Little Harry Potter was not at all a happy child. All his life, he was constantly reminded of how hated and unloved he was. His uncle hated him, his aunts hated him, his cousin hated him, his aunt's dog hated him... He was extremely sad and lonely, with no one to turn to except for his only possession, a small stuffed deer.
However, there was one thing that gave him hope. One thing that he had heard from the television. He remembered so clearly that his parents did love him, unlike what his aunt and uncle had told him. They were gone now...But he had heard of heaven from a show Dudley had been watching. Those who were good would go to heaven to see all their loved ones who had died. If Harry was good and patient, he would see his parents again.
And so, little Harry Potter put all of his effort into being the best child he could possibly be. He tried to be polite, he got a lot more work done around the house, and he took his beatings quietly.
But it just wasn't enough for Vernon Dursley. The man DESPISED his nephew, and the reason for that was simple... The boy was a freak. His freaky magic ruined EVERYTHING. So the man always made a point to remind the boy of his place.
And one night, he had come home particularly drunk, and he wasted no time in punishing the freak. The house was supposed to be SPOTLESS, and yet there was still a spot left uncleaned!
By the time he was done, Harry was just...broken. He couldn't even will himself to cry anymore. Uncle Vernon had beaten him absolutely senseless. It was so much worse than before though... It had gone on so much longer, and it had been so much more fierce... But that wasn't the worst part. His uncle had taken his plush deer and his blanket and burned them in the fireplace. Those two items were all he had. Now he had nothing...
He realized being good was pointless... He would always suffer, no matter what he did...
Unless...Unless he went to heaven...
And all he had to do was...
Hope gleaming in his eyes, Harry quietly opened his cupboard and snuck into the kitchen...
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN HE CAN'T COME IN?!" An enraged James Potter roared with tears in his eyes. He didn't care that he was yelling at the one who created him. His son was dead, and was now being denied access to heaven!
"Please understand, my child. Your child contains a great darkness within. It is not his fault we cannot let him in, but alas...That is just the way things are."
"Damn you! I will not accept this! That's my SON! You can't send him to hell! He's FIVE! How can you be so cruel?! He never asked for that madman's power! It's not his fault!"
"Your anger is justified. But I am not as cruel as you may think. Not all denizens of hell are evil. Please trust in me... While young Harry cannot come into heaven, he will be taken care of."
"...Go to hell... I don't care who you are, just...Just go to hell..." James spat as he walked away. How was he going to tell his already devastated wife that their son was going to hell?
"...I hope someday you will come to forgive me, my child..."
Harry's eyes opened, and for a moment, he was overjoyed, thinking he had made it! But then he looked around and saw that it was nothing like he had imagined... There was no clouds, no bright colours, it was... dark...
"Move it, runt!" Harry squeaked as he felt himself get roughly shoved to the ground, a massive one eyed monster stomping past him in annoyance.
...This couldn't be heaven...It just couldn't be...
Harry walked around timidly, looking around at the creatures around him. They came in all shapes and sizes, but none of them looked particularly happy to see him... He approached some creatures that were casually inhaling some form of drug.
"Um...E-Excuse me..." The demons turned to look at him in annoyance. "Wh-Where am I...?"
"Where the hell d'ya think you are, idiot?" One of the beasts said curtly, causing Harry to flinch.
"I-Is this heaven...?" The monsters looked at him in disbelief.
"Buddy, just how stupid are ya? This place f*ckin' LOOK like heaven to you? Just 'cause you look like a five year old kid don't mean you gotta act like one."
"B-But I am five... I wanted to go to heaven... I wanted my mommy and daddy... That's why I..."
"Wait, wait, wait, you serious?" One of the demons said with a raised brow. "You're five and you're down here in hell?" Harry's blood ran cold.
"H-Hell...?" The demons laughed, as though they had just been told a hilarious joke.
"Suicide's a sin, kid. Ya made a big mistake." The largest of the creatures said before reaching forward and grabbing him. "Y'know, I know a way to make a quick buck off ya...Got a friend who'd LOVE to meet ya...I'll just take ya down to him and get us a high price!"
If Harry was scared before, he was horrified now. "No! Please let me go! I'm sorry! I don't wanna! Please-
"PIPE DOWN! YOU'RE IN HELL NOW, YOU'LL SUFFER AND LIKE IT!" Harry whimpered and began to tear up. "Heh...Submissive... My friend'll like that..." The demons began walking with Harry.
"Release our host..."
"Eh? Who said that?"
"I will make you suffer..."
Harry was even more upset now. There was a scary voice...It wad quiet, almost like a whisper...
And then, it happened... His shadow began to move of it's own volition. First bubbling...Then morphing into the form of several large, hissing snakes.
"What the f*ck?!" The demon holding Harry dropped him in shock, causing him to hit the ground with a squeak. The snakes sized up their prey.
"Stay the hell back!" The leader boomed. The snakes lunged. Roaring, the demon punched forward...
And screamed as he felt his arm get torn off by the shadow's teeth. Before he could do anything more, one of the snakes bit down on his head and tore it clean off, spitting it out in disgust.
The other demons, seeing their leader downed so easily, turned to flee...But did not get far before Harry's shadows once again lunged and struck them from behind, piercing through their backs and coming out through their chests.
Once they were sure the demons were dead, they returned to Harry's shadow from whence they came. Harry was shaking and hyperventilating. He didn't want this... He just wanted his mommy and daddy... Why him?!
"Move. It is dangerous here."
Hearing his shadow's order, Harry got up and began to run. He ran as fast as his little legs would carry him. He didn't stop running, even when he was utterly exhausted. Until finally, he came to an empty alleyway.
"This is fine. Rest here."
Harry collapsed against the wall. He was feeling all sorts of negative emotions right now. Sad, confused, terrified, unsure... He was more miserable here than he had ever been at the Dursley's.
...He should have waited...It was his fault he was here... If he had been patient... The demon said it... What he did wad bad...That was why he didn't make it to heaven...
Harry was miserable...But he was too scared to cry... He just closed his eyes, and eventually fell into a fitfull slumber.
Two weeks later...
Charlie always looked forward to date night. It was, by far, the highlight of the week. Just her and Vaggie, spending time together, having fun and enjoying each other's company. They had just seen a movie, they had dinner, and now they were just walking about and enjoying the night, the limo parked by the block.
"This...has been the BEST. DATE. EVER." Charlie said with a grin. Vaggie gave her a mirthful smirk.
"Every date is the best date ever to you." Charlie leaned on her lover's shoulder.
"Because it's more time spent with you." She said matter-of-factly. Vaggie just chuckled.
"You're way too sweet, babe." She said, running her fingers through her girlfriend's blonde hair, eliciting a giggle.
The two took a seat on a bench nearby, and just sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's embrace...
But then a noise caught their attention. It sounded like...screaming. Horrified, agonized screaming. And Charlie, being the paragon of goodness, was quick to jump into action. "Vaggie, gotta go help, sweetie!" Vaggie watched with wide eyes as Charlie got up and ran in the directions the screams came from.
"Ch-Charlie, wait! You are NOT going on your own!" Vaggie began to sprint after her lover.
When Charlie reached the scene, she froze. There were seven dead bodies in the area, and an eighth demon was in the process of being torn to shreds by a giant, shadowy snake.
She reacted quickly, however. "STOOOOP!" The snake froze, and slowly turned it's head to look at her. "Stop. ...He's already dead." Her voice was soft and melancholy. The snake dropped the demon's corpse and began to approach her slowly. "I'm sure you had your reasons, but carnage like this cannot be allowed to continue. I know there's good in you. You don't have to-"
"You...are not like the rest..."
Charlie blinked. "I-I'm sorry...?"
"You are different...Kind...Loving... We malice in your heart... can help us..."
"Help you? Well of course. I'd love to help. Just tell me what you need, within reason, and I'll do it."
"Our host suffers... He has fallen to despair... He craves a loving touch... You must help him...Or he will surely perish..."
"" The serpents began to slither away, and as they did, a black shield disippated to reveal something that Charlie would never forget.
A tiny, frightened figure, curled up in a ball, hugging his knees and trembling. This could only be a...a child...
Charlie's maternal instincts were kicking into overdrive now. She rushed right over there and snatched up the trembling ball, pulling him into her arms and pressing him against her bosom. The child's reaction wasn't quite what she would have liked...
Eyes wide, Charlie tightened her hold on the boy. She took a deep breath and steeled herself. This was not tbe time to freak out... This boy needed comfort.
"Hey...Hey, it's okay... It's okay." Charlie cooed softly into his ear, running her fingers through his hair. "Please calm down... I'm not going to hurt you...Just relax..." The child's thrashing began to die down, and his yells became gradually quieter. "There you go. See? You're doing it... You're not in danger...It's okay..."
At that moment, a very tired and worried Vaggie finally caught up, giving her lover a glare. "Charlie, you had me worried sick! What the f-" She trailed off at the sight of Harry. "Wait...Is that...a todfler?! What's a toddler doing down here?! Toddlers are NOT supposed to be down here!" The fact that such a young child was down here was horrifying to Vaggie. It was many kinds of wrong!
"Vaggie..." Charlie gave her lover a sad look, and Vaggie blinked.
"R-Right...Sorry... Didn't mean to scare the little guy..." Charlie smiled sadly before turning back to the child in her arms.
"Please...I'm scared...I don't wanna be in this place..."
"I know...I know...It's gonna be okay... We'll get you somewhere safe..."
Harry took in the sound of her voice and he almost burst into tears. Normally if he got scared or upset, he got yelled at...But whoever this was was talking to him...just the way he always wanted to be talked to when he was feeling that way. He always wanted someone to make him feel better when he felt horrible, and that soft, soothing voice flowing into his ears was just that. Slowly, he looked up to see a pretty blonde woman smiling gently down at him.
"Aww, there's a cute little face." Charlie cooed, causing him to let out a soft whimper. "Aw, sorry if I upset you, sweetie..." She rubbed his cheek. "I'd never make a little cutie sad on purpose, after all."
Harry hesitated for a few moments before carefully snuggling in closer to the pretty woman. He flinched for a moment, expecting her to throw him away. Instead, she giggled and stroked his head gently. "Aww...You're a cuddly little guy..."
She wasn't mad... She was letting him snuggle up... This felt...nice... Harry felt content... And he was tired... So, so tired...
Charlie watched the little boy nod off in her arms, smiled softly, then took a deep breath and looked over at Vaggie, who was looking at the boy with great concern. "Vaggie? I think now's the time to go home." She said with a small smile.
Vaggie blinked. "Yeah. Right. Let's get back to the limo."
The two began the trip back. "...I don't like this, Vaggie... I don't understand why a little boy is down here all alone..."
"Hmm...Maybe he was born here and he lost his parents." Vaggie offered.
"...I hate that that's the best case scenario..." Charlie said softly.
"...He looks too human to be a demon, though... There's nothing-GAH!" Vaggie jumped back as Harry's shadow popped out and began to inspect her. "Uh...hi...?"
The shadow said nothing. It simply nodded and slithered back into the ground.
"I guess the shadow approves of me?" Vaggie said nervously.
"It better, because you're not going anywhere." Charlie replied with a grin as she wrapped her free arm around her love, holding Harry with the other arm. Vaggie just smiled.
Soon enough they reached the limo, and they climbed in. The driver raised a brow at the child, but he wasn't paid to ask questions, so he just shrugged and turned to face the road. When everyone was situated, he started the engine.
Now Harry had not had a good time in hell at all. He barely got any sleep, and on the rare occasions he did fall asleep, it was not long before he was woken up by a hostile demon. As a result, he was a very light sleeper, and he was extremely on edge, so the sound of the limo's engine starting up was more than enough to jolt him from his slumber, breathing heavily and looking around wildly for any signs of danger.
"Shhh... Shh shh shh shh shh..." A soothing voice almost immediately calmed him down as he noticed the newly familiar pair of arms around him. "It's okay, honey, it's okay... It's just the limo. You're okay..." Harry took a deep breath and snuggled in closer.
Vaggie couldn't help but smile softly at Charlie's interactions with the boy. Charlie wanted a child for such a long time... But orphanages weren't exactly a common sight in hell, and they were both infertile... Also she wasn't sure she really wanted to be a mom... But hey, if it made Charlie happy.
"Sweetie?" The child looked up at her timidly. "Do you have a name?" The child looked down.
"H-Harry..." He said softly. Charlie giggled.
"Awww, I LOVE that! It fits you SO well!" She gushed, ruffling his hair. " Well, it's nice to meet you, Harry. My name is Charlie. And this is my amazing girlfriend, Vaggie!"
Vaggie blinked. "Uh...Hey there."
"Hi Miss Charlie... Hi Miss Vaggie..." Charlie gigglec.
"You're so cute," She cooed, patting his head. Harry's eyes widened.
"You mean it...?" He asked softly, as if he had never been told anything nice before. Charlie nodded.
"Of course I do. Just the cutest little cuddle muffin~." Vaggie chuckled slightly at the expression on the boy's face. He looked downright baffled.
"Th-Thank you Miss Charlie..." Charlie rubbed his back.
"Harry, sweetie... I have some questions I want to ask you... First...How old are you?"
Vaggie blinked. Five? He looked like he was two! The only way he could be five is if...he was severely malnourished...
"Five...Okay, good. How long have you been down here?" Harry's face scrunched up in concentration.
"Two weeks."
Vaggie looked around with wide eyes for the source of the voice, then realized it was coming from the shadow. Two weeks... Then that destroyed her 'born down here' theory... Someone actually sentenced a child to hell...
"...Okay... Two weeks..." Charlie was having the same thoughts, as evidenced by the quake in her voice. "...Just one more question, okay? ...Why did you get sent to hell?" Vaggie leaned forward, now fully invested.
Harry whimpered. "I...I... M-my aunt and uncle didn't like me... Th-They hurt me a lot... They...They hit me...They hit me with their hands... They hit me with belts... They hit me with pans...pots...that thing you use to poke the fireplace...They...They put me on the stove and turned it on...They made me drink what was under the sink, they threw me, they gave me baths in really hot water, and it hurt...It all hurt so much... N-Nobody liked me... Except my mommy and daddy... But they were gone... But then I saw heaven on the tv... and I thought..." His voice began to break. "I thought I could go there and be with my mommy and daddy, so I...I...I..."
Harry covered his eyes. "I didn't know it was bad... I'm sorry... I just wanted my mommy and daddy..."
Charlie had witnessed her people being slaughtered by the thousands for many years. She had dealt with the pain of her dream nearly failing. She had dealt with the strained relationship she had with her mother. But now...Her heart was utterly shattered, This child...He suffered so much, and...
Forcing back tears of her own, Charlie tightened her hold on the little boy and began to slowly rock him back and forth. She bit her lip as she felt his trembling frame struggle to hold back tears. "It's okay, honey, it's okay... Just let it out..." Harry, upon being given the go-ahead, released his pain and began to cry softly into Charlie's chest, his cries slowly getting louder with each passing second.
Charlie turned her head to look at Vaggie, who was staring at the child in stunned disbelief, her mouth agape, tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes. At first, Vaggie had felt a little awkward about the kid. She knew that Charlie would want to adopt him, and she was worried about being a mother. But after hearing that...
She had seen some awful stuff. She had previously been a prostitute before coming to hell. She had spent more time than she cared to count with Angel Dust. But such a tiny child, abused so heavily, pushed over the edge like this... She thought it would be impossible to feel this much heartbreak for a soul confined to hell...But here she was, feeling sick to her stomach with every sob the poor boy let out.
Slowly, she made her way over until she was sitting right next to Charlie, then she put a hand on the boy's shoulder and squeezed gently, showing him some much needed comfort. "It's gonna be okay, kiddo...I promise." She said gently, though she wasn't sure if the child heard it. Charlie gave her a grateful smile.
Soon enough, Harry's crying died down, as he had cried himself to sleep in Charlie's arms. The two women sat in silence, looking at the child sadly. Then, Charlie's shoulders began to shake. Vaggie looked up to see that her once green eyes were now glowing red, she had long red horns atop her head, and her razor sharp teeth were gritted in rage.
It took a lot to sufficiently anger Charlie...And this was more than enough.
"Those...Those disgusting...evil...abominations..." Charlie growled through clenched teeth. "How could they...? How...? And heaven... a F*CKING JOKE!"
Vaggie was slightly taken aback at the explicit curse, but it was completely understandable after what they just learned.
"When I get my hands on his aunt and uncle...They will PAY for what they did to him...I will make them SUFFER."
"Charles...Stop." Charlie looked at Vaggie. "I know you're mad...I'm mad too...But I'm not gonna let you soil your hands like that. When the time comes, if you still want it, maybe Angel Dust or Alastor can handle them. That sort of thing just isn't you though..."
Charlie took a deep breath, her face returning to normal. Then she looked down at Harry, who was whimpering in his sleep.
"He...He just wanted his parents, Vaggie...He just wanted to be loved..." Charlie began to sob softly, weeping for the little boy in her arms. Vaggie teared up as well. She began to gently rub circles on Charlie's back. "H-He was alone out there for two whole weeks..." Charlie said between sobs.
"I know, babe... But he wasn't completely alone... His shadow was there for him... I don't think any demon is crazy enough to mess with that thing..." It was small comfort, but it was something.
"How could they do this to him...? How could heaven not let this poor, sweet little thing in...? It's not fair... He didn't know about that stupid 'suicide is a sin' rule... He's just a baby... He doesn't belong down here..."
Vaggie frowned. "...Wait... What if the suicide's not how he got here...?" Charlie's sobs ceased as she turned to her love. "Heaven's not that cruel...What if...What if this has something to do with that thing in his shadow...?"
"...That's still not fair... He didn't ask for it... It's just not right..."
"Well...The big guy upstairs isn't easy to figure out... Maybe the idea was for you to find him. Maybe his plan wad for us to take care of him." Charlie looked down at Harry sadly. Then, she looked at Vaggie with a rekindled fire of determination in her eyes.
"You're right. If he can't have a fair shot on Earth or Heaven, then we'll just have to give him one down here in hell. We will make him so happy he won't even know the difference between heaven and hell!" Charlie smiled and kissed Charlie on the cheek.
"That's my girl." She said fondly. "Now that just leaves me with the question of how we're gonna get Angel Dust to tone it down around him..."
Charlie turned and gave Vaggie a kiss on the lips. "Thank you, Vaggie...I love you." Vaggie smiled back.
"Love ya too, babe."
Then, a soft yawn was heard. Harry, who was used to sleeping in intervals, woke up. Charlie smiled softly and rubbed his cheek. "Hi, sweetie. Enjoy your nap?" Harry, not yet fully awake, simply nodded and leaned into her touch.
Charlie smiled at him tenderly, before looking over at Vaggie. "...Vaggie, sweetie, why don't you hold him for a bit?"
Vaggie blinked, then smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "Heh...Sure." She replied before reaching out and accepting the child into her arms. Harry let out a soft squeak as he felt himself leave Charlie's grasp and enter Vaggie's.
"Hi..." He said timidly.
"Hi to you too, kiddo. Have a good nap?"
"Yes thank you..."
"Good, good. Heh...You're a real tiny guy. Reminds me of a little teddy bear."
"R-Really...? I'm like a teddy...?"
"Oh yeah. But even better. Because you are actually real." She gave his nose a little poke, and he tilted his head.
"Um...I used to have a teddy...But it was a deer, not a bear..."
"His name was Prongs...But my uncle burned him... And my blankie..."
Vaggie went silent, then adjusted her hold so that his tiny head was resting on her shoulder and began to rub his back. "...I can't even begin to describe how sorry I am to hear about what they did to you... We'll get you a new plushie and blankie. Whatever ones you want."
Y-You mean it...? You don't have to... I don't wanna be trouble to you..."
"It's no trouble, little guy. No trouble at all. You deserve it anyway. You're a good kid."
"I...I am...?"
"You know it."
"But...But then why didn't heaven let me in...?"
"Well...Some people down here just get a raw deal... Sometimes heaven makes mistakes, and not letting you in just happens to be the biggest one they've made. Don't feel like you're a bad kid because of that, because I can tell just by looking at you that you're a very good kid. So don't let ending up down here drag you down. You've got us now."
Harry's eyes widened. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Charlie smiling warmly at him. "Vaggie's right. You have us now." Harry began to tear up.
"Y-You really want me...?"
Vaggie shifted her hold on Harry so she and Charlie could both hug him from both sides. "Yes Harry..." Charlie said softly. "It breaks my heart that you've been through so much... You've been caused so much pain... And we want to make that pain go away. We want to protect you...To take care of you... To love you."
"What do you say, little guy? Wanna become a member of the family? We'd be more than happy to have ya." Vaggie said gently.
Harry began trembling uncontrollably. "Y-Yes please..." He choked out before he began to sob once again.
"So then it's settled... Welcome to the family, Harry." Vaggie said gently.
Charlie began to hum a soft tune in Harry's ear, gently lulling him to sleep as his sobs slowly died down. Both girls smiled down at the child gently. Charlie pulled out a handkerchief and gently dabbed at his face with it, cleaning away his tears.
Harry felt a happiness in his heart, and his dreams, for the first time, were pleasant and happy.
This time around, it was Vaggie who held Harry while he slept, eliciting a pout from Charlie. The former prostitute cradled Harry like a baby and rocked him back and forth.
"...Okay, we need to get this kid some food. Feels like a stiff breeze would blow him away."
"Awww, Vaggie, you are SUCH a good mom!" Charlie gushed. She LOVED this new motherly side of her lover.
Vaggie rolled her eyes and put a finger over Charlie's lips. "C'mon, Charles, he just went to slerp, don't wake him up already." Charlie pouted, the smiled and kissed Vaggie's finger. "Okay, Harry's still the cutest thing in this vehicle, but you are a VERY close second." Charlie giggled.
Vaggie felt Harry snuggle in closer to her and smiled at him gently. Yep...She was a mom now. Wow did she feel old...
Finally, the hotel came into view and Vaggie sighed. "So, Charlie... Any ideas on how to prevent Angel from messing around with the giant shadow snake monster?"
"Well...When Angel Dust learns, he always learns the hard way..." Charlie said with a grimace.
"Well, hopefully it's not too loud in the-YIKE!" Vaggie yelped as the familiar grin of Alastor awaited her at the door.
"Why good evening, ladies. Your return is slightly late. I trust your date went well?"
"How many times do I have to tell you not to startle me like that?" Vaggie said with crossed arms.
"Ah yes, of course, my apologies. I simply sensed a new arrival and wished to see them for myself."
"He's sleeping right now, Alastor. He's...had a tough day. Let us in, okay?" A tired Charlie said.
"Ah, yes, of course." The grinning doorman pulled open the doors to the hotel.
Upon entering, the girls were relieved to find that it was, in fact, relatively quiet. Husk, Angel, Baxter and Crymini were at the bar, and Mimzy and Niffty were tidying up the tables. Everyone turned to look as the two heads of the hotel stepped in... And all looked taken aback at the sight of the child in Vaggie's arms. Charlie and Vaggie looked around at everyone's reactions. Finally, Angel broke the silence.
"So uh... Why'd you guys bring a midget home?"
"He's not a midget, he's a kid." Vaggie said sternly. "And YOU better be on your best behaviour around him."
"A kid? Yeah right." Husk said gruffly. "The guys upstairs wouldn't send a two year old down here. Being a kid's practically a get-into-heaven free card." He took another swig of his drink.
Vaggie grimaced. "Well... The circumstances of his death is what got him sent down here. That's all I'm gonna say." She said.
"But hey! The good news is, Vaggie and I are parents now!" Charlie said, trying to lighten the mood. A delighted squeal sounded out, and Niffty hugged Charlie from the side. "Oooh, congratulations! How old is he? What's his name? Can I be his godmother?!"
"Niffty, shhh." Charlie put a hand over the cyclops' mouth. "He's sleeping."
"Mmswwy." Niffty apologized.
"Oh, congratulations, dear, I know you've wanted this for such a long time." Mimzy congratulated. Charlie grinned in response.
Baxter approached and inspected the child carefully. "Hmm... Why does he look so human? No horns...No extra limbs...No nothing."
Baxter received his answer shortly after the fact when Harry's shadow made itself known. The occupants of the hotel watched with wide eyes as the serpents emerged. Then, they began to inspect everyone individually. First, they approached Husk, who was in the middle of chugging down some alcohol. He opened one eye to look at them, then went back to his drink, causing the serpents to shake their heads in disgust.
Next, they went to inspect Niffty, who squeaked and ducked down in an attempt to hide herself from their gaze.
After that was Mimzy, who remained still as they looked her over for any signs of a threat.
Then came Baxter, who eyed the beings with interest. "I see now... The boy's demonic form is contained within his shadow... Fascinating... I've never seen anything like it..."
Next was Crymini, who leaned back with a raised brow as the snake approached. "Hey, buddy, know what personal space is? Back it up a bit, will ya?"
So far, everyone had checked out just nicely. However, the second the snakes laid eyes on Angel and Alastor, they hissed aggressively.
Alastor grinned. "My oh my...It seems we're unpopular with the serpent's, old boy."
"What? Come on, I'm a great guy! Just gimme a- HOLY CRAP!"
The serpents launched to attack the second Angel took a step forward. The spider demon hurriedly raised his hands to defend himself while Alastor just grinned wider.
Charlie intervened, however, before things could escalate. "STOP! What is wrong with you?! They did nothing to you!"
"We sense great darkness within them. Many evil deeds...They are a threat."
"They are not! They're here to atone for what they did in the past! They're not going to hurt Harry. I promise you that." The shadows narrowed their eyes.
"Very well...But we will be watching them..."
Charlie watched the serpents slither back into the ground and sighed in relief. Vaggie turned to Husk. "So that's probably the reason he's down here, to answer your question."
"Yep, kid or not, the old feather dusters don't take kindly to that kinda sh*t from what I've heard. Probably better off down here."
Vaggie looked down at Harry and frowned. She hoped that Husk was wrong and just being his usual cynical self...But she just wasn't sure what to think anymore...
"Well...We're gonna turn in...G'night everyone." Vaggie said as she began to make her way upstairs.
"Vaggie, wait! It's my turn to hold him!" Charlie rushed after her lover. The misfits watched them go.
"...The boy is human." Everyone turned to look at Alastor. "He has maintained his humanity, while his shadow is the demon."
"But how? That's not possible!" Baxter exclaimed.
"Yes, you're quite right... It's a most intriguing situation. I do look forward to seeing how it plays out."
The two women entered their room and sighed softly. "Well...It's officially official... We're parents now..." Vaggie said.
"Mm-hmm! And we'll be the best parents hell has ever seen!" Vaggie chose not to mention that hell doesn't really have a lot of parents in the first place and just nodded. They tucked him into bed, and then he began to stir, and his eyes opened slightly. Charlie smiled.
"Hi, sweetie. We're gonna go to bed now, okay? Just close your eyes and try to go to sleep."
The tired child reached up to Charlie slightly. "Mama..." He mumbled before going back to sleep. Charlie froze on the spot, and Vaggie gave her a concerned look.
"Uh...Charles, you broken there?"
Slowly, the happiest smile Vaggie had ever seen on her lover grew as tears formed in her eyes. "Vaggie... He... He called me mama..." She breathed out, gazing tenderly at the sleeping child. Vaggie smiled and walked next to her, hugging her tightly.
"Can't think of anyone better for the job, babe." She said gently. The two shared a kiss before looking back at their child. Harry subconsciously reached out and grabbed Vaggie's hand, causing her to blink. "Mommy Vaggie..." He mumbled in his sleep.
Vaggie blushed slightly, but she still smiled softly at the boy and squeezed his hand back. "That's right, kid...Mommy Vaggie's here." Then, leaning forward, she gently planted a kiss on his brow.
Charlie felt like her heart was about to explode. Surpressing squeals, she quickly leaned forward and pressed her lips against Harry's cheek.
"Well...If he didn't win me over before, he definitely did now." Vaggie said softly.
"I love him so, so much... Our little baby boy..." Charlie whispered, gently stroking Harry's hair.
The two exchanged a smile, then began to change into their sleepwear. They climbed under the covers with Harry, careful not to wake him, then they both gave him one more kiss each.
"Good night, honey..." Charlie said softly. "Things are about to get much, much better..."