The Witches Heir V2

chapter 28: Bloody Mary and...a new enemy to face?


-Death City, Inside the Mirror-

Arachne and Medusa sat down on the floor together while looking at Shaula struggle with the jacket.

"Damn it all!" Shaula growled. "Damn it!"

"Just be lucky you can still feel." Medusa frowned. "If it was up to me I'd humiliate you in front of everyone and have Mabaa strip you of your magic."

"Same." Arachne said. "But I'd force feed you until you pop, among other things."

She growled while a loud scratching sound was heard behind her. She turned her head towards the door, but didn't see anything. "Hey, did you hear that?"

"The only thing I hear is your struggling." spoke Medusa with a frown.

"Just listen."




"That sounds like….nails?" Arachne blinked as the noise got louder. "And it's getting closer."

Medusa frowned before Shaula saw something right next to her.

A woman with a bloody white renaissance dress, a D cup chest and small ass, dirty black hair with skin flakes on the ends and long dagger like nails, who was placing her nails around Medusa's neck.


She quickly turned as the woman vanished from sight. "I don't see anything."

"There was a woman right there! Arachne! You saw her right?"

Arachne looked confused as the same woman appeared next to her and got ready to pierce her neck. "Perhaps you've finally lost it."


She turned as the woman vanished again. She turned to Shaula with annoyance as said witch groaned.

"Look! I'm telling the truth! There's a crazy woman in here who snuck up on you without you noticing!"

Medusa let out a long sigh and rubbed her nose. "Shaula, right now I'm doing everything I can to keep from ending you myself. I don't know if we can use magic or not, but if I find out we can, guess what my tattoos are going to be munching on first."

"B-But I'm telling the truth!" She cried out before seeing the woman right in between the two witches. "AHHH!"

Both jumped as the woman vanished again, but not before grinning evilly at the scorpion witch.

Shaula squirmed on the floor before pushing herself to sit up. "Listen you two! I'm not crazy, I'm not making this up, I'm serious! Why else would there be blood around here unless something was up?!"

"In case you forgot, we're not the only witches Lord Death has had to deal with." spoke Arachne with a sigh. "Chances are he's had to use this mirror for others and they used it to fight and kill each other."

"But then why is SHE RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!?" She yelled the last part as the woman was in the middle of the group, only to vanish as the other two looked at the spot. "STOP HIDING YOU BITCH! I know you're here! Just watching us and waiting for your moment to strike!"

"Who are you talking to?" Medusa frowned. "Your delusional version of my son?"

"Or maybe she's desperate to distract us since we might be here for a while." Arachne walked over and made Shaula turn to her with a cold expression. "Let me make this very clear, so shut it and listen. If you think we're going to fall for your tricks to make us forget about what you've done, you're wrong. I have a good reason to take this chance and torture you for causing all this trouble for us."

"B-B-But I'm not lying! Please, I'm not trying anything!" she spoke up desperately. "I'm actually trying to help save you two!"

"Oh? And why should we believe that?" frowned Medusa while not seeing the figure rising up behind her. "After causing all this, why would you care what happens to us? After all, it's obvious you just wanted to turn my son into your own little sex toy!"

"HELL NO! I wanted him as a lover!" She snapped as the woman's nails started to grow longer and longer until they were the size of swords. "NOW DUCK!"

"NO! I'm not going to fall for your-" she was cut off when she felt a sudden pain in her back making her cry out and cough up blood making Arachne look up and go wide eyed.

"Bloody Mary's going to kill you." Said a dark voice from behind. "Kill kill kill."


The woman fell to the ground as the figure appeared and grinned, revealing sharp dagger like teeth, the sign of a kishin.

"Kill kill kill. You are in Bloody Mary's realm now, say goodbye to your lives!" She said while licking the blood off her nails.

"AHHHHHH!" Shaula screamed in horror.

Arachne glared with Medusa hissing in pain. "Damn it, of all the people to run into, it had to be her."

"Damn her…"

Bloody Mary grinned before vanishing again and appeared behind Shaula. "Snip snip goes the head."

She paled in horror. She saw the nails head towards her before Arachne lunged and slapped Mary away with her sleeve.

Bloody Mary frowned before vanishing again, but her voice made them freeze in place. "Bad move, now hear my voice. Your days are numbers, like rats to the cat. Ha ha ha, goes the clown, and snip snip snip goes the heads."

"Where are you?!"

Medusa groaned while trying to get up. "That bitch…" she coughed more blood from the strain of standing up.

"See? I told you!"

Arachne frowned. "Don't get cocky, you only told the truth once."

"Hey!" Shaula frowned.

"Damn her." Medusa got up while her tattoos slowly came off with a hiss. "We're trapped in here with a deranged witch who got the drop on us."

"I think she is now a kishin." Arachne said while looking around. "But I have never heard of witches turning into kishins before."

"Perhaps this place has a corrupting effect?" Shaula said. "Like anything places in it will advance in the kishin conversation process?"

"So that bastard didn't plan on giving us a chance to wait. He was going to let us kill each other." scowled Medusa.

"I don't think so." Arachne frowned. "They found the mirror back in the 1840's. And perhaps like the legends says, they only see Bloody Mary on their side not this one. Meaning even Lord Death doesn't know the full ramifications of this place."

"That doesn't change the fact we're doomed." growled Shaula.

That was when Bloody Mary appeared behind Arachne. "Time to die."

"Oh no you don't!" Medusa sent her tattoos out at the woman.

Only for them to turn to glass as the woman vanished again.

"What the?"

"Her realm, her rules." Frowned Shaula. "Meaning…..she's god here."

All three frowned while Bloody Mary laughed in the background.

'There's no way I'm going to let her kill us and act like she's the one in control. I didn't work so hard to free the kishin and lose it just to die in some mirror!'

'I need to get out of here!' Medusa thought. 'If not my children will be completely devastated.'

'How long does Death intend to keep us in here?' Arachne thought before seeing Death's hand appearing from above and grabbed them as it was pulled away.

(Outside the mirror)

And right back in the school, right in Lord Death's room.

"Now that those three are busy at the moment alone, I need to talk to their kids." He said before noticing that he picked the wrong people. "Oops, I was supposed to grab Mary and throw her a few miles in the mirror."

"FREEDOM!" Shaula cried out.

"You bastard! Did you want us to die?" glared Medusa.

Lord Death blinked as he saw the bloody back. "Not exactly, I wanted you just to fight her off. Or at least flatter her, she's a bit of a vain person in life."

"How did you know that?" Arachne frowned.

He sweatdropped. "I kinda went in there one time, and I couldn't get out for ten years."

"So you DID know she was in there."

"Yes, but I thought you would talk or hide, not engage her in battle."

Medusa frowned while coughing up blood again.

"I'll get a doctor, then it's back into the mirror."

"She'll try harder to tear our heads off. Her powers in there are more than we can handle even with our magic."

"Then talk to her." Lord Death said. "One of her rules is to not kill a person that is polite to her. She was a noble lady in life you know."

Shaula shivered at that. 'How?!'

Lord Death sighed. 'This will take a while.'

(Much later)

"You wanted to speak to us Lord Death?" asked Naruto with his friends beside him.

"Yes." He said while pointing to the obsidian mirror. "To put it bluntly, this is Bloody Mary's mirror. A place where we keep certain prisoners until they repent or are executed."

Hearing that made Eruka pale and start sweating nervously.

"Right now Medusa, Arachne, and Shaula are currently staying there due to their magic power and abilities."

"Wait what?!" Naruto said in shock. "You put them in there?!"

"Yes, but don't worry. They will be fine." He said. "But for now, we have to discuss your probation and house arrest conditions."

'Oh no, he's going to lock us up for good.' thought Tsubaki. 'Why did everything have to go downhill in one night?'

Lord Death looked at them before pulling out gold bracelets with rubies on them from his sleeves. "These will be your monitoring devices."

"While wearing them make sure not to remove or tamper with them." spoke Stein while attaching them to each of the young adults. "They will track your position and let us know if you leave the city at any point in time."

"And these." Lord Death pulled out several silver chokers with a sapphire on them. "Will nullify your magical abilities, making you normal humans for the duration of your probation."

"Um, does that include me?" asked Tsubaki. "Does that mean I can't transform?"

"Well, you can do it. But your other forms will be nullified and you can only turn into your main weapon. Other then that, nothing too serious, unless you enjoy the attire of Aladdin."

She blushed at the mention of baggy pants.

"I'm just kidding." he chuckled while the girls started to slip the chokers on with Naruto looking at it shyly.

"Um...maybe I can wear another bracelet instead?"

"It's either this or a tongue piercing." Stein said. "And I created the last one, my best work actually."

He paled. "On second thought, my neck could use something to keep it from getting a burnt tan."

Stein placed the choker on his neck as Naruto felt his magic and chakra getting sealed away.

"Any questions about your probation?" Lord Death asked.

"Yes, does anyone else know" asked Eruka.

"Besides the ones that helped you against Shaula's forces? None."

She sighed in relief with Mizune touching the choker.

"So is this all? We just keep these on all the time?" asked Naruto.

"Well actually there is another thing. You're to also help clean up the damage and mess that was caused, so add community service to that too." spoke Lord Death.

Dokurin blinked. "Alright, but can I make clothes for the victims?"

"It may help, but only if they actually need them."

She nodded while making a Naruto doll, but in a orange suit. 'I wonder if Naruto-kun will be wearing orange during the community service?'

"Any other questions?" Lord Death asked.

Tsubaki raised her hand. "Will...will we go in the mirror if we….fail?"

"No, Bloody Mary's Mirror is for serious crimes, not failing community service."

"How long will they be in there for?"

"About….two to three months. Depending on their actions, they might be let out earlier. But they will still have to answer to a court of law, so they won't be completely out of the oven yet."

Naruto groaned at that.

"Oh, also you all have to stay in the same apartment. That way we can keep a better eye on you all." Lord Death smiled. "And the apartment we picked is your Naruto."

'Oh great.' he thought with the girls perking up.

"Anyway, I want you to get ready because starting at five am, you are working." Lord Death said. "You are dismissed."

"Wait, what are you going to do to our moms?" asked Eruka with Mizune nodding.

"Nothing." He sweatdropped. "They didn't do anything and well….I don't want a mini witch war in the school."

"But they will be wearing the bracelet and chokers just to be on the safe side." spoke Stein.

Both sighed in relief.

"But." Lord Death said. "If you see them throwing stuff out the windows, tell me before they start something catastrophic."

"We will." spoke up Mizune.

The reaper nodded as the teens walked out of the room. 'Good, because those two are the most….volatile witches I have seen in my entire life. Even that Abigail girl wasn't that bad and she had an Elder God in her body.'

(Much later)

The elder witch herself blinked as she woke up from sleep and felt a disturbing wind blow through her home catching her attention. 'Chaos has been brought into the world.'

She got out of bed and grabbed her cloak while narrowing her eye. 'That accursed kishin, I knew this day would come.' She then looked at the sky. 'And soon, he will come to eat the entire witch nation.'

She moved down to the basement and focused her magic into her lone eye.

As she did, she started thinking about the one person that could hold off the threat of the kishin. The one that created the threat in the first place.

'I never thought I'd talk to him for a formal talk, but if something isn't done now we may all be doomed.' She thought while creating a green portal and walked in it.


-Death City-

Lord Death sighed while eating a turkey sandwich. 'All this interrogating is really making me hungry.' he took a bite of it without removing his mask...somehow, before perking up when he felt something suddenly enter into the city, more specifically, his room.

"Hello Death."

He turned and saw the queen of all witches right behind him. He dropped his sandwich and narrowed his eyes immediately. "Mabaa."

"It's been a while, about a thousand years to be exact."

"What are you doing here?"

"You know well why."

"And why are you in that form? Your covenant isn't here." Lord Death frowned looking at her current look.

"That form is what I show when I want to relax, but sneaking in here and taking the chance isn't something I'd lower my guard for. I came here for an important matter." She said. "And that is your spawn of a child Asura's return."

"Oh? So you could sense it too? I imagine you would want to try and deal with him on your own instead of talking to me about it."

"If I had my other eye yes, but you know that I'm half as strong when we first met long ago."

"Oh yes. Speaking of which, we had a little run in with the one who took it."

She frowned. "You killed that mutt right? Or let him get away with a holy object from MY nation?"

"The latter." he replied bluntly which irked her.

"You sack of bones!" She growled. "That eye needs to return to the witches!"

"In due time, but what are you trying to do now? You are too prideful to come to me, even when we met in Thebes all those years ago."

She huffed and glanced away. "It pains me to say this, especially after all the trouble you and your stupid meisters and weapons have done to my kind, but...even we witches won't be enough to stop that monster."

Lord Death sighed. "For once we can agree on that. Asura needs to be stopped along with a now kishin Black Star."


"He found the book of Asura and turned into a kishin for power. And now he's with Asura."

She frowned. "You should've burned that book ages ago."

"Well it's too late to do that now, all we can do is focus on the here and now. Which is the fact that I agree, neither of our sides can beat him on their own, but if we team up we have a chance. Luckily I've already sent word out to as many death scythes around the globe to bring them here."

She frowned. "You really think those things can stop him? Bah, a heretic's idea of fun. But while you were doing that, I sent word to all of my most powerful witches to come. The problem is that they hate weapons and meisters, something I share with them."

"Well….I don't think they will mind a temporary team up." He sweatdropped.

"Now, what is your plan if they don't defeat that spawn?"

"No clue." he admitted making her fall down anime style.


"What? I'm just saying." he sighed. "Right now we need to make sure we have the experienced fighters gathered before working on a plan. I might be death, but that doesn't mean I can come up with everything at the drop of a hat."

She sighed. "True, but your weapons are weak."

"How so?"

"They can't change on their own and are like loose cannons. Especially that new death scythe."

He sweatdropped at that. "Justin is a fine young death scythe on his own. What part are you talking about?"

"His soul." She said flatly. "It's volatile and masking a darkness. That and his tastes in music is dreadful."

"Calling the weapons weak considering how far they've gotten sounds arrogant to me."

She rolled her eye. "Tell that to the many witches that were used to make such creatures." She then looked at the window. "But to be fair, they have the right mindset to preserve the balance in the world, at the cost of my fellow witches."

"Look, let's focus on the matter at hand. I would need time to talk with them about what to do, but whether they're willing to work together without much problems is completely different."

"You do that. But in the meantime, my witches will answer the call to war, with my elite guard coming here in due time."

Lord Death frowned as he remembered the many battles he had with them in the past, and the many humans that got caught in the crossfire. "Maybe hold off until I let you know it's safe. Last thing I want is a surprise battle in my city."

"Don't act like a child, they won't attack unless I order it. Besides, some of the elite guard are part of the new generation since their mother's passings." She frowned. "Plus I know your weapons are not that stupid."

"Spirit might….you know."

She sighed. "Put a leash on that dog then."

"Can do." he gave a thumbs up. "But how can I get in touch with you?"

She caused a green orb to appear as she threw it at the mirror, turning it green. "Just say my name under the light of the moon. Then I will heed the call."

"Then I suppose this is the start of an alliance, hopefully it doesn't end in bloodshed." he remarked with a cheerful tone.

She frowned. "Pray to your gods that it will never come to pass." She then raised her arms and disappeared in a flurry of feathers and green energy, causing Lord Death to get covered in the feathers.

He huffed and waved some off. "Provided you don't try anything, we'll be good." he turned to the mirror and tapped on it before it rippled and showed Sid's face. "Sid, how many death scythes have you confirmed are coming here?"


"Good, keep me up to date if anymore arrive."

"Yes Lord Death."

'I just hope we have enough when the time comes.' He thought with a sigh. 'Especially with Mabaa's elite guard coming.'


-Somewhere in the Black Hills-




A shape was going down one of the long paths heading downward through the trees.


And that being a large motorcycle with a dark green color and looked similar to a giant komodo dragon, but with spikes and a long tail that made up the seat and pistons. Riding on it was a female figure whistling while having some sunglasses.

The figure looked about twenty five or twenty nine with long wavy black hair that looked like smoke, very tanned skin, a H cup chest and small ass, wearing a black jumpsuit and bodysuit combo with high heels made of rattlesnakes with the heads still attached to the toes, a long scar around her cheek and went down to her neck as a tattoo of a heart with six large spines on the sides and a large spine piercing the middle of the heart was visible near the cleavage as it was died in a dark red color. On her hands were several strange bones from various animals while the thumb portion of her hands had the wing bone of a large bird that seemed to be burnt in some places and the index fingers hand a bear claw attached to the tips.

"Ah, a nice day out, perfect for a little ride." She said while riding faster in the deep badlands. "And no one to ruin it, sigh. I wish I had kids to teach, they would've loved this experience." she swerved around a rock and whistled. "Hmm, maybe I should go out for a cross state road trip. Besides, I could use somewhere else besides so many trees."

As she rode on, a ringing sound was heard in her pocket.

"Oh!" she perked up and reached in before pulling out a cellphone while keeping her ride going. "Hello?"

"Unk Cekula."

"Oh it's you, the name is Yuki Ayama now."

"It's still your name, anyway, the kishin is free."


The motorcycle came to a complete stop on the news. "What?! Are you serious?"

"Yes, and apparently it was due to a kishin Star Clan member."

She frowned. "What a pity, I was hoping to see that thing in its prison a little bit longer. After all, it's nothing but a child compared to me."

"Where are you right now?"

"The Black Hills, duh. It's my home turf you know." She frowned. "Just what do you need right now?"

"I was thinking, you should go by where he was last at and keep an eye on things."

She raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? I may be powerful, but I'm not a spirit. That bastard is teeming with madness. Although my eyes are a different story."

"Just go there and try to find out his plans, if the Star Clan sees you, use your eyes."

"Fine fine, but I'm gonna do it my way. Maybe look around and see the sights, grab a bite to eat, so don't go being pushy with me on what I find."

"Just make sure that you bring everything you hear and see to me. And who knows, your wish might come true faster than anticipated."

She grinned madly, revealing a set of sharp lizard like teeth for a brief second. "Great, now later, I have a few sites to see here."

"Just don't get caught."


The woman smirked evilly at this. "I won't, besides." She raised her hand and caused the bones to glow an sickly red color. "It's my job to take this world's knowledge and hoard it for my kin."