A/N: Been awhile, hasn't it?

So lets get the disclaimer out of the way,




There. Now onto other matters.

YES I KNOW ABOUT THE TOPH/LETTER BIT. Its a typo/mistake. I'll fix it.

Surgery and other...issues kept me away for awhile, but now I'm back and better than ever! Of course I've also heard that we're getting a live action Avatar show, but I'm not sure how to feel about that...

As to why I've been gone, a lot of people have been asking.

My inbox is FLOODED with said questions.

Fine. I'll tell you:

Try writing with one hand, limited function, and a host of other health issues. Toss in ADHD and a degree of Asperger syndrome. Season it with crippling depression, debilitating migraines and partial blindness. Add a dash of insanity, a cheating wretch of a partner, and a job that makes me miserable you have a THIRD of what I'm going through.

Aside from that, I'm quite healthy -_-

Yet I'm still here. I still write. Not for me, but for you guys and gals.

For the fans.

I do apologize for the short interlude, think of it as a way to grease the gears and get this story rolling again...

Hope you enjoy!


Obvious TFS reference is obvious.

You'd think that'd be clear from the title, no?

"Why can't you take this seriously?!"

"Because that's what you WANT! And I'm NOT going to give it to you."


Get Ready To Die (Interlude)


Ozai felt it with every thought, every breath, every instant of his existence. A writhing, seething inferno that grew steadily strong with each passing second; one building within him like a mighty blaze ready to scour the earth clean and start anew. Each moment only made it burn all the more. His shoulders trembled, not from fear, but rather, fury. And with it the fires of his throne raged all the higher. Fools. He was surrounded by fools; fools, the lot of them! Even his very family was a disgrace to his name!

The letter before him only stoked those flames further.

The messenger in a scorched heap at the foot of his throne, their ruined remains all but forgotten in the wake of his explosive fury. Even now it took a physical effort of will not to eradicate the intelligence outright. To just render the scroll ash in his hands. Perhaps he should. Then none would know of this failure.

None but him.

The assault on those blasted Waterbenders had been repelled after all. No, not only repelled but eradicated. He only knew of their defeat through blind luck; one ship had managed to escape the massacre at the North Pole where all others had been sunk. Of the rest he knew not; not the fate of its commander, nor those serving under him. Only that their destruction was certain.

A low, exasperated growl escaped the Fire Lord.

"Idiots. What were they thinking?!"

While he hadn't been in direct command of said assault, the defeat still rankled. A thorn of defeat, bloodying his already bruised pride. As if the universe had seen fit to remind him that his control was not absolute-not yet. Soon all that would change. Yes, when that time came, the world would well and truly be his-

A faint scratch of sound drew his attention.

Irate at having been disturbed-when he'd left explicit orders not to be-the leader of the Fire Nation rounded on the sound.

"I do not wish to be...

A lone feather fell to the floor.

...disturbed?" he finished, gaping at the creature.

Rather than a guard, or even one of his advisers as he'd first suspected, he found himself facing an animal. A bird. Large by all accounts, the creature nevertheless conveyed a strange sense of...presence. Pride. Keen eyes regarded him with cold intent. Those frigid, apathetic golden eyes never once left his. There was an eerie intelligence lurking behind that gaze, one he was almost afraid to look away from. It felt alive. An odd term to give a mere bird perhaps, but he felt it in his bones nonetheless.

Was this a spirit of some sort?

Incredulous, he glared at the hawk, trying to ascertain its origins. Its signature feathers suggested it hailed from the North. That was absurd of course. Why would such a bird fly here? Where would it roost for that matter?

No one had informed him of its presence; it had just...well...flown right into the throne room. How, for that matter? There weren't any bloody windows! For it to have found its way here-through sealed doors no less-was not only incredible, but impossible as well. When he dared to glance behind it, he found them suspiciously ajar. A nameless sense of dread seized him.

"What the devil are you?" he murmured aloud.

In response the hawk-no, a falcon, he realized-spread its wings and launched itself at him like an arrow loosed from a bow. Sheer instinct demanded he hold his ground and so Ozai did; flinging up a blazing arm to defend himself. In the end, he needn't have bothered.

With grace befitting a creature of its stature, the falcon alighted effortlessly upon his throne and gazed back at him with an expectant air.

Only then did he notice the small parcel bundled to his right leg.

What was that attached to its limb?

A parchment...of some sort?

"Bah! Be off with you!"

Exasperated he ripped the scroll from the bird's leg and shooed the beast away. It nipped at his hand with a somewhat indignant "cree!" and hurtled through the doors, hopefully never to be seen again. Ozai considered burning it on a lark, but decided against it. Wouldn't do to ruin his clothes.

Mildly intrigued, he unfurled the letter.

The fury that followed this message made the last seem tame by comparison:

"Dear soon-to-be corpse,

How are you doing these days? Still haven't managed to burn the world down, I see!

I wanted to send you this friendly little letter to inform you of your imminent demise. If you're curious about the frequency of these letters, I can assure you, this is only the first of many. Why, you might ask? Simple. To quote; it is merely to instill as much fear as much fear as I can before your expiration date. Like a prelude to war, fiery and fierce, much like your darling daughter. That's right.

I'm fucking Azula.

Better get ready to die,

~ your Avatar of the Gods.

Crumpling the missive in his hand, Ozai exhaled softly. His fingers bunched around the worn parchment and burned it away; not even ashes remained once he was finished with it. Only then did he unleash the fury boiling deep inside him; only then did he give it shape and form, weight and direction. Focus. That blond bastard. The one who had been harrying his forces for the better part of a year now. He was responsible for this. He had to be. True, hadn't explicitly named himself in the letter, but he knew. Ohhhhhhh, did he know...

To his credit, he held his tongue for a full thirty seconds.

In the end, only three words came to mind.


A/N: Felt right to actually give some insight into Ozai's thoughts on this one. Not to mention...well...its just fun to troll the old hothead.

We'll catch up with the gang next chapter.

And NO, it won't take two years!

Fucking hell...

Anywho, I worked extremely hard on this one, so I hope to hear what you think! Pairing is now OFFICIALLY HAREM And on a final note, thank you to everyone offering emotional support in regard to my health woes. Its greatly appreciated! An awful lot is going to change in this story soon! Look forward to an epic prank next chapter...provided my health holds out.

So...in accordance to the prophecy...

...Review, Would You, Dear Reader?

And of course, enjoy the previews!

Potential ones at any rate.


Azula twitched.

"Well! This is new. Pride in an enemy. Unfortunately its overshadowed by all this UNYIELDING RAGE!"

The assassin had less than a second to comprehend that unorthodox phrase.

Then their lower torso vanished in a sea of blue flame.

Katara was going to kill him.

No, scratch that.

She was going to wring his bloody neck!

The Fire Nation armada lay in tatters,

As she looked on Naruto raised his hands and willed the water to take the shape he desired, forcing the frigid moisture to coalesce into ice. Another gesture slotted it back into place with yet more water, further repairing the breach.

"Aang, I'm only going to say this once."

"Wait, what are you doing-

"MAN. UP."

"Another letter for you, Fire Lord."


...you're absurdly broken."

"Aw, love you too!"

"If you want something done right...

...do it yourself.

Hope you enjoyed!

