This has been a long-time coming but here is my long-awaited remake of the infamous rape hentai series featuring Elves, Dark Elves, Halflings, Princess Knights, and Queens from Kuroinu Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru, Princess Knight Catue, Buta-Hime Sama, Elf Hime Nina, Inda no Himekishi Janne, Twin Elven-Princesses Willan Arsura and Princess Knight Angelica in my largest hentai remake ever written for my 5th entry in my Naruto/Hentai x-over series.

You're probably wondering why I have so much hentai and here are your explanations: most of these hentai all have similar plotlines with armies of rapists and monsters invading their countries and raping their strongest forces and it makes little sense not to combine them into one story.

With this being Naruto's largest hentai harem to date, his top six leading women will be the sexy elf goddess reincarnation Celestine Lukures (or Lucullus/Lucross in some cases), the incredibly busty Queen Nina Dragundaala, the damn fine Holy Knight named Claudia Levantine, everyone's favorite Dark Elf Queen Origa Discordia, the titular Princess Knight Catue Dragundaala herself and Maia the redheaded Merc, respectively. Aside from them is Ruu-Ruu the Halfling, Kaguya the Shrine Maiden, Origa's feisty right-hand aide Chloe, Princess Knights Alicia Arcturus and her sister Prim Fiorire AKA Fiori, and Catue's fiery-headed handmaiden Anna.

Also joining his harem is Nina Aslato Winvilia (or Asrath in other translations.) with her hand maidens Sherry, Iris, and Melissa along with the busty Dark Elf Miria (all from Elf Hime Nina), Elf Twin sisters Arsura and Willan Amastira with Dark Elf Meiriin of Twin Elven-Princesses Willan Arsura fame, Princess Irena and her servant Tasha from Buta-Hime Sama, Queen Celine and her daughter Janne Grenoble of Inda no Himekishi Janne, and Elf Angelica Rothschilt and her mother Christina, the dark elf Serafina from Princess Knight Angelica.

In this remake, Naruto and his harem will take on infamous hentai villains Volt (Kuroinu's leader for those not in the know) and the demon army leader Ginyol with their combined armies featuring the antagonists of each hentai series in this heart-stopping entry.

I'd remiss if I didn't thank my fellow authors SoulEmbrace2010, Bunji the wolf, and YagamiNguyen for their respective Naruto/Kuroinu stories helping to influence me; especially SoulEmbrace2010 who had confidence in me being able to remake Kuroinu longbefore I even knew about the hentai itself.

Before you read this story, I think it's only fair that I warn you that this particular hentai remake will be darker and insanely gorier than anything that's come before and with that said and done, enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the hentai source material used for this story.
Notes: To avoid confusion with Nina Dragundaala, the elf of the same name will be renamed Nana for this story and Kaguya's vision is basically what happens in all of the hentai episodes from each series.

Credit goes to The Authverlord for helping with revising this first chapter.

This story takes place just a few months after the Shinobi War World ends.

Since all of Celestine, Origa, Miria, and Irena's breast sizes are nightmares to figure out; their cup sizes are all E+.

The nameless Dark Elf briefly seen in the first episode of Inda no Himekishi Janne will be named Hermione and I'm keeping her for this story just in case I want to add her to the harem later.

All of the nuns in this story are named by me, Bunji the wolf, and Bilguun-1 along with Alicia's soldiers Risa and Lily as decided on my deviantart page Let the Games Begin.

Every former Jinchuuruki from Gaara to Fuu are now pseudo-jinchūriki with their respective Tailed Beasts having given them portions of their chakra.

As with Kinkaku and Ginkaku, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and all canon-deceased shinobi that appear in this have been reformed and revived by Naruto. Though they're from an Elf Country named Fredenia, Willan and Arsura's country will be fused with the nation Thorn and finally, Ruu-Ruu has a slightly larger bust and her head comes up just underneath the 5'9 Naruto's chest.

Finally, for those not familiar with my usual headcannon for Naruto, both her and Sasuke both have engrams of Kaguya's chakra to use along with Kinkaku and Ginkaku being the recently adopted siblings of the former.

Caution: The idea behind Naruto's actions in this first chapter that may come off as OOC will be to show him shedding his Talk no Jutsu towards his enemies after feeling shame from praising Obito as awesome for ruining his life and embracing more fearsome methods to show he's not entirely the same shinobi we know him to be.


It was a cold night in Konoha and Naruto sat in his home as he polished his Hiraishin blades with Kaguya peacefully meditating within his mind. As the Rabbit Goddess did so, a strong premonition came over her and her eyes snapped opened in alarm.

The next thing that occurred was a chilling vision complete with the sounds of multiple women screaming in horrific fear and sinister laughing going through her mind. Kaguya's face went pale before she composed herself and spoke to Naruto.

"Naruto-kun, there's something horribly wrong." Kaguya spoke to Naruto as he tensed at the tone in her voice.

"What's the matter?" Naruto asked.

"The continent known as Eostia is under grave danger." Kaguya said.

"Eostia; isn't that the giant continent with all those nations?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, there are 12 of them to be exact and each of them is under threats from a group of rogue mercenaries known as Kuroinu and several foul monsters." Kaguya said.

"All right, Granny, tell me everything about this premonition of yours." Naruto said and the Rabbit Goddess began explaining everything in her vision to him. By the time she had finished telling him, Naruto's face was pale in a blend of pure horror and disgust with him almost feeling the urge to vomit at the idea of Volt turning the nations in Eostia where all women would become nothing but sex slaves to any men or creature they came across.

"Who do those bastards think they are?!" Naruto immediately demanded as he sprang to his feet as Kurama's chakra began to influence him as his face twisted with rage and bloodlust. Despite knowing almost nothing about Eostia or any of its inhabitants personally, he'd be damned if he wasn't going to try to rescue them from suffering cruel fates from Kuroinu or its numerous allies.

"Do you have a plan?" Kaguya asked.

"Yeah, but I can't do it alone." Naruto said before getting as much Hiraishin knives as he could travel with and packed his backpack. Once he was all set, he headed out the door and closed it behind him before running to the Hokage's mansion.

"Hang on, Eostia. I swear I won't let that happen to you." Naruto thought with determination.

Naruto's Assault on Kuroinu: The Order of Chivalry Strikes Back

The Next Day

In Eostia, seven of its nations were under attack from monsters ranging from orcs to imps and the scattered forces of the organization Kuroinu. Due to being made of mercenaries that formerly served the nations Feoh, Ur, Geofu, Ken, Rad, Ansur, and Thorn, the respective mercs attacking the lands knew all the best weak points and the continent's Order of Chivalry was baffled by this.

The chivalry was made of the Elven Goddess Laurentia's Reincarnation Celestine Lukures of Thorn, her Holy Knight and bodyguard Claudia Levantine of Ansur, the shrine maiden Kaguya from Rad, the mercenary Maia of Ken who used to belong to Kuroinu until they became rogue, the Halfling Ruu-Ruu from Geofu, Princesses Alicia Arcturus and her half-sister Prim Fiorire from the land of Feoh, Claudia's student Princess Catue Dragundaala from the land of Dragundaala, Janne Grenoble from the Rib Foul Kingdom, Elven Princess Nana Aslato of Filhem, Elf Princesses Arsura and Willan Amastira from one of Thorn's capitals Fredenia, Angelica Rothschilt from the elven country known as Roadshield, and Princess Irena from Istoare AKA Histoire.

With Celestine leading them, the warriors of the aforementioned seven nations sent the mercenaries to the outlands to face the Dark Elf Queen Origa Discordia, who had risen a magically enhanced citadel known as the Black Fortress and her power had turn the area in an uninhabitable wasteland to the point of where the sky was always a crimson shade along with poisonous marsh gas polluting the air.

The outlands filled with the bleak magic were now called the Land of the Black Queen and an unintended side effect was that the nearby foul creatures; mainly orcs, ogres, imps, goblins, and several demonic beasts, were strengthened by them. Taking of advantage of their new strength, they began attacking any unfortunate human they came across and though Celestine attempted to reason with Origa to stop empowering them, the dark elf stubbornly refused.

Thus, the Order of Chivalry was born from the best warriors in Eostia and was prepared to battle the vile beasts and Origa until she either conceded defeat or was killed. However, what they didn't see coming was seven nations' mercenaries becoming aligned under the strongest one in the land known as Volt and his charisma even influencing the outland monsters to join him along with multiple demons.

With Volt's help, they imprisoned Origa in her own fortress along with her aide Chloe the half dark elf and began planning his dream of conquering each nation in Eostia into a nation of sexual service. So far, in half of the seven nations, the princesses had all been captured and hidden with Volt giving his allies orders not to rape them until he had captured Celestine in a classic tactic of going after his enemy's leader while saving Origa for later.

In Thorn

"Will you continue to deny us? I don't know how long I can hold my friend back." Volt, a large man with brown hair and cruel eyes of the same color wearing brownish-red clothing that included a dark red cape. Most notably aside from the scar going down his right eyebrow, adorning his legs were distinct greaves and on his shoulder were red spaulders bearing the silhouette of a wolf's head with its bared fangs displayed alongside a long broadsword with no guard on it on the right one.

"I don't care what happens to me; just leave my friends out of this." Celestine answered. Despite appearing to be in her mid-twenties, she was a slim elf of several hundred years with silky long blonde hair that came to her high-heel sandals and wore a white outfit that practically left her naked as she wore no undergarments in a common trait with most elves.

Her clothing could be described as a white crop top that exposed her great cleavage with long white extensions featuring a long black belt hanging in front of her nether region and four golden bracelets on either wrist. At the moment, she stood in her castle with Volt's henchmen, black werewolves, holding her scantily dressed vassals captive as he tried to get her to capitulate to him by putting her friends in danger.

"Perhaps if you answer to me soon enough, she'll be spared, too." Volt said as he gestured to a tan-skinned demon with white horns and long, slicked back red hair bearing a goatee. He wore an open jacket with white fur turfs at the neckline and wore two belts across his midsection.

The demon, Monster Battalion 7th Platoon General Ginyol, was sexually harassing a curvaceous yet plump blonde woman of 34 years and 5.3 in height as tears streamed from her jade eyes. She wore her hair in a long bun with the rest of it being a ponytail reaching to her back and wore a regal, white variant of a choker with a blue gem in the center.

The woman, Queen of Dragundaala and Catue's mother Nina, had an impressive bust of 109 cm beneath a reddish-purple corset with gold ends atop a silky white dress and white bridal gauntlets featuring a waist of 58 cm. She wrapped her arms around her breasts as she backed away from Ginyol and he used some telekinetic method to pull her back to him.

"Come now, Nina-sama, I'll bet you didn't run from King Lawrence when he was hot for you." Ginyol smiled and Nina punched him in his jaw with all her might. Celestine looked on with concern at Nina and Volt cruelly smiled at Ginyol as he dropped her onto her back while rubbing his jaw.

"Impressive, let's see how feisty you truly are." Ginyol darkly sneered before he began ripping off Nina's clothes and though she tried to fight back, it did little to stop him. With Nina and her vassal's lives at stakes, Celestine dare not make a move against Volt or Ginyol as she helplessly watched him strip her friend.

"Stop this at once!" Nina fearfully said as she tried fighting back and Ginyol succeeded at removing her clothes before exposing his erection. Both Nina and Celestine alike felt their stomachs churn at the sight of Ginyol's manhood as it was riddled with grotesque lumps and his hands reached for her bosom.

"Now then, let's have some fun with these Queen-sized breasts of yours." Ginyol said as his groin moved towards Nina's chest and Celestine looked away as she tried to plead with Volt again.

"I'll need you to continue being the Goddess in this new Sex Empire era and serve as the ultimate symbol. I trust you'll do it." Volt said and Celestine tried her best to block the fearful wails coming from Nina and Ginyol's heartless snickering. Though she knew that completely trusting Volt was foolish, there was nothing she could do at the moment and she didn't want anything worse happening to her captured friends or the people of Eostia if she could help it.

"I'll do it; please spare my friends." Celestine said.

"I'll consider it but Ginyol, what do you say?" Volt said as he looked at Ginyol as a splattering sound was heard and Nina went silent. Celestine looked back at her and saw her friend's face and bosom was now covered in semen.

"It's a pity that you didn't even taste me; such petulance from a new widow." Ginyol heartlessly said.

"Don't you dare mention him!" Nina began to say before gripping her body and deeply blushing as she felt her body becoming hot with throbbing arousal. Ginyol sneered as her nipples grew erect and she covered both of them along with her womanhood.

"Oh, I forgot to mention my bodily fluids cause instant arousal and look at you; getting aroused from the very demon that murdered your husband." Ginyol fiendishly said to Nina, who looked at him in hatred for bringing up her husband, who had been gruesomely decapitated by him in front of her and Catue earlier. The rest of Volt's henchmen and werewolves all laughed at Ginyol's comment before Volt looked to him.

He nodded to Ginyol and the demon nodded before using his telekinesis to lift Nina off the floor. Under Volt's orders, she went up to the balcony and left her vassals with the werewolves while failing to notice him glance at them.

On the balcony, Celestine was surrounded by henchmen and they had fireworks set to launch. What she didn't know was that he planned to launch the fireworks into the air while having his way with her to alert his allies in the nearest nations to begin conquering the respective lands they were stationed in and she looked over the balcony railing to Thorn's citizens all gathered below with more of Kuroinu's henchmen and beasts surrounding them.

"Go on." Volt said to Celestine, who subtly nodded before addressing her citizens.

"Everyone, we have surrendered to Kuroinu and its forces' wishes with the first order being that our kingdom be reborn as the Sex Empire. Though it is my sincerest apologies for not being strong enough to protect you, I will atone for my sins in allowing this to happen." Celestine said before slowly pulling back the sides of her crop top and freeing her breasts while shielding her nipples at first. With a pale face, she removed her hands from her bosom and many aroused groans sounded from below at her revealed chest before moving her cloth extensions from her rear as she leaned forward to plant her hands on the balcony railing.

"Celestine…" Nina said out of concern for her friend as she fought against her arousal with tears continuing to fall from her eyes and Volt darkly smiled.

"Not to worry; Nina-sama, I'm sure your precious daughter is enjoying this right now as we speak." Volt said with Ginyol having left Catue in her castle under the guard of his demonic army and her fiancé Jin whom he had forcibly turned into a dragon bent on raping her.

"Volt, please! Do you what you will with me but leave my daughter and our friends' out of it!" Nina cried as the arousal Ginyol's semen had inflicted on her drove her mad with lust and to her shame, fighting it served hopeless.

"Well then, Nina-sama; let's prove your worth." Ginyol said before making Nina stand and giving her a push forward. She managed to catch herself on the railing and stood next to Celestine before Ginyol used his telekinesis to spread her folds while holding her hips of 88.

"Wait! At least take Nina elsewhere and have your way with me instead!" Celestine proposed and Ginyol maliciously cackled with Volt.

"Now where's the fun in that? We need to find out if either of you are worthy enough to serve in this new empire." Ginyol sneered and Volt held a cup of water over Celestine's peach.

"Without further ado, its show time as the legend of the magnificent Kuroinu Demon Army begins starting with the red devirginization of the Goddess." Volt said before pouring the water on Celestine and the water trailed down her nether region while her face remained pale. She looked to Nina and the two shared looks of mutual sorrow for the other at their helplessness.

"Prepare for your first taste of the cock from the monster that murdered your husband!" Ginyol declared and as he and Volt prepared to enter the two women, the latter looked to his henchmen to nod at them. They began setting matches and the henchmen present in the land all eagerly waited for them to launch.

In Dragundaala

"Any minute now!" A humanoid green lizard with bulging yellow eyes said to his demonic brethren as they held carts with massive dragons chained to them and they all viciously roared. Since most of the people in Dragundaala were descended from dragons that eventually assumed human forms, Ginyol and his demonic army were easily able to use their inheritance to turn them into savage dragons bent on raping as many women as they could find and slaughter anything that attempted to get in their way.

Unlike Volt's werewolves, the dragons possessed no trace of their human selves and only obeyed their lusts and animalistic mindsets. As Dragundaala was closest to Thorn, it would be their task to launch their own signals to alert their allies in the nearby nations to set their invading armies loose and the lizard looked to the Dragundaala castle.

"I can only hope that Catue is still ripe for the taking." The lizard thought as he lecherously licked his lips.

Back in Thorn

Volt and Ginyol failed to notice a black sphere launch into the air from a faraway distance and it moved in front of the sun. The next thing that occurred was the entire continent being overtaken by complete darkness and even the nocturnal creatures such as Ginyol's demons and dragons couldn't see as each nation's inhabitants and invaders were confused by this.

Similar to an eclipse, the darkness faded away and Volt and Ginyol looked to the other in a mutual loss for words before they eventually snapped out of their trances. He focused his attention back to Celestine and when his cock didn't penetrate her folds the first time; he prepared himself again as she shut her eyes to await the pain of losing her virginity.

As Volt's hips launched at her rear again, a blade burst from the ground underneath him and pierced his scrotum. Volt shouted in a mix of agony and shock as the blade lifted him into the air before he further slid down the weapon.

Everyone present looked on in surprise with Ginyol being paralyzed by Volt's situation long enough for an Asura Path Buzz Saw to emerge from the ground. Before the demon could react, the blades met Ginyol's genitals and he loudly screamed from the revving blades cutting into them.

What used to be his crotch was bloodily sent splattering across the balcony as it was violently shredded into a gaping hole and the blade impaling Volt's groin was revealed to belong to Naruto's Hiraishin sword as he burst from the ground wearing his black-flame patterned red trench coat. The sword cut deeper into Volt's testicles with a sickening crunch being heard and he continued shouting in pain with the blood running down the blade onto Naruto's hand as shadow clones burst from the crowd below.

*Army of Me by Chimaira plays*

Half of the clones all grabbed the civilians with the other half attacking the Kuroinu henchmen and ogres with all their techniques. Celestine and Nina looked on with shock as the shadow clone cutting into Ginyol jumped from the earth before slamming a Kurama-enhanced Rasengan into his chest.

"Get them out of here!" Naruto commanded before two shadow clones sprang over him and picked up Celestine and Nina with Ginyol flying back into a higher wall with only the elf recognizing the shinobi's identity. As they flew away to the safety of Kaguya's open portals leading them to a forest realm, the Rabbit Goddess picked up Celestine and the elf recognized her.

"Lady Kaguya?" Celestine managed to utter as she was carried away by her and Nina found herself in a black dress formed from Truth-Seeking Balls of the clone holding her as he took her elsewhere. Back inside the castle, Naruto's shadow clones attacked the werewolves in their Version 2 modes and savagely beat them.

One werewolf yelped as the clone he battled gripped him by the jaw and slammed his head into the floor before hurling him into a nearby pillar. Before he could fall, the clone attacked him again and used his tails to carve him into pieces while mercilessly pounding his head in.

Another clone sliced one werewolf in half with a swipe of his claw and destroyed his body using multiple chakra fists as the unharmed vassals were escorted to safety. Back with Naruto, he grabbed Volt's throat and ripped his Hiraishin blade out of his testicles as he slammed him onto the ground.

More of his clones were attacking Volt's henchmen and some of their disembodied heads went flying off the building as Ginyol fell to the ground. One shadow clone flew high into the air and fired a Tailed Beast Bomb that traveled higher until it came into contact with eleven others fired from the other nations along with the outlands in Eostia's central location.

The mixed attacks fused into one bomb that caused an aerial explosion big enough for all nations to see as Naruto's gathered allies launched assaults on the invading forces of each land; Gaara, having Temari and Kankuro watch Sunagakure for him, was in Histoire with Shukaku's aid and Konan saw to Rib Foul Kingdom being protected from the revived ogre Gidou and his forces remaining with him, Kushimaru and Jinpachi were protecting Feoh and its sister nation Ur from invading imps and ogres.

Han and Pakura were defending Filhem from the usurper Kyle with the help of Kokuō while Sasuke was in Dragundaala, Ameyuri and Fuu were in the Outlands with Chōmei assisting them and Orochimaru volunteered to defend Rad with Yugito and Matatabi; part of his interest being the chance of capturing some of the empowered beasts for experimentation.

Yagura had Isobu along with Mangetsu and Suigetsu assisting the nation of Ken while Utakata and Saiken were in Ansur looking for Claudia.

Killer B, Jinin, and Rōshi along with Son Gokū were in Geofu fighting the orcs and ogres while Kinkaku and Ginkaku helped Naruto in Thorn. With Roadshield not being far from Thorn, a legion of shadow clones led a siege on the land's primary threat and Naruto, taking experience from the war, had given each fighter a legion of his shadow clones for heightened backup in rounding up civilians.

In the tradition of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Feoh, Ur, Geofu, Origa's domain, and Ken were shrouded by the Hidden Mist technique that allowed them to attack the invaders with their infamous Silent Killing technique.

Back with Naruto

He surveyed Thorn as several flying Rasenshuriken were launched at all the beasts and Kuroinu members with multiple explosions taking place. He didn't notice Ginyol hold his hand out at Volt as the man writhed in pain on the ground from his bleeding groin and used his telekinetic powers to heal his crotch into its former state; hoping to use this to buy himself more time to heal.

Driven by pure anger, Volt got to his feet and picked up his discarded broadsword as Naruto spun around to launch a kunai at Ginyol's head. The blade flew at Ginyol before a mystic shield materialized in front of him and stopped the kunai before it dropped to the ground where it shattered.

"You just made a grave mistake, boy." Volt hissed before Naruto whipped out two Hiraishin kunai and ripped off the tags before activating his Rinnegan. Using Rinbo Hengoku, the invisible shadow flew into Ginyol as he began to heal himself and knocked him back at the newly arrived Kinkaku.

Kinkaku lashed Shichiseiken forward and cut into Ginyol's backside before Ginkaku showed up in his Version 2 state. He swung his longest tail at Ginyol's midsection before impaling his body on it and pulling him towards him.

"Hey, Kinkaku, let's have fun with this demon while Naruto finishes the Guts-wannabe over there." Ginkaku said before using his tail to thrash Ginyol against the ground repeatedly.

"Right, Ginkaku!" Kinkaku grinned before springing at Ginyol and slamming his fist against his head as his second sibling held him down. Volt took his attention off Ginyol as he and Naruto began circling each other with their weapons drawn.

"It's over, Volt; you and your crew's idea of an empire." Naruto scowled at Volt.

"I would think someone with your power would support the idea of having any woman in eyesight as yours to do with. The way I see, you're just like me…" Volt began to say.

"That's bullshit, Volt, and you know it!" Naruto vehemently cut him off.

"Is it? You're trying to conquer this nation for yourself when you could be working with us and here you are wasting your reserves on saving these women. The idea of men like you stopping an idea like is absurd." Volt said.

"The only thing absurd is your dream and every last one of you dug your own grave the minute you thought you could pull it off." Naruto said with his Rinnegan deactivating and his killing intent made Volt tremble with excitement.

"Tell me something, boy. Are you truly saving those bitches or taking all of them for yourself?" Volt said.

"The only thing I'm taking today is your head." Naruto said with his eyes becoming Kurama's and despite beating down Ginyol, Kinkaku and Ginkaku heard their adopted sibling's resolve before smiling with pride. The two stood still before Volt sprang at Naruto and swung his sword at the shinobi.

Naruto sprang into the air and connected his first sword against Volt before applying pressure to it while midair. Volt was astonished by how heavy his sword now felt as Naruto pressured him to where he placed his second hand on the sword in an attempt to keep it up.

Even with both hands on the sword, Volt still struggled against Naruto before he flipped back and landed on the ground. He shot forward and kneed Volt's chest to where he hunched over as the blonde tucked in his feet.

Using this moment, he angled himself and elbow-dropped onto Volt's back before shooting into the air again. As the mercenary toppled over, the young shinobi pounced onto his shoulders before clicking his heels on them and Volt snarled at he lashed the sword at him.

Naruto easily blocked the sword with both Hiraishin blades and blitzed out of the broadsword's path before swinging the second Hiraishin blade onto Volt's shoulder. His insignia armor was shattered by the swing as Naruto thrust the sword forward and stabbed his shoulder.

Volt growled from this before swinging his sword at Naruto again and the blonde ducked before performing a sweeping kick to his enemy's feet. The next move he made was connecting his elbows against Volt's greaves and both were broken.

He roared before thrusting his blade into the ground and Naruto leaped back before spinning forward. The blonde connected his elbow against Volt's jaw and delivered a swift head-butt that knocked his foe back.

Volt lashed his boot at Naruto's chest and missed once he ducked; not knowing this is what his enemy wanted. He viciously brought the sword down with Naruto crossing his blades and it instead connected against his own weapons.

Though Volt prepared for another kick, Naruto quickly stood up and slammed his foot into his heart as he dropped one of his swords. He started to fall back as his ankle was gripped by Naruto, who reared his hand up and brought the merc back down onto the ground with a thud.

He grunted in pain before his younger opponent spun and launched Volt across the balcony into the railing. The merc was now in a similar position to Celestine moments earlier before Naruto grabbed him and spun him around to face him.

Volt growled while throwing a blinding punch at Naruto's jaw and the blonde captured his fist. He punched Volt's chest before swinging his arm away from him while jumping back and the merc attacked again.

He swung at Naruto, who backed against a stone column as he ducked and sprang behind him. Volt spun around to see Naruto thrust his blades into the ground and launch himself at him as he hit the column.

The next thing that occurred was Naruto and Volt exchanging several barrages of blows and strikes at the other. Though Volt managed to land a few hits as testament to being the strongest mercenary of Kuroinu, Naruto quickly overpowered him and worked his way up from his ribs before punching his jaw.

Throughout the barrages, Naruto used only his natural strength to beat Volt against the column before grabbing his throat and thrashing him on it. As he strangled Volt, the mercenary's eyesight went red for a moment and Naruto reared back his fist before gathering Kurama's strength in the form of a Rasengan.

With a roar, Naruto thrust his attack into Volt's stomach and made a large hole in it with the man violently spewing blood from his mouth. Blood and saliva ran down his jaw before the blonde ripped his hand out of the hole.

As Volt continue to vomit profusely, Naruto reclaimed his swords and thrust the first beneath his heart with the second piercing his upper back. The mercenary continue to vomit as it he yelled again in pain and Naruto hoisted the blades upward as he sank down them.

He carried Volt to the balcony and held him above the railing to see his army below as their body parts were scattered as far as the eye could. Though most of the fiends were decapitated, he didn't notice their eyes still moving around and Naruto cleared his throat as he had his shadow clones below bring the Kuroinu forces to where they could see their leader.

From the castrated mercs to the disembodied heads of the ogres and werewolves, the clones held the former by the heads with their kunai/Hiraishin swords to their throats. As Volt weakly struggled in pain, Naruto held him higher and channeled electric chakra through the blades into his enemy.

The vomiting mercenary continued to scream as his allies below were forced to watch their once-proud leader suffer a humiliating defeat. Naruto continue electrocute Volt until his skin was entirely blackened from the burns before thrusting his weapons downward and ripping the blades from his pierced abdomen.

Naruto set them down and grabbed the back of Volt's head before slamming it against the stone railing. Once his face was battered beyond the point of recognition, his hands were stabbed to the railing with the Hiraishin swords and the blonde looked to his siblings beating up Ginyol.

Knowing that demons were more durable than humans, he entered his Version 1 state and shot at Ginyol as Ginkaku flung his body off his tail. Naruto caught him and punched him in the face with his horns snapping off instantly.

Naruto formed multiple shadow clones also in Version 1 states and they all swarmed Ginyol as they kicked him into the sky. As the demon passed the clouds, Naruto caught up with him alongside his brothers and all of them began attacking him from all sides.

Ginyol roared in agony as he was pummeled and battered by countless strikes and kicks before three of the clones kicked him into the balcony. He slammed face first into the air before Kinkaku set him ablaze with the Bashōsen and he yelled from the intense flames burning his flesh.

Naruto shot down from above in his Version 2 state before grabbing him with chakra arms and shot him into the air again. Before he could get far, Naruto, Ginkaku, and Kinkaku; now in his own Version 2 state, skewered his torso with their tails and worked together to slam him into the ground repeatedly with the shadow clones standing by.

Ginyol tried to make a mystic portal that could take him to safety before Ginkaku electrocuted him with his lightning release and two clones sliced the demon's hands apart with chakra rods. Kurama's chakra coursed through the siblings' respective tails and immobilized Ginyol as they slammed him onto the ground a final time.

The clones closed in on Ginyol and began beating him into the earth before launching him into the balcony next to Volt. Dispelling his Version 2 state, Naruto formed two chakra rods while his clones made both Volt and Ginyol face him as they restrained either of the fiends and hurled them back against the wall.

Using the heat of Kurama's chakra, the blonde pinned their gaping hands and feet to the wall while Volt and Ginyol screamed in pain as the clones held them steady with little effort as they sizzled

"What have you done to us?!" Ginyol managed to hiss in pain as Kinkaku and Ginkaku stood nearby.

"What are you two complaining about? You wanted blood and now our brother has given you just what you wanted." Kinkaku cruelly sneered with the poles being lengthened to prevent any chances of being torn out.

"No…please don't…we surrender!" Volt desperately pleaded.

"No! No! No!" Ginyol weakly said.

"Well, guys, what do you think of this; they call themselves warriors yet they're pleading like bitches to their enemies!" Ginkaku hysterically laughed.

"For a couple of bitches, you assholes aren't half bad." Kinkaku agreed as he watched the blood ooze from both from their wounds and run down the pole until it pooled on the ground. If Volt wasn't riddled with immense pain, he would question how he's still alive and that Naruto had cast a jutsu on him that was based off of Hidan's immortality personally for Kuroinu and their associates.

No matter what Naruto or his allies did to their foes be it decapitation or mutilation, they'd survive any attack unless their brains were destroyed in the process and this would give his allies the chance to make Kuroinu suffer if they desired it. Naruto activated his Rinnegan and saw through the eyes of his clones attacking the fiends below as they left their foes lacerated in multiple ways but alive.

"Don't worry; we don't plan on killing on either of you bastards." Naruto said.

"Yeah, we're gonna take real good care of you two 'til we let your real enemies have at you." Kinkaku said.

"That reminds me…" Ginkaku said as he noticed Naruto opening his palms and burned their hands beyond recognition.

"What are you doing?!" Volt demanded as Ginkaku and Kinkaku continued laughing while Naruto continue to look at them with disdain before he and two sets of his clones put their hands on Volt and Ginyol's heads with blood gushing their arms and knees all the while. As they were too distracted by their pain, Naruto and his clones learned that Ginyol's motives for helping Kuroinu partially stemmed from his King of Beasts, Kruul, wanting to declare a world establishment with Volt's plans being used as a stepping stone of sorts and the mercenary's plans to expand his forces to conquer other continents once Eostia had been enslaved allowed him to work with the demon.

Once he got what he wanted to know from, Naruto looked to his siblings and nodded before leaping off the balcony and flying away.

Volt mentally cursed his position and Ginyol was similarly too weak beyond measure to attempt an escape with his powers as it was forced as deeply as it could go in his throat. Four of the clones disappeared with the rest remaining to secure the two villains with their pinned limbs and stand guard over them while they bled out.

Suddenly, a new figure appeared on the scene and grabbed Volt and Ginyol's throats before strangling them. With either of their visions blurry, they couldn't identify their new attacker but both it wasn't Naruto or either of his brothers.

"Now, gentlemen, that's no way to suffer. Allow me to help." The new attacker, a man with long shaggy hair, spoke as he nodded to the clones and they forced Volt's jaw wide open with it snapping. With his jaws now unhinged, Volt's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he was throttled and the attacker insanely laughed at his expression.

"That's a much better face, now, isn't it? You'll be out before you know it and now the demon…." The man said before Ginyol felt something grab either side of his head and he found himself in a trance with his attacker ripping off the tip of his tongue. Blood filled his mouth as the man squeezed his throat further in until he passed out and the man continue to laugh maniacally as more blood dripped from the demon's jaw before he took his leave.


Darsh, a half-elf with red hair and matching eyes adorned in black armor, looked to see three female elves handcuffed to the wall and he licked his lips at his captives. At a height of 5.1, the first elf woman had a tiara atop her long blonde hair and green eyes with breasts measuring to 89 cm, a waist of 58, and hips of 89 with her only clothing being white thigh-high stockings and a suspender belt.

The second elf bore similar features to the first with her long blonde hair and height with a key difference being her bright blue eyes. Bearing a ponytail held by blue ribbons, her breasts were 86 cm with a small waist of 54 and incredible hips of 88 cm baring thigh-highs of her own.

The third woman was a dark elf with short wavy white hair and amber eyes as Darsh eyed her chest of 89, her waist of 58, and her bust of 90. Darsh sinisterly chuckled at his captives and they all glared at him with equal disgust.

"Release us, you bastard!" The second elf, Willan, snapped at him.

"Release you? Why would I do that when the Goddess have given me two spies to be my pets and it seems even the Dark Elf Slug has done the same." Darsh said to them as he whipped out his erection.

"Don't you dare speak of Queen Origa as if she's some common bug!" The dark elf, Meiriin, hissed.

"This isn't going to work, Darsh! Surrender to us now and I promise we'll leave enough of you to be recognized by the time we're done!" Arsura, the first elf and the elder twin of Willan, growled and Darsh laughed at the seemingly empty threat.

"That makes me tremble so much that its killing me but enough for that for now." Darsh said as he approached Willan and stroked his manhood.

"Darsh, wait! You can have your way with me if you leave Willan and the Dark Elf alone!" Arsura declared and Darsh laughed at her.

"I can understand your sister but why care about the Dark Elf when she serves the enemy of your chivalry?" Darsh said as both Meiriin and Willan looked at Arsura with equal curiosity at this proclamation.

"Be that as it may; she still doesn't deserve to be defiled by scum like you!" Arsura snapped and this leave two completely speechless as Darsh advanced toward her.

"You have a big heart and for that, you'll be first!" Darsh sneered as he made his way toward the restrained Elf princess.

"You worthless scum!" Meiriin and Willan coincidentally said and despite being enemies, it was reassuring that they had something to agree on. As for Darsh, the loud noise and rumbling outside made him think he had missed the signal at first and that he could now take advantage of what he thought were his allies conquering the land.

"Get ready to burn the image of your sister getting raped into you mind!" Darsh declared as he reached for Arsura's breasts and Naruto crashed through the window with his siblings at his side. He thrust his Rasengan into Darsh's chest and granted the immortality jutsu on him.

The bodies of the Kuroinu henchmen guarding the outside flew through the door and they groaned before their shadow clone attackers jumped at them. They placed their kunai inside of the mercs' mouths and gruesomely started carving the inside of their gums until their lower jaws were detached.

The first clone kicked his respective victim onto his side and castrated him on the spot while the other clone sliced open his foe's ribcage with his blood pooling on the carpet. As they continue to attack the fiends, all of Willan, Arsura, and Meiriin looked on surprise at their new rescuers before one shadow clone appeared in front of them.

"Get away from us!" Willan demanded before the clone raised his hands and used Truth-Seeking Balls to form clothing for them as another broke their shackles.

"Who are you?" Arsura asked Naruto as Kinkaku and Ginkaku fanned out to inspect the building for more foes.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki and my allies and I have come to help your friends get your land back from Volt and Kuroinu." The blonde explained as his shadow clones presented twins and Meiriin their retrieved weapons with the girls staring at one another. With Eostia and its outlands being a considerable distance away from the Five Great Nations, none of the three had a clue about Naruto or his siblings were though his name sounded familiar.

"You're fighting Kuroinu?" Willan asked.

"Apparently so." Meiriin deadpanned as she gestured out the window and treated the twins to the sight of the mercenaries and monsters either being castrated or murdered. Despite not knowing the blonde's identity or strength in detail, the twins looked at one another as they accepted their weapons and Meiriin stared at him.

"I take it you're not from Eostia, are you?" Meiriin asked.

"No, but the least I can do is free this land and that Origa lady from the outlands." Naruto said and that got their attention.

"You're an ally of Queen Origa?" Meiriin questioned.

"In a way, but really, all I have in common with her is to get rid of Kuroinu and these damn monsters." Naruto answered.

"You're going to free the Dark Elf Queen? But…" Willan started to question before noticing Darsh cough up blood and they all glared at him.

"I'll answer those questions later but will you three fight with us for now?" Naruto asked and without another question, they held their weapons in place before pointing them at Darsh. No words were needed as Willan shot forward and lashed her dagger into Darsh's testicles.

Darsh loudly screamed at his balls being skewered before a swift punch from Meiriin silenced him and Naruto lifted him as Willan sawed through his testicles. Blood gathered underneath Darsh's groins and Naruto slammed him onto a nearby table with Arsura using her own dagger to cut into his stomach.

The half-elf spat blood as Naruto gestured for Arsura to move back and she did as asked before he formed a Raikiri. He thrust it through Darsh's heart and the fiend wetly coughed as blood pooled in his mouth while he violently hacked.

While he gasped, Naruto held his throat and explained to the three elves about the immortality jutsu and how they could kill him. However, with this knowledge, they had no intention of killing him right away as Meiriin slowly sliced apart Darsh's throat.

Willan jumped onto her foe and planted her heel on his head before giving his forehead a good stamp. Arsura and Meiriin followed suit by stabbing either side of Darsh's member and hacking it into bloody chunks.

Naruto watched as the elves tore into their opponent and stabbed Darsh's hands to the table per request by Arsura. All three raised their blades before Arsura and Willan began stabbing into Darsh's chest and blood boiled from his mouth with Meiriin slicing his wrists open.

Briefly entering his one tailed-state, Naruto cut off Darsh's legs with his chakra tail and Meiriin guided her sword down his throat before moving back. The shinobi then lifted the table with Willan and Arsura springing off it before he launched into a nearby wall and Darsh brutally hit the wall with the table shattering into splinters.

Before he could fall to the floor, Naruto wrapped a chakra chain around his neck and yanked him back toward his new allies. A loud snap was heard and he went limp as his body landed in front of them.

A kick to his head made him face Arsura, Willan, and Meiriin as they raised their blades and Darsh looked around in fear as Naruto stood by. He loudly screamed as they brought their weapons down and Willan's weapon was the first to go into his mouth with Meiriin and Arsura's sword cutting into his temple.

Darsh's head was then mutilated beyond recognition as the elves stabbed into it repeatedly and gave his headless body a look of disdain before Meiriin looked to Naruto as the screaming from outside the room ceased with his siblings returning.

"You say you want to save this continent and that of Queen Origa's domain?" Meiriin asked.

"That's right and though my friends are out there in each nation fighting Kuroinu right now, we could always use more help." Naruto said.

"Help? Taking back Eostia is our priority and even if it means helping Origa after all she's done, you can count us in." Arsura said.

"Here, here." Willan said with her dagger in hand.

"Queen Origa wouldn't say it aloud but, the enemy of our enemy is a friend…for now, at least." Meiriin said as they raised their blades and touched them in an act of truce. Naruto smiled at the three elves as more shadow clones appeared and he nodded to them.

"Alright, follow my clones and they'll help you with the rest." Naruto said before bolting out the window as his clones burned Darsh's body and he flew elsewhere.

"This is not going to be easy to do." Naruto thought to himself.

Meanwhile in Dragundaala

"Kill him!" One of Ginyol's soldiers, creatures with cloaks and a single purple eye that had slit pupils, commanded as Sasuke cut them down while Naruto's shadow clones gathered civilians as the dragons, now free in hopes that they could stop the shinobi, flew around. Half of them were battling the shadow clones that prevented them from forcing themselves on the nearest woman they could find and the other half flew in the sky.

"You guys sure are persistent but…" Sasuke said as his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan set the soldiers ablaze with Amaterasu. As they screamed in pain while burning to death, Sasuke noticed half of the dragons flying his direction and knocked them back with Shinra Tensei.

He then used his dōjutsu on a nearby soldier to get him to reveal Ginyol's goal and looked to see the clones all sending Rasenshuriken and Tailed Beast Bombs into the dragons in the sky in their Eagle avatars. Sasuke noticed one clone jumping on a dragon and crushing the beast's head with an Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan before he entered his Susanoo's Complete Body form.

Thanks to the other half of Kaguya's chakra engram being within him, her chakra allowed him to form a humanoid made entirely of chakra within the Complete Body and he flew into the air until he cast a wide-scale Amaterasu within the area.

A cumulonimbus cloud formed overhead and Sasuke noticed the true Naruto running into the Dragundaala castle with some shadow clones. Hemming to himself, he looked back to the dragons that flew at him and a figure appeared on his shoulder.

"Using Kirin in a case like this can help but allow me to buy you some time." The figure with shaggy black hair said and Sasuke looked to the man on his shoulder with one of the shadow clones standing on the other.

"Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation!" said the man as he spewed fire at the nearest dragons and the shadow clone used Fire Style: Uzumaki Hellstorm Rage Magma Inferno to back him up. Any dragon got in either Fire Style technique was immediately incinerated and Sasuke looked to the man on his shoulder.

"Hmph. Not bad." Sasuke said to the man, Madara Uchiha apparently raised from the dead yet again, as he entered his own Susanoo Complete Body and threw Yasaka Magatama at more of the beasts while creating another field of Amaterasu. With the Amaterasu burning the nearest demons and Ginyol's soldiers, Madara shot off Sasuke's shoulder as the younger Uchiha gathered Chidori in his Susanoo's hand and swung it downward.

The lightning dragon was directed towards any flying beast until the sky was empty of them and Sasuke watched as the jutsu reached its end. Madara looked towards the Dragundaala castle and proceeded to make his way there with Sasuke and the shadow clones following suit.

"Unavoidable as it may be, here goes." Sasuke and Madara thought to themselves.

A Few Minutes Earlier in the throne room

"Jin, please!" cried a slim young woman with long lilac-gray hair that was parted in the middle in an Odango style and green eyes as she was pursued through the castle by an immense dragon. The girl, Catue, was around Naruto's age with a large bust of 88 that was accented by her strapless unitard along with her waist of 54 and hips of 83.

Catue's fiancé Jindrack Hemy, personally known as Jin to her, had blue skin with red sclera and blue slit pupils as he stomped after her. With Ginyol having personally cursed him to become a dragon, any shred of humanity was replaced only with savage lust and malevolence to anything that dared get in his way as he chased her.

Since Catue's sword had been destroyed by Ginyol's mystic shield when she attempted to avenge her father, she hadn't anyway to defend herself against Jin or the monsters guarding the exits. Ginyol had given her a cruel ultimatum in which she could either kill Jin in his dragon form or become his rape victim.

Naturally, she refused to slay Jin even though his final words before transforming were for her to run from him and he viciously roared as he pursued her. Catue tried not to look back as Jin followed her and she looked ahead at one monster, Pigman, who was masturbating while intently staring at her.

As his name would suggest, Pigman was a humanoid pig half of Jin's size with purple skin and of great girth with floppy ears. Catue stopped dead in her tracks as Pigman's semen flew in her direction and Jin grabbed her.

"Jin!" Catue called out to him and he roared as he brought her to his erection as she yelled in fear. Suddenly, Naruto dropped from one of the windows in his Version 2 state and flew at Jin before punching the dragon dead in the nose.

Jin's head flew back as he dropped Catue and Naruto caught her with chakra arms before setting her behind him. Once Jin recovered, he viciously roared at Naruto and swung at him before he was tangled in a set of chakra chains from shadow clones swarming the castle.

One of the demons, a Lion-creature, was sent flying with one of the shadow clones being in a miniature version of the Lion Avatar. With a bestial roar from the avatar, the clone pounced on the demon and slashed his chest with his claws as the demon screamed.

Getting in the creature's face, the clone made the avatar roar as loudly as possible and Catue looked around her to see Naruto's shadow clones attacking the demons before her attention was guided to Jin. By now, he was restrained against the wall by the chakra chains and struggled against them while the shadow clones ventured deeper into the castle.

They entered the dungeons and found a bosomy young handmaiden with long fiery orange hair and purple eyes hiding. Once she saw the clones in their Version 1 states, she backed into a corner in a ball of fear and held her hand out.

"Please, don't hurt Princess Catue! Take me instead!" The handmaiden, Anna, cried out as she mistook the clones for more of Ginyol's forces. To calm her down, they reverted to their regular appearance and she stopped trembling.

"Don't worry; we're here to help your land." One of the clones answered with Naruto, in his normal appearance, telling Catue the same thing back in the throne.

"Who are you?" Catue asked as Naruto helped her to her feet.

"Naruto Uzumaki and I'm here to help you and your mother." Naruto said.

"Is she alright?! Did that monster Ginyol do anything to her?" Catue demanded and given Nina's molestation before he showed up, he wasn't sure how to answer her question.

"Let's just say Ginyol is worse off right now than your Mom might be." Naruto said and before she could ask anything more, screams filled the room. She looked around to see the demons being attacked and a shadow clone arrived next to them.

"Catue, I think this should belong to you." The clone said as he handed her a broadsword and she recognized it as her father's weapon. With a somber expression of it now being a keepsake, she slowly accepted it and looked to see Sasuke and Madara arrive.

"It's good to see you're unharmed, Princess Catue." Madara commented before he got to work and slashed through many of the creatures that ranged from a dark blue Swamp creature with webbed fingers and toes to a brown werewolf. Sasuke used Chidori on one of the lizard demons and Naruto used Big Ball Rasengan to cripple the beast from the back.

As Sasuke's hand emerged from his chest, the lizard screeched in pain as Naruto entered his Version 1 state and ripped out his tongue. He gurgled in pain as blood filled his mouth before Catue joined in and ran her sword through the creature's belly.

Dropping to his knees gave Catue the chance to remove her sword and cleave his head before kicking his corpse over. Despite not having any idea who Naruto or either of the Uchihas were, she could see they shared the same enemy and stabbed a white werewolf demon with the horns of a ram through the temple.

"Stay back!" An aquatic swamp beast screeched as he was impaled by arrows from Blaze Style: Susanoo Kagutsuchi and burned alive. A werewolf, much larger than Volt's henchmen, had his ears ripped off by a Version 2 shadow clone before his attacker began ripping his flesh apart piece by piece and finished him off by slowly crushing him with chakra arms.

The lion-creature roared in pain as three shadow clones were in their lion avatars and two held his arms in their crushing jaws with the third on his back. The third clone viciously clawed and bit the demon's backside with his fangs and claws before climbing higher.

The demon looked up in time to see the avatar open his mouth and engulf his entire head down to his neck with his jaws slowly crushing it. Screaming in bone-chilling pain and horror, the demon desperately fought to break free before his neck was broken mere minutes later.

He fell limp between his captors and the third avatar bit his head off before crunching on it until there was nothing left. Pigman squealed in fear as he tried to escape but Madara appeared in his path and attacked him with an aerial kick that knocked him back into the throne room.

Sasuke used Susanoo to capture Pigman and scorched his legs with Blaze Style: Yasaka Magatama before Naruto ran his large belly through with a chakra rod. Pigman oinked in pain before Madara utilized his Gunbai and knocked him onto his back.

Naruto used his tail to slice off Pigman's genitals and he pathetically squealed in misery with two more clones stabbing his hands with their Hiraishin swords. Using Rasengash, his hands were blown to pieces and he oinked in pain before Naruto used his tail to stuff his slashed genitals into his mouth.

Pigman then had his tongue ripped out and gagged before Naruto returned to his Version 2 state as he hopped onto his chest before ripping off his tusks. The blonde punched his jaws and nose with blood splattering on his fists as they came down onto his mouth.

Naruto pounded Pigman's mouth and nose in with all his might as his oinks of pain became muffled. The demon suffocated on his genitals and the blood pooling in his mouth as his attacker savagely beat his mouth closed.

A shadow clone launched a chakra chain next to Pigman's neck and jumped through the floor near his head. The chain locked around the beast's neck and forced his genitals down his throat as the true Naruto beat his mouth and nose in.

He jumped back and Pigman choked and gagged as the stumps of his arms bleed onto the floor while the chain still suffocated him. With his weight and his limbs gone, moving was now impossible as Catue sprang onto him and slashed his belly open with Naruto stabbing him in the eye with one of his tusks.

With him continuing to bleed out uncontrollably, Pigman writhed in pain and Catue allowed his blood to spill before raising her sword. Catue brought the blade down and stabbed the beast between the eyes as the front of the blade emerged out the back of his head into the floor.

Pigman's eyelids shut before Catue removed her weapon and fixed her eyes to a bird demon that lie on the floor as Madara stabbed the creature with his Susanoo sword. He loudly squawked before a shadow clone in a miniature version of the eagle avatar landed on him and pierced his chest through the floor.

The demon squawked before the clone used the avatar's beak to peck his chest open and he raked the talons through his body. The eagle kept pecking the demon until what was his head became bloody chunks of flesh on the floor and a bull demon had his horns ripped off by Madara.

The legendary Uchiha stabbed through his heart with the horns and Madara used Wood Style: Cutting Technique on his lower jaw before it wound up skewering his entire head. Smiling at the creature fall dead to the floor, one of the demons placed his palm on the ground and an odd creature made of multiple tentacles emerged.

Naruto wrapped his arm around Catue as the tentacles went for her and got out of the way before he, Sasuke, and Madara prepared techniques. With his Eternal Mangekyō Sharrinegan, he used red flames similar to Amaterasu while Sasuke and Madara used the true technique on the tentacle beast.

The tentacles screeched at high octaves until it burned to death and one of the lizards tried crawling away before Naruto used his chakra arms to drag him towards him. He hoisted the creature in the air and he screamed as Naruto formed an Asura Path hand with the fingers all being mounted cannons before putting it in his mouth.

Kurama's chakra gathered in the cannons and was fired in a high density blast that destroyed the monster's head as Catue looked around the dead beasts. Jin roared once again and the four realized he was the only creature left as Naruto stared at him.

"Catue, I'm going to have to ask you to go for now." Naruto said without looking at her.

"Isn't there anything you can do for Jin?" Catue asked and he looked back at her with a grim expression on his face as his shadow clones reappeared with Anna. The young princess read his expression like a book and lowered her head upon realizing what would happen.

"I understand." She said in a low solemn voice as she looked to Anna and the Uchihas before nodding to them. They ran to the nearest exit and tears streamed down her face as she tried to keep them from blurring her vision.

"Jin, I'm sorry..." Catue thought to herself and back with Naruto, he stared at Jin before entering his Version 2 state once more. He reared his hand into the air and the chakra chains fell to the floor before Jin roared at Naruto.

Hell-bent on killing him for taking Catue away, Jin stomped at Naruto before he roared back and the sonic roar made him stagger back. Naruto jumped at the dragon and tackled him before they flew through the wall he was restrained against. The pair rolled into the next room as he bound off Jin and the monster breathed fire onto the blonde.

With his shroud protecting him, Naruto clawed Jin's chest and made a large gash extending from his clavicle to his abdomen. He swung his tail at the Jinchuuriki and he roared in response while jumping into the air.

The shockwave caused by it knocked Jin into another wall and he viciously growled before several Version 1 shadow clones appeared in front of him. Before he could attack again, the clones all formed Big Ball Rasengans and charged at him in a horizontal formation.

They all constantly struck Jin's body with the attacks and he roared in pain as smoke covered where he was. The clones' next move was hurling chakra rods into the smoke and the dragon roared in pain while Naruto looked on.

Once the smoke cleared, Jin was revealed to have his abdomen destroyed and the chakra rods were sticking out of his neck as blood ran down them before wailing in pain. Despite learning from Ginyol that a dragon could never return to being a human, he looked at Jin with sympathy from knowing the beast wasn't genuinely evil and was just as much a victim as the other civilians turned dragon.

Thanks to him being cursed by Ginyol himself, Jin had more endurance than the other dragons and he looked directly at Naruto. As they shared looks, blood trickled down Jin's neck and dripped onto the floor as he placed his hand on his wound as he continue to bleed.

Jin looked his wounds and returned his gaze to Naruto with his head lowering; almost giving the impression that he was mentally asking why he was being attacked. He roared again before taking a step forward and ultimately falling with the loudest screech he could utter.

The clones moved back as Jin crashed onto the floor with his arm draped around his wound and he wailed in pain before Naruto and his shadow clones formed another round of Big Ball Rasengan. Intending to put Jin out of his misery, they slammed the attacks into his whole body and Naruto went for his head while forming a Raikiri in the other hand.

As he charged forward, Jin locked dying eyes with him and the only sound Naruto could hear was the dragon's heartbeat growing weaker. Their gazes never left each other as the shinobi nodded to Jin before slamming the attack into his skull just as his eyes began to darken and the attacks left a colossal smoldering hole in the floor with no trace of Jin's body.

Naruto reverted to his normal state and looked at where the dragon had been with a solemn stare. He looked to his other clones and they disposed of the bodies of the demons with their Amaterasu-like attacks.

Outside the castle

Catue, having heard Jin's dying roar earlier, continue to weep for him as Sasuke and Madara gave her some space to mourn with Anna comforting her. Normally, they'd offer her some sympathetic words but nothing they could say would help her recover from her loss and Naruto appeared next to her before putting a sympathetic hand on her shoulder.

"I have something for you." Naruto said while handing Catue her armored gauntlet gloves and performing a few hand-signs with another shadow clone taking Anna to the dimension realm where the respective citizens of each Eostia nation was being kept.

Once she was fully armored, Naruto did a Summoning Jutsu and slammed his palm on the ground as Ginyol appeared with the rods still embedded in his hands. Catue violently snarled as she gripped her sword and Naruto snapped the rod out of Ginyol's body before the Princess launched herself at the demon.

Catue grabbed Ginyol's throat with a furious roar before slamming him against a wall and ran him through his heart. He vomited blood again before the infuriated princess struck his stomach with all her might and punched him in the jaw.

His head reeled back before she pulled him towards her and he spewed blood again. Catue dug the blade deeper into Ginyol's heart and struck him again before punching him with all her might.

As she struck Ginyol, the image of her father's murder and Jin being transformed against his will flashed through her mind as blood fell from his mouth. Without his tongue, he couldn't mock Catue over Lawrence, his molestation of Nina, or Jin as his absence was the sole explanation the demon needed to know that he was dead after all.

Catue kept punching Ginyol's face in until her gloves were stained with blood and she ripped the sword out of his stomach as he kept hacking blood. She thrust her fist into his stomach and ripped out his heart with a mighty grip.

Though she had been told on how to kill Ginyol with his new immortality, she found this to her advantage to attack him as much as she pleased and she covered his blood-leaking mouth while pointing the blade at the underside of his goatee. She suddenly stopped and backed away from Ginyol with falling from the wall.

Once he landed on his knees, another blade was thrust into his backside and emerged from his throat. Choking on his blood, he looked up to see Nina standing above him as she held onto a sword and her eyes were still red from tears before she darkly scowled at him.

Nina ripped the sword out of Ginyol and raised it into the air with Catue positioning the blade at his forehead. Fear overtook the demon's expression before he attempted to crawl but Catue's metal-plated foot kicked him in the face and he continued choking as Nina swiftly brought the sword down onto his neck.

Ginyol's head was severed before it was impaled on Catue's broadsword and she slammed the blade onto the ground with it being cleaved in two. The images of all that Ginyol had done still fresh in her head, Catue started hacking away at his remains and still didn't stop until the demon was nothing but gorily scattered chunks that Sasuke dissolved with his Amaterasu.

"Catue…" Nina said before her daughter huffed and puffed as she dropped her father's swords to face her. The blonde wasted no time in embracing Catue as she began sobbing into her chest and Nina held her close.

"Naruto." Sasuke said as he revealed one of Ginyol's remaining soldiers and used his genjutsu to make him open a portal to where Kruul originated from. Knowing Naruto could easily teleport himself back to their realm once his business in Ginyol's land was finished; neither Sasuke nor Madara bothered questioning him as he took a step forward.

He looked to his friends and nodded before walking into the portal where he vanished from sight. Once Nina and Catue ended their embrace, the shadow clone began explaining what was happening to Eostia while Sasuke and Madara flew to the nearest nation in their Susanoo modes.

Elsewhere in Histoire

"Don't try running! I'm not done killing of you yet!" Shukaku cackled as he used the vast amount of sand surrounding the nation to bury the armies of orcs alive and his next attack was Wind Style: Air Bullet. He rampaged throughout the empty nation and smashed every last orc in his path with Naruto's shadow clones using their best attacks to kill the invading orcs.

Gaara stood inside of Irena's castle as he stared down the pig creature and Pigman's leader Dhorme. As with the aforementioned demon, Dhorme stood in an erect manner with a necklace made of bones with the central one being a bird's skull and he had glowing red eyes.

Also present were Princess Irena and her faithful servant Tasha as Dhorme loomed over them as he kept them sandwiched on her bed. With long curtained blonde and green eyes, she sported a large bust barely hidden by a baby-doll she wore and appeared to be 22 in terms of age.

As for Tasha, she was around the same age with dark skin and amber eyes with red hair in a bob featuring blunt bangs. Tasha wore a bikini-type outfit displaying her DD cup-sized chest with a red pareo covering most of her legs and had golden jewelry all over her body.

"What is this?!" Dhorme demanded without moving away from his captives as they looked over to him.

"I bear nothing against you personally but for the sake of this land, you must die." Gaara said with his gourd's lid flying off and sand burst forth at the pig beast. Before Dhorme could react, the sand encased him before launching him out a window where he landed in the sand below and Gaara brought it up to his neck.

"I'm assuming it's safe to say you're not affiliated with those orcs or Dhorme. So my question to you is, who are you?" Irena asked before Gaara formed a platform of sand that she and Tasha were uncertain about at first.

"I am Gaara of the Sand and to keep a long description short, my allies and I have come to free your continent from these beasts." The Kazekage answered.

"Are our friends from the other nations alright?" Tasha asked.

"All will be explained later but for now, this'll take you to safety." Gaara explained with Irena and Tasha exchanging glances at the other for some time before ultimately stepping on the platform. Stepping onto a platform outside the window he'd thrown Dhorme, he sent Irena and Tasha to the vacant top of her castle where they were picked up by shadow clones.

With the two of them now secure, Gaara looked down and descended to Dhorme struggling in the sand. He opened his palms and the sand made a cocoon around him before lifting the beast into the air while preparing to use Sand Burial.

"Pig in a sand blanket? Sounds like my kind of meal!" Shukaku said as he stomped over to Gaara and Dhorme's eyes grew wide at the approaching Tanuki. The Kazekage held the pig monster steady as Shukaku grabbed him and inspected him before licking his jaws.

"Put me down, fiend!" Dhorme snapped at Shukaku, who raised him into the air while he opened his jaws.

"Fine by me!" Shukaku madly cackled before dropping him into his mouth and Dhorme screamed as the Tailed Beast took his time in chewing him. Licking his jaws again, he looked to Gaara as he stood on the sand platform and it raised it to his level.

"The amount of enemies in this part of the continent makes me wonder just how much of them are truly out there." Gaara said.

"We're about to find out since I'm not picking up any more negative emotions around here." A shadow clone said.

"Well then, it's time to move onto some new prey!" Shukaku said with a few of the shadow clones gathering around them and teleporting them to the nearest nation in need.

In Ur and Feoh

"What the hell is up with this mist?!" An imp leading fourteen others growled to himself as he and his pack tried to get their bearings to no success. While they struggled to get their eyesight back, they failed to notice both of their ogre and mercenaries allies collapsing to the ground throughout the kingdom.

The mist eventually began to lift and the imps sinisterly smiled before focusing on their targets: a group of six youthful nuns being handcuffed to a massive plank wall held by three ogres. The first nun, Sister Clarissa, had wavy light brown hair and purple eyes, with the following one, Sister Priscilla, having long pale brown hair and amethyst hues.

The third nun, Sister Martha, was bespectacled with cobalt eyes and long black hair with a long strand between her eyes as the fourth, Sister Jane, had brownish-orange hair beneath her blue habit with purple eyes. The fifth nun, Sister Eriko, had reddish-brown eyes and had short dark auburn colored hair with a habit atop her head and the final nun, Sister Amalie, had short blonde hair with dark violet eyes.

"Please let us go!" Martha pleaded and the imps all cackled at her request.

"Let us go? Who the hell would obey that weak little cry?" The lead imp sneered.

"Besides, we haven't had our fun yet!" Another imp chuckled before half of them jumped onto the wall and surrounded the nuns before tearing at their bodices.

"Please, I beg of you!" Clarissa said.

"I don't want my first time to be with a monster!" Amalie said and this prompted the fiendish creatures to continue laughing at her fear. Two imps noticed Jane to be the most silent and crawled on either side of her before getting in her face.

"If you've got time to be silent, then you should be satisfying our dicks!" The imp cackled and Jane only smiled.

"Anything to say now?" The other imp cackled.

"Yes: needle and scroll!" Jane shouted before she and the nuns transformed into shadow clones as they flew off the wall. Before the imps and ogres could react in time to this, Kushimaru launched Nuibari at the imps and they all screeched as it tore through their chests with the needle coming out their hearts first.

The ogres roared in anger before Jinpachi arrived and kicked them into a nearby wall. Each beast looked up at him to roar as he launched Shibuki's scroll forward and wrapped all of their heads.

"Boom." Jinpachi grinned as it blew the ogres to pieces and Kushimaru laughed at this while using his sewing skills to bind them on the plank. With the real nuns having been saved by the shadow clones during the Hidden Mist with their Eternal Rinnegan powers allowing them to see, Kushimaru and Jinpachi had been lying in wait for the clones to call them.

The imps shrieked and screeched in agony as he maneuvered the wires embedded in their chest in a manner one would use in flossing. Kushimaru continued to fiendishly laugh at the imps torment and suddenly got an idea.

"Know what? You imps came to smash; I'll let you smash all you like!" Kushimaru cackled as he used the wires to make them face away each in front to back formation and pulled them forth. In an instant, the imps' smashed together and they all wailed in searing pain as their bones started cracking.

"Stop this madness!" The lead imp shouted angrily and their pain-filled, horrifying screams were only music to Kushimaru's ears as he squeezed them against the other repeatedly. Once the cracking grew louder, he still cackled at the top of his lungs and held his ribs.

"Hey, Jinpachi, get over here! You're missing the show!" Kushimaru said with his fellow swordsmen joining him and grinning at the scene of imps being smothered against each other to where they began wheezing. He kept the imps in action until the plank underneath them was covered in blood and Jinpachi steadied Shibuki.

"Time for the finale!" Jinpachi said with Kushimaru jumping back and he ran forward before swinging his blade. The trapped imps screamed in agony and fear as he swung Shibuki at the wall with an explosion occurring.

Jinpachi and Kushimaru watched as the remains of the imps rained down from the sky and the pair sneered in entertainment at the bloody scene. While the pair had reformed enough to be able to work together, their bloodlust remained unchanged and they looked to the other before taking off.

Nearby at Alicia and Prim's castle

Inside of the dungeons, a slim young woman in her teen years with long blonde hair and bright purple eyes, Alicia Arcturus, sat inside of a prison cell and had her arms hugging her knees while she sat against the wall. Alicia wore a blue bikini-type chest piece with yellow ends that displayed her D-cup cleavage and wore armor atop her shoulders along with a white headband and miniskirt of the same color.

She looked at the ground and sighed at her situation while wondering about Prim. Like Celestine had done with Nina, Alicia surrendered herself in hopes that the mercenaries would leave her sister be and concentrate their efforts on her while also sparing her father Eos.

"How are you feeling, Princess?" A voice asked and Alicia looked up to a gray-haired elderly man with a red beret wearing a green tunic with dark blue pants.

"Beasley? What are you doing here?" Alicia asked and the man, Feoh's Minister Beasley, remained silent.

"Wait, what's happened outside?" she asked.

"Some persistent mist was out there a moment ago." Beasley answered.

"What about the battle; I heard it started when a bomb blew up the inside of the first gate." Alicia said.

"Perhaps." Beasley said and something in Alicia's mind began to click.

"Wait a minute… Beasley, you didn't…" Alicia realized with him having visited the gate for the last few days and he smiled with an evil gleam in his eyes.

"Yes, as you deduced, Princess Alicia." Beasley said and Alicia, figuring out that she had been set up, got to her feet before grabbing the prison bars.

"You bastard! What have you done with Prim and my soldiers?!" Alicia demanded and Beasley chuckled.

"You will now become prime merchandise in this new nation of service or they may fall into trouble. After all, Prim's virginity is making much of your new owners impatient and they may tarnish your arrangement with them." Beasley smiled as he opened the cell door and he entered it.

"Fiend…how far will you go?!" Alicia said.

"I will not move a single muscle until you're mine." Beasley said before Nuibari sailed through the bars and pierced the man's belly through the back with Kushimaru directing the blade to sail through his stomach fat. It flew back to him and Beasley screamed as he bled while Alicia looked on in surprise with a shadow clone appearing next to the swordsman.

He wrapped a chakra chain around the Minister's neck and yanked him back against the bars while throttling him. Beasley wheezed as he bled out before Kushimaru ripped his longsword out and the shadow clone kicked the cell bars.

They fell forward and landed on top of Beasley before the immortality jutsu was implanted on him as he sprang over the treacherous minister. Alicia looked as he held her sword to her and guided her attention to Kushimaru stepping on Beasley's stomach as it profusely spilled out blood onto the floor.

"Alicia-hime, are you okay?" The clone asked.

"Who are you two and why have you come here?" Alicia said; their actions alone telling her they couldn't be affiliated with Kuroinu.

"I'm a shadow clone of Naruto Uzumaki and this is my friend Kushimaru." The clone said.

"A shadow what of whom?" Alicia said while taking her sword.

"Long story short, we're helping your Order of Chivalry take back your continent." Kushimaru said and that remanded Alicia of something.

"I've got to get to my sister Prim and my subjects!" Alicia said as she started for the hallway before the clone touched her shoulder.

"Don't worry; we've a whole team heading her way now." The clone said.

"But…" Alicia said before Beasley moaned underneath Kushimaru's foot.

"Hey; kill now, talk later. What do you say?" Kushimaru said as he jerked Beasley to his feet and Alicia looked to the clone with their gaze settling on the elderly man. Without a word, the blondes charged with their weapons ready once Kushimaru launched him into the air and he fell to them.


In another dungeon area, Prim Fiorire sat in a prison cell on her knees and looked at the ground with a despondent look on her face. About Alicia's age, she was slim with bright blue eyes and very long curly pink hair with no bangs that fell down to her lower back.

Her clothing consisted of with a small golden tiara with red ribbons from either side of it going down her sidehair and a white choker with a golden necklace beneath. More notably, she wore an off the shoulders mini-dress that exposed her E-cup cleavage and had an a navel-exposing opening that also revealed her crotchless pink panty along with most of her legs covered by white stockings.

Covering the area around her crotch was a long pink skirt featuring a white sash going around it and on her arms were detached white sleeves with gloves of the same color. As with her friends, Prim knew whatever Kuroinu would do to her was anything but pleasant and she could only pray that Alicia, her father Eos, and her friends from the chivalry would be alright.

Her timid eyes looked to the front of the cell as she heard the dungeon door opening and heard low sinister snickering from men. She maintained herself to keep from giving her captors the satisfaction of frightening her and heard footsteps approaching before they growled.

"Who in the fuck are you two?!" One of the mercenaries snarled before Prim heard a booming noise and smoke flew into her cell. She covered her eyes and kept her head down as the smoke cleared before looking up to see a shadow clone appear in front of the bars.

Despite finding him to be handsome compared to the mercenaries, she still kept herself alert and watched Jinpachi appear with Shibuki smoking. The clone smiled at her before grabbing the bars and ripping them apart.

"Prim-hime, consider yourself a free Princess Knight." The clone smiled as he presented her blade.

"Who are you two?" Prim asked as she looked at the blonde's friendly smile and hesitantly took her sword.

"The blonde with whiskers is Naruto Uzumaki's shadow clone and I'm Jinpachi Munashi of the Bloody Mist." Jinpachi said; despite the era being long over, he still preferred to keep the title as part of his title. Prim cast a lost expression as they lead her out of the cell and headed to the doorway.

"Long story short, we're helping Celestine and the rest of your friends to take back your homeland. In fact, my friends are helping your sister right now." The clone said and before Prim could ask any more details, two pig creatures dressed in elegant attires appeared and looked around in shock.

"The Mortadella Brothers…" The clone said; recognizing them as Dhorme's ambassadors sent to sample Eos' daughters.

"…walking to their deaths!" Jinpachi finished before charging at the first one dressed in yellowish button-up shirt with the clone tackling the other.

"Wait, we'll talk!" The first Mortadella brother yelled as Jinpachi kicked him.

"Talk?! You're already doing the squealing for us!" Jinpachi laughed before launching the swine out of the dungeon room and tapping his leg with Shibuki. As he yelled, his leg was wrapped in paper bombs that exploded and sent him flying across the room headfirst into a wall.

"Please, spare me! We were only following orders!" The Mortadella said before Jinpachi raised Shibuki overhead with both hands.

"Fry, piggy." Jinpachi devilishly smiled before bringing down Shibuki onto the pig and he squealed upon being blown to bits. Prim watched as the clone slashed the remaining Mortadella across the chest and he fell onto his side while wildly squealing on the floor.

She looked down at the sword and stared at her timid reflection before looking at herself. Though Alicia would normally do the fighting in Prim's place given her personality, she couldn't help but feel strange relying on a complete stranger do her fighting and continued staring at her reflection.

"All in one day, I've been captured, I've been rescued by two foreign warriors and not doing a single thing to help them; can I call myself a Princess Knight after all of this?" Prim asked herself with her grip on her sword tightening and the shy look in her eyes gave way to a look of determination. The clone held the remaining pig to the ground and reared the Hiraishin blade above his head and he held his hand out.

"We just wanted to have fun with the virginal Princess; is that such a crime?" The remaining Mortadella asked with unabashed lechery and the clone's eyes furrowed before poising the blade. Suddenly, Prim's sword flew past him and cut into the pig creature's belly as he looked up at her.

"Prim-hime…" The clone said and the pig screeched as she cut through his belly all the way to his throat until his head split open. As his brains splattered onto the floor, Prim looked at her blade and returned her gaze to the clone and Jinpachi as he returned to the room.

"You said your name was Naruto? Can you take me to Alicia?" Prim asked before he looked to Jinpachi and nodded to which the swordsman grinned while leaving. The clone held his hand out to the Princess and she took it before finding herself on a rooftop.

"Prim-hime!" A voice said and said Princess looked to see two of Alicia's knight soldiers standing next to her. Aside from only wearing revealing armor around their necks, shoulders, lower arms, hips with a tip covering their womanhood and nipples, the first soldier had long reddish-brown hair and matching eyes with the other having dark purple hair and eyes.

"Risa, Lily, are you unharmed?" Prim asked the two respectively.

"We were nearly forced upon by those unruly mercenaries before several of him stored the holding area and killed them both." Risa answered.

"More importantly, are you alright?" Lily asked.

"The same thing more or less happened to me before I was brought here. Where's Alicia?" Prim asked before the clone pointed to said princess, the shadow clone that rescued her and Kushimaru all attacking Beasley in a group effort.

*Won't Back Down by Fuel plays*

Though Alicia had been told of how the immortality jutsu worked on Beasley, she roared as she slashed his belly and he screamed while holding his stomach in burning pain. He fell to his knees and noticed something warm and slimy in his hands before looking down to see he was holding his own intestines.

Beasley violently choked up blood and vomited on the ground before the shadow clone impaled him with Raikiri and his hand burst out his heart. The elderly man wheezed as he grinded his teeth together in pain and Kushimaru grabbed the top of his head before slamming it into the ground.

"Rest on your own time, old man! We're not done killing you!" Kushimaru sinisterly cackled before holding him steady for Alicia to strike him in the face with the heel of her boot and Beasley was in so much pain that he was going blind. As he groped around for something to grab, Alicia placed her fingers on his eyes and began squeezing them from the corners.

Beasley kept wailing in agony as Alicia continued to pull until she succeeded in ripping his eyeballs out of his head and blood gushed down his empty eye sockets. Kushimaru still found joy in the minister's pain as the clone grabbed his jaw and forced it open with Alicia taking her time in stuffing his eyes into his mouth one at a time.

He gagged before the shadow clone punched him to a ledge and the clone that rescued Prim noticed that Kushimaru wasn't holding Nuibari. Alicia and the clone raced to Beasley alongside the other with their blades ready to strike.

She slashed his genitals open to where his testicles bleed out profusely and the shadow clone watched his chest do the same from the hole created by Raikiri. Blood seeped from Beasley's mouth as he gagged on his eyeballs and Alicia cut off his nose before grabbing his collar.

"Die, bastard!" The infuriated princess yelled and with that, she used all her might to lift him into air before hurling him off the roof to the ground below. Kushimaru jumped onto the ledge and performed Longsword Ninja Art: Earth Spider Sewing with a massive net of wire string emerging from the ground below.

Beasley choked on his eyeballs until he landed on the net and became diced chunks of flesh with his blood pooling around his lacerated remains. Alicia looked away from Beasley's gory remains in disdain and her eyes fell to Prim and her subordinates.

"Prim!" Alicia said before she and her sister hurried over to each over before checking on the other. Once up to speed, Jinpachi appeared and everyone faced him with Shibuki smoking over his shoulder as more shadow clones assembled onto the roof.

"Looks like we're done since there's no one left to kill." Jinpachi said as he gestured to the remains of several ogres, imps, and mercenaries lying on the ground far below. The final shadow clone appeared with Alicia's other knights and an elder man.

"Father!" Prim said upon recognizing Eos.

"Alicia, Prim, are you alright?" Eos asked his daughters.

"We'll be alright, Father, but are you unharmed?" Alicia asked.

"Yes, thanks to this fiery young man here." Eos said with the clone next him beaming.

"What happens now?" Lily asked.

"We're going to Rib Foul to help Princess Janne and Queen Celine." One of the clones answered before they teleported all of Alicia, her knights, Prim, Jinpachi, and Kushimaru to said location with Eos being taken to safety.

Meanwhile in Ginyol's dimension

"Tenpenchii!" Naruto shouted as he rampaged through the dimension in his Tailed Beast Mode of Kurama with his Griffin Avatar armor and he gathered all of the Tailed Beast chakra within him from Shukaku through the Ten-Tails left for him by Kaguya. He shot into the air and unleashed a monstrous Tailed Beast Bomb at the fleeing demons as Tenpenchii tore through the land.

With Naruto not sensing anything other than sinister emotions throughout Ginyol's land, he knew he had to eliminate all of the inhabitants and used a mix of Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode clones and Ten-Tailed Fissions to attack the demons. The earths split apart as Naruto's Shinju chakra swallowed all sources of water and replaced them with fiery magma and formed mountains that prevented any from escaping.

He swung his tails and a tsunami of smoldering lava appeared before burning any demon in within its path before flying to a nearby castle. Naruto used his Truth-Seeking Ball-formed katana blades empowered with Twin Rasenshuriken to slash through the mystic barrier surrounding the castle and destroyed the castle until only the throne room remained.

"How dare you?!" Kruul, a demon bearing resemblance to Ginyol, demanded and Naruto spoke with the combined voices of the Tailed Beasts.

"I've got a message from your little errand boy Ginyol: he lost!" Naruto said as he grabbed Kruul and the demon king struggled in his grasp.

"Go on; eliminate me. I've already sent enough beasts into the human realm to make the whole world belong to Kuroinu!" Kruul cackled before Naruto squeezed him in his hands and merciless beat him against the castle remains while his land became ripe with death and fell into a smoldering ruin. Once Kruul was beaten enough, Naruto slammed the demon onto the ground and used chakra rods from his katana blades to stab him to the earth.

Kruul looked up to see Naruto raise his hands and utilized Six Paths: Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken before flying back into the air. He shot the technique towards the demon king and he helplessly screamed as the attack obliterated him and the earth around him in a chaotic explosion.

Naruto inspected the dimension and flew to the moon before leaving the dimension in unrecognizable ruin with his clones and fissions vanishing. Once Tenpenchii ended, smoke blackened the air as fire uncontrollably built and the earth decayed.

In Roadshield

"Stand down or the former King dies!" The warrior, Ernest Fortunato, declared while forcing Queen Christina and her daughter Princess Angelica Rothschilt to hold swords to either side of the elder elf's neck with a blueish-gray sphere. As both of them were Celestine's distant cousins, they both possessed blonde hair and green eyes while having impressive chests.

Christina wore an off the shoulders lavender dress with a transparent cloth on her DD-cup cleavage and a rose on the center. She sadly looked to Ernest as he held an elven girl of 15 years, Flora Fanfani, hostage with his sword to her neck.

Featuring blonde hair that stopped at her waist, Flora wore a pink dress and possessed amber brown eyes with a red bow atop her head. Flora looked up at Ernest, who sinisterly grinned at her situation and looked to a dark elf being held captive by two orcs.

She was busty with light purple hair and red eyes wearing a black and red armor with black legwear. The dark elf, Serafina Storaro, growled at Ernest and he sneered at the hatred in her eyes.

"Why am I not surprised that Origa would send her scum to spy on her enemies?" Ernest said.

"Hold your tongue! A cowardly worm that dare hold a child hostage to achieve what he wants has no right judging my Queen!" Serafina snapped.

"Oh? And you wouldn't do the same if your inferior Queen ordered you to do as such?" Ernest sneered and Angelica glowered at him. Also sporting a D-cup chest, Angelica wore blue armor over olive-colored clothes and had two long strands stopping just above her chest with blue hairbands on them.

"Ernest, please don't do this!" Christina pleaded as he used the sphere to have her and Angelica bring their swords back on either side of the elderly elf. Ernest only grinned at Christina and Angelica's misery before having them bring their swords down onto the former king and he suddenly flew back.

The king then shot a kunai blade at Ernest and it flew through his sphere-holding hand before pinning him to a nearby wall; making him lose his hold on Flora. Ernest screamed in pain as he dropped his sword and Flora immediately picked it up before stabbing him through the heart.

Ernest gasped in pain as blood ran down the sword and the elderly elf revealed himself as a shadow clone while two more clones drove Rasengan into both of the orcs' backsides. The beasts dropped the dark elf and she landed on her hands and feet with cat-like-reflexes.

She looked to see Ernest wetly coughing and hacking with blood leaving his mouth and Serafina began chanting in elf language. Suddenly, the fiend stiffened and Angelica looked to her after she and Christina checked on Flora.

"What are you doing?" Angelica asked.

"Keeping his brain functioning as long as I want so I can do anything I please to discipline him." Serafina said and knowing a spell that would force his brain to keep working past the normal six minutes where it work after the heart had stopped. Once the spell was complete, Serafina grabbed the sphere and forced it into Ernest's mouth before he violently started choking on it.

The clone covered his mouth and Angelica jumped across the room before running him through with her sword. Christina and Flora were guarded by the other clones while Angelica ripped the blade from Ernest's stomach and the clone grabbed the back of his neck.

He then hurled the man across the throne room and he went flying into the bottom of the throne room before he found a knife at his chin. Ernest looked up in fear just as Christina dragged the knife underneath his chin and carved it open with his wound bleeding.

His tongue hung from his wound and the clone grabbed the back of his neck as he hoisted him off the ground. Serafina smiled at Ernest's misery before marching over to him and cutting into him with Angelica until his whole stomach was empty of its contents.

Ernest feebly held his hand out to Christina before she looked to Serafina and the Dark Elf again spoke in elven language before their shared enemy fell limp onto the floor. As blood spilled out from underneath him, the clone set him ablaze and looked to the elves in the room.

"Who are you anyway?" Serafina asked.

"I'll cut to the chase; I'm a shadow clone of Naruto Uzumaki and I'm helping both Celestine and Origa fight Kuroinu and their cronies. So my question to all of you is, are you with me or not?" The clone asked and the elves looked at each other to find none of them knew anything about their savior.

"I may not know you but given what you've done here; I'll fight with the Order of Chivalry for Queen Origa." Serafina said.

"For now, we share a common enemy." Angelica said.

"As Queen Origa would say, the enemy of my enemy is a friend." Serafina agreed as the other clones took Christina and Flora to the former king's location in one of the dimensions. Angelica and Serafina followed the clone out of the castle and joined the legion of shadow clones outside brutalizing the land's attackers.

In Ansur

"Now then, Claudia, it is time to fulfill your destiny as part of this clan." Grave Levantine, an elder yet muscular man with balding hair and Claudia's father-in-law and former mentor in the ways of being a knight, spoke to her a prison cell.

At age 26, Claudia possessed a slim, youthful appearance with azure eyes with a beauty mark under the right one and chestnut hair held in a bun at the top with chin-length curly strands on either side of her face. Akin to Alicia's soldiers, she wore skimpy armor that left most of her creamy torso and GGG cup exposed and two curved extensions from the top part covering her nipples.

On Claudia's crown was an unusual headgear that protected her forehead and either side of her face and she wore silver greaves. She was currently tied to the bars by her wrists and was covered from head to toe in blood with her eyes having a combined look of trauma and anger as she looked outside the bars to the wall.

A gray-haired man's disembodied head was impaled on a black spike coming from the wall and his dead eyes were fixed in Claudia's direction by Grave; given a cruel impression that he was looking at her even in death. Tears ran down her eyes as she looked at the man's, her husband Klaus, head and Grave looked to her once again.

"As part of this clan?! You dare murder your own son and make it seem as though you care so much about your family?!" Claudia snapped at Grave with all the anger and sense of betrayal she possessed just from looking at him and him hacking Klaus to death in front of her earlier.

"That impotent son of mine can easily be replaced by the children you will bear from me." Grave said and Claudia then exploded.

"I'd rather bite my tongue off and die, Grave." Claudia venomously hissed at Grave, who entered the cell and slammed the door shut behind him. He framed her face and pressed her head against the bars while staring into her eyes with a malicious look.

"You may die once you've served your purpose and rebuilt the entire Levantine family." Grave said before ripping off her armor extensions and white crotchless thong as she tried fighting against him. He continued pressing her head against the bars and made her face Klaus's head as he exposed his member.

"Grave, you'll pay for what you've done!" Claudia bellowed with unmatched rage as Grave got behind her and fiendishly smiled.

"That's right. Stare into your dead husband's eyes as you get impregnated." Grave said just before a time-space portal opened behind him with Naruto and Utakata jumping out of it. With his bubble pipe, he used the Drown Bubble Technique on Grave and the towering man let go of Claudia before helpless clawing at the bubble.

She looked back in time to see him form another bubble on Grave's erection while Naruto grabbed his backside and launched him against the wall. He tore off Claudia's restraints and used his Truth-Seeking Balls to reform her armor extension and thong.

"Claudia, are you hurt?" Naruto asked upon noticing the blood on her and she didn't hear his question right away while looking to the bubble on Grave's head expel. His gasps for air turned into cries of pain as the inside of the soap bubble formed miniature bubbles that went inside of his member and became countless piranhas and sharks that began eating it from the inside out.

"Claudia, are you alright?" The blonde asked again and finally got her attention before she tackled him.

"Who are you?!" Claudia demanded as she held him against the ground.

"Wait, we're not with Kuroinu! We're shinobi!" Naruto said and Claudia scowled while holding him down. Knowing that Claudia was on edge more than he anticipated by spotting Klaus's head, he remained still and she looked to Grave's manhood bitten to pieces inside the bubble.

After staring at Naruto, she arose and he held his hands in her direction before he attempted to heal her. Grave screamed as multiple teeth chewed their way out of his length and he desperately punched at the soap bubble to no avail

"What is this?" Claudia asked Naruto.

"I'm trying to heal your injuries but they're not doing anything." Naruto said and Claudia realized he thought the blood on her was her own.

"It's my husband's." Claudia said while looking over to Klaus and Naruto looked over to Grave screeching in agony while holding where his genitals used to be while still standing. Despite his elder age, this was a testament to both his being a former knight and Claudia's former mentor while Naruto approached him.

"He's not talking." Utakata said.

"Then we'll make him talk." Naruto said before grabbing Grave's throat and launching him against the cell bars. He flew into them with so much force that they fell out of the cell and he lie in a heap among the broken bars.

"What the fuck is happening down here?!" Two mercenaries demanded as they came into the cell room and Utakata entered his Version 2 state.

"Leave them to me." Utakata said before grabbing the mercs and jumping through the ceiling.

"You'll pay for interfering with your life, boy!" Grave furiously said before Naruto grabbed his throat and lifted one of the bars off the ground. He threw the elder through the hole in the ceiling and swung the bar with ease like it was a baseball bat.

Grave flew back into the cell and his back roughly hit the wall before dropping to the ground with a shadow clone arriving to give Claudia her sword back. Naruto kneed Grave onto his side and cast his immortality jutsu onto the man before bringing the bar down onto him.

The elder knight tried to protect himself as Naruto repeatedly bludgeoned him before throwing the bar away and pouncing on him. Grave grabbed for his younger enemy's throat before the blonde caught his hands and forced them onto the ground as he kneed his face.

Grave's head flew back as Naruto struck his stomach and grabbed his face before slamming the back of his skull onto the ground. While he attacked the elder man, the shadow clone began to explain the situation to Claudia and she charged with a roar of anger towards Naruto and Grave.

He sprang off the elder man and jerked him to his feet before Claudia raised her shoulder. She swung the blade down and cut off Grave's arm before driving her elbow into his chest.

Grave hacked up blood and blindly swung at Claudia before Naruto caught his fist. With his Sharrinegan briefly manifesting, he teleported the three of them to a nearby riverbank and noticed Utakata using Leech Gap on the heads of the mercs in his grasps.

The enraged Levantine lashed his leg at Naruto and before he countered with a Raikiri in the other hand, Claudia stabbed his heart. He continue to violently hack as Claudia ripped the sword out of his chest and Naruto kicked him back before the Holy Knight grabbed her father-in-law's wrist.

She swung the sword again and slashed Grave across the chest before landing multiple lacerations on him. With her knowledge of the immortality jutsu told to her, she could savor every last attack on him and blood profusely ran down the man's jaw.

As she once again stabbed him, he fell onto the ground and attempted to crawl away before Claudia gripped her sword with both hands. She kicked Grave in the chin and knocked him over to see her standing over him before she thrust the sword into his chest repeatedly.

Grunting and groaning, Grave gagged on his blood as Claudia tore into him and eviscerated his heart with Naruto standing by. He looked at something and got an idea as Claudia carved Grave's stomach in.

"Claudia…" Naruto said as he got beside her and quickly whispered into her ear before she nodded. She moved back and Naruto jerked Grave to his feet before delivering a left cross to his face.

As his head jerked away from the rough blow, Naruto brought his elbow flying into Grave's chin and he tumbled back near a ledge. The sage flew at him and impaled him with Raikiri as Claudia followed suit by cutting off his legs once Naruto removed his hand from his body.

Grave fell off the ledge and went rolling down the sand into the riverbank until he landed in the water with a loud splash. As the swaying water swept him into a deeper area, he sank to the bottom with his blood turning the water red and he found he was too weak to attempt to swim from the riverbed.

As a mixture of bubbles and blood came from his mouth, Grave felt something heavily latch onto him before roughly dragging him through the water. Blood kept leaking from his disemboweled body as he got pulled through the river and then found he was being rotated shortly onwards.

While being spun around, he felt another heavy feeling on the stumps of his legs and then felt more of them by the minute. Grave then realized a float of saltwater crocodiles was biting into him and the one holding his arm dangerously hissed before performing the death roll again.

Losing his arm in the process, Grave was powerless as the surrounding crocodiles bit chunk after chunk of flesh off of him and he was blinded by his own blood. Just then, another crocodile opened its jaw before taking his head in its mouth and swimming away to an area in the river.

Now at peace with its meal, the crocodile opened its jaws again and closed on Grave's skull as it was crushed with ease. Naruto and Claudia watched the reptiles devour him before they looked to each other.

"I can't think of a more fitting end for someone like him." Naruto said.

"Naruto, where is Celestine-sama?" Claudia asked.

"She's safe and sound with Granny Kaguya at the moment. Do you want me to take you to her?" Naruto asked before Claudia looked at her sword with Utakata joining them.

"No. Right now all I seek is to make Kuroinu pay for what it's done to my husband and our friends." Claudia said with determination as more shadow clones arriving with her forces unharmed and Naruto teleported them to the nearest nation.

Elsewhere in Filhem

In the cellar of the castle, three undressed elven handmaidens, all blonde and busty, were restrained by purple tentacles with green fronts and they all struggled against them. The first elf, Sherry, had long wavy hair that fell to the back of her legs and possessed dark turquoise eyes with the second, Iris, having a similar hairstyle to that of Claudia and purple hues.

The third and final elf, Melissa, present had hair in a bob and dark grayish-blue eyes and then something caught their attention as multiple olive-green goblins, no bigger than an average-sized dog, appeared. They all stroked their cocks and approached the elves as they screams in fear as the tentacles lowered them onto the floor.

"Princess, save us!" Melissa wailed in fear as the goblins held her down on the floor and sniffed at her womanhood.

"Please stop…" Sherry whimpered as the creatures grabbed her wrists and ankles.

"Someone, get us out of here, please!" Iris screamed and the goblins all laughed before Pakura burst into the room. She flew at the goblins and performed a sweeping kick that knocked them away from the elves while shadow clones entered the room.

The clones slashed the tentacles apart and picked up the elves in their arms before vanishing. Pakura stared down the goblins as they got to their feet and her eyes furrowed at them.

"I've just the thing for foul creatures like you." Pakura said before jumping back at the entrance as goblins all waddled her way and did some hand signs. She then performed Scorch Release: Incinerating Flare Technique and the whole room exploded with her easily moving to a safe range.

In another underground dungeon area

"Release me at once!" Miria the Dark Elf demanded from inside her prison cell and was completely naked. She possessed grayish-white hair covering her left blue eye and a gold extension going from the back of her head to the left.

Like most of the woman in the nation, Miria was curvaceous with gigantic breasts and she covered them as three orcs were lead into the room by Kyle's soldiers. Unlike most orcs, these creatures resembled hairless humanoid warthogs with their tusks and they entered the cell with the soldiers looking on with cruel laughter.

"Release you? We'll finally get to see if a dark elf can get pregnant from an orc and see that pathetic Origa's face for placing you in this position!" One overweight soldier said while drinking a whole bottle of booze and Miria covered her breasts with the orcs closing in on her while eagerly stroking their cocks.

The soldiers all laughed at her predicament and Han burst into the room with his Vapor Style: Unrivalled Strength mode activated.

"Who in the hell are…" One soldier with black hair and stubble began to question before Han used Erupting Propulsion Fist to punch the man in the face and effectively shattered his skull.

"I bare nothing against any of you personally but…" Han said before entering his Version 2 state and attacked the soldiers before ramming through the bars. The orcs growled at him before a shadow clone arrived in Version 1 mode and picked up Miria with blinding speed.

The orcs snarled in protest at their captive being stolen and Han grabbed two of the beasts by their noses before smashing their heads together. He flung their bodies aside and the final orc tried to run past him before ending up in his grasp in the form of a headlock.

Han slowly began squeezing the orc's neck and as it tried to push away from him, the creature only ended up burning itself against his chakra-armor. The orc's cries grew weaker by the minute until its neck was broken and Han smashed its skull open before letting the body drop.


"What are you doing?!" Nana demanded as Kyle pinned her down to the bed and held a bluish pill in his hand. Wearing a silver tiara, Nana had long blonde that went down to her lower back and she had two long bangs framing her face with her light violet eyes glowing.

The bangs rested atop her EE-cup bosom as she wore sleeveless blue attire with a six-layer white collarbone and had a white miniskirt. Kyle had a tall, lean physique with blue eyes and short brown hair wearing a white, button-up shirt and a dark green suit coat on top of with charcoal trousers.

"Now then, Nana-hime, let us produce the first of our heirs for the sake of the Elven Kingdom." Kyle smirked and the pill meant to increase Nana's already-high fertility as she growled at him.

"At a time like this when we should be interrogating the Dark Elf over Seil's murder and what she knows about Origa!" Nana said as she fought against Kyle and he chuckled.

"How many times must I explain this to you; she's being broken to talk as we speak." Kyle darkly grinned.

"Broken?" Nana said.

"Yes, as we speak some orcs are having their way with her right now and once she's pregnant with an orc child, she'll talk as much as we please." Kyle said before Nana's eyes became disgusted.

"You're going to rape her?! That's horrible!" Nana said.

"Why? She murdered your fiancé and my dearest elder brother, Seil. You know you want this as much as I do." Kyle cruelly smiled.

"No! I wouldn't have agreed to this! You said she'd be kept secure enough to speak!" Nana spat.

"I lied." Kyle calmly said before leaning in for a kiss and a shadow clone appeared in front of the bed. Nana looked up as the clone used a flamed-infused kunai to slit Kyle's throat and avoid severing any jugular vein before the usurper grabbed his throat.

He strained as the clone then stabbed the low end of his spinal column and flung him off the bed. The clone looked to Nana as she stared back at him and from the look of things, she hadn't been hurt.

"Who are you?" Nana asked before the clone looked at Kyle beginning to rise and he wasn't surprised as he was part of the Royal Family. Much like the Uzumaki clan, those born from the Royal Family possessed a powerful bloodline in which they had superhuman endurance and stamina and this clone only smiled at this as he hoisted Kyle in the air.

"I'm a clone of Naruto Uzumaki and an ally of your chivalry." The clone spoke before slamming a Rasengan into Kyle's stomach and sent him spiraling into the wall. He vomited the moment his backside slammed on it and had little time to recover as the clone thrust Raikiri through his abdomen.

Kyle vomited blood before the clone placed the tip of his kunai blade at his nostril and poked the head into it. Before either the usurper or Nana knew what happened, his severed nose fell to the floor and he screamed before the blonde punched his face.

Despite not knowing her savior or having a general dislike of Kyle, she looked on and correctly realized his involvement with the Tailed Beast Bomb explosion she had witnessed earlier. But instead of investigating, Kyle had his troops stationed at the castle while the mercenaries from Kuroinu were sent and had yet to return.

"You're an ally of the chivalry?" Nana asked before the clone launched Kyle at the ceiling and shot into the air where he kicked his chest. Kyle screamed as he flew face-first into the wall above the bed and landed on a dresser that collapsed under his fall.

"Yes and speaking of allies…" The clone said before the other shadow clone appeared with the now-fully dressed Miria and Han.

"You!" Nana said at Miria, who remained calm despite her anger at being sentenced to being assaulted.

"I'm only going to say this once so listen up; I didn't murder your beloved." Miria said.

"Lies! What other reason would a servant of Origa be here?!" Nana said.

"Nana, she's telling the truth. The one who murdered your fiancé is over there." The other clone said as he gestured to Kyle and the man staggered to his knees before the first clone grabbed the back of his head. He slammed it into the mattress and smothered him while keeping his foot planted on the back of his skull.

"What? But he told me…" Nana said.

"Oh, forget what he said! Would I have let you live if I'd been sent here to assassinate you?" Miria said and while that made sense to Nana, she wasn't readily able to believe her. The clone entered his Version 2 mode with Han and both gripped his shoulders before holding him in the air with Nana looking on with a mix of fear and wonderment.

"Just what are these two?" Nana asked herself and though Miria had seen them in these states earlier, she asked herself the same question.

"Start talking or be blown sky-high." The clone and Han said in their demonic voices before Kyle froze with fear.

"Talk!" said the shadow clone as he pressed one of his tails on Kyle's abdomen and pressed it into his lower belly where he felt a searing, agonizing heat inside of him. He shrieked in pain and futilely fought the clone as the tail went deeper where he felt the insides of his gut being melted apart in scorching pain.

"Say it!" Miria said as she used her Dark Elf Magic, which had been sealed by Kyle prior to her imprisonment and unleashed thanks to what the other clones had learned from Meiriin and Serafina on the battlefield, to restrain his arms behind his back in the form of a puppet spell and he howled in agony.

"I murdered him to steal his place in the Promise Rite arraignment!" Kyle roared at the top of his lungs and Han's tail cut into his shoulder where it began melting with steam flying out.

"Keep going." Han instructed.

"The Dark Elf merely knocked Seil out with a sleeping pill she had spilled into his travel canteen and kept him hidden away before I burned his unconscious body alive!" Kyle shouted and Nana couldn't believe what she had heard. While she had always disliked him, she had never pictured him to go as far as killing his own brother and thought about the rite.

Kyle's presence in the elf country was due what was called a Promised Rite from his Royal Family in which the high elves would sire an heir for their dying lineage and Nana had expected to be with her fiancé Seil. Kyle, lusting for Nana and wanting her to bear his child, decided Seil would die to replace him and rule over her elven kingdom.

"Kyle…" Nana said before her expression became angry and she then performed a hand sign as she began forcing his head to turn to the left. Despite having this ability ready all along, she had heard all the shadow clones in the castle thanks to the skilled hearing of an elf and knew this would provide a distraction for her.

"What are you doing?!" Kyle demanded and Nana stayed silent as she slowly kept turning his head with Miria pushing his body against the tails piercing him until a loud snap was heard. With his neck now twisted to 180 degrees, Han and the clone slammed his body onto the floor before chucking him out the window where a loud explosion occurred.

"What on earth is that?" Nana asked and Han recognized the power.

"My fiancée." Han said as Pakura appeared on the window and looked to her allies.

"From Kyle's death, I can safely say your nation is once again yours." Pakura said and Nana looked to see Han and the clone revert to their regular forms.

"Naruto, Han and Han's fiancée…" Nana began to say.

"I am Pakura of the Scorch Release." Said kunoichi answered.

"You all have my thanks and Miria, I…" Nana started to say before Miria cleared her throat.

"Save your pleasantries for later. For now, I'll help your chivalry if it means Queen Origa and my fellow Dark Elves are saved as well." Miria said.

"You'd work with us after what nearly happened to you down there?" Nana said.

"I heard you were against it moments before I came in here and as Queen Origa would say…" Miria said.

"The enemy of my enemy is a friend for now." The clones finished before Miria pinched and pulled the cheek of the first one.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to interrupt a woman speaking?" Miria smirked.

"Ouch!" The clone said before taking his new allies elsewhere.

In Rib Foul Kingdom

The invading ogres were brutally being slaughtered by both Naruto's shadow clones and Konan's paper clones; most of which exploded when fused onto them. All of Kushimaru, Jinpachi, Alicia, Prim, and their soldiers and the numerous shadow clones that protected Ur and Feoh arrived for back-up.

The shadow clones escorted Alicia and Prim to Janne's castle while Kushimaru, Jinpachi, both sets of their soldiers and the other shadow clones attacked the ogres throughout the land. Inside the house of three nuns, three ogres held the three women hostage and didn't notice two Six-Tailed Version 2 shadow appear on the roof they'd crashed through earlier.

"Please stop! She's going to be married soon!" The oldest yet bustier nun protested to one ogre holding the younger woman by her wrist.

"Then I'll congratulate her with my sperm!" The ogre laughed before one of the two shadow clones pounced onto said beast and used his other tails to impale the other beasts' erections through the tips before tearing them off. The ogres fell onto their backs and the clone set his foot on his victim's chest before he tried swinging his arm at him.

The other shadow gently picked up the nuns with his chakra arms and took them to safety while the one below dealt with the fiendish beasts. He gripped the beast's arm and twisted it while using the heat of his chakra shroud to brand his chest with his foot with his tails attacking them.

While they screamed in agonizing pain at being torn to shreds, the ogre the clone stood atop continued to slow push his foot against his heart and he roared in pain. The clone used his hands to rip off his lower jaw and tongue before his foot eventually reached his heart and smashed it like a tomato.

Before the ogre could completely die, the clone beginning furiously stomping it to pieces and the beast's eyes rolled into the back of his head as this went on. Still finding him completely disgusting, the clone stepped on his face and completely crushed his skull underfoot.

He spun around to see blood spilling out of the wounds on the ogres and they screamed in pain while he planted his hands on their faces. Their screams escalated as the heat charred their faces until death took over and all went silent.

The ogres' limbs were severed and the clone watched them bleed to death before flying out the roof. He heard the agonizing screams from the ogres and watched Kushimaru stitch some of the beasts together through their genitals as he had done with the imps while Jinpachi blew half of them to smithereens.

Inside the castle tower

Gidou held all of Janne, Queen Celine, and Hermione, Serafina's slightly younger sister, captive with the remains of the nation's leader and Janne's father, King Gordon, bloodily splattered across the walls and floor. Unlike his green-skinned followers or the ogres that hailed from the outlands, Gidou had a dark red complexion with menacing crimson eyes with yellow sclera and carried a massive axe.

About the same age as Naruto, Janne had long blonde hair and ultramarine eyes as she wore a yellow choker and white uniform with a black skirt along with white leggings with a red bow on her backside. As with most of the Order of Chivalry, she was slim and bosomy as was her mother Celine.

Much like Nina, she had a youthful appearance for being a mother of a teen and had light purple eyes and brown hair with a braid reaching her lower back. She looked away from her husband's remains and Gidou laughed at this.

"You cockroach, you'll suffer for what you've done here!" Janne furiously declared and Gidou only grinned at this.

"Remember your position; you kill me and your precious mother dies as well." Gidou said and Janne growled at this. Though she originally killed him not long ago, his henchmen fused Celine's soul with his remains through the magic of the outland ogres and revive him from the grave along with any wound inflicted on him meaning she'd suffer the same.

"Fiend!" Janne snarled and Hermione scowled at the creature as well. While resembling her elder sister with the similar pink hair, she had aqua green eyes and wondered what to do in her current situation since any wrong move would likely cost her life or the worse scenario in her eyes; losing her virginity to the ogres.

"I'll allow all of you to get pregnant with this fiend's child!" Gidou laughed before Prim and Alicia burst into the room with their swords drawn while Konan appeared in the room. Before the ogre could react, she shrouded his whole neck in paper and she coldly stared him down.

"Move a single muscle and your life will be forfeit." Konan said.

"Wait! My soul is linked to his! If you kill him, I'll die too!" Celine protested and Konan remained stoic before continuing to wrap him in paper. Just then, a shadow clone arrived next to Hermione and whispered into her ears before doing the same to Janne and Celine.

"Who's he?" Janne asked Alicia and Prim.

"Our best shot at taking these fiends down for the time-being." Alicia said before Konan levitated Gidou's body to the shadow clone and his Rinnegan activated. He placed his hand on the ogre's chest after doing some hand signs that summoned the King of Hell and nodded to Hermione.

She began chanting and both Gidou and Celine's bodies glowed with red lighting that died down within a few short moments. Konan removed the paper from his eyes and Janne charged forward with Alicia and Prim on either side of her before three Princes Knights ran the ogre through.

He gasped in pain and Celine clutched her abdomen before doing the same as blood spilled from her. Gidou was shocked that Janne would harm her own mother just to get to him as that had been Gordon's weakness that had led to his murder and she suddenly sprouted wings.

Born of angelic descent, Janne cut off Gidou's arm while Konan used her Paper Chakram to sever the other and Alicia and Prim swung their blades downward. They sliced through Gidou's legs before the shadow clone grabbed his axe and buried it into his backside with Celine continuing to bleed out.

"You're mad!" Gidou shouted; completely unaware that the shadow clone had placed him in a genjutsu where he saw any attack that happened in the real world occur to Celine as well and hadn't a clue that he and Hermione had removed his connection to her through the King of Hell where his soul was his own with her dark magic keeping it at bay. Another clone handed Celine a sword and nodded to her before her sense of vengeance made her stand.

The widowed Queen stabbed Gidou through his chest before she carved it open with the help of her daughter and their allies while he hallucinated that the shadow clone was the one stabbing him. Konan lifted his bleeding body and flew out the window with Janne flying alongside him.

They carried high into the air and came into a field of paper bombs she amassed in the sky. She unwrapped his body from the paper bombs and held him upside over the field with the final paper tag keeping him suspended being on his foot.

"I surrender!" Gidou said.

"Janne, would you do the honors?" Konan said.

"It'd be my pleasure!" Janne answered before slicing the paper tag and Gidou screamed as he fell into the paper bomb field with the two flying back to a safe distance. The paper bombs all ignited and blew the ogre to smithereens with Janne staring at him with complete disdain before flying back to the castle.

By now, the ogres were all dead and everyone gathered in the castle with all of Janne's soldiers led by her strongest warrior Keith. Hermione had been taken to Serafina by one of the clones as Janne and Celine were told of Eostia's current situation.

"Naruto, we may not know you but given you've helped our friends with little reasoning; we'll help you as well." Janne said.

"Glad we're on the same page." The clone answered.

"What happens now?" Celine asked.

"There are only a few nations left that need as much help as they can get." The clone said.

"Lead the way, Naruto-san." Keith said.

"Right." The clone said before teleporting them away.

In Geofu

"Y'all gonna die, so don't even try!" Killer B said as he used Samehada and his swords to slice through the orcs and ogres in his path using his Acrobat taijutsu. Ruu-Ruu looked on with her fellow halflings as he cut through the orcs and looked to see Jinin used Kabutowari stab an orc's chest before hammering the blade in deeper.

Standing at a short height, she had orange hair in multiple curly ringlets and possessed red eyes while barely wearing any clothes while possessing a short orange dog-like fluffy tail. In fact, her only clothing was a green beret and an open cloak with a piece of armor protecting her womanhood with white stockings and brown boots.

One of desperate orc, the green Tororo, charged at Ruu-Ruu and she held her battle axe ready to strike while holding her stance. Suddenly, he gripped his chest as the flesh erupted and he staggered around as he clutched his chest in agony.

"Burn!" Rōshi said as he used Lava Style: Scorching Rocks Jutsu on a gray cyclops' eye and burned it before he entered his Lava Release Chakra Mode. He shot forward and launched himself onto the cyclops before clutching either side of its head.

The cyclops roared in pain before lava emerged from his mouth and his entire body became nothing more than liquid magma. Ruu-Ruu watched as Tororo went still before a leg burst from his crotch and crushed his genitals on the ground.

Tororo howled in pain with the next thing happened was claws ripping out of his chest and slowly tearing the flesh apart with 55 chakra tails ripping out of his backside. Falling to his knees, he held his chest in agony as the head of a Version 1 emerged from his chest and peeled back his flesh while Ruu-Ruu looked on.

"Blondie, I like your style!" Ruu-Ruu said before springing forward and the clone used chakra arms to lift her onto the orc's shoulders. He burst from Tororo's chest and destroyed it and his abdomen on his way out as the beast cried in pain.

"Don't waste your time crying, fiend!" Ruu-Ruu said before cutting through his neck and his head went rolling across the battlefield. She looked to see the shadow lift her and perch her onto his shoulder as if she were a falcon.

"Name's Naruto." The clone said.

"Ruu-Ruu!" said Halfling smiled before he charged at a Minotaur and stamped his foot into his chest. The creature staggered back before Killer B cut its chest open with Rōshi following suit by impaling it on his tail.

Ruu-Ruu jumped off the clone's shoulders and cut off the Minotaur's fingers while holding her sword at his head. Jinin appeared on the other side of the horned monster and looked to Ruu-Ruu before raising their weapons.

Both cut into the Minotaur's skull with the hammer of Kabutowari ultimately crushing it and it toppled over as Ruu-Ruu noticed several shadow clones carrying her Halfling warriors on their shoulders.

"It looks like we're not finished just yet." Rōshi observed as he spotted a small number of surviving orcs nearby as Son Gokū used Monkey Flame Arson to obliterate them.

"That's not the case now 'cuz of the Monkey Flame Arson, yow!" Killer B said with using one Gyūki's tails to wield Samehada and they charged through the city until they found the surviving mercs and orcs.

"Live prey!" Jinin grinned before all of them attacked and tore through the mercs as if they were mere paper. The clone carrying Ruu-Ruu kept her on his shoulder in a similar method to that of a jousting tournament as she cleaved through the mercenaries' necks and Killer B shot ink into one of their eyes and lopped off their flesh.

Rōshi's hands tore into two mercs chests and lifted them above his head as he used his magma powers to burn them from the inside out. Son Gokū returned to his group after he pounded the few orcs and ogres into the ground.

"These things were nowhere near a match for the likes of us!" Son Gokū cackled with pride.

"Naruto-san, just what are you guys?" One Halfling asked with curiosity of his powers.

"I'll answer that later but for now, we're out of here." The clone said before teleporting elsewhere.

In Rad

Naruto arrived with all of Claudia, Sasuke, Irena, Madara, Catue, Gaara, Kinkaku and Ginkaku, Miria, Utakata, Willan, Han, Arsura, Meiriin, Pakura Nana, the now-armor clad Irena, Serafina and Hermione, along with Angelica as they helped Orochimaru and Yugito along with the surprise of finding Jūgo. Though transformed, he had recently learned to control his homicidal tendencies during transformations and used Jet Booster Jump to launch himself at two ogres.

Jūgo destroyed their faces with Piston Fist: Style One and maliciously grinned before charging at other mercs in the area. Madara tore through the ogres and mercs with his taijutsu prowess while Catue and Naruto swung their swords at one mercenary's ribcage.

Either blade severed him in half before Claudia slashed his torso in two and Naruto looked to see Matatabi had set a flaming perimeter around the area to prevent any of their foes from escaping; having temporarily creating an opening for him and their new allies to arrive.

"Ah, Naruto, glad you could make it." Orochimaru said and Naruto looked to see said being in his Eight Branches Technique.

"You're that form already?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes. Why would a snake allow his precious rats to escape?" Orochimaru said while devouring the present ogres and used his other seven heads to brand the mercs with his curse mark. Madara tossed a mercenary's head to the side and sighed to the snake shinobi.

"I'd think a man of your caliber would at least save your strongest technique for another occasion than mere worms like these." Madara said.

"We can't all fight a horde of dragons, Madara." Orochimaru deadpanned and Madara lowly chuckled before either shinobi engaged in their battle. Naruto learned from Matatabi that Yugito was already protecting Kaguya and he nodded to his allies.

Claudia led her fellow Chivalry allies and the dark elves into Kaguya's temple where they found Yugito protecting said Shrine Maiden. A young woman in her teen years, she had short black hair in a bob cut and possessed amber brown eyes with a slim physique.

Her attire was that of a red kimono crop-top underneath a transparent veil-like Haori and she wore a crown ornament on her head while wearing exotic white panty thongs atop white leggings. She watched as Yugito her Mouse Hairball technique at the mercenaries present while her Miko bodyguards protecting her and she looked on as her allies arrived.

"Perfect." Yugito said before her Claw Creation technique was used and she slashed her way to Kaguya's allies.

"Origa's helping us now?" Kaguya asked once her allies brought her up to speed.

"Not her directly but her subordinates are." Catue answered

"Until we get rid of Volt and Kuroinu's buddies, that's how it is." Irena said.

"Just what is this Naruto guy supposed to be anyway?" Kaguya asked before said shinobi arrived with some talisman.

"I'm the enemy of your enemy and a friend." Naruto said while she observed him and cautiously accepted them before clapping was heard. Everyone looked to the entrance to see a man wrapped head to toe in bandages and yellow eyes adorned in a blue cape with two mercs along with four ogres on either side of him; two of which had blue skin and other possessing blue skin.

"It's been five years, Kaguya." The man, Shamuhaza, said.

"So, you're behind this." Kaguya said with disdain.

"I abandoned this nation in exchange for Kuroinu's forces to obtain your body and speaking of which…" Shamuhaza said before he presented an odd insect creature one would see in a nightmare. Though its head resembled that of a bald human with bulging gold eyes, the rest of the creature's body was that of a spider and it looked at Kaguya before quickly crawling forward.

Before anyone could raise their sword or do a hands sign, Naruto and Yugito stopped them before looking ahead. Just then, the first henchmen raised his hands and all of Naruto's new allies watched as his fingers dispersed into countless insects before picking up the creature.

"Your use of insects for violation is despicable." The mercenary said once he had struck Shamuhaza to the ground and restrained him before revealing himself as Shino. Keeping the insect at bay, the ogres swung at the shinobi before the other mercenary grabbed two of their wrists with both hands.

Though the ogres were struck by his strength, he pushed them aside and leaped into the air as Kaguya launched her talisman at the standing ogres. They wrapped around their heads before blowing them apart and Shino used Parasitic Giant Beetle Infestation on the other ogres.

With the other set of ogres blown to pieces, the ogres fell to the floor and flailed in agonizing pain as they were devoured from the inside out. The dark elves combined their magic with Nana to restrain Shamuhaza before Claudia and Catue grabbed him.

"All right, talk!" Claudia said with her hand on his head and holding her sword to his throat before Angelica pulled her sword out at the merc present. Naruto held his arm out and gave her a reassuring look before lowering her blade.

Despite willing to trust him for the moment as they had done with Naruto and his allies, there was something about the merc's body that seemed eerily unnatural from his cold eyes to his lopsided head and the way he held his mouth.

"I have nothing to say to you lot." Shamuhaza said.

"That's a shame because you're about scream in your last few minutes." Yugito said before slashing him across the chest with her Flying Claw attack and Naruto cast the immortality technique on him with Claudia carving his throat in. He hurled him out of the temple and he roughly rolled down the stone steps before roughly landing flat on the ground.

"Die." Kaguya's voice calmly but sternly spoke before she wrapped his arms and legs in talismans. She then used her Miko powers to make the talismans explode and take off his limbs.

Shamuhaza screamed as he lie on the ground bleeding out by the minute and Naruto planted his foot on his chest before raising it. Instead of kicking him, he moved back as Catue sprang at him and cut into his heart with Claudia joining her.

"Ah, nothing like seeing a student and master kill together." Orochimaru mused as he and Naruto's allies gathered to see their final enemy of the nation with Kaguya ripping off his bandages.

"Go on; kill me!" Shamuhaza dared before noticing the unsettling merc standing nearby.

"I'm won't but he will…" Kaguya hissed before Shamuhaza and everyone present looked to see the merc grab either side of the back of his head. In a sickening sight, he peeled the flesh of his head and tore it off his body before revealing his true form.

"What in the hell are you?!" Shamuhaza covered with fear as he lie eyes on extraterrestrial cockroach Edgar.

"Your executioner." Edgar laughed before opening his jaws and swallowing him headfirst with his mouth pincers pushing him down his gullet. He loudly screeched as Shamuhaza was trapped in his burning stomach acid and couldn't move.

"Girls, meet our ally Edgar." Yugito said and they remained silent for a time upon seeing the cockroach.

"Cat got your tongue?" Edgar spoke while his antennae flickered around.

"All the things we've seen today and you're not the scariest one of them." Miria said.

"Yeah, it's a shame Mikey couldn't be here." Ginkaku said.

"I'll tell him all about this when his parole officer's watch over him is done." Edgar said.

"Edgar-san, will you be alright carrying an immortal man in your body?" Kaguya asked.

"As long as my stomach has acid, I've nothing to worry about." Edgar said as the fellow Miko warriors gathered with the rest of the warriors and Naruto teleported them to Ken with Shino giving Shamuhaza's insect to the cockroach; figuring he could find the creature a home on his planet.

In Ken

"Nooo!" Maia cried as Volt had left the mercenaries with a showing of her true romantic feelings for him through a magic mirror displaying her inner thoughts and this amused her cruel former comrades. Busty with red hair, Maia had Tangerine eyes and wore an orange catsuit that exposed a generous amount of her bust with blue trousers with the crotch area beneath the waistband.

"Who'd have thought that Maia was so pure and innocent?" One merc laughed as another merc, Hicks, sinisterly laughed at her while approaching. Hicks was lean with brown hair and wore a dark green sleeveless jacket as he gripped Maia's hips.

"Don't touch me!" Maia snapped.

"Ha! Its been so long since you had any that you're bursting with emotions, sweet Maia!" Hicks taunted as he unzipped his pants and Maia, who had her hands bound above her head, struggled to break free.

"Hicks, you bastard!" Maia said.

"We've always wanted to rape that pussy you always flaunted!" Hicks laughed before Naruto suddenly appeared between him and Maia. Before anyone could speak, Naruto gave him a swift uppercut that knocked him into the air and the blonde sprang after him.

The redhead looked up just in time as Naruto kicked him in the ribs and Claudia sliced Maia's bonds before more mercs arrived at doorway. Just then, the flying Kubikiribōchō spun through them and flew into the upper wall of the room with Suigetsu and Mangetsu appeared with Hiramekarei in his possession.

"Hey, Naruto, glad you left some for us to carve up." Suigetsu said with Yagura appearing and the mercs all roared.

"Get the kid!" One merc, a man with brown hair and a thick goatee wearing armor said, before Yagura jumped forward and swung his club at his head as he impaled the roof of his mouth on the hook. He swiftly ripped the top half of his head off and clubbed the body with the other half of it.

"Who's next?" Yagura boldly asked.

With her swords returned to her by Claudia, she looked to see Naruto attacking the mercs and looked to Claudia.

"Who is this guy?" Maia asked.

"He says his name is Naruto and so far, he's been helping the whole of Eostia to stop these fiends." Claudia said and Maia looked on at the blonde fighting her former comrades. A set of ogres entered and Suigetsu looked to Mangetsu.

"Time for some extra cutting in." Mangetsu grinned before the brothers charged at the ogres and knocked them out of the room. The beasts roared before Mangetsu changed Hiramekarei into its longsword form and slashed through his abdomen.

Just before his torso could fall, Suigetsu jumped forward and swung the semi-circle on Kubikiribōchō at the ogre's neck before slicing through it. The ogre's head went rolling away before the other creature stood and Suigetsu looked to his elder sibling.

"Mangetsu, it looks like we've got more fun ahead of us." Suigetsu said.

"You can say that twice." Mangetsu agreed before turning his sword into its duo blade form and lashed the blades through the ogre's legs. As he fell to the ground, he tossed the swords to Suigetsu as he in turn handed his weapon to him and he wielded both wielded kunai in their teeth.

They swung their head at the ogre from both sides and cut into him multiple times before leaving their kunai buried in his wounds. Suigetsu swung the duo Hiramekarei blades along with Mangetsu swinging Kubikiribōchō at the ogre with such skill and bloodlust so high that the ogre hallucinate either brother as Zabuza himself in response while the blades cleaved through it.

"Sure was nice of Chōjūrō to let you borrow Hiramekarei on such short notice." Suigetsu said.

"Hmm, borrow it? Yeah, let's go with that." Mangetsu said while carrying Hiramekarei as they headed outside to join the rest of Naruto's allies.

"Oh, Mangetsu, you're so wrong for that." Suigetsu teased.

"He wants it back, he can just take it from me." Mangetsu chuckled before they ran into battle.

Back in the room

"These guys are hardly worth the effort." Yagura thought to himself he impaled his share of mercs on the hook of his staff and noticed only three left in the form of Hicks and his henchmen. The first one, a dark skinned man, had black hair with a form-fitting black tank top with bandages wrapped around his wrists and the second had a dark gray jacket over a form-fitting red shirt with the fourth henchmen having been the mustached man Yagura had killed earlier.

He teamed with Claudia against the man wearing the jacket before he clubbed him in the chest and slammed him against the ground. As the club shattered his collarbone, Claudia stabbed his Adam's apple and he briefly gagged before dying.

Naruto grabbed the first henchmen and slammed him into the mirror used on Maia with shards of glass sticking out of him. Having planted the immortality jutsu on him and Hicks alone out their enemies in the nation of Ken, he wasn't worried as he listened to Maia fighting the other lone merc.

He picked him up and tossed him at the ceiling before flying after him. The moment he hit the ceiling, Naruto rammed his knee into his backside with a loud cracking sound being heard and the merc groaned in agony as the blonde started pounding him into it before stabbing him against through his hands and knees.

Leaving the merc on the ceiling, he joined Maia in fighting Hicks as she wielded two swords and he did the same with his twin Hiraishin blades. They shared glances at the other before nodding and charging at the merc as he staggered to his feet.

*My Fight by From Ashes to New plays*

Maia ran her first sword through Hicks's abdomen and he gasped as he felt the tip of the blade emerge from his back. Rearing her foot into the air, she booted Hicks off her blade and he flew to the floor where Naruto sprang forth and stabbed his heart.

Hicks lurched upright before Maia booted his face and smothered his head against the floor while she and Naruto began hacking his chest apart. The former merc grabbed his throat after slicing off his hands and strangled him while keeping her thumbs pressed against his Adam's apple.

Then, she jumped back and Naruto forced him to stand before running his feet through with his stomach bleeding out. Maia punched Hicks and cut off his foot before he fell down with Naruto catching him.

Naruto punched his gut and Maia struck the back of Hicks head before throwing a left cross to the face. The blonde beat the man back with another strike to the ribs and Maia gave him an uppercut before jumping.

She drove her knee into Hicks's face before bringing down her elbow onto his head in the form of a 12-6 elbow. Naruto elbowed his lungs before launching him against the wall and again caught him before he touched the floor.

He clutched his throat and began a series of barrages with Maia joining in until the pair beat Hicks onto the floor. With his hands holding him up, Maia kneed his side with Naruto flipping him onto his back and she slammed Hicks's head against the floor before the blonde whispered in her ear.

She looked at him for a time before dealing one last punch to Hicks face and began walking away with Naruto.

"What happens now?" Maia asked as all of their allies assembled.

"I'll take you to Celestine and she'll explain what you need to hear next." Naruto explained before opening two portals with the first leading to Celestine's location and the second leading to Origa's fortress.

Once the Order of Chivalry had gone into the first portal, the dark elves entered the second and Naruto kept it open as a shadow clone brought Kushimaru.

"What can I do for you?" Kushimaru asked as they walked over to Hicks and he noticed the merc's subordinate pinned to the ceiling. Chuckling at the sage's handiwork, he watched as Naruto made his Hiraishin back into their kunai size and angled at Hicks's ear.

Naruto punched Hicks in the face before carving his way from ear to ear with the kunai and the merc shrieked in pain. Kushimaru only laughed as Sasuke appeared next to them and Naruto looked back at the Uchiha.

"Hey, Sasuke, can we get your katana over here for a second?" Naruto asked and the next minute, Sasuke's blade was within Hicks' heart before the room filled with blinding electricity as the only sounds were the crackling, Hicks screaming in pain, and Kushimaru's maniacal laughter.

In the Black Fortress

"We'll show you how different we are from humans." An ogre declared to the teenaged Dark Half-Elf Chloe, who lie on the ground and looked up at the ogres fearfully. Slim and busty, Chloe had blonde hair with a side hair ponytail that went down to her feet and she possessed bold crimson eyes.

She wore a dark cape atop a blue uniform leaving little of her torso covered and wore a small black thong with thigh-high stockings and boots of the same length. Her bosom was covered by a unique crop-top of sorts that covered a small portion of her breasts and extended to her hips.

"Stay back!" Chloe said before Fuu, in her partial transformation with Chōmei's wings sprouting of her back, and Ameyuri, wielding her Kiba blades once again, crashed through the roof with Naruto's clones behind them. Fuu wielded her Kabutomushihōn sword and charged at the ogres.

*War (remix) by Bone Thugs-n-Harmony plays*

"All right, let's see if you beasts are all talk!" Ameyuri said as she used Lightning Style: Lightning Fang on the ogres without harming Chloe and said Dark Half-Elf looked around as they were electrocuted while Fuu decapitated a few of them with the clones sending the remainder of them flying with Big Ball Rasengan.

"Hey, Chloe, are you alright?" Fuu asked as she helped Chloe to her feet and while said girl disliked humans, she sensed something was different about her that seemed pure compared to most.

"Who are you three?" Chloe asked.

"The name's Fuu, that's Ameyuri and those are clones of our pal Naruto Uzumaki." Fuu smiled.

"You alright, Chloe?" Ameyuri asked.

"I'll live but what are all you doing here?" Chloe asked.

"We're here to help you and Origa." One of the clones said.

"That's Queen Origa to you, human!" Chloe said.

"Whatever, we've rounded up your fellow dark elves and even some new allies." Another clone said.

"Meiriin, Miria, Serafina and Hermione; are they alright?!" Chloe asked.

"They're in the castle right now. In fact, the real Naruto is taking them to free Origa as we speak." Another clone said.

"Care to come with?" Fuu asked.

"Lead on!" Chloe said before the shinobi escorted her to the dungeon area.


Origa sat in a dungeon and calmly faced the wall with a black collar preventing her from using her magic to break free. She was exotically attractive with her long black hair and honey-colored eyes with her HH bust visible by the dark purple crop top she wore with the tops of her breasts exposed.

Despite her slim and youthful appearance, she, like Celestine, was centuries old and featured a white cap-like-crown on her head with three hoop earrings on both ears.

She wore purple thigh-high boots and wrist armor of the same color with a small black thong and long black cape. Origa possessed a pubic tattoo and she looked to see the true Naruto arrive with all of her subordinates alongside him.

"Origa-sama, are you alright?" Chloe eagerly asked once Naruto ripped the cell bars open and Miria managed to snap the collar apart with her magic.

"I am unharmed, Chloe, and am glad to see you all are the same as well." Origa spoke.

"Thanks to blondie here, Kuroinu is nearly down for the count." Miria said as handed her Queen her magic staff and she looked to Naruto with her sole reasoning for not attacking him being that her telepathy had allowed her to see him rescue all of her subordinates from harm's way along with knowing of his Shinobi history.

"Then we haven't a minute to lose." Origa said before moving from her cell and having her escorted through the castle while her forces joined him and his shadow clones. Downstairs, Alicia, Janne, and Prim along with their forces attacked every mercenary and ogre that dared to move with Maia appearing.

Fighting back to back with the Dark Elves where their magic strongest in The Fortress gave them yet another edge and a whistle was heard. All looked up to see Naruto and Kushimaru standing on a ledge holding two people and the swordsman cleared his throat.

"Naruto, Kushimaru, what is this?" Alicia asked.

"We brought something for you girls." Naruto said.

"Since you girls deserve nothing but the best, they needed some prepping first like any good present. So, have a blast." Kushimaru said before throwing the first item on the floor and the female warriors looked to it was Hicks with 4th degree burns. Naruto had carved a deep Glasgow smile on his face that was bleeding out and his face was frozen in a hideous rictus grin from Sasuke having stiffened his facial muscles with Chidori Current.

"See that? He's looking forward to getting his ass handed to him so much that he's already smiling." Kushimaru laughed.

Hicks let out a bloodcurdling scream of pain from his burns and Prim looked to see Naruto chuck his remaining henchman next to him. The henchman's abdomen was completely gone and he lie in shock before Alicia punched him in the face.

"What is this?" A bald overweight merc with an eyepatch and green jacket asked and before he could react, Chloe stabbed his backside with her dagger. As he screamed, she carved her way down to the end of his spinal column and he screamed with Jinpachi grabbing the top of his head while grinning ear to ear; either eye-patched warrior staring into the other.

"On your knees, bitch." Jinpachi sneered while forcing the man down onto his knees and Chloe ripped the dagger out of him. She struck him in the face and Jinpachi held his hand out in front of her to catch her attention.

"How about we leave his one eye going to see this…." Jinpachi said before whispering to Chloe and a cruel smirk appeared on her lips.

"You humans are some cruel bastards but in this case…" Chloe said while standing back at a safe distance and watching Jinpachi bring down Shibuki onto the man's belly. He screamed as the blade blew him to piece and looked to see another shadow clone arrive.

"Chloe, we've got something for you, too." The clone said before throwing an elder man with gray hair in a ponytail and red eyes with a red coat featuring a yellow undershirt and black neckerchief. The clone presented the heads of the man's hooded bodyguards and threw them at his feet.

"You!" Chloe growled and the man, Sir John Mandeville, looked to her.

"Is that any way to talk me; knowing the history me and your mother share…" Mandeville said before Chloe kneed his shoulder and Fuu handed a whip to the elf hybrid.

"Don't ever mention her, you lowly scum!" Chloe roared before whipping the man once the immortality jutsu was implanted on him and he cried out as he tried to reach for his cane. The clone grabbed it and used it to bludgeon the areas where Chloe whipped him.

Mandeville screamed as he was furiously whipped and battered from the combined effort of his blonde attackers. Chloe left deep lacerations in the elder's back and she stomped on his head before resting her foot on it while continuing her onslaught.

She whipped him again and again with all her might with every bone below his neck being broken. Mandeville fearfully looked up at Chloe as Fuu tossed Kabutomushihōn to her and she wielded it along with her dagger.

Before he could open his mouth, Chloe hacked into his head repeatedly and destroyed his skull with either blade. Angrily snarling at his corpse, Fuu planted a calming hand on her shoulder and Chloe began to regain her composure as her eyes fell to Prim attacking Hicks's henchman.

He gasped as she stabbed his Adam's apple and slowly carved her way down his throat before sticking the sword inside his mouth. The merc's eyes grew wide as she made him swallow the blade until she roughly ripped free and planted the blade at his forehead.

"Please…don't do it." The merc whispered in fear before she slowly lowered the blade with cold eyes and pressed the weapon into his skull with him screaming the entire time until his brain was stabbed. Prim ripped the blade from his head and joined Maia, Janne, Chloe, and Alicia while they beat up Hicks.

Hicks howled in agony as Maia punched his forced smile with Alicia, Prim, and Janne ferociously hacking into his sides before cutting into his chest. Chloe set her foot on his throat and suffocated him while punching the underside of his jaw.

All shinobi present stood watching as they attacked him and they all hacked in his abdominal muscles while blood flying onto them with the forces their stabs carried. Maia suddenly stopped and called for Naruto to come to them.

The next that was happened was a table being set ablaze while Janne, Naruto, Alicia, Prim, Chloe, and Maia lifted Hicks in a group effort near it. Once he was lifted high enough, the six warriors slammed him onto the table in the form of a group powerbomb and smashed him through it.

Hicks lie sprawled on the floor before Naruto forced him onto his knees and Chloe angling her sword at his head with all of Alicia, Prim, Maia, and Janne. With a thrust of the sword from each warrior, Hicks's brain was obliterated from the attacks along with his smile and they looked to see Naruto fly outside.

"This Naruto guy…what in the hell is he supposed to be anyway?" Chloe asked as they observed him attacking the creatures of Origa's domain.

"We've fought alongside his forces all day long and I'm still wondering about that myself." Prim said.

"Whatever the case, let's be glad he's on our side for the time being." Janne said despite being just as curious.

"Looking at him, I can't help but wonder…" Alicia said.

"About what?" Maia asked.

"If he's human or a god incarnate like our Goddess?" Alicia said as she watched Naruto attack the numerous orcs, ogres, and goblins from overhead with his Asura Path cannons. He felt Kaguya's chakra return to him and he spoke to her and Kurama.

"All is set for the finale." Kaguya spoke.

"Then we're in business." Kurama and Naruto said.

*Persecution of the Masses by Shiro Sagisu plays*

Naruto used Fire Style: Uzumaki Hellstorm Magic Inferno to burn the creatures below and noticed a few Gargoyles flying at him from either side. He formed his chakra chains and they each grew red scythes from Kurama's chakra.

"Wrath of Kratos!" Naruto yelled as he spun around with the chains being swung at the Gargoyles and the scythes cutting into them with the chains crushing them. The winged creatures' remains fell from the sky and landed on the scorching ground with the earth shaking.

Minutes later

The last of the Kuroinu mercs stood by with the sole orcs, ogres, cyclops, Minotaur creatures along with the monsters Kruul had sent to the land before his death. All was silent before the ground shook and the fiends looked to see something gigantic charging at them from the nearby smoke.

It was revealed to be Naruto's Asura Kurama Mode with both Celestine riding in the head alongside him and Sasuke and Madara fused their Susanoo onto the fox in the form of their Majestic Attire armor. With the dual Susanoo and his Griffin Avatar fused together, Kurama resembled a cross between a Tengu and Griffin with the rest of their allies appearing around them led by Naruto's shadow clones from each nation and all but the Dark Elves were present. Naruto and Sasuke made the first attack using Six Paths: Ultra Big Ball Rasengan and Indra's Arrow on the farthest of their enemies.

This took out a majority of them before the sky clearing for the first time in ages as Origa gathered all the dark magic in the outlands to power herself and she looked down to the last of their enemies. She held up Kuroinu's bespectacled young mage, Kin, and he struggled while a shadow clone branded him.

"Please, let's just talk about this!" Kin pleaded before the clone tossed him in the air and Origa's staff met his backside before electrocuting him. The mage screamed in agony for a short time before exploding as a display of Origa's returned strength and she raised her staff high into the air.

*Invade, Destroy, Repeat by Powerman 5000 plays*

"Charge!" Celestine and Origa commanded their respective forces while the shadow clones lead the Order of Chivalry and their combined soldiers into battle with Naruto's allies joining in. The tailed beasts had attacked the other mercenaries and monsters throughout the Outlands and Origa joined the shadow clones.

"Wood Release: Several Hundred Hands!" Madara said while performing said technique to crush their enemies and Nana worked with the Dark Elves while they safely stood atop Chōmei's head. Using their magic, they bound their foes and left them at the mercy of their enemies.

Sasuke and Madara used Amaterasu on the mercenaries and watched as Jugo worked alongside Irena while Edgar managed to stab through an orc's chest with his tail stinger. Shino used his parasitic insects to devour the Minotaurs and Matatabi once again set a fiery perimeter.

Yugito set her sights on a merc with short brown hair and a great under bite before impaling his head on her claws just as Claudia slashed through his neck. Chloe and Fuu worked back-to-back to behead their foes while Alicia and Prim rode on the backs of an eagle avatar flying overhead.

With a shadow clone joining them through the use of Truth-Seeking Balls, they shot arrows at as many enemies as they could hit and one merc with long black hair began to run away. He didn't get far as Origa raised the staff overhead and electrocuted him with a burst of electric power.

"Coming through!" Ruu-Ruu said before appearing on a chariot carted by 6 Nine-Tailed Version 2 clones tearing across the lands and she slashed through the orcs with her battle-axe while victoriously smiling. The creature's bloody remains dropped to the ground as the clones tore through their enemies with sheer speed and Ruu-Ruu held onto the chariot.

Sasuke used Chidori Spear on the enemies as Madara had the statue used the Five Element Technique to finish the last of the monsters and the mercenaries all lie in pieces while their allies let out battle cries of victory over them.

"Naruto, it is time this end this once and for all." Celestine said and he nodded to the elf.

Back in Thorn

Blood dripped from Volt's throat as his blood pooled around his feet and ran down the balcony. Naruto suddenly appeared in front of him with Madara, Sasuke, and his siblings on either side of him.

"Well, it looks like the continent of Eostia is done with your Kuroinu bullshit." Naruto said before snapping the rods out of Volt and he fell onto his front looking at them fearfully.

"You may as well stop your sniveling." Madara said before planting his foot atop Volt's head while refraining from crushing it.

"If you weren't busy enjoying the taste of your own blood so much, you'd remember that Naruto said he isn't planning to kill you." Kinkaku said.

"We won't kill you…" Sasuke said.

"…but we don't have to save you." Naruto finished before Volt was hurled to the balcony entrance and lie in a heap until Celestine grabbed him by the head. A look of tranquil fury appear on her face before she gripped his throat with the tip of her fingers and stared him dead in the eyes.

"Die." Celestine said before throwing Volt back onto the balcony as if he were a softball and marveled at her new strength. While Naruto and his allies had been protecting Eostia, Kaguya had managed to awaken Laurentia's innate powers by communicating with her spirit and have Celestine use these powers as Hagoromo had done for him and Sasuke.

Volt cowered at this and Celestine jerked him to his feet before Origa appeared. She charged at them and Volt was convinced that she'd be more interested in fighting Celestine face to face.

However, Origa swung her staff and clubbed Volt out of Celestine's hands before he flew into the wall. Volt let out a muffled grunt before Celestine attacked again and jutted her fingers into where his heart was.

He coughed before Origa, using the swiftness that only an elf possessed, hopped onto Celestine's shoulders and ran Volt through. Celestine held still as Origa swung Volt into the balcony and he tried to crawl away before a shadow clone appeared with an angry Maia glaring at him.

*My Enemy by Hans Zimmer plays*

Maia delivered a brutal round of punches to Volt's face and Origa impaled him before electrocuting him. More shadow clones arrived with the Order of Chivalry and Origa's subordinates with all of Nina, Celine, Tasha, Christina and the combined fighters of each nation joining them; all wielding weapons.

"Well, our task is accomplished." Madara said before Naruto placed his hand on the elder Uchiha's head.

"You've done a kickass job, Madara." Naruto complimented and Madara smiled as his body became chakra that disappeared in the blonde's hand. Stemming from his possession of the Uchiha's reawakened Rinnegan eyes, Naruto found it possessed some of his chakra as well and he could use it recreate him with his Ying-Yang powers forming a body.

Though a replica of Madara, he possessed all the powers of the original prior to his Ten-Tailed state and the personality of the original while having a fair amount respect for Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto and his assembled allies looked to see all of Eostia's female fighters attacking Volt together.

Origa sprang into the air and knocked Volt to the ground with a double kick before she began stomping on his neck. The order of Chivalry and their allies all furiously hacked into Volt's body with all the strength they could muster.

Volt's groans of pain grew weaker and his eyesight became hazy as the endless onslaught of multiple swords, daggers, axes and Origa's staff brutalized him. Maia's sword dealt a sharp attack to Volt's neck as the Dark Elf Queen moved her foot away and his head went flying into high into the air.

The last thing Volt saw before going blind was Origa's staff and Celestine's bare palm flying at him from both sides. The elves destroyed Volt's head and returned to the ground before staring at each other for a time.

With them having been at war with the other for the longest of time, either of their forces expected a fight between them to break out. However, Origa huffed before turning away from Celestine and walking to her subordinates.

"Celestine Lukures, in exchange for your assistance in freeing my land and stopping that fiend's foolish plot, you have my word that I shall never again rely on mindless beasts for my uses." Origa said.

"Origa, in return for your hand in saving this continent, I'll allow you and your forces to leave with your lives." The elf said and the ever-loyal Chloe was about to say something to Celestine before Miria clamped her hand over her mouth. She subtly discouraged Chloe from saying anything that would provoke the Goddess reincarnation and Origa's ears twitched a moment or two.

"Fox human, take us home!" Origa commanded.

"You don't have to talk to me like a dog, you know!" Naruto said.

"For your part in saving my precious subordinates, I'll spare your life. Now take us back." Origa said before Sasuke appeared.

"That's enough, Origa." Sasuke said.

"You dare silence our Queen?!" Chloe demanded.

"It's not a matter of silence. I don't care if she's Queen or not; doesn't give her the right to talk down to him like a lowly dog." Sasuke said.

"Why, you!" Chloe said before Kinkaku and Ginkaku got in front of Naruto with Origa's subordinates getting in front of their comrade in return.

"Don't think we won't kick ass of someone we've saved. We've done it plenty of times before." Kinkaku warned.

"Go on; try us." Serafina said.

"Took the words right out of my mouth!" Ginkaku said.

"Enough!" Naruto and Origa said before opening the time-space portal in front of the Dark Elf Queen and she walked through the portal with her subordinates following suit; Chloe looking to Fuu.

"Bye." Fuu and Chloe lowly said to the other before the latter vanished into the portal and returned to the Black Fortress with the portal closing behind them.

"Will you be alright?" Origa asked with her stoic expression.

"Don't worry, Queen Origa. We'll get by just fine." Hermione said and Origa looked at her youngest subordinate.

"That's right; a bunch of lowly worms like those could never shatter our resolve that easily." Chloe answered.

"Excellent." Origa said before going to her private chambers and closed the door before standing there. Tears began streaming down her eyes and she held her head in her hand while trying not to make too much noise.

Given that Origa had first saved Chloe, Serafina, and Hermione, who was little more than 6 at the time, from being raped by bands of humans, she felt horrible from her arrogant ways having placed them in the same situation and endangering the remaining five of their species aside from her. Origa's silent weeping went on uninterrupted as she stood against the door in shame and kept her head low.

Back in Thorn

"Naruto, words cannot express how much of a debt the continent of Eostia owes you." Celestine said.

"Yeah, blondie, you really kicked ass!" Ruu-Ruu spiritedly said.

"I didn't do any of this for thanks but I'm glad I could help you." Naruto said as Celestine softly looked to him.

"Naruto, if it's no trouble, can you take me home?" Nina asked and Maia began to leave.

"Maia?" Celestine said.

"I'm just going home now." Maia said before Naruto opened a portal for each woman to go home and they were each escorted by a shadow clone with him personally taking Nina and Catue back to Dragundaala; none of the Order of Chivalry aside from Celestine and Catue speaking to him.

"Well, thank you for your help, Naruto." Nina said after arrived at the castle as the clones had cleared the place of the remains of the dead demons and monsters.

"Yes, Naruto, we cannot say that enough." Catue softly smiled and Nina walked to the inside before falling to her knees. Naruto and Catue ran to her as she began crying over Lawrence and the shinobi crouched in front the busty Queen before lightly embracing her.

Nina miserably cried into Naruto's chest as he and Catue comforted her and he felt the continent of Eostia become ripe with misery as Claudia sobbed into the heart of the clone she was with while he patted her back. As his clones comforted the women of Eostia, Naruto sadly hung his head in sympathy for Nina and the recent widows.

While he had stopped Kuroinu from taking over the continent, he still failed to save some of the Order of Chivalry's family members and his head stayed bowed as he comforted Nina.


Volt, Ginyol, and all their allies awoke within Jigoku Akumu no ōkoku and were tied to crosses while Naruto stood in front of them. Aside from Jin and the dragons of Dragundaala, all of Kuroinu's forces, inflicted with the immortality jutsu or not, had their souls cursed to appear in Naruto's genjutsu world and he smiled at them.

"You are in hell, little bitches, and I am the devil." Naruto declared.

"You bastard, let us go!" Volt barked.

"Us? That's a laugh. Anyone with a brain can tell you and Ginyol would end up double-crossing each later once your dumbass Sex Empire was formed." Naruto said.

"You'll never get away with this!" Ginyol said.

"I already have and it's a nightmare you'll never wake up from." Naruto said before using his magic to castrate Volt, Ginyol, Gidou, and all their forces before carving their whole bodies to pieces. Unless he undid the genjutsu cast on their souls, they were immortal and would stay in constant pain for eternity under Jigoku Akumu no ōkoku's effects while never growing to enjoy it while killing the chances of anyone ever resurrecting any of them.

I'm finally finished and you know the difference between past and future Naruto/Kuroinu story writers; my fucked up brain. Every last torture used on the villains had me laughing all the time and I hope you enjoy the immortality jutsu prolonging their suffering.

Aside from Mandeville and Beasley, I loved the fact that Naruto is going against trained fighters and monsters that he doesn't need to hold back on as he would with the regular civilian villains he's fought in my past Naruto/Hentai stories.

With a harem this big, I needed a darker approach for a story like this and as you can see, there's almost nothing funny about what happens in this chapter unless you have a sadistic personality like me and you're laughing at what happens to Volt and his crew; even with the rewrite of what happens to him personally, the symbolism of the painful impalement still applies with the stabbings.

Unlike Nina in Princess Knight Catue, she witnesses her husband die and Ginyol rubs it in her face while molesting her; the latter of which occurs in the actual hentai. In my whole hentai series, I've never had any girl molested or stripped of their clothes until now (although the character Kaoru was raped and murdered in my last hentai remake though she never makes any appearances at all).

Although Klaus wasn't shown to die in the Kuroinu hentai or game, there's little to convince me he's still alive.

Another departure from my previous hentai stories is that the girls aside from Celestine and Origa don't know Naruto at all. Like you can tell, they keep questioning what he is and this'll make them keep him at arm's length for now for more character development to be built between them in later chapters.

If they knew who Naruto was, they'd know he's there to help but since they don't, the question remains to some of them: is he really saving them or getting rid of Volt so he can take Eostia himself? Of course, we know his real intentions but none of them know for sure and this layer of mistrust adds to the dark tone.

Making Celestine have super-strength was an idea I had since I'm sure many found it strange that she's a Goddess reincarnate and couldn't defend herself against Volt. Yeah, this makes her a bit of a Mary Sue type character but I really don't give a shit if she is given she could finally get her hands on Volt.

Let's all give a round of applause to SoulEmbrace2010 (whose recently become of my students), Bunji the wolf, and YagamiNguyen for their help in inspiring me to write this story and hopefully, this tale helps inspire more Naruto/Kuroinu remakes since I'd love to see different ways that Volt gets his ass kicked.

More applause goes to LionHeartXIII for his Kuroinu Rebellion game and kicking those bastard's asses.

Speaking of students, applause goes to DarkChild316 for his powerbomb idea with Hicks and the reason I didn't give Kin a more humiliating defeat is because I couldn't think of anything other than Origa destroying him for display.

So, I hope everyone likes the gore in this because unless I remake Hell's Knight Ingrid/Taimanin Asagi, I'll never get to be this bloody in a hentai remake ever again.

In this story, Nina, Claudia, Janne, and Catue are based off Batman if he ever got revenge on his parents' murderer; they had their revenge but it doesn't change the fact their loved one is dead.

Crossing all these hentai together was easy and fun to do while making it my own take of Naruto/Kuroinu and the violence was my favorite part so far.

In closing, I hope everyone enjoys this chapter and tunes into the Order of Chivalry and the Dark Elves getting to know Naruto. Take care until then!