A/N - Okay, before I say anything else, I wanted to give a shoutout to a friend of mine. Dragon and Sword Master is a fellow author and a damn good one too. A link to his profile is near the bottom of my profile page, so please check his stuff out.
Anyways, the reason I bring him up is because he helped me a great deal with the previous two chapters of this story and I neglected to mention his involvement. I felt that was wrong of me, so hopefully this helps set things right again. lol
Alright, as you can see, I decided to do another chapter for this story. I got some interesting reviews for this story, but for the most part, people seem to be really enjoying this story and want to see more of it, sooo...here ya go! Enjoy!
Chapter 3 - A Saiyan's Wrath
Haku frowned as she looked over the wounded teenager in front of her. As soon as her opponent had deployed such a cowardly tactic to escape her attack, Haku deactivated her technique, letting the mirrors of ice shatter and fall to the ground around her. Now, here she was, looking over Kale, as she had heard her teammates call her.
After a brief while of slowly removing her senbon, she smiled when Kale took in a gasp of air and slowly began to sit upright. Keeping her down, Haku said, "Wait. Don't try to move just yet. Let me remove the senbon. I can't believe your ally would use you as a shield to protect himself. Is that a common practice among Konoha's shinobi?"
Kale slowly shook her head. "N-No. S-Sasuke's...well, he's a jerk. I'm not surprised he'd do this to me."
"I see." Haku said as she removed the last of the senbon. Helping Kale sit up, she looked towards her teammates, seeing that their appearances had changed. "Any idea what's going on with those two?"
The Saiyan shook her head. "No. I have no idea. It feels like they've reached some kind of new power level, but I've never even heard of something like this before."
"Well, whatever it is, it looks like they're getting ready to kill Sasuke. Should we stop them?" Haku questioned unsurely.
The kind hearted Saiyan shook her head. "No. I-If we get in their way now, who knows what would happen? They might target you as well as Sasuke."
Haku frowned at this, but nodded her head in understanding. "Of course. I just hope they don't get in trouble if they do kill him."
"I think Hokage-sama would understand." Kale said, though she sounded a little unsure. "Though...the problem is with the council. They're a bit of a pain, from what Naruto-kun's told us."
"I see." Haku said before the two of them went quiet.
Meanwhile, as Kakashi and Zabuza felt the power radiating off of the two enraged Saiyans, they stopped their duel and looked back to see what was going on. When Kakashi saw the Saiyans' focus was on his favorite student, he prepared to intercept them. "And where do you think you're going, Kakashi? You aren't running away from our duel, are you?"
The Sharingan-wielder glared at Zabuza and said, "I'm going to save my student from a couple of traitors! If you try to stop me, I'll cut you down where you stand!"
Zabuza quirked a brow at this and asked, "Traitors? You're calling them traitors? That little runt of an Uchiha used a fellow Konoha shinobi to take Haku's attack for him. If anyone's a traitor, it's that little bitch. But let me guess, you like sucking his dick and stroking his ego, don't you? You have absolutely no intention of discipling that little shit for what he's done, do you? Tch. You're more pathetic than I thought. I think I'd be doing the world a favor by getting rid of you, Kakashi."
Glancing over his shoulder at Sasuke and the pissed off Saiyans, Kakashi snarled and used the Replacement Technique to swap places with Sakura, leaving her at Zabuza's mercy. Quickly moving in front of Sasuke, he held a pair of kunai in a backhand grip and glared at the two Super Saiyans. "Stop right there! I can't let you kill Sasuke-kun!"
Naruto snarled at this and vanished in a blur of speed faster than Kakashi could react to. Yes, he was able to see the path Naruto was taking thanks to his Sharingan, but just seeing an attack coming and actually dodging it were two entirely different things. When Naruto slammed his fist into the side of Kakashi's head and sent him flying into the side of the bridge, Kakashi winced in agony. "F-Fucking hell!"
Caulifla, now that the path was clear, raised her hand, palm out, and began charging up a large ki blast. "Oh Sasuke, die for me, will you?" she asked sweetly before firing her blast at the frightened Uchiha.
Kakashi tried to move to protect his student, but Naruto appeared in front of him and fired a powerful ki blast into the Jonin's gut, sending him crashing through the railing and down into the ground below. "Sorry Cyclops, but I'm afraid I can't have you getting in the way. Sasuke harmed Kale-chan. She is very dear to me and I refuse to let her assailant go unpunished."
Unfortunately for Caulifla, Sakura had managed to rush over and push her precious 'Sasuke-kun' out of the way, taking the Saiyan's ki blast full on. When the pinkette went flying and tumbling on the ground for quite the distance, Caulifla snarled. "Stupid bitch. She'll be lucky if she's still alive after that." Glaring at Sasuke, Caulifla found herself grinning and said, "Still, maybe death is too merciful for you. So, how about I just end your career as a shinobi, hm? Staring with removing those precious eyes of yours."
Sasuke's eyes went wide and he quickly turned to run away, only to come face-to-face with Naruto. "Where do you think you're going, asshole? Do you really think you can escape two pissed off Saiyan warriors?"
Sasuke's initial thought was, What the fuck is a Saiyan?! However, he didn't have time to dwell on that when he felt something sharp on his cheek. Following the blade to the hand holding it and then following the arm up to the face, he felt the cold chill of death creeping down his spine. Caulifla was holding a kunai against his cheek, smiling cruelly all the while. "P-Please…"
Naruto scoffed. "Please? Now you're begging us not to hurt you? Pathetic, Sasuke." he said before he drew a kunai and nodded to Caulifla. "Caulifla-chan, hold him still, would you?" When she nodded and pinned Sasuke in place, holding his head tight, Naruto thanked her before he slowly began to cut out Sasuke's eyes. Everyone on the bridge listened as Sasuke screamed and screamed. They could easily see tears of blood trickling down his cheeks. A moment later, after carving out Sasuke's eyes, Naruto tossed them up and down in his hand before crushing them and tossing what remained of them over the side of the bridge, letting the remains fall into the water below.
"There we go. That gets rid of your precious Sharingan eyes. Now, should we cripple you? Hmmm...that's a hard decision to make. Caulifla-chan, should we break his spine and paralyze him from the waist down? What do you think?"
Before Caulifla could reply, Kale and Haku walked up to them. "Please, that's enough, Caulifla-chan, Naruto-kun. I don't want to see you become monsters like he and his team are. Minus Yakumo-chan, of course." Kale pleaded.
Looking at Kale, Naruto and Caulifla went wide-eyed for a moment before hugging her tight. "Thank Kami you're okay!" Naruto exclaimed.
"We were so worried about you! Are you alright, Kale?" Caulifla asked, looking her sister figure over for any damage, aside from what she could initially see.
Haku removed her mask and smiled at them. "She'll be just fine. I still can't believe that jerk swapped places with her like that…"
"Trust me, it's not really a surprise. Sasuke really is that much of a dick." Naruto said with a sigh. After a moment, he looked himself over and then looked at Caulifla, noticing almost for the first time just how different her appearance was and how he felt. "What I really want to know is what the heck happened to us. I felt so...so furious and then I was like this."
Caulifla nodded in agreement as she looked Naruto over. "Have to admit, the new look suits you, Naruto." she said, grinning at him. "Anyways, same thing happened with me. I felt this uncontrollable rage overtake me and then...huh, not quite sure how to phrase it. I feel strong. Kinda like I could take on a damn army or somethin'."
"Same here. It feels amazing. At the same time though, it feels like there's a constant drain on my energy. It's not much, but still…" Naruto said before willing himself out of this form.
As Naruto returned to normal, Caulifla frowned for a moment before she looked at her hands. Clenching them into fists, she shot a glare at Sasuke and said, "I feel it too. It's not bothering me, but it's still there. But right now, I'm more concerned with Mr. Asshole over there. I still want to kill the punk for what he did to Kale."
Kale frowned and hugged Caulifla. "Let it go, Sister. He's not worth sullying your hands over. Besides, Naruto-kun told us before that Sasuke is beloved by the village. It's bad enough that his eyes have been removed. It'll just paint a target on your backs. Then there's her…" Kale said, looking at Sakura. "I think she's dead. That's not going to sit well with those in charge. The same could be said about her parents…"
Caulifla scoffed at this, but powered down anyways. Looking at Sakura's unmoving body, she sighed and walked over to the downed girl. Kneeling down, she felt for a pulse and frowned when there wasn't one. "Yeah, this bitch is dead. She shouldn't have given her life for an asshole like that, though. Pity."
It was at this moment that Kakashi walked up and saw the state of his two Genin. "D-Damn you both! I swear you'll pay for what you've done!"
Anko chose this moment to walk up and deck Kakashi, knocking him to the ground. "No, they won't! Hokage-sama will hear about what you three did and when he does, you'd best be prepared for when he tears into your ass. You're in deep shit, Kakashi, and you'll be lucky if you get to keep what remains of your team. And I've already told you before, I'll be the one to discipline my team if need be. And right now, I don't see a need to. After all, you disobeyed orders, both of you did. Then Sasuke used Kale-chan to take a hit for him. That's the kind of behavior I'd expect from a coward like him. If he was allowed to, he would have used those eyes of his against the village, given enough time. I'd say he got his just desserts. Sakura is an unfortunate casualty, but she chose to give her life to save a scumbag like Sasuke. Then there's you, Kakashi. Not only did you disobey orders, but you attempted to attack my Genin as well. You even replaced yourself with Sakura in your attempt to get to Sasuke in time to save him. You're damn lucky Zabuza didn't just kill her to prove a point to you! Then again, you don't seem to give a shit about anyone on your team besides Sasuke! For your traitorous actions here, I have every right to kill you. But I'm not going to. I'd rather see what Hokage-sama does to you."
Kakashi scowled at her and said, "You're the traitor here, Anko. You allowed your Genin to disable Sasuke-kun and murder Sakura in cold blood. You know how important Sasuke-kun is to the village! Besides that, how is he supposed to continue with his career if he's unable to see? On top of that, his usefulness to the village depended on him awakening the Sharingan! Now he's pretty much useless. Best we can hope for now is that he can pass the Sharingan on to his children and raise them right."
Anko sighed and shook her head in disappointment. "You act as if Sasuke is some all important figure in Konoha. When in truth, he's actually nothing special. They were using him to further their own goals. Besides that, Sasuke was a flight risk and would have gladly abandoned the village if it meant he could gain power enough to kill his brother. This should hopefully teach Sasuke a valuable lesson. But I highly doubt he'll learn it."
Before Kakashi could offer a word of protest, Zabuza walked up with Haku at his side. "I'm disappointed in you, Kakashi of the Sharingan. Even as wicked as I am, I would never have stooped so low. I expected better of a shinobi of your caliber. When I saw you replace yourself with that girl, I took pity on her instead of cutting her down like I suppose you expected of me. Because of her sacrifice, your precious Uchiha is still alive. If he's any good, he'll learn to make do without those Sharingan eyes of his. Just because someone is blind doesn't mean they can't be a good shinobi."
Anko turned from Kakashi to face Zabuza with a frown on her face. "I assume this means you're not interested in fighting us anymore?"
Zabuza shook his head before pointing at Kale. "While you were busy torturing that snot-nosed brat, this one told Haku about Gato's death and she proceeded to tell me. If I'm not getting paid, then there's no point in fighting. Besides that, I'm sick of all of it. I'm tired of fighting and killing and working for scumbags like Gato. I'm trying to decide on something, but I need to ask you a few questions. First off, is everyone in your village like those pricks?" he questioned, motioning towards Kakashi and Sasuke.
Anko scoffed and shook her head. "There's plenty of idiots, sure, but you'll find idiots like that everywhere. The majority of shinobi in our village though are alright. Hokage-sama's okay too. He was kinda...iffy, I guess, for a while, but he seems to be getting some of his spark back, little by little. But yeah, not everyone is like these idiots."
"Good to know. Second question: would the Hokage accept the two of us into the village? Like I said, I'm tired of this life. It's no way to live, especially not for Haku. I know she looks up to me and loves me regardless of what I choose to do, but I can't help but worry for her. So, would we be welcome there?"
Kakashi scoffed and said, "As if I'd let you anywhere near Konoha."
Anko kicked Kakashi in the nuts, listening as he screamed from the pain. Afterwards, she returned her attention to Zabuza with a pleasant smile on her face. "Ignoring the idiot, if you were willing to join our village, I'm sure Hokage-sama would love to have you. It'd be great if you wanted to join the shinobi corps., but I'd understand if you declined to do so. I'm sure the life of a missing nin can't have been easy."
Zabuza looked at Kakashi for a moment before looking at Anko. Sweatdropping at what he had just witnessed, he decided to just roll with it. "Okay, so that's a thing. Anyways, I'm really just looking for a place to set down roots, sort of. So long as Haku is well taken care of, then I'm fine. She's like a daughter to me and I want to see her happy. So I'll go to Konoha with you and see if it's the kind of place I'd like Haku to live in. If I don't like what I see, then I'll just leave. Simple as that."
Caulifla folded her arms across her chest and narrowed her eyes at the man. Pointing her thumb at Haku, she said, "So long as she doesn't try to hurt Kale again, I'm good."
Haku frowned and said, "I wasn't aiming to hurt her. I wasn't even aiming to kill that jerk. I'd never have hurt Kale if not for that cowardly tactic Sasuke deployed."
Caulifla sighed and looked at Haku with a deadpan stare. "I was kidding. Did you really think I was serious?"
Kale patted Haku on the shoulder and offered her a tiny smile. "Sorry Haku-san. Caulifla was only teasing you. I promise."
Haku looked a bit uncertain, but soon sighed and shook her head. "It's okay. I'm grateful that you don't blame me for what happened to Kale. I appreciate it."
"Meh, nothing to get all worked up about." Caulifla said as she looked from them to Sasuke. "Him though? I still feel like killing the little punk, but whatever. What do you say we help Tazuna finish up this bridge so we can go back home, huh?"
"Sounds like a good plan to me." Naruto said. Turning to Tazuna, he asked, "Since your helpers are gone, what do you say to allowing us to work on the bridge for you? If it helps, I can create a small army of Shadow Clones to assist us and make things go faster."
Tazuna looked between them for a moment before turning his gaze to a few parts of his bridge that he'd have to repair before they could continue with the building process. "Just so long as you help me fix this mess that you people created, I'll take whatever help I can get from you."
Looking towards the spot where he had blasted Kakashi, Naruto chuckled a little nervously. "Yeah, sorry about that. Oh well." he said before bringing his hands up into a single hand seal and summoning forth about 20 Shadow Clones. "Alright, give us our orders Tazuna and we'll do what we can for ya!"
"Thanks kid. Alright folks, here's what I need you to do…"
Three Weeks Later
Team 11 and Yakumo had discussed Sakura's death a day after the events on the bridge. When they did, Naruto had admitted that even though he didn't like her, he didn't hate her to the point that he wished her dead. The death of a classmate just didn't feel right to him, though he still wished he could have just killed Sasuke instead of disabling him.
The other Saiyans didn't really know Sakura well enough to judge her, but Caulifla had to admit that anyone willing to jump in front of one of her ki blasts was worthy of her respect. That, and she did it to save someone dear to her, which was impressive in and of itself. Kale, on the other hand, felt bad for Sakura, but she didn't really have any opinions about it outside of that.
Kakashi and Sasuke had chosen to seclude themselves, refusing to go near Team 11 if they could help it. Kakashi had tried to help Sasuke however he could, but Sasuke was still so furious at what had happened to him that he shut down Kakashi every time he tried to help.
Anko had kept up her promise to train Yakumo whenever she could make the time to do so. The Kurama heiress had asked if Anko could see about adding her to Team 11, but Anko had admitted that she didn't know if that would be possible, or even if she could keep up with the trio of Saiyans. However, Yakumo was insistent and soon convinced Anko to at least try.
Now, however, they were back in Konoha and the villagers that saw the state Sasuke was in were horrified. Aside from that, they also took notice of the lack of a certain member of Team 7. When they began looking at Naruto with accusing stares, he scoffed and flipped them off as he walked with his teammates and friends to the Hokage tower. Kakashi was left to guide Sasuke after them, as Sasuke refused to allow Kakashi to simply carry him everywhere.
As they walked, Zabuza and Haku couldn't help but notice the glares directed at Naruto. "Jeez kid, the fuck did you do to these people to make them hate you so much?"
Naruto glanced at Zabuza for a moment before looking forward again. "Not a damn thing, Zabuza. They've hated me from the moment I was born. And trust me, I'm not kidding about that."
Zabuza's eyes widened for a moment before he nodded in understanding. "I see. Only a few reasons I can think of for why that'd be. Either you're a jinchuriki, or something else is at play here." he said, eyeing Naruto curiously. "So which is it?"
Naruto chuckled dryly and said, "I'm a jinchuriki. The Kyuubi jinchuriki, to be exact. That should tell you everything you need to know."
The swordsman winced in sympathy. "Damn kid. You have my sympathies."
"Meh, I'm used to it by now. Now I just don't give a crap. And I'm strong enough to crush anyone that tries any kind of shit against me, so they have a real reason to fear pissing me off now." Naruto said with a shrug of his shoulders.
"Enough. We're here." Anko said as they entered the Hokage tower and ascended the stairs, heading for the Hokage's office. Ignoring the secretary, they entered the Hokage's office and approached him. "Hokage-sama, Teams 11 & 7 reporting in. Well, one member of Team 7 at least. Kakashi and Sasuke will be here soon."
Hiruzen frowned as he looked between the members of Team 11 and Yakumo before his eyes finally settled on Zabuza and his apprentice. "It seems you've got quite a lot you need to tell me. Not the least of which is what happened to Sakura."
Anko sighed and rubbed the back of her head. "Yeah. To put it bluntly Hokage-sama, things went to shit. When we caught up to them, Kakashi was pinned down by Zabuza here and Sakura and Sasuke weren't faring too well either. Caulifla took care of Zabuza, but Kakashi was not happy about me taking charge of the mission and insulted each of my Genin, treating them as if they were trash. Pissed me the hell off."
"Anyways, as per your orders, we hunted down Gato and ended him and his men. Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura were real pains in the ass the entire time though. Trying to interfere with us and our mission and generally just making life difficult. Sadly, it seemed Zabuza and Haku hadn't learned about Gato's demise, so they showed up later when we went to the bridge. I had ordered Kakashi and his team to hang back so I could talk to Zabuza if and when he appeared again. Unfortunately…"
It was at this moment that Kakashi walked in with Sasuke and shot a glare at Anko. "Your orders were bullshit and you know it. Zabuza was an enemy, and so was Haku." Looking at the Hokage, he pointed towards Sasuke's empty eye sockets and said, "Hokage-sama, Naruto and Caulifla killed Sakura and removed Sasuke's Sharingan! They have to be punished for what they've done!"
Anko sighed and palmed her face. "Ugh. Hokage-sama, if you'll allow me to explain the situation?"
Sasuke snarled and asked, "What's there to explain? You were right there and you let them take out my eyes! And if that worthless bitch hadn't jumped in the way, I'd be dead now, no thanks to you!"
Naruto snarled and punched Sasuke hard in the face, knocking him to the ground and breaking his nose in the process. "That 'stupid bitch' as you call her loved you! She practically worshipped the ground you walked on! But more than that, she was your teammate and she sacrificed herself to save you! And this is how you thank her?! Fuck you, Sasuke!"
"Enough!" Hiruzen exclaimed, getting everyone's attention. "Anko, finish your report. I want to know the truth about what happened in the Land of Waves."
"Of course, Hokage-sama. As I said before, Kakashi and Sasuke disobeyed my orders and proceeded to attack Zabuza and his accomplice, Haku. Sasuke was losing his battle against Haku, and when it looked as if he was about to die, he replaced himself with Kale-chan, leaving her to take the blows that were meant for him."
Hiruzen narrowed his eyes as he looked at Kakashi and Sasuke. "I see. Continue, Anko."
"Yes, sir. As expected, Naruto-kun and Caulifla-chan became enraged by what Sasuke had just done to their dear friend. Their rage led to them unlocking some new form, attaining more power than they had before. They proceeded to advance on Sasuke, ready to kill him. Kakashi…" Shooting an angry glare at her fellow Jonin sensei, she didn't look away as she said, "Replaced himself with Sakura so he could get to Sasuke before they could kill him. He was willing to sacrifice Sakura to save Sasuke!"
"There's more you haven't told me yet, Anko. I'll deal with them later. Right now I want to know what happened. So please continue." Hiruzen said as he pinned Kakashi with a glare and a focused burst of his potent killing intent.
"Naruto-kun moved faster than Kakashi could react and knocked Kakashi away. When he prepared to attack my Genin again, Naruto-kun struck him again, sending him flying. Meanwhile, Caulifla-chan fired one of her energy attacks at Sasuke. Her attack would have killed him, but Sakura, in a noble act of sacrifice, took the blow that was meant for him. She...died as a result of this. I have her body sealed inside of this scroll." Anko explained before holding up a scroll. "Anyways, the two of them decided that death was too good for Sasuke and proceeded to tear out his eyes and destroyed them. The two of them likely would have done more, but Kale walked up to them and asked them to stop."
"Kakashi approached my team and tried to tear into them for what they had done, but I told him again that if anyone was going to reprimand my team for what they did, it would be me. At the time, I didn't see any reason to do so. I still don't. Anyways, Zabuza and Haku approached us at that point and we talked for a while before he made the decision to come to Konoha with us so he could see if he would like to settle down here."
Hiruzen nodded in understanding before locking eyes with Zabuza. "I see. Thank you Anko. Zabuza, allow me to officially welcome you to the village of Konohagakure. If you decide that you would like to settle here, I have a favor to ask of you. I'll discuss that with you later however. Right now, I need to figure out what to do with these two." he said, turning his gaze on Kakashi and Sasuke. "Kakashi, as of this moment, you are removed as sensei of Team 7. You will never be allowed to take on another Genin team. I trusted you to do right by your team and you failed me. You've also proven yourself to be incapable of following simple orders given by a superior. I placed Anko in charge of the mission and entrusted her with a secondary task: eliminating Gato and his men. From what I understand, you and your team interfered in their mission and could have cost the lives of every Genin there. As of this moment, you are demoted to the rank of Chunin without ever being given the chance to be promoted back to Jonin. You're lucky I don't demote you to the rank of Genin for what you've done!"
Turning his gaze onto Sasuke, Hiruzen scowled. "As for you, Sasuke Uchiha, your fate will be decided by myself and the council. You intentionally tried to sacrifice a fellow Konoha shinobi and you will suffer the price of such an action. Anbu, lock him in a cell until it's time to deal with the little prick. As for you, Kakashi, I expect you to report for your new assignment of watching the gate all day, every day. You'll be doing that for at least a month before I determine if you're capable of doing anything more. Now shoo, just your presence is disturbing me."
Sasuke scowled and shouted, "You senile old bastard! I did nothing to deserve this kind of treatment!"
The Hokage glared fiercely at the blind Uchiha before waving his hand dismissively as one of his Anbu took Sasuke away. Turning his glare on Kakashi, he said sarcastically, "I see you were working hard on his arrogant attitude. Well done."
Kakashi frowned at this, but didn't say a word. Instead he turned and left the Hokage's office. Once he was gone, Hiruzen reached up and massaged the bridge of his nose. "Yakumo-chan, I'm sorry. It looks like I'll have to put you in the reserves until a new team can be found for you."
Anko looked at him and rubbed the back of her head a little nervously. "Actually Hokage-sama, Yakumo-chan was hoping she could be placed on my team. What do you say?"
The Third looked at Yakumo for a moment and frowned in thought. "Hmm…" Taking some time to think on it, he asked, "Do you think you can keep up with those three? I warn you now that they are not your average person. It will be hard to keep up with them, I assure you."
Yakumo looked into the Hokage's eyes, full of determination, "Hokage-sama, I am quite positive that I can be a huge benefit to Team 11. I know that they're, erm...different, and though I don't quite know the full truth about them, I'm positive that I'll be fine with them. I'll train harder than ever if it means I can be with my friends."
Hiruzen steepled his fingers together and closed his eyes, delving into his thoughts. After a while, he opened his eyes again and looked at Yakumo with a piercing stare. "If I place you on Team 11, the team will be doing nothing but D-rank missions for a month. During that time, I expect you to acclimate into the team and become a true member of the team. I'll be watching to make sure you can mesh well with the team. If I determine that you're just not capable of keeping up with them, I'll be placing you in the reserves as I originally planned. Is that understood?"
Yakumo nodded and exclaimed, "Yes, sir! I won't let you down, Hokage-sama!"
"See that you don't." Turning his attention to Zabuza, he said, "Seeing as you're new here and don't yet trust the people, I'll allow you to live with Naruto-kun in his home for the time being. After all, you at least trust him and his friends, so it seems like the best option. I'm trusting you not to betray my trust, do you understand me? Should I determine you are a threat, I'll show you why I was called the God of Shinobi."
Sweating just a bit at the threat, Zabuza nodded in understanding. "Of course, Hokage-sama. I'll behave, you have my word on that. Besides, I'd never put Haku at risk like that."
"Good. Now, I need to call the council together. I want you all to be there with me when I discuss what's happened with them. I warn you now, do not rise to their bait. They will likely say some harsh things to the lot of you once they learn what's happened, but I expect you to remain calm and not react. Do you understand me?" Hiruzen said before motioning his Anbu to go and summon the council together.
"Yes, Hokage-sama!" the Konoha shinobi exclaimed as one. "I promise that we'll behave ourselves." Anko said.
"Good. Follow me." the Hokage said as he rose from his comfy chair and began to lead them out of his office and to the council chambers. Upon arriving, Hiruzen took his seat and motioned for Team 11 and company to get comfortable. Afterwards, he summoned another Anbu and ordered him to bring Sasuke before them.
After a short while, the various members of the council began trickling in. Once they had all arrived and taken their seats, Hiruzen waited for a moment longer. It didn't take long for the Anbu he had sent out to fetch Sasuke Uchiha returned with the runt in tow. The Anbu forced Sasuke to kneel before the council and kept him pinned there.
Seeing this caused a great deal of confusion amongst the members of the council. However, when the civilians and elders saw that he was missing his eyes, they cried out in outrage, furious about what they were seeing. "What the hell is the meaning of this?!" one of the civilians shouted.
Hiruzen narrowed his eyes at the civilians before glancing towards his old teammates. "All of you will be silent NOW!" he commanded. "All will be made clear in due time. First thing's first. You need to know that this is not a simple meeting to discuss what has happened to Sasuke Uchiha. I have called you all here to determine his punishment for his actions on his recent mission to the Land of Waves."
Hiruzen allowed this statement to settle in and waited for the inevitable blow-up. When they began to shout out their protests, he slammed every member of the council, even the clan heads, with his impressive killing intent. This silenced them, allowing him to continue. "As I was saying before you interrupted me, Sasuke's actions in his recent mission warrant punishment of some kind. As you can see, he has had his eyes removed and destroyed. What you don't yet know is why. So, allow me to explain the situation to you."
"Over a month ago, Sasuke decided to demand a higher rank mission from me after only a short time of doing D-ranks. He wanted something more worth his time, claiming that an Uchiha elite doesn't need to do 'chores'. I was initially inclined to decline his request and tell him to fuck off, but then his sensei, Kakashi Hatake, decided to push the matter even further and claimed that his team was ready for a C-rank mission. As frustrating as it was for me, I decided to humor them, at least in the hopes that they'd learn their folly while on said mission."
"Anyways, shortly after leaving the village, Team 7 encountered the Demon Brothers of Kirigakure. While they were able to dispatch their foes, the mission at that point turned into at least a B-rank with the very likely possibility of turning into an A-rank or worse. It was a mission they simply were not ready for."
"When I got Kakashi's report about what had happened, I sent Team 11, consisting of Jonin Anko Mitarashi and Genins Naruto Uzumaki, Caulifla, and Kale to back them up. However, because I couldn't trust Kakashi, I placed Anko in charge of the mission. I also gave them a secondary mission of hunting down Gato and ending him and his men."
"Unfortunately, Kakashi decided to continue with the mission instead of waiting for reinforcements to arrive. As a result, he and his team were nearly killed by Zabuza Momochi." Hiruzen motioned to Zabuza at this point, bringing everyone's attention to him. "Team 11 rescued them and took over the mission at that point. Unfortunately, Kakashi Hatake, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno were interfering in Team 11's mission to hunt down and deal with Gato. That's strike one against them."
"After killing Gato and his men and freeing the people of Waves, Teams 7 & 11 encountered Zabuza and Haku, his adopted daughter, on the bridge Tazuna was building. Unfortunately, the two of them had not learned of Gato's death and were prepared to continue with their attempts to kill the bridge builder. Anko had ordered everyone to hold their positions while she attempted to communicate with the two of them and end the conflict peacefully." As expected, however, Kakashi Hatake and Sasuke Uchiha disobeyed orders and started a fight between themselves and Zabuza & Haku. That is strike two against them."
"As the battle raged on, Sasuke was about to lose his fight against Haku when she had him pinned down in her ultimate technique. It was at this point that Sasuke used the Replacement Technique to replace himself with Kale-chan from Team 11. He used her to take the blows that were meant for him. Because of his actions, Kale-chan nearly died. This is strike three against him."
"As a result of his actions, something triggered inside of Naruto-kun and Caulifla-chan. Their rage overwhelmed them and they underwent some kind of transformation, attaining a new level of power. They turned their rage on Sasuke, but before they could kill him, Kakashi replaced himself with Sakura, leaving her at Zabuza's mercy, all so he could get to Sasuke in time to protect him. This is strike three against Kakashi."
"It shouldn't need to be said, but just so you all understand, Kakashi was knocked aside and prevented from helping his student. Caulifla-chan attempted to kill Sasuke with an attack, but Sakura, in an act of bravery, jumped in front of Caulfia-chan's attack and saved Sasuke at the cost of her life."
"It was at this point that they decided that death was too merciful for Sasuke, and so they proceeded to remove his eyes and destroy them so they may never be used against a fellow Konoha shinobi. It was already obvious that he was willing to do whatever it took to save himself. It's also obvious that he has no loyalty to this village or respect for anyone in it, not even me. So it's not too farfetched to imagine that he'd stand against a fellow Konoha shinobi if they got in his way."
"Anyways, rather than honor his teammate's sacrifice, Sasuke insulted Sakura and her act of bravery. Kakashi was no better. This is strike four against them." Hiruzen continued with a heavy sigh following afterwards. "Kakashi has already been punished for his actions. Now, we simply need to decide on Sasuke's punishment. I'm quite displeased with him, and my ire was only taken to a new level when he insulted me in my office, calling me a 'senile old bastard'. His arrogance is at a ridiculous level and Kakashi obviously hadn't done anything to rein him in."
"Now, I have an idea about what to do to Sasuke in punishment for his actions and words, but I would like to hear opinions from those of you here. Now that you know what happened on their recent mission, what do you propose we do about Sasuke Uchiha?" Hiruzen questioned.
The civilians initial reaction was to defend Sasuke, but they all stopped to think on what was just explained to them. Looking at Sasuke, they frowned and soon began to discuss the situation with one another. After a while, they turned to face the Hokage and let their representative speak up. "Hokage-sama? We suggest that Sasuke have his assets seized and given to the village's coffers. The Uchiha compound should be made into a regular housing district where our shinobi force could live in better conditions than some of them currently live in. Finally, in order to prevent Sasuke from lashing out against anyone again, we think it would be wise to have his chakra sealed."
Hiruzen nodded at this before turning to the clan heads. "And what do you all think?" he questioned.
Shibi looked at Sasuke for a while before turning his gaze onto the Hokage. "What the civilians have suggested holds merit. However, I would like to add onto Sasuke's punishment. He is a criminal and should be treated as such. Locking him in a cell for the rest of his days after having his chakra sealed seems to be appropriate. As you said Naruto and Caulifla decided, death would be far too merciful for someone like him."
Hiruzen nodded in acceptance of this before turning to the elders. "And what do the three of you think?"
Homura decided to speak for them. "We have nothing to add. I'd say having his precious Sharingan eyes removed from him is punishment and humiliation enough, but I like what the others have suggested. I say lock him up and throw away the key. Let him see just what his actions have wrought."
The Third nodded again before turning back to face Sasuke. "Your punishment has been decided, Sasuke Uchiha. Your assets will be taken and put forth to bettering the village. Your compound will be given to the people to serve as a housing project for the people, most especially the shinobi of Konoha, to reside. You will also have your chakra sealed before you are thrown in prison. However, I have one more punishment to add. You will have sperm drained from you to be used to impregnate willing women so we can restore the Uchiha clan from scratch and raise them to be respectful and respected members of society. They will be raised properly and trained to become far better than the Uchiha of old. You will have no contact with any of them and therefore won't be able to corrupt them and their ideals. Now Anbu, take him away!"
After an Anbu appeared and then disappeared with Sasuke, Hiruzen let out a frustrated sigh and shook his head in disappointment. "It's a shame about what happened to Sakura. I'll have to inform her parents of what transpired on Team 7's mission. Inoichi, I know your daughter was close to Sakura. Try to let her know what happened as easily as you can. And do try to break her of her obsession with the Uchiha, would you? I'd rather she not try to free him or something else stupid like that."
The blonde mindwalker nodded in understanding. "Of course, Hokage-sama. But I don't know how much success I'll have at getting through to her. I've tried everything I could think of so far to break her of her obsession with that boy, but nothing's worked. Still, I'll do whatever I can to try and get through to her. Maybe, if I'm lucky, she'll even stop dieting and actually put some effort into being a better kunoichi."
Hiruzen shrugged his shoulders and said, "We can only hope, Inoichi. Now, unless someone has anymore matters to discuss, I'd like to call this meeting to an end."
Danzo stepped forward at this point and narrowed his eye on the Saiyans. "You said that those two underwent some kind of transformation? Does this mean the boy has managed to tap into the power of that creature? And what of the girl? Is she a jinchuriki as well?"
The Third glared at Danzo and said, "Speaking about the Kyuubi is still forbidden, Danzo. I could have you executed for daring to mention it in front of those not in the know."
The warhawk scoffed at this and said, "Face it Hiruzen, you're too afraid of the consequences to even attempt to kill me. Now answer the question."
Hiruzen snapped his fingers and a group of Anbu surrounded Danzo, their blades piercing his body in numerous locations. When he appeared near Homura and Koharu with nary a wound on his body, the Hokage's eyes narrowed suspiciously. Quickly rising from his chair, he faced Danzo and flashed through hand seals before he became a veritable flamethrower, spewing fire from his mouth in a wave.
Danzo scowled as he moved to leap out of the way, only to find himself pinned in place by Shikaku's shadow. When the flames consumed him, he was forced to use up another of his hidden Sharingan eyes to escape with his life.
When he reappeared this time, everyone could see his disfigured arm now that the bandages had been burned away. They also saw the Sharingan in place of his right eye. "What have you done to yourself, Danzo? How dare you do this?!" Hiruzen questioned angrily.
"Tch. So you've regrown your backbone. Not entirely unexpected, though I had hoped it wouldn't come to this. I'll…" Danzo began, only to scream out in agony as his arm was struck by numerous blasts of energy. Glaring at the girl known as Caulifla, he prepared to attack her only to stop when he realized she had targeted the eyes embedded in his arm. Looking down at them, he saw that each of the Sharingan eyes had just been destroyed. "Shit." he said before quickly summoning his Root soldiers to him and disappearing with them, choosing to live to fight another day rather than lose his life here.
Hiruzen scowled and ordered his Anbu to hunt Danzo down and put an end to him. Retaking his seat, he slammed a fist onto the table and exclaimed, "Damn him! I ordered Root disbanded years ago!"
"What's the matter old timer?" Caulifla questioned. "Is it really that shocking to see that he disobeyed you? He seems like a real scumbag to me. Especially if he's willing to reveal such delicate information about Naruto-kun to those that aren't already in the know."
The Hokage sighed and massaged his temples to stem off a growing headache. "Ugh. I suppose you're right, Caulifla-chan. I really shouldn't be surprised that he'd stoop so low. Regardless, what's done is done. I just hope the Anbu are able to locate him and end his rotten life. Anyways, what would you three say to me giving you a portion of Sasuke's assets? You are the party he wronged, after all."
Naruto shrugged and said, "That's fine with me Gramps. I still can't help but wish I had killed him. I'm still angry about what he did to Kale-chan."
Hiruzen sighed, but nodded his head in understanding. "I understand, Naruto-kun. For what it's worth, I'm sorry you and your friends were put through such a horrible experience."
"Not your fault old timer." Caulifla said. "From what we know about Sasuke, it was kinda to be expected. I'm pissed about it, don't get me wrong, but he's just that type of person."
"True enough." Hiruzen said with a sigh. "Anyways, I'm calling this meeting to a close. Everyone's free to go. Naruto-kun, take your friends and go home and rest. You've earned it."
"Thank you Gramps." Naruto said before he and his friends left the council chambers. Once outside, Anko dismissed herself and left the group to do as they pleased.
As they walked, Kale couldn't help but reach out and grab one of Naruto's hands and one of Caulifla's hands. Smiling shyly at them both, she couldn't help but feel happy just being with them.
Naruto smiled at Kale and said, "You seem happy. What's up?"
Kale giggled and shook her head. "I'm just glad to be here with you both. I feel better when I'm with you."
Caulifla grinned and gave Kale's hand a gentle squeeze. "We're always gonna be here for you Kale. You'd better believe it."
"I know. Thanks Sis."
One Week Later
Kale frowned as she looked at the cat in her arms. Softly stroking its fur and scratching it behind the ears occasionally, she couldn't help but wonder what caused poor Tora to run away this time. "What happened to you, you little cutie?" she questioned sadly.
Tora simply snuggled into Kale's arms and purred contently. When her teammates appeared in the clearing with her, she looked them in the eyes and said, "I think something happened. Tora wouldn't have run away again otherwise."
Anko frowned and nodded her head in agreement. "Agreed. Something strange is going on. We need to speak with Madam Shijimi and try to get to the bottom of this." The members of Team 11 each agreed with her as they began making their way to the Hokage tower.
Upon arriving, they entered the Hokage's office and saw Madam Shijimi there waiting for them alongside Hiruzen Sarutobi. Kale walked up to Shijimi and handed Tora over to her, watching as the overweight woman did as Kale had instructed her to before. "Thank you for returning her to me. Again."
Kale shook her head and offered Madam Shijimi a smile. "It's fine. But I have to ask, do you know what caused her to run away this time?"
The kind woman shook her head negatively. "I have no idea. Everything was going just fine. Then one day, she got so upset and ran away again. I don't understand…"
Anko frowned and looked towards the Hokage. "Hokage-sama, I'm requesting permission to take a mission to go to the capital with Madam Shijimi. I'd like to get to the bottom of this and figure out what's going on that would cause Tora to run away again. I think that someone might have done something and, as much trouble as Tora has caused in the past, I don't want to see her hurt. Something's definitely wrong here."
Hiruzen frowned at this and asked, "Are you sure about this, Anko? Yakumo is still new to your team and I'd prefer it if you stayed to work on your teamwork for a while before attempting a mission like this. Do you think your team is ready for such a thing?"
The beautiful Snake Mistress nodded and said, "I'm damn sure of it, Hokage-sama. We can handle something like this, no sweat. Please, let us help Madam Shijimi and Tora."
The Third didn't get the chance to reply right away as Shijimi turned to him and said, "Dear Hiruzen, if it helps you to make up your mind, allow me to officially request the aid of Team 11 to find out what caused my dear Tora to run away this time. If someone's hurting her or something far more sinister is going on, I want it stopped. I trust Team 11 and I'm willing to pay a great deal for their assistance in this matter."
Hiruzen offered her a smile before looking at the members of Team 11. "Team 11, your request for this mission is granted. Make sure you get to the bottom of this mystery and set things right again. If things turn sour for whatever reason, send for backup. I'm not sure what to expect from a mission like this, so make sure to be prepared for anything. You're dismissed."
"Alright team, you heard him. Go and get packed for a month. I don't know how long this will take, so I want you all to be prepared for anything and everything. Get going!" Anko ordered before she left to go and pack her things.
A few days later - Capital of The Land of Fire
"Team 11, meet my husband, the daimyo of the Land of Fire. I just call him Sweetie, but you can refer to him as Daimyo-sama or by his name, Hachibei-sama. Sweetie, they're here to help figure out what's going on with Tora. She ran away again and I'm not sure why." Shijimi said, introducing them to her husband.
The Fire Daimyo looked over the members of Team 11 and offered them a warm smile. "Welcome to the Kasai, the Land of Fire's capital city. I am known as Hachibei Pira, otherwise known as the daimyo of the Land of Fire. It's a pleasure to meet those who helped my dear wife and her cat before."
The members of Team 11 were currently knelt before him, their heads bowed. This naturally irritated the hell out of Caulifla, but she dealt with it because she knew that there were times to be respectful and this was definitely one of them.
Anko looked up into the daimyo's eyes and said, "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Daimyo-sama. I just hope we can figure out what's happening so we can help Tora. I don't like the thought that someone might be purposely hurting her, but there's a definite possibility that someone is. We're here to find out what's happening so we can fix it."
"Of course, of course. If you require any kind of aid from me, I'm more than happy to give you whatever you need. Of course, you're all more than welcome to use a few of my palace's guest rooms during your stay here. I'm sure they'll be far more comfortable than sleeping outside like you're no doubt used to, what with all those important missions you shinobi take all the time."
Each member of Team 11 grinned at this and nodded their heads in thanks. "Thank you, Daimyo-sama. We truly appreciate your generosity." Anko said professionally.
"Very good." the daimyo said before he clapped his hands a couple of times, summoning forth a servant. "Lead these good people to a couple of guest rooms, would you dear girl? They need to get settled in before they begin their mission. Be sure to treat them as you would any important guest to Kasai."
The woman bowed to her leader before she motioned for Team 11 to follow her. When they arrived at the guest rooms a short while later, Anko motioned for her Genin to follow her into one of the rooms. Sitting down on one of the beds, she looked seriously at the four Genin. "Alright, we're not here to screw around. Something very strange is going on and I've got a feeling we're not gonna like what we're about to find. I want all of you to be prepared for combat at any time. Our primary goal is to find out what's going on with Tora. In order to do this, I want to keep an eye on the daimyo as well as Madam Shijimi. The majority of us will focus on watching Tora in her everyday life. Two of you will be watching the daimyo and Madam Shijimi in secret while the rest of us tail Tora. Make sure to keep your headsets equipped and on just in case we need to stay in touch with one another. Do you understand?"
Kale frowned and asked, "Do you really think that Daimyo-sama or his wife might be doing something to Tora?"
Anko frowned as well and shook her head. "I'm certain Madam Shijimi isn't doing anything to harm Tora. However, I'd like to know what she does throughout the day and what her interactions are like with Tora, just so we can rule her out. As for Daimyo-sama, we're shinobi, we're naturally suspicious of pretty much everybody. Whether it's done consciously or not, Daimyo-sama may be doing something to hurt Tora. I highly doubt it though. Still, I want to know what he does throughout the day so we can rule him out too. Oh, and be careful when you try to watch him as the Twelve Guardian Ninja will be protecting him at all times. If they deem you a threat to the daimyo's life, they will take action. If they approach you, do not fight them. Just inform them about what you're doing and hope they understand. Do you understand me?"
Each of the Genin nodded before Yakumo asked the all important question, "So who's watching the daimyo and his wife?"
Anko looked at Naruto and said, "You're going to be watching the daimyo. You're the stealthiest member of the team and should be able to go without detection. Just be extra careful, Naruto-kun."
Naruto nodded in understanding before banging a fist against his chest. "Of course. Just leave it to me, Anko-sensei!"
"Good. Kale-chan," Anko began as she turned her gaze to Kale. "Because of your rapport with Madam Shijimi, you will be watching her throughout the day. Try to stay out of sight, okay?"
"Yes, Anko-sensei! I won't let you down."
"Good. The rest of us will be watching Tora from different vantage points. We're going to be keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. We need to see just what Tora does in a regular day. If she's getting into something she's not supposed to, or if someone's hurting her, or if things just seem 'off', we will take note of everything. I want to ensure Tora's safety, so if anything seems wrong, we'll intervene and keep that cat safe."
"Of course, Anko-sensei!" the Genin exclaimed. "We won't let you down."
Nodding her head in acceptance of this, Anko said, "Alright kiddos, let's go. As of this moment, the mission has begun. Let's keep that cat safe!"
A/N - Yay! An original mission and not something everyone's done before! lol. Hopefully you like that.
Anywho, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I think it turned out pretty darn well, but we'll see. *shrugs*
As you can see, a lot of things happened in this chapter. I could list it all off, but I don't feel like it. I'm still exhausted from NDK. I had a great weekend at the convention, but I'm always wiped afterwards for about a week. x.x I am pretty happy though. I bought a bunch of stuff in the dealer's room such as four PS4 games, all 6 volumes of RWBY on Blu-ray, and a ton of anime blu-rays. So yeah, I'll definitely be busy with that stuff for a while. XD
Anyways, not sure what else I should say, sooo...bye! lol