Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Supernatural. I'm just borrowing the characters.
AN: Okay so sorry that this took so long to get out. It would have been out yesterday, but my friend needed a girls day, and then the two of us got completely shit faced. So there was no way I could work on it yesterday lol. But It's finished now, so enjoy.
The Reincarnation of a Hunter
Chapter Nine: The end of their Hogwarts years
Hermione had been frantic when she'd read his letter. She'd had her parents drive her to his home so she could see that he was okay in person. Then the two had sat down together and talked about all the events of his fourth year and his encounter with Death. He even went into more detail with her about his past life. He told her about how he was going to look for his boys after he died in his past life, and she told him she'd be going with him. He'd tried to argue with her that it would be dangerous, but she wasn't hearing it. And then she'd demanded to see Veles. And just like Luna, she'd cooed over the snake tattoo on his arm.
He was sad to see her go later that night. He hadn't seen her in person since she left Hogwarts, and he didn't realize just how much he'd missed her. She reminded him so much of Sam though that it hurt.
He spent the rest of the summer doing more research on souls, and Horcrux's. There wasn't much information to be found on Horcrux, which was really annoying. Then two weeks before school was supposed to start he and his cousin where attacked by Dementor's.
The Dementor howled and burst into flames after Bobby stabbed it with a blood covered stake. Who knew that yew tree covered in ghoul blood would work such wonders? Experiment success! Harry smirked before turning to the other Dementor that had pinned his fatass of a cousin. The anti-possession charm did, in fact, ward Dementor's off. With that, he stabbed the Dementor in the back and watched as it too died in a fiery flame.
And that was how Bobby Singer converted Dudley Dursley into a hunter.
The last week before school started the real 'Mad-eye' Moody showed up at the Dursley's to escort him to some safe place that some order was at.
"Quickly, inside!"
"Yeah, yeah, don't get your panties in a twist!" Bobby snapped as he made his way into Number 12, Moody grumbling behind him.
Then, Tonks just had to trip up the troll stand. The curtains opened and-
"Shut the hell up, you old twisted hag! Balls, I get the concept of not wanting to move on but terrorizing the living is another thing! Screw off and go back to hell you underworld reject!"
"I don't give a stinkin' shit about you're pedigree! The hell are you, a prized bitch at a dog sale?"
"Fuck it. Exorcizamus te, Omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica…"
"What- what are you chanting? What is this magic?!"
Bobby smirked as the woman in the painting slowly lost color, and then the painting became just that- a painting. Then, ignoring the incredulous and slightly fearful looks he was getting, sauntered off.
"So, I'm your godfather and my name is-"
"Don't care," Bobby interrupted with a glare.
This man reminded him of John at his worst, drowned in his need for revenge and ignoring his children. There was a reason those boys viewed him as a better father figure than they did John. Still, the look in those eyes… Bobby was going to regret this as he motioned the man inside his room.
Sirius made his way into the room, a dark feeling in the pit of his stomach. This was not going well, not that he expected it too. He'd chosen revenge over his godson, after all. It had felt great at the time and Sirius knew that if events repeated themselves he'd kill Peter all over again.
"Sit," Bobby motioned to a chair before sitting on the bed himself.
Then, against his better judgement, Bobby revealed things that left Sirius stunned. Perhaps it was what was left of Harry Potter that prompted him to do so. Who knows. All Bobby knew was that he trusted this man. So he told him everything. How he remembered his past life and the ultimatum that had been imposed upon him. How he wasn't really a teenager but was instead in his fifties, mentally, and how he'd found himself in the body of a child.
More importantly, how he didn't need Sirius at all because he wasn't a boy or a teenager but a man. Without saying anything, Sirius stood and left.
School started back up shortly after his encounter with his godfather, and by his first class of the school year he was annoyed as hell. The ministry, the dumbasses that they are, sent a pink toad to teach them defense this year. And boy was she annoying as all hell. Her voice, her clothes, her face, and her attitude all got on his nerves.
"You have been told a certain Dark Wizard is back. This is a lie. This-"
"And yer point?"
Bobby was, simply, tired of this bullshit.
"I'm sorry? For a moment there, how silly of me, it sounded like you were questioning the Ministry!" Umbridge giggled.
"I am you bint."
Bobby didn't even bat an eyelash as the class gasped. Umbridge herself looked stunned at such blatant disrespect.
"Who cares whether Voldemort is back or not? This is a Defense class, where we learn how to defend ourselves against whatever the hell's out there."
Umbridge giggled again.
"And who would want to hurt such sweet innocent children?"
"Want a list?" Bobby asked, pulling out a literal list from his bag.
Needless to say he got a month's worth of detention.
Just like with Lockhart, he decided to skip Umbridge's Defense class. He saw no point in going if the woman wasn't going to teach them anything anyway. And once more he was brought into Dumbledore's office about it. Only this time Umbridge was standing next to his desk with a smug smile on her face.
"Harry my boy, you can't just skip her classes," Dumbledore stated.
"Actually yes I can an I will. She's not teaching us what she's supposed to be teaching us. To be honest she shouldn't even be teaching, it's obvious she doesn't know how to teach. And if she's not going to be teaching us what she's supposed to be teaching us then she has no business being our teacher. I refuse to be in a classroom with this condescending bitch!" Bobby stated.
And with that, ignoring the shocked look on Umbridge's face, he walked out.
Bobby was fucking pissed! He was fucking mad as all hell. And there was going to be hell to pay. He was going to tear that bitch Umbridge a new asshole. She'd done fucked up. She'd hurt someone he cared about.
It was almost two weeks after that first day in Umbridge's class, and Luna had come back to the dorm after detention with the woman in tears. It didn't take him long to realize that Umbridge had used the blood quill on her. The words 'I will pay attention when being spoken to' were carved into her arm. The words were red and puffy, and her face was covered in tears.
He'd taken her to the infirmary to see Madam Pomfrey to get her arm looked at. The woman had being hysterical when she saw the state of Luna's arm. She'd demanded to know what had happened and who'd done it.
Bobby had told her exactly who'd done this to Luna. Madam Pomfrey had gotten to work on healing up Luna's arm, and once that was done she'd asked him to take Luna back to their dorms, then had stormed off out of the infirmary.
Bobby had taken Luna back to the dorm and had settled her down on one of the couch's wrapped in a blanket. He'd left the Ravenclaw Prefect to watch over her, with the threat to hex his ass into oblivion if he let anything or anyone near her while he was gone.
Then he'd left on a mission to find the evil pink toad who'd harmed his friend. He found her in Dumbledore's office with Madam Pomfrey, who was telling the headmaster about Luna's injury. Bobby interrupted, walking right up to Umbridge and pointing his wand right in her face.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't end you right here right now!" He growled, sparks shooting out the tip of his wand.
The objects on Dumbledore's desk and the shelves around the room started rattling and shaking in his anger.
"Mister Potter, how dare you threaten me! I'll have you expelled for thi-"
"You better shut the hell up or so help me I will start throwing curses at you! Your detentions are done and over with for the rest of the year. I don't care if end up in Azkaban for it, but if you hurt one more child in this school I will fucking kill you, you horrible pink toad."
Several of the object's on Dumbledore's desk exploded in a spectacular display of accidental magic. At that Harry stormed out of the office and went back to the dorms. He staid up with Luna for another hour until she finally went up to her room to sleep.
Harry went to bed as well. An hour after he fell asleep, when she was sure that Bobby was asleep, Veles slithered off his body. She slithered out of the Ravenclaw dormitory and all the way down to Umbridge's room. She was beyond pissed as well. The woman had hurt Bobby two weeks ago during his detention. But Bobby had told her she was fine. But now that evil woman had hurt sweet little Luna.
She hated hurting people, and she despised killing people. But she'd make an exception just this one time. That woman was evil and needed to be taken care of before she hurt someone else. Veles slithered silently into the woman's room and up to the sleeping woman. Veles hissed at the woman. Umbridge's eyes snapped open and she stared up at the giant snake before her in horror. She didn't even have a chance to move before Veles struck, ripping the woman's head and left arm clean off. Blood spurted all over the bed and wall behind it, and what was left of the woman's body flopped lifeless on the bed.
Veles slithered back to the Ravenclaw dormitory and reattached herself in tattoo form to Bobby.
The second he saw the remains of Umbridge's body he knew that Veles was responsible. But he couldn't bring himself to be mad at her, not after Veles told him why she'd done it. He was in trouble for a short while thanks to the fact that he'd threatened the woman the other day.
But he was quickly ruled out as a suspect because of the damage to the woman's body. They found that the injuries were caused by a large snake. And since nobody knew about Veles being his second familiar they couldn't tie him to the woman's death. So he went back to his classes with the rest of his housemates.
A few months after the death of Umbridge, Luna told him about a hidden room within Hogwarts called the room of Requirements, that had dozens of different artifacts. His first time in the room he found something very interesting. One of Voldemort's Horcrux, which was inside what he found out was Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem. Bobby hid the item away in a safe place until he could find a way to destroy it, and then started using the room of Requirements to hide away from everyone else.
The school hadn't found a new DADA teacher, so he started reading through the books in the restricted section of the library at night. Then the next day during the DADA class period he would get the students together in the room of Requirements to teach them about defense.
At first he'd been reluctant to teach them all, but he knew they needed to learn how to defend themselves. So he taught them all everything they needed to know about supernatural creatures and how to kill them. He also taught them all the defense spells he knew.
One night while looking through some of the books in the restricted section, Bobby found a book on Animagus', and how to become one. And the idea of being able to turn into an animal sounded really freakin sweet.
So he got to work on becoming an Animagus. Having to keep a Mandrake leaf in his mouth for a month was annoying beyond belief, but he was willing to endure it if it meant becoming an Animagus. It took him three months to get the potion ready, seeing as he had to wait for an electrical storm.
But once the potion was ready, he, Luna, and Veles made their way to the room of Requirements in the middle of the night. The process was a hassle, but once it was over he felt proud of himself as he looked at his form in the mirror.
His fur was midnight black, and his paws where damn near the size of Luna's head. Hell he was even several inches taller than Luna in this form, and his teeth where about the size of one of her fingers. He was a giant freakin wolf! Sam and Dean where gonna shit themselves when they saw him like this!
Sometimes, Bobby really loved magic!
Now, since Voldemort struck Harry Potter with a Killing Curse a second time in the graveyard where Cedric Diggory gave his last breath, the horcrux in his scar died. And so it was that Voldemort did not lead Bobby into a trap through a nonexistent mental bond.
Voldemort growled as he stared down at the report Crouch had given him. After studying both the enchanted map, Potter's glasses and wand, a conclusion had been reached. Potter had actually performed a past life viewing ceremony. Voldemort immediately had all his contacts look into a Bobby Singer to discover what new strengths his foe possessed.
Unfortunately, he didn't bother checking Muggle records. Because why would he check those anyway?
The Butterfly Effect is something that can be very dangerous. In this case, it was. While Bobby Singer had all of Ravenclaws to back him and scattered believers in other houses, Voldemort refused to make blatant moves. Or, at least, moves the Ministry fucking acknowledged.
Balls, Voldemort had destroyed Azkaban! Ministry response? Sirius Black. Amelia Bones, dead. Sirius Black. Missing muggles? Sirius Black. Sirius, Sirius, Sirius!
Screw this. Bobby needed an old fashion hunter-style assassination. Wizards were useless. He needed muggles.
Bobby glared down at the locket before tossing it into a box and burying it at a crossroads. Patiently, he waited.
"You called?"
Bobby turned and glared at a smirking Crowley. Of all the crossroad demons, why him?
"There's a soul shard in there," Bobby pointed towards the buried box.
"Duly noted, boy. However, we don't accept transactions wagering someone else's soul. Bad for business, you see," Crowley explained.
Bobby snorted.
"Tell that to Death."
Crowley froze.
"Death wants this freak taken care of. Apparently, he's offended."
"Death has been sealed for decades. Since the end of the World War," Crowley countered.
"Then we don't want him waking, do we? You can track the rest of the shards, correct? I'll take the main one down, you take the small ones down, and Death stays sleeping," Bobby negotiated.
Crowley stared. Then, he laughed. He kept on laughing even though Bobby gave him a look that said he was seriously reconsidering this.
"Well played. Deal."
The kiss made Bobby's skin crawl and he responded by trying o knife the son of a bitch.
Voldemort marched on Hogwarts, his army trailing behind him. That eternal pain in his ass had somehow discovered his horcruxes and destroyed them all.
This was the end. No more! He would strike down Harry Potter, he would end this farce, he would-!
The Death Eaters screamed as their leader was suddenly without a head. Soon, they began to drop like flies. The wonders of muggle weaponry.
For years, Bobby waited patiently. Death's threat still hung over him and he didn't want to know what would happen if he encountered his other self. Finally, in the year 2015, he made his way back to the United States with Hermione, Luna, his two familiars Hedwig and Veles, and Remus and Sirius in tow, leaving chaos behind him.
Hunters learning of a population of mind altering magic users hadn't exactly gone over very well, but that's a story for another day.
He had a pair of boys to find, after all.
AN1: I know in previous chapters I mostly referred to him as Harry during the chapter. But in this one I referred to him as Bobby. That's because his 'death' at the hands of the killing curse and his visit with Death caused him to become more Bobby than Harry. Little bits of Harry Potter are still in there, but now he's more Bobby than he is Harry.
AN2: This is not the end! There will be more chapters. This is just the end of his years at Hogwarts. I will be continuing on with this story, but it will follow him as he finds the boys and works with them through the Supernatural series. I've reached the end of UnknownUnseenUnheard's story line and from here on out the story will be all mine!