Naruto and Team Gai walked through the ruins of what was once Uzushio. It was difficult for the Uzumaki, he had memories of a place so vibrant, brimming with life. The places Hashirama courted Mito, places his children would spend time during their youth. But they weren't his memories, he had knowledge of a clan he'd never know and never get to interact with them. It was sad but he couldn't dwell on it. They were on this island for a very specific reason.
Leaving Konoha had been… trying. He wasn't in the best of moods when he sought out Tsunade. He explained why he wanted to just leave immediately and she understood. After reassuring Shizune and she that he was handling Sasuke's death, acknowledging that a part of him truly wanted to save his friend but he couldn't justify putting everyone else he cared for at risk to do so. Tsunade granted his request and he only had to pack before he could leave.
It was while in the midst of getting supplies he ran into Team Kurenai. Well, more accurately a blur of lavender and midnight blue charged into him and hugged him fiercely, well for Hinata. The trio heard about Sasuke and wanted to check on their friend. He was touched, as he assumed everyone would be too busy consoling Sakura. It took some time to convince the, normally shy, Hyuuga he was fine especially after she saw his eyepatch. He quietly asked her to activate her Byakugan and when she gasped he requested she and Shino keep it a secret, having sensed one of the Aburame's allies on her.
He let Hinata know he'd have to go into protective custody since the war was for him but he'd be with them in spirit. He'd be there in ways that actually mattered too but he couldn't announce his attention to ignore Ay as soon as he could justify it. Political games were dumb. Seeing that she'd calmed down the two started to part ways but before they could, the Hyuuga heiress kissed him on the cheek and ran off with a pronounced blush. It earned aww's from many that witnessed the exchange and Naruto would swear that didn't cause him to blush ever so slightly. He'd had two full lifetimes of memories to draw on, men that had taken lovers and fought wars. He was not going to be embarrassed by a mere peck. No matter what anyone said.
It was an hour later he met with his escorts, four very confused Konoha shinobi, but all departed without a word of protest knowing it'd be the last time they'd see Konoha for a while; and if the fates were unkind, ever again.
Naruto wanted to get in the absolute best condition he could for the war, suspecting he'd be needed before long. Tsunade agreed to send Team Gai, as the taijutsu master would be ideal in pushing Naruto physically. Almost no other shinobi in the village could boast such a claim. He promised he'd help Neji, Lee and Tenten as so they got something out of the experience. Team Gai agreed to take the mission, officially they were to be his guards and minders, to not allow him to leave protective custody. Tsunade and he shared a laugh. She knew, if Naruto was only half as powerful as her grandfather, two elite Jounin and two chunin weren't going to be enough. He captured every bijuu, Hashirama was a different kind of monster.
The quintet continued to progress through the former shinobi village until they came upon a newly built, two story manor. Seeing the looks of disbelief Naruto let out a chuckle. "I sent some clones ahead of us to build some lodgings. What, did you think I was going to make you camp out for a month?" Seeing four heads nod in slight shame Naruto laughed again. "I'm not that much of a knucklehead, guys."
The group of five entered the structure and Naruto gave them a quick tour, the bedrooms were on the second floor, each member would have their own. On the first floor there was a shared living room, a dining room, kitchen and in the back a forge. Tenten agreed to make Naruto a sword and he decided to surprise her. The Uzumaki managed to save much of their accumulated clan knowledge, Naruto's clones built the temporary housing over the hidden vault. He'd share their blacksmithing techniques with her in exchange for her labor. Well, on top of what they were being paid for the mission.
That misery Tsunade made him finance this from the gambling winnings he earned when they retrieved her. He assumed she just spent all of it but she actually put it in an account that had an average return of 8%. Tsunade may have been a horrible gambler but she was actually great with money. The legend of the empty Senju accounts was a great big lie. She, of course, informed Naruto about this account when she charged him for a month long A-rank mission. "The village still needs funds to rebuild, Naruto-kun." She said with that honeyed voice. It figure she'd only calls him Naruto-kun when she was finessing him.
"Alright, guys unwind for the day and we can start training in the morning. Now, I will warn you that you guys are going to see somethings I'd rather you keep secret from everyone."
"Even the Kage? Naruto-kun, that's unyouthful!" Lee shouted.
"Well, I'm not asking you to lie. If they don't ask you directly there is nothing that says you have to volunteer the information."
"That's borderline." Lee said after a pause and Naruto shrugged. It was the best he was going to get.
It'd been two weeks since her confrontation with Naruto. She'd been a mess that night, inconsolable. Ino tried but there was nothing to be said. She'd been a wreck the next day, especially after learning Naruto was gone. She had so much she wanted to say to him, to explain that it was her grief and guilt guiding her words not her sincere feelings. That she knows he must be hurting, that he cared about Sasuke as much as she did in his own way. She just wanted to fix things, a reset but it would never been. The boy she loved was dead and the boy that once loved her now hated her.
On the third day she pulled herself together. As much as she wanted to curl in a ball and isolate herself from everyone, the village was in need of her skills. Also, as an apprentice to the Hokage, she couldn't appear to not be doing her part, it'd shame Tsunade. She got dressed early and went to a vacant training ground to do some large scale property damage. After an hour of that she reported in and got to work. Tsunade preceded as if it were business as usual, which Sakura was thankful for. Shizune suggested that Naruto likely didn't truly hate her but was simply hurt. Sakura didn't know if that were true but she'd have to survive the war to find out. No matter what, she promised herself she'd settle things with Naruto even if that meant an end to their friendship.
The next several days passed in a blur as Sakura was busy coordinating with the medics of other villages, getting supplies and the iryo-nin corps ready as well as sharpening her own skills. The village was a mix of anxiety and grim determination. Many of the citizens simply wishing to set eyes on their hero. She would find time to hang out with the rest of the rookies, minus Team Gai, and was thankful no one seemed hostile or resentful of her presence. Things got odd at early mentions of Naruto but she assured them she was fine. She didn't have a problem with Naruto so they didn't need to avoid speaking about him in her presence.
Time was winding down and the war loomed over everything. Everyone was feeling the crunch but, surprisingly, Tsunade hadn't lost her temper. Sakura found that amazing as she knew first hand her master had a short fuse. Sakura entered the office to receive her briefing. She was scheduled to leave today, to start setting up for the alliance. The briefing was short and to the point but Tsunade had her stay back.
"Sakura, I wanted you to know I've been extremely proud to have you as my student."
"T-thank you, Shishou."
"No thanks is needed. I know we may not see each other for awhile but I want you to be prepared. You cannot save everyone, that's the reality of war but I know you'll do your best."
"Of course." Sakura replied.
"And whatever is going on with you and the gaki, you'll figure that out, too." Tsunade said and watch Sakura gain a frown.
"Did he tell you?"
"No and I didn't ask. But it'll be ok."
"I want to believe that."
"Then believe it… oh, I can't believe I said that."
"It'll be our little secret, Shishou. I promise."
"LEE!" the bun haired kunoichi shouted as her teammate hit the ground with a loud and disconcerting thud. She then looked up at the person responsible for her teammate's condition and glared.
"Um, sorry, 'ttebayo," he said with a chuckle really happy he didn't go with the initial impulse to use the rasengan.
Tenten simply shook her head as it wasn't really Naruto's fault. Since they've arrived, while generating an awe inspiring number of clones to train throughout the ruins of Uzushio, Naruto would spend his mornings having an intense spar with Gai. Naruto, initially, kept it to strictly taijutsu and was handled by the taijutsu master… until day five when the Uzumaki started pushing Gai. By day ten the other members of Team Gai could hear furious clangs of nunchaku versus katana as the kage level shinobi blurred through the trees at a maddening pace.
Today had been the first day Naruto would utilize the entirety of his skillset. Since they were not there, while they had accepted Naruto's temporary appointment as Hokage and could believe he managed to defeat the ninja that destroyed the village. But, in the back of their minds there was some belief people were overstating Naruto's abilities and accomplishment to reassure themselves. Even his defeat of that Tobi character hinged more on his understated cunning than anything.
Watching him train had them reconsidering some of their doubts. Not only could he use the Shodai's exalted kekkei genkai but each of the primary nature releases as well. Tenten also remarked he seemed comfortable with a sword but it wasn't enough to fully see sixteen year old Uzumaki Naruto as deserving the title of Hokage. However, seeing him keep up with their sensei while not utilizing the entirety of his skills put those notions to rest.
It also had the side effect of stoking poor Lee's flames of youth. The Chunin rushed into the fight. Naruto, running off instinct simply attacked the oncoming threat. Lee's foot was caught with one hand while the opposite arm delivered an elbow to his solar plexus. Then a short uppercut to his chin, finished with a spinning heel kick to the jaw put the boy down.
Neji saw the strikes due to his activated Byakugan and could only think, 'So, this is Kage level battle.' It drove him to want to reach that level, to be one of the few Hyuuga to do so.
"Ugh, Naruto-kun's youthful flames outshine my own," Lee said, returning to consciousness.
"You should have known not to jump in Lee, you could have seriously been hurt," Tenten replied.
"Our most youthful Tenten is correct, Lee! While capable, you need more training before you challenge Naruto-kun so directly!"
"Yosh!," Lee said, giving a thumbs up from sitting position.
"I'm still sorry, Lee. I just reacted." Naruto said having come down from the tree branch he'd been stationed on.
"Here, it's finished." Tenten said as she tossed Naruto the sword she'd been carrying. He caught it with little ceremony, not because he didn't care but shinobi didn't get rhapsodic about their weapons. That was a samurai thing. But even still, he could admire the quality. The scabbard was a simple black one with a midnight blue Uzumaki spiral on either side. The sword's handle had a midnight blue wrapping with the tsuba being a spiral. Naruto unsheathed the blade and could see the quality, Tenten had truly outdone herself. He pulsed some wind chakra and was surrounded by leaves. Naruto performed several quick movements and watched as the leaves split cleanly.
"This… thank you, Tenten."
"No problem. I made a wakizashi for myself." the kunoichi remarked with a smile.
"I'm sure you'll put it to good use. Well, I'm going to be on the other side of the island. I've got a few more things to train and it'd be best to do that alone."
"What more could you possibly have to train? I've seen you use every element on top of pushing sensei." Neji remarked.
"Well, he's not using the inner gates as much as he could. Also, what I plan to do next is one of those things I'd request you not reveal. If you don't really see me do it then you can't lie about it. All I ask is no matter what, don't freak out."
"Don't freak out?" Tenten asked and Naruto simply nodded and shunshin'd away.
Four bodies were hung outside a cave entrance. Gazelle, Mouse, Boar and Bear. The four ANBU sent to neutralize Kabuto were on display, in warning or in taunt Anko didn't know. She turned to her partner, a longtime former ANBU himself and he looked grim. He'd known them, this couldn't have been easy to see.
"We found him but if he killed those four engagement might be a mistake," Anko said. A part of her wanted to proceed anyway, to kill him since she'd never get to kill Orochimaru.
"Agreed, we know of his location. We can ask command to dedicate a platoon to face him," stated Yamato.
"I admire your optimism," a voice said from behind. As they turned, Yamato was punched, hard, in the stomach. The force sending him careening into the rock formation that housed the cave. Anko wasted no time retaliating.
" Hidden Shadow Snake Hands." The snakes darted toward Kabuto but he dodge the jutsu effortlessly and rose a earth pillar below Anko, sending her skyward. The Special Jounin flipped out of the attempt but was beset upon by Kabuto on her landing. The medic ninja was too fast, each strike landing without Anko being able to respond. Soon a snake emerged out of the back of his cloak and bit her, knocking Anko out.
Yamato rose to his feet, he knew he had several broken ribs from the punch but he would push through. He began to form hand signs until Kabuto spoke.
"Could you take care of that for me?" he spoke to seemingly no one. By the time Yamato realized someone was behind him it was too late, a swift chop to the back of the neck made him lose consciousness.
"Just the two we needed, how fortunate."
"Yes." Zetsu spoke. "Do you have the other items Madara requested?"
"Of course. Naruto-kun will be in for quite the surprise."
"We attack in five days, make sure everything is ready before then."
"Of course, I wouldn't want to disappoint Madara now would I?"
Ay grimaced as he looked at the three ninja in front of him. The remnants of Sasuke Uchiha's team, the team that helped the brat attack Bee. He wanted to kill them outright but they were under the protection of Iron Country, having been transferred to his custody at the request of Naruto Uzumaki. He really was starting to hate the blond and his constant need to try to usurp Ay's authority.
Apparently, the girl was a powerful sensor ninja and a medic, two things a war effort could use. She was also half crazy over the death of said Uchiha and could barely speak above a mumble. Ay was man enough to admit that but the other two were wild cards. A berserker and a sword obsessed former Orochimaru science experiment. He couldn't put them in any of the battalions because he couldn't trust them. He couldn't assign them solo missions because he couldn't trust them.
"I don't know what that brat expects me to do with you. All of you are unstable and I can't trust any of you. Not with my forces and not alone. Not to mention, you tried to kill my brother."
"That was really more Sasuke's bag, we were mostly just there," Suigetsu said. Ay didn't seem to value the distinction.
"For now, you'll stay here. Step out of line even a little and I'll kill you, no questions asked. MABUI, TAKE THESE THREE SOMEWHERE OUT OF MY SIGHT!" the large man bellowed. His long suffering assistant arrived and escorted them away, leaving Ay to his thoughts. The war was set to begin tomorrow, he was supposed to give a speech to motivate and inspire. How do you inspire former enemies? People you would have ordered killed two months ago with nary a thought? It was heavy, being ahead of such an alliance, to be facing a threat none of them truly understood. The ramp up for the war was daunting, not knowing if he was doing the right thing.
Being constantly second guessed by some bald dick pissant didn't help matters. He found that boy to be arrogant, nothing like his father. He asserted himself Ay's equal when he's barely been tested, The presumption. He even threatened the alliance before it could fully form. But that was Konoha, they were always so arrogant as if they were simply born superior. It didn't help that Mifune more or less agreed with the designation, openly claiming he'd have selected Tsunade. A former drunk deserter over him, him, the strongest Kage and the fastest man in the elemental nations. It was offensive and when this war was over he resolved to teach that boy some manners. He'd just have to win this war first.
Team Gai departed four days ago. Naruto could only hope he'd helped them in being ready in whatever challenges they may face as he'd be here until Tsunade sent for him. As much as he wanted to be on the battlefield with is comrades, his friends, he was resigned to stay here. If Tsunade never called him to the frontlines it meant the war was going well. Or, at least, they hadn't run into anything they couldn't handle. It didn't mean none of his friends hadn't been injured but his burden was to have faith in them.
Shima-baasama had appeared just a few hours ago with some new clothes. He felt it the occasion called for a change. He thanked her and she assured him the toads were ready should he be in need of assistance. Now, Naruto was in a midnight blue pants and long sleeve shirt, both with mesh interior lining. Over that was forest green kimono shirt, similar to Jiraiya's, and similarly colored hand guards. He wore black shinobi sandals to complete the new look, along with a black eyepatch.
After Shima left, Naruto spent his time meditating to remain calm and not go back on his word to only leave when summoned. He sat beside a river and got lost in its sounds. He hadn't known for how long he had been meditating when he was interrupted. Eight chakra signatures he didn't recognize were approaching him fast. Seven of the signatures felt off, wrong somehow but he'd have to wait to see why that was but he assumed this may be a preemptive strike. He slid his sword into his obi and prepared for the upcoming arrival.
It only took ten minutes for the visitors to find Naruto. Only six were in view and he could tell, they were all dead. Edo Tensei but there was something else… they were the former jinchuuriki, those that were caught and killed by the Akatsuki. The final two members approached and Naruto couldn't believe it, didn't want to. He was going to kill whoever did this.
"Hey kid, you look good." the seventh member spoke, not used to the grim look on the boy's face, nor the eyepatch he was now sporting.
"Wish I could say the same, Jiraiya."