I dont own naruto

It had been 6 months since Naruto returned from his 2 and a half year training trip with Jaraiya and he was now 16 years old. Atasuki was destroyed. Both Uchiha brothers killed each other and Naruto took out the leader somehow which was a mystery on its self but with the leaders ring as proof they agreed with his story.

Naruto now finds himself at the finals of the chunnin exams final round in Konoha. He is fighting a nin from Iwa named Argon. Naruto is cleaning the floor with him though and everyone is excited about it. The village may hate naruto for Kyuubi but they hate Iwa more.

Tsunade is watching the matches with the Kage from Iwa and also Gaara the Kazekage.

The Iwa Kage said "I hate this blonds from this village who use wind attacks. He looks like the Yondaime."

Tsunade just nodded her head and left it at that.

The rookie nine, gais team and the sand sibs besides Gaara who is Kazekage and Sasuke who is dead are all together cheering him on. Ayame is sitting with them and has a little 9 month old baby with her on her lap who is watching the matches giggling.

Sakura is sitting next to her and said "Its good that you got to come watch Naruto Ayame. To bad you had to bring that baby."

Ayame smiled and said "Oh she is no trouble and any time I can watch little Yuna is ok with me. Shes a little angel, besides her father did not want her to miss something as important as this."

Sakura smiled and said "Who is her parents anyways. I seen you with her a few times in the past couple of months but have never heard you say."

Ayame said "Her father is a friend. I never met her mom as she died shortly after Yuna was born but I know of her. He is a pretty nice guy but I promised I would not tell who he is becuase he is ninja that has alot of people who would like to find a weakness so he hides her as best as he can. I am probably the only person who knows who he is though. Isnt that right Yuna." looking at the baby who is watching the matches giggling a little.

Sakura had heard request like that before, he most likely was an ABNU or hunter nin so she wont press it. Sakura turns back to the match and sees Naruto use a Kamatachi with a shadow clone that henged into a fan.

Naruto hits his opponent and sends him flying toward the wall but the Iwa nin creates a wall of mud to cushion him. Just then a gust of wind hits her from the side and also knocks the hat off of the guy in front on her. She looks around because she thought she felt chakra in that and she notices Temari also looking in her direction but the only people beside her are Ayame and the baby and neither of them are ninja.

She shrugs it off and screams "Come on and finish it Naruto." and the rest of the rookie nine cheer also.

Naruto then performs Fire style:Pheonix fireball jutsu and sends it toward the Iwa nin who makes an earth wall to block it but Sakuras attention is then pulled away from the arena because the seat in front of Ayame has a small fire on it and Sakura throws her soda on it putting it out and Ayame is wide eyed as she sees it and Sakura looks down and notices two things that freezes her to the core.

One is the baby is copying handseals Naruto was doing and the second is the babies eyes. Inside her eyes is a single comma Sharingan. Sakura gasped getting the attention of everyone that had saw the fire and her throwing her soda on it. They all looked at Sakura but only saw the baby whose eyes went back to her normal blue color.

Ayame already knows what it is she saw because she had seen it before and she stands up and turns to leave when Sakura grabs her arm and said "Ayame, let me see that child."

Ayame said "Sakura, please drop it. You dont want to do this here."

Sakura said "Im not dropping anything Ayame, I know what I saw. How does that girl have..."

She was interupted by the Iwa nin who was in the ring flying into the seat beside Sakura getting the attention of everyone that had turned to look at Sakura.

Naruto smiled and said "I guess that fuuton jutsu was to much for him." scratching the back of his head in embaressment looking up at his friends. Everyone laughs at typical Naruto

Sakura turns back and sees Ayame gone with the baby. She turns to head to Tsunade to tell her what she saw when the crowd had all started to stand and leave. The matches were over and Naruto won the match but would not find out if he made chunnin till later. He quickly left through the contestants entrance as Sakura ran to the Kage box.

Whe she got there Tsunade was pocketing the money she won agianst the Iwa Kage who bet agianst Naruto as he left. Gaara saw her run up and said "Hello agian Sakura, how are you today."

Sakura said "We got a problem Tsunade sensie."

Tsunade looked at her and asked "Whats wrong Sakura, you act like you just saw a ghost."

Sakura said "When the matches were going on Ayame, the girl from the ramen stand was sitting beside me with a baby in her lap."

Tsunade smiled and said "Whats wrong with that Sakura, are you starting to feel your clock ticking or something."

Sakura said "Sensie, this is important, the baby had a Sharingan." getting both Tsunade and Gaaras attention.

Tsunade looks at her serious and said "Are you sure about that Sakura."

Sakura said "Yes, I had asked Ayame earlier who the babies parents were and she told me her mother passed away shortly after she was born however she said her father was a ninja that had lots of enemies looking for a weakness to exploit so she would not tell me who. I heard of similar stuff from ABNU and hunter nins so I dismissed it at first but after I saw that and she was also coping Naruto jutsu, she made a wind jutsu and a fire jutsu."

Tsunade looked concearned about this and said "Get her Sakura but do not tell anyone about what you saw or about this. Bring her to my office and bring the baby."

Sakura nodded and left and Gaara said "What do you think Tsunade."

Tsunade said "Right now I dont know but either another Uchiha is out there which I doubt or she is a child of Itachi or Sasuke. Until I find out please dont tell anyone Gaara. I will let you know as soon as I find out though."

Gaara nodded and left and Tsunade quickly went to her office.

Meanwhile Sakura had found Ayame walking into her family ramen stand and stopped her and asked "Come with me Ayame and where is Yuna."

Ayame pulled out a piece of paper and said "Her father said to give this to you and it would explain everything. I told him what happen and he took her home. Thats all I can do. He said read it and you will know."

Sakura looked at the note and it said

I will meet you Sakura at the Hokages office at 9 oclock sharp tonight with the rest of the rookie nine, gais team, thier sensies, and Tsunade and the sand sibs. No one else. I will answer your questions the best that I can but you must keep it a secret and if any ABNU or anyone else is there I wont show.


Sakura quickly ran back to the Hokage office and handed the note to Tsunade who read it and sighed before nodding and she said "Get those people notified and do as it said. This is to important to screw up Sakura."

Sakura nodded and left and found Kakashi at the memorial stone, Gaara at the Hotel he had rented a room at with his siblings, and she was looking for naruto and found him at the ramen stand talking with Ayame when she walked up.

Ayame smiled and said "Hello agian Sakura, I was just congratulating Naruto on winning the tournament."

Sakura smiled and said "Naruto, you are to be at the Hokage office tonight at 8:45 so dont be late and congrats on doing a great job."

Naruto swallowed the ramen and said "Thanks Sakurachan. See you later."

Sakura nodde and left to find the rest.

After she was gone Naruto sighed and said "It was bound to happen sooner or later wasnt it Ayame."

Ayame frowned and said "Dont worry, everything will work out. I know it."

Naruto sighed and said "Thanks, I just wish it was not so soon. You know what will happen if it goes bad right."

Ayame nodded and said "Yuna has a good father. She lucky."

Naruto smiled and said "Yeah, she does and you are also nice to her. You will make a good mom someday. I hope she gets to spend time with him though." as his smile faded thinking about it.

Ayame said "He will, he will and who knows. I might find out one day." as she walked into the back of the stand and Naruto walked into an ally and went up in a puff of smoke.

While that was happening in an apartment across town a man was sitting in a chair looking at the little baby who was asleep in a baby bed and smiled saying "I miss your mommy so much. I wish she could be here now and tell me what to do."

Flashback almost 2 years earlier.

A brown hair brown eyed woman was in the bath house soaking when a disturbance on the other side and a scream of "erosannin, quit peaking and train me" brought the attention of everyone in the bathhouse.

Woman started getting up and wrapping themselfs in towles before charging around to the men side and then the sound of beatings could be heard and the wall exploded and a white haired man was seen laying on the pieces of the wall.

The woman sighed as she recognised the man as her sensies sensies but then she looked and her heart stoped as she notices the spitting image of a man who died nearly 14 years ago. She narrowed her eyes and thought cant be. he died.

She covered herself and quickly got dressed and followed the blond hair kid that was dragging his sensie out of the bath house. She watched as he lead him to a hotel and threw him in a water troff outside the hotel before going on to a ramen stand down the road.

She followed the blond and walked in to the stand and sat down beside him and said "Hello, Im Rin, you would not happen to be from Konoha would you."

The guy turned and looked at her and said "What makes you say that."

Rin smiled and said "You look like someone I use to know, I thought you might be his son."

Naruto perked up at this and said "The names Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki."

Rin looked at him and laughed and said "I will be damned. You really are alive after all. Tell me, do you have either of your parents bloodlines." making Naruto wide eyed at her and she said "Relax. Let me guess, the third never told you who your dad was and also your mom but I happen to have been a student of your dads and he gave me a mission I was to do when I saw you but was told you died. Looks like I will get to finish my mission after all." as she reached into her travel bag and pulled out a sealed scroll and handed it to him.

Naruto looked at her and said "Who was my parents."

Rin looked around and said "Open the scroll and I am sure you will know, just add blood."

Naruto quickly bit his thumb and opened the scroll and 3 scrolls popped out. One labeled Hiraishin and Rasengan and one had the name Kazama and the other Uchiha listed on it. Naruto then opened the Kazama and read it and finally got some answers. He then read the one that said Uchiha and knew the whole truth then and asked "How did you know who I was."

Rin smiled and said "You look like your dad except for the whiskers but I could guess what thier from knowing what happen to your dad and knowing what type of person he was. After you said Uzumaki I knew because besides myself only the third knows where that name came from."

Naruto heard a groan comming from behind him and saw Jaraiya comming toward him and when he turned back there was money on the table to pay for the meal as well as a note which said "We will talk later in private. I hate the pervert."

Flashback end

The man smiled as he remember thier first meeting and then a flash of a sadder time passed before his eyes

Flashback less then 9 months ago

Naruto looked down at Rin who looked weak and tired as she looked up at him and smiled before saying "Promise me Naruto, promise that you will move on and find happiness in your life for not only you but her also. If you do that I can pass on happy."

Naruto nodded before saying "I promise."

Rin sighed and said "One more thing Naruto tell Kakashi to let Obito spirit rest and we will see him on the other side and also I love you and will wait for you also with your parents." as she took the last of her strenght and leaned forward and kissed him before falling back down on the bed in a endless sleep.

End flashback

Later that night when Naruto walked into the room and saw Gaara and Tsunade already there Naruto smiled and said "So whats this about granny."

Tsunade had a eyebrow twitched and Gaara smiled and said "Its good to see you agian Naruto. How have you been and also good match."

Naruto said "Thanks and I have been fine. could be better but lifes like that anyways."

Sakura walked in with Kakashi being dragged behind her with her super strength and Kakashi said "Is this really necessary."

Sakura said "Yes, Tsunade orders. Its to important that things work out if he is what we think he is."

Ayame walked in the door and Tsunade said "Ayame, why are you here. I was told not to let..."

Ayame said "I was asked by her father to come." going and sitting down in a chair by Naruto who was looking at her questionly.

The rest of the guest came in and had a seat looking around

Naruto who had sat down agianst the wall in the corner and said "What do you think he is and who is he Sakura." covering his eyes with his hair as his headband was on his arm making everyone look at Sakura.

Sakura looked at him and said "A sharingan holder Naruto. Do you know what will happen if he is. The people will cheer."

Naruto said "I doubt it Sakura. If this guy is a Sharingan holder and has been hiding all these years there must be a reason that you dont know of." as he still had his eyes covered.

Sakura said "I know that already Naruto."

A voice from the window said "Then why dont you listen to it Sakura." making everyone turn to look and a man with a black cloak and a face mask that only showed his eyes but it had 3 commas in it and his hair was covered as well so no one could see anything about him. His voice was distorted as well.

Tsunade said "I see you do have a sharingan and by the fact your daughter has one then that must mean you are and Uchiha."

The man said "Partially. I am only half Uchiha as of the other half I wont tell becuase it might tell you who I am. The sandiame had me hide my heritage so Itachi would not discover me and come to finish the job" as his eyes turned into the final level of the Sharingan making everyone gasp.

The man said "I did not kill my best friend to get this if that is what you are all thinking. I got it when my first true love and mother of my daughter who passed away recently and I blamed myself for not being able to cure her disease that claimed her life. She asked me to deliver a message to you though Kakashi. Let Obito spirit rest and they will meet you on the other side."

Kakashi looked at the man wide eyed and said "Who was she."

The man said in a sad tone "Rin. She passed away from a type of cancer that she was unable to cure. I only knowed her for a year but I loved her dearly and made her last days as peaceful as possible. She died about a week after giving birth to Yuna but her memory will live on in our daughter."

Kakashi closed his eye and let a tear fall as he turned sideways to hide his emotions and then after a moment of silence he asked "Why the Kagebunshin Naruto." making everyone in the room look at him and Kakashi looked at Naruto.

Naruto asked "What are you..." he was cut off as a kunia hit him making him go up in a puff of smoke. Kakashi then turned to the man who was leaning agianst the wall and said "Why the big sherade Naruto, you almost got away if I had not notice the slight fluctuation in chakra from both you and the Kagebunshin at the same time when I turned, I would never of noticed."

The man sighed and his voice changed and said "Why could you have not kept your damn mouth shut Kakashi and asked me in private. Now that you know the truth about part of my heratige the council will try and hurt my daughter." making everyone wide eyed as he removed his covering over his head and still had the Sharingan.

Everyone was thinking daughter

Tsunade looked at Naruto as another Naruto walked in the window with the sleeping form of a baby which the real Naruto walked over and got and the clone went up in smoke.

All the girls pretty much said "Kawii." softly not to wake the baby.

Naruto walked over and sat down in a chair and gently rocked the baby girl in his arms and said "I guess you all have alot of questions, huh, and Ayame, thanks for comming even though I did not ask you to."

Ayame said "Naruto, I have helped you part of the time with Yuna and I feel like shes my daughter in a way so I want to know whats going to happen to her."

Sakura finally got over her shock and said "Naruto, is that baby really your daughter."

Naruto nodded and said "Yes, I met her mother while I was traveling with erosannin. She recognised me when I made him get caught doing his research because I looked so much like my dad and she also knowed where my last name came from and gave me something he left for me. The hiraishin scrolls as well as a letter from him and mom. We started as friends and then became more but she had already found out she was dying. She secretley followed with a kagebunshin of me every where we went so erosannin never found out and since I was alone at least 15 hours a day it was pretty easy. She had a rare form of cancer that she tried to find a cure for and it slowly killed her over the years. She wanted to live her last part of her life happy and we spent every moment together that we could in secret. We new if Erosannin found out he would not have allowed it since we were on the run from Atasuki. Erosannin never found out and still dont know."

Tsunade looked on at Naruto and asked "If your father left you the hiraishin then that means he is..."

Naruto said "Arashi Kazama the Yondaime Hokage and the one who sealed kyuubi in me and my mother was Uchiha Finata. Sasuke aunt. They both died the day I was born. Mom had already been told she would not live thru labor but she did it anyways. As far as I know only the third, rin and myself knew the truth before this though. Ayame and her dad suspected but never would voice it. The third never would tell me who they were because he said it was for my own protection like keeping by bloodlines secret."

Kakashi looked down and said "Im sorry Naruto. If I had..."

Naruto looked at him and said in a nuetral voice "Dont. You cant change the past and its ok. The only thing I care about is Yuna here now. I have had to hide her existance for the last 9 months of her life since her mother died and I just was trying to keep her safe. If it had not been for Ayame and her dad I would probably have become a missing nin to protect her" shocking everyone.

Tsunade said "How long have you know about the Sharingan Naruto."

Naruto looked at her and said "I had it activated the moment Kyuubi was sealed in me according to the third. When he picked me up on the battlefield it was showing so the third put a genjutsu over my eyes so no one would notice that it was on. After he died I had cast the genjutsu myself."

Sakura said "But you sucked at genjutsu Naruto."

Naruto looked at her and said "I lied so no one would think to check me for a genjutsu because of the hate the people of this village has for me." as he rocked the girl in his arms.

Tsunade said as she sat down "So thats why you been doing all those D-rank missions lately."

Naruto nodded and said "Taking care of a baby by yourself is not easy. It was not until the Gaara retrieval mission that anyone found out about her and I told the only people in the village I could trust. Ayame and her dad."

Everyone was hurt by those words and Kakashi said "Why did you not trust us Naruto."

Naruto said "Simple, look what happened and all of you were thinking the moment Yuna revealed her sharingan. Add to the fact that almost the entire council hates me they would either remove her eyes and kill her to spite me or try and make her a weapon or breeding stock and as Hokage, Tsunade has to reveal it to them. Sakura would have to had to tell Tsunade and Ino since she cant lie to either of them and get away with it and as for you Kakashi. I finally got your respect and proper training after I came back with Jaraiya. Before that you focused on Sasuke and I believed you blamed me for dads death or at least thats what I felt but I forgiven you for it. If you would have learned who I really was you would have transfered your debt to me instead of him or worse lashed out at me for bringing up memories of dad and obito. As for the rest of the people in this room none of you could have hid a baby in your clans without explaining and then word would have gotten to the council. I could not send her to Suna either because of the problems with Atasuki. The sensies might have been able to help but after Asume died only Kurenai, and Gai were the only options since I was not sure of Kakashi at the time but with Kurenai already having a little one to take care of and Konohamaru, Erosannin would have used her to hit on women, Gai would have had her in spandex which I would have killed him over." as he looked down at the little girl in his arms and smiled.

Kurenai said "How much sleep do you get Naruto. I know taking care of mine with help is tiring and if your doing missions also then."

Naruto said "I sleep one day a week and thats it. The rest of the time I may get 20 minutes here and there if I have my summons watch me and her and Kyuubi keeps my senses active." making everyone shocked by what he has done for his daughter

Tsunade rubbed her temples and said "You really are a head ache Naruto."

Naruto closed his eyes and said "She also has the other one also like I do." making everyone in the room look at him as he opened his eyes and a different pattern appeared. This time a four lined diamond and Kakashi had huge eyes as he said "Thats the Diamond eye."

Sakura looked confused as Naruto returned his eyes to normal blue and said "Whats the diamond eye."

Tsunade looked at her and said "Its like the sharingan but instead of copying jutsu it copies and breaksdown seals so that they can be made into new ones. It is the bloodline of the Kazama clan. As of now only 3 people have ever had them. Arashi, Naruto and his daughter."

Naruto asked "So what are you going to do now."

Tsunade said "Word has already spread about a possible Sharingan agian. Sakura was not the only one to notice it at the stadium today. I had a few citizens and also a couple of ABNU come to me today so odds are word has already reached the council."

Naruto looked at her and said "I dont care what happens to me but I wont let anyone hurt her or take her away from me Tsunade. I will feed another person to Kyuubi if I have to."

Kakashi looked questionable at that and Sakura asked "What do you mean feed another person to Kyuubi Naruto."

Naruto smirked and said "Ever wondered how I really beat the leader. Thanks to the rescue mission of Sasuke on the sound base I learned a new ability of the sharingan that nobody thought of."

Everyone looked at him and Kakashi asked "What."

Naruto said in a neutral tone "As you know Kakashi from our battle with diedra that you can open a portal to a different dimension and send stuff to but Sasuke did another thing. He went into a pocket dimension or more specifically he went inside the seal and met Kyuubi and stopped his power but I learned because of that I can send others there as well."

Tsunade said "You dont mean that..."

Naruto said "Yes, I sent the leader to Kyuubis cage after I used Hiraishin on him as well as beat him down I allowed him to be eaten by the very thing he wanted to control. Kyuubi has also taken a liking to my daughter and has sworn his protection of her also and any other children I may have someday so I wont have any problem feeding more people to him." making everyone in the room pale when they finally realised what he was willing to do for his daughter.

Tsunade looked at Naruto and ask "Do you still have the letters your parents left for you."

Naruto reached into his pocket and pulled out two scrolls that had the seal broken on them and Tsunade open them and read a moment before handing them back.

Tsunade thought for a moment after reading them and looked at the Hokages pictures on the wall and stopped on her grandfather and said "Gaara, come here a moment. I need to ask you something."

Everyone looked at her as Gaara walked over and she whispered in his ear and he thought for a moment and nodded getting an evil grin that everyone in the room feared.

Tsunade got everyones attention and said "Naruto, you really are my lucky charm. How about a way to make sure you and your daughter are taken care of and also fix a few other headaches I recieved because of you."

Making everyone in the room look at her questionably as she got a huge smirk that they all learned meant she was about to bet it all.

Naruto nodded slowly so she knew he was listening and she said "I can garuntee the safety of you children and also please the council so they cant hurt you or them and also give the village back both bloodlines you and her carry as well as a third."

Naruto thought for a moment and said "I wont let Yuna be breeding stock granny."

Tsunade smiled at the protectiveness of Naruto and said "No, this would not work on her since she has at least 13 years before it would even come up and my idea would start tomorrow. You may have to give up your dream of being Hokage for a few years though."

Naruto narrowed his eyes and said "What do you have up your sleaves granny."

Tsunade smirked with a look of gotcha and said "Simple, a harem for you." making Naruto eyes as wide as a silver dollar and he said "NO." making everyone in the room shocked.

Tsunade looked taken back and said "What do you mean no Naruto. I can use the clan restoration law and it gives not only you but also your children protection backed by every clan of Konoha weather they like it or not. Besides your already engaged to 2 people in this room." making everyone in the room wide eyed and all look at each other

Naruto looked at her and said "I learned with my time with Rin I would only be with a woman for love, not sex so I wont just bang any woman I see. I want it to be special and have a real family for my children to grow up with. Something I never had. I also dont want woman who see me as only the Kyuubi or the son of the Yondaime and what do you mean Im engaged to 2 people in this room" as he looked questionable at her along with everyone else.

Tsunade sat back and said "let me tell you about my other headaches you have caused me since you are now 16 first. Do you know someone named Yukie."

Naruto thought for a moment and said "Yes, shes the princess of Snow country that team 7 saved. Why."

Tsunade ignored him and said "Do you know the adopted daughter of Tazuna named Haku."

Naruto dropped all questions right there and said "How the hell did you find out about her." in a commanding voice shocking everyone in the room.

Sakura thought for a moment and said "Isnt Haku the name of that nin Kakashi killed in wave with his chidori. You said she was a guy Naruto."

Kakashi looked at Naruto and said "Naruto, why do I think your not telling us something."

Naruto sighed and said "Haku did die on the bridge in wave country...for about 20 seconds until I used the last of Kyuubis chakra in my system to heal her while you and Zabuza bad mouthed each other. Sakura and Tazuna had ran toward Sasuke so they did not know. I told you I would take care of HIS body so you would not find out he was a she and also that she was still alive. I asked Tazuna to look after her for me and I sent money to wave country to help them support her until she recovered and then they adobted her. She was not an actual ninja from mist because they kill all bloodline users there and wont let them be ninja but she was trained by Zabuza. Now what does this have to do with her."

Tsunade smiled and said "What about Sasame of the Fuma clan."

Naruto thought for a moment and blushed and said "Yeah, she was the nin who tried to kill us when we were looking for Sasuke but she was actually a good person. Orochimaru tricked her clan."

Tsunade notice the shocked looks as the people naruto had met as she asked "What about Toki of the Land of birds."

Neji and tenten remember this and Naruto said "Yes, neji and tenten went with me and saved her and her country from a jerk."

Tsunade ignored all the questioning looks and said "What about Isarabi."

Naruto smiles and said "She was a girl who was experimented on by Orochimarus men and they made her able to breath underwater. You fixed her transformation but the rest could not be helped so shes like a bloodline now. Last I heard she was the chief fishing investment officer for the land of sea since she can show the fishermen where to find the best catches and was one of the 3 most powerful people there."

Tsunade said "And Haruna of vegetable."

Naruto thought and said "She the princess who hit Hinata and almost got her killed and also was kidnapped as a child. Why are you asking me about all these woman Tsunade."

Tsunade ignored him and said "What about Yakuma of the Kurama clan."

Kurenai attention is drawn by that and Naruto said "She kidnapped Kurenai when a creature tricked her. We helped her overcome the creatures lies."

Kiba said "Man, you sure did had luck with the damsel in distress category."

Tsunade smiled and said "Im glad you remember all of them Naruto because they all remember you and more importantly how much you made them feel."

Everyone was looking at Naruto and he said "What do you mean."

Sakura asked "What are you talking about sensie."

Tsunade said "Simple. Each and every one of those woman are very influental in either thier clans or countries, so influental that they have sent very big offers with the backing of thier clans or countries to prepose an arrange marriage but not with Konoha. With Naruto only." making everyone wide eyed as she said that.

Tsunade waited till they got over thier shock and said "Also Ino, Hinata, you are both betrothed to the Kazama heir or in this case Naruto before he was born." making Hinata faint and Ino look at Naruto. Sakura walked over and woke her up with a medical jutsu and watched the meeting going on.

Gaara smiled and said "Also you are to be married to a ninja from Suna as well as a form of peace treaty between our villages."

Temari said "Whos the poor girl getting in this mess Gaara." smugly.

Gaara said "Simple. You." and smirked to himself as she went wide eyed and wanted to kill him for that

She said "But what if I dont want to be with him."

Gaara raised an eyebrow and said "Do you have anyone now. I know you have dated the shadow user but I thought it had not worked out."

Temari sighed and said "Yeah, thats true but you could have asked me before deciding for me."

Gaara smiled and said "Truth is, it was not my choice to begin with anyways. The children of the Yondaime Hokage and Kazekage were to be wed depending on gender. I had came to Tsunade after Atasuki defeat and asked her who was the heir. We both thought there was not one and so here we are. If Naruto would of been a girl it would have been Kankuro then. Blame father." in a neutral tone.

Naruto sighed and said "Have you all not forgot something. I have not agreed and also how will this help exactly."

Tsunade nodded as his question and said "Simple. With all those powers backing you as well as you creating 3 clans with you the head of all 3 then you will be protected by the clan laws and the rest of the clans have to support it or loose all rights as clans including protections, lands, and council seats."

Naruto said "What 3 clans. I can see 2 but whats the third."

Tsunade said "Simple, You are the only Uchiha left even though you are half Uchiha. You are also the last Kazama which you are also a half of but you are also the clan that was to be created with you when the 2 clans joined. I did not know you were alive when I read the notes the third had on it but a new clan was to be performed by the joinin of the Uchiha and Kazama clan. It was arranged by both thier respective parents when the children were young. Until now I never knew what name it was to be. Its the Uzumaki clan so here is my plan. Since we know how to seal bloodlines we can have you father 1/3 of your wifes and have them seal off the Sharigan or the diamond eye and the Uzumaki clan will have both like you and your daughter Yuna. As long as you produce 15 hiers each it will be ok."

Naruto thought for a moment and said "That wont work because how can 2 or 3 wives be enough to ensure the bloodlines to get the 15 children for each clan as well as agree to share me."

Tsunade smiled and said "Thats were you other wifes will come in and as for the last part I will explain at the council meeting." as she wrote something on a piece of paper.

Naruto said "What other wives."

Tsunade handed him the paper and read it before dropping it and said "You want to get me killed, dont you."

Tsunade said "Do any of them think of you as Kyuubi or the son of the Yondaime."

Naruto said "No but..."

Tsunade said "Do you not care for any of them."

Naruto said "I do care for them but..."

Tsunade said "its settle then."

Naruto said "But they wont agree and I dont want to pressure them into something like this."

Tsunade said "You wont be. I will." as she smiled an evil grin.

Kiba said "Whats wrong Naruto. Your living almost every guys dream so whos the ladies you get to bang." as he picks up the list and reads it and said "Thats my sister your pimping, you want me to kill him or something."

Kakashi grabbed the list and said "Lets see who we got. Damn Naruto. You got lucky."

Gai said "Who is it my youthful rival."

Kakashi said "Oh just

















Thats all"

Sakura said "I dont want to be have kids with Naruto."

Tenten said "What about my wants."

Ayame said "Im not a ninja so you cant force me."

Tsunade looked at them and said "relax. Ayame, you already said you feel like a mother to Yuna so I put you on but that is only for show unless you dont want to be apart of Naruto new family. That will be just the cover story we are going to use for 1 year while those who dont want to marry Naruto will be paid an S-rank mission out of the joint Kazama and Uchiha accounts pocket so that way Naruto can either find him some more wifes that will have children with him that fall in his restrictions but also help protect his wifes from out of the village and also his daughter and any other children that come along. Do you realise how bad it would be if one of those ladies were killed and we had not shown any kind of protection for them.

Tenten is a master of weapons and traps. Sakura and Shizune are both great medics and can cure almost anything should someone be attacked or other problems. Ayame will be going from what she said earlier as well as teach the wives how to take care of a baby. Ino and Hinata, I cant help you unless your fathers break the contract but if Naruto does have to goto Suna my plan might work but will take Naruto greatest strenght. The ability to piss people off and when I say people I mean Hiashe and Inoichi. Anko will be sent with you also because of her interigation and abnu skills. Hana will be added to the fact she can smell if anyone is not who they say they are and also help with Security of the new Uzumaki compound that we will build for them. As of right now the woman on that list will be the only ones besides in this room who know the truth and if anyone ask you as your body gaurd duties you will say you are his fiance.

That is if things work like I got planed. I am not so cold hearted that I will force people to have sex and babies for bloodlines. What I am going to do is have the council bow to my wishes and make everything right for Naruto and his children so he wont have to worry. If my plan fails then you all wont have to worry about it because he will no longer be a Konoha Shinobi but one of Suna if Gaara agrees to that. Those of you who will be body guards will have to do it for less then 2 years so that way naruto can actually start the clans and the council will see results and back down." looking at Gaara getting a nod when she mentioned the back up plan.

Tsunade looked at the females in the room and said "Do you all agree to that. I know you may not like the mission but it is one that has to be done. Temari, I cant rule on you so your stuck with Gaaras decision but he might let you off."

All the girls nodded and Naruto said "I dont understand granny."

Tsunade looked at him and said "Tomorrow I want you to come with me and Gaara to the Council chambers and dont say a word unless I tell you specifically to. If things go bad me and Gaara will make you a member of Suna. If thats happens and it is done I want you to ask me about if political marriages still go with a person if they leave a village. After I say yes I want you to think of a way to piss Hiashe and Inoichi off as not only clan heads but fathers. The council will try and get answers from you but I will act as your power of attorney before that and if things dont work then you will take your daughter and leave the leaf village to live in Suna or go from there but make sure you piss them off. I will do all I can not to have you marked as a missing nin but I dont know how much me and Jaraiya can do."

Kakashi looked around and said "Weres Jaraiya at anyways."

Naruto said "Playing poker with Kyuubi and Gambunta." making everyone look at him like he was crazy.

Tsunade finally got over her look and said "Explain."

Naruto sighed and walked to the corner of the room and turned back around with his eyes in the final level of the sharingan and everyone in the room saw black for a moment until they all found themself in a long hallway.

Naruto appeared in front of them and said "Follow me." as he started to walk down the hallway only for Kakashi to ask "Were are we going."

Naruto sighed and said "If your going to explain everything I might as well let erosannin know about my bloodlines and also see what the hell they are doing in here anyways. The way it sounds is like.. well you will just have to see." and turned back walking away from the group and he yelled over his shoulder "Follow me or you will get lost in here forever." as he continued walking and everyone got in line behind him.

Ino asked "Where are we anyways Naruto."

Naruto smiled and said "My mind." ignoring the shocked looks of everyone there.

Sakura said "I thought Jaraiya did not know about your sharingan, how is he in here then."

Naruto smiled and said "I told him I had a jutsu that would let him get drunk and play poker all day but I refused to show him the jutsu, just do it so he never learned the truth because his back was always turned." as they approached a strange sound

"BUD" came a deep voice

"wise" came the voice of a drunk jaraiya

"eeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr ribbit" came a voice between a stutter and a croak.

as everyone entered a room that looked like a bar with a bigscreen tv and a bar in the corner with a frog man that was dressed in a pair of boxers and a t-shirt that said felling froggy

Next to him was Jaraiya who had a sake in one hand and some cards in the other.

A third person who had a wierd looking cigar in his mouth smoking and dressed in a shirt and a pair of bluejeans with holes in them and a pair of red sunglasses on the tip of his nose and red hair.

Naruto yelled "Yo, bastard fox. I told you not to get stoned agian after I heard why you attacked Konoha in the first place."

The guy in the tie die shirt turned to Naruto and said "Kit, I got the munchies, got any cheetos."

He then looked at the rest of the group and said "Lets see who we have here. Beetlejuicelooking at Shino. You looked better when you were laughing your ass off. Got any more of that laughing powerder...hmm lets see, damn kit, I have not seen her since she showed her body to you at the waterfall that one time. I still say she wanted you. YO hina. Hows you doing." looking at Hinata

Everyone turned to a site of a very red Hinata and Kiba asked "How come shes not fainting and what waterfall."

Sakura asked "What did he mean by showing her body to you Naruto and who is he and the other guy."

Naruto said "The guy with frogs on him is Gambunta in his henged human form and the bastard with the dubbie is Kyuubi in his henged human form. Bastard fox, dont harrass my guest or I will make you wear a dog suit while dancing to who let the dogs out because in my mind im boss."

Kyuubi said "really, you are not my boss and to prove it please look at the kitts memories, you might find some interesting shit. Damn munchies." as he got up and walked to the bar and got some cheetos.

Everyone turned to look at the tv and naruto tried to stand in front of it until it grew to the size of Kyuubi in his foxform and showed Hinata dancing on the water naked making everyone wide eyed and Naruto said "Its not like it looks and fox. I agreed to let you have access to my memories to shut you up, not make my life hell."

Ino said "Im glad I dont have any embarresing moments with the baka here."

Jaraiya had drool out of his mouth as he watched the screen and Kyuubi said "Really, lets look shall we." and it showed Ino kissing Naruto before the boat they were on shifted causing her to push him down and land on top of him after the mission where him and her had to help set up a wedding with a woman who once looked like Ino making everyone look at her with a look of busted.

Sakura seemed appaled and said "I would never kiss this idiot and I cant believe you did Ino and whats worse is it looked like Hinata was actually doing that dance for Naruto"

Kyuubi said "You would not kiss him even if he was in a henge or if it was a bet."

Sakura said "I would notice and I have never betted on something like that ."

Kyuubi grinned and everyone saw Sakura getting ready to kiss Naruto when he was henged into Sasuke, then it changed to a drunk Sakura trying to grope Naruto after her sweet 16 birthday party which somebody spiked the drinks making Sakura very embarresed and pissed.

Tenten said "You really knew huh Sakura, you were the most forward of all."

Kyuubi said "Lets not forget you miss I want to be like Tsunade, let me show you my thanks." and the screen changed to Tenten listening to the story of how Naruto saved Tsunade from Orochimaru and Kabuto at the ramen stand and Tenten getting up and kissing him as thanks but everyone heard Naruto thoughts of "long tongue." making everyone look at her with humor.

Choji said "if you really are the Kyuubi, why did you attack Konoha if you dont mind me asking."

Naruto yelled "NO, DONT ASK THAT." making everyone jump back afraid he might go fox on them and kill them but it was to late.

The room changed into a nightclub and a crowd of people and tables appeared and the lights dimmed except for a spotlight that appeared on a stool on a stage and Kyuubi walked up to it and everyone started to snap thier fingers slowly every 15 seconds and he said "You want to know why I attack, It was so wack that day. I started with rolling me a stoggy and got some munchy, the munchys went away after I got some cheetos but the man came and took my cheetos, I wanted to cry until I found my best friend. Mary Jane. Mary Jane helped me forget about my cheetos until I realised I did not have a light so I came to the place that had the lite. Konoha. Thank you, Thank you all." and he lite his cig and walked back to the table to play cards and Jaraiya asked "Why you here Tsunade. I thought Naruto only used that jutsu on me to get me to quit doing research."

Kyuubi looked at Gambunta and said "I feel froggy, want to hop out of here and find some bitches."

Gambunta took the cig from Kyuubi and hit it and said "Nah man, I just want to chill."

Naruto sighed and made everyone but Jaraiya, gambunta and Kyuubi go back to the real world and Tsunade looked at him and said "How long has that gone on Naruto and was he joking about the attack."

Naruto sat down and said "Nope. He needed a lite to get stoned agian and could not make one strong enough for his past time."

Shikamaru said "How strong of one did he need Naruto."

Naruto sighed and said "I honestly dont know but he has been hitting pieces of it every since he was sealed in me with it so Im 16 years old and do the math yourselfs. As for how long erosannins been doing that. The 4th friday of every month since I became his apprentice. It was either that or let him try and grope me in my sexy-no-jutsu body." making everyone facefault.

Tsunade cracked her knuckles and said "Bring him out here please."

Naruto closed his eyes and when he open them his sharingan was active and a black portal opened in the room and Jaraiya fell on the floor hard before the portal closed and Tsunade started to beat the shit out of him while everyone laughed.

The laughter woke up Yuna who started to cry and Ayame said "Naruto, let me see her while you get her bottle."

Naruto nodded and handed Yuna to Ayame and then Naruto started to perform handsighns and summoned Gamatachi who had a nurses outfit on and a diaper bag over his shoulder as well as a bottle making everyone facefault and he said "Bro, we really need to find you a wife someday so I can get out of this job. I still dont know what my father was thinking when he made me do this but he said something about munchies and saying eeeeeerrrrrr. Please bro." as he handed the bottle and bag and went up in a puff of smoke.

After he was gone everyone balled on the floor laughing thier asses off and Sakura asked "How the hell did you get a summon to agree to that Naruto."

Naruto looked at Jaraiya who was confused and said "I told Gambunta about the same deal I did for erosannin and got him to agree to go there to keep them under control in my head and have them stop being used for his research.

All the woman had twitches at that and Neji said "Naruto, how have you hid her this long anyways."

Naruto looked at him and said "The same way you and lee hide. Live a double life except mine is with Kagebunshin" making everyone in the room look at him questionably.

Tenten asked "What do you mean Naruto."

Naruto said "Simple, neji and lee are a couple and have been since they first became gennins, havent you both."

Neji crossed his arms and said "I dont know what your talking about."

Naruto said "Un huh and who has the bigger dick."

Neji became red faced at that and Tenten covered her mouth to keep from saying anything because Neji never becomes embarresed while Ino did not have that problem said "Your both gay."

Lee looked at Naruto and sighed before saying "Yes." and Neji punches him in the arm.

Tenten said "So thats why none of my advances worked agianst you."

Sakura said "What was that whole deal of protecting me with your life stuff durring our chunnin exams and asking me out all the time."

Lee looked down and Naruto said "Lee was trying to make Neji jelous so he was hitting on Sasuke and he thought showing Sasuke how strong and determined he was would get his attention."

Tenten asked "How did you find out the truth Naruto."

Naruto looked at Neji and said sarcastically "Loverboy there grabbed my ass durring our match and he wanted to do the same thing to Lee that he was doing with Sasuke except he did it durring our match where only someone like Lee, Sasuke and Kakashi would see it since it was so quick. Thats why I went all Kyuubi on him."

Neji did a hinata immitation and put his fingers together and Ino said "So whose is bigger." and Neji turned completely red and Hinata blushed before muttering "Narutokun." but it was loud enough to get everyones attention.

Sakura looked at her wide eyed and said "Hinata, how did you know."

This time it was Kurenai who said "Why do you think she always fainted when she tried to talk to him. Its the same reason she had a crush on him in the accademy. She checked all the guys out with her bloodline when puberty hit her." and all the other girls looked at Hinata in a new light.

Kiba said "Why is Gai not going on about youth with what lee and neji just said."

Naruto said "Simple, hes to busy dreaming of Kakashi." making everyone in the room look at him and Kakashi said "I dont know what your talking about."

Naruto said "Kakashi, I was with Rin and she was once your greatest fangirl. She told me all kinds of stories about you and Gai in the past. Besides, I know about you interest in other guys"and everyones eyes got wide and Kakashi dropped his book and said "How."

Naruto said "Remember the precious." pointing toward the book he just dropped and Naruto said "You, Gai, Neji, Lee, Orochimaru and Sasuke were the only men in this village never to be effected by my Harem jutsu. I knew all of them were gay so that made me look at you and after hearing from rin about your past it was easy to figure out."

Jaraiya said "No, my research wasted on him." as fake tears ran down his cheeks.

Naruto snorted and said "No, they are not just gay but bi because Kakashi slept with Tazunas daughter Tsunami and but I dont know how much of that was real anyways."

Ino asked "How do you notice things like that but failed to notice Hinata."

Naruto said "I did not fail to notice Hinata. I went to Hiashe and asked for permission to date her when we were still in the accademy since I knew she could not without her fathers permission and I met the 129 palm strikes of the Hyuugas. It took Kyuubi a week to fix the last one." as he rubbed his groin remembering getting hit there and everyone could guess where the other point was then.

Tsunade who was sitting back in her chair said "So does everyone understand what they have to do."

Shikamaru said "Nope. We know what the girls will be doing but the rest of us dont."

Tsunade said "Tomorrow at 8 am I want you all back here and watch what happens in the council chambers while Naruto in his discuise that he had tonight comes with me and Gaara."

Naruto sighed looking at Yuna who was asleep in Ayames arms and nods and gets up and reaches for Yuna but Ayame said "I got her and your walking me home. I want to talk to you about something." making everyone look at her as she got up and heads for the door with Naruto following behind her.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow and asked "Was anyone else not expecting that."

Everyone nodded looking at the door closing. Tsunade pulls out her Kage crystal ball and activates it showing everyone Naruto and Ayame.

With Naruto and Ayame

Naruto quickly walked and caught up with Ayame and said "Thank you."

Ayame kept walking and said "For what."

Naruto said "For saying you see her as your daughter and also being there for me." with a small smile on his face.

Ayame smiled as she looked at the baby and said "I meant every word of it. Look Naruto, I know you might get upset with me saying this but I want you to know I really do think of Yuna as my daughter. I also see you as someone I want to spend my life with because I have been in love with you every since we were kids and you first called me Ayamechan when you were like 6 years old and i was almost 9. I wanted to tell you sooner but I saw how confused you got trying to understand kindness and love so I decided to wait until you knew what both were before I told you."

Naruto looked at her as they walked and said "Ayame, I dont..."

She siad "know what to say. I already knew that and thats why I wanted to tell you before what happens tomorrow either way, you stay in Konoha or leave..I want to go with you and help you give Yuna what she needs and what you always wanted. A family." as she walked up the steps to her home and Naruto was starting to reach for his daughter not knowing what to say and Ayame opened the door and said "You coming. I got more to say."

Naruto looked at her questionly and walked in and she closed the door and locked it before walking over to the play pin and laid Yuna in it and smiled at her dad who was drinking a cup of coffee and looked at Naruto and her as she grabbed Naruto arm and dragged him out of the room and he took one last look at his daughter and Ayame father smiled and mouthed "I got her" as they left the room.

Ayame pulled Naruto into her bedroom and closed the door and turned to Naruto who said "Ayame, Look I..." he was cut off by her pressing her lips to his making him go wide eyed and slowly closed his eyes and put his arms around her and pulled her close as she leaned into him and deepened the kiss.

Naruto after a few moments broke the kiss and looked at Ayame eyes and said "Ayame...I..." he was stopped when she put her fingers to his lips and smiled at him.

She then said "I know but remember what you told me you promised Rin, You would find happiness and I want to give that to you Naruto and I want to start now." and somehow in a blink of an eye Naruto shirt and pants were on the floor as was Ayame dress.

In the Hokage tower everyone was wide eyed as they saw that and Tsunade asked "Did anyone see how she did that."

Everyone shook thier heads no and Hinata said "My eyes could not track it either."

back with Naruto

Ayame reached her arms around the back of Naruto and rubbed his back with her nails getting a moan from him as she kissed him and slipped her tongue in his mouth.

Naruto started using his tongue as he reached his arms around the back of her legs and picked her up bridal style and carried her toward her bed and gently set her down on the bed and broke the tongue war and pulled back looking into her eyes and asked "Are you sure you want to do this Ayame. I dont want you..."

She put her fingers to his lips and said "Shut up and make me feel like your woman." and thats all it took for Naruto to know she was not backing out.

He reached around her and undid her bra and pulled it away with his teeth before throwing it on the floor. He reached for her right breast while he started to flick her left nipple that was already hard. He barely nipped it getting a moan from Ayame and took his free hand and gently circled her woman hood thru her panties.

Ayame was in heaven and grabbed Naruto head and started to push him down her stomach as he kissed her on his way down and he grabbed her panties and went to the side and used one of his sharpened k9 teeth and cut the band holding it together and used his hand to do the other side. He then threw the garment away and put her legs over his shoulder as he started to lick all around her woman hood making her even wetter then she was and did a few tease flicks across her clit before curling his tongue around it and using a growl in the back of his throught that sounded like a purr resonated it thru his tongue sending waves of pleasure thru her.

Ayame could not believe the feeling she was having and quickly came and Naruto after licking her clean leaned back and she looked at him and in another moment faster then any could see she flipped him onto her bed and push the head of his dick thru the hole in his boxers and straddled him before she looked at him and said "do you love me."

Naruto could only nod his head yes not able to believe this was happening and Ayame smiled and started to rock on him. First it was slow and then she built up speed.

Naruto started to thrust into her and return the pleasure he was feeling. Ayame felt her climax coming and tried to slow down not to get to it to soon but Naruto had other plans. he flipped her around and put one of her legs over his shoulder and started to pump into her faster then she was on him.

Ayame eyes rolled back into her head and screamed "Narukun." and enjoyed the first of many climaxes that night.

Back in the Hokage tower Tsunade stopped the crystal ball and looked at all the stunned looks on everyones faces and Ino said "Did you all see the size of..."

Sakura who had her mouth open said "where the hell did he hide that."

Tenten said "I think every one was right when they called him Kyuu but instead of bi it should have been Inch."

Hinata turned and said "What happened to them." looking at all the men passed out on the floor all in a pile.

Gaara said "I made them hit each other when they tried to look. Naruto told me to beat perverts and most men are perverts but not woman." making all the woman look at him and Tsunade asked "Gaara, why did you not pass out or get a nose bleed from what you saw.."

Gaara said "Simple, Shukaku a woman." and all the woman in the room were wide eyed and Temari said "then why does she get upset on full moons."

Gaara said "They always fall when she has her monthlys." like it was no big deal and all the woman had twitches as they looked at him.

Gaara said "I will see you all tomorrow." and left in a swirl of sand.

Tsunade sighed and said "Get some rest and meet here before the meeting. Dismissed." and everyone started to leave.

Jariaya stood up and said "Whats going on Hime."

Tsunade said "Did you know that he was Arashi son and has not only his fathers bloodline but his mothers."

Jaraiya sighed and said "So you found out about Rin and Yuna huh." as he sat down in a chair.

Tsunade looked at him and said "You knew."

Jaraiya nodded and said "Yes, the third when he set up the meeting for me to meet Naruto informed me but I was not allowed to tell him until he was 18. I first saw Rin when they first met and when he went to sleep that night I found a note she wrote to tell him they would meet agian. I had a Kagebunshin following his and her the whole time ready to interfere should trouble hit and I watched them fall in love. Since the kid had such a hard time in life I cut him some slack and let him find happiness."

Tsunade said "Why did you never tell me."

Jaraiya sighed and said "If you would have found out the truth you would have killed everyone on the council, especially since Arashi was like your son you never had."

Tsunade sighed and asked "Its going to be hell tomorrow and does he really know Hiraishin."

Jaraiya pulled out a bottle of Sake and said "Yes, He mastered in in a little over a month and also learned from the scroll on Rasengan how to solve his problem with needing a clone." as he poured two glasses and thats how the rest of the night went.

The next day Naruto walked in with Ayame who had a huge smile on her face and looked tired as hell and everyone in the room was looking at them with raised eyebrows and Tsunade asked "Are your ready Naruto."

Naruto only nodded as he left with Tsunade. After they were gone Ino being the gossip head walked to Ayame and asked "Well, how was it."

Ayame looked at her and asked "How was what."

Tenten asked "naruto, we know you and him did it last night."

Ayame blushed and said "It was heaven and hell. Heaven for 8 hours and hell when I tried to walk this morning." as she had a dreamlike state on her face ignoring the shocked look on everyone in the room.

Hana who had heard them and was told the truth asked "8 hours, are you kidding."

Ayame said "Thats when I told him to stop. 2 words for you. Stamina Freak." as she walked slowly to a chair and sat down and the other girls all looked at each other.

When Naruto who had his cloaked discuised on he had the previous night so only his eyes could be seen and Tsunade walked in to the council chamber Hiashe asked "Forgive me Hokagesama but why have you called this meeting and who is this person beside you and why is this person here."

Tsunade took her seat and said "I called you to inform you about a secret the third Hokage had hid from the rest of the village for security reasons and also the protection of this person who I would like to introduce to you now. Allow me to introduce the last of the Kazama clan and also the Last Uchiha with the exception of his daughter who I am sure some of you heard about being at the stadium yesterday."

Most of the people in the room were shocked and Inoichi said "How can you say this Tsunade, the last Kazama was Arashi and he died stopping the Kyuubi and how is he an Uchiha also."

Tsunade said "Please show everyone your sharingan." and Naruto closed his eyes and then opened them and showed everyone in the room a 3 comma sharingan that soon changed into the final stage and shocked everyone in the room.

Tsunade said "Now the Diamond eye."

Naruto nodded and changed his eyes agian and everyone had thier jaws on the floor and Danzo asked "Who is this person and why was we not notified earlier then this."

Tsunade looked at the shocked people and said "His father was Arashi Kazama the Yondaime and his mother was Uchiha Finata, sister to the former clan head of the Uchiha. The 3rd had him first hide who he was and his bloodlines so that his fathers enemies would not start another war to kill him off. He was later told to hide his sharingan as well so Itachi would not come back and kill him and possibly Sasuke. Now that they are both dead and also the fact he is able to protect himself from his fathers enemies by knowing both of his fathers signature jutsu as well as other skills." letting everyone know he could kill them all if he wanted to with the Hiraishin.

Hiashe said "I am glad to here he is alive because that means my daughter Hinata is betrothed to him by his father."

Tsunade said "I am aware of that and also about Ino as well as Temari from the sand village. I have been asked to speak as his power of attorney while we discuss this matter as well as a few others concerning his clans so that way according to the laws of Konoha if he does not like what is decided as to what we agreed privately with he will leave Konoha forever and no one can stop him as clan heads of all 3 clans." getting shouts of outraged from everyone in the room.

The Nara head asked "What do you mean by 3 clans Tsunade." making everyone quit down and look at her missing that a few moments ago.

Tsunade smiled and said "Simple, he is the only Uchiha and also the only Kazama but what is not known to any before now except the Hokage and this person here is that when Arashi and his wife married since both had eye bloodlines the chance of a new one being created was accounted for and because he has the ability to use both like his daughter does he is also the clan head of the 3rd clans name that is still a secret to all but myself and him for his protection. Because of his unique situation I have asked him to create or restore all 3 clans since we can seal off one or the other bloodlines in his children and he has agreed but he wants a few things first."

Danzo asked "What is it he wants."

Tsunade said "He wants as the only Uchiha and Kazama left to get all belongings of both clans and to destroy the old homes of both clans and create knew ones with the money so this village does not have to be reminded of the massacre and the chance that his fathers enemies may have been in his family home and learned secrets to get around security over time."

The thirds teammates said "That is agreeable and a wise percosion, what else does he want."

Tsunade said "He wants all rights of the clan restoration law meaning he and his family has to be protected by all clans of Konoha and also they cant be favored because of his status like Sasuke was with the village showing favoritism or hurt by anyone who has a problem with what his family has done since some may hate the Uchiha or his father for what he did to defeat Kyuubi or other petty qualms."

Everyone looked around and the advisors said "That is also acceptable."

Tsunade nodded and said "This person also wants a council seat for all 3 clans and he wants all rights a clanhead has and if any of his request are not met he has the right to take his family and leave because to put it frankly, he is pissed at Konoha."

Sakura mother asked "Why is he pissed at Konoha."

Tsunade said "For ignoring his fathers last request." making everyone in the room flinch.

The advisors said "We realise that our not listening to the yondaimes request was fool hardy but no one was hurt by it."

Naruto became pissed at that and started to walk toward the door and everyone looked at him and Danzo asked "Where are you going."

Naruto reached for his head cloth and said as he revealed who he was "Im leaving Konoha and taking my families bloodlines with me. To say no one was hurt by it is like saying Kyuubi never attacked. Its a crock of shit." and walked out of the room leaving a bunch of pissed and shocked members of the council.

Tsunade said "You assholes dont know what you just did. Not only did you just cost us both bloodlines but also alliances with Snow country, Sea country, Wave country, Vegetable country, land of birds, the Fuma clan, the Kurama clan and possible Suna and about 10 other countries or clans." shocking everyone.

One of the advisors asked "What do you mean Hokagesama."

Tsunade said "All of them wanted to have a member of one of thier countries or clan members to marry him and give whereever he lives at trade rights as well as other alliances. They dont care about Konoha, they care about HIM. Half of them are royalty for god sake and add to the fact he can seal off his and his daughters bloodlines with his Kazama bloodline we may finally lose both bloodlines forever and when I said he knows both his fathers techniques I meant it. He not only knows Rasengan but also the Hiraishin jutsu and who knows how many jutsu he has copied with his sharingan. Im going to try and talk him out of leaving and you had better figure out what to do." as she left the room.

After she left the advisors said "What should we do."

Hiashe said "we have no choice but to try and calm him down and get him to stay."

A civilian said "We should kill him before he gets away."

Inoichi said "Do you honestly think you can kill him. He took out the leader of Atasuki by himself and none of us could even touch him add to the fact he knows his fathers signature jutsu he could kill everyone in the village and never even think twice of it."

Danzo looked around and said "We should take his daughter and ..." his voice disappeared as a black portal opened up and consumed him shocking everyone in the room not knowing what happened.

A swirl of flames appeared and Naruto was standing in front of the room and said "I am sure you are all wondering what just happened to Danzo huh. I will tell you. It is the same thing that will happen to anyone who so much as tries and hurts any member of my family. Tsunade just gave me a reason to stay in Konoha and it is the only reason I wont leave."

The civilian that said they needed to kill Naruto asked "What did you do to Danzo."

Naruto looked at him while activating his sharingan and said "I sent him to the seal where he is currently being eaten by Kyuubi."

The advisors looked scared for a moment and asked "What did Tsunade give you that you are willing to stay in Konoha."

Naruto reached into his pocket and pulled out a scroll and laid it on the floor and said "This is the blood oath of Konoha. For those of you who dont know what it is, it is a sealing jutsu that was use to ensure trust between each of the founding clans and citizens of Konoha. Every clan heads blood as well as those of the council are added to the seal every year to ensure that what this village has done to me never happens. If I activate the seal in this scroll it kills every clan head and also the entire council." Naruto open the scroll and bit his thumb and let some drops of blood hit the seal and looked at the council and said "including me. Now you have a choice. Either we come to an agreement that is benificial to not only me but Konoha or I kill us all and have my daughter go with the Kazekage to live in suna."

Everyone saw the determination in Naruto eyes and Hiashe said "Just like your father. All or nothing attitude" getting everyones attention.

Hiashe then said "We really are fools. Not only have we been abusive of the son of our savior but also the head of two of the most powerful clans in Konoha and also the person who saved us from the Kazekage in his demon form."

Hiashe then pulled out a blank scroll and wrote something on it before pulling out his insignia as clan head and cut his finger before putting it on the document and walked over to Naruto and handed it to him and said "This is the backing of the Hyuuga clan stating your clans fall under our protecion even if the rest of Konoha ignores the laws of clan restoration. If anyone tries to hurt you or your daughter and any other children you have we will have no choice but to kill those responsible." shocking everyone in the room.

Naruto reached into his pocket and pulled out a scroll and said "I promised to Neji I would change the Hyuuga family. Inside this scroll is the answer to how to protect your bloodline while uniting it. Its a seal that I have placed on myself and my daughter for our protection so no one can steal out bloodlines. You wont be able to hurt the branch family anymore but with this you dont need a branch family. It has to be done by someone of your family blood within 2 generations of the person putting it on so it means a brother, sister, mother father aunt, or cousin and grandparents to do it or undo it so you cant unseal mine and I cant unseal yours. Once someone has it on they cant unseal themselfs. Only someone without the seal on them can unseal it so if you put it on everyone in your clan then do it after birth then no one can ever take your families bloodline." handing it to Hiashe as he took the scroll Hiashe wrote.

Hiashe looked at the scroll and nodded and said "I will put it on Hinata first before she marries you."

Naruto looked at him and said "I ask that you allow Hinata her own choice in that Hiashe. I do care for her but I dont want her to feel she is being forced into this. That way the rest of her life will be like my daughters mother before she died."

Hiashe nodded and returned to his seat.

The advisors looked around the room relizing they had no choice in the matter anymore asked "What are your demands Naruto."

Naruto smiled and said "Simple, I want the life I have been denied by this village for me and my family. All I want is to be able to walk down the street and not have people calling me demon, destroying my home, attacking me, throwing me out of thier stores, charging me 3 times the normal price for food or other items in the trash. I dont ask for respect or anything outragous like that. I just want the same thing any other parent wants in life. To live in a town without hate and having to worry if someone is going to kill my child or hurt them just because his or her parent saved the village and nobody can see the difference between a boy and a 200 ft demon that kills without caring. Is that so much to ask. You know that your lucky all the demons are know sealed safely because with the way this village has shown not only thier own children but people from other villages what they do when a father saves his village by using his child no other parent would do it and would let this village burn to the ground." making almost everyone in the room feel guilty

The advisors looked around the room and said "We agree with your terms as well as give the fool backing of the clan restoration law as long as you agree to the terms of producing 15 heirs for each clan."

Naruto nodded and said "I just want the right to choose who I am with though. I dont want someone to do it because of my family name or status and I dont want someone who sees me as a demon also. That way I can hopefully get all 3 clans set up to eliminate the problems that was in the old Uchiha clan and make all 3 as respected as the other clans."

The advisors nodded and said "Agreed."

Tsunade who was hiding in the back of the room coming in through a secret door said "Good, Now that those problems are settle I will be sending Naruto to each of the countries or clans I mentioned earlier and make sure they understand about having multiple wifes and also contact the builder Naruto said he wants to build the new Uchiha, Uzumaki, and Kazama compounds and have him start while Naruto is getting his future brides. I have already decided the rookie nine and Gais team along with thier sensies will be going with him along with Anko, Shizune and Hana as body gaurds and maybe he might ask some of them to help restore his clan. He has already found one from what I understand that is willing. Now is there any objections or problems anyone sees with this."

Naruto looked at her with a look that said how do you know.

Everyone looked at each other and shook thier heads no. Tsunade said "then I call this meeting adjourned and wish to welcome Naruto Uchiha Kazama Uzumaki to the council." and walked over before grabbing him and disappearing in a swirl of flames.

When they got to the Hokage tower she let go of him and asked "How did you do the flame shushin."

Naruto looked at her and the rest of the room that he had left shocked and said "I channel Kyuubis chakra into the leaf shushin and it sets it on fire and since its my chakra I am immune to it."

Tsunade nodded and said "Well you all saw and heard what was said. Do any of you have a problem with the mission that I explained before and now."

Ino said "How come only Hinata was freed but not me."

Naruto said "Simple. From what Tsunade said your father almost never agress with anything that he has to follow Hiashe on. If I would have tried to get you released from it then he would have flat out refused. Now he might change his mind about it and then I can make the same request. For now your stuck with it."

Anko looked at Naruto and said "So your Yondaimes Gaki, this should be fun."

Naruto looked at her and started to laugh a little getting everyones attention.

Hana asked "What are you laughing at."

Naruto said "Rin told me about when she was a gennin Anko use to go around the village in pink dresses that went all the way to her ankles and was quite and shy. I just had an image of her youngerself appear when I looked at her."

Anko looked ready to kill and Hana asked "What was this rins last name."

Naruto said "Truthfully, I dont know. I asked her several times but she said she left it behind when she left Konoha. Sorry."

Hana nodded and Tsunade said "Ok, I want you all to leave at 7 am tomorrow. Naruto, here are all the contracts and thier preposals and you are in charge of were to go but I want Kakashi to be in charge of the group."

Naruto niodded and said "Bring whatever you need for all climates because we will be going between beaches to snow and everything in between. First stop will be wave country."

Sakura said "Got to show off your bridge huh." making everyone look at her and Naruto.

Naruto said "No. Tazunas the best contractor I know and he wont do something that is dangerous for me even if someone threatens to kill him since I saved him and his family agian after I went back to wave. We will just be meeting Haku agian also. Hopefully she forgot about erosannin little fun last time." and grabbed his daugther before leaving a confused group.