Standard Disclaimer

Sadly life has been kicking me pretty hard since I finished Katsuragi's Dragon Maid. Wanted to write a more serious story, the Sekirei/Freezing ideas I had. But my current mindset is pretty down so I'm going with the comedy bit to try to brighten my spirits and the like. This will be a smaller story, likely ten chapters max, but lets see how it goes.


Monsters to Some

Chapter – 1

Walking out of Gendo's office, Misato considered the unexpected blessing she had just taken. Was it a wise move, taking in a boy she just met? No, it could end up being a huge nightmare. But something about how Shinji acted gave Misato the impression she wouldn't have to worry about him sneaking into her room to steal her panty. And if she played her cards right, this could help her get a promotion. Oh and having an actual male at the house might make the other issue a little less vocal about things. A sacrifice that needed to be made, and Misato was all about taking out as many birds with as few stones. Now how to go about making everybody NOT think this was just a power play?

"Are you sure about this Katsuragi-san? I'm fine living on my own," Shinji asked with just the right amount of hope in his voice. Kid had it rough, Misato had read his whole file, used those details to get him to pilot. Made her feel like dirt, mentally manipulating a child was not something she liked doing. But with humanity on the line, hey you have to break a few eggs right? With how he wasn't looking directly at her, just off line with her face, he had all the issues Ritsuko's file said. He would be perfect for the house's needs…and if Smith was honest about things having a man about would be essential.

Gently propelling the recovering pilot down the hall with one hand to his back, Misato reassured him best she could. "Of course I am! Just have to call Rits and let her know the change in plans. You'd hate the single apartments in town. My house is huge, and be nice to have a man about to help with things!" oh she laid it on thick. It was cute watching him blush and fidget, a spark in her heart was born. Teasing this kid had potential fun! He just responded exactly how she hoped he would to coaxing and dialogue!

"You live in a house? Isn't that rare for a city like this? Expensive right?" suddenly Shinji was giving Misato a strange look. They passed workers, left the command bridge and headed towards the car parking lot. Oh guys got there little perplexed expressions, women held their noses high and looked down on them as they passed. Let them, judgmental pricks. Oh look Katsuragi is dragging a man with her, a very young man, but with the new laws it was acceptable. Not that Misato was on the make for the boy, no, she had other plans for him.

Pulling out her phone, she found Ritsuko's number and readied the call. Her good ol' buddy would be the real hard sell. Ritsuko could put the kibosh on this whole plan as the pilot corps resident doctor. If the bottle blond found it to dangerous or circumspect it might all fall through. "Technically it isn't my house, friend of mine from colleges really," Misato confessed. Oh she loved her house, Smith was a dear to let her live in the place, but it was the unknown strings that got Misato planning. Finding the last break area before the parking lot, she bought Shinji and herself a can, "You lived in a house with your teacher right? They fostered you and Fawn right?" He had exposure already…part of why she thought this might work.

Holding his can but not opening it, to do so would mean he accepted it, Shinji nodded slowly. "A p—pan actually, Merino-san," at the mention of the monster girl Shinji's face reddened quite a bit. Opening his can, whatever hang-up he had lost in the memory of this Merino woman, he drank to hide it. As Misato was wise to the boy's diversion she did the same, eyeing him eyeing her. Beat at the game of 'who can drink longer' Shinji ended up spitting out his drink. After the coughing fit ended, "And y-yeah I lived with them at a house."

"See, you'll love it at my place. Just wait till you see it," Misato winked at the boy and hit the call button. What was that look about? A little full moon accident or something? Despite her living conditions, Misato was no expert on things. The phone rang a few times until her second dearest friend and drinking buddy answered, "Hey Rits, got a minute?" Best to start off friendly and not like she was about to ask to live with a fourteen year old pilot that was going to face certain death on a frequent interval.

Misato could imagine she heard the teeth grinding on the other end of the line, great Ritsuko must be busy. With a heavy sigh the besieged woman let out a deadpan, "Guess who just got a notice from Fuyutski about a change in living arrangements. You know this is a bad idea right? I know what you're planning. Free room and board not actually as free as you want and you're going to use that boy to feed her needs?"

Well so much for being subtle about things, did help that Ritsuko didn't just outright say 'no' about this. Pacing just a little further away from Shinji, no good him hearing anything that might make him change his mind. Smiling and waving at him, he blushed and turned away, the master manipulator checked that box in her mind. He was innocent and totally at the whims of ladies, perfect. "Look it's for his best interests! With his mindset, having him live with people and make connections will give him a reason to pilot. Not like we can parade Ayanami out whenever we need to guilt him into things. Not like I'm going to put the moves on him," Misato joked.

"Of course YOU are not, that isn't what I'm worried about. If I worried about that I would have stopped this little experiment already. But you have a point, the Ayanami card can't be played again I'm betting and we need him. You have my go-ahead for now. But if he gets hurt, this is on you," Ritsuko was oddly docile for the typically anal-retentive woman. When Misato had a point, she had a point. Not just a pretty face darn it, she could really get to people. More disconjoined sounds on Ritsuko's end stopped with a grunt and, "So we good to go out drinking this weekend? Or maybe I can come see this new house of yours. Your apartment was a sty, but I'm betting this new place is still clean."

Excellent, Ritsuko wasn't going to ruin things before Misato had a chance to free herself of the emotional yolk that had been tossed around her neck. "Of course you can come visit. Just don't bring your toys with you, Smith was adamant you follow standard protocol. Talk to ya later," after Ritsuko mumbled something, Misato hung up. Sliding her phone back into her pocket, all lights green for her great plan, Misato found Shinji looking at the bulletin board in the break room. Random bits and pieces of everything there. Some safety ads, events going to/already happening, and general info, "You ready to go to your new home?"

Jumping a little as Misato put a hand on his shoulder, not comfortable with being touched, Shinji nearly ripped away from the woman. But Misato was a big girl, strength to spare, so she kept him in place. "Y-yeah I'm good. Was just noticing a few things on the board here. You need a cleaning service?" Shinji pointed at one of Misato's old forgotten requests, "It says apartment on this. I thought you said house?"

"Old ad, before I got moved in. I've only been living in that place for about two weeks actually," and what a two weeks it was. Great location, spacious, furnished, and…with roommate. Soon to be roommates. Had she not signed a lease with Smith's typical cryptic and horribly financial traps involved Misato wouldn't need a sacrificial lamb. But the house needed a lot of cleaning, she couldn't cook, and some of the needs she couldn't fulfill. Getting into car, the walk a very brief and short one, "You said you were good living alone? That mean you good at cooking and cleaning and all that? We'll be sharing chores just so you know. Need to know your comfort level." Please be good…great at those things!

Strapping in, memories of his first time in Misato's car had him grab hold of the armrest, Shinji nodded quickly. "Y-yeah, Merino-san and I did all the cleaning and cooking. S-she was a vegetarian but my teacher and his family weren't so I got good at making a lot of different things, and cleaning up a variety of messes," a very tiny but evident bout of pride was there. Kid could pull his weight, had a bit of pride in that…good.

Whatever she did to make the stars align to get this kid in her car, Misato couldn't remember it but was damned happy she had done it. Smith, pulled a fast one on her and Misato was going to get her dear friend back for it. College had been a fun time, made the three best friends of her life…until Kaji and she had their falling out it had been Misato, Smith, Akagi, and Kaji! Now they were 'adults' and working all the time and hardly saw one another. Color Misato stunned with Smith offered her the house over a dinner lunch a month ago. Working with MON, who knew Smith went into government service, Smith needed some help…got Misato to sign up without knowing the full extent of things. Now Misato was digging herself out.

"Well how about we have a little housewarming party this weekend then? Ritsuko wants to see the place, you're just moving in, and I'm still a spring chick? We can hit the grocery store tomorrow or something and get all the stuff we need," Misato did enjoy her parties. Any excuse to tie one on and relax was alright in her book. Just had to hope they got along fine, and Misato was in the clear! Nice house, somebody that could tend to it, and a male to keep a certain someone distracted. Diving at speeds that gave her a rush, she turned to Shinji as something struck her, "You friends with that Merino girl? Not afraid of extra-species girls?"

If he could tear his eyes off of the road Shinji might have done better, but he was trapped and growing pale. Fear did odd things to the human mind, very odd things indeed, loosened Shinji's very strong mental grip on communicating with others. "Merino-san was a dear friend…s-sensei wasn't really wanting boarders but got paid for us. So…we made friends with one another over s-shared abandonment. G-got to know each other very well. S-she needed me to s-sheer her a few times. Re-really awkward. CAR!" Shinji shrieked as another auto was plodding along in front of them.

So fear loosened his tongue up a bit, Misato stored that tidbit away for a later day. Turning at the last moment, she slid into the drive way and shut off the engine. "Shearing a sheep-girl? Isn't that a bit..intimate? Sounds like you got along really good with her," Misato pulled the key out and opened her door. Smith said something about the fawn type exra-species girls over their lunch, but Misato just didn't pay attention to it. Monsters were a part of life since Second Impact, but only recently coming out of hiding as the world changed.

"M-more necessity actually," now that was a forced answer and he quickly fled the car to avoid a follow up. Standing outside of Misato's house in a nicer part of the city, Shinji gasped in approval. Keeping in pace with Misato on unsteady legs, the car ride was not quickly recovered from, Shinji bobbed and weaved. Timidly squeaking out, "A-as for your last question…extra-species are still people aren't they? T-they may look different…but they're still people. Shouldn't look down on them for what they can't help."

Still, Misato checked another mental checkbox for the kid. His comment about 'what they couldn't help' struck a cord with Misato. Kid was identifying with these monsters, Misato could accept that. Boy is cast aside by family, forced adrift in a world that would take as much from a person and leave them cast aside, a world of racism, bigotry, and anger. Boy had his mental battle scars, and from that he was seeing these extra-species as just people…he wanted to get close but was afraid to. But he wasn't going to judge them harshly for things they couldn't do. Yes, this was perfect.

Pulling her key out of her pocket, it was a smart card for the fancy lock Smith had installed, "We'll get you one of these made in a day or two. Why not head in and take a bath, I'll order us something for supper tonight." Misato opened the door and pointed at the bathroom. She needed to let her other roommate know about the change, get everybody ready for the new changes. Shinji hurried past her and into the bathroom after he muttered something as he took his shoes off. Kid likely made his principle opinion of her by now, so best to just let things go as they would.

Pacing through her new house, still a giddy feeling whenever she thought of that, Misato went to her other roommate's door and knocked on it. "Miia, we need to talk…we have a new roommate. Miia? Misato asked as she tested the door. Sliding it open she found it empty, cute but empty. Miia was quick to decorate her room with all manner of things and a few extra heaters for those particularly cold mornings. Cold blooded creatures had it hard in the mornings, making Miia all slow and lethargic. Spotting an open dresser drawer and Miia's D shaped hair clips on the nightstand, Misato started to sweat. Miia only took those things off when she was going to take a bath…

Twin screams pierced the house and Misato winced mentally. Oh joy, their first meeting with one another was in the buff wasn't it? Maybe, just maybe, Misato should have told Shinji she was living with a lamia. Whelp, time for damage control!

"MISATO! We've been attacked! Somebody snuck in on me in the bath!" Miia's voice called out. The door to the bathroom crashed open and Miia could be heard making her way dangerously fast through the house. The pair met up in the kitchen, and Misato nearly fell over. Miia had opted to not grab a towel or shirt, and was showing not only Misato that she was quite lovely with her ruby hair, copper outer scales, soft pick under scales, and the water made her pale skin radiant, oh and her tail was strangling Shinji by the neck. Holding the boy out to her, he too was sans clothing, she had her tail right around his neck and he was turning blue.

Rushing over to the pair, Misato grabbed at the tip of Miia's tail and pulled. The yelp the girl let out was unexpectedly erotic, who knew the tip of her tail was sensitive? Well Misato and Shinji did now, well Shinji did if he cared about such things while being strangled. "Drop him Miia! He's our new roommate!" Misato continued to pry him free. And Misato knew a few sexual kinks existed, she joked that Kaji would die of auto-erotic asphyxiation, but never thought it possible. Well…Shinji was standing tall and proud…and oddly packing for a kid…seriously that couldn't be…he was fourteen and…focus! Slapping Miia's tail one last time she finally freed the boy and he fell to his knees on the ground.

"He-he is? Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you knock on the door?" Miia asked loudly and indignantly. Staring at the boy and Misato, Miia finally took stock of what she was seeing and how cold she was and cutely eeped and fled the room back to the balmy tub.

Draping her jacket over Shinji's shame, Misato sagely looked away from him. "Y-yeah, should have let both of you know about one another. Miia meet Shinji Ikari, Shinji Ikari meet Miia. We'll all be living here from now on," Misato hoped this introduction didn't sour both of them on one another. If they hated each other over this, would really ruin Misato's plans!


Finishing breakfast for his roommates, Shinji sat down to eat quickly. Better to get out of the house soon rather than risk the wrath of Miia. It had only been a few days of cohabitation, but Shinji was wondering if maybe he made a mistake in moving in with the two women. Solitude was painful, but this hostility(Miia) and teasing(Misato) was just bizarre. Now Shinji could accept Miia being upset for their introduction to one another, accident yes but he did see her nude. She had seen him too and flaunted him to Misato…so why was she the one that was wronged here? Misato was teasing about the dimensions of his body when she drank. Woman drank a lot…like a lot a lot.

"Women are scary," Shinji muttered as he ate his egg on toast. As he sipped his tea, hearing the morning sounds of the house, he advanced his departure time a few minutes. Miia was up and thrashing about, a warmer morning meant she woke faster. He had to admit Lamia were interesting creatures, and she was ravishing in both halves. Feeling a sharp pain on his ankle he gazed down at the other roommate he had. Pointing to a bowl by the fridge, "Your food is over there. Out of Miia-san's sway range. Thought you'd like to not have it spilled on the ground."

Alternating between Shinji and his bowl, Pen-Pen nodded twice, warked happily, and waddled over. Now Pen-Pen made a point of walking in on Miia and Misato in the bath, even walked in him once. Maybe it was time to invest in a lock for that door. Culture was one thing, but a lot of strangers living together was something totally else. But on the whole Shinji liked Pen-Pen, the others were still debatable. Miia was a charmer when with Misato, acting much like a loving and emotional daughter, but glaring at him when he came into the room. Misato was…his superior officer who took him in. Lots of thought was still needed on her. But she ate nothing but junk food unless he cooked, didn't clean, and had a fridge of just beer…so yeah not really a person to aspire to being. She did LOVE his cooking though.

"Shinji-kun…breakfast?" Misato groaned out as she shambled into the room. A zombie much like a cold Miia, Misato was NOT a morning person. Well until she got one or two beers in. Plopping down at the table and grabbing the can he left out, Shinji was a quick study of humanity that he could observe. Cracking the can and letting out a whooping cheer, she slammed it down, reached across the table and rubbed his head. Much more awake now, "You're a real boon, Shinji-kun. So how are you liking things here? Miia-chan will warm up to you, don't worry."

Spying the snake-woman spying on them from the doorway, Shinji was not so optimistic on that. Waving weakly at the woman, she huffed and slithered into the room. "Good morning, Miia-san. I've breakfast steak and eggs for you," Shinji pointed at the plate next to Misato. It was furthest away from him, and that was fine. If Miia didn't like him, he wasn't going to fret. Why bother with something that was natural. He wasn't well liked, didn't try to stand out, and was comfortable being ignored. Just like school, three days in and he hadn't spoken to anybody.

"You can't bribe me with food you know," Miia almost was convincing but she was drooling all the same. Besetting her meal Shinji read about online for Lamia's, she was a very messy eater, and she wasn't to keen on pulling her shirt down all the way. Now Shinji wasn't the typical boy, gave up on the idea of other people being positive influences on his life and just went with the flow to avoid the pain of standing tall…but that still got his attention. Spitting out bits of scrambled egg with more seasoning than Shinji oft used to make up for Miia's subdued sense of taste, "So tonight is the party right? Smith-san and Akagi-san?"

On the mention of 'the welcoming' party, Shinji got up and made for his escape. He wished he didn't have to participate in that. The cold feeling of being a nuisance was setting in again, just like back with his teacher. They didn't really want him there, he was just being dragged to the event as they felt they needed to put up appearances. "Just leave your plates in the sink and I'll clean them when I get home," he hustled off without waiting for a reply. The chore wheel calendar was a joke. Five days had Shinji doing everything, one day for Miia, and one day for Misato. Just didn't want to start a fight over 'equal' so he just took more. Easier that way. Plus it gave him something to do rather than hide in his room. Merino would be upset if he didn't 'try'.

Making his way to the prison that was school, Shinji did his very best to avoid eye contact and conversations. Look at the wrong guy and they could think any number of things. 'Was that a challenge', 'he making nice at me', or maybe just 'he has a face I want to punch'. Bullies were a thing to be avoided, and Shinji so far had done just that in his life. Girls however…well he double avoided them. Last thing he wanted was to meet eyes with a cute lady and she just burst out laughing. She would to, he could tell it would happen. So he just found his seat after a nice walk, put his headphones on and pray he wasn't noticed.

The class filled up fairly quickly, the standard groupings he had seen in his old school. Attractive girls, sporty boys, geeks, freaks, and all the rest. Some noticed him, but never approached. He hated how for a moment he didn't know if he was excited or afraid when a shaggy haired kid with glasses stared at him just a little longer than the rest but eventually sat down. Once the room got to loud to hear his music, he turned to the computer to appear busy. With nothing of interest to look up, Shinji went for practical. Facts and trivia about Lamia. If he was going to live with one, Shinji was going to do his research as to not accidentally hurt the woman. An image of a smiling Miia popped into his brain and he about shut down. Seriously, laws she be put up to keep girls that attractive from talking to losers, even if it was just to be condescending. Gave a person hope, hope was evil.

Interesting was putting it mildly, Shinji's attention on his studies had gotten quite deep. So many different variety and species of Lamia lead Shinji to learning of other Extra-Species types. World defiantly was a strange place, far stranger for those pre-Second Impact survivors. To Shinji, Extra Species were always a part of his life, just not very widely known. Until a year ago, they all kept to their own environments and avoided humanity by and large. The meteor or whatever that crashed upset the balance of the planet, and the Extra Species held out as long as they could from integrating with humanity. Well, fourteen years was as far as they could last. Now they were coming to light fully, the world governments was trying to assist with the process with a list of rules and regulations.

"Stand!" the class representative called out. Shinji liked the girl's twin tails and freckles, but she was harsh and had more friends than needed. As such Shinji made no point to talk to her, what would the point be? Talk to her, have her ask him to leave her alone, and he sit down alone. "Bow, sit" Hokari finished the ritual and the class began in earnest.

The older man started with what Shinji had been reading, the meteor that hit the arctic and changed the world. Higher water levels, permanent summer, and the coming to light of 'monsters of lore' the result of that accident. Schools have yet to start letting Extra Species in, but there was talk that soon it would happen. The boy with the glasses sounded very happy about that and started typing fervently. Shinji didn't get that. Why make them sound 'different' or 'weird', they were just people living as best they could. He envied them, they stood out yet lived with it with courage and grace. Truly enviable people.

Life however was not ready to give the young Ikari a break, it had plans for him after all both good and bad. So as the teacher started droning on about fractals and confusing maths, a message appeared on Shinji's screen. A simple question, a dangerous question. Misato had said it would come out eventually that he was the pilot, he didn't have to lie about it. So he answered the question, expecting one or two people gasp and let that be the end of it. Reality was a much different beast.

The class blossomed into madness! Everybody got out of their chairs, the class representative did so to try and calm the room to no avail, everybody got out and bombarded Shinji with questions. What was the 'robots' name, how was he chosen, special attacks, and the like. All of it, Shinji noticed, was about Nerv and the Eva. No questions about him, he wasn't important. Only his job was. Thankfully the insanity of the room died back down. School was boring after that. Shinji did wonder if Ayanami had the same reactions on the students. He had only seen the girl twice, both being on a gurney…but she was attractive and mysterious as well. Bet she had a lot of friends, was super popular…wonder when she'd get out of the hospital.

"Better leave fast today," Shinji whispered as he pre-loaded his satchel. Other students were doing the same, but Shinji was skilled in a craft they were not. Slipping through people and crowds with ease. When you weren't seen, you learned to avoid people moving about you. Either you avoided them or they bounced into you and got angry. The skill was learned quickly. So the moment Hokari said it was good to go, Shinji demonstrated it and left any would be question askers wondering where he was. His little trick did fill Shinji with a rare sense of accomplishment, something he was good at. Before anybody knew it, Shinji was out on the street and heading home…then the memory came back. Shoulders sagging, "Oh yeah…the party."

He slowed down his walking.

Didn't matter, he got home eventually and a bored Miia was lounging on the long couch watching television. When Shinji first saw the couch he thought it an extreme extravagance, now he realized why it was so long. Miia took up all of it! "I-I'm home," Shinji swallowed as Miia pushed herself up from her semi-doze. No fair, it was no fair! Misato and Miia was so attractive, reminded Shinji he was at best plain and would have to suffer more being ignored.

"Oh it's you…it's that late already?" Miia's tail was waggling just a little but stopped upon seeing Shinji. Who knew a Lamia could hold a grudge so long. If only Miia hadn't walked in on him maybe this would have just been a low simmering dislike, much like his old teacher's wife had for all borders. Flipping back on the couch, Miia turned up the volume, "Misato be home soon? Going to be so much fun to have other people here. People that won't peep on me."

And that nail went in just a little deeper, Shinji didn't do anything wrong but was blamed regardless. It was that bike incident all over again. Even when he didn't do anything, Shinji just couldn't catch a break. Heading to the cupboards to see if he had enough for supper, "I'm a little late from school, so Misato-san should be home in about two hours. Look…I need to head to the grocery store, we don't have enough for tonight. I'll be…" Shinji was not expecting a looming shadow to overtake him.

"You're heading out shopping?" Miia had to fight hard to suppress a smile. Guess being cooped up in the house would do that. New laws stated Extra Species home-stay candidates needed to be accompanied by a human from the house. With Shinji at school and Misato at work, Miia was stuck lounging around the house with nothing to do. Guess it was better to go along with somebody you didn't like than be stuck inside like a prisoner. Tugging on the hem of her 'skirt' Miia was very uneven in her speech, "I could go with you, carry the bulk of things back since you'll need a lot for tonight."

Well a small part of Shinji wanted to say 'no' to Miia, to put just a little bit of the pain he suffered from her constant snide comments, but he couldn't. Grabbing a piece of paper, Shinji wrote down what little he actually needed, "Sure. Being stuck in here all the time must be hard," then he made a big mistake, "Was there any place else you wanted to go beside the grocery store?"

Oh how those eyes sparkled at the notion! Speeding off to her room, knocking over a chair in the process, Miia was on a mission. Watching her go, Shinji made a small connection that would forever be part of him. Miia was just a big girl. The happiness of being able to go out, the excitement causing her to act out, and her body knocking things over…Miia was just a girl with a larger body…and a few health issues…nothing more. Purse hanging on her side, a cute little thing fitting of her, Miia was already at the door, "I've a few places I wanted to go to, made a list." The paper she held was longer than the shopping list.

Maybe it was because it was her first shopping trip out since moving in, nice weather, or just she wasn't capable of being upset for long, Miia was a different person once they got moving. Smiles and jokes, talking about her shows, and just all manner of questions about humanity. Frilly shirt shops, bangles, phone accessories, and just countless walking. During it all, Shinji noticed they stood out and he began to get worried. People looking at him, people judging him! A normal little worthless guy with a beautiful woman at his side…he worried about an encounter.

In a nice upscale clothing shop, as Miia held several different tops to her chest before a mirror, it happened. "Hey, you two will have to leave. You're not welcome in here," the woman at the register snapped. Older by all appearances, grayed hair and sagging cheeks, but still an energetic and loud person.

Miia and Shinji both stopped and slowly moved to see the old woman. He bounced off Miia's lower half and started waving his hands. "I'm…I'm sorry! I know I shouldn't be in here. But the laws say that Miia-san needs an escort that is all! I'm not trying to look at anybody or anything, just letting her get out for a change!" Shinji pleaded. Last thing he wanted was for Miia to get kicked out because this woman thought a geeky boy was spying on ladies in her shop.

"Not you…that monster with you! This store is for humans only!" the woman countered with an angry scowl on her face. Other costumers started to notice and they were all watching now. Not many, six women and one additional male, but enough for Shinji to start to panic. Sensing blood in the water, the woman pressed on, "Get that thing out of my shop and don't come ba-" A rack of clothing fell over.

Stupid, he was being stupid, but this old woman struck a cord with Shinji that he couldn't control. Seeing Miia shocked and sad, he just pushed the rack over. After the clatter quieted, Shinji pushed another and another rack over sending clothing everywhere. Growling as he stomped on the clothing, "Do not call her that! She's a girl! A girl that just wants to shop in your small little place! Not a thing or a monster but a woman!" He would have continued stomping his way towards the lady had Miia not wrapped her tail around his waist and yanked him out of the store.

She raced quickly and with animal agility to avoid any and everything in her way. When they got back to the house, sans groceries after all the time spent, Miia dropped him. Hovering over him a confused but hopeful expression warring on her face, "W-why did you do that? Make a mess at that old crones shop for me?"

"Because it's true," Shinji rubbed his sore head. Miia had not been gentle about her squeezing or her dropping him on his head. Glad to not see any blood on his fingers, Shinji tried to get up but Miia had a lot of weight on him to use keeping him down. Blushing as Miia was almost rubbing her chest against his face, "Y-you are a woman that deserves to shop anywhere you want. Not a monster at all."

No response, just the door opening and the sound of a massive reptile slithering away at a rapid pace. Misato was upset that there wasn't any food for the little party, but Miia offered to pay for some delivery and for a moment, Shinji thought they could be some mending of the bridge.


Moving about the house in a fugue like state, Miia was so bored time appeared to be going in reverse. Empty house, nothing on television, and nothing really to do. When she joined the appointment program she had a few goals in mind, hibernation to stave off boredom was not one of them. But there was a light at the end of the tunnel, Misato and she were going out once she got back from Nerv. Stupid testing took both of her roommates and left her behind.

"I'll have to ask if I can go with them sometime. They spend too much time there," Miia whined just a bit. Never one to dwell on the negative to long, Miia just scooped up a pillow and gave it a good squeeze. It popped and send stuffing everywhere leaving her bewildered and nervous. That wasn't some family heirloom or something was it? Hope not…last thing she wanted was to annoy her roomies. Using her tail to curl around the mess, she cleaned up just a bit. Smiling, "No good making more work for him. He's already doing nearly everything."

After the little shopping excursion two weeks ago things had started to shift in Miia's mind regarding the young man of the house. Now that she wasn't glaring daggers at him every time she saw him, she started seeing him in a new light. Withdrawn and sad most of the time, but she could get a smile or laugh from time to time. Jokes, stories, and playing games with both of them kept the humans from their vices. One had her booze, the other their room or silence. "He's a lot nicer to me now too…guess I was unduly harsh on him," Miia's tail swung about in a coil.

She had gone out with both of her roomies twice now apiece and once together, Misato wanted to get both of them on better terms not knowing they already where. Nothing fancy or dramatic, just going out to see and learn about humans. Well learn more about humans, Lamia clans had their group human husband. Being an all-female species, they did resort to kidnapping a male for breeding when necessary. But laws where changing so they had to adapt.

"So what is he hiding in here?" Miia crept into the Shinji's room. Despite living with him, Miia knew practically nothing about him, other than a few little things. He had lived with a Pan while staying abroad, he had a father, and well…that was about it. Peeking through his things, her heart rate increasing as she did, Miia tried to pass it off. Just that stoic look he had when staring down that old bat was stuck in her mind. So cool! Picking up a music player, "Going to have to learn more about him. He's such a darling at times." Room smelled nice, but was so empty! Where Misato and hers had pictures, books, a plush or two…maybe more in Miia's case, and felt lived in, this room was just that. It was an empty room.

Finding the cello in the closet, Miia puzzled over it. Not like the musical instruments she had back home, those were all woodwinds. Drawing the bow across a cord, the tightly wound metal string snapped at Miia's action and she dropped the bow. "Leave now…before I break something else!" Miia hustled out less her size destroy what little was here. No good making him upset after he had been doing so much to bridge the gap between them. Miia had spied on the lad before, but now it was to gauge his earnestness regarding Extra Species residents.

Leaving the television on channels that focused on ES, setting aside a magazine that catered to the ES population, and the times they went out and a homestay went past. Each and every time, no reaction. He even went past an arachnid and lingered on the legs just a moment longer than was nonplused…Misato even teased him asking if he was into legs! Either just one to go with the flow of things, a great liar, or maybe just maybe this guy really didn't see a difference between monsters and humans!

"Miia we're home," Misato called out just before the door slammed. A bit windy outside from the chimes by the backdoor and the forceful close of the front. Fixing her hair and handing her jacket to Shinji, Misato had that look about her. Miia and Shinji joked about this one morning, Misato's face was super expressive. When she smiled just a little to much it meant something bad, and she was trying butter the recipient up. Heading past the lamia to the kitchen, she pulled out a can and went to town, "So how was the house? Didn't try to run away did it?"

When Shinji didn't join them, went right past them into that room of his, Miia cringed. She hadn't shut the door to his closet, he'd see the damage soon and come to ask her about it. Pointing in the absent participants direction, "Something happen today? Normally he at least talks to us a little when you get back from those tests of yours." Not knowing exactly was being tested, just that it revolved around those giant robots that fought…whatever it fought. Angels existed and they were NOT that giant she saw him fighting on the news.

Misato's head dipped down for a moment and the woman shut her eyes. Silence, the only thing making noise was the fridge and Pen-Pen waddling about. Recapturing her can she finished it off and tossed it by the garbage, missed, and made a lovely little stain by it. "Ritsuko and I got on his case a little bit. And I admit he had a point, but he contradicted us before the crew and we had to lay into him. I forgot…forgot he's not actually a soldier and treated him like one," Misato walked over to the can but left it after a moment hesitation.

"Point about what? And yeah, he is definitely no soldier…" Miia was suddenly not too worried about their going out. If Misato kept drinking, and the new can in her hand was proof it was Beer-thirty, there would be not trip out as planned. Misato was the queen of breaking plans much like Smith-san was at avoiding plans. Pouring herself a glass of the sun tea Shinji made, just the right level of sweet, "Take it we're not going out?" she had to ask though.

Pacing back and forth, actually stepping over Miia's tail, Misato kept herself quiet enough to not project through the house. "He follows orders…but he follows them too closely. No hesitation, no thought, just does exactly what we tell him. When I commented about it, he said 'isn't that what you want me to do' and…it is…but it isn't…its…I don't know. We need a fighter not a robot, but he's just not…and no…I've reports to write. You could ask him out, bet he could use it," Misato offered Miia a weak shrug.

"Wait so you're upset that he followed orders? Yeah I agree with him on that. Then again I have no idea what you're really doing so…yeah," Miia's forehead scrunched up in confusion. So Misato was upset that he did what she asked…just not how she asked? Whatever, this wasn't her problem. Pointing at his room, "Guess I will go ask him. I, I broke a string on his cello when I was in his room earlier." Upon ending her statement and seeing Misato raising an eyebrow and the start of a smile, "I-I-I was just bored is all! Shows are on re-run and…and…" Blushing as Misato started to chuckle, Miia fled the kitchen to Shinji's room.

Sitting on his bed, the door open, Shinji just fumbled with his fingers. Guess the attempt at quiet failed and he heard it all. Without looking up, "I haven't really played my cello lately so it isn't a big deal, Miia-san. Not even very good at it, might not replace the cord." Lifeless, he sounded as if he was a recording playing back with heavy static.

Grabbing his hand, wow he was actually very warm, Miia pulled him off the bed. Holding that hand triggered her latent snakelike mind. She could easily fall asleep on such a heat, as if he was a sun warmed rock. Poking his cheek she tried to get him to smile, "Now don't let her get to you. She has to say stuff to you while at work or she'll get in trouble. I'm with you anyway! They tell you to do something and you do it…why they getting angry! So let's get out and have some fun!" She started moving and dragging, for a moment he resisted but Miia was confident in her strength.

Stumbling just a little at the start, Shinji quickly found his footing and out the door they went. "D-did you want to grab an umbrella? It might rain," Shinji tried to warn. Not having any of it, Shinji just kept pace with Miia as she went off.

The house wasn't to far away from a nice park and a small shopping arcade, so Miia went to the park first. Her mind telling her 'this is very much like a date isn't it?' but tried not to pay it much attention. Trying to get a little more of his heat, Miia was right at his side as they strode about. Humming contently to herself, "So why don't you tell me what really bothered you about today? Might help to talk about it." Other couples were here walking contently hand in hand like they were, oh and kids playing, solo people enjoying the weather and scenery.

"Not really bothered, just confused," Shinji confessed, his voice strained. His arm was entwined with Miia's and he couldn't escape if he tried. Letting her lead him, they went by the lake and watched the small waves roll in. Sighing, he did that a lot, he relented, "They told me…target the center, pull the switch. So I did. I don't like doing it, I don't want to, but Ayanami-san is hurt and it's expected of me. I don't know why they got upset with me. So I asked them, and Misato-san got upset and I just…tuned out." His whole being collapsed inward, one small fight was devastating to him.

Miia hated that, hated how powerless she felt right then. What could she say or do to make that sadness leave? Nothing. Nothing she said would be a silver bullet to ease his trouble mind or heart. "Well…don't let it bother you. I'll trust you to do what is right. And know I'll always be in your corner," Miia scooped up a few flat rocks with her tail and gave a few to each of them to throw. Giving it a nice triple skip, "Ever throw rocks before? Helps me to calm down when I got into fights with my Momma," Miia tried.

Tossing the stone poorly, it splashed and sank instantly, Shinji actually laughed at that. Freeing himself from her grip, Shinji tried another throw and…yeah same result. "Never have done this, guess I'm not that good at it," Shinji dropped the third stone only for Miia to catch it.

"Don't give up after only two tries. I wasn't good when I started either. Takes practice and if somebody will help you, it goes better!" Miia put the stone back in his hand. Moving his arm along the motion, giving him a simple example to try. Her breathing was coming out just a little ragged now, she enjoyed his scent, "Yup, just like that, give your wrist a good flick as you envision where you want it to go."

Going over the motion a few times, Shinji kept the stone in his hand, but on the fourth try he left fly! And it skipped once and sank…well improvement is improvement. "Hey I got one!" guess Shinji was happy with ANY improvement. Rather than stop there, he picked up a few stones himself and the two of them skipped stones and talked. He shied away from the incident today, but he did talk a little about his time with his teacher. Miia tried to lighten the mood with stories of her mother and her homeland. Shinji's best count was two at the end of the little skipping session. "D-did you want to go get food?" Shinji asked as they started away from the lake, Miia stealing his heat again.

Shivering a little as the breeze from the lake cooled her substantially, Miia nodded and yawned, "Someplace warm with something sweet. Coffee maybe? Then again I think I'm spoiled on yours." A thunderhead and a crash of lightning rippled through the air. That was when the felt the first few drips of water falling. Stupid weather just had to ruin a good time! Miia wanted to enjoy this time out, get to know Shinji better, but stupid water…stupid…was it getting colder?

"Sure thing, but did you want to go back home instead? Raining and all," Shinji was for the first time leading the walking pair. He had started back towards the house, but when Miia tugged down a street he adjusted accordingly. Keeping under awnings and trees when possible, he mitigated a good amount of the rain. Pulling out his phone he held it pensively, "If you get wet you could fall asleep. Unless what I read was wrong. Said drastic changes in temp from warm to cold could put a Lamia to sleep."

He knew about stuff like that? How darling of him! Learning about her species, worried about her, oh she could just eat him up! Miia was not used to positive male influences in her life. Hell she hadn't spoken directly to many men, and the few were either were bored or afraid of her. Human mythology did not paint Lamia in good light. Their need for men and how they got them in the past likely the cause of those old stories.

Taking his phone, she opened it and saw it only had Misato's and Nerv's emergency contact number. Adding her name to the mix, she put the device in her purse. "If she calls I'll give it back. Lets stay out for now. I'm not that bad yet, and if we go inside for food or something," Miia was adamant. Finding most of the café's had signs saying no larger Extra Species were aloud, she was starting to get a bit faint. Now drenched from going from place to place, she was determined to keep this date going! "So…I think…we're…Misato and I…" Miia's vision blurred and then she was out.

When she next opened her eyes, it was with a start and her hands flailed about and struck sheet and bed. "Home? I'm…how did I get here?" Miia asked as she spun around and found her clock. It was early evening, just after seven, but with the storm pouring down it appeared much later. But she was dry and her heaters were on, something was off here! Stealthily moving to the door, she was utterly silent if she tried, Miia spied on the voices she heard.

"Next time call me Shinji-kun, I don't care if you have to go through her purse to get your phone. You could have given yourself a hernia dragging her back. Impressive in itself, but dangerous. Now go take a bath and get warmed up, don't want you catching cold," Misato again was reading Darling the riot act! He, that thin stick of a guy, carried her back home in the rain! Oh her heart was all a flutter!


"Alright Ayanami, you are good to go. Let me know if the arm continues to hurt or if your vision starts to go bad," Ritsuko had her last review. Watching the girl struggle with her broken arm, Ritsuko was tempted for a moment to help her but decided not to. Ayanami needed to know how to handle the cast alone, she lived that way after all. So as Rei nearly fell over trying to put her shirt on, Ritsuko sampled some lukewarm coffee. The pains people went through were conditioned to them by fate.

Once Rei finished her quasi-ballet performance of jumping about and struggling to get the shirt over the cast, only once bouncing off the bed she had laid on, she stood mutely and hair mussed before Akagi. With a head nod, maybe a hint of resentment, "Was there anything else?" Girl just had to ask, always the perfect little soldier doll.

Handing a new bottle of medication over to her, "New meds, you can toss out ALL of your old medication. And keep an eye on the new pilot. Misato's reports have him avoiding people, but you are to report anything you think is a security concern." Ritsuko was proud of what she was able to do with the new medication. Royal Jelly from a bee-girl with a few modifications would hasten Rei's healing and impart the drone bee mentality into Ayanami. Nice little thing that was. A shame her mother and the past generation didn't have all the glorious monster byproducts to work with. He he…eat that mother.

"Ikari-kun…the boy that I saw at the hospital?" Rei had just the minutest expression of appreciation and confusion. Ritsuko could see it only due to her extreme time with the girl. Stretching her elbow back oddly Rei pocketed the bottle and headed for the door on unsteady legs. The face visor she used to protect her face did warp her vision making for some vertigo. Hand on the knob, "Your report stated he is living with Katsuragi and a Lamia, other details I should know?"

Striking up her lighter, Ritsuko had long ago disabled the smoke detectors in her lab, she sparked up her cig. With a nod, "The very same boy. He even caught you when you fell before the Third, saved your life. And I don't think you have to worry much about him. Misato's reports state he isn't much for standing out…unless it revolves that Miia that he lives with. Guess the snake is getting a little sweet on him. But that isn't your concern. Just observe him, report back."

With a one handed salute, the movement showing a bit of pale tummy, Rei left the lab without another word. Strange bird that Ayanami, but then again being a hybrid clone left to live alone in a dirty box might do that to a person. Ritsuko always wondered what would happen if Rei was a bit different, then realized it was pointless to ask. Rei had her own contingency of Section-2 handpicked by Gendo to keep the girl's life as droll and boring as possible. Maybe Ritsuko should spice the girl's life up a bit…but how?

"You never change do you? Couldn't help that girl, bet you were doing the odds of her face planting on the ground," Kuroko Smith snidely stated as she took Rei's place. Shutting the door and pulling out a small fleshy construct, the business clad woman with long black hair sat on the table. Flicking the device it started rattling softly. Pointing at the oddity, "New from MON, it disables cameras both video and audio while the siren stone rattles. How you been Rits?"

Plopping down in her chair by her computer, Ritsuko did notice odd visual glitches on the screen as she started typing. Kuroko had been a dear friend back in college and a wonderful place for new science and tech today. Not that Smith knew Ritsuko was using her for a lot of black projects, only the commanders knew that. "And you just have to flaunt your little government powers while trying to…is that a lunch box?" Ritsuko's flow of thought was disrupted.

"Yup!" Smith was just that level of gloating happy as she opened her lunch box. Pulling a stein of tea out and some chopsticks from her satchel, the be-speckled woman beset a rather tasty looking lunch. After moaning intentionally loud, "That boy that lives with Katsuragi made it for me. I visited last night, see how all three of them are getting along. I hinted was going to have a busy day with no chance for lunch and…before I left he had this for me. I like that kid."

Having not had lunch or even breakfast today, Ritsuko was tempted to beset Kuroko and steal that box. Misato had went on and on about her wards cooking skills. Her stomach rumbled so she punched it to calm it down, "Using a kid to make your lunch, how like you. The humble life of a civil servant. Let me guess, Misato and you had a late night too?" Kuroko and Misato were cut from the same cloth in many regards. Lazy, drunkards, stupidly attractive, and able to get people to work for them.

"I didn't ask him to, he just did it. Miia-chan didn't like seeing it to much. Have to hand it to Misa-chan, she pulled the perfect distraction for that woman. And yes, we had a game of Go, I lasted a bit longer this time, and had ourselves a little party," Smith continued to indulge herself to the max. Just rubbing in the fact she had a homemade lunch and Ritsuko had a bag of chips and a soda on her desk. Sipping her beverage, the leakage around her lips made it look like coffee, "So how is the lead scientist of Nerv today? Haven't seen you since our little welcome home party."

Didn't have to ask a person with mental hang ups that made them predisposed to helping others, but Ritsuko kept silent. No good alienating one of her two remaining friends, just let it go. Pointing at her screen before popping open her 'lunch', "One pilot recovering and the other in for tests when able. Unlike Misato and you, I cannot push my work onto others. Well not all of it." They shared a small laugh, both knew Maya was oft doing little errands for her sempai. Eying Smith's bag, Ritsuko scooted her chair closer, "You got anything for me today? Or you just bored and felt like flexing that exception badge of yours and getting into my place?"

Taking a small flash drive out of her satchel, putting the empty lunch box back in, Kuroko tossed it over. With a shrug she admitted, "Not much today. I have a few new home-stays planned. A harpy, centaur, and a mermaid planned. Nothing you haven't seen or heard about before. Want a roommate? I could get any of the above mentioned. I just set the Arachne up with a family so she's out." Sliding off the table, Smith took a leisurely stroll about the lab and examined the x-rays on the board of Ayanami.

"I've my cats so I'm good. Shocked you're not pushing those off on Misato as well. With the size of…that…" Ritsuko's voice fell off when Smith turned about. It was the body language, hand to chest and mouth open into a small circle, and hand to wall. Smith was planning on it! Holding back a laugh, "I thought it was one per household, how many you planning to drop on Misato?" Let that be a lesion to Misato to read the fine print on all her 'free things.'

Suddenly not so content to tease and joke over Ritsuko, Kuroko inched towards the door. Never underestimate your opponent or you might find yourself in a battle you couldn't win. Kuroko was used to dealing with Misato, a woman that could obliterate you at chess but would believe any technobabble you spewed at her. "Still was hoping I'd have gotten you to take the house instead. But I guess Misato is better at being the approachable type. And I was only thinking of adding one…maybe two of them. Papi or Centorea would be good fits. Well, I've a few other places to go and only wanted to get you those files so…" with and quick hand wave the elusive Kuroko Smith of MON vanished in almost a cartoonish dust cloud.

Wishing Smith had stayed longer, Ritsuko actually felt lonely after the departure. Misato and Kuroko really were her better friends, her only friends. They didn't get to hang out much, Ritsuko's alliances did present a bit of time hindrance. But she was needed, she felt loved, and she was going to go through with this. Taking the hard drive, Ritsuko booted it up and found a silly picture of her with her friends among the reports. Stupid Smith, stupid Misato, and stupid Ryouji. Those three could always get a laugh out of her, or in better times get her out of a funk to go out and have fun.

Her watched beeped, a thirty minute warning she set for herself, so she put aside those nostalgic feelings. A meeting with the commanders was dangling before her, and she wanted more details for them. Guess the original scenario had not factored the emergence of these extra species on the planet. New products, materials, and options existed now thanks to what those creatures produced. Problems also existed…some of Seele was more interested in living as humans or human/monster hybrids if possible. With many of the new races being female only, got those rich old men thinking of other things.

Going over the files, paying special attention to the fiddly bits that Smith didn't know where the real reasons Nerv requested her reports. Lamia scales usage in rejuvenation, unfertilized harpy eggs for cultivation, slimes adaptive potential, and so much more. It really got Ritsuko's scientific mind firing. All the potential, all the new venues for advancement, it was a great time to be alive! The college courses she took had been far to general, did not have the actual facts which Ritsuko had now. But she had to specialize on things she didn't care about right now…other uses.

"And now I have to go report this stuff, and not actually do what I want with it," Ritsuko saved her documents to the flash drive and pulled it. She'd work more on personal projects at home, her current fixation was dryads and zombies…just think of the possibilities! Shutting everything down, she headed towards the commanders office. People waved at her but avoided eye contact, fearful of the head scientist and her wicked ways! At least that was what Ritsuko thought, they didn't know her and didn't want to. She was fine with that, people scared her, they were reckless and without common sense. Slipping into the commanders' office, she saw the two men talking behind that desk, "I got the latest reports. Might be interesting."

Whatever private party those two were having ended when she spoke, guess it was still a boys club. Moving away from Gendo, Kozo gave the younger man a small nod before addressing the woman old enough to be his daughter. "We read a few interesting reports from the Katsuragi home, the cameras are still not working, we can't figure out why or cohobate her intelligence," Kozo's voice belayed his frustration. The higher up you are on the Nerv food chain the more they kept tabs on you. Misato was popular for her looks and how she asked to care for the Third Child.

That little gem Kuroko had flashed into Ritsuko's mind, did her dear friend have something like that built into the house? Something to look into, if she could verify it and fix it, get some good brownie points! "I'll read them and go get confirmation. Anything in particular you need me to look into? As for Smith's latest profiles, Arachne silk could be used as a fast and effective replacement for some of the Eva's internal binding constraints. And I have provided Ayanami with the new Royal Jelly infused pills. Should get better results than the previous meds," she did not like how Gendo's eyebrow twitched at hearing that name. She was a child, why did Gendo dote on her!

"You are positive that those new pills will not change her conditioning? We spent her whole lifetime maintaining the balance between her medications, and now these new pills?" Gendo was his skeptical self as always. Scooping up all the reports and papers that they had been viewing before, Gendo rapt his knuckles on them. Pushing up his glasses, "Last thing we want is for these unexpected changes to alter all of our plans. Keep her monitored. As for Katsuragi, this Lamia is getting to close from her reports. We do not want any unnecessary attachments."

Not what she was wanting, but she'd take it. Gendo had to be shown proof that her plan would be a betterment. Little Royal Jelly would make Rei more pliable and useful…and even less emotional! Just a walking and listening automaton! Then Gendo wouldn't dote on it, just use it and be done…right? "I will have weekly tests for her new medications to make sure it is not having any adverse effect," Ritsuko felt giddy! This was what she needed, and she'd insure it was perfect! Trying to keep her joy contained, "As for the Lamia, I'll check on them."

The meeting fell into their standard ones after that, and Ritsuko went through the rote. Status of the Evas, Dummy Plug, and defense matrixes. Nothing was really outstanding, other than the young Ikari was really not a fighter. Ritsuko did learn not to refer to Shinji by name though, Gendo did not look favorably at that. Other than the training of the newest pilot, nothing was really out of the ordinary. Little over an hour later, Ritsuko collected herself and left the two commanders' to their secret business again.

"Hey Rits, you're still here?" Misato had finally arrived for her second shift during the meeting. Standing amid the rabble, the queen of the command bridge was milling with her people. They flocked to her, basked in her simple charms and glory, and hated it when Ritsuko appeared and stole that attention. Waving at the lesser crew, she descended from her high perch to join Ritsuko on earth, "Anything I need to know or be worried about?"

Many things, so many things, infinity things Misato needed to worry about. Ritsuko sagely did not say that. Just taking the steaming cup of coffee out of Misato's hands, it warmed her hands just holding it, she sipped it. Ew…Misato liked to much cream and sugar in her work coffee. "Nothing really. The commanders' are a little worried about Miia and Ikari-kun getting to close and giving our pilot a reason to hesitate in combat," she handed the sugary goop back.

Laughing a little, shifting the cup so she didn't overlay Ritsuko's lipstick stain, Misato drank a bit and rolled her eyes. After a very showy swallow, "I don't think you have to worry about that. Ikari-kun is nice to Miia-chan, but he doesn't seem to be on the make for her. Kid plays things close to the chest, but Miia-chan on the other hand…full moon is coming up. Thinking that is the only real issue, she's not hating him, and she can be real affectionate. Give it a few days and I'm sure they'll just be friends."

Well, Ritsuko wasn't sure, but she'd trust Misato on that. Until the next visit at least and she spied on them, maybe found a way to break whatever anti-tracking methods Kuroko put in. Gendo needed to know what was going on at the Katsuragi home, just in case Misato was making bad plans.


Running down the alley, Shinji could feel the creature bearing down on him. No matter where he ran, it followed just out of his line of sight. It destroyed everything it touched. Crushed cars, obliterated buildings, and ended lives and now it turned its attention towards him. Sweating hard, he vaulted a fence and found himself behind a restaurant and its garbage bins. "Pen-Pen? What are you doing here? We have to run boy or it'll get us!" Shinji called out.

Pen-Pen swiveled his head and spoke in a deep baritone, "Worry not Shinji! For I am a magic bird and can bestow upon you mighty magic powers! All you need to is put on this ring and..." As Pen-Pen extended his flipper with a glowing red ring on it, a massive hand smashed down and ended the magic penguin. Feathers went everywhere, and Shinji quickly brushed the few that landed on him off. That was when the huge purple hand grabbed him and lifted him up into the air.

"Let me go! I won't do what you want! Just leave me alone!" Shinji begged the monster. Unit-01 had come to life and had grabbed him now! Hoisted up into the air high above the city, Shinji could see that while he ran, Unit-01 had destroyed literally everything! The city was ruined, maybe the whole world! Everybody he knew was dead now, this damn thing killed ALL of them! He hated the Evangelion, and it hated him as well! And now it was going to squeeze him and squeeze him until he popped! Squeeze...squeeze..squeeze…then his alarm went off.

Eyes popping open his hand went and smacked the button and turned the annoying sound off. "What a strange...d-d-dream?" Shinji muttered. Why did he still feel like he was being squeezed? Brain rebooting from sleep, Shinji could still feel a tight constriction around almost his entire body! Looking about the room, dimly light by the light from the window, he saw the cause. "M-Miia-san? What are" he swallowed hard as Miia just cooed in her sleep.

"So warm...need more," Miia sleep spoke. She lay atop him, soft bits squishing against his chest while her lower half coiled around him tightly. His legs and left arm were constricted as Miia tightened more and more trying to get more of his heat.

Swallowing hard, Shinji didn't know what to do. He could call out to Misato, but with how deep the woman slept he doubted she'd wake, and if she DID see this it would be teasing fodder for months! Now he was a teenage boy as well, and having a beautiful woman press her breasts against him was also a mind frazzle. "Miia-san please wake up, its morning and...and..." he winced as she tightened more. If it got much worse she might actually break a bone or two! And now she was rubbing her nose against his neck, this was...he had no idea. A month of living together and this was a true first.

Alright, he'd have to do something to get Miia to loosen up or he'd get seriously hurt. "S-sorry Miia-san, but I have to," Shinji tried to move his head away from hers. Didn't work, not like he had any real room to move, and whenever he tilted his head she countered...great. Would she be upset if she woke up and saw this? Then again, WHY was she here to begin with. Yeah she hated the cold, but to sneak into his room because he was warm bodied and...oh shit...her moving against him got his little friend to stand up and he poked her with it!

"So much warmer," Miia's tail started to buck against Shinji's morning protuberance. Whelp, Shinji's shame had skyrocketed, goody. It was a natural reaction, he did like Miia, thought she was one of the most attractive women he'd seen, but this was NOT an action he ever thought would happen. Taking his free hand, Shinji started to gently slap Miia's tale. Maybe he could get her to let him go if he annoyed her enough, or at least wake him up. Better to wake her now before he made things a bit more embarrassing.

Didn't work, she got even tighter and let out little squeal sounds. So she liked this? This was NOT in any of Shinji's reading! Then the memory of the first day came to him, the tip of her tail was sensitive! "Sorry Miia-san but..." he had to do something or she'd squeeze his innards out. Not to mention she was grinding a very sensitive part of HIM and he was not used to that stimulation. Waiting for Miia's tail tip to get close to his right and he latched onto it. Oh that got a yelp out of the woman nestling against him. Turn about fair play, she was antagonizing him and he wasn't doing it out of any evil intent.

"D-Darling," she yelped as Shinji set about his business. Stroking the tail as he did himself, hey he was a boy and he experimented very rarely, Shinji felt the coils relax and constrict in odd intervals. Who was Miia thinking about though? Shinji did wonder, did she have a boyfriend back home or something? She never mentioned one, but she did call out a pet name, he was envious of whoever it was. Panting, as Miia reacted she rubbed against him more and Shinji had to bight his lip to not register the softness against him. Alternating speed and strength, Miia screamed out and quickly uncoiled as her tail went full straight! Oh and it went into his closet door and destroyed it.

Rolling away from Miia as she let him go yet stayed asleep, Shinji fled the room. Grabbing his school clothing and rushing to the bathroom, Shinji took care of the after effects of Miia's torture. Yeah, he felt like an utter heel for it, but he was human. After he cleaned up his little mess, Shinji went about his normal morning business. Cooking, prepping, and worrying about life and everything. What would he say to Miia when she woke? Would she even remember what happened? Oh please don't remember, and please don't do it again!

Thirty minutes of sitting at the table and letting his mind tear itself into tiny pieces, the joy of low self esteem, Miia slithered into the room. A big smile on her face, eyes wide open, she blushed when she saw Shinji, "Oh m-morning, s-sleep well?" Miia went to her place by the table and her waiting breakfast.

"Y-yeah I did. W-what about you?" Shinji sipped his tea and did NOT meet her eyes. To many possibilities to even consider! Just sit back and let hit come, whatever it was going to be, Shinji was ready for the worst.

A thousand watt smile that would have lifted Shinji's spirits if he had actually seen it, Miia was a bastion of joy. Pouring excessive cream into her coffee, "Oh it was a great night. Had a wonderful dream...but I must have slept walked into your room after you left it. Woke up in your room. We need to get you some posters and pictures! Want to go out after you get back from school to get some?"

"Sure thing, Miia-san," Shinji was just going to let it go. It was an odd morning, a memory he wasn't sure was good or bad, but he'd remember it as long as he could. Might be the only time he actually got to know the touch of a woman, but his mind went right to 'Darling'. Miia was dreaming about somebody, maybe it was somebody they saw when they went shopping before? Met online, Miia did use her phone a lot. Who knew. He could ask, but to learn the answer would be more painful than the odd thoughts he had.

Before the conversation could even start, Misato shambled into the room, "Beer me...need" And with her trademark beer slam, the air in the kitchen shifted from confusion to Misato orchestrated silly. Shinji took that opportunity to flee the room and the house. Yeah, better to be at school and avoid humanity as much as possible. His phone vibrated as he sat at his desk, and a quick peek was a picture of Miia...she sent him a selfie? Don't feel...don't feel...don't...don't...damn it! Cute, funny, friendly, and Shinji was smitten. She just texted him a 'thank you' for the breakfast and an apology for using his bed. Yeah, he'd need a lock on that door. His heart couldn't stand another morning like this.

People started funneling in, Shinji paid them little mind. Ayanami showed up today, arm still in a sling and not a cast, but still had a face mask over her eyes, Shinji felt his breath go out on seeing her. Was he cursed to be surrounded by beautiful women that he couldn't approach? Oddly enough, nobody talked to Ayanami either. He heard rumors about her, others talking about her and a very few questioned him about her over his time here. After the initial outbreak for questions about the Eva, he had quickly fell back into his old routine of being avoided. Thankfully. But a few guys, and one girl, did ask if Ayanami was any different at the base. He answered truthfully, he didn't know. They accepted that and left him alone. So now he sat just watching her look out the window. Best he could hope for, but oddly enough Ayanami had a different vibe about her today, she moved a little more fluidly today, strange.

Another new thing was a boy that was bigger than most, shaggy brown hair and darker skin...and he glared angrily at Shinji when he came into the room. The boy, Kensuke if he remembered, called the new addition Touji. This Touji was an intimidating specimen of boy. Best to avoid that at all possible. Just avoid them all. Class eventually started and Shinji did his best to pay attention to it. Not having much of build, wiry yes and he could do a few physical things, Shinji expected his mind to be what got him anywhere in life. If he lived that long, that dream came back to him. Would the Eva get him killed like the dream intoned?

When they class broke for lunch, Shinji quickly fled the room. Well he attempted to, but a hand grabbed his shoulder as he got out of the room. "Sorry new kid but you have to come with me," a gruff voice filled Shinji's world. That hand latched down on him and pushed Shinji forward towards the door outside.

Fear welled up in the lad, but oddly he wasn't fighting the hand off. Just accepted it, whatever was going to happen was deserved. Shielding his eyes from the sun as they stepped outside, "What are you going to do to me?" He had the right to know that much at least? From the painful hold, this Touji was angry at him for something, and that meant more pain.

"You got my sister hurt in that damn robot of yours. Think you need to pay for it," Touji spun Shinji around. Grabbing him by the collar, hoisting Shinji up a little, Touji was quite the upset figure. As a crowd started to grow around them, "Look at me when I'm talking to you, kid! Why didn't you pilot that thing better! She's hospitalized and the doc doesn't have the shit he needs to heal her! What if she gets a scar? What if she can't walk again! This is all your fault! LOOK AT ME!" Touji shook him harder and harder as Shinji continued to keep his eyes downcast.

He knew it had happened, even if Misato claimed otherwise. Knew his fighting that thing had got somebody hurt, and this was the proof of it. "I didn't even know that the Eva existed when I got here that day. I did the best I could," his words lacked power or resolve. Just stating facts, not even an excuse for his actions or lack there of. He felt himself get lifted a little, then blinding pain rocked the side of his head. Falling, he was falling back and his arms pinwheeled outward.

"That isn't good enough! This isn't good enough for me! Fight back, do something! SAY SOMETHING," Touji's anger mounted. Grabbing Shinji again, his arm cocked back to throw another punch stopped when an alarm pierced the stillness of the courtyard. The angel siren had started, another attack! Touji just held Shinji up arm still ready to go, but his eyes widened in shock and fear...yeah attacking one of the two pilots on the day of an attack. Oops.

But it wasn't Touji's fear that got Shinji moving, it was Ayanami. Stepping between the two boys, easily almost regally dusting Shinji off and freeing him for Touji's grip, "We are needed at Nerv. Go to the shelters. Ikari-kun." Rei's head dipped in a brief showing of acknowledgment, before she ran off. Shinji followed dumbly. The pain that rocked his body left him as they ran and his fear spiked. Now THIS was something to be afraid of. Off to fight to the death again, fight alone. The training he received, was it going to be useful or was it just what he thought it was and pointless.

His phone rang, Miia's ringtone got Shinji to stop sprint. Not that he needed much need for that, his lungs ached and his mind was befouled with terror of upcoming events. When he answered it, Miia spoke before he could even say hello, "Be safe! I'm...I broke the rules and went to a shelter...Misato said it was alright. I just wanted to call you and wish you luck and to be safe. I know you should be focusing on the fight and all that...but I just needed to call you and say this. You have to come back alright?" Miia was talking a mile a minute and her voice was so fragile it almost made Shinji laugh! Shouldn't he be the one who was afraid, yet Miia was doing it for him it seemed.

"I will do my best, Miia-san. A-and thanks for calling," Shinji almost felt a tear come to his eye. She cared enough to call him! Such a small thing to some, but to Shinji it was one of the nicest things somebody had done for him. So he made a vow to do his best, if for nobody else but for Miia! He would fight and win so Miia and her Darling could have a happy life together. He'd ask her about the man when he met her again. So with that thought filling his heart, Shinji went into battle.

It was a true shit show, his power cord got cut, he got two passengers in the plug with him complements of Touji and Kensuke breaking out of their shelters. And he uber pissed Misato off when he went in for the kill. But his idea had proved correct, those cores really were the weakness for those things. The pain was exquisite, the mental beat Misato gave him hurt even more, but he would do it again and again if he had to. Sucked yeah, but when a silent Misato took him home, Miia was there and hugged him when they saw one another. Yeah, life sucked...but it had a few nice bits worth staying for.



Staring slow, and writing people with clinical depression is...well easy. I just write how I and others I know that have bouts of it act. Lethargic, nothing matters, and the mind just thinks everything will be bad forever and nothing matters. But a good thing is to be cherished and protected.

But it won't be sad for long ^_^ this is a comedy after all and it will get going in real fast! So strap in for another odd cross over that I shouldn't be writing but damn I love odd cross overs!




I forgot to swap out the * for the actual letter. I sometime write on computers that scan for certain words and email myself the scene. I forgot to go over it initially and had to fix it. Sorry for any jarring issues.