Disclaimer: I don't own anything unless it's original.
Kishimoto slowly walks down the street after the manga saying that Hinata had been murdered came out…
Naruto comes out of thin air by a Teleportation jutsu and pushes a Rasengan through the evil writer's head. He growls, "That is for Hinata."
Rewind a few seconds before:
Captain Jack Sparrow steps out of an alley and impales the writer with his sword. "Evil creep," he grunts as he yanks the sword from the man's gut and leaves him there to die.
Rewind a few seconds before that:
Godzilla zooms in on the newest manga being read in the shop that he is passing by and sees that Hinata is dead. He looks over to where Kishimoto is and vaporizes him with a beam of radioactive fire.
Rewind a few seconds before that:
Bruce Banner is sitting in the manga shop that Godzilla is about to pass by. He reads that Hinata has died. He goes Hulk and roars, "Hulk Smash little man!" He jumps through the roof and lands on Kishimoto's shoulders, driving him into the ground effortlessly.
Rewind a few seconds before that:
The space pirate from Tenshi gasps as she reads in her favorite manga series that her favorite character Hinata was killed. Ryaoka turns into a large space ship and they fly over to where Kishimoto is walking. They rain down energy beams on him, destroying him and the general area around him.
Rewind a few seconds before that:
Haruhi Suzumiya sits in the high school at the SOS Brigade's club room and reads that Hinata has died in the manga. Her eyes widen and she cries, "No! Not Hinata!" Three seconds later, the universe implodes.
Rewind a few seconds before that:
King Hawke sits in his castle with his queen and glares. He watches through a time/space vortex as Hinata is about to be killed. His mistresses focus their energies into the spell holding the rift open. He and the queen reach into the swirling energies and pull her out just in time to Mythra. King Hawke grins to his queen, "We have her. Mistresses, close that portal! We don't need the likes of her enemies following her." The mistresses nod as one and slam the portal shut. They all stand to welcome her.
Alternate Universe, a few seconds before that:
Hinata is about to be killed when the writer dies of a heart attack and a new writer continues, making it so she lives.
A few seconds before that:
The rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail jumps into the battle where Hinata is and kills all of her enemies before hopping away again.
A few seconds before that:
Kishimoto publishes the manga that says that Hinata died, and that night he is taken out by thousands of people dressed up like Naruto characters and they make him disappear after a short trial for murder for killing such a loved person as Hinata Hyuga.
A few seconds before that:
Kishimoto senses a disturbance in the balance of nature as he reads the manga that he wrote where Hinata died. A moment later, his head explodes and behind him at point blank range stands Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xander, and Willow. "You're as bad as the Judge for killing her!" Buffy declares. Xander and Willow agree as they all walk away from the corpse.
A moment later, Kishimoto crawls out of an alley. "Whew! I'm glad I had a stunt double," he sighs. Sabertooth rushes out of an alley and rips off his head.
The mutant growls, "Stunt doubles only work once." He stomps away furiously, holding his own copy of the manga.
A few seconds before that:
Kishimoto glances into a manga store to see his newest volume of Naruto that he wrote where Hinata died. He looks down to see several short Lego looking creatures standing around him. "Aren't you bionicle creatures?" he inquires.
They say, "We are the Bohrak Kal! Die for killing the Hyuga princess!" The black Bohrak Kal makes him too heavy to move. The white one pulverizes his bones with a sound blast. The blue one zaps him, several metal trash can lids being magnetized to him and knocking him to the ground. The brown one covers him in molten plasma. The red one zaps him with thousands of volts of electricity. In the end, he dies quite painfully.
A few seconds before that:
Q from Star Trek glares at the manga he is reading and simply wills Kishimoto out of existence. "Problem solved," he says contentedly.
A few seconds before that:
Yu-gi-oh cards shower from the sky around Kishimoto as he walks by with his newest manga in hand of when Hinata dies. The cards glow and shadow monsters swarm him, eating him quickly before he can react. His bones fall to the ground a moment later as the monsters retreat back to their cards and disappear.
A few seconds before that:
Kishimoto vanishes in a beam of light and reappears on the top of a huge pyramid. Surrounding him are billions of people in all directions. Standing beside him is the man from the movie The One. He shouts, "I will be the One!" Every man and woman from the prison planet swarms them, Kishimoto quickly dying as the Almost One guy fights them off easily.
A few seconds before that:
Toph the Earth Bender leans against the wall of the store and reads her Naruto manga, the pictures and words sticking off the page slightly so she can feel them and understand what is going on. She reads that her favorite character who she could relate to so much Hinata just died. She growls and looks over to see Kishimoto walking by. She stomps on the ground, sending him flying into the air. A huge hand of stone reaches out of the ground and grabs onto him. He is pulled deep underground and left there. Gaara steps out of the shadows and nods to Toph. She feels a kindred spirit and slowly grins, distracted from her manga. He comes closer and she feels his face. "I think I'm going to like you," she murmurs. Gaara raises an eyebrow but says nothing.
A few seconds before that:
Kishimoto walks out of his office and a huge boulder falls off of the doorsill somehow and lands on him. He's flattened instantly. The company cheers, recalls all the manga, and reprints it with Hinata somehow surviving.
Read and Review! These are just a few of the Fates that awaited the Killer of Hinata!