Reviews for Child of the Storm
Guest chapter 16 . 17h
me gustó el capítulo, muchas cosas se pueden adaptar, pero creo que Lucius Malfoy enviando un patronus es raro, porque se supone que los mortífagos no son capaces de hacerlo
Anon chapter 47 . 7/16
This is my 5th, 6th time Maybe reading this and I had to put down my phone I was laughing so much because this is the first time I’ve actually noticed the Section about Hugnin and Munin threatening Snape with various versions of bodily harm.
Baldur chapter 1 . 7/14
I was just listening to 'Rainy Night Coffee Shop Ambience with Relaxing Jazz Music and Rain Sounds - 8 Hours' on youtube when I read this instantly classic quote 'the cards are marked, the dice are loaded, and apparent coincidence is nothing of the kind.' Wow, just wow. What a classic noir-esque line and it could not have possibly been pared with a more perfect soundtrack. Nice.
DragonHeart89 chapter 74 . 7/12
So this chapter was well written for making me want to hate for the range of emotions I just felt. I want to but I can’t. I need to see the pain that if you care about your readers will befall all those that are feeling Triumphant right now. Please please bring revenge!
Zero chapter 9 . 7/10
Zero chapter 8 . 7/10
I can see the storm of crap coming...
Zero chapter 7 . 7/10
Zero chapter 6 . 7/10
I wonder how both cannons will change...
Zero chapter 5 . 7/10
Everythig is fine !

But something smells bad...
Zero chapter 4 . 7/10
I love the democracy.
Zero chapter 3 . 7/10
Informative chapter !
Zero chapter 2 . 7/10
Zero chapter 1 . 7/10
Interesting first chapter.
Lets see why this have a link in TV TROPES.
Primus317 chapter 48 . 7/4
I love your work. I have read both "Ghosts of the Past", and "Child of the Storm" more times than I can count, and each time I reread them, I find some detail that I missed previously. Keep up the Great Work. "Child of the Storm", and "Ghosts of the Past" are 2 of my favorite fanfiction.
Faranon423 chapter 66 . 7/3
Y'know, this Rom feels kinda like a mix,of Shikamaru and Chouji
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