![]() Author has written 6 stories for Final Fantasy XII, Sora no Otoshimono/そらのおとしもの, Naruto, Tsukihime, Harry Potter, Black★Rock Shooter, and Fate/stay night. Name: Lu Bane Na (formerly Lucas Bane) aka 'Mountain Slayer', 'Lightning Tongue', 'Vanilla Hammer', but you all who don't know me...you all may call me... Admiral ThunderCock. If you think that's offensive, well guess what: 'Cock' is another term for 'Rooster', and according to the Chinese calendar, I was born in the year of the Rooster, so bim-bam thank you, ma'am. From: USA Story Update Statuses: Alert! 4-12-17 Had a recent broadband failure cuz some moron crashed his TRAILER home into a damn telephone pole and it automatically closed my web browser...in the middle of the biggest writing spree I've had in over a year. 4k words for WE's ACE...gone...5k words for fucking Bleach: A Child's Journey!!!! GONE!! Since I have work Mon-Fri, 7am-5:20pm, and boxing training Mon, Tues, Thurs, & Fri from 6pm-8pm, I'm gonna be pretty busy. Weekends are the only times I can freely write. Extra-Terrestrial Jinchuuriki Mother: Ch.27 - 4,000 words. Ascension of the Tyrant King: Ch.6 - 0 words. Final Fantasy Highschool: Advent Nightmare: Discontinued. Rewrite in the works. Master of Life and Death: Ch.11 25% Bleach: A Child's Journey: Ch.18 54% Wretched Egg's ACE: Ch.3 20% Rise of Pxeyne: Ch.2 10% Hiatus The Wrathful One: Hiatus, indefinitely. Resident Evil: Cold Resurrection: Ch.2 5% Hiatus Wiki for Extra-Terrestrial Jinchuuriki Mother NOTE: Wiki is subject to updates. Species (Modeled after the aliens in Black Rock Shooter: The Game[both game and manga]): Tsvìets (A name I came up for them.) Government: Monarchy (Queen) Relationships: Andromeda Galaxy: Na'vì- Non-Existent. Once staunch allies, the Na'vi have devolved themselves tens of thousands of years ago back to hunter-gatherer tribes. Yautja- Mutual. Mutual benefits such as hunting competitions, trade routes, and liberal use of logistic facilities such as space docks. Xenomorphs- Varied (Mutual-Hostile). Majority of meetings with new hives ends up with a firefight, but for some of the much older hives, there's a rough understanding and common ground is usually easily reached. Serperius Galaxy: Lamia/Echidna/Gorgon- Mutual. Since they are technologically still in the Middle Ages, the L/E/G are only exposed to the Tsvìets' technology in isolated events. Other than that, settlements of Tsvìets have been known to interact with the homeworld-locked species. Chozo- Mutual/Non-Aggression. As scientists, life preservers, and explorers before anything else, the two species have a deep seeded respect for each other. Luminoth- Mutual/Non-Aggression. Same as Chozo. Space Pirates- Mutual/Non-Aggression. Space Pirates know not to fuck with the Tsvìets and in return, Tsvìets allow Space Pirates to move through their colony systems, except the home system, and to use their ship docks. Exchanges of information are quite common. Galactic Federation- Non-Existent. All member species are mostly unaware of the Tsvìets, though some rumors do escape from Space Pirates and some anomalous energy readings not matched to any other Galactic or Space Pirate ship analogs have been detected. Milky Way Galaxy: Precursors- Non-Existent. Despite the encounters with the Flood, these two species never met, but the Tsvìets have come across technology and ruins belonging to them outside of the Milky Way. Forerunners- Strained/Non-existent. First contact resulted in war where both sides were evenly matched. This was before Forerunner ascendancy reached its apex. The following millennium saw steady improvement in relations until the Forerunners activated the Halo systems to kill the Flood. Reapers- Neutral/Non-Aggression. After a two-hundred year war with the Reapers that resulted in the sentient machine race's near total defeat, Sing brokered a deal to rebuild half their numbers but since these could not replace the Reapers actually made from harvested species, they serve more as disposable pawns for Harbinger. Flood- Non-Aggression Pact. After a three thousand year war with the Flood being at a stalemate, it was the capture and incarceration of a Flood Gravemind in Cocytus by S-DTH that ended the war. After just one week there, the Gravemind committed a form of biological suicide to cut off the Hive mind connection linking it to the rest of the Flood. To this day, only S-DTH, DRGN SLYR, and Sing are aware of what the sadistic prison warden used to make the Flood once again feel fear. Turian- Mutual/Non-Aggression Pact. Currently in secret contact with Turian Hierarchy and do not plan on making an appearance to the Citadel yet. The Tsvìets have aided the Turian Hierarchy five hundred years ago with stabilizing the Turians' societies while the militaries and government went through an unheard of (in size) technological refit, abandoning most applications of Mass Effect sciences copied from Prothean ruins in the effort to restart and develop their own ways into the stars, making them stand out among the rest of the Citadel Council species as the only one with a strong stance against reliance on the easier to use Prothean science and technology at the cost of their own development. It has led to more then one arguments with Asari and Salarians but not all outcomes were negative. Their stance has gained some movements in small parts of other species, especially the Salarians who have, while not dedicated themselves like the Turians have, begun small projects of developing outside of Eezo based fields. Prothean- Hostile/Non-Existent. Before the Protheans we know of 50 k years before Mass Effect, they had been a small galactic empire millions of years ago. It was the war with the Tsvìets that drove them back to the few systems around their homeworld. These Protheans, weakened, were then wiped out twice by the Reapers. Wyrm- Mutual/Strong Allies. The Wyrms are mostly dragonoid reptiles that live for tens of thousands of years, even more for the rarer breeds such as Sing's personal war mount and oldest, currently living friend- Yiazmat. Humanity (Pre-Systems Alliance) [Citadel Council]- Non-Existent. Tsvìets are well aware of this Humanity but have chosen not to openly reveal themselves, mainly because this is 300 years before Mass Effect 1. Same goes for all other Citadel Council species except Turians. Akrid- Mutual/Strong Allies. Same as Wyrms. Tiberium Galaxy: Morphus- Mutual/Strong Allies. Helps monitor a certain universal phenomenon. Also aids in monitoring Object 4-DG. Eldarians- Mutual/Strong Allies. Helps Eldarians search for and settle planets in light of their home world's local sun nearing the end of its life. Lemurians- Minimum relations. The Lemurians have been cataloged but official contact is discouraged due to their Middle Age society. Studies have been made of their Symbology magic and three agents do live among them, their alien identities kept secret. Cumulus Galaxy: Zerg- Non-Existent. The Tsvìets are aware of the Zerg but have abstained from making contact with them as of yet. Humanity- Non-Existent. Same as Zerg. Contact with both the Earth-clone faction (called this as there exist dozens of different Earths of startling similarities with Humanity based on it throughout the known cosmos) and Koprulu Sector is only done with feeler agents to observe and report on political and societal movements. Sing is pleased to see the Koprulu Sector diverging greatly from the norm of other human civilizations. Protoss- Stand-Offish. Similar to Zerg, though Protoss have come close to making contact with Tsvìets on occasion, likely trying to do a threat assessment themselves. Communications with Tsvìets have been attempted but per Sing's orders, all species within this galaxy are to be kept at a distance until she says otherwise. Since no more then three Tsvìet ships, with the biggest being a 5.6 km Battle Carrier, having ever been spotted at one time, the Protheans believe it is merely an extremely overly cautious species hesitating with connecting with another species. Considering that the Protheans' many spaceships are deadly warships and are in constant struggles with either Humanity or the Zerg, then the Prothean people can understand why the new species is very skittish. Xel'naga- Non-Existent. The Xel'naga were extinct or in hiding around the time Tsvìets achieved space flight. Very few remnants of their society and technology remain, most inhabited by various groups of Protheans. Some are inhabited, studied, and quarantined by the Tsvìets themselves who make sure to cloak the locations (be they planet in most cases) of these sites to the best of their abilities. Triangulum Galaxy: Ceph- Mutual/Military Alliance Treaty/Non-Aggression Pact. Similar to the Chozo and Luminoth, with both of these species being explorers and scientists before warriors, they have come to terms with each other and often field joint expeditions to unknown galaxies and worlds. Greatest and closest Tsvìet ally to help Morphus monitor a certain universal phenomena called 'The Missing Procedure', and the planetoid Nox Obscuras. Also helps in monitoring Object 4-DG Warhammer 40K: Orks - Hostile. The Tsvìets are currently finished with a short war against an Ork WAAAGH! that splintered from Ghazghkull's WAAAGH! at Armageddon. After fully adapting the Orks' unique growth genome, Sing intends to wage wars against the Orks to strengthen her own people's physiology. Chaos-Nurgle Faction - Mutual/Non-Aggression. After a brief hostile first contact, a barter was made that has put Sing and the Tsvìets into the Chaos God Nurgle's most blessed graces. While Sing has received two valuable rewards for destroying one of Tzeentch's Crystal worlds, Nurgle has yet to show his thanks but non-aggression from his forces is all but assumed unless Sing begins hostile actions against him. Due to Nurgle not having threaten the life of her, her species, or Naruto, she is more willing to work with him than the other ruinous powers' factions. Chaos-Tzeentch Faction - Hostile. After learning that it was he whose corrupted words had tried to coax her into committing infanticide on her own child, she struck a deal with Typhus, Herald of Nurgle, and used an overcharged Grateful Sun Ray blast to destroy one of Tzeentch's most prized worlds along with several fleets, causing more damage to his faction in one setting than he has ever suffered in the history of his existence since the 'War in Heaven'. Future contacts with his forces are promised to be violent, bloody and surgical. Chaos-Slaanesh Faction - Hostile. After learning that it was her whose corrupted words tried to coax her into committing infanticide on her own child, Sing has all but promised to personally torture and maybe kill Slaanesh when the opportunity arises. Her thralls will be shown zero mercy or quarter WHEN, not if, encountered. Chaos-Khorne Faction - Hostile. After learning of his blistering roars for blood and skulls trying to influence her mind, Sing has promised to decorate HER throne with HIS skull. His thralls are promised no mercy or quarter WHEN, not if, encountered. Eldar - Stand-Offish. Sight has been made of the other by both sides though no action beyond the Tsvìets ignoring the faraway Eldar have been made. Imperium of Mankind - Unknown. It is unclear just how Sing plans to interact with the Imperium. Due to the Imperium's xenophobia and murderous discrimination of any intelligent alien life, chances of hostilities between the two civilizations seems to be merely a question of when they finally make open contact with the other. With Sing though, things are not so clear. The surprising acquisition of the body of the Imperium's Primarch Rogal Dorn merely adds more options for Sing, and more questions for us. Given the near million of planets inhabited and integrated into the Imperium's roughly held together authority, there are literally thousands of ways for Sing to move her forces about under the Imperium's nose. Species Classes: Royal: White hair, pale skin, red eyes; average 7 ft or higher at full maturity; Lifespan: 500 k-700 k years. Advanced metabolism and regeneration (includes organs, limbs, and brain), superior strength and intellect. Major: White hair, tanned skin, orange eyes; average 6 ft 6 in.-7 ft; Lifespan: 4 k-5 k years. High metabolism and regeneration (includes organs and limbs), high strength and intellect. Minor: Pale skin with a matching set of hair and eyes, ranging from blue, red, green, yellow, and grey. Average 6 ft-6 ft'6 in; Lifespan: 1 k-1.5 k years. High metabolism and regeneration (includes limbs and non-critical organs), high strength but intellect is limited by specialization. Specializations: Yellow hair/eyes - Pilots, navigators, sailors, operators. Red hair/eyes - military powerhouses, shock trooper units, demolition units- relies alot on speed, ferocity, and strength. Blue hair/eyes - military scouts, assassins, and foot soldiers- relies on speed, swiftness, agility, stealth. Green hair/eyes - architects and musicians Grey hair/eyes - specific laborers, technicians, and child parenting. Note: These are their default phenotypes. Let it be noted that each and every Tsvìet has the capacity to change their phenotypes, though a Minor looking like a Major will not gain a Major's attributes while a Major would keep theirs even when imitating a Minor. It's not illegal for a non-Royal to imitate a Royal, but it is socially frowned upon and is generally accepted that you have to earn the right to have their appearance via actually becoming a Royal. Society Arts: Favors hand painting, sculpting, and glass working. Music: Favors woodwind instruments, string instruments, and bass instruments, and holds high emphasis for singing. Architecture: Civilian sector: Gothic and majestic. Military sector: spartan, pragmatic, and utilitarian, with catacomb structures. Societal values: male safety, child safety and raising, history preservation, Royals' safety, species' preservation Economy: None. Healthcare and food is freely provided to any and all Tsvìets. Money is no concept, thus no limiting factor. The only factors that come into play are resource availability, workforce availability, and time estimates. Job Society: Similar to hive species such as ants, Zerg, Akrid, and Rachni, all the Tsvìets have a role to perform in either the society or the military. Given the tens of billions of impressive A.I./V.I. automatons the Tsvìets employ to handle food harvesting, maintenance, ship construction, and other logistics that are too large to be manned personally by the numerically small Tsvìets, they are able to make use of their extremely low (comparative to other space faring species) numbers in the most effective ways possible. Whenever a Tsvìet is personally employed at something, it usually means that it is something important enough to warrant their attention instead of just dumping it on any A.I./V.I. platforms. Tsvìets The Tsvìets are a Hive-like Matriarchal people with Sing Love's words being unquestionable. Among the Royals, the order of importance are her, her only child which happens to be the only male Royal, and then the Royals that are governors over each of the Paths (planets), starting with Path of Nurture, Knowledge, War, Defiance, Harvest, Beast, and Ice. Immediately after them are the remaining males, followed by any and all Tsvìet children. Evolution: The Tsvìets have come a long way. In the beginning, they use to be subterranean dwellers with most often times one-tracked minds, either finding food, digging, or-when the season came around-searching for a mate. They were attracted to heat sources so their tunnels and caverns mostly centered around magma caverns, extreme subterranean depths, and heat vents so their bodies evolved to be extremely heat resistant, as well as developing incredibly durable plates that helped regulate heat and block out any extra. This evolution also allowed matured Tsvìets to survive falls into magma pits for short times. In concordance, they also had to have a way of surviving and navigating the zero light tunnels and caverns, as well as differentiating friend from foe. The first was developing bio-luminescence to help the Tsvìets' ultra sensitive eyes locate another. Since their bodies were evolved to survive extreme heats and rocky terrain, there weren't any places bio-luminescent features could develop except for the eyes. With modern Tsvìet advancements through both Neblading (learning to control their bodies) and technology, a Tsvìet can use the glow of the eyes as a form of non-verbal communication or show of emotion. Not putting all their eggs in one basket so to speak, their evolution had them develop small nubs along their backs that could pick up sound vibrations. Over the course of many millennia, these feelers grew longer to resemble somewhat gravity-defying tendrils several inches to a dozen inches long. Even much later, these tendrils grew small bulbs on the end that would develop bio-luminescence by reacting to pheromones drifting through the tunnels, helping their host in finding a mate. Neblading: What once took tens of thousands of years to naturally evolve to develop a desirable trait could now simply take hours to days given the right amount of ingestion of foreign DNA. Neblading is the consumption of flesh and DNA of an organism by a Tsvìet. Not only does this give them access to the new strands of DNA to forcefully evolve their bodies by adapting the most desirable traits, but it allows them to disseminate the memories of their food through the coded DNA. Given the Tsvìets' near photographic memory and Neblade-enhanced abilities to draw upon certain memories, the Neblade is the Tsvìets' ultimate trump card over any other species in known existence. The memory adoption allows the Tsvìets to quickly learn the ins and outs of any friendly or opposing force, taking what they know and using it against them. Tactics, knowledge, technology, culture and politics are all easily accessible to the Tsvìet people with Neblading. If they find themselves on the losing side in terms of technology or tactics, than just one successful Neblading has the chance to drastically change the tide of the war, as it has happened numerous times against the Protheans, Flood, Ancient Humans, and the Forerunners. It has been proven thousands of times that with enough Neblading, a Tsvìet can evolve into a higher class, such as a Minor becoming a Major. The average number of human-sized Nebladings calculated for a Minor to Major evolution is around 2,000. These evolutions were especially common in the early wars when Tsvìets were almost as common on the battlefield as A.I.s and V.I.s. Of the remaining Royals (besides Sing and Naruto), all of them were born as Majors from their Royal mothers and took around 100 k Nebladings (along with the eventual Neblading of their mothers) to ascend as a Royal. Because they Nebladed their mothers, they accumulated the same amount of "points" as they would have had they Nebladed all of those their mothers did up until their deaths. These usually average nearly a million or more currently. Because of their massive lifespans, Royals tend to have over a few hundred children in their lifetimes and their bodies always go to the oldest still living child upon death. Not only does this pattern maintain a steady number of Royals, but also ensures the future Royals will always be stronger and wiser than the last. The Neblading of a Royal usually takes an average of a decade for the consumer to assemble all of the memories. Shape/Phenotype Alteration: The Tsvìets are capable of changing the size, shape, and appearance of their bodies within moments to minutes, depending on their individual skill, category (i.e. Royal, Major, Minor), availability of the genetic data of what they wish to change to, and size of what they want to change to. The time it takes to become much larger in mass than their original bodies, such as fusing the legs together to grow a lamia's tail, would take weeks and the size of that appendage can grow larger given time, ranging from weeks to months. Shrinking such a large body back to the original form would be within minutes as the legs would be formed within the tail and the excess flesh and mass simply shed. Tsvìets usually keep the extra mass to later Neblade (i.e. self-cannibalism). Anatomy of Females: The first thing any human would notice upon first seeing the average Tsvìet female is that, by human standards, she is beautiful, whether it be an innocent beauty, a motherly beauty, or even a wild or deadly beauty. Many Tsvìets have similarities to Japanese women though this appears to be simply coincidence. The bodies of the female and male Tsvìets possess incredibly powerful digestive systems that put a shark's to shame. This allows the Tsvìets to ingest and digest just about anything and absorb every bit of their food with no waste, thus eliminating their need to 'answer the call of nature.' Each and every Tsvìet is born with sub-dermal plates that harden and grow with age. These plates almost never break the surface of the skin (for females) and are quite flexible. For a child Tsvìet, they would have grown strong enough to shrug off a knife stab from a grown, non-chakra, non-augmented human male, or even a .45 cal pistol round. The plates do not cover the whole body so there are gaps between them where the only natural defense a Tsvìet has is the toughness of their skin and muscles. A fully matured Tsvìet-Minor's plate armor can deflect (most times) or shrug off (less times) projectiles ranging from 10 gauge shotgun rounds to .50 cal BMG rounds. These attributes only increase exponentially for the Majors while the Royals would seem like a Titan compared to a human child. An average 6 ft tall female weighs around 400-450 lbs due to their muscles being super-compacted, as well as the actual weight of their skeletal systems since it takes a powerful skeletal frame to not be crushed to splinters by the power of the muscles. Anatomy of Males: A heavily researched topic as to find why they are born in such scarcity. Like their females, the males are seen as handsome with some bearing Elvin features, such as sharp faces and pointed ears, and others seemingly sculpted with reptilian features. The males are noticeably much larger than the females of their respective classes. This translates to strength as well. Through discovery and simple demonstration, Tsviet males have been shown to be thrice as strong and twice as fast as the best of their respective classes, putting each one thrice the level of S-II Spartans and Space Marine Terminators for the Minors at base level and greater than an Space Marine Primarch in pure speed and strength for the Majors. However, while the Minors are not dumb, they aren't the smartest either, much like the rest of the Minors. They follow the track of whatever role they take, with only the Majors bothering to learn outside their attuned roles. Tsviet males' are much larger than their female counterparts. They average around 7- 8 feet tall-1,280 lbs, with the Royal currently estimated to hopefully stop at 8-8 1/2 ft tall, which is kinda wild since the females average around 6 feet 8 inches and Sing Love is the tallest at 7 feet 7 inches. Opposite the lean, muscular builds of the females, the males are built like tanks made of bones and muscles. Due to natural breeding, physiology and lifetimes of healthy eating and intense training, they possess a muscular system that many doctors and martial artists would simply call 'ingenious' due to each muscle formed and folded/stretched in a way that it compliments the surrounding strands with no 'loners', allowing the body to perform to the utmost maximum ability. Their bodies are shaped bulky but toned and fat-less, such as large calves and forearms, V-shaped backs, etc. Due to the processes of evolution, the Males have half the organs as the Females. Where Females have wombs and birth canals, the males simply have extra muscle groups around their bones that surround the male reproductive organ that quickly creates and recreates the massive amounts of semen during times of mating. Tsvìets have no livers, kidneys, pancreas, large and small intestines (their stomachs break down and absorb what is eaten) yet within their naturally armored chests and diaphragms, the Females have a main heart and two smaller hearts. Males, though, have three hearts all the same size and an organ attached to their lungs that reproduces the molecules necessary to filter their exhaling breaths, allowing them to aerobically survive areas with zero atmosphere for a set amount of time. Tsviet-Minor Males' lifespans are about 400 years greater than those of the females, averaging around 1.5 k- 2 k years, while the Majors would last about 800 years longer, giving them around a 4.5 k- 6 k years lifespan. The only Royal male, Sing's son, is hoped to show to have Sing's apparent indefinite lifespan with strength almost matching hers. Like the females, the males' bodies are very tough- to a greater extent- and capable of operating in the most extreme elements from gas-filled caverns to zero oxygen environments, though life outside the caverns of Cradle of Life has slightly inhibited some of those unbelievable capabilities throughout the dozens of generations, yet their skin has retained their resilience to cold, heat, radiation and physical trauma. The molecular stability of their bodies is very resilient to vibrations, so weapons of sound and vibrating (HF blades) natures are nowhere as effective as on regular targets. As for body shape, unlike many of the females, all of the males' sub-dermal plates grow enough to break the skin surface when they are fully matured. Jagged, thick bone spikes ranging from 4-8 inches sprout from their bodies, one for each knee, heel and the back of the hands facing forwards about 3-5 inches past the knuckles, two to three spikes for each calf, outer thigh, forearm, leg shin, and two vertical rows of three to four spikes (largest [top] to smallest [bottom]) on their backs with their feelers between them, a tall 'collar' of bone spikes around the neck not passing the bottom of the skull to allow for full head movement, and a bone spike for each rib that all point inwards like a thick, exoskeleton breast plate that is covered by a thin layer of muscles and skin. Even with all of this, despite their extruding bones, their bodies look like very muscled humans the likes of Blazblue's Azrael's body, though with obvious different skin textures. Durability: These bone protrusions are actually even stronger than the bones within their own bodies and have thin hollows within that allow for various effects when activated, such as expelling venomous, acidic and gaseous compounds if the proper species for such abilities have been Nebladed. With the Males' strength, these bone spikes can easily tear through durasteel armors of the Mandalorians, withstand lightsabers and HF blades for certain amounts of time (depends on quality of the blades, the age and toughness and regeneration of the bones, and of the Tsvìet's class (i.e. Minor, Major, Royal), and the armor exo-endoskeletons can tank 120mm HEAT shells with just heavy bruises and fractures. Future soldiers who'll fight against a Male will liken his muscles and bones to being as tough as Terminator Space Marine armor. Now, all of this is beneath their actual war armor made of Life Armament that grows stronger with experience and age. These titans of battle are nearly unstoppable walking tanks that rumble the ground around each step, their thumping noises reaching across streets and forests. Their base physical strength is enough to uproot 20 ton trees should they have a decent grip on such an object and it doesn't snap under its own weight. Weapons: The most popular Life Armament (LA) weapon loadouts for such warriors are (Human equivalent for the sake of ignorant people) a 150 mm lever action, single/double barreled Anti-Tank/Anti-Aircraft cannon, 30 mm Auto-loading cannon with ammo pack on bottom of gun (500 rounds per pack. Packs easily changed via summoning from LA dimension), an 8 ft long 7,900 lb 2-Handed great sword with propellant charges in the ends of the cross-guard hilt to add a boost for swinging, an 8 ft pole arm with a 400 horsepower double-sided chainsaw on each end capable of cutting a M1A1 Abrams tank in half in seconds, an 8,000 lb 9 ft (height) by 1 ft (thickness) by 5 ft (width) tower shield paired with a 99 mm MGL with various grenade munitions, a large 20 mm gatling gun that can expand to sprout two more 3-barreled rotary guns to create a personal mobile turret emplacement (ammo pack-1,500 rounds), a flamethrower that uses fire from miniaturized nuclear fusion reactions in its heavily armored and shielded backpack to spread 39 million degrees Fahrenheit fires over a range of 50 yards- just being within 25 meters of its flames dehydrates unprotected beings within seconds until they burst into flames- and a 6 ft 1,000 lb chain(sword) katana. Aside from artificial weapons, the Tsvìet-Male has his own body as a living weapon. With his powerfully strong bone protrusions, he can shred through modern human tank armor with laughable ease. The strongest punch recorded of a Male-Minor (Of the Red color, so strength is his genetic advantage, and he was at the height of his age and physical prime) using all of his base strength registered at 380 tons per square inch, and a Male-Minor's natural fist size is about 8 inches wide and 6 inches tall. Doing the math, 6 in. multiplied by 8 in. equals 48 square inches, so the total force is 760,000 psi multiplied by 48 square inches, equaling 36,480,000 lbs for that entire punch. This is enough to utterly pulverize armored targets such as tanks, bunkers, walls, and heavily armored soldiers. Now, remember to add his protruding bones from the back of his hand that face forward like spiked knuckles. With an average full sprint of a Male-Minor being around 153 mph, his own mass, weight, and momentum will make his durable body a living battering ram. Now simply multiply that several powers for the Male-Majors, and imagine how NRTO, the only Male-Royal, will be when fully matured. Despite not needing to, the Males are still taught the vicious, grueling martial arts style created by the Tsvìets to use their own bodies' advantages to achieve feats ordinary species can't without augments. The aptly named 'Visceral is the only Path' is a martial arts that uses a Tsvìets' momentum, speed, mass, durability, and bone protrusions in a way to utilize the concept of 'Combined Tension' (normally used by the lighter, smaller Females) to make their most dangerous attacks whip-like. Such techniques used by a Grand Primal (ala Grand Master) level practitioner (only 1 Male-Major and 15 Females [3 Royals, 8 Majors, 4 Minors]) is capable of creating shockwaves that shred enemies apart as if the wind is made of blades, uplifting areas of ground following their movements, and performing bursts of speed beyond their normal capabilities to surprise an equal or overwhelming opponent. How it gets the name though is simply for utilizing all of a Tsvìet's natural advantages to achieve the end results by the quickest, most efficient ways possible, whether it's ripping an opponent's limb off, stabbing their hand through a person's chest cavity to rip out any organs they grasp onto, etc. War Tactics: Due to his immense size, strength, disproportionate speeds, durability, armor and shields, and variety of quickly interchangeable weapon loadouts, the Male who embarks upon the call of the Soldier can simply march across an open battlefield through a No-Man's Land, tanking both small arms and artillery salvos. Even should he suffer damage from a heavy hit, his armor and shields will protect him enough for his own regeneration to heal any internal damages within his Class's capabilities. He favors explosive and armor-penetrating munitions, loving kinetic weaponry over energy weapons due to the Shock&Awe factor only they can suitably provide. His variety of weaponry and heavy armor allows him to perform a wide multitude of roles centering around gaining Aggro and dishing out as much as he takes. He naturally has a love of war and the adrenaline rushes. Since he is one of a few dozen, he is extremely protective of his female comrades to the point that when fighting in the presence of Tsvìet females, his battle instincts, physical reflexes and situational awareness increases 3x fold and the death of one in his sight will have his mind ignoring all pain his body might suffer as he becomes a Terminator hellbent on avenging her death by killing her killers. This mindset can not be trained out of a Male, so the Tsvìets and A.I.s have developed tactics especially for the occasion if a Male is in their area of operations. Any Male sent into battle is usually part of a mobile, heavy-armor contingent of heavy and super-heavy armor units (tanks, walkers) and close-air support. The added explosive mayhem such units provide lulls him into a sense of unity with the battlefield, increasing his potential combat capabilities drastically. A final method of increasing his combat capability is having warmongering music laced with psychic impressions played through his helmet or over speakers attached to armored units. Much like music a human listens to during a workout to get pumped up, this music category has hundreds of songs that transfer a variety of feelings to either calm the Male, excite him into a blood rush, entomb his mind into a single-minded 'Finish the Fight' mindset, or manipulate adrenaline flow. Different songs can make him a tank or an agile fighter, going from 'Terminator or DoomGuy' to 'Neo or Master Chief' styles of combat in moments when the situation calls for a different way to fight. Note: The males, despite being in a matriarchal society, are not considered second-rate citizens- quite the opposite really. While they aren't given positions they haven't earned, they do have the unique choice of choosing their roles despite what they might be originally attuned to if they be Minors. Despite no preferential treatment in the regards towards positions in status, they are actually the most guarded people in the Tsviets, second only to the Royals, and if they're that, second only to Sing. This is simply because they're the only males in the Tsviet species and so extremely few in number (36), so they are needed to donate every month to stockpile sperm for future mating cycles- this method is preferred for majority since it beats having the males be mated to death like their undeveloped ancestors did with the high possibility of there not being any male offspring. Though, because of their sheer number difference and the mating cycle coming every 100 years, the total stockpile as of now usually only gets distributed among about 1,980,000 women per cycle, so any not impregnated will usually have to wait until the next cycle. While it's entirely possible for them to reproduce outside the cycle, during it is when they feel they usually HAVE to do the deed. Only in recent millenniums has the population sprouted thanks to a recent drug developed by Dragon Slayer for males to take during their full infancy and childhoods, increasing the potential of their sperm capacity and production by the 4th power when they fully mature. Each full load of sperm from a matured male's genitalia can successfully inseminate up to 500 females though as stated above, a full load is gathered once a month so as to give respite for males between extractions. Male Security: No matter what class, each male always has two groups of Tsviet special forces (6 commandos x 2 teams = 12) and three Bogeys shadowing them, with a heavily outfitted and manned Kreon on standby not even a minute away with a flagship in orbit to evacuate him or send reinforcements if needed. While the males are allowed to join the military and be deployed on the battlefield, they are usually the most heavily guarded and their survival takes priority on the field. Due to the common battle nature of the males and their own importance, each sent to the front lines is usually deployed with their own 'guard' of units, mostly super-heavy armor units, tanks, anti-aircraft and radar jamming vehicles, and heavy shock troopers to ensure his protection while he enjoys the fight. "A happy Male makes an excellent Mate''- quote from one participant of a survey, who is also a military analyst. Classifications: The Tsvìets are divided into three main categories, each easily differentiated from the others. Tsvìet-Minor: Lowest tier, displaying the weakest (but not insignificant) physical and mental capabilities. They are the shortest lived, averaging around 1,100 human years. Except for the most rare cases, in a 1v1 battle, the strongest Tsvìet-Minor could not defeat the weakest Tsvìet-Major. They average from 6 to 6.5 feet. All have pale skin with matching sets of eyes and hair of various colors, each color being a genetic telling of what they specialize in. Tsvìet-Major: Middle tier, displaying superhuman levels of physical capabilities, such as a teenager trainee doing an overhead lift of three tons. These feats are exponentially larger for the far older and stronger Majors who've Nebladed hundreds or thousands worth. They all are naturally bronze skinned with white hair and orange eyes, though purely looks are subject to change based on their personal preferences. Their lifespans are around 4,000 to 5,500 years. Tsvìet-Royals: The highest tier possible for Tsvìets. Including Naruto (NRTO in Tsvìet spelling, Nirito in Tsvìet pronunciation), there are only 14 Royals. With the exception of Sing, Royals' lifespans average anywhere from 400,000 to 500,000 years. Their mental capabilities rival those of advanced A.I.s and their physical capabilities have commonly had more undeveloped species label them as Goddesses, and compared to the Minors, one can think of them as that. The strongest, most skilled Major (Grand Primal Commander SHTTRR) can only beat the weakest Royal in matches of pure combat skill, but both contests of mental and physical prowess are futile attempts for victory for SHTTRR. Whenever a battlefield is grand enough to warrant the arrival of a Royal, history has proven that the battle is all but over for any enemies faced by her. With bodies tough enough for them to endure the cold of deep space or swim through the fires of a sun, slap aside heavy tank shells or catch and throw them back, and agile enough to run between laser bolts that their superior eyesight spots, they are the Goddesses of the Tsvìet people. Unclassified: Pseudo-Royal: Tsvìet not born or evolved into Royal yet became close to them via experimentation on DRGN SLYR's part. The only pair in existence are ALCI and BTH after hundreds of failed attempts. They possess physical prowess on par with young Royals yet at the cost of most of their emotions. Only a strong sense of loyalty to their leader and their people remain in them, and they can become very agitated towards any show of incompetence or aggression towards their charges. ????: Consists of DRGN SLYR and SDTH. Both are Tsvìets who do not physically appear like Royals yet have existed since the earliest stages of the Tsvìets' expansion into space. Both are very powerful and intelligent, such as DRGN SLYR designing much of the Tsvìet arsenals of war: Outer Heaven, Cocytus, numerous weapons and drone types, the STLA defense grid of Cradle of Life, etc. while SDTH has shown the ability to move at speeds where bullets move at 1 mph and can freeze entire square miles of land within seconds. Both of these Tsvìets are of mysterious origin and do not fall under the classifications of any other category. Home Solar System 8 planets, homeworld included, all within single solar system. Home world/City: Cradle of Life [pop. 2.8 million]/Tecomfpzhire (trans. for City at World's End) [pop. 1.6 million] {A.I./V.I. pop. 3.8 billion} Mass: 2.5x Earth Gravity: 13% higher than Earth's Distance from star: 2.3 AU (Astronomical Units) Rotation speed: 33 hours Revolution speed: 21 km/s (Earth's is 30 km/s), 2.48 Earth years/revolutions equals 1 Tsvìet year/revolution Seasons: Seven seasons: Hark (Fall) Length: 3 months - Haive (Fall-Winter) Length: 4 months - Seive (Winter) Length: 8 months - Seirk (Winter-Fall) Length: 4 months - Haursk (Fall-Spring) Length: 3 months - Sueursk (Spring) Length: 4 months - Suerk (Spring-Fall) Length: 5 months - Nursery Chambers: The nursery chambers deep within the networking catacomb tunnels underground are one of the top three most heavily guarded secrets and locations. The general rule is that if a non-Tsvìet discovers proof of the existence, much less the location, of the nursery chambers without the expressed permission of a Royal than they are basically slated for assassination. NO. EXCEPTIONS. ... EVER. Almost. Currently, the Tsvìets are working on ways of misinformation, hypnotism, and memory blocking techniques in the eventuality that, as astronomically improbable as it is, an unauthorized non-Tsvìet child finds out. This rule applies to secondary nursery chambers built off homeworld, such as the one within Outer Heaven. The nursery chambers are a place that Tsvìet mothers that are nursing young one(s) feel a homing instinct to return to, much like sea turtles return to the same beach they were born on. Being in the chambers themselves have shown to have a physiological and psychological effect on both mothers and children. Mothers will most likely spend their entire time within these chambers nursing and caring for their children until they are of weaning age. Even after that, some mothers might feel an instinctual need to stay longer than that. The longest recording time a mother stayed in there with her children was twenty-three human Earth years involving a Major and her twin daughters. The children had actually been weaned after seven years. The original nursery chambers have been untouched by Tsvìet technology, though cavern stabilization structures have been used and medical and food stations are near on constant standby. Path of War - Planet important for the training of all military forces and testing of all military hardware. (Pop. 1.8 million) {A.I./V.I. pop. 314.2 billion} This is the Tsvìets' version of the Warhammer 40K Imperium's fortress world of Cadia to the ninth power. This planet was modified for four things and has done them splendidly for millions of years: the garrison of a massive, state-of-the-art military force capable of defending the entire nearby sectors, the construction of future soldier drones and training of future Tsvìet soldiers, the field testing of all military hardware to the utmost limits, and to serve as a fortress world to defend and push back sieges and attacks from enemies. Every single body of land and water on this dead world is either used for the housing and testing of soldiers and equipment, booby-trapped land or are fortifications. The level of infrastructure and fortifications can be seen from orbit as it takes up more visible landmass and ocean space than the land and ocean themselves. Thousands of miles of metal or concrete bases, artificial landscapes and fortresses cover entire country-sized stretches of land and ocean, giving the entire planet a feel of artificial origin. These constructions can vary from artificially created canyons made to lure in enemy forces to surround them with artillery fire, to massive monoliths that rise miles in the sky that serve to act as catalysts for causing volcanic eruptions upon activation by command. Metal landscapes stretch for hundreds of miles in all directions, depraved of natural resources the enemy might try to take advantage of; a metal desert by all means that is littered with one-way elevator platforms that will bring up the defenders who lie underground for miles, waiting in the hundreds of billions of numbers to answer the invading enemies' bellows of war. The metal deserts are watched from above by massive artillery towers that stand four miles tall and one mile in diameter, set at equilateral distances of fifteen miles apart and are filled to the brim each with large cannons of both D.E.W. and old-fashion explosive kinetic weaponry models to use against ground and air targets, tens of thousands of soldiers always ready and waiting to deliver gruesome death in defense of their world, and equipped with hundreds of hangars for the storage, repairing and quick deployment of both ground and air vehicles of all sorts. Each tower is connected to surrounding others via underground trains that will ship supplies and reinforcements to those in need. One of ten towers is issued four trains. The towers' guns have every foot of the land surface dialed in and target acquisition can be triangulated by both numerous stealth satellites in low orbit and advanced sensors floating about two hundred meters above the ground, cloaked in stealth fields during times of battle. The artillery towers can easily interlock their firing paths as well, providing multi-directional pressure on any enemy position no matter where they are at. All throughout the lands, sentry turrets lie under the ground, waiting to spring up and ambush any intruder. They range from the popular and devastating Shockwave sentinels to quick-response mortars and railgun equipped sniper turrets and even flamethrowers and acid hoses. The actual fortress-class constructs are much larger, built in the fashion of ancient Mayan temples with a tower on each corner, these behemoth structures are about five miles in diameter, thus 25 square miles in area (2-Dimensional figure), and come with the same features as the gun towers, only in more numbers and bigger sizes (for the guns), one-hundred thousand defending troops, thousands of armored vehicles and Type-22 fighters and Buzzard drones, and even a set of ten massive planet-to-space cannons to use against orbiting enemy ships. The tops are covered from enemy aircraft via hundreds of Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) launchers and a dozen short range, anti-air laser defense towers like on Cradle of Life. These fortresses are the hubs of command and control for all surface warfare on the planet and as such, they are all stocked with underground storage caverns of ammunition, food, fuel sources, extra parts for maintenance repairs on vehicles and drones. This makes each one a hub for all far-reaching war trains built to blitz through enemy blockades and deliver supplies and soldiers. Each fortress is built in equilateral distances of 300 miles from the other and due to the nature of the landscapes, each is built within the heart of artificial terrain environments, such as passes, plateaus, elevated positions, etc. Due to the 80/20 land-to-water ratio of this 15 times Earth sized planet, these fortresses and towers number in the thousands and tens of thousands respectively. The total soldier drone count garrisoned here is around 314 billion with plenty of space thanks to the elevated and subterranean focused infrastructure of the planet's defenses. The lowest average elevation for the subterranean infrastructure ALL around the planet's landmasses is ten miles. In regards to naval assets, the Path of War is not lacking. With the 20% of the planet being water within a single massive ocean the size of the Eastern Hemisphere of Earth, fleets of submersible and surface oriented ships routinely patrol the waters that are littered with sonar buoys, depth charge launchers, and submersible ports. Ships range from the tens of thousands of 200 m long patrol frigates and 800 m long missile defense cruisers and aircraft screens of destroyers to the gargantuan 2.5 mile long battleships lined with internally held batteries capable of folding out to target enemy orbiting ships and invading land forces with their low-yield nuclear ammunition and high powered beam weaponry. The largest naval assets are the four Megalith fortresses. These are massive, sea-based missile launch facilities that reach from a mile in the air to two miles beneath the seabed. These facilities are littered with underwater hangars to repair, house and deploy/redeploy all types of ships of the Tsvìet navy. Along the surface area, rows and rows and rows of missile silos and laser towers align, equipped with missiles of every payload from bunker busters and carpet bombs to nuclear MIRV missiles that can wipe out entire country-sized swaths of land or capital ships in orbit. The facility's surface area is about twenty square miles, ten times that for its underwater portion, so the amount of missiles each has numbers in the hundreds of thousands. For enemy ships and transports descending into the atmosphere of the Path of War, they will be met with an endless upwards rain of nukes whose explosions will cover the sky like a never-ending cloud. Due to the sophisticated and grand scale of fortification on the Path of War, one of the most pivotal instruments to its defense and survival is the planetary shielding array. It's a massive network of interlocked energy grids in the lowest depths of the fortress world's subterranean levels that power a hundred generators. These make numerous combined cycles that create a perpetual-motion engine when fully activated. The planetary shielding can hold up to the Outer Heaven's Grateful Sun Ray cannon at its initial 100% power, thus meaning it could survive hundreds of petatons of explosive force at one time and with a recharge rate of 30% every hour, it would take a star killing weapon or a massive armada to overpower it. Should it be necessary, the planet's Governor will reveal the world's most surprising trump card. The Path is very versatile as the energy generators also power a massive slipspace generator. A wormhole big enough for a planet to travel through is considered too dangerous to have stationed on the Path so the Tsvìets cheat a little and use archived knowledge from Nebladed Forerunner Builders to construct a mastered method of massive slipspace manipulation. This method is effective enough to transport the planet and its defending fleets all the way across the solar system in seconds if its shields or infrastructure are in danger of being overwhelmed. Path of Nurture - Planet important for the educating and raising of all children passed their weaning ages. (Pop. 4.3 million) {A.I./V.I. pop. 4.2 billion} This planet, 4/5 the size of Earth, is a zealously defended haven for the young children entering their adolescent years. Mothers who have moved out of the Nursery chambers on Cradle of Life normally move to Path of Nurture where there is more than enough land and water to house and feed all of the Tsvìet race. At nearly the size of the Earth, a population of a few million could have hundreds of square miles of land to just each mother. Families are raised here either in partial isolation or communities, whatever a mother's preference is. Since the Tsvìets are originally a subterranean species and still prefer dark places for their young to develop in, homes can be built large enough to match the size of castles, giving plenty of space for a small family to move around in when they tire of the sunlight. The raising of a child or children is ultimately up to the respective mother's discretion as long as they are given basic levels of education and are physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy. An abusive mother is unheard of but if one were to pop up, she would be interrogated, tried, and if guilty without reasonable (I mean real DAMN REASONABLE cause), than she will be executed and her body left to rot on some God-forsaken and isolated planet while the child will be taken into protective custody and eventually given to a new mother when all medical tests are completed with positive results. There has never been a case of this thankfully but the contingency plans still exist. The education that is mandatory for all children will begin at an age that depends on what classification they are, such as Minors usually maturing a bit faster due to their shorter life spans compared to Majors. The average age for Minors is 15-20 Tsvìet years and the Majors is anywhere from 25-35 years. The schooling has several levels and will usually last for 20 years for the Minors and 15 years for Majors due to the children possessing greater mental potential once they reach adolescence. Once their education of mathematics, languages, writing, and physics is completed and up to basic adult standards, each and every Tsvìet- no matter the specialty or class- will be sent to the Path of War to undertake mandatory self-defense and weapons training, building their respective Life Armament weapons and growing alongside them. This can last up to 50 years for either class and covers the Tsvìets' military codes, emergency contingencies, weapon and vehicle training, battlefield awareness and adaptability, and finally their hand-to-hand combat style named 'Visceral is the ONLY Way', which involves utilizing the innate energy source within each of their bodies to toughen themselves to tank hits and perform gruesome and bloody attacks, inflicting maximum damage to wherever they hit their opponents at. A public sporting event called 'The Hunters' Path' involves gladiatorial style 'seek and destroy' matches in PvP, groups vs groups, or even the uncommon PvE styles. The Tsvìets are given uniformed armor made of Wyrm hide, all from the same kind and ages. No technological armor or shields are allowed. Tsvìet have a normal sized heart and two smaller ones. The Tsvìets can have the two small ones destroyed and still fight at about 70% until either it fully regenerates or the removed organs are set back in place to restart the healing and mending processes. If the main heart is removed or destroyed, reducing the Tsvìet's capabilities to 50%, the two other hearts can keep them going until either the main one regenerates or is reinserted to heal and mend. The way a Tsvìet wins against a Minor is to literally stab through the opponent's chest cavity to rip out either both of the smaller hearts or the main one. For Majors, due to their more impressive regeneration, victory will be achieved by ripping out both small hearts and stabbing into and gripping firmly on the main heart to ensure the victory, or rip out the main and one of the secondary hearts. The thing is that an adult Major can expend some energy to regrow a small heart within three minutes while a main one will take bout eight minutes. Matches between Majors of similar skill level can last up to an hour and at the cost of a dozen hearts on both sides. Once their military training is complete, Tsvìets who've caught the eye of prospectors can be selected and given the chance to be apprenticed by a veteran hunter, a scientist, a musical master, and various other military, scientific and cultural masters who are looking to pass on their knowledge and skills to future generations. Path of Knowledge - Planet important for the development and testing of all technology of all areas of life, as well as teaching of advanced sciences. (Pop. 200 k) {A.I./V.I. pop. 6.3 billion} One looking for the Path of Knowledge will understandably not easily find it. This is because to protect this R & D planet, the Tsvìets have erected multiple planetary shields that do various functions, such as protecting against possible attacks and most importantly, shielding the planet from any wavelengths on the visible spectrum (eye contact, heat, gravitational pull, x-ray, etc.). Such a complete cloaking system does everything but physically removes this planet and its orbiting facilities from the universe itself. The system used to create this field is extraordinarily complex and took thousands of years of research and testing to get it working. Copies are in production for the rest of the home systems but even with the blue prints, the actual construction and implementation is very precise and cannot be rushed. One error is more than enough to make the whole system collapse. This system has only been finished for about fifty Tsvìet years. Safeguarded by these defensive measures, the Path of Knowledge is also where new technologies and theories are researched and tested. However, due to the Tsvìets refusing (99% of the time) in blatantly stealing and reproducing technologies developed by other species, and how long and advanced the Tsvìets have become over the millions of years, there really is only a small amount of knowledge in the universe that they know of that they don't know. This means that of the several experiments going on in the PoK's facilities, progress is extremely meticulous and slow with some matters having been worked on for hundreds of thousands of years. Make no mistake, the Tsvìets have the knowledge and the means to recreate the greatest creations of hundreds of advanced species, barring those very few that transcend reality itself that were made by a small group or single individuals, yet because of both the Missing Procedure and their own desire for technological individualism, they simply don't attempt to. Building planet and HALOs and planting barren worlds with foreign life is within their reach, but that is simply not their shtick. Besides working on the completely unknown, a small section is actually in charge of developing and testing improvements to what they already have, such as war vehicles, space ships, shield generators, etc. They have the answer to many, but the unbelievably rare resources needed or the synthesis methods used in the manufacturing processes of these improvements limit their production capabilities. The matters involved with creating ATF generators are notoriously dangerous, sensitive, and even require tremendous amounts of time and energy dedicated to each one's creation that simply mass producing them from a blue print is simply impossible. Young apprentices chosen by master researchers will spend almost all of their time on this world though visits from parents are allowed though many protocols have to be followed to push them through. They will undergo decades and even centuries of tutorship just to get them caught up with the masters before tackling their assigned projects of interest. By the end of the master's lifespan, the two will have become as close as parent and child. Path of Harvest- A farming-only colony that farms both human-edible foods and mineral ores that the Tsviets are used to eating. (Pop. 200 k){A.I./V.I. pop. 4.2 billion} Path of Beast - This planet 6x the size of Earth houses several dozen different climates, in the air, on the ground, and beneath the surface, each housing thousands of different species both harmless and affectionate, to deadly and wild. It is here where the Tsviets acquire animals that can be helpful on farms or as potential war beasts, as well as a testing bed for experimental war mechs' operational capacities concerning various extreme terrains and weather climates. Population: 50,000 (A.I./V.I. Population: 15 million) The PoB is also the home for those Tsvìets who live for hunting and sharpening their ever impressive primal skills. This world's numerous ecosystems and dangerous, variable fauna provide these Hunters with nearly an unlimited amount of tests for their skills and physical and mental fitness. Young soldiers are sent here to gain the survival skills they will need to be prepared for times when they might have to live and thrive in dangerous wild worlds. Those who exceed expectations are normally sought after by veteran, ancient Hunters who are looking to impart their wisdom and teachings to a student. Much like with the master scientists, these ancient hunters will bond with their apprentices for hundreds of years, hunting all types of beasts in a myriad of ways. Once their tutorship is complete and become Hunters, they will become lone units in the military, sent from branch to branch. They are most often requested in Scout flotillas to unknown worlds and Recon groups to sneak around potentially hostile planets. It is a fact that oftentimes a Hunter will go years before reporting from a hostile world, and their lifetime of training and constant hunts have given them an eye for details that no other Tsvìet can hope to match. Combine that with their instincts, spacial awareness and the ability to accurately forecast what their prey will do given all of the learned behavioral patterns of it, its surroundings and any various outside stimuli initiated against it, Hunters (and most definitely Ancient Hunters) will forgive one for thinking they can see the future. Such developed skills are beyond even the processing capabilities of A.I.s. One Primal accurately quoted that if an Old Assassin Tsvìet and an Ancient Hunter were to team up or be meshed into one being, she would rather destroy the planet instead of treading upon its surface. As with the alliance between the Tsvìets and the Yautja clans, a Predator is only allowed on the planet when in a group, though in the extremely rare class, both an Ancient Hunter and the Yautja's clan leader will agree that the Predator is skill enough to hunt on his own. To be allowed to hunt on PoB by the Tsvìets is a huge point of pride and accomplishment for any Yautja as there are beasts lurking on and below its surface that put any xenomorph to embarrassing shame. Even when allowed to hunt on the lands, the Ancient Hunters have placed up noticeable color coded markers for the danger-threat of a location's fauna and flora. These markers are usually entire trees painted around the base, along with durable poles tipped with a flashing light of the necessary color. White: Safe for all. Green: Armed personnel only. Apprentices, Hunters, Yautja, Ancient Hunters. Brown: Heavily armed and armored soldiers. Apprentices (100yrs of tutorship), Hunters, Yautja (in groups of atleast four), Ancient Hunters. Red: Heavily armed and armored soldiers (Tsvìet-Majors and Tsvìet Males only), Hunters (in groups of three), Yautja (in hunting parties at the least), Ancient Hunters. Yellow: Tsvìet-Royals, Grand Primal Commanders, Tsvìet-Major Males, Yautja (hunting parties of ten only with two Ancient Hunters), Ancient Hunters (with partner). Red/Yellow: Tsvìet-Royals, Tsvìet-Major Males (with partner, or with three Minor Males), Ancient Hunters (always in groups of five or more). Black/White (Zebra stripes): Tsvìet-Royals, Ancient Hunters (no less then 15 in a group). Path of Ice - Planet dominantly a frozen, snow-covered wasteland with large deposits of thermal energy underneath the hundreds of meters of snow and permafrost. Planet is home to the most violent of known insectoid/mammalian species, the Akrid. An estimated number for how many different types of Akrid there are, or for how many of each type, is unknown and preferably unwarranted. The Tsviets have long since learned to cooperate with the Akrid and avoid their hostile nature by identifying themselves with an application of synthesized pheromones and suits that mask their thermal energies within their bodies from being seen and mistaken as food. Having their bases in heavily fortified bio-domes and caverns that are invisible to most sensors from space, it allows them to use the Akrid themselves as the main defenders of the planet against ground invasion. All of the thermal energies coming from an unknowing invasion force would make them look like a buffet to all the Akrid around them. Pop: 100 k (A.I./V.I. Population; 300 million.) Akrid: 15 million Path of Defiance: Despite how overkill some of the fortifications for the closer planets are by such a low population species (compared to other advanced civilizations since their numbers don't even break a hundred million.), this world is their version of Reach and being the farthest planet away from Cradle of Life, it's also the first main defense against any invaders since it's outside of any geosynchronous orbit of the gas giant that the rest revolve around and is stationed b/w the rest of the colonies and worlds and the rest of the galaxy since the system in on the fringe of the galaxy. About the width of Texas, the planet is a gas planet not unlike Jupiter with hundreds of flying fortresses (FFXII Bahamut) orbiting a massive shipyard that's designed around the core of the planet itself in an intricate crisscrossing web-pattern of arms with a hollow inside. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huBViSnpxW0 (--Just skip to 28:49 if you want to get a still-shot of shipyard.) Texas at its greatest width is 799 miles = 1285.86586 km. The core is about 200 km wide, the space between it and the underside of the shipyard surrounding it is 300 km, the station itself is 10 km wide, so that leaves 475 km of space from the surface of the shipyard to the outer edge of the gas planet. This basically hides the entire structure and its fleets deep within the clouds thanks to its very low gravitational pull and density that it doesn't just crush all the ships. This also gives it perfect cover while it fires upon nearby forces thanks to the tens of thousands of 'mini-buoys' that transmit a clear view of their entire surrounding area for the station. This also makes the station 820 km in diameter all around. The station's shipyards are organized like a conveyor belt, and since an A.I. along with hundreds or thousands of V.I.s can be the crew, a cruiser can be made battle-ready from scratch in just ten minutes. They learned and perfected this method back during their times fighting the relentless and numerically superior Prothean and Forerunner species. Different sized conveyor systems allow all ranges of ships to be created in similarly proportionate times, about 400 m every five minutes. Extra-Solar Colonies and Stations Planetary Colonies: Stage 3- 13-18k Stage 4- est.4-8k Stage 5/Complete Colony- est.5-9k Military Space Stations: Acts as hubs of military and civilian activity ranging from docking, harboring, repairing, refitting, resupplying and launching combative and logistical ships to various quadrants of the galaxy. 95 out of 100 stations are military fortresses that act as dry docks, storage for reserve forces, and communication hubs.: est.175-180k Military The Tsvìet military consists of numerous branches and all are constantly updated with the latest technology and equipment available. Since the Tsvìets do not require nor desire currency, they are ultimately limited by their own imagination and available resources that can be allocated to develop, deliver, and deploy new weapons, armors, ships, vehicles, and upgrades. Having a blank check for all areas, the Tsvìet military has unlimited room for growth and is currently the most feared and respected military power in eight different galaxies with over 130,000 active war ships and 20,000 logistic ships, 95% of them manned completely by A.I./V.I. programs/platforms. War Stratagem: Very Pragmatic and cost effective. The Tsvìet military in its entirety is, among its Galactic Presences, divided into tiers of technology so that they don't steamroll civilizations using black powder weapons with anti-matter rifles and cross-continental artillery units. The Tsvìets display a sort of honor system in this regard. They usually deploy forces that are of similar or slightly more advanced tiers to give themselves a better fight as well as encourage more rapid development among the targeted species as war tends to be the best motivator for advancement. They usually keep themselves from annihilating species unless they poss a severe genocidal threat to a galaxy's inhabitants. Branches: Sea Navy: Tsvìets have a natural attraction to bodies of water due to preferences second only to underground caverns. This eventually led them to developing strictly sea based research, civilians, and military platforms on planets with bodies of water capable of sustaining such fleets. Their ship designs tend to favor a more crustacean and serpentine approach with ships capable of shockingly fluid maneuvers instead of blocky ships capable of only linear motions. While a slow process at first, when the Tsvìets came into contact with the Ceph and friendly relations were developed, the Ceph played a huge role in helping develop and inspire what the modern Tsvìet sea navy currently is today. All ships are capable of sub-surface maneuvers and are generally armed with various torpedo, railgun, hydraulic/plasma cutter , and S.S. (surface to space) laser weaponry (the latter only fitted to larger ships). The ratio of ship types per planet (with sufficient bodies of water) are as follows with Civilian (research or leisure), Scout, Cruiser, Destroyer, Dreadnought, Battleship, Carrier, Megalith respectively: 100-200-50-30-15-5-3-1. Air Force: The Tsvìets' air force is a truly formidable opponent for any opposing air force branch. Naturally located on any stage 5 colony world, they are normally developed by stage 3. The Tsvìets' air force is developed differently than most species, opting for smaller craft a few sizes larger than an actual Tsvìet. These near-man portable fighters can be produced in the millions easily but because of population issues, their fighter crafts are mainly V.I. operated drones usually directed by one or more specialized A.I. overseers. The only air force crafts suited for Tsvìets are heavily armored shuttles and gunships. Types: SHOP-Type 12: Stealth Hover Observation Platform-Type 12s are donut shaped scout/sentry drones fitted with specialized camera lens to see across dozens of visual spectrums simultaneously tasked with searching out enemy positions, reporting enemy movements, and scouting the terrain for either of the aforementioned objectives. They all are armed with a single, attachable weapon. Past wars have seen these normally fragile (compared to other Tsvìet tech) pieces of equipment ending battles by taking out enemy leaders or objectives with a sniper rifle and SSPR (single shot positronic rocket) respectively. These are normally in mass use around bases while squads tend to carry a few. These underdogs are generally well maintained within squads and have even been individually nicknamed by their assigned units. Type-22 Air Superiority Fighter: The Type-22 is a seventy foot long serpentine-like fighter craft composed of eight interlinked sections. The three sections with Plasma Propulsion Boost (PPB) thrusters rapidly rotate to create stability while the chain-linked design allows the Type-22 to have unmatched maneuverability compared to the usual winged designs of other species. The stationary sections are equipped with short-range laser defense systems while the 'head' of the craft has a high-powered laser cannon within that exposes itself when the head splits open like a snake's mouth. These fighters are equipped with an advanced ECM (Electronic Counter-Measure) Pod that disrupts radar signature, missile locks, and can emit powerful pulses to make a shield against missiles and bullets (except from the front-i.e. it's only weakness). Type-33 Devastation From Heaven: The Type-33 is the main conventional bomber employed by the Tsvìets. Capable of escaping a planet's gravity 20x Earth's and withstanding re-entry as well. While the Type-22 can be thought of as a worm with its flexibility and shape, the Type-33 is more like a six-sectioned snake, capable of performing sharp turns except gaining altitude with PPBs attached to fixed wing fins along its sides. Its length of 250 ft means that it can carry a payload easily capable of wiping out a large metropolis with low yield munitions if needed to carrying the most powerful of ordinance and its snake-like movement makes it difficult for anti-air artillery to effectively target it. The sections are divided into the 'head'/generator/bomb bay/bomb bay/anti-aircraft(part of tail)/ECM/EMF emitter(thin half of tail). SAF Type-2 shuttle: The 'Shield from All Fire' Type-2 shuttle is one of the only air assets designed for a Tsvìet pilot. As its name suggests, it favors armor and shields over weaponry to deploy and evacuate troops, civilians, and cargo. It is reported that during a war once, one Type-2 had its engines destroyed by enemy fighters and crashed into the ground below at terminal velocity. The crew survived, though with significant injuries. Army: The Tsvìet Army is considered in over 40 galaxies as the deadliest fighting force around. Due to their zero reliance on an economy and billions of logistical support A.I. and V.I. platforms, along with their advanced technology and methods of FTL, the Tsvìet army is constantly kept up to date with the latest equipment developed within the R&D sector on the Path of Knowledge and Path of War. Energy shields and fields, automated drones and autonomous combat platforms, and weapons ranging from railguns to all forms of energy give them more variance than any other army current known. Over 99% of the Tsvìet war machine is formed by A.I.s and A.I.-governed V.I.s, giving the military an almost limitless number of leadership potential since most information is shared between each A.I. much like a Hive mind that doesn't rely on a Queen for orders. These A.I.s, all fitted with advanced battle processors, are capable of following a mission or taking care of itself if it's cut off from chain-of-command. Since the Tsvìets' durable bodies are only matched by very few species, they can operate in almost all types of environments much like their robotic allies. Since Tsvìets are very hard to kill for good, even without their armor and shields, they can usually operate in squads of 2-3 in most cases, allowing their relatively low numbers to be spread out more effectively. While all Tsvìets of age are trained in military combat and doctrine, only about 9 million are inducted as career soldiers. Since Tsvìet biology allows them to regenerate most wounds, combat medics are very uncommon unless one can count the A.I. combat medics. As for the A.I.s and V.I.s led by them, they are usually the ones who maintain and defend all colonies that have been surveyed and established. Due to the Tsvìets' low numbers, actual Tsvìets are only sent to new colonies in small groups to test how well they can live on the planet. Numbers: Direct combat soldiers- 8,652,488 Tsvìets, Logistical Support- 347,512 Tsvìets Direct combat soldiers- A.I.s/V.I.s- 486,586,584,263/98,587,886,842,122, Logistical Support- 25,136,884/68,486,588,488 Army Ranks (Role/Equivalent to U.S. Marine ranks): Shooter (Private) Gunner (Corporal) Primal (Squad Leader/Sergeant) Gunner-Primal (Gunnery Sergeant) Blooded Primal (Platoon Leader/Master Gunnery Sergeant) Ophinl (Company Leader/Sergeant Major) Ophinl Primal (Battalion Commander/Captain) Prime Ophinl Primal (Regiment Commander/Colonel) Luvos (Division Commander/Brigadier General) Luvos Primal (Core Commander/Major General) Prime Luvos Primal (Luvos Commander/Lieutenant General) Grand Primal Commander (Commander of the Tsvìet Army//General of the Armies/Admiral of the Navies) Non-Traditional Ranks/Positions: The Executor- Ship Primal (Captain)/Luvos Primal S-DTH. This is a rank given to anyone who is the Ship Primal of the Hell-class prison ship 'Cocytus.' She has complete authority over all personnel within the ship, outranking all except Sing Love, the Overseer BLES, and Outer Heaven's onboard Grand Primal Commander, SHTTRR, when docked with the mothership. The Archive of Knowledge- DRGN SLYR. This is a rank given to DRGN SLYR by Sing Love herself upon being acknowledged as the most intelligent Tsvìet in the monarchy. With this rank, she is the highest authority on the core colony planet 'Path of Knowledge' and is the 2nd in Command of all Tsvìet forces where even in wartime, the Grand Primal Commander will lend ear to her advice and instructions. Under-Supreme Primal of the Tsvìets- DRGN SLYR holds this title due to Sing's blessing, making her the undisputed 2nd in command of the Tsvìet people. Planetary Primal- This rank is given to each Tsvìet Royal that governs over a core colony world. This gives them complete authority over their planet, answerable only to DRGN SLYR and Sing Love. When it comes to wartime purposes, they will make the final decisions with the Prime Luvos Primals acting as close advisers. Only a Grand Primal Commander, with orders from Sing Love, can overturn this rank's decisions. Queen- This is the absolute highest rank in all the Tsvìet military branches, held only by Sing Love. Her word is basically taken as the word of God. This rank can not be obtained by any non-Royal class Tsvìet, as well as anyone with less than 500k years of productive service to society, or if one can surpass the current Queen in a test ranging across all areas of combat, leadership, and wisdom. Group Compositions: Squad- 4 Units Platoon- 10 Squads- 40 Units Company- 5 Platoons- 200 Units Battalion- 4 Companies- 800 Units Regiment- 6 Battalions- 4,800 Units Division- 3 Regiments- 14,400 Units Core- 10 Divisions- 144,000 Units Luvos (Army)- 30 Cores- 4,320,000 Units Galactic (Galaxy) Presence- 500 Luvos- 2,160,000,000 Units Celestial (Galaxy Cluster) Presence- 94 Galactic Presences- 47,000 Luvos- 203,040,000,000 Units Total Tsvìet Military Army- 488 Celestial Presences: 488*94*500*30*10*3*6*4*5*10*4= 99,083,520,000,000 Units War Tactics: Very pragmatic and efficient. When time is not an issue, Tsvìets love traditionally 3rd tier levels of warfare, stuff like Warhammer 40K Imperium of Man's style, consisting of strategic planning with a set amount of forces allocated to each Luvos Primal to make best use of aircraft, artillery, heavy and light armor, mechanized infantry, and space naval support. They generally do not waste manpower and resources of foolishness such as charging enemy fortifications with the idea of swarming the enemy with numbers just so one can get in close to have a sword fight. They fight with the absurd amount of firepower as the Imperium of Man with the fire discipline of the Tau but can fight in close quarters much like a mixture of Ork and Eldars, while their powerful drones make for targets less durable but much more maneuverable and smarter than Necrons and can swarm an enemy with numbers only if allowed to. The Tsvìet army is truly a monstrous foe for any species to go up against and one that should be taken seriously, if not avoided at all. Space Navy: Ship Classifications- 'Pre-time skip' 'Post-time skip' All units of measurements are translated from Tsvìet standard to Human standard Kreon (330 m tall and 500 m long) [Mainly used at knife fighting ranges and planet side as mobile fire bases] Frigate (150 m-499 m) [Mainly used planet side] (800 m) Destroyer (500 m-799 m) ] (2.1 km) Cruiser (800 m) (2.8 km) Heavy cruiser (1 km-1.5 km) (3.8-4.3 km) Dreadnought (2.5 km-3.5 km) (8.2 km) Transport carrier (2.9 km-4.2 km) [carries nothing but fighter drones]{500 fighters each}- Can also be specialized to be hospitals and fighter/bomber/trooper/beast transports. (7 km) 500 x 3 fighters Prison Ship (2.5 km length x 1.5 km height) [Has two thousand 6 ft by 6 ft cells and one thousand 12 ft by 12 ft cells] (4 km) 2,000 (1,000) x 2 (1.5) cells Battle Carrier (4.2 km-5.6 km) [carries fighters and is the drill head of a formation] (7 km) Super-Dreadnought (8.5 km) (10 km) Dreadnought Leviathan (12,210 m) (plans to be 22 km) H-77 (35 km) *Plans are drawn up and frame is under construction, though progress is slower than with other ships as it's an experimental design commissioned by Sing Love. Satellites: SOLL (Strategic Orbital Linear Laser)- A 400 m satellite laser cannon that can fire a pin-point laser at 38.57% speed of light. Range is 15,000 miles. Range for pinpoint accuracy 5,000-8,000 miles. (400 m, 700 m, and 4.5 km) Home system fleets: 'Pre-time skip' 'Post-time skip' Cradle of Life 'The Invincible Aegir Armada' 1st Royal Fleet of the Empress: 2,000 Kreons, 4,850 Frigates, 3,000 Destroyers, 1,470 Cruisers, 400 Heavy Cruisers, 350 Dreadnoughts, 50 Transport Carriers, 10 Battle Carriers, 10 Super-Dreadnoughts, 4 Dreadnought Leviathans, 900 ODPs- Main line of defense against enemy invasion forces. 2nd AAM Fleet 'Anuraì': 300 Heavy Cruisers, 300 Dreadnoughts, 5 Super-Dreadnoughts- Swift counter-offensives 3rd AAM Fleet 'Crux': 1,000 Destroyers, 1,000 Cruisers, 400 Heavy Cruisers, 1 Super-Dreadnought- Prioritizes attacks against enemies cruiser weight and lower. 4th AAM Fleet 'Agoge': 1,000 Destroyers, 1,000 Cruisers, 400 Heavy Cruisers, 1 Super-Dreadnought- Prioritizes attacks against enemies heavy-cruiser weight and lower. 5th AAM Fleet 'Nexus': 2,000 Stealth Cruisers: Prioritizes surprise physical and electronic attacks against high-value targets, as well as off-loading boarding parties. 6th AAM Fleet 'Aigaion': 1,000 destroyers, 500 Heavy Cruisers, 2,000 Sky Fortress 'Bahamut-class', 10 Transport Carriers, 10 Battle Carriers- Tasked with ridding Cradle of Life's skies of enemy air forces. 7th AAM Fleet 'Far Eye': 500 Frigates, 500 Destroyers, 500 Cruisers, 5 Scopes (Battle Carriers outfitted into long-range observation platforms to help direct fleets, as well as detect far away FTL transits. Also hacks enemy communications and/or jams it. Range is three astronomical units.) 8th AAM Fleet 'Omnipotent Reach': 1,000 Cruisers, 50 Snipers (Dreadnought outfitted to be a single, long-range cannon with twice the reach of ODPs)- Priority targets are dreadnoughts and command ships. 9th AAM Fleet 'Excalibur'- 5,000 SOLL- Prioritizes targets designated by ground forces. 10th AAM Fleet ‘Tartarus’- 50 Prison Transport Ships (Maximum capacity of 15,000 prisoners each)- Collects escape pods of enemy vessels, as well as captured crew aboard any disabled or surrendering vessels and houses the prisoners until they are transferred into the ‘Hell-class’ prison ship ‘Cocytus’. Path of War 1st SPL Fleet 'Harkonnen': 1,500 Heavy Cruisers, 100 Snipers, 400 ODPs- Targets capital ships and dreadnoughts. 2nd SPL Fleet 'Cerberus': 1,500 Heavy Cruisers, 300 Dreadnoughts, 3 Super-Dreadnoughts- Main defense against enemies Heavy cruiser weights and higher. 3rd SPL Fleet 'Nightmare': 1,000 Stealth Frigates, 500 Cruisers- Lays stealth mines in projected enemy paths as well as launch surprise attacks against high valued targets, and off-loading boarding parties. -RT-11 Anti-Ship Stealth Magnetic Mines: Optical camouflage, Zero heat emission, Low magnetic signature, Magnetically attracted to ships not displaying friendly IFF signals. Size: Spherical, 38 ft diameter. Explosive yield: 10 Teratons (10,000 Gigatons [Imperium of Humanity's battleship's main guns generate about 900 Gigatons]) 4th SPL Fleet 'Andromeda': 4,000 Kreons, 10 Battle Carrier, 1 Dreadnought Leviathan- Low-orbit defense against planet-bound fighters and transports. 5th SPL Fleet 'Respite from Anguish': 500 Destroyers, 500 Cruisers, 25 Transport Carriers, 25 Medical Transport Carriers- Performs supply drops of troops, armor, ammo, and medical aid/machine repair stations via orbital insertions for planet-side forces. 6th SPL Fleet ‘No Mercy’: 20 Prison Ships- Collects escape pods of enemy vessels, as well as captured crew aboard any disabled or surrendering vessels. Path of Nurture 7th SPL Fleet 'Jormungandr': 1,000 Destroyers, 3 Super-Dreadnoughts, 1 Dreadnought Leviathan- Targets capital ships. 8th SPL Fleet 'Scorponok': 3,000 Cruisers, 5 Battle Carrier, 4,000 ODPs- Maintains defensive line between enemy forces and planet. 9th SPL Fleet 'Path's Rain': 1,500 Destroyers, 50 Transport Carriers, 10 Medical Transport Carriers, 1 Dreadnought Leviathan- Delivers supplies to ground-side forces via orbital insertions as well as have mobile hospitals. Path of Knowledge 10th SPL Fleet 'Foundation of Stone': 800 Heavy Cruisers, 100 Snipers, 400 ODPs- Targets capital ships and dreadnoughts. 11th SPL Fleet 'Approach of Night': 800 Heavy Cruisers, 300 Dreadnoughts, 3 Super-Dreadnoughts, 1 Dreadnought Leviathan- Main defense against enemies Heavy cruiser weights and higher. 12th SPL Fleet 'Parasites': 1,000 Stealth Frigates, 500 Cruisers- Lays stealth mines in projected enemy paths as well as launch surprise attacks against high valued targets, and off-loading boarding parties. 13th SPL Fleet ‘Avian Predators’: 2,000 Kreons, 10 Battle Carrier- Low-orbit defense against planet-bound fighters and transports. 14th SPL Fleet 'Den Mothers': 1,500 Destroyers, 500 Cruisers, 25 Transport Carriers- Performs supply drops of troops, armor, ammo, and medical aid/machine repair stations via orbital insertions for planet-side forces. Path of Harvest 15th SPL Fleet 'Harvest's Shepherds': 100 Destroyers, 3 Super-Dreadnoughts, 1 Dreadnought Leviathan- Target capital ships. 16th SPL Fleet 'Bountiful Carnage': 3,000 Cruisers, 1 Battle Carrier, 400 ODPs- Maintain defensive line between enemy forces and planet. 17th SPL Fleet 'Mother's Mercy': 1,000 Destroyers, 50 Transport Carriers, 10 Medical Transport Carriers, 1 Dreadnought Leviathan- Deliver supplies to ground-side forces via orbital insertions as well as have mobile hospitals. Also tasked with controlling any wildfires. Path of Beast 18th SPL Fleet 'Birth of Pain': 1,500 Destroyers, 25 Snipers, 3 Super-Dreadnoughts, 1 Dreadnought Leviathan- Target capital ships. 19th SPL Fleet 'The Way of Salvation': 1,300 Frigates, 1,000 Cruisers, 5 Transport Carriers, 5 Battle Carrier, 400 ODPs- Maintains the defensive line between enemy forces and planet. 20th SPL Fleet 'The Arks': 1,000 Frigates, 500 Destroyers, 100 Beast Transport Carriers, 10 Medical Transport Carriers, 1 Dreadnought Leviathan- Deliver supplies to ground-side forces via orbital insertions as well as have mobile hospitals and beast refugee/exodus transports. Path of Ice 21st SPL Fleet 'Morning Ice': 500 Destroyers, 500 Cruisers, 10 Heavy Cruisers, 3 Dreadnoughts 22nd SPL Fleet 'Permafrost': 1,000 Frigates, 2 Communication Carriers, 5 Battle Carriers, 1 Super-Dreadnought, 400 ODPs 23rd SPL Fleet 'Sun's Warmth': 2,000 Cruisers, 10 Transport Carriers, 10 Beast Transport Carriers Path of Defiance 24th SPL Fleet ‘EXCL’: 1,000 Kreons, 350 Destroyers, 5 Dreadnoughts, 1 Super-Dreadnought 25th SPL Fleet ‘ARFN’: 50 Transport Carriers (15,000 Buzzard drones {300 each}), 100 Cruisers, 100 Heavy Cruisers, 5 Dreadnoughts, 1 Super-Dreadnought 26th SPL Fleet ‘JPTR’: 50 Transport Carriers (15,000 Buzzard drones {300 each}), 100 Frigates, 100 Cruisers, 10 Battle Carriers (20,000 fighters and 12,000 bombers {2,000 Type-22 Fighters, 2,000 Type-33 bombers each carrier.}) 27th SPL Fleet ‘INSN’: 1,000 Kreons, 800 Frigates, 300 Destroyers, 300 Cruisers, 200 Heavy Cruisers, 20 Dreadnoughts, 1 Super-Dreadnought, 1 Dreadnought Leviathan 28th SPL Fleet ‘Into the Dusk’: 700 Frigates, 300 Cruisers, 40 Heavy Cruisers, 40 Dreadnoughts, 1 Super-Dreadnought 29th SPL Fleet ‘SOPS’: 50 Transport Carriers (15,000 Buzzard drones {300 each}), 400 Frigates, 500 Cruisers, 30 Dreadnoughts, 1 Super-Dreadnought 30th SPL Fleet ‘WARR’: 1,000 Kreons, 500 Heavy Cruisers, 40 Dreadnoughts, 2 Super-Dreadnoughts, 1 Dreadnought Leviathan 31st SPL Fleet ‘MWLR’: 800 Heavy Cruisers, 60 Dreadnoughts, 2 Super-Dreadnoughts, 1 Dreadnought Leviathan 32nd SPL Fleet ‘BYNA’: 4,000 Sky-Fortress ‘Bahamut-class’, 1,000 ODPs 33rd SPL Fleet ‘LWRO’: 500 Frigates, 200 Cruisers, 100 Heavy Cruisers, 25 Snipers, 10 Dreadnoughts, 1 Super-Dreadnought 34th SPL Fleet ‘SAHA’: 600 Heavy Cruisers, 5 Transport Carriers, 10 Battle Carriers, 30 Dreadnoughts, 3 Super-Dreadnoughts, 1 Dreadnought Leviathan 35th SPL Fleet ‘MZMA’: 600 Frigates, 50 Snipers, 3 Scopes, 10 Dreadnoughts 36th SPL Fleet ‘XNFE’: 400 Cruisers, 20 Transport Carriers, 5 Battle Carriers, 10 Dreadnoughts, 1 Super-Dreadnought 37th SPL Fleet ‘BLCK’: 2,000 Stealth Frigates, 400 Stealth Cruisers, 5 Scopes 38th SPL Fleet ‘MEFE’: 1,000 Kreons, 2 Transport Carriers, 2 Battle Carriers, 1 Scope 39th SPL Fleet ‘CHZU’: 500 Cruisers, 100 Prison Ships, 2 Dreadnoughts, 1 Super-Dreadnought 40th SPL Fleet ‘SHZU’: 2,000 Frigates, 1,000 Cruisers, 25 Snipers, 3 Dreadnoughts, 2 Super-Dreadnoughts, 1 Dreadnought Leviathan Fleets in construction: Fleets #41-60: Were commissioned several months before start of story and have yet to be named but will mainly consist of cruisers, destroyers, and transport carriers. The sudden demand has had Path of Defiance working around the clock to meet the preferred time-table given of having the twenty fleets built, tuned, tested, than fully manned before being assigned. The completion of this order will add an additional estimated 55,000 war vessels, 5,000 logistic vessels, 300,000 fighters, and 3,000 bombers to the Tsvìet military. The creation of a sibling 'Path of Defiance' is planned after their construction is finished. Estimated time until completion: Currently finished and sorted. Fleets#61-120: Newly designed ships of larger superstructures to accommodate eventual increase to Tsvìets' sizes as the Ork's growth genome has been inherited by all adult and young soldier trainees. Due to their increased sizes, the fleets are not composed of as many ships, none exceeding 500 in total count. New ship count increased by 25,000 war vessels, 5,000 logistic vessels, 220,000 enlarged fighters, 5,000 bombers, and 35 (still being constructed) prototype H-77 capital ships. Time from commission to completion: 3 years. Many of these ships are actually copied designs of previous vessels to replace the older, smaller originals, prioritizing the inner zones such as Path of Nurture and Cradle of Life. Special Hell-class Prison Ship ‘Cocytus.’ Overseer: Tsviet Royal BLES Note: As Overseer, her only responsibilities are making sure S-DTH is doing her job and that the ship meets the highest standards, this includes making sure spare parts and supplies are available at all times, as well as the handling of any prisoner transport to or from the ship. Executor (Primal/Warden): S-DTH (Esdeath) Note: Frequently heads many of the ‘hands-on’ tortures and interrogations. Her position as Ship Primal and Warden gives her unlimited freedom within the ship, though she still has to answer to BLES and Sing. Crew: 9 thousand Tsviet-Minors, 500 Tsviet-Majors, 20 thousand combat A.I platforms, 1000 warbeasts (est. 650 Xenomorphs, 50 Wraiths, 30 Krakens, 50 Goliaths, 10 Behemoths, 100 Shield/Ring Wyrms, 100 Zaltys (Omega), 5 Fafnirs, 4 Pylrasters, 1 Hell Wyrm) Prisoner Capacity: 500,000 Role: Contains all prisoners captured during war times until interrogations and tortures yield as much results as possible (which isn't long). Afterwards, the prisoners will either be ‘rehabilitated’ or ‘broken down.’ Note: A Hell made real for any sentient creature sentenced to this ship of horrors. In the Bible, Cocytus was the lowest level of Hell. The reason the writer of this portion even knew of this name is because of the memory of it within his DNA passed down through over a hundred thousand years of lineage, a hidden memory that was very much alive in one of the Prehistoric Humans who had the unfortunate privilege of 'touring' the prison ship that earned this name during the war b/w the Tsviet/Wyrm/Ceph alliance and the Prehistoric Humanity that preceded the war with the Forerunners and the Flood. There was no greater fear for any being in the galaxy than being sent to this ship. During the war with the Forerunners, the Forerunners sought to destroy the ship however it was never found. Unofficial reports say that even the Flood feared it so much that they would never attack it after a Gravemind was subjected to incarceration in Cocytus which resulted in the Gravemind disconnecting itself from the Hive mind via suicide after it had been tortured and experimented on for merely a week. This ship is completely self-sufficient for up to fifty years before needing to make berth again. Underneath the 1 mile thick hull armor, the majority of the ship is a network of catacombs of nothing but prison cells cast in near total darkness, the only light being a small hole in the floor of each cell where the red glow of fires deep within the ship come through, always accompanied by the smell of brimstone, sulfur, molten metal, burning flesh and the wails and screams of the dying or tortured. These constant screams keep prisoners from sleeping peacefully as part of their psychological torture. Internal temperatures of the ship are kept at a constant 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Access to water via faucet in each cell is allowed only twice for two minutes every 24 hours. The water is actually spiked with a hallucinogenic compound designed to slowly make one see his/her fears and cause paranoia. For unruly prisoners who speak above a certain decibel that is constantly monitored, the rooms' walls will heat up red hot for several minutes. Even if one (ex. Turian or Human) was to stand in the middle of the cell, the heat is adjusted accordingly to different species so it would cause blisters and 2nd degree burns on the skin. If the prisoner continues to act up, the floor will heat up as well. In many cases, the prisoner screams itself hoarse and takes their own life from the pain of their feet’s soles melting. The rest of the ship is composed of torture rooms, ‘rehabilitation’ rooms, barracks for the guards, maintenance facilities for the A.I. platforms, and meat storage used to store deceased prisoners to be used as food for the war beasts and Tsviet crews at leisure, and any dens for the numerous war beasts that prowl the ship's interiors as guards. Length: 135 km Height: 58 km (70) Width: 77 km (102) General Appearance: Shaped like a bulky, two-pronged end attached to an upside-down crossbow with a massive rotating cylinder portion within the main body. Armor: 1 mile of NeoNethicite Shields: Tsviet AT(AT) (All Types ‘Absolute Terror’) Fields Housing/Attachments: 500 Kreons, 40 Stealth Cruisers, 1 Stealth Dreadnought, 15,000 Type-22 fighters Universe-class mothership 'Outer Heaven' Overseer/Primal/Captain: Queen Sing Love X.O./Under-Supreme Primal of the Tsvìets: DRGN SLYR Crew: 500 thousand Tsvìets, 10.5 billion A.I. combat platforms, 32.3 billion A.I./V.I. support platforms Can comfortably support entire estimated Tsvìet population of 13 million. Role: Acts as Sing Love's flagship for the Tsvìet people and its non-Tsvìet citizens, Flagship for extra-galactic surveying fleets, First and, if need be, final line of defense for the Tsvìet people and non-Tsvìet citizens. Note: The Outer Heaven is without a doubt, the most powerful warship ever constructed in the known and explored universe to the Tsvìets and Ceph's knowledge. It was designed to be a mobile planetoid-sized ship capable of sustaining itself by leeching from an artificial quasar and if that is depleted, devouring stars and using its energy to power its systems and auto-repair functions, and mining asteroid fields and planets for minerals. So long as the ship has power, it can fire at 100% efficiency. While the Tsvìets have yet to push its capabilities to the max, they concur that it can bring about total extinction level destruction for entire solar systems. Other important roles outside of direct combat are acting as a resupply station for traveling Tsvìet fleets, a fallout shelter for planetary inhabitants, a secondary hive for Akrid with secondary nursing chambers for Tsvìet mothers with children, a mobile harbor for extra-galactic surveying fleets in exploration of unknown space, and a war deterrent against those alien races who think they could push around the Tsvìets. The ship has several massive compartments that function as artificial wildlife preserves for endangered species of any type known, as well as territories for war beasts and beasts used for non-industrial or war purposes, such as farming or to provide animal-based food products like the highly nutritious and valuable wyrm milk that serves as an excellent source of nutrition for young Tsvìets weaned from their mothers. There are no weapons known to the Tsvìets or her allies capable of destroying Outer Heaven, even if they powered down their multiple shield defenses, due to the properties of its armor that's thicker than anything ever put on any ship. The Outer Heaven has been observed to be able to 'swim' within a Type-0 Blue 'hypergiant' sun which had a temperature of about 80,000 Kelvin (est.144,000 degrees F.), has weathered the onslaught of a hypergiant star's supernova, and sailed across the center of super black holes in the center of some galaxies. Length: estimated 4,628 human miles Width (wings folded): 424 miles (wings spread): 1,930 miles Height (wings folded): 598 miles (wings spread/tip of bottom wing to tip of top wing): 1,930 miles General Appearance: Like a dragonfly with the tail actually on the front side and instead of two pairs of wings, there are six which are positioned vertical of each other in three rows of two. The 'tail' resembles three massive, blocky tentacles that wrapped around each other like strands of rope. The armor of the top-rear half of the main body can open up to give rise to a massive city a hundred miles wide in all directions. Personal and area-wide energy barriers create a comfortable atmosphere within a transparent dome completely separate from the dangers of space. This is where majority of the citizens and soldier garrisons are placed. The city can descend back into the ship whenever Outer Heaven is about to enter a battlefield. From far away, the ship appears to let loose a luminosity like that of a brightly shining diamond with an aura of light spreading thousands of miles from it in all directions. Armor: 15 miles of a liquid metaloid called NeoNethicite. What this NeoNethicite is made of is a secret for now but it has an immeasurable amount of weight. With it altogether around the ship, Outer Heaven's weight bends the very fabric of time and space like that of a black hole which can cause a severe time dilation effect (relativity) should its gravity not be withheld by thousands of powerful EMF generators. Despite its size, it weighs more than entire solar systems of planets and suns. It's total weight is about sixty neutron stars. Shields: Triple, overlapping, redundant AT Fields with redundant energy generating sources. AT Fields are so powerful that when raised to warfare standards, Outer Heaven can be said to exist in its very own dimension completely separate from the outside universe. No foreign energy can get through this shield system. Technology Life Armament: Technology revolving around the storage and use of weaponry. The energy cannons that are standard issue to the Tsviet soldiers are quite large and heavy despite being wielded rather easily by them. However, carrying it around would be both cumbersome and inconvenient. After a few hundred years of developing an idea once thought of as a pipe dream to allies, it became reality to the Tsviets. Life Armament involves creating the very weapons the soldiers use from [REDACTED/SPOILER] that's given physical form and melded with [REDACTED] metals. While this made the weapons weak at first, over time, as the Tsviet matured more, the weapons themselves would actually grow stronger and sturdier. This technology was applied to every Tsviet with all forms of equipment, such as the energy cannons, their specified type of bladed weaponry like the sword, scythe, or halberd, and the various types of flight equipment. While this was an evolutionary step in technological development itself, it was only half the goal of the Life Armament's purpose. The true goal was finally realized by utilizing different dimensions. By [REDACTED, a Tsviet could actually summon their preferred piece of Life Armament from a large storage dimension. While all of the Tsviets would basically be sharing the same dimension, the Life Armament would be attuned to their specific wielder, thus disallowing a Tsviet from accidentally summoning someone else's weapon. Energy Cannon- Normally at a standard five feet in length with a weight of 120 pounds, the energy cannon is normally considered an ugly gun. A block body with a long, slightly wider, tubular barrel with four energy induction rails along the length making a 'X' form. Newer models do look more streamline. The gun is gripped by an 'L' shaped handle that acts as the trigger. To prevent accidental firing, a single command of 'Fire' or 'Safe' will switch the safety on and off. To carry it around if desired, another handle sticks a bit further out where the gun can be held from over the shoulder. The Energy Cannon's block holds a generator inside that gathers and compacts the energy allowing it to be used when needed, The energy gathered is used to power the generator itself, and the leftover is stored to be used as ammo, giving the user a near unlimited amount of ammo, but continuous rapid fire is prone to cause a 5 second overheating (at most). The energy is gathered along the rails of the gun and coalesced into a ball and is launched outwards. It's travels around 3,300 fps, but the damage it deals is equivalent to twenty shots from a Covenant Elite plasma rifle at once. The firing speed of the Energy Cannon is five rounds a second and can fire 60 rounds non-stop before overheating. It's also capable of a 'Charge Shot' feature that's the equivalent in size to a plasma shell from a Wraith tank though with four times the OOMPH! The cannon can handle two of these shots before overheating. Another version is an Energy Laser Cannon that fires hyper-accelerated electron particles at 10% the speed of light. Lately, scientists have been trying to make Energy Cannons with newer nano-robotics so that the cannon can transform into a Gatling gun, but progress has been slow. ECM Armor- Previous experiences against Flood and Forerunner enemies have shown the Tsviets the absolute need for some form of Kinetic and Energy shielding for troops. Attempts to create such shields have been successful, but not satisfactory. Once a barrier is down, the troop would be vulnerable once again until the shield has time to recharge, and that has to be when not under fire. It was then decided to divert from the traditional shield and instead make a field. The answer was the ECM armor (Electro-Counter Measure). This device is actually nano-tubes woven into the armor worn by Tsviets and by making a field that emits an electromagnetic field around the soldier, it disrupts the trajectory all of kinetic rounds to weave 'around' the Tsviet soldier while it can also disrupt the integrity of energy bolts and cause them to break apart before hitting the target. While much larger rounds, large energy fire, shock waves, and melee attacks are not inhibited completely by this defense, they realized that if they wanted to do better, then the device would have to be bigger, which would be impractical for the individual soldier. As such, the more effective ECM armors have been enlarged and incorporated onto ships. Flight Suits Type Echelon and Type Fiera- An invention that was long before thought of and envisioned, many species never got around to developing the technology since well-equipped and well-trained soldiers could have a turkey shoot for themselves, as well as the 'at-the-time' proposed fuel for the flight packs would've made the airborne trooper a flying bomb. However, the Tsviets learned from their enemies and allies' mistakes and turned away from jet packs containing flammable fuel sources. Instead, they opted for different approach. After many hundreds of years of testing, they finally made a break through in taking the theory behind their suits' ECM armor and applying it in a different way. Like how the ECM armor uses an electromagnetic current to produce a field around them that deflects kinetic (metal) rounds while destabilizing energy projectiles, they made the flight suit capable of producing an EM field that connects with that of the EM field of the planetoid or ship they're on with the magnetic signature from the suit, so it manipulates the magnetic field to 'repel' them instead of 'attract' (gravity) them. It became a bastardized version of the same principles revolving around anti-gravity propulsion, which it was later configured into as the tests and theories for the flight suits progressed. The Type Echelon flight suits produces these EM fields via two large cords that run an electric current which is expanded through four 'feathers' along each wing to create the EM manipulation. These flight wings were much safer than traditional concepts of jet packs, though it wasn't til the science evolved into anti-gravity propulsion did their effectiveness increase with an increase in flight speed and range. However, research has also created the Type Fiera, a very effective flight suit shaped like two collapsible wings with jet thrusters on the inside that are mostly used by the Bogey drones and are capable of incredible speeds and maneuvers- only certain elements in the Tsvìet military are known to favor this form as well despite it only being early in the trial and error phase. There is a third, unnamed flight suit type, the most recent version that is available to Sing Love and her top commanders and guards, which has been adapted to hold a matrix generator that manipulates time and space to create the perfect teleportation system that protects them from any kind of external harm while in transition and has zero cool down time, while the more current and mass-produced versions will simply use slipspace ruptures that makes them prone to overheating after ten consecutive uses. All mods of flight suits are created with Life Armament, making them capable of being stored in a dimension to be called upon at will. War Machines They were the answer to the Tsviets' problem of planetary security because of their low numbers, their total population not even 1% of that of the Prothean's homeworld, much less total population. The Tsviets lacked the need for an economy because of similar mentality to an ant colony where they all live knowing to obey the Queen and lacked any selfish desires when the betterment of the species was prioritized above all else. As long as they played their assigned roles, others who played their own roles would be assigned to distribute food, medical aid, shelter, and knowledge. Because of this unity and lack of unnecessary economy that would have only hindered their progress, they built machines of war with impunity, the only factor affecting their production rate being the availability of resources and woman/machine power. They built factories which built their ships which mined the numerous asteroid belts in their solar system for the metals used to make more factories that would make the many types of war machines. The most notable types are listed below Drone- The 2nd most common type of war unit, these are bipedal cyborgs with 78'' tall humanoid frames. Their bodies look like they were assembled by limb sections, such as feet, lower-leg, upper-leg, lower-torso, upper-torso, upper-arm, lower-arm, hands, and head with joints of nanotubular muscles. They are lightly armored and are modified for their specific roles with a suitable weapon, such as automatic rail guns, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, energy lances, and high-frequency saw blades. Their fighting capabilities by comparison to current HALO humanity would be that of a S-III (Spartan-III). While they may lack instincts, they have constant up-to-date environmental awareness and organization thanks to their digital battle network, and never need food, sleep, or to fear death. Upon destruction, a back-up power source will activate to initiate the self-destruct program, vaporizing to ashes any unprotected organic matter within fifteen feet in an electrical explosion. Despite several units being more powerful, the Drones are the backbone of the Tsvìet military since a fully operable assembly factory can crank out ten thousand per day if the demand called for it. Wheeler- These types of drones are aptly named for they resemble a large 6 m tall wheel capable of traversing over many types of terrains, as well as across water. Energy spikes can protrude from the heavy armor over the circumference of the wheel for traction on slippery or vertical surfaces while the more vulnerable sides are equipped with auto-locking plasma repeater cannons and rocket launchers. Sky Lances- Inspired by the Forerunners' sentinels, these drones resemble a basic assault rifle with anti-gravity wings on the sides. These drones can be built in the billions at will and are the most numerous and expendable of the war machines. Different versions include a sniper and a heavy ordinance one, and all types can be accessed remotely by the commander drones or Tsviets to do specific tasks. Shockwave Sentinels- These are automated turret sentries with the option to be manned. They are often placed around areas that need to be defended but they also make terrifying ambushers. It is heavily armored, not including the energy shield, to withstand all but heavy ordinances such as artillery, tanks, and airstrikes. The main body is ten feet tall, shaped like the letter 'Y' with four mini-guns attached to the underside of the arms with two railguns mounted on top. On the ends of the arms are two large Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS) containing thirty missiles for each cartridge, each missile having the destructive blast radius of twenty meters with the power of a 120 mm HE (High Explosive) tank shell. The back of the mount juts out where a 180 mm mortar launch system is attached. Around the 'Y' body but low enough to give the railguns and mini-guns a clear line of fire are metal plate shields to disperse enemy fire. The S.S. is additionally protected by an energy overshield that surrounds it in a dome. Its attacks can reach out but all types of attacks at it are deflected. The shield is powered by three generators that are normally located within fifty meters of the Sentinel. Destruction of these three generators will leave the turret open for attack. BIA- Transforming A.I. mechs, these machines' standard form is that of a large pincer-less scorpion with a large tail equipped with a laser beam cannon on the tip. These machines can transform to operate as a bipedal humanoid wielding either a large axe that can fire mini-rockets or a large laser beam cannon. Both forms are equally battle capable and devastating in close ranges and can take tons of punishment from both kinetic and energy weapons. The best response to them are tanks or rocket launchers. Jamming Towers- Three jamming cores located in equal distance from each other on a large metal ring that hovers atleast 30 meters off the ground and often spin like a merry-go-round. These cores are protected inside a heavily armored container with a double-horizontal door, armed with gatling guns, missile batteries that fire tracking missiles, two 150 mm cannons, and a large laser cannon (which needs to be destroyed to destroy the core) each. These towers are often held on elevated hills or towers and guarded by a company of drones along with anti-air and armor artillery emplacements. Kreon- A massive, flying fire base used to provide close-air support, artillery support, act as a mobile command base, and air defense platform. Concurrently, it can also transform into a large four-legged walker, its thrusters being the feet to help lift them and move. It's armed with six, double-barreled charged particle energy cannons spaced around its body and two squads of Buzzard drones or five SAF Type-2 shuttles. Once grounded, as part of its transformation, a single, massive cannon folds out from within. This cannon has the firepower to erase mountain faces. Besides its massive cannon, it has a charged particle beam cannon fixed underneath the cockpit/bridge of the ship, a dozen mortar systems spaced evenly around the top of the ship to give artillery support in all directions, twelve massive armored gatling guns on the underside with half a dozen missile batteries, two elevator lifts on each side that can carry two dozen drones each, and three jammer emitters on each side that can overheat energy shields and disrupt communications over a wide area around the Kreon. Kreon- http:///wiki/Kreon Whiplash Mk.II- A modified version of the Mk.I which was simply an armor equipped to one's spine and torso and armed with two plasma whips powered by a miniature arc reactor. The newer model went further beyond by turning the suit into a fully armored war drone. While a version exists that can contain a wearer, the most popular version is the slave unit that can be controlled remotely through an integrated battle network by a Tsviet Whiplash specialist, or an A.I.. Standing at 10ft tall, as mobile as a Drone, armored like a Shockwave Sentinel and armed with a multitude of onboard weaponry (not including what it can carry) and two 10 meter long plasma whips and all powered by an arc reactor...they are very hard to kill. Nothing but heavy ordinance can put a dent in these things. http : // marvel - movies . wikia . com /wiki /Whiplash_(armor)?file=AOIM2H_4 . jpg Bogey- The least numerous and most advanced A.I. drone created to protect the most important facilities and personnel, as well as capture/kill High Value Targets (HVTs). The most humanoid of the drones in appearance, it's equipped with advanced armor, kinetic and energy shields, a large anti-armor laser rifle with an underslung laser sword, the collapsible jet-thruster flight equipment, flying miniature EM jamming emitters that can cause shields to overheat and flying miniature laser cannons separate from the body to fire from multiple angles, and can be modified to hold a pilot or be a slave unit. Each are powered by a mini-arc reactor. They are one of the most valuable drone types, so in case of imminent destruction or capture by enemy, each is armed with a 15 kT tactical nuke inside with a 15 second timer. Each bogey is capable of giving a Space Marine Chapter Champion or Chapter Master the fight of their life with victory always unsure. Each army commander is said to always be guarded/shadowed by one, sometimes two Bogeys, same for Royals. OMEGA Weapons The OMEGA Weapons were A.I. war mechs built in the last years of the Tsvìet-Forerunner War where they gained staggering amounts of praise from the soldiers and were soon to be very feared by Forerunners. While the earlier versions did have their glaring weaknesses, they usually made up for it with their heavy armor and a versatile armament of overwhelming firepower. An OMEGA Weapon would be transported from a ship to the battlefield via slip space, and would leave in the same way after mission objectives had been accomplished or was on the verge of destruction. If the latter, they would be taken back and enhanced with upgraded equipment before being sent back out. This, ironically, earned them the title 'The Undying Machines' since an OMEGA weapon's destruction has never been confirmed by the Forerunners as it would retreat when too badly damaged. The last two versions are the only ones still in use, and are used to guard the most important areas within Tsvìet space, such as Tecomfpzhire, Cradle of Life, and many of the core worlds of the Tsviets. Omega Mk.XI- Built as a four-legged mechanical walker, it's pace is about 30 mph but can accelerate to 52 mph for brief moments. It is armed with two smaller arms that can sprout out to grapple, use flamethrowers, or fire laser cannons, whereas its body has installed missile launchers, can sprout dozens of 20 meter long wires from its back that electrifies anything they grapple onto with a couple 100 million Amps, and has a pile driver in each leg that can cause a massive ground shockwave within the area. Only about fifteen have been made due to the complexity of their designs and the quality of their armor. These units are only allowed to be summon from the Life Armament storage dimension by the top commanders of the Navies and Armies, and only with Sing Love's approval via superluminal communications. http : / / final fantasy . wikia . com / wiki / Omega_(Final_Fantasy_XIII-2)?file=Omega_XIII-2_Battle_Render . png Omega Mk.XII- The most advanced Omega weapon to date with only one made and equipped with the most advanced armor(even for Ancient Humanity and Forerunners' standards) with little need for an ECM defense and was also created with Life Armament. Still, it brought fear and despair to the Forerunners who faced it in the last months of the war by single-handedly claiming thousands of kills, not including destruction of fighters, vehicles, and other sentinels. A large four-legged walker about 100 meters at resting height, its main armament is a laser cannon of capital ship-grade with an accurate range of 15,000 m, just down-sized with a fire rate of one two-second laser every 4 seconds, to be used against infantry, armor, and close-air support. The Omega Mk.XII weapon is more than just a A.I. war mech. Being the greatest creation by DRGN SLYR (Dragon Slayer) after Outer Heaven, it is built with the ability to grow and evolve by going over battle data to learn and create counter-measures, and has an energy core that can absorb radiation, hard light, and other sources of energy, such as leeching off a nuclear reactor or dark matter core. To compensate for the growing core, its armor is capable of condensing any excess energy into a physical substance which is used to add on more size for the weapon or repair itself by condensing and shaping the energy into specific parts based on internal blueprints of itself, having finally grown to 100 meters tall from its original 7 meter height over the hundred of millennia. The ability to grow is in thanks to the integration of a matrix generator in its body to allow it to manipulate space to a certain degree, only to help grow or repair itself given enough time. This also means the A.I. grows and evolves, thus never going rampant and has been constantly upgrading its cyber-defenses, knowledge, armor, weaponry and design. It acknowledges only one true authority, that being Queen Sing Love, with Dragon Slayer only after having Sing's permission, and maybe one day even Naruto's. It's considered so powerful and so valuable to the Tsvìets that when it is not in use, Sing Love keeps it in a completely separate Life Armament dimension for worry about its own growth rate outside of battle and tasks it as her eternal bodyguard and is one of her last means of defense if the enemies were to somehow reach the heart of Tecomfpzhire or Outer Heaven. Either that, or an enemy pisses her off (which is rare since she considers outbursts and anger as hindrances) so bad that she sends it to wipe out whatever world it goes to via slip space or Ceph wormhole. http : / / img1 . wikia . nocookie . net /_cb20130629140622 / final fantasy/images/1/ 1a/ Omega-ffxii . png http : / / img2 . wikia . nocookie . net /_cb20070317143708 / final fantasy/ images/2/ 26/Omega_Mk12 . jpg Cradle of Life's planetary Defenses: Naval: Estimated 150,000 ships of various tonnage. The Cradle of Life's Navy is capable of launching sea-to-space attacks via missiles or laser strikes. Many of the ships and A.I. platforms are even equipped with a hydraulic water cutter to use extremely high-pressured water or acids to completely bypass the kinetic and energy shields of low-flying craft. ALL ships are capable of becoming submersible. The underwater wall surrounding 'At World's End' has a picket line of 25 'STLA' towers along its circumference that reach atleast 400 meters above sea level. These towers are all part of an anti-air/navy/space defense grid made up of concentric circles spreading outwards. Each tower is basically a channeling rod. Fed by a subterranean energy source, each tower is capable of firing a single, highly concentrated laser for up to 7 seconds before needing to recharge for 15 seconds. The lasers are accurate up to 51,580 miles while causing glancing damage, can cause concerning damage at 4,400 miles, but are very deadly at any distance closer. A concentrated barrage of all of these lasers can drain the shields of a Forerunner dreadnought within seconds, atleast a minute for a pair of towers. These twenty feet wide lasers travel at 83.74% the speed of light, making them a true death-dealing weapon that's nearly impossible to dodge once it's locked on, especially to ships flying in orbit who are not shielded at all, or enough, against such kinds of energy weapons. The lasers are even capable of reaching targets as low as five miles below the ocean. Any targets below that are handled by the Leviathans. Such power and speed make them the perfect defense against missiles, torpedoes, and even MAC rounds from enemy ships. The only hope one has is perfectly timing the moment to completely halt or change your trajectory before it fires. The lasers mainly rely on hitting the target, so if it misses, it's possible for the target to continue dodging its sweeps if fast and maneuverable enough. Army: The army for Cradle of Life is composed of 3 billion of the most elite of all the Tsvìet forces, including biological, synthetic, and mainly cybernetic. Each and every soldier garrisoned here are the first to be equipped with the latest in warfare technology. For the organics, all 100,000 of them are the most elite of all military units of past generations, chosen by the acting Grand Primal Commanders to be put in stasis fields to be awoken only when the homeworld is in danger. Many of these soldiers are veterans of the ancient Tsvìet wars against opponents such as the Forerunners, the Flood, the Reapers, and briefly with Pre-Historic Humanity millions of years ago. As such, their ancient Life Armaments make them far deadlier than current Tsvìet soldiers. All synthetic and cybernetic soldiers are fitted with the most sturdy, synthetic armor available: Life Armament reinforced with veins of Nethicite. Each unit has their own kinetic and energy shields, redundant energy generators for the larger ones, and armed with weapons foreign to morality, humanity, and ethnicity. Each and every soldier of this army is upgraded with the best technology Tsvìet minds can create for the sole purpose of ending all forms of life or undead that threaten Cradle of Life. Mechanical assets for the troops involve the most powerful of armored vehicles within each category of tanks, mechs, giant walkers, subterranean drillers, massive armored war trains, amphibious assault crafts, shockwave sentinels, mobile energy shield generators, Kreon fire bases, etc. All of these are supplied by numerous repair and refit facilities, factories for creating ammunition, vehicles, and cybernetic bodies for A.I. and V.I.s, and the most advanced hospitals available. Besides air lifting and train carting, soldiers can be deployed into various battlefields in the thousands via rocket-powered pods that fly in an arc to land at a designated area. These pods can be shot from ships of both air and naval nature as well. Equipped with various ECM defenses such as targeting jammers, EM fields, and energy shielding to protect passengers. The most elite units are able to be instantly teleported to anywhere above, on, or within the planet where their skills will be needed. Air Force: To secure the skies and quickly deploy forces throughout the continents and seas, the forces to command the air are massive and in technical terms, innumerable. Hundreds of thousands of Type-22s and thousands of Type-33s are garrisoned and always ready to sortie at the drop of a hat. Dozens of the new Type-44 Super Fortresses are stationed as well to maintain dominance in the airspace above the oceans. Billions of SHOP-Type 12s and Sky Lances await deployment within thousands of hidden launch bays throughout the continents and seas. Thousands of SAF-Type 2 shuttles can airlift entire Cores worth of soldiers, as well as vehicles and supplies. City Fortresses: The host for these massive armies are split between five sites, each one dominating a Brazil-sized landmass, taking up 20% of their respective continents except for Tecomfpzhire: the four City Fortresses of Helghoff, Sinairy, Mordvain, Pershvlrence, and the capital city of Tecomfpzhire. The four cities at each cardinal direction are massive; each spanning 530 miles in width, shaped like a tic-tac-toe board, with thousands of miles of connected subterranean tunnels, bunkers, and fortresses. Using these tunnels makes it very easy for the underground garrisons to reinforce any defensible position in a city. These cities may be aesthetically gothic, but are littered with underground tunnels, bunkers, garrisons and hidden weapon emplacements, making them a rare classification Tsvìet architectures call 'City Fortresses.' Troops and supplies can even be ferried to other cities via massive, armored war trains that run along massive subteranean tunnels within the top layers of the planet's mantle layer. These cities are built for the sole defense of Tecomfpzhire and Cradle of Life. Each city is protected by rings of armored STLA towers powered by subterranean generators and 15,000 ?????, 50,000 synthetic soldiers, and 150 million cybernetic/mechanical warriors put into stasis, awaiting the day a race so daring attacks their homeworld. Subterranean walls can rise up to create staggered layers upon staggered layers of heavy cannons and missile launchers of both kinetic and energy destructive capabilities. Dozens of lifts can bring from below the earth entire Kreons to provide close fire support and mobile firing bases. Each city is covered by overlapping domes of AT Fields and each city has a massive generator that works with the other to produce a planetary AT Field. For stability of the City Fortress and its underground infrastructure, millions of square miles of layered artificial tectonic dampeners act like a suspension system for the continents, dispersing potentially catastrophic tectonic reactions due to enemy orbital bombardments. In essence, all useful notes the Tsvìets have taken during the throes of hundreds of wars in the entire span of their existence have aided in the restructuring, modifying, and architectural engineering of the City Fortresses and Tecomfpzhire to never fall to an enemy. Profiles: Key Characters and Base Stats: DRGN SLYR (Dragon Slayer)- Height: 6'9 Weight: ???? lbs Measurements (Japanese scale): B/W/H: 109/78/112 Body Fat Percentage (Breasts excluded): 2% (the butt) Personality: Adaptive; a reserved Sadist and Masochist; likes to use humor and innuendos with Sing; prideful and confident in her actions/thoughts/plans/creations. Details: 2nd in command of all Tsvìet Command, overseeing the Military, Civilian, and Scientific Communities. Extremely intelligent to the point where her brain can process thoughts and make calculations as fast as some of the Tsvìet's most advanced A.I.s, capable of running the same algorithm (ex. 2 plus 2=4) 3.5 million times within a couple of seconds. When in battle, her brain is making calculations based on what her senses detect (sight, smell, touch, hear, taste) to create equations that allow her to perform at optimal efficiency as if she were to move according to her math. Her brain is working at a constant 100%. Like Sing, she's so powerful, she has to have majority of her physical abilities locked away until the appropriate time. Due to her using so much brain power constantly, she is always doing something to take up her time, whether it's formulating contingencies against threats using new data whether related or not, theorizing new solutions to problems that pop up, or making theoretically adjustments to the Tsvìet's capital ship, Outer Heaven, and running simulations regarding such theories. Because of her complete scatterbrain-like attention, she is a master of all trades but should someone with an incredible amount of intellect and imagination focus on a subject completely, they may be able to outshine DRGN SLYR's own achievements in such areas. Ex. SDTH creating a portable, malleable AT Field whereas DRGN SLYR had only created them to be in basic defensive shapes such as spearheads, ovals, etc. Base Stats: (Note: Following VS Forums' style.) STR (Strength): Lifting: Class M (The mass of largest ship), Striking Strength: Mountain Class ATK POT (Attack Potency): Large Town (100Mt to 1Gt) RNG (Range): Melee, up to hundreds of kilometers with assortment of personal weaponry and energy manipulation. SPD (Speed): Movement: Relativistic (10%-50% SoL), Reaction: FTL (x1-10 Speed of Light[SoL]) DEX (Dexterity): END (Endurance): Immense, comparable and scaled to base Sing. Mid-High Regen (regenerated from being vaporized to dust) makes her very hard to put down. STM (Stamina): Inhuman (Fought one battle after another while mentally commanding an army for 14 years straight) PHY AGI (Physical Agility): MEN AGI (Mental Agility): INT (Intelligence): Inhuman Genius, millions of years old and is responsible for designing and creating most of the Tsvìets' greatest technological achievements, even the secret process of gathering enough energy to give it physical form and basic, command protocols (Outer Heaven). Capable of designing and storing all of her experiments within her head (smarter than SDTH is most of everything, though spreads her intelligence out while SDTH is more specialized, so she should scale to this at the least) with no need for virtual data storage devices. Can perform thousands of calculations per second, the mathematical equations and formulas transcending anything Humanity has ever come close to and in some cases, defies their laws of physics. PHY DEF (Physical Defense): Planet Level MEN DEF (Mental Defense): MAG/ENG DEF (Magic/Energy Defense): CHR (Charisma): ITM (Intimidation): SING LOVE- Height: 7'7 Weight: ????? lbs Measurements: B/W/H: 112(Motherhood: 132)/90/102(112) Body Fat Percentage (Breasts excluded): 2% Personality: Very complex; uses a wide range of meanings within just a few forms of expressions and tones when talking; Manipulative for the betterment of her people; has a strange sense of justice that only a few can comprehend (this author not being one of them); keeps her people's secrets and true abilities, history, etc. close to her chest; she can be respectful when she feels like it to those whom she doesn't 'need' to respect (i.e. lower herself to be equals with). She will not alter her 'dominating presence' because a lower tiered species feels threatened; she has a soft weakness for children and a respectful stance to fellow mothers that only goes so far; any who incur her wrath have earned it and will not be shown any mercy or leniency. Details: Queen of all Tsvìets and de facto leader of the 'technically sovereign' state composed of the A.I.s. Her status is like that of a living deity to her people. Extremely powerful and intelligent, enough that her practical capabilities are sealed away to give her the base powers down below. People on her hit list (In order from top to bottom): 'That thing', Obito, Oggaluz (K.I.A.), The Chaos Gods of Warhammer 40K. SING LOVE: A compressed blast of extremely high vocals which tear apart matter down to atoms and massive amounts of psychic energy used to direct the sound waves. This psychic 'cone' doubles as a layer of protection to allow the attack to be used in the vacuum of space as well. At full power with base stats, this is an absolute planet killer. At full power with power released to 100%, results are unknown since Sing Love has never, in recorded history, unleashed her full power. Anything caught in the blast have their very atoms shaken apart and disintegrated. Base Stats: STR: Lifting: Class G (Mass of Human World (Earth) population, largest man-made structures), Striking: Continental Class (Large Planet level with SING LOVE) ATK POT: Moon (29.6 Exatons - 433 Exatons) RNG: Melee, Extended Melee, up to Planetary with weapons and SING LOVE, Stellar with Teleportation SPD: Movement: FTL (x10-100 SoL), Reaction: Massively FTL (x1000 SoL) DEX: END:Immense, capable of fighting with no pause even should limbs be amputated and her body perforated with clear holes. High Regen makes her near impossible to kill w/out knowledge of how she comes back. STM: Nigh-Limitless PHY AGI: MEN AGI: INT: Inhuman Genius, should scale to DRGN SLYR though the details of such a comparison are unknown as of now. PHY DEF: Large Planet Level MEN DEF: Atleast Tier 1-B. Easily shrugged off the combined influence of the four Warhammer 40K Chaos Gods as her symbiosis with Outer Heaven makes her the center of a psychic connection with her entire species and A.I. forces across the galaxy cluster. Instead of them affecting possibly her whole species or individuals, their influence is redirected at her instead. Being the center of such a hive mind and being over 3 million years old, as well as the nature of her Neblading (consumption-borderline assimilation of DNA and Memories) of over two dozen billion entities, half of which were stated to have been beings nearly transcending flesh and machine and still keep her individuality gives her nigh-incorruptible mental fortitude. MAG/ENG DEF: CHR: ITM: Description: Sing Love's an enigmatic entity and one can never really tell if her words, even her thoughts, are the truth or a lie. Her origins are shrouded in mystery but according to documented history, she is the first Tsvìet to have discovered Neblading. The history before this pivotal moment is unregistered in any files. Many believe the only two to know aside from Sing Love are DRGN SLYR and HUKE. Using her new found knowledge, her rise to power and dominance over her species could only be best described in one word: Unstoppable. Once she had control over her entire planet, she began teaching the rest of her people the secret to her power. Seeing her irresistible power, everyone sought after it. It's unknown what exactly transpired but the Tsvìets came close to devouring all life on their planet and even each other until Sing personally took control of the power struggles, bringing to her side 14 generals- the first 13 Royals and DRGN SLYR. With the populations under strict watch, she regulated everything to perform at the species' utmost efficiency. Soon, she took her species outside of orbit, being the first one herself to test the very first space capsule. Seeing for the first time the countless expanse of space, their own sun, and the distant stars, Sing finally found direction for her people and power. Upon returning, she gave voice to her desire and the people followed without question. The next hundred years would see the building of massive star ships of robust designs, built to insulate and protect the millions of pioneers and billions of V.I. automatons led by HUKE and the first Council of A.I.s. For the next 3 million years, their expanse into space would become legendary for those who know the full extent of the Tsvìets' power and reach. They are one of the most leading authorities in the known universe. Over these eons, Sing and her people have become so powerful that only the truly ignorant and stupid would dare attack them intentionally. Usually, it takes just a simple show of force to quell any thought of war with her people and Sing has grown accustomed to this type of display when meeting new space faring species for the simple fact that their ignorance would possibly allow them to think they stand to gain something by threatening her people. This is a simple wake-up call that in Sing's own words, "No, this is not intimidation. This is reality. I do not have any obligation or desire to tolerate your ignorance. Attacking us will be suicidal. I've shown my first move to hammer the point home because should you make me show my second move, you will not live to regret it. We've come with no violent intent but are more then ready if you wish for war. Now, let's skip any ill-fated political maneuvering and simply agree to get along with each other." Sing's known abilities: God-like strength Incredible agility and dexterity Instant teleportation with unknown range and frequency Levitation Energy projection Incredibly intelligent and wise God-like political, economic, and war tactical know-how God-like durability (when not restraining her already sealed power) Capability to download genetic information and memories through consumption of foreign DNA. Capability to manipulate her own body matter to an unknown degree when using abilities inherent from consumed DNA of any species she's Nebladed. Incredible foresight (Equivalent to Type Moon's Eye of the Mind (True) and (False), both ranked A) Biologically immortal High-speed regeneration (includes organs, bones, and brain matter. Has never been injured beyond a state.) Redundant vital organs inherent of her species and Royal classification, though absent of normally vital organs and non-vital organs present in humans, such as intestinal tract which the stomach substitutes for, liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc.. Incredible singer KOS-MOS - One of the latest models of Gynoids. She looks incredibly human, or Tsvìet, yet her body is composed of a perfect mixture of genetically enhanced flesh and cybernetics, seamlessly fused together. She is a Combat Medic class capable of on-field surgeries at incredible speeds, as well as repairing machinery and combat platforms. She's tasked as Naruto's personal medic/doctor and is never more than a few paces from him. A Combat Medic gynoid is always a welcomed sight on the battlefield. STR: 70 SPD: 85 DEX: 100T END: 90 PHY AGI: 90 MEN AGI: 100T INT: Practical: 100T Academic: 100T PHY DEF: 80 MEN DEF: 90 MAG/ENG DEF: 85 CHR: 35 ITM: 20 [80]- When she enters her stern doctor persona. T-elos (Telos)- A combat oriented Aggressor-class gynoid. Telos is uploaded information about every type of martial arts, combat weapon & tactic, and strategy ever encountered by the Tsvìets, giving her nearly unparalleled foresight and adaptability in all combat scenarios. She is sadistic in nature, opposite of her twin gynoid, Kos-Mos. She serves as the main bodyguard of Naruto. STR: 80 SPD: 90 DEX: 95 END: 90 PHY AGI: 95 MEN AGI: 100T INT: Practical: 100T Academic: 70 PHY DEF: 100T MEN DEF: 100T MAG/ENG DEF: 95 CHR: 30 ITM: 60 S-DTH (Es-Death) - Height: 7'2 Weight: ???? lbs Measurements: B/W/H: 125/85/110 Personality: Open Sadist who gets off on the pain she inflicts to others. She's incapable of living without experiencing pain in some way, whether it's inflicted by or on her; genius level intellect with an unyielding drive to accomplish her goals. Despite her genocidal tendencies, she has shown restraint in holding herself back. Details: One of the Original 13 Royals of the Tsvìet People, which would make her millions of years old yet she is actually just a few hundred thousand years old which is a plot point for much later. S-DTH is the Primal of the Hell-class prison ship 'Cocytus' where she spends her time torturing, punishing, and executing criminals to the Tsvìet people. She is a generator and manipulator of water molecules with her main form of use being ice manipulation. She became this powerful by Neblading an entire space-traveling species of ice manipulators called the Phrygisians when they mistook her ship for an invasion ship. Ironically, they gave her the reason to do what they were initially fearing in the first place. S-DTH has be known to use her powers in a variety of lethal ways and leaving an entire continent a frozen hell of Absolute Zero temperatures has become her calling card. I've got several challenges for any talented authors who have the skills to write a story with correct grammar, and all that other stuff, as well as keeping their stories interesting without giving away all of the facts. You know what I mean if you've ever read a story like that. These stories don't have names yet and some may not have alot of details in the summary, so if you have any suggestions or questions, just PM me. I do not do yaoi or heavy yuri. The only yaoi I'll accept is if it's just an incidental mistake, like when Naruto got bumped into Sasuke and they ended up kissing. It was hilarious and nobody saw it coming. That kind of stuff I can deal with, but same sex pairings are a big no-no. (Naruto/Black Rock Shooter) Name: Reading: Extra-Terrestrial Jinchuuriki Mother Premise: Basically, it's a request for a reading story of my biggest hit. For my own reasons, I want one done so that I may see how other people view and deconstruct my work so that I may find flaws to fix and pick up ideas or hints to improve my future chapters. How to do this is simple enough I'd guess. Everybody gets drawn into a massive room where Zelretch of all has decided to bring them and future members of the story to watch the proceedings. If you request to know which future characters will be in the story from different medias, I'll grant it but you'll need to kinda make them a bit ignorant as to avoid time paradoxes and the usual. Includes canon Naruto and BRS (anime and game. Imagine two similar but different Sing Loves having a sit down with ETJM Sing Love.) The reason Zelretch is doing this? Because he is bored and seeing as how tons of other stories on here get made into 'Reading' stories that he's never been involved with, well, then can you really be surprised he'd try to outdo all of them? As for how much the audience will be able to see, they'll basically be 3rd Person Omnipotent, i.e. what you the readers read. OST musics will be included too since they help set the stage and important parts of the 'author's notes will be provided via a type of 'guide book' to the story to explain what needs more exposition on. Data in the book will become available and in more detail when it's brought up and extrapolated upon in the story. Since there are so many different ethnic backgrounds, the words would be translated into a 'universal' language, though the Tsvìet words will remain only for the Tsvìets to understand unless I've actually written their translations down in the story or on the wiki. If you need, I can send you docx of each chapter so that you don't have to write each one word for word. While writing between the chapters, I humbly ask that you correct any errors in writing that you may find. If you have a question concerning something, please ask me for clarification. I hope someone accepts this large task and am earnestly hopeful. (RWBY/Blazblue) Name: You decide. Pairing: None for the main character, though a couple would express stubborn interest in him. Route: Azrael had strength in spades, all of them aces. There's only one Ace of Spades but when it comes to his strength...he has a full hand of Ace of Spades...because he's OP like that. So, take someone with the physical strength to rip his way out of an interdimensional prison using just his bare hands but no way of knowing that he should have made that tear a few feet more to the left to go back to kick Phantom Nine's ass before journeying to wage war against the gods, dump him in a different universe filled with creatures designed to hunt and kill all sentient life, and you might have something. Obviously, he didn't wind back up in his universe. No, he dropped on top of a beowolf that was about to land the final blow against an aura-depleted, little Ruby Rose who was training. Letting loose his frustration at his circumstances, he takes it out on the Grimm since they have plenty of intent to harm him, thus allowing him to fight back. He decides to shelter Ruby for the sole purpose that going by her weapon and gear, she might be a nice 'appetizer' for him. When she is better, though amnesiac in regards to the memories of everything but training to kill Grimm, he forces her to fight him and though her skills are on par with a couple of fighters of his land, his speed, experience, strength and durability are simply too much for her. His coming death blow to her is halted by the appearance of an elder grimm, one that he has a joy fighting and killing. Ruby is enraptured by his strength and though Azrael allows her to live, she stubbornly follows him with the intent of having him help her get strong to kill Grimm. The only reason he doesn't kill her is because she JUST WON'T DIRECT A LITTLE HARMFUL INTENT AT HIM! She's just so DAMN HAPPY! He doesn't like bullies, but jeez, even he has his patience. She doesn't let him nap much of the day away either! So much energy in a child is not natural. Well, there's one saving grace. This world is filled with strong people called Huntsmen and an endless supply of Grimm, and going by this child's potential already, he might as well train her to be strong enough for him to fight again and again. Until then, he'll just train her while devouring all the prey this world has to offer. (Story: Fate series/Highschool DxD) Name: I'm not a pervert! I swear! Pairing: OC MC/unwanted harem Route: So, I'm like..a descendant of some pretty strong hero/anti-hero of the past, right? As you can imagine, with a bit of fitness and boxing, I've got what many consider a Perfect Body. I'm muscular, shredded like lettuce, I'm 6'6'' tall despite being just 17, and I can even do bits of magic! Pretty sweet, huh? I mean, I've got the babes crawling all over me...and it's fucking wrong on so many levels, man! They're all LOLIS! Their combined busts wouldn't even fit a D-cup bra, their combined average height is like 4'6'', and that is not even the worst part. Each of them is a supernatural entity that is much older and stronger then me and they're all sexually devious or curious. I seriously can't show my face in several cities because they think I'm some lolicon who's adopting my own underage harem! *sobs* I love tits and ass and MILFs, not ironing boards and never-maturing near immortals. I swear it's all Shuten's fault! She brought in and corrupted the other girls. With their superior strengths (individually, so do I even need to mention combined) and magic skills, I'm basically a hunk of meat for their enjoyment. I can't sleep in my bed by myself, take a lonely shower or bath, or even go to the store without atleast two of them clinging onto my hands like daughters, only to then embarrass me by asking me to buy Victoria's Secret shit. There's two maturer women in the group, but one looks like a teenage loli and is emotionally naive while the other is a busty, voluptuous black cat but stays out of the 'harem' since she doesn't want to steal her little sister's 'future mate.' Now, I, Azrael Kintoki, have THE most powerful independent groups in the supernatural world (though nobody but us know about that little fact) but zero respect in regards to 'my character'...save for the Catholic church for some odd reason. Members of the unwanted harem: Altera (Fate-Extella)- Physically and magically the most powerful and the official leader. The healed and fully functional Attila the Hun, the physical Avatar of SEPHYR, a nearly all-powerful, world devouring TYPE, who's constantly passively absorbing sources of magic (aside from the girls) and sending what extra her physical form doesn't need back to the slowly reviving core of her true being that's slumbering within the moon. Shuten Douji (Fate-Grand Order)- The actual oni of legends and the original corrupter of all the other girls, the official mastermind of the harem. Ibaraki Douji (Fate-Grand Order)- The actual oni of legends. She follows her cousin like a soldier but sticks around mainly for the rough sex (and Azrael's squirms) and the unique company. Shirone (Koneko) (Highschool DxD)- Nekoshou. Kuroka took her during her escape and they were found and recruited by Altera, with Shirone eventually corrupted by Shuten. Sajyou Manaka (Fate/Prototype Fragments)- Human with connection to the Root. Completely apathetic towards morals and life aside from a few in their group and Azrael. Assassin of Black/Jack the Ripper (Fate-Apocrypha)- Heroic Spirit. A spirit that's the amalgamation of the dead orphans aborted or abandoned by their whore mothers in London. Sees Azrael as her father. Has a huge father complex. Archer of Red/Atalanta (Fate-Apocrypha)- Resurrected Atalanta. Sees Azrael as a suitable mate due to being one of only two to recognize his true, non-perverted nature and his unbreakable resolve to still protect those who he shelters. Unfortunately, she has yet to find a way to save him. Stheno and Euryale (Fate-Grand Order)- The actual twins of legend who were rescued by Azrael when he won the 5th Holy Grail War (in another dimension. Having the originals of several of the servants summoned really helped his odds, though he still got no respect due to his loli harem) and wished them from Medusa's stomach. Medusa Lancer (Fate-Grand Order)- Resurrected Medusa. The actual Medusa of his own universe that somehow Attila resurrected. She joined his powerful group to stave off loneliness and when she served as his Lancer during the 5th HGW, he used his wish to reunite her with her sisters. Helena Blavatsky (Fate-Grand Order)- Heroic Spirit. She's no better then Shuten, really but atleast she builds an assortment of cool robots and gadgets while Shuten just molests him, and drinks saki all the time. Lilith (Highschool DxD)- Clone of Ophis, she entered this dimension from her own destroyed one via the Sephiroth Grail showing her how. The war with Trihexa annihilated all of existence in that universe. She clings to Azrael more so then anybody else, swearing to destroy any that would try to harm him. (Story: RWBY/Killzone) Name: Like the others, you decide. Pairing: You decide. Note: Several routes you can take. They're very similar, just minor differences. Main route: Remnant's bastions for Humanity and Faunus have been overrun, thanks in no small indirect part to the machinations of Cinder. During a last stand, a small group of Hunters/Huntresses stick together to the end. Tired, defeated, and angry with no hope left, Glynda uses a special spell to save the last of her students by entombing them within a deep preservation zone for tens of thousands of years. (Here's where the routes split up): Team RWBY and/or Glynda; Team JNPR; Team RWBY and JNPR; Pyrrha Nikos; Ruby Rose; Pyrrha and Ruby (by their self); Either Pyrrha or Ruby, or both, with Glynda and/or Ozpin, survive the entombing after being awoken during the ISA's invasion of Helghan. Trying to survive and not knowing which side to fight on, they make their decision when a Helghast squad finds them and believes them to be civilians and tries to evacuate them to safety. A brief explanation from the trooper believing them to just be shell shocked into confusion tells them that the ISA tyrants are invading their home world. Their doubts are eliminated when the nuke goes off and, given the secrecy of the act, the Helghast soldiers believe the nuke was activated by the ISA. This is followed by a firefight with ISA soldiers that forces the still tired and injured Remnant survivor(s) to retreat and their escorts are killed during it. One's show of duty by using his body as a bullet shield to protect them finalizes their allegiance. They pull themselves together and easily kill the ISA squads. Not knowing where to go, they hear the radio on one Helghast soldier's body come to life with the palace defenders calling for backup as the ISA is making a last push to the palace. The person or team(s) decide to aid the besieged defenders. Note: As you can see, due to circumstances, the ISA has painted themselves as the bad guys (they're still not good guys in my eyes) to the Remnant survivors and this is very bad for them. I'm wanting their intervention to save Col. Radec as well. If this can be accomplish and the story regularly updated with well-written chapters, then you can have the challenge. Since there are so many different variables to the challenge, more than one challenger will be accepted. All I ask is that you let me know if you want to take this challenge. (Story: RWBY/Highschool DxD) Cat's Second Life Pairing: You decide Plot: Kuroka dies in the battles to stop Trihexa and does so with many regrets, one having not been able to save her sister...or have babies! but more importantly, not saving her sister. So, she's dead but eventually she gets reincarnated, only difference being...she can remember everything, looks the same as she did before (as a child, but she will grow into the same woman she was in DxD), and even has her Nekoshou powers though she's just not a devil anymore. Even better, she can feel that her sister was reincarnated as her actual sister in this world! Route #1: Kuroka stays active in Blake's life, protecting her and guiding her if need be, whether it be a reformed way or by showing her how a SS-class Stray Devil hid from the governing bodies for so long. Route #2: Kuroka's powers and talent becomes a desired resource and to protect her mother and baby sister, she disappears only to return (anytime from Volume 1 after initiation to beginning of Volume 2. Notes: Kuroka is still very playful and trouble-making as before though less obsessed with having babies since she is not the last of her kind (despite being a two-tailed cat faunus). She would have fun embarrassing her sister with things like 'Yep, you're my sister. I got the Bellaboobies while you definitely got mom's Bellabooty, nya.' Kuroka is still quite powerful given her youjutsu and senjutsu powers and honestly, I'd class her level at current time of DxD plot to a very powerful huntsmen class. Her powers make her very versatile, like Glynda's, and she has a whole previous lifetime of experience to draw from to use her abilities to the fullest. (Story: RWBY/Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) Jaune's Stand against ZA WARUDO! Pairing: While I love Pyrrha to death (she's literally like the only mary-sue in existence that I love yet she still has some realistic problems despite her perfection. Okay, back on track), I'd like to see something with either Neo, Cinder, or Velvet. (You'll see why the pairings would make sense or just be funny to watch them develop.) Note: Two routes you can take. Route #1 (Jaune Arc vs 'The World'): Jaune's desperation to save himself in the Emerald Forest despite his meek and weak self forces him to do anything he can to survive, namely trying to activate his semblance that he has no idea what it does and is just hoping it will save him. It doesn't work too well and he takes a fatal hit. Not knowing what to do and not wanting to die, he simply tries to overload his body with his aura to heal himself and something unexpected happens. He suddenly near-instantly regenerates his wounds and the grim around him are killed by a large muscular figure that refers to itself as 'The World' and that only he can see it. While Jaune is amazed by his semblance and the passive perks that come with having The World as his invisible ultimate weapon (I'm making some of Dio's vampire abilities the passive perks Jaune gets from his stand), he soon finds himself having trouble trying to keep the Stand in check with his weaker will. Mysterious personality shifts are also rampant as he's a nervous leader one moment and a womanizing, cocky, unlikeable asshole the next moment that is ironically more respected and liked than his original persona. Route #2 (I'm actually still polishing out the details on this one.) (Story: Durarara/Rosario Vampire) Unstable Mixture Pairing: Up to you to decide, just no yaoi please Note: There are two possible versions to write Summary #1: Shizuo Heiwajima is called a monster by everyone who has had the displeasure of getting on his bad side. Born with a condition that allows his body to perform feats of superhuman strength and using said condition to throw a van at someone cuz they bumped into you and didn't apologize can have that kind of result. However, he has gained the attention of an inhuman being who hires him for a job at Yokai Academy. Just how will the 'Strongest Man of Ikebukuro' stack up against a school where Might makes Right and humans are forbidden? Summary #2: Shizuo Heiwajima is called a monster by everyone who has had the displeasure of getting on his bad side. Born with a condition that allows his body to perform feats of superhuman strength and using said condition to throw a van at someone cuz they bumped into you and didn't apologize can have that kind of result. However, his actions get him fired and now he needs work. He's gained the attention of a high-class man who hires him for a temporary job of being a bodyguard/caretaker for his three young daughters when he's not around. Imagine Shizuo's surprise when they turn out to be vampires. (Story: Naruto) Wraith of the Leaf Pairing: Dark, vengeful Naruto, possibly with OC spirit or something, or no pairing at all. Just no yaoi, Hinata, or Sakura Summary: During the battle on the big bridge in Wave, Naruto ends up destroying his body via Kyuubi's chakra, yet several unexpected things happen. Kyuubi pulls Naruto into his crumbling mind at the last moment. Naruto meets his parents. Kyuubi makes a deal with Naruto by showing him outside his body to see that the only ones affected by his death are surprisingly (fem)Haku and Zabuza, while his own team doesn't blink an eye, to remove the seal before he dies, freeing the Bijuu while Naruto is granted his desire to make his village's tormentors suffer like they have made him suffer. Kyuubi uses some of his hatred along with Naruto's to anchor him to the world as a wraith, a spirit that can manifest itself and is immune to all forms of damage save from other spirits, and whose hatred is strong enough to manifest as weapons which causes the victims to have terrible hallucinations and nightmares till their bodies die from mental and physical exhaustion. However, even Naruto's hate has its limits. He's got three months before he passes on into the afterlife. Notes: Overcome by hate, everybody is fair game to Naruto. This is to be a psychological horror genre. Naruto is like Alma from F.E.A.R.. Naruto and Kyuubi are able to keep in touch and they are able to understand each other quite easily, the latter simply doing his own thing, though does help Naruto when needed. The Animal Maelstrom Note: The name isn't permanent, but it generalizes the story for this challenge is one where Naruto gets accepted into a clan with their own ninja animals, like the Inuzuka. However, you can make your own clan up as well if you want. Here is a detailed example to guide you in your efforts. ex. The Nekozuka Ninja Pairing: Narutox??/possible OC/possibly Yugito/possibly Neko(Yugao)/maybe small harem (3-4), it's up to you. Summary: A young Naruto witnesses some Inuzuka members in action with their nin dogs and gets jealous. He wishes he was apart of a clan that were part animal and had cool nin pets. He surprisingly gets his wish when a new, mysterious clan appears and joins Konoha, purchasing a huge piece of the forests, as well as adopting him. Imagine his joy when he learns they're just like the Inuzukas and Aburames, only their partners are felines! Cats, panthers, lions and lioness, cheetahs, sabertooths, and jaguars live in harmony with his new family called the Nekozuka Tribe, a tribe whose bloodline lets them transform into felines like their companions and, according to rumors, have 9 lives(hehe, get it? Cat has nine lives). How will Naruto's life differ now that he has a family and clan who supports him? Notes: The Nekozuka are deeply tanned, like Killer B and A, with slitted yellow or blue cat eyes. The women and men are usually tall and lean, though their physiques change according to what type of nin feline they are partnered with. The grown women's heights range from 5'5ft to 6'4ft, with the grown men's height ranging from 5'11ft-6'8ft Those paired with lions(ess) are generally very strong, jaguars are very battle-oriented and voracious, panthers are more stealthy and similar to assassins and trackers, cheetahs are the fastest of the tribe, and those with sabertooths are usually the strongest and most brutal; the Neko's own juggernauts. Because they tend to inherit their cat-like flexibility, nimbleness, and all, the maximum that the women's busts are is usually around large C-cups, D-cups being rare and most likely within the sabertooths, with the smallest of a mature woman's being large B-cups, they all have lean and very toned bodies, especially legs and glutes. They're capable of fitting through tight places like that of a cat as well as being excellent climbers. The men are taller on average than other men and generally very lean, or bulky for the Lions and Sabertooths. The Nekozuka Tribe aren't ever self-conscious about their bodies so their clothing tends to reflect that (made from leather or tanned hides, yet are made into somewhat revealing outfits: skirts, loincloths, corsets, bikini tops, unitards, sleeveless, opened shirts/vests/haoris, etc.) as well as their sexual/flirty natures. Like their cats, whenever they aren't training or doing anything constructive, they're as lazy as the Nara as they love to sunbathe on just about any surface they can find. The younglings are generally very playful and rowdy. The Nekozukas are basically borderline hanyous, just no demonic powers, if their transformations aren't called that. The Nekozuka are obviously not liked by the Inuzukas, and they tend to tease or annoy their canine rivals when they get the chance. Two of the most unique traits for the Nekozuka are their and their nin felines' heighten senses and ability to transform into the opposite species, not unlike Akamaru's Man-beast clone, or the Inuzuka dogs in 'The Ultimate Doujutsu' story. The Nekozukas all specialize in close-combat, though what feline they're partnered with determines to what extent their specialty goes. They also prefer a few weapons like the kunais and tantos, yet they have their own: clawed gauntlets and greaves, battle whips and chains, and knives and sawblades. Personality wise, the Nekozuka women are flirty and teasing to most outside of the tribe, if just to have fun frustrating people. The men are usually laid back. They're a tight-knit tribe that focuses on loving and supporting family and rarely have internal disputes. They were a nomadic clan so they understand what it takes for the clan to stay together and survive. If you fight one, you can always expect more on the way if not already there. The women tend to try to get a mate around 15 as they go into heat like their animal companions, though it is possible for them to control themselves. It is not uncommon for one who's single to have their companions of opposite gender as a lover since the animals can transform into part humans. Spiritually, they look upon the Nibi as something akin to a goddess for reasons I'm sure you can guess. Final Note: You can choose whether or not Naruto undergoes a ritual to become like the Nekozuka. (No name yet) Pairing: Naruto/Mikoto Uchiha, or Mikoto will be like a mother for Naruto Summary: Mikoto, matriarch of the Uchiha Clan, has always looked after Naruto whenever she could, training hard to pick up the slack left behind by the ANBU and Hokage. Though hidden under a mask of gentleness, a very protective lioness sits in waiting. She always tells Naruto to never give up, that his life will turn around. After the latest attempt at his life, she takes matter into her own hands, killing a mob of people, taking a six year old Naruto and Sasuke away from Konoha, and giving the 10th of October another reason to mourn with hundreds lying dead in the streets. They are never to be seen again. Now, eight years later, word spreads of a kunoichi with traits comparable to both the former matriarch of the extinct Uchiha clan and the bingo book profile of an S-class woman whose previous allegiance are not known, a kunoichi whose fury has earned her the fear of hidden villages, the respect of those who've faced her, and the death of those who've tasted her steel. No bashing specifically. Notes: This is a Mikoto bad-ass fic with Naruto having a sharingan. I feel that while some stories give her enough credit as a jounin level kunoichi, there aren't really many about her being pretty fearsome like Kushina, who was her best friend. I think you'd have to be tougher than adamantium to be able to survive that kind of friendship. Plus, she's a mother. When a mother fights for those she has maternal instincts for, it'd make a bijuu think twice. Ex. for story- By the time of their introductions, 14yr old Naruto and Sasuke will be around low jounin level, this includes Sasuke using his sharingan. I think this is pretty reasonable since Itachi was that at like age 10. Naruto will have access to four tails of his Kyuubi chakra, said beast being nervous of Mikoto; memories of one particular crazy, red-haired woman with chains driving the fear deep of righteous, motherly fury. Mikoto has her own mangekyou sharingan, and since she was the best friend of Kushina, had access to knowledge of how Naruto can work on fuuinjutsu, chakra chains, and using Kyuubi's chakra, any of them being scrolls she had kept for Kushina, she took before she left with Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto's chains have spikes along them, unlike Kushina's. He fights with pikes and knives instead of kunai, as well as a five-foot metal pole with a chainsaw on each end (think Skorge's from Gears of War 2). [If Sasori can have one, I don't see why Naruto can't.] He keeps it in a sealing tattoo on his body. Naruto will have the Uzumaki's Lamia Contract that he got when they explored Uzushio. Naga's are snake/women hybrids, with their boss being the mythical Medusa, though minus the supposed ugliness of a rotting corpse, and her normal size is about a two-hundred foot long snake body with the human upper-body being about fifty feet tall. She can shrink down to fifty feet in total, with an eight foot tall human-half. These Nagas are excellent healers and fierce warriors, their main weapons being bows of both physical properties and chakra manipulation, their venomous fangs and clawed hands, the ability to breathe out poisonous clouds of gas, and they specialize in suiton, katon, and a similar version of mokuton. They are capable of fast travel through underground, uneven terrain, and bodies of water, such as rivers, swamps, mud, but not that well in the ocean. Mikoto has the Siren contract. They are amphibious, with the majority of their bodies being humanoid, yet they have a mermaid's tail, OR they can have white, feathery wings. Their main weapon is their voice. They always talk in soft voices, yet when in battle, they sing a high pitch song unable to be heard by regular senses, yet its effects are similar to either a concussion grenade or an aphrodisiac or lullaby. It can be used to destroy an opponent's internal organs, can shatter physical objects as well as travel through them, or it can be used to manipulate an enemy's desires, emotions, etc. or used to put enemies to sleep. Sasuke gets the Raven contract. They are rather morbid, yet very stern. They work great as messengers, scouts, and aerial fighters. Specialize against amphibians, though because of their holders, they're on good terms with the Sirens and Nagas. The Raven boss is about as big as Satori from the Naruto 5 movie: Blood Prison. Icha Icha Kitsune Pairings: Undecided, but potentially Naruto/Ayame, Shizune, or it could be a harem. Honestly, this pairing could be anyone/just no yaoi Summary: Team 7 is tasked with taking the bells from Kakashi for their test, however, by a stroke of luck, Naruto ends up taking something else: Kakashi's Icha Icha Paradise book. Join Naruto as he discovers a brand new world, a beautiful world filled with highly inappropriate things for easily impressionable kids his age. Witness him create his own club of perverts consisting of the male genin of his classes to accomplish three sole purposes: 1. Bring world peace by spreading the joy and love of the Art of Perversion to every man, woman, and child of reasonable age. 2. Create his own Icha Icha franchise to outsell Jiraiya's with the help of a perverted demon fox. 3. Actually try some of the stuff in Icha Icha with a beautiful girl. Notes: There's super-perverted Naruto, perverted genin (ex. Shino's a flasher, Nara's a closet perv), a very perverted fem-Kyuubi in the form of a tsundere lolita, perverted chakra spirits Kushina and Minato trying to encourage Naruto to get them grandchildren, a sadomasochistic Ayame into BDSM, and a perverted Akatsuki (much to the ire of Konan.). Yes, the genre of this story is humor and most likely rated FUBAR for F*cked Up Beyond All Repair. Mother Fox Kyuubi/Hell Fox Maelstrom (or whatever title you come up with) Pairing: Naruto/(whoever you decide, I personally would like an OC kitsune hanyou as main pairing) Notes: Two main versions can be written from the beginning. Summary 1: An infant Naruto meets Kyuubi the night of his birth, and much to the surprise and hidden pleasure of Kyuubi, he believes she's his momma. Thanks to a faulty seal, she's able to physically interact and nurse Naruto into a warrior fitting to be called her son and container. Now with a mother figure who's got a temper to rival Konoha's 'Red Hot Habanero' and a mean streak as long as Fire Country's border, sit back and watch a confident, no bullshit, and prankster Naruto take the shinobi world by surprise. Notes for Summ.1: By surprise, I mean just surprise us all. I'm leaving that much of the story plot up to you. Also, don't do any long time-skips so soon. Write chapters of the days, weeks, even months after Kyuubi's sealing. Show us how the Queen of Demons fairs at motherhood. Sure, being a being of chakra, and a 'demon' queen, she can materialize whatever she needs or modify her body to fit the role of mother, but she will have her hands full with more than just Naruto's diapers and appetite. Slightly crack humor for the first parts, depends on how you write. Summary 2: The full extent of Kyuubi's powers have never been known, and can't be generalized into simple categories. This is proven when she is 'controlled' by Madara, 'captured and sealed' by Shodaime and Mito, 'sealed again' into Kushina, 'controlled again' by Madara, yet was able to influence Minato to overlook an error on the seals he made for Naruto. The results...Kyuubi manifesting outside of the seal as soon as Naruto is alone and disappears off the face of the Earth with him. Instead, he is taken, nursed, and raised in the summon's realm area dominated by the kitsunes for a very special purpose: To gather all the jinchuuriki, and lead the summons and bijuu into Makai to stop the Underworld's army from destroying all the realms and the world...pffff...haha, just kidding, it can be for whatever reason you want. Notes for both: I've read plenty of fics where a fem.Kyuubi happens to be the epitome of beauty: long, red hair, red eyes, full chest, long legs, big fluffy tails and fox ears, etc. While I like some of those traits, I know most are overused. My idea for what a fem.Kyuubi would look like would be more fox then human. Yes, she would be a bipedal humanoid with the appropriate mammal traits, but she would have soft fur over her skin, slightly elongated snout, fox ears and nine tails. Being the strongest bijuu, she would have a powerful body that'd be the dream of any serious kunoichi: abs, sinewy muscles, etc. while maintaining a sexual feminine appeal. I find this image of her more appropriate and believable; after all, she's the Queen of 'Demons', so I would think that she'd have too much pride to look more human than vixen, just enough to be able to raise Naruto properly and interact with him. Also, about her personality. Hence why she's a 'Demon 'Queen'', I have personal beliefs about how she would act as his 'mother.' It's up to you whether she's an estrogen-filled, emotional, loving mother or a tough love mother. She could also be a manipulative mother, telling Naruto the things she wants him to hear and believe, to make herself the most important thing in his life and basically have him wrapped around her thumb. It's up to you all, though.
Note: This story can either be a lottery for a few at a time, or a large scale auction. Pairings: Up to you to decide. Literally an infinite number of possibilities. Summary: The 5 Great Ninja Villages, as well as the smaller countries, are all in a horrible economical depression. Normally, a good war could solve that but amazingly, the Daimyos of the nations will not condone it. So, what's a village to do to earn some money? Why have a large, single lottery/auction to raise money for their respective villages. What is the merchandise? Why, shinobi and kunoichi, of course, for a limited time only. Just what kind of consequences will this historical event bring? Idea A-Lottery: Each village will have a pool of shinobi/kunoichi to offer up on the lottery. Tickets will be sold with each ninja being given a number to match one of those tickets. With each drawing, whoever has a ticket with the same number as the ninja up for grabs will get him/her. Idea B-Auction: The idea is basically a large auction block with 'volunteered' ninja being sold for their services, which can have more than one meaning. Notes: This is a crack fic if you couldn't tell. Imagine Akatsuki or Shion being the highest bidders for the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, or Orochimaru bidding on Sasuke. Yeah, total chaos. The rating for this story can be K-M, just please no yaoi, futa, or rape, unless you warn us in the summary. I would really love it if someone were to take up these challenges. Please PM if you do. Thanks. Hobbies: Reading, Writing, shooting my longbow, shooting my guns, Choctaw stickball, cross country running, drawing, nature tending, volunteering for Army Corp of Engineers, listening to lots of rock & metal music and playing my XBOX 360 and PS3. So pretty much, I'm trying to live my life the best way I see fit. Music: Brand X Music, John Dreamer, Florian Bur, Papercut Massacre, Hoobastank, Thousand Foot Krutch, My Darkest Days, Immediate Music, Vocaloid's Hatsune Miku and Sonika, Led Zeppelin Avenge Sevenfold, Five-Finger Death Punch, Metallica, Meatloaf, Eminem, Brilliant Green, All That Remains, Atreyu, Bullet for my Valentine, Escape the Fate, Lonely Island Boys, 30 Seconds to Mars, Evanscence, Cascada, Adele, Leona Lewis, Santana, Eric Clapton, Black Veil Brides, Two Steps from Hell, Tom Petty, Stratovarius Future World Music, Final Fantasy music, Metal Gear Solid music, Chiodos, August Burns Red, Van Halen, Hollywood Undead(just the song, Undead), Ace Combat music, Instrumental Core, alot more. Movies: Avatar, Stealth, Expendables, Avengers, Saving Private Ryan, Final Fantasy: Advent Children, Resident Evil: Degeneration and Damnation (Leon FTW), Fight Club, Battle: Los Angeles, many more. Favorite video game villains: Albert Wesker(RE: Code Veronica X, RE:5), Sephiroth(FFVII, KH:1), Markov/aka Akula(Ace Combat: Assault Horizon), Vergil(DMC1&3), Dark Samus(Metroid Prime II & III), Ridley(awa Meta Ridley)(Metroid Zero Mission, Prime I, III, Fusion), Alduin (Skyrim), Vaas(Far Cry 3), Senator Armstrong (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance), Pixy (Ace Combat Zero: The Belkin War) Favorite Animes/Mangas: Bleach, Fairy Tail, Highschool DxD, Elfen Lied, Full-Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Durarara, Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou, Kiss x Sis, Highschool of the Dead, Zoids: Chaotic Century, Dragon Ball Z, Yu Yu Hakusho, Hellsing Ultimate, Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Muv-luv Alternative series, especially Total Eclipse, Gintama, Princess Lover, Witchblade, Samurai Jack, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Black Rock Shooter, Bakemonogatari, Sora no Otoshimono, Casshern Sins, Rosario Vampire, Fate Zero, Fate Stay/Night, Dragons Rioting, Date A Live Links to pics in my story challenge of Killzone/Mass Effect: All credit goes to the owners and I make no profit from this. Chandelier - http:///wiki/Chandelier?file=AC6_Super_Weapon.jpg Stonehenge Cannon - http:///wiki/Stonehenge_Turret_Network_(Strangereal)?file=Stonehenge_Illustrations.jpg Stonehenge Cannon Network (Strangereal) - http:///wiki/Stonehenge_Turret_Network_(Strangereal)?file=STN_Overhead.jpg Note: There will be eight cannons instead of seven since the 1994FX04 Asteroid never hit Helghan. Megalith - http:///wiki/Megalith?file=Megalith.jpg Bushwack - http:///art/Bushwack-175141202 SuperStratos/Aigaion - http:///art/SuperStratos-336122367 Helghast heavy cruiser - http:///art/Defiler-Leviathan-quot-Lucifer-quot-279123590 Close-Air Attack Chopper - http:///art/Fuujin-Attack-Helicopter-Render-367772319 SWBM (Shock Wave Ballistic Missile) - http:///wiki/Shock_Wave_Ballistic_Missile MAWLR - http:///wiki/MAWLR?file=Killzone3_02-921x720.png Blind Harvester - http:///image/90df52d90c67774237c72ec98c09453b/Konachan.com-.jpg C-024TR Chevalier (battle AI armor)- http:///image/1d9795c02a761e8c0a6ef77478f147a0/Konachan.com-.jpg Military Gynoid Kayacer/Ravager (Heavy enhancements) - http:///sample/1247fb07f2f69b99dfc1f0d6fb876b8d/Konachan.com-.jpg Model for female commandos - http:///_cb20130322005725/gearsofwar/images/8/88/Myrrah_Character_Model.jpg Helghan female spec-ops HELLKATS Note: Just imagine a bit more armor on them (Metal Gear's Frog/Haven troopers without helmet) {This is the most common phenotype of Helghan trooper women} - http:///tumblr_m6ux4nSZd51r6plabo1_500.jpg (With helmet) - http:///_cb20080620070631/metalgear/images/d/dd/Haven_TrooperMGS4.jpg Favorite Quotes: "The course of history can easily been changed by the will of a SINGLE man"- Captain Price. "The secret to war is easy--to attack. But dare, and the whole world kneels." "This is really wonderful. This is such a happy environment. It's too dazzling for me. This is the way people live their lives. Isn't it just beautiful? I'm envious. If I vanish now, could I start over anew? Could I accept normal happiness? If I lost my memories, and got a different personality, I might be able to. But then, what does it mean to be reborn? That isn't the life I had anymore. It's someone else's life. Everyone only gets to live life one time, and it's right here. I only get it once. This is my life. I can't entrust it to someone. I can't steal a new one. I can't force it on others. I can't forget it, or erase it. I can't stomp over it, laugh it off, or beautify it. I can't anything, I'd have to- I'd have to accept my one shot at life no matter how cruel or merciless or unfair I thought it was. Sir, don't you understand? That is why I must fight. I must keep on fighting, because- because I could never accept that kind of life!" - Yuri Nakamura "In this world, whenever there is light, there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be losers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars and hatred is born to protect love." - Uchiha Madara "War inflicts death, injury, and pain to both sides. The death of someone dear is hard to accept. We convince ourselves there's no way they could die. " Excerpt from Nagato. "I saw my death in my dreams. "My friends, it has often been said that I like war. My friends, I don't like war... No, friends, I love war! I love holocausts. I love blitzkriegs. I love defensive lines. I love sieges, charges, I love mop-up operations, and retreats. Wars across prairies, in streets, in trenches, in grasslands, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of war that can occur upon this earth. I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with artillery salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a soldier is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed sniper rounds. And there is nothing like a tank operator using a Tiger 88 to destroy enemy tanks. And the feeling that comes when a soldier runs screaming from his blazing tank only to be mowed down by heavy machine gun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Like when ranks of infantry brandish their bayonets rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a fresh recruit stabbing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy. The sight of deserters being strung up from a street lamp is an irresistible pleasure. And there is nothing more arousing, than the sounds made by prisoners of war dropping like flies, screaming in agony as they're mowed down by ear piercing schmeissers! When a band of pitiful resistance fighters makes their final stand with nothing but small arms, only to have their city smashed to atoms block by block by 4.8 ton bombshells, I'm in ecstasy. I love it when my forces are ravaged by a Russian armored division. It's so sad to see towns and villages that were supposed to be defended at all costs, being laid to waste, their women and children being raped, and killed. I love to be squashed under the heel of the British and American war machines. The humiliation, as my men crawl around like vermin, ducking the yark bombers flying overhead. Gentlemen... All I ask for is war, a war so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms, what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further war as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody war? A war whose fury is built with iron, and lightning, and fire? Do you ask for war to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge, from this Earth!? Very well. Then kreig is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us, with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" war will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE war! A war beyond any other that man's history has ever known! We are but a single battalion... The remnants of a defeated army numbering less than a thousand strong. However, I believe that each of you old warriors is equal to a thousand of their sickly soft children! We represent a force that could easily defeat an army of a million and one men! It is time for them to awake the ones who sent us screaming into oblivion, and who now lie sleeping. Let's drag them out of bed by the hair, and remind them of what we are! We will remind them of what it feels like to live in fear. We will remind them of the sound our jackboots make against their throats. We will remind them, that there are more things between Heaven and Hell than are dreamt of in their philosophy. Our Kampfgruppe of one thousand vampires is going to burn this world down to ash. Yes, my friends! Soon, Europe's charred remains will illuminate the night sky! I have brought you all back just as I promised I would. Back to our favorite battlefield. Back to our beloved war! At last the sea lion has crossed the ocean and is heading up the hill. Attention all soldiers of the Millennium Battalion this is a message from your commander… friends, let’s bring them hell." "There's no such thing as a happy ending, only a story that isn't finished." Poem: I cried yet last night What is wrong? Are all you fools too oblivious to see the horror beneath your fist? You see yourselves as humans, greedy, pitiful, and inconsiderate. There are those that hope, those that fight, but they choose not to question decisions that provide them with benefits. If that is what it takes to be human, then I am not. But I breathe the same air, share the same body, share the same world. I have equal right to live amongst you. To you, the corrupt and the arrogant, I ask: am I not human? The dream chasers: those who strive to better themselves and the broken world around them. Through darkness, turmoil and doubt they walk on; when all hope seems lost and the night never ends, their gazes remain fixed on the phantom dawn. An eternal hope, an epitome of human courage and strength on which a revolution pivots around. No grief or despair will bring them to their knees. Their boots tread on the ashes of the old world and the foundations of the future they will bring. They are coming. 93 percent of American teens would have a severe emotional breakdown if someone called them a freak. If you're a part of the 7 percent who would ask the person, "What was your first clue?", copy this into your profile and add your name to the list: Sunlit Goddess of the C.O.C.A., Moonlit Goddess of the C.O.C.A., Evil Genius of the COCA, Invader Miley Phantom, dAnnYsGiRl777, BloodySalvation, Lady Lost-A-Lot, bellabookworm9, GoodyGoody23, -xIxHEARTxEDWARDx-, sakurabloom1124, Phish Tacko, fictionfreak93, InkAndPaperTwin, OnTheHour.EveryHour, DarkAngelSnapeLover, Prince Vincent Anders, fraz hopper, Vineman, Arms of Loneliness, Lucas Bane Favorite Bleach Pairings: Ichigo x Rukia Ichigo x Adult Nel (obviously) Ulquiorra x Orihime Grimmjow x Adult Nel Ichigo x Halibel Rangiku x Gin Kenpachi x Unohana Now, my top ten favorite characters, set in their own categories: Soul Reapers/Humans/Vizards Yoruichi Kenpachi Shunsui Gin Kokuto Urahara Isshin Aizen Hiyori Shinji Arrancars/Espada Halibel Starrk (Lilinette included) Ulquiorra Grimmjow Mila-Rose Apache Sung-sun Wonderweiss Tosen Arturo This is weird, but interesting! If you can Raed this, you have a sgtrane mnid too Can you raed this? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! If you can raed this forwrad it COPY AND PASTE ONLY IF YOU CAN READ IT -- 100 Rules of Anime The laws of Anime is a growing list of physical, universal, and natural #1 - Law of Metaphysical Irregularity- The normal laws of physics do not apply. #2 - Law of Differential Gravitation- Whenever someone or something jumps, is #3 - Law of Sonic Amplification, First Law of Anime Acoustics- In space, loud #4 - Law of Constant Thrust, First Law of Anime Motion- In space, constant thrust #5 - Law of Mechanical Mobility, Second Law of Anime Motion- The larger a #6 - Law of Temporal Variability- Time is not a constant. Time stops for the hero #7 - First Law of Temporal Mortality- "Good Guys" and "Bad Guys" both die in one of #8 - Second Law of Temporal Mortality- It takes some time for bad guys to die... #9 - Law of Dramatic Emphasis- Scenes involving extreme amounts of action are #10- Law of Dramatic Multiplicity- Scenes that only happen once, for instance, a #11- Law of Inherent Combustibility- Everything explodes. Everything. #12- Law of Phlogistatic Emission- Nearly all things emit light from fatal wounds. #13- Law of Energetic Emission- There is always an energy build up (commonly #14- Law of Inverse Lethal Magnitude- The destructive potential of any #15- Law of Inexhaustibility- No one EVER runs out of ammunition. That is of #16- Laws of Inverse Accuracy- The accuracy of a "Good Guy" when operating any form #17- Law of Transient Romantic Unreliability- Minimei is a bimbo. (Note: The #18- Law of Hemoglobin Capacity- the human body contains over 12 gallons of blood, #19- Law of Demonic Consistency- Demons and other supernatural creatures have at #20- Law of Militaristic Unreliability- Huge galaxy-wide armadas, entire armies, and #21- Law of Tactical Unreliability- Tactical geniuses aren’t... #22 -Law of Inconsequential Undetectability- People never notice the little #23- Law of Juvenile Intellectuality- Children are smarter than adults. And almost #24- Law of Americanthromorphism- Americans in Anime appear in one of two roles, #25- Law of Mandibular Proportionality- The size of a person’s mouth is directly #26- Law of Feline Mutation- Any half-cat/half-human mutation will invariably: #27- Law of Conservation of Firepower- Any powerful weapon capable of #28- Law of Technological User-Benevolence- The formal training required to operate #29- Law of Melee Luminescence- Any being displaying extremely high levels of #30- Law of Non-Anthropomorphic Antagonism- All ugly, non-humanoid alien races are #31- Law of Follicular Chromatic Variability- Any color in the visible spectrum is #32- Law of Follicular Permanence- Hair in anime is pretty much indestructible, and #34- Law of Probable Attire- Clothing in anime follows certain predictable #35- Law of Musical Omnipotence- Any character capable of musical talent (singing, #36- Law of Quintupular Agglutination- Also called "The Five-man Rule", when "Good #37- Law of Extradimensional Capacitance- All anime females have an #38- Law of Hydrostatic Emission- Eyes tend to be rather large in Anime. This is #39- Law of Inverse Attraction- Success at finding suitable mates is inversely #40- Law of Nasal Sanguination- When sexually aroused, males in Anime don’t get #41- Law of Xylolaceration- Wooden or bamboo swords are just as sharp as metal #42- Law of Juvenile Omnipotence- Always send a boy to do a man’s job. He’ll get it #43- Law of Triscaquadrodecophobia- There is no Law #43. #44- Law of Nominative Clamovocation- the likelihood of success and damage done by a #45- Law of Uninteruptable Metamorphosis- Regardless of how long or involved the #46- Law of Flimsy Incognition- Simply changing into a costume or wearing a teensy #47- Law of Mandibular Combustible Emission- All anime characters seem to have some #48- Law of Electrical and Combustible Survivalism- If you get electrocuted or #49- Law of Female wrath- If a male character insults a female character, he will #50- Law of Artistic Perversion- Most (not all) Anime artists are perverts and are #51- Law of Uninteruptable Nominative Clamovocation- This law is a mixture of Laws 52- Law of Telepathic Obliviousness- Most of the time, some Anime characters #53- Law of Chromatic Diversity- Hair can be any color of the visible spectrum. #54- Law of Old Man Comic Relief- Comic relief comes in the form of a short, bald, #55- Law of the Wise Old Man- Little old Japanese men always know how it ends and #56- Law of Omnipotent Unreliability- Any "Bad Guy" with Omnipotent powers/weapons #57- Law of Minimum Corneal Volume- Eyeballs may make up no less than one sixth of #58- Law of Electrical Charges in Hair- Hair attracts electricity in abundance, #59- Law of Ammunition Accuracy- When there are multiple types of ammunition #60- Law of Active Female Attraction- In a comedy series, a male character’s #61- Law of Sweat Pore Variability- When a person is embarrassed, caught in an #62- The Law of Inverse Training Time- A person who has been training for 3 years #63- Law of Needs to Few and Many- The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the #64- Law of Bad Humor- Whenever someone says something that is intended to be #65- Law of Extreme Anger- Whenever a female character gets mad, such as seeing the #66- Law of Differentiated Gravitation- #67- Law of Conservation of Ambient Dramatic Tension- In any situation where the #68- Law of Coercive Vehicular Control- No matter how complex or well defined the #69- Amendment to the Law of Conservation of Ambient Dramatic Tension- In any #70- Law of The Rushing Background Effect- Whenever something dramatic occurs, a #71- Law of Interdimensional Hammers- Whenever a female character witnesses a male #72- Law of Instant Band-Aids- Whenever a character is injured (usually in a head #73- Law of Universal Edge Defense- Any projectile attack, from a blast of magic to #74- Law of Intractable Sanity- There is no such thing as insanity in anime. When #75- Law of Celestial Body Control- At a dramatically correct moment, a hero can #76- Law of Aura of Forgetfulness- Any hero who wishes his/her identity to remain a #77- Law of Cool Hair Factor- The hair of a hero will always coalesce into thick #78- Law of Inverse Coping- Any single event will happen to the ONE character LEAST #79- Law of Martial Arts Training Invulnerability- The Myth that certain martial #80- Law of Stereotype Captain characteristics- If a captain of any type of ship is #81- Law of Shades/Coolness Factor- Shades can make you instantly cool, even if #82- Law of Hentai Plot- The proper response to any change in the plotline of a #83- Law of Understatement- Anything that is deemed too impossible will become #84- Law of Dormant Powers- Anytime a hero is somehow outpowered and/or outclassed #85- Law of Style Coefficient- In a situation where a Good guy may be in dire #86- Law of Bad Guy Smugness Factor- Whenever the villain actually succeeds in #87- Law of Tableware Nonexistence- There IS no spoon. #88- Law of Goofy Turn-Ons- In Hentai, ordinary , pedestrian objects sometimes have #89- Law of Penile Variance- All Anime men in Hentai have a ridiculously large #90-Law of Hentai Female Characteristics- All Hentai women have the following #91- Law of Vaginal Variance- Hentai Anime women can take penis lengths of 8" and #92- Law of Hero Identification- All heroes are introduced by way of appearance #93- Law of Cute Mascots- Any anime either Shojo or Shonen has GOT to have at #94- Law of The Force- Most Anime heroes are blessed with a unique sort of ability #95- Law of Naughty Tentacles- All Anime Tentacles are VERY horny and will rape any #96- Law of Cat-Fighting- Two females with a grudge can and will go at each other, #97- Law of Healing- Most anime heroes have a Wolverine-like healing factor that #98- Law of Stereotype Crew Characteristics- All ships, either waterborne or #99- Law of Sparklies- Whenever a character of the main character’s interest #100- Law of Anime Events- Much like wrestling, anything and everything can happen. #101- Law of Epic Momentum- The more Bad-ass the character or the action the higher chance of it being successful. (will add more later) |