misao-Wallpaper-8033915 Sailor Moon - Usagi Tsukino Picture Link: http:///img512/3007/5bimage5d20sailor20moonie5.jpg Sailor Moon - Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury) Picture Link: http:///img512/8646/5bimage5d20sailor20moonel9.jpg Sailor Moon - Rei Hino (Sailor Mars) Picture Link: http:///img81/5553/sailormoon0056ro.jpg Sailor Moon - Makoto Kino (Sailor Jupiter) Picture Link: http:///img227/3851/5bimage5d20sailor20moonar8.jpg Sailor Moon - Minako Aino (Sailor Venus) Picture Link: http:///img512/817/5bimage5d20sailor20moonav2.jpg School Rumble - Yakumo Tsukamoto Picture Link: http:///albums/gg162/Gothic_neko_girl/yakumo2.jpg School Rumble - Eri Sawachika Picture Link: http:///albums/kk46/punkztah_69/Eri2.jpg School Rumble - Tenma Tsukamoto Picture Link: http:///albums/ac266/Kyon012345/Anime/top5zy1.jpg Steel Angel Kurumi - Kurumi Picture Link: http:///img216/6473/kurumi01copy5kc.png Tenjho Tenge - Aya Natsume Picture Link: http:///albums/vv211/El_viteh/037-11.jpg Tenjho Tenge - Maya Natsume Picture Link: http:///img239/4838/walltenjoutengenatsumemdl7.jpg Tokko - Kureha Suzuka Picture Link: http:///img204/9162/image7rp2.png Tokko - Sakura Rokujoou Picture Link: http:///albums/vv350/Gits66/Tokko/Tokkou6.jpg Vandread - Barnette Orangello Picture Link: http:///albums/ae169/Visored_grunt_R34/Anime/Babes/Vandread/347041474.jpg Vandread - Jura Basil Elden Picture Link: http:///albums/cc141/searenox/Vandread/vandread4.jpg Vandread - Meia Gisborn Picture Link: http:///images/3237247/3237247 Vandread - Dita Liebely Picture Link: http:///albums/uu35/Hawker_Hurricane/Ecchi/58bd9a42.jpg You're Under Arrest - Natsumi Tsujimoto Picture Link: http:///img102/7199/natsumi073rh.jpg You're Under Arrest - Miyuki Kobayakawa Picture Link: http:///albums/gg14/zenamako/miyuki.jpg Yu-Gi-Oh - Mai Valentine Picture Link: http:///albums/ae169/Visored_grunt_R34/Anime/Babes/sexygirl28MaiValentine29_188209514.jpg Yu-Gi-Oh GX - Alexis Rhodes Picture Link: http:///art/Alexis-Rhodes-140263153 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Notice: The afforementioned awards listed below is from last year 2008 and not the current one going on this year. I have no idea if this current one is a scam or not. The following message merely speaks of the first of these "Award Shows." It has come to my attention from several of my readers and other authors over the past few months that the Naruto Fanfiction Readers Choice Awards, presented by FF author Jesse Briceno is a scam. I recieved a PM from another nominated author saying Jesse Briceno had given like half the awards to himself and his stories and the other half to his friend's stories. (What a shock!) Sorry to all of those people who took their time to vote for my story and the stories from other authors I recommended. I'll be removing all mention of this bogus awards deal from my previous chapters in the next few days. Once again, my apologies. Kingkakashi |