Legend of the Fox

Chapter 8

AN: Hello all and welcome back. First and foremost I have to thank everyone who reviewed the last chapter. I also want to thank everyone who sent me messages requesting that I update this story, as I honestly thought people weren't interested due to lack of reviews. That said I've had this chapter half done for the last few months and just had inspiration hit me today. So instead of going with my original idea for this chapter which had me stuck I completely rewrote it to go with something that just came naturally. As such here is the next installment, enjoy.

Start Now:

To say that Uzumaki Naruto was bored would be an understatement. At the moment he sat near the back of a classroom his eyes focused outside of the window to the free world. It had been a few weeks since his last mission from the league and in that time he had grown rather bored with his routine. While he would admit that he had learned quite a bit as a student for Gotham Academy it did little to make things less boring. While the part of him that had always craved social interaction was pleased with the situation, he was a shinobi and he went stir crazy if left still for too long.

Still it wasn't all bad he had made a lot of new friends and had found something of a best friend in Barbara. He had made a few more friends including a young Richard Grayson and Artemis which had helped to boost their standings in the schools social ladder. And though he had been offered positions on the basketball, football, baseball, and track teams he had turned them all down as he couldn't really compete and show off his true speed and athleticism.

Of course while he had been attending classes for over two months now school doesn't officially start in earnest until the twenty-second of September. He was initially enrolled in what they called a summer school program in his case to help with Math, Science and English as he still spoke with a heavy accent and sometimes misused words. His relationship with Barbara had started off as a sort of study system; though the classes she was taking were much more fun he imagined those being Theatre, Dance and computer science. One thing he had discovered about the girl was that she was a big fan of superhero's especially Batman.

He'd even seen some of the designs she'd made for superhero suits when she was younger. Having spent some time at her house he had also gotten to know her younger brother James Jr and her father. Unfortunately their mother had left the family some years back apparently after James refused to leave Gotham one time too many. Still she and her mom were still talking even if she saw her less often than she wanted. Naruto had only met the woman twice in the time he had been in Gotham and while he could see that they resembled each other greatly physically Barbara was more like her father personality wise.

Outside of spending his time with his newfound friends and the beginning of his day in classes Naruto was still spending a majority of his time training. With all the material he had received from Tsunade he found himself with plenty to work on. His arsenal of elemental techniques had grown tremendously and he now knew techniques from each of the five basic elements. Aside from training however he had decided to take a crack at Gotham's night life. With his ability to sense negative emotions along with the city's high crime rate it had only been a matter of time until he had enough.

Of course it didn't escape him that he had always dreamed of playing the hero and now here he was doing just that. Most people didn't know it but with as large as the city was and as much crime as the place held Batman for all the fear he exerted hardly put a dent in the crime rates. The fact of the matter was that for every one that he got involved in there were four or five that he missed. That was where he came in as while the Bat was busy taking on his supervillains he had taken out the various mob bosses.

His training with the League of Shadows had apparently been good for him. They had taken his natural stealth that he'd gained during his childhood pranking career and enhanced it to incredible new levels. It was the reason he had moved to have them rechristened from the League of Assassins to the League of Shadows. However they'd taught him other things, such as how to embrace and control aspects of his personality he'd previously ignored. With the aid of the League he'd learned to be calm, how to rationalize, how to assess situations and that it was okay to be ruthless when the situation called for it.

Since then the League had branched out as well with many members taking on bodyguard roles for various clients. That of course didn't mean that assassinations stopped, no if anything they had increased. But he wasn't too focused on that, instead he was to focus on Gotham, on the Bat. Ra's had told him that what made the Dark Knight so dangerous was not brute force or his impressive arsenal of gadgets but his mind. It had been part of a huge debate on where he should be based.

On the one hand they both knew that physically he far outclassed the detective and would probably be pushed more by someone like Superman. Ra's problem however had been that the Man of Steel for all of his power was too straight forward and his disputes were solved mostly through sheer brute force or by relying on one of his powers. That is where Batman had won out as it was the power of the man's brain that Ra's favored and what Naruto needed.

Still he had long since gotten bored. He had thought that the man would have tracked him down by now. It's not like he had been hiding or anything, he even used his real name when he registered with the school to make himself easier to be found. Perhaps the man was simply putting it off as he had been keeping a rather low profile since his altercation with the former Green Lantern. That reminded him he really needed to have a proper go at Deathstroke before someone like Kakashi or Sasuke killed him.

While Naruto was lost in his musings the subject of his thoughts Bruce Wayne himself could be found within his office within Wayne Enterprises. While he no longer held the position of CEO which he had given to his father's old friend Lucius Fox he still had his own office for him to work out of. To say the past few months had been a whirlwind for him would be an understatement. For the first time in well over a decade Bruce Wayne was living his life. Wayne Technologies under his leadership was currently booming and products were being developed that would one day revolutionize the world.

The holographic technology that he had developed and that Batman and Robin were currently field testing would be the first of many products that would soon be launched. His personal life however was also shaping up. In fact it was all over the papers how Gotham's most eligible bachelor was currently seen multiple times and speculated to be dating one Selina Kyle. Despite this however nothing could stray him from his commitment to Batman.

As such it would be no surprise that Batman had also been incredibly busy, especially when it came to investigating Cadmus labs. However lately his focus had been on tracking down both Poison Ivy and Mister Freeze who had seemingly gone to ground. At this point he was leaning to the conclusion that both of them had left Gotham to parts unknown.

"Sir, you have a visitor." Came the voice of his secretary breaking him from his musing.

Allowing entrance he straightened himself before turning to face the door. As the door opened however he was surprised by just who entered and his eyes narrowed in suspicion at the sight of Talia al Ghoul entering the room so much so that he found himself standing almost defensively as his eyes flew quickly to every corner.

"Calm yourself, Bruce. There will be no trouble here today, I won't allow it."

As she said this another person entered the room with what looked like silver hair that had pushed in a stroller of all things.

"What are you doing here?" questioned the man not relaxing his guard at all.

"Truthfully I came because we need to talk." stated the woman causing Bruce's eyes to narrow.

"As you are no doubt aware we are preparing to leave this planet." Stated Talia taking a seat.

"I am. I believe Ra's has found a successor from a planet called Solaris." Stated Bruce his gaze darting over to the man who had entered with her momentarily.

"Indeed. It is in preparation for the move that I have come. My lover has recently brought it to my attention I could not do so before arranging this meeting."

As she said this the silver haired man moved over pushing the stroller over. As she pushed the covering up and away Bruce felt his stomach drop as he beheld the sleeping face of a child with a tuft of dark hair upon its head.

"This is Damian, your son."

Meanwhile within the Hidden Leaf Village the form of Maito Gai could be seen sitting within his wheelchair as he stared out at the world around him. He would admit if only to himself that some days were better than others for him now. He had known the consequences of opening the eighth gate however he had done so willingly during the war to take down Uchiha Madara. Though the gambit had failed to finish him in the end he had still done quite a bit of damage to the man. His part done he had been prepared to move on to the next life, only that hadn't happened instead Naruto had stepped in and somehow saved him from death's embrace.

Thanks to Naruto's actions he had managed to live though he had lost the use of his legs. While there were days that he was just happy to have survived today was not such a day. In fact today was the opposite in that it was one of the days where he wished he hadn't. For a man such as himself who had worked so hard for his strength and with as much energy as his body possessed being confined to the chair was torture.

"Ah Gai there you are, I've been looking all over for you." Came a rather familiar voice breaking him from his thoughts.

Turning towards it he saw that true enough the Godaime Hokage herself Senju Tsunade was approaching from his left. As she arrived beside him she had to fight to withhold a grimace as she saw through the smile he wore when he greeted her.

"Hokage-sama any word?" questioned Gai.

"They've made contact some time ago for them. They've seen Naruto but at the moment they're focusing on trying to learn the language."

At the words registered Tsunade could see Gai visibly relax. She knew that of all the teams that had been in circulation over the last few years team Gai was one of the closest. Unlike most teams that had come along even as the members grew and gained higher ranks they'd never broken apart. In fact the vast majority of their missions they had undertaken together.

"So how would you like to get out of that chair?" questioned Tsunade getting the man to look at her with wide eyes.

"Lois are you sure this is a good idea?"

The question came from a visually nervous Clark Kent who could be found standing within his mother's kitchen. At the moment the two were on the Kent Farm having a much needed conversation that in Lois's mind had become a bit overdue. Lois Lane the ace reporter herself was busy pacing. Dressed down in a pair of blue jeans and a blue rolling stones t-shirt.

"Smallville if I actually thought this was a good idea would I be pacing? You and I both know what kind of person he is. But what does it say when even Batman agrees this is the best move?"

"God when did our lives get so complicated that we have to do this?" questioned Clark.

"The day you came home and told me someone cloned you." Stated Lois getting Clark to wince.

"Look if it makes you feel better we were going to have to tell them soon anyway. I may not be showing yet but Jor-el already said the kids going to have your powers. All the twins really did was push telling them up a couple of months." Said Lois.

That had been one hell of a conversation as well. When she had come home to tell her husband that she was a little over three months pregnant only for him to tell her he already knew. They hadn't been trying for a baby as they had simply assumed that with his alien physiology there hadn't been a chance of her falling pregnant. That said there had been a part of Lois that would admit that she had been quite pleased that hadn't proven to be true.

"We're back." Came a cheerful female voice breaking the two from their conversation.

Looking up the two were greeted by a blur that Clark recognized as Kara before two grocery bags were set down and the blur was off again.

"Well if we can say one thing, lunch will be great today." Stated Clark his usage of X-ray vision allowing him to see how full the truck was.

"Mother's here." Said Donna as she walked in carrying a few bags herself

"You know if I didn't already know Diana this could become incredibly awkward." Said Lois

"Well at least that's one less thing to worry about." Stated Clark before he sped off to help bring in the groceries.

The end of the school day had come quickly thanks to the fact that the summer schedule was only four hours long. As he left Naruto was thankful that it was all over and that he could finally relax. Unlike most people who were leaving he walked calmly instead of running with excitement. Learning as the personal disciple of Ra's al Ghoul had taught him many things one of which was patience, helped by the many exercises that the Uzumaki clan had created over the years due to their high level of energy. A soft vibration had him reaching into his pants pocket and pulling out his phone, only to frown as though the alarm went off he'd never gotten the message he'd been expecting.

'Well it seems someone's deadline has run out.' mused the blond.

The current subject of his musing was one Simon Stagg, founder and CEO of Stagg Enterprises. He'd recently paid the man a visit; however it seems he was ignoring him. It seemed he would have to settle things himself in this case then. With that in mind he quickly scrolled through his contact list before finding who he was looking for and sending a quick text message. Tucking his phone away and into his pocket he was soon met by Barbara who quickly fell in step beside him.

"So did you get your invitation to Tracy's party?" questioned Barbara

"I got it, don't know if I'll go though." Said Naruto absently slapping hands with one of the basketball players he passed.

"Look I know we're a little younger than you but it's going to be one of the parties of the year." Said Barbara.

"Age has nothing to do with it. I just don't know if I'll be free but we'll see."

By this point the duo had reached outside of the gates to the school and found Barbara's dad already there waiting. As they reached him Naruto stopped just long enough to accept a hug from Barbara and give a nod in greeting to her father before moving on. He had only moved a few feet more before a familiar looking man caught his attention standing outside of a limo, moving over towards him he was unsurprised when the door was soon opened and simply got inside allowing the man to close the door after him.

"Hello beloved."

To say lunch was fantastic would be an understatement. Martha Kent had honestly outdone herself leaving everyone full and pleased with the meal. From his position at the table General Sam Lane could honestly say that he had never had such a well done meal.

"Alright now that everyone's eaten I think it's time we've discussed why we called everyone here." Stated Lois bringing the room's attention to herself and causing Clark to put down a half-eaten biscuit.

"Now I know that we haven't always seen eye to eye on everything. However this is a family and if our family is to survive into the future then I think it's time we all got on the same page." As she said this Clark reached up and removed his glasses placing them on the table before looking up and locking eyes with the General. As he did the man blinked several times before his eyes widened.

"No." said Sam staring at the man in disbelief.

"It's amazing what a pair of glasses and a change in hair style can do isn't it General."

As Clark spoke his voice had changed becoming a bit deeper in tone causing Lucy's eyes to also widen at the familiar and well known tone of voice. Now looking more intently in her mind's eye she changed the style of his hair to a different one and felt her breath get caught in her chest.

"You married Superman!" exclaimed Lucy staring at her sister.

"No, I married Clark Kent." Said Lois correcting her sister firmly.

"They're the same person." Said Sam arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

"Superman, is a mask or rather a symbol or an ideal." Said Clark catching both of their attention.

"Human's and Kryptonian's are actually a lot alike. The only difference between us is age, Krypton was several million years older than Earth and as such its people much more evolved. My birth father Jor-el in his study of the people of Earth found that a human beings potential was enormous. He felt that you could be a great people, if you wished to be. He however was a man of science and as such logic and also realized that you could also become a terrible people. One need only remember Hiroshima to see your capacity for destruction." Said Clark causing Sam to scowl as he couldn't refute that statement.

"My father realized the greatest flaw of humanity was fear. Fear of the unknown, he felt that one day your fears could cause you to bring death and destruction to the entirety of the universe. He relayed those fears to the Guardians of Oa and normally it would have ended there. However upon Krypton's destruction he sent me to Earth. As one who was raised on this planet I would be able to become something of a guiding light." Stated Clark.

In the dead of night the figure of Kitsune could be seen standing on the ledge of a building his arms crossed as he looked out into the distance.

"I hate this city." Stated the masked teen calmly.

"Yet you've taken to protecting it." Stated the figure known as Batman as he emerged from the shadows.

"If you felt what I did you'd hate it too. Sorrow, despair, anger, hatred, misery, jealousy you're city practically creates negative emotions and its people breathe them in." Stated Kitsune before tossing a flash drive over his shoulder which the detective easily caught.

"What's this?" questioned the Dark Knight.

"Personnel files, I've been bored and I hear the league is looking to expand. There's also an escape planned for Belle Reeve set for the 16th all the details are there. Also Kobra is back in town" Stated Kitsune.

"Do you have the location of Harper?" questioned Batman.

"I narrowed it down to a couple of places the specifics are in the files." Said the fox themed youth.

"Anything else I should know?" questioned the caped crusader.

"Two things. First over the last few nights there's been word of a Batwoman running around." Stated the teen causing the man's eyes to narrow behind the cowl.

"The second and probably more important is that I tracked Scarecrow to this area, a building about three blocks to the left."

Almost as soon as he said this the Batman's head snapped in that direction before he was off. Watching him go for a moment Naruto smirked behind his own mask before he vanished in a plume of smoke.

Belle Reeve Penitentiary was considered the worst of the worst. Unlike Arkham which contained those considered insane and Blackgate which contained low level thugs and even mafia bosses, Belle Reve was special in that it was one of the facilities used to contain metahuman prisoners. Of course while that was one thing what made it a bad place to be was that it was the home of the Suicide Squad, a group of handpicked criminals forced to black-ops government missions. Unfortunately for them the choices where compliance or death and furthermore failure to complete a mission was also met with death hence the name Suicide Squad.

"Why the hell wasn't I informed of this earlier." said a woman seated within the wardens office.

The woman appeared to be in her 30's and cut a slim figure with short cut black hair. She had a mocha skin tone and wore a black business suit with a skirt and a dark blue blouse. She was a very attractive woman with large C-cup breast that never failed to grab attention. However to the man across from her the attractiveness her body presented was offset by her personality as the man had numerous times silently decreed this woman was Satan's daughter. His assessment of her was a common one as for many people dealing with Amanda Waller was not far off from dealing with Satan himself.

"Because despite what you think you're not in charge of this prison, I am. You may have prisoners loaned out to you however that isn't my decision. Furthermore prisoner releases and transfers are not your concern. Your concerns are more pressing, this was a loss I understand that but it's out of both of our hands." Stated the man.

He himself did not present even near as attractive a figure. He possessed pale white skin with brown hair and a rather thick beard. He wore black pants and a white dress shirt with the top two buttons undone and his gut hanging over his belt.

"Who signed the transfer order?"

At her question he handed her the order and the signature on it caused her to sigh. For there in very familiar print was the name of director of the B.O.P (Bureau of Prisons) Robert Kane. Gritting her teeth at the sight she found that even she couldn't contest it, well while she could it wasn't worth calling in any favors.

"So what other assets do we have in place?" questioned Waller.

"Let's see." Stated the man removing a tablet from his desk drawer and passing it over to her.

As she accepted the device the woman sighed as she went through the inmate profiles as someone new was about to join the ranks of the Suicide Squad.

Of all of the gangs of the world Intergang was the biggest of the lot. A world-wide organization boasting advanced technology and weaponry. Being based out of Metropolis for the most part they were usually a problem for Superman however in this instance a branch of the group had been given as a target for Kitsune. Hidden in the trees of Oolong Island he was currently tasked with the elimination of the Science Squad, who according to reports were currently trying to create what they called the 'Four Horsemen of Apokolips'. While no one was sure of exactly how powerful these horsemen were supposed to be he'd been sent to make the problem moot before they could succeed.

He had been watching the place for over an hour with clones placed all along the perimeter. Finally feeling as if he'd waited long enough he dispelled the clones allowing the knowledge gained to flow to him. Security it seemed was made up of regular people with guns, not a problem at all. From what the clones that had infiltrated the building had shown him there were eleven scientists in charge inside and while not all of them were working on the horsemen project just part of the squad meant they'd made his target list. He'd also have to free the people they had imprisoned inside as well, however Ra's had wanted him make a spectacle of it and considering who else was inside that shouldn't be a problem.

Thankfully he'd thought ahead and with a quick motion of his hand five clones he'd previously created and hadn't dispelled shot forward all of them assigned to eliminate two scientists. The boss a guy buy the name of Chang Tzu would be his to take care of. That could be handled later however as judging by his condition he wouldn't exactly be what one would consider mobile.

"So how flashy should I make this?" questioned the blond internally.

"The old meatbag is trying to make an impression. However you may need some surprises in the future. So don't use any jutsu outside of the one Super-tits gave you. May as well test out my gift as well." Came the voice of the fox causing him to frown.

"Seriously can't you stop calling baa-chan that?" questioned the teen with a sigh.

"Considering we're in a world of superheroes and we've yet to come across a pair that even compare, no." stated the fox.

"Ero-kitsune." Muttered the teen

Ignoring the snickering fox he turned his attention back to the matter at hand and spotting the largest collection of guards leapt from the treetop. As he descended he tossed a pair of kunai which found purchase in the heads of a pair of guards operating a pair of turret guns. Approaching the landing he cocked his fist back and as he hit the ground slammed it down, almost immediately the ground all around him in a twenty foot radius shattered into large pieces that were launched into the air as were the people standing in that area.

Leaping out of the crater his entrance had created he appeared in front of a startled henchman and landed a kick that struck with such force he flew into a tree before falling broken to the ground. Eyes narrowing at the remainder of enemies left he surprised all of them when to their eyes he suddenly vanished. He appeared behind them almost a full minute later landing in a crouch before all of them dropped like puppets with the strings cut. Straightening to his full height he was unsurprised when the sound of clapping reached his ears.

Turning to face the source he found himself looking upon a man who dwarfed him standing at 6'3" and just judging by his muscular frame had to weigh at least a solid 250 pounds. He had light brown skin and short cut brown hair that did nothing to hide his pointed ears. He wore a black suit with a yellow lightning bolt going down the center of his chest, yellow boots and yellow cuffs to his sleeves. He immediately recognized him as Teth-Adam the ruler of the African country of Khandaq though better known to the world at large as Black Adam.

"Impressive. I did not believe there existed anyone outside of the Justice League with your level of ability." Stated the man.

"I have no quarrel with you." Stated the masked teen.

"Yet you come here and interrupt my business." Stated the man.

"They're plans threaten the entire world including your country." Stated the teen bringing the man up short.

"How so?" questioned the man his eyes now narrowed slightly.

"Among their other projects they are trying to resurrect the Four Horsemen." Said the teen.

This got a reaction as yellow lightning like energy crackled around the man's frame for just a few moments before he reigned in his emotions. Naruto however smirked behind him mask as at just that moment the last of his clones dispelled telling him that his job was done and all of his targets had been eliminated.

"It appears my job here is done. Should you traverse the base in the lower level you will find cells where they are keeping people they are intending to sell off as slaves." Said Kitsune bowing his head slightly before he disappeared in a whirl of leaves.

The man known as Black Adam frowned at his disappearance. It had been a while since he'd faced a challenger and he had been looking forward to testing this newcomer to the game. He supposed there was always next time however and if the boy spoke true he would simply have to repay him the favor at a later date. He had not had to deal with that particular menace in quite some time and truth be told was honestly not looking forward to dealing with the Horsemen again.

He had of course heard the explosion that echoed from deeper in the base and wondered how the boy had accomplished everything unless he'd already been inside and the entire confrontation with the guards was done so as to draw him out so that he wasn't caught in the blast and thereby make an unwanted enemy. He'd find out eventually in any case and with that in mind set out to see about these prisoners, he'd no idea as he descended that one of them would become his wife in the times to come.

Meanwhile within the Tibetan base of the League of Shadows within an area that functioned as the hospital area Haruno Sakura was hard at work. Her hands were currently glowing green with the light of medical chakra as she held them over to scan her patient. Finally however the glow died as she took a step back forcing herself to hold back a smirk at her results.

"Well I've got good news for you. As it turns out your condition isn't as bad as you think. From what I can determine it appears that the accident that caused the activation of your meta-gene did more than just that." Said the pink haired youth causing her patient a young woman to frown.

"So you can fix me?" questioned the woman.

"Indeed I can. It seems that the accident forced your body through a bit of a metamorphosis and it gave you not only your ability but what we call a chakra circulatory system. Think of it as a second circulatory system for energy instead of for blood. The problem is a couple of the tenketsu or the nodes of the system aren't working properly, basically forcing your energy to automatically turn change from a neutral setting to elemental in nature causing your condition. What I can tell you however is that once I fix it your ability should become hereditary becoming what we call a Bloodline Limit." Explained Sakura.

At this the young woman on her table sighed while it wasn't a cure it was better than any news she had heard since she had discovered her powers. She had never wanted them and secretly even now she felt fear of them, she knew there were depths to them she'd never explored but the deeper she delved the colder she became. For a time she'd even tried the supervillain thing figuring that's what meta's from her city did, however her heart was never in it.

Eventually she had turned herself over to ARGUS who had fitted her with a collar to contain her powers. Unfortunately ARGUS had lost control of her containment and she'd fallen into the hands of Amanda Waller. For the next year she'd run missions on for the Suicide Squad with no other choice aside from do or die. Her salvation however had come in the form of another transfer and she'd been released into the custody of an old friend Sara Lance or the White Canary as she was known in the days before the Justice League.

Sara had promised her that everything was going to be fine. She had some friends with special skills one of whom was a doctor of sorts. She'd had her sprung so that they could see about a cure as they had apparently already done so with both the villains known as Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy. She hadn't been very hopeful even after hearing that but now she felt not a spark but a surge of giddiness, that finally she could say goodbye to Killer Frost and Caitlin Snow could make her long awaited return.

AN: Well that's it the chapter is done. While its shorter than it was initially going to be this is what I came to naturally so i like it better this way. I introduced some new characters into the landscape cool ones that didn't even appear in the show and made some moves to progress things further. Admittedly I wanted to do this epic clash with Sasuke and Naruto this chapter but I think I need to get back into the grove of righting action as it just felt all kinds of wrong to me. I even had a clash between Naruto and Black Adam but cut it out since it felt kind of lackluster. With all that said thanks for reading and please review. Till next time LATER.