So...its been awhile since I've updated this story, truth be told, I just wrote this down as an idea. I have no idea where to go with this story, but...a few comments got me rolling again. Truth be told, I've taken on more than I can handle, I've had so many ideas that I posted and...wel i pretty much abandoned them. I'll try to get them back up and running, but...I've noticed my ideas are good but I cant properly write them down, it comes out rushed and my grammar isnt that good.

My current attention is on,

Hufflepuffs metamorphmagi

The four founders gifts

Red eyed sleeping dragon (kinda, still familiarizing myself with akame ga kill.)

Naruto Hyuga (Kinda, I didn't pay much attention to Naruto till shipuden.)

Days of future past

A different adventure

the ritual (kinda,its received good reviews so I'm reworking it into more than a one shot.)

And a different beginning (kinda...RWBY was better in the beginning, I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the new season yet.)

THIS DOES NOT MEAN IVE ABANDONED THE REST, it just means it will be sporadic updates.

Due to that, most updates will be along them, I have more ideas but I've just made notes of them and left them like that, so any other story, if you wish to use the idea, just let me know and mention me in the authors notes or something. Obviously, seeing as Hufflepuffs meta is getting close to done I will pick up another, but not till it is done. Sorry guys.

I dont own Harry Potter.

Harry looked at the boy standing next to Tonks, he felt a longing inside of him die, 'I guess Tonks and Remus hook up together' with a sigh be nodded, "nice to meet you kid, If madame Pomphrey will let me, Moody told me to use my broom against the dragon next week, so I've got to learn the summoning charm."

Both of the metamorphs eyes rose, "your going to use a wooden broom against a fire breathing beast? The moody I know would never recommend that." Tonks said.

Harry shrugged, "other than you Tonks, Hermione and Ginny are the only ones to be nice to me. I'll take what help I'll get."

Tonks face darkened, "what happened?"

Harry shrugged, "Ron, Seamus, and Dean all beat me up till I blacked out. Professor Mcgonagal found me and brought me here, apparantly they threw me in an abandoned classroom."

Teddy's eyes widened, "those two are the biggest wife beaters I've ever had the pleasure to meet. How are they still in school?"

Harry's eyes rose, "time travel I guess." Harry shrugged, "they haven't done anything anyone can prove yet."

Tonks grabbed Harry's shoulders, "nope, were not doing Moody's plan. I've got a better idea, first try parsletoungue. Most dragons are related to snakes."

Teddy, give your father the potion in your pocket.

Teddy looked around but saw no one, "here, drink this." He pulled a crystal clear vial in it."

Harry looked at it cautiously, "what is it?"

Teddy smiled at his dad showing something other than obedience, " It will take care of a few of your health issues."

Harry downed the potion and looked inquisitive, "treacle tarts? Never tasted a healing potion that tasted good."

Teddy smiled sadly, "in my time, child abuse victims were rampant. They had to make the potions taste good or they wouldn't have drank the potions."

Tonks looked at her future son, "you know, I'm still in shock that your here right now. Dont think it went through just yet. Why was child abuse so common that step was needed."

Teddy shrugged and watched as his father's muscle mass increased and his height increased, he watched the sickly hue he had vanish and saw his, now unsealed, magic begin working on his scars and bodily issues. The his eyes turned to the scar and he smirked as he watched it begin to glow and fade slightly. Turning to his mother, "it was after a war mum. The final year of the war, Voldemort took over the school. Rapes and teenage pregnancies were common. Susan Bones gave birth to two children. Both from scumbag boys, felt bad for her. Then the final battle happened in this school. Orphaning the children, Draco Malfoy took his father's place and nothing was ever done about it because he just bribed the new minister." Tonks looked disgusted, then her jaw dropped, quite literally due to her powers as she looked over to Harry.

Harry no longer needed to use his glasses and his hair was shifting rapidly, his scar had faded and she felt that just dreaming about him now would result in having to change her sheets. Then a massive pulse of magic erupted from Harry, a wave that cancelled all foreign magic inside of something. The numerous tracking charms inside of Harry were destroyed.


Every female in the school all felt a shiver run down there spines and only one didn't notice when blood started coming out of them.

Every girl except one Ginny Weasley ran to there dorms and downed a potion and the bleeding stopped almost immediately. As professor Mcgonagal was passing by a broom closet it started glowing blue and she suddenly heard the unmistakable moans of pleasure. She flung the door open on the students and yanked them apart. Ginny looked to be in bliss as clearly she had been a moment to early to stop the finish. Clothing both students she was going to send them to Albus when a voice in her head stopped her. 'Albus wont do anything but give them detention. I can punish them as deputy head.'

"Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Weasley. You are suspended for a week. No if and or buts, Ms. Weasley, you are to head to the healer and get a check up immediately."


Every student began experiencing doubts in Albus Dumbledores work and looked to him questioningly, especially as Both Professor Snape and Moody collapsed and held their right arms. Moody began to change appearance and then collapsed once everything about him changed, Snape managed to pull up a sleeve and stared in wonder as the dark mark began to fade. Unknown to him, his magic went with it.


As the magic touched the dark Mark's it traveled to everything connected to them and all the marked death eaters all experienced there Mark's fading and soon after found out they had become squibs. Narcissa Malfoy was the first to notice and she grinned Evilly as she began to hex her husband to next week and he couldn't defend himself.


Once the magical wave hit a certain diadem in the room of requirements a Gastly wail erupted and black smoke erupted out of it. The charms broke and Helena Ravenclaw, who was watching her mother's diadem in anger gasped as she felt the foreign magic in her mother's artifact die. She smiled as her family's heirloom had finally returned to what it was supposed to be. The wave of magic however again traveled through all of the items connected, a locket, a cup, a snake and a ring all erupted and the dark magic inside died. However when the last piece it was connected to was touched by the magic something happened and Tom Riddle, AKA lord Voldemort became fused with the body he had possessed. The greatest dark lord in history had become a simple house elf. (I dont know what the hell he had for a body in that year so in this story it's a house elf.)


Inside of the Hogwarts Barrier three curses died, a curse on a teaching position, a curse that sent the magic from the school to its headmaster, and a dark anchor forcing a pheonix to be released from being near a black soul. Fawks the pheonix cried out in joy and flashed away, never to be seen again.

Up in the great hall Albus Dumbledore began to pant and hold his chest, by the time the healer got their he had died from a heart attack, his elderly body body longer able to fight off the effect.


the rest of the year passed normal, Harry Potter was no longer obliged to watch the triwizard tournament. Teddy potter had faded from existence with a smile on his face, "dont forget to give birth to me guys."

James watched with wide eyes as Moony and Tonks both faded and his wife came back with a smirk, "now that's what our boys future is supposed to be."

James watched as Harry and Dora had once again conceived Teddy, however this time with no Dumbledore he and Dora had stayed together Happily.

He watched Ginerva Weasley grow heavy with Malfoys children and Molly stare in horror as she had to marry her only daughter off to someone she had not planned on.

twelve years later

Harry Potter and his wife Dora (she got it legally changed a few years earlier.) Potter watched as Theodore (Teddy) Potter was climbing onto the train to hogwarts for the first time. "Daddy, can I got to hogwarts too?" A little girls voice asked.

Harry smiled down at his daughter Lily isabella Potter, "sorry sweetheart. You have to be eleven to go to school, next year I promise." His daughters hair turned red and she huffed.

"What about us dad?"

Dora smiled at her youngest three, "James Remus Potter, Andromeda Dorea potter, and Sirius Charlus Potter you three heard your dad you have to be eleven. You cant go for another few years." All three of there hairs turned pink. (Every child Harry and Dora made were born metamorphmagi.)

the end


I decided I'm making this a two shot. Sorry, but if you want to use the idea for a few more stories, just send me the link I'd he very much interested to see what you came up with.