Reviews for Harry Potter and the Journey of the Cursed King
AmWRAZ chapter 1 . 6/25
Holy shit 107K WORDS in a chapter gg
Unknown-Ark chapter 1 . 4/11
just finished reading this an i got to say this story is amazing i love dragon quest 8 and harry potter am a big fan DQ8 was my favourite one in the series i got to say plz continue this story if you can it would be a real shame if it were abandoned
Isaac A. Drake chapter 1 . 3/19
1) Omg this was you that wrote this. I have the vaguest memories of reading this before.
2) I cannot believe an HP/DQ crossover gets (re)posted literally as I am finishing the first chapter of my latest attempt at crossing those two titles together. (I'm going the DQ Monsters route however)