Reviews for Superior Dragon (Dragon-Two)
Petrox chapter 1 . 5/24
what's Naruto without his powers, history, memories, origin, personality and blood? NOTHING. You just took his appearance. Just make an OC...
BigBoySpartan chapter 3 . 3/24
Great chapter looking forward to more
demon87 chapter 3 . 3/24
SPark681 chapter 3 . 3/24
Hmm, well seems Naruto may have found a reason to live after all anyways keep up the great work!
demonzone2571 chapter 3 . 3/24
*Naruto and Mewtwo appear in the same room and look at each other*
Naruto: created by some douchebag?
Mewtwo: yep... learned the real reason for your creation and went on a rampage?
Naruto: mhmmm... returned to the place of your creation and vowed revenge on your origin?
Mewtwo: yes... created or released clones of various individuals to fight at your side?
Naruto: correct... fought your original
Mewtwo: unfortunately... learned that circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant... it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are?
*both Naruto and Mewtwo shake hands only to see Giovanni along with Team Rocket appear on the left and the Chaos Brigade lead by Lucifer on the right. Both Naruto and Mewtwo look at each other and smirk unleashing their full power*
Naruto: beat I can beat more than you can *activating juggernaut drive*
Mewtwo: I'll take that action *going into Mega Mewtwo Y*
Ryu wolf chapter 3 . 3/23
Nicely done with this chapter
Guest chapter 2 . 3/2
There has to be good in weather he like it or not if not make a clone of Asia to make up for it but it will be slightly altered one
Apocalyptica-sama chapter 2 . 3/1
He looks like Issei...? Poor "Naruto"
Guest chapter 1 . 2/24
Hey writer I want to read transformer Nova fanfiction because I want to know what alex spike life is when he was human just before he got teleported to the transformer prime universe and become cybertronian known as Nova son of megatronus and solus prime and how he met his 6 harem sparkmate arcee airachnid astraea windblade override and thunderblast along with how he managed to convince airachnid astraea and thunderblast to join the autobot and become his harem
TatsuyaShiva4 chapter 1 . 2/24
More is not always better, and well to many in a Harem is other important Charatcers boring and unimportant.
asingh123 chapter 1 . 2/23

Why is this Naruto crossover fic..

Don't get me wrong, I mean I read the first chap and thought you could at least answer this q.

Dude, you have created an interesting OC, but naming Him Naruto and putting it Naruto crossover is kind of meh...Unless, I mean sure you might name the missing part as actual Naruto's soul but ...
Chronosign chapter 2 . 2/22
Lilith Asami or Mio Naruse Rias clone
Juvia Locksar Xenovia clone
Killua Koneko clone
Itachi Sona clone
Not every one is a harem member obviously, though I would like to see Serafall's reaction to a male Sona in front of her.
naruto chapter 2 . 2/20
great chapter keep it up but I wish kuroka was not part of naruto's pairing. thanks
Beastyd22 chapter 2 . 2/21
Cool post more thanks
demon87 chapter 2 . 2/21
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