
whiteabyss89 : Because...because I didn't think of it.

DZ2 : On my first watching of the film I was firmly in team Iron Man because Iron Man is awesome and Robert Downey Jr is brilliant, but on my second/third viewing I just actually thought about it and realized that I was more on Cap's side since there was no middle ground when it came to the accords.

Druto : I mentioned it in two chapters but so far you are the only one who has asked. Though I still can't answer it yet.

Y-T3cH : Read the omakes.

Chapter 22 -

"Can...can I say something?" Harry whispered, his voice was low but it easily echoed throughout the room, he was looking down at his feet.

He was sat in a chair, chains wrapped all around him and prevented him from standing or even moving his body, the only thing he really could move was his head and neck. The members in the courtroom all looked at each other, on the one hand this was 'Grim' in front of them, an extremely dangerous individual, and they were probably safer once he was out of the room. But on the other hand he did not have his wand with him and he was chained to the chair, and if that was not enough then there was also three dementors in the courtroom and it was well known that he was horribly affected by them.

"Very well," The Judge said eventually. "but make it quick."

"Thanks," Harry said with a soft snort. "you know those people, those people I killed...the men I killed, those 'outstanding purebloods', these famous and respected men, these men I killed...I just want you all to know..." Harry paused, he looked up and grinned at the people who were looking down at him. "I would gladly do it all again." The court exploded into a bunch of shouting and swearing but Harry continued talking. "Without hesitation, this place here...this circus...this bullshit is an act. You fuckers are just trying to show off, because you caught the big and bad 'Grim'. You're trying to ruin the hopes of the rebellion, I know you are."

"Order! Order!" The Judge slammed his gavel down repeatedly until people had stopped shouting. "Mr Potter!" The Judge's voice boomed. "Enough of this nonsense! I think that..."

"I couldn't agree more!" Harry laughed, interrupting his judge, not a normal laugh either, an unhinged and spine chilling laugh. "Oh, I have had more than enough of this shit, but I think you all have forgotten one really important thing."

"And what is that supposed to be?" One man sneered at him.

"I am Harry fucking Potter," Harry grinned. "I do impossible things daily and right now, you are all trapped in a courtroom with me." His grin became wider, many members of the court were now shifting in their seats, before Harry Potter had looked so weak and intimidated by the dementors but now they all realized that it was clearly an act. Harry Potter, or Grim as he was known by many, had in recent years become a person who was just as feared as he-who-must-not-be named. "And only a few of you will be leaving."

"Do not threaten us Mr Potter!" The judge glared at him.

"It's not a threat, it's a promise." Harry chuckled. "Because I know that the majority of people in here are in Voldemort's pockets," Harry didn't even pause as many of them shivered and shouted at him for daring to say the Dark Lord's name. "a few I'm not sure about and the others are my men and women." Harry bit back a laugh when he saw the members quickly looking at each other, as if they could quickly spot those on Harry's side.

"You're lying!" One woman shrieked.

"You're an idiot," Harry replied calmly. "you're all idiots if you think I was brought here against my will, I am right where I want to be. Now dementors, get to feeding." Harry ordered, causing many to look confused at his last statement.

The dementors obeyed and quickly rushed forwards and began attacking members of the court, a few members raised their wands but were cut down by other members, one of Harry's men shot a spell at Harry's chain to free him. The chains dropped and Harry stood up, his clothes shifted just as his wand appeared in his hand, the tip glowed green and Harry started firing.

"Hey," Harry knocked as he leaned his head into the open door and saw Natasha sitting in an empty room, she was sat at a desk and working on a laptop, she stopped when she heard Harry. She looked away from her screen and looked at him. "am I interrupting anything?" Harry asked in a soft voice.

"No, you're not." She replied, her voice was equally as soft. "Hey boy." She added in a surprised voice when Padfoot had rushed into the room after moving past Harry, Padfoot quickly rushed over to her and rubbed his head on her legs before putting his paws on her knees and leaning up to lick her face. "Down boy," She chuckled as she gently pushed him off, only for him to go back to the same position a second later. "stop it." She laughed and pushed him off one more time, Padfoot rubbed his head on her knee before lying down and resting his head on her foot.

"Believe it or not, he's glad to see you." Harry said in a dry voice. " are you doing?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine." Natasha replied.

"Really?" Harry snorted. "I thought spy's were supposed to be able to lie better than that." Harry replied as he opened the door and walked in, a small tray full of food in his right hand. He placed the tray down on the desk and sat down next to her.

"What's this?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Eternal youth and ten small bags worth of cocaine." Harry said sarcastically before he nudged it closer to Natasha. "It's just some food from the canteen, I figured you'd be hungry." Harry shrugged.

"Thanks." Natasha said as she began eating.

"We'll find him." Harry said a few moment later.

"I know we will," Natasha said after swallowing down her food. "any luck with Loki?" She asked.

"Possibly," Harry replied. "Fury asked me if I could get any information out of him, if he was any regular person then I would say yes. But not only is he not human, he is also magical and has been around much, much, much longer than me. I also am no expert in Asgardian magic, so if I tried to read his mind then there is a chance that he can give me false info and memories, or attack my mind."

"Isn't there anything else you can do?" Natasha frowned.

"Three other things off the top of my head." Harry replied. "The first is I try the imperius curse."

"That's the one that let's you control a person, right?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah, total control but the problem with that is anyone with even a low level of magic and a sufficient amount of will power can fight it, which brings us back to the problems with mind reading. My second option is torturing it out of him."

"You think you can do that?"

"I was tired when I hit Loki with my cruciatus curse, I'm at full strength now. So yeah, I think I can." Harry nodded. "However that brings its own problems, Thor might not exactly approve of me torturing his brother."

"Adopted." Natasha reminded him.

"I doubt Thor cares." Harry shrugged. "If I do torture Loki then that could mean dealing with Thor which could possibly mean dealing with the full might of Asgard."

"Well...what else can we do?"

"Only thing I can think of is tricking him into reveling something." Harry sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"How are you planning on doing that?"

"I'm not, I'm going to leave that to you."


"You're better at this stuff than I am," Harry admitted. "plus you are just a 'weak, female mortal'. Loki's going to be at least a little bit wary about me but not you. Fair warning though, Loki's been talking with Barton so he probably knows quite a bit about you, we can find out how much when we get Barton back."

"I'm not giving up until he's back, safe and sound." She said in a determined voice.

"And I'll be right there with you," Harry said, he would have said more if Padfoot did not interrupt by barking twice. "him too." Harry added as he pointed at Padfoot.

Harry walked into the lab that Bruce and Tony were working in with Padfoot following alongside him, Tony and Bruce paused when they noticed him come in.

"Hey Jack Frost, what's up with the dog?" Tony asked curiously. "I am pretty sure that we won't need to do any animal testing." He added as a joke, though Padfoot clearly did not appreciate it if the soft growling is any indicator.

"You're calling me 'Jack frost' again?" Harry asked.

"What can I say? I like it, now what about Scooby over here?" Tony asked as he gestured to Padfoot.

"This is my dog," Harry said in a soft voice as he stroked the back of Padfoot's neck. "he's smarter than more than half of the agents on this ship, at least, he's also my best friend. And if somebody were to do something to him then I would kill them, then everyone on the ship and myself."

"You...are kidding right?" Tony asked, looking very unsure.

"Well...I wouldn't kill myself but everyone else? Pretty much." Harry shrugged. "I couldn't leave him at home so he's with me until I get somewhere for him to stay."

"Why couldn't you leave him at home?" Bruce asked.

"My landlady isn't really happy with 'having her daughter chasing after some crazy criminal'." Harry sighed. "Her daughter has a crush on me and now that Loki reveled my identity, she doesn't really want me anywhere near her. Or at least that's one of her reasons, though personally she didn't really have to worry about her daughter, I rejected her already."

"I'm sorry," Bruce said in a sympathetic voice, he had more than his fair share of experience in being forced to move out from a home. "What's his name?" Bruce asked as he gestured to Padfoot.

"Padfoot." Harry answered.

"Padfoot?" Tony echoed. "That's an odd name, any particular reason for it?"

"Yep." Harry nodded before a small silence filled the room.

"Are you going to tell us the reason?" Tony asked.

"No," Harry said immediately. "I am actually here to check on the two on you. Just wanted to check if you've have had any breakthroughs, also to make sure that you two weren't blowing something up." Harry added.

"Well...not yet." Bruce replied.

"Yeah, luckily for you it is very unlikely for anything to explode while we work." Tony added.

"Unlikely doesn't mean impossible," Harry could not help but point out. "also is there anything that either of you need to help with your search?"

"No," Bruce shook his head. "at least I don't think so."

"Fine, I'll be around if you need me, if I'm not here then call another Shield agent." Harry turned and began walking, as he left he discreetly pulled out his wand and put a listening charm in the room just before leaving.

"Hill," Harry said as he gently grabbed Hill by the arm and pulled her to the side. "I need to talk to you, and I do mean actually talking."

"Is it important?" Hill asked. "Because I am kind of busy."

"Yes, it's important," Harry nodded. "it's about Fury." Harry said, and just like that he had gotten Hill's full attention.

"What about him?" She asked.

"Follow me," Harry gestured with his head before he lead her to an empty room, Harry closed the door and waved his wand a couple of times, once he was done Hill gave him a questioning look. "privacy charms." He added in the form of an explanation to her unasked question. "Anyway, what I want to know is what you and Fury are arguing about?"


"I know that you're less than pleased with him right now, any idiot with a pair of eyes could see that. But I also saw the looks you were giving when me, Cap and Banner arrived. What the hell's up with that? What's Fury planning that you so clearly dislike?"

"Fine," Hill sighed. "Director Fury is under the impression that he needs a 'response team'."

"Response team?" Harry repeated, as if he wasn't sure if he heard right.

"That's what he said but it's clear to me and just about everyone with high enough clearance that he is just using it to go through with the 'Avengers initiative'." Hill said in a disapproving voice.

"Oh for fuck sakes, please tell me you're kidding?" Harry groaned. "That was scrapped, and for good reason I might add."

"Yes, it was, but it seems that Director Fury has not fully given up on the idea." Hill sighed in a 'what do you want me to do about it?' way.

"So what? Are you trying to say that he's planning to put me, Cap, Banner, Stark and whoever else in a team and expect us to not kill each other?" Harry snorted. "Cap's from another time, Stark's got an ego the size of his tower and Banner is a giant green risk. And that is not to mention me, I'm the first to admit that I am unstable and have a lot of issues, and I mean a lot."

"I think Fury would likely want Agent Romanoff and Barton on the team as well," Hill said in a thoughtful voice. "Thor as well if he could convince him."

"Wow, just what the fuck are we putting in the Director's tea? And can I have some?"

"Fury has been thinking about this for ages," Hill replied, "not that you have heard that from me," She added with a warning tone, she continued speaking after Harry nodded in agreement. "I spoke to the World Security Council about it as well. Fury's been hiding stuff from them."

"The World Security Council?" Harry asked her, masterfully disguising how much her words interested him.

"Yes," Hill nodded. "I don't like having to go behind Fury's back but he's just pretty much ignoring protocol and rules when it suits him."

"Hmm," Harry hummed, his face was a thoughtful one. "I have to go now, probably best if I check on the others. For all I know Steve and Thor could be strip teasing while Banner and Stark are blowing shit up."

A.N: Hi guys, sorry for the short chapter but I'll try and make the next one longer. The next chapter will be a bit less filler and hopefully more enjoyable. One person asked me if I am going to do another Hp/Marvel crossover after this, possibly but not for a long time as I already have a few other stories I am still uploading for and I have a HP/DC story in my head that refuses to be ignored. I'll probably have to wait until I finish some of my other stories or put them on hold before I get to work on my DC one. Though I will tell everyone when I get it out, hopefully it'll be enjoyable.

Also I want to thank Y-T3cH for Omake 1 (he might not have intended it to be an omake but it is now), if somebody else wants to offer their ideas for omakes then feel free.

Thanks for reading, feel free to leave a review and enjoy the omakes.

Omake 1:

Fury: So you discovered Shield was infested with Hydra.

Harry: Yes.

Fury: You found that out when they stole your dog?

Harry: Yes.

Fury: So you went rogue and started killing all Hydra agents and sympathisers in the last week?

Harry: Yeah. That sounds right.

Fury:You realize you killed thousands of people?! Some of them were even politicians! You have been the subject of an international man hunt! And if you hadn't provided the proof you did just now, you would have been the most wanted criminal on this planet.

Harry: They. Stole. My. Dog.

Omake 2 :

"Nat?" Clint asked, when he saw Nat looking through a pile of clothes. "what are you doing?"

"Plan to seduce Harry number 47." Natasha answered. "I am going to keep wearing costume after costume until I finally find the right one that gets his attention. I've got sexy nurse, sexy policewoman, anime girls, Disney Princesses, I'm bidding for a catwoman and wonder woman costume online. But I'm trying to decide what to wear first. He likes dogs, so I am thinking of going with the dog ears and tail."

"I don't think he likes them that much." Clint frowned.

"I won't be wearing anything else." Natasha added.

"Ok...that he will probably like."

Omake 3 :

"Let's do 'get help'." Thor suggested.

"Dibs on not being it." Loki said quickly.

"What the hell is 'get help'?" Harry asked just as Loki grabbed him from one side while Thor grabbed him from the other.

"Basically this. Yeet!" Thor yelled before he and Loki tossed Harry.

"Wow," Loki said. "it's actually quite fun when you're not being thrown."

"Yes but I...oh brother he's back up, we should run."

"Probably best."

Omake 4:

"Well performance issues, they're not uncommon." Tony said. "One out of..." Tony was interrupted as a nearby door opened and Harry was piggybacking a half naked and very dazed Natasha out of the room.

"Yeah...don't think I have to worry about that particular problem." Harry commented.

Omake 5:

"Yeah, so then Padfoot just covered Thanos's head in the dirt, and that is the tale of how he defeated the mad titan." Harry said.

"Woof!" Padfoot barked.

"He wants a statue in his honor." Harry translated.

"A statue?" Tony asked. "I mean I suppose but..." Tony's objection was cut off by low growling from Padfoot. Tony, who remembered what happened to the last person who pissed off, decided to wisely forget any objections he might have had. "...perhaps one isn't enough. We need to go full out, at least ten."

"Ten? You're not a peasant Tony." Natasha commented.