![]() Author has written 8 stories for StarCraft, Naruto, Legend of Dragoon, Legend of Zelda, Harry Potter, Negima! Magister Negi Magi/魔法先生ネギま!, Bleach, Xenosaga, Air Gear, and Mass Effect. okay so basics. Gender: male Age: 28 Likes: Anime, Video games, Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories even a little romance at times, and hanging with my freinds. Fav Series: naruto, bleach, hellsing, rosario vampire seasons 1 and 2, fairy tale, zombie loan, hunter X hunter, Mahou Sensei Negima, Tsubasa Chronicles, Firefly, Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, Sanctuary, Dr. Who, Torchwood, Star wars, Star trek (mostly Next Gen. and Voyager), Avatar: The Last Airbender (series, the movie wasn't that good.), Cardcaptor Sakura, Rave master, Project Arms, Fate/Stay Night, The list goes on. I am an avid reader. not just of anime. but of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Romance, Etc. Etc. I play a lot of RPG's (like final fantasy, or D&D) and i Think that i'm an okay writer. although currently i don't really have anything worth posting yet. but that could change soon. oh and i am an active member of The Star Crossd Destiny Forums. Okay I have a couple of stories in the works right now. i've released the first chapter of one, and now i'm just waiting to see how it does, and see how much work it needs done. I have recently started my own online forum, everyone is free to check it out at http:/// That about covers it for now. Laters. UPDATE: JANUARY 24, 2012. Due to my computer currently being in the extended process of being rebuilt, and the flash drive i keep my fics on having vanished. i am forced to place all of my fics on indefinate hiatus until my computer issues are resolved. sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your time. Update: may 20, 2015 after a long three years, my computer issues are finally resolved to the point where I can write again. hopefully you all enjoy my new fics, and the rewrites of my old fics. all of which should be posted before the year is out, god willing. This is Noctus Of The Thousand Blades sighning out. List of authors who have accepted my multi cross challenge. hotsreaks crossovers as of Dec 17 2013 Dragon Blade Concepts, the swords in the image's not the charecters unless specified otherwise. http:///wiki/images/BlazingHeartPortraitF3.png Item list for "Rise of the Moon Guardian" and order of retrieval. default/Guranteed items (Ongoing) Forest Temple: Gale Boomerang, Possible Magic boost, Ocarina of Time (Songs to be learned by Naruto later). Goron Mines: Hero Bow, Lakebed Temple: Clawshot, Arbiters Grounds: Spinner, Great Fairy Sword, Strength Bracelets, Ice Arrow. Mid Game Side Quests: Grimoire, Ring, Tattoo, Magic Lessons. Snowpeak Ruins: Ball and Chain, Fire Arrow, Temple Of Time: Dominion Rod, Magic Boost, Silver Gauntlets Mid game side quest rewards: Dominion Rod Recharge, Upgrade Silver Gauntlet to Gold, Armor upgrades, sword upgrades. City In The Sky: Second Claw Shot, Roc's Feather Palace Of Twilight: Master Sword Light Upgrade, Pegasus Boots (Prototype), Hyrule Castle: Arrow Of Light, Platinum Gauntlets (Bulky and unfinished), Post Game Items: Roc's Cloak(Limited, and eventually FULL flight), Second Grimoire, Perfected Ring, Divine level Magic, Finished Seal and Scabbard for Sword. Sequel Perfected Items (Ongoing): Final Grimoire, Perfected armor, Perfected Roc Cloak, Reforged Platinum Gauntlets, Perfected Pegasus Boots, Imperial Circlet (Crown for those who dont know), additional spells, Silver Arrows, Update: October 31, 2017. Harems: and why big ones don't work. okay, so some of you reading this have heard my rant on this before, but i was getting tired of stating it again and again. Large harems do no work. now some of you may be asking, what constitutes a large harem? any harem that has 11 girls in it is considered large. now here's why they don't work. balance. that's it, that is the sole reason, balance. when you create a fic you are constantly juggling and balancing multiple aspects of the story simultaneously. there is the plot, character development, world development, relationships, etc. you have to keep all of this in a constant state of equilibrium. and if it ever falters enough? the fic becomes impossible to write and is abandoned. this is why i always rant that a harem larger then 6 girls is a bad idea. look at various Harem anime out there. now look at the harems, and count the girls. not count how many girls are in the story, or how many girls interact with the hero, or how many girls you WISH were in the harem, count how many are actually romantically interested in the hero. i guarantee you the number will always be around 6. case and point Sekirei. despite the sheer number of females in the fic, and the number that Minato interacts with, his harem is only six girls, technically 5 considering Kusano is too young to truly be in the harem. sekirei is the perfect example because the hero's flock is their harem. now many fic writers like to quote "Mahou Sensei Negima" as an example of a mass harem... are you kidding me? Negima is NOT a Harem Manga, it is a Shounen manga through and through. yes it has a minor harem sub plot, and if you pay attention, the harem takes less and less precedence the further into the series you get. by the end? the harem is non existent. also if you pay attention? i mean ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION? then Negi's Harem is actually quite small. many of the girls view negi as a younger sibling. many others are interested in Kotaro. others have other love interests, and some are even interested in each other, Konoka and Setsuna in case you forgot. only about a handful of the girls have a romantic interest in Negi. and in the end? it was the one with the LEAST romantic interest in Negi who wound up married to the kid later on. yeah, that's right, it wasn't Nodoka or Yue or Asuna or even AYAKA whom negi married. it was Chisame, the girl with the least amount of interest in Negi. so no, Negima is not an example of a mass harem. and anyone who says otherwise? has never actually read the manga. so there you have it, i have more examples, but if i add anymore this profile update will take up too much space. if you want more examples, i have plenty more to cite at you via PM. AND the reasoning behind my arguments. so again, Mass harems 0f 11 girls are a bad idea, and will only HARM your fics, it wont improve them. anyone who claims otherwise is not a writer, or is a newbie who has no idea what they are saying. in a smut fic with next to no plot?... meh, might work then, but then again those fics are nothing but porn with little to no story involved so they don't count. so again, 6-10 girls MAXIMUM when doing a harem. |