A warm welcome to those who knew me before and the new. For the old, you may notice that the chapter is a little bigger than I normally do: About double the size quite literally! they'll obviously be a bit slower to churn out, but I like the idea of something longer you can enjoy and seeing as I was considering some new stories, it seemed like the best time to implement them. Anyway, let's go!

Super hero time!

Takumi: Upon the shoulders of giants, grow to heights never before seen Naruto! Titan of trees, make sure to take care of him!

Tapio: Blessed with two daughters, the legendary serial killer and the tale for somebody's sake... Take care of those girls, for they will care for you.

Takumi: They look so fragile, but I can't ignore the potential brimming in their eyes... You know what I'm saying, right?

Tapio: It is very much the same for Naruto. This will be a tale to remember.

T + T: The story begins! Go big or go home!

He had merely been the one to run the local library. Surrounding himself with stories of all kinds, that was the sort of life he had chosen for himself and if he were to ever be asked what he thought of such a plain life without consequence, he would be all too happy to speak of how content he was with his life.

Perhaps with swept back brown hair, bright chocolate eyes brimming with intelligence behind the small rimless glasses and slim build, he could've found a different job acting or modelling; it would've been awkward at first, but there was a fair chance he could make it work. It certainly wasn't a case of education, for he had been one of the top of his classes when he graduated and practically moved into the library, some even saying that he never left thanks to all of the studying he did. He just never found anything else that could ever fill his heart as being in the library did. Nothing else screamed Takumi Yuu.

But perhaps the biggest reason for why he found himself working in the library was the atmosphere. Oh, how joyful it was to be surrounded by stories of all kinds! Thousands of words, hundreds of pages, all holding entire worlds for him to explore! Heroes and villains, adventurers, pirates, ninjas, ordinary civilians who were drawn into epic battles and those who trained for their whole lives to be brought onto the field, they all were there for him to embrace, to fall beside. With the stories around him, he could almost forget the real world, pretend that the horrors of the modern world weren't occurring and simply sink himself into paradise.

Even when the worlds weren't their best, they still held that intricate detail that made them far greater than the place around him. After all, in a world of bomb threats, terrorism in the name of misguided religion and bigots taking their place in the powers of the world, the idea of threats that were purely evil, that everyone jointly hated and wanted to be defeated, that was much more exciting because someone, somewhere, wanted those bigots in power. They cheered as the religious zealots blew themselves up and they laughed as innocents fell victim to the explosions. In the world of stories, there wasn't someone who wanted the villain to succeed.

And then there was the origin of these stories, how they thrilled Takumi's heart! Nursery rhymes were born to entertain the children, their morals and lessons hidden beneath cheerful tunes. Epics were told as a way to spread legends amongst the people, the heroes within embellished to be those who could defeat gods. Tales of wizardry were born to explain the unexplainable, the impossible made commonplace and the rumoured all but true. They all grew as they were shared, evolving far faster than humanity could ever hope to achieve and it fascinated the man's heart!

Takumi wasn't always like this in actual fact. Perhaps it had been just that lone single news he had received. The thought of that day made his mind burn, the man gripping his own navy jumper as he sat down at the front desk, the empty hall leaving him alone to his thoughts as sweaty palms soon moved to dark jeans. The doctors had been relatively gentle about it, but that did little to diminish the fact's pain.

He was infertile.

Not a single chance to have a child of his own. There was no easy access to an orphanage and without the ability to drive, it wasn't exactly going to be easy to get an adoption either, meaning he would be left childless for the rest of his life. It had been a pain to hear and it still stung him to this very day whenever he thought about it. Perhaps watching the children delighting themselves in the world of stories just as he loved to do filled the gap in his heart, replaced the lack of his own with someone else's child. The mothers and father that came in would often comment upon Takumi's skill with the children whenever they approached him, their wide smiles and questions easily answered by the brown haired librarian, but that merely made it hurt even more.

The man looked to his hand with a sigh; he had pulled out that old thing again. Takumi wondered why he still kept the goddamn thing in the first place, at least before he got his mind back in straight order. Pulling out the aged paper to its proper length, a stray finger traced the cursive upon the front, a small tale spoken in all but a few lines upon the tiny slip.

I do not like thee doctor Fell

The reason why – I cannot tell

But this I know, and know full well

I do not like thee doctor Fell

It wasn't what one would call a traditional nursery rhyme; it was ne born on mystery, on paranoia and slight fear. The idea that someone could be so normal and yet so terrifying without any telling facts was something that anyone would be a bit scared of; the fact that anyone even to the smallest innocent young girl could be one of the most horrifying beings you could ever encounter was bound to inspire paranoia in anyone and yet he treasured it more than any other. Clutching the slip of paper tightly, it was brought to a chest as a small whisper was brought to the wind.

"May one day bring me a daughter, one I may cherish with all of my heart."

And his words would be heard and granted, in the strangest of ways. An arm moved to shield his eyes as a great light filled the empty hall, books rattling in their places as a wind whipped through the empty library. How the place remained perfectly fine after such an extravagant show, Takumi could not say, but once the breeze had died down enough to a reasonable level, the man hesitantly drew the appendage away from his glasses, a small shocked gasp escaping him as the two before him looked in his direction.

"Are you our master?" the tandem in which they spoke was almost concerning, but Takumi paid that little mind as he looked to the people before him. How they could've come into the library was absolutely unquestionable, but that left only the improbable, the impossible. How had such a life come from the light in the most literal way possible? It was confusing, but it didn't seem to faze the two who came through, not at all. In fact, there was nothing to say that they hadn't been expecting such thing, merely looking to the books with a youthful intrigue.

The first to come under Takumi's gaze immediately had him wanting to draw it away, the young white haired girl appearing in clothes far too strange for one of her apparent age. Pink heels led to black leggings, two black holsters lined with blue dangling from her waistline. A small black top did little to hide the skin save for the small breasts, white hair dangling short above brown eyes. The girl immediately lifted her bandaged arms, the knives held within poised to strike at any moment; who let a young girl wield such a thing? Did she always have them or was she gifted them recently? She certainly looked ready to strike with those weapons of hers, far more ready for combat than the other girl she had arrived in the strange light with.

The other figure was just a small bit shorter, her cute little hat done entirely in black, pin appearing from under the ribbons that hung off of it. The dress she wore was far too gothic for what he would've expected a young girl to, if it hadn't had been for the strange little painting that covered it, a wonderful world detailed upon it. Frills of white appeared from beneath the black, fluff surrounding the end of her sleeves as black gloves clutched each other fearfully. She too had hair of white, but it fell down like a waterfall upon her back, purple eyes watching carefully before both spirits acknowledged the person behind them.

"Excuse me? Master?" Takumi parroted, the two girls sharing a look to one another as if they had yet to notice one another. How was Takumi to act in the face of such adorableness, the two girls tilting their heads in tandem as they merely looked to one another before a smile appeared upon their faces? It made the man want to laugh out loud at the sight, but considering how strange the situation he found himself in was, he remained just as flustered as he had been before. "Scrap that, where are your parents? Shouldn't you be off to your parents? The library is closed for the time being."

"Parents?" The second girl questioned, looking around the room with great interest until the innocent eyes turned back onto Takumi, a new phrase upon small lips. "I don't have any parents."

"Aren't you going to be my father?" the first then asked, stepping forward. The act made the knives upon her being far more noticeable, Takumi hoping the gulp that escaped him wasn't as obvious as he thought it was. A little girl carrying such dangerous weapons had to be a dangerous thing, but he didn't have the heart to take them off of her when she was asking that question. Did that mean they didn't have any parents? Were they orphans living off of the street? It would certainly explain just why they had such unusual wear; they probably just took whatever they could fit into from wherever they could, but it still didn't explain why and how they came through the light.

"Oh! Are you going to be our master and our father? I don't think I've had a master that was also my father!" the second girl cheered with a great applause, Takumi losing his will to object by the second. Here were two potential orphans who were cheering at the mere thought of having a parent right in front of him and no matter what sort of circumstances brought that about, it still was something he could not ignore. It wasn't as if Takumi was even still truly objecting to the idea either, thoughts of a dream come true echoing through his mind, all focused upon the two looking towards him with a bright smile upon their faces.

"Well, I suppose I can do so for now." Takumi relented. It would just be until he managed to find the time and money to get a taxi so they could find the nearest orphanage, just like a responsible person should. There was a great abstract joy to their rapid dash, the brown haired librarian unable to hold himself straight against the might of the two as he fell to the ground, a small prayer of relief sent to the fact that he managed to avoid the desk upon his descent. A small smile appeared upon his face as he gently returned the happy hug, his arms wrapping the two in a protective embrace as the weight was lifted upon the man's shoulders, Takumi happy to stay like that for just a bit longer.

It was the reason why he started cursing when he heard the first sounds of screaming outside.

Come on, he was staying in late and he was having a happy moment! Couldn't they let Takumi have that at least!? Regardless, the brown haired man ignored the small moans of complaint that came from the little girls as he pushed them off of his body, walking to the door before a sudden realisation had him turning back with a warning upon his lips.

"I don't even know your names, do I?" the man remarked, a fist slamming down upon an open palm. "Well, just stay here until I get back and then maybe we can get some things sorted out, firstly names and how you got here, okay?" he waited for their slow hum of confusion before he stepped out through the front door, a small twist having the key lock them in. they would hopefully be able to entertain themselves with the books if he had to be out for a longer time than he expected, but he probably wouldn't be. It seemed like the noise came from the nearby park, Takumi quick on his feet as he began to move towards the source of the noise.

Kuoh was extremely quiet at this time. Coming up towards the night, the evening hues painted the sky a beautiful auburn that many pictured only in their dreams, the so called 'golden hour' where there was little that could match the sheer art of life on display. Normally, the only noise he could've heard would be people walking home, but the slight sounds of a scream he heard was far too alarming not to check out. It had done so that various forms of entertainment within the city were situated fairly close together, so it didn't take long for him to reach the park and find the incredibly strange sight that befell his eyes.

A black haired girl immediately became something far more demure, the clothes upon her body practically shredding themselves as the girl went through some sort of strange transformation. Takumi's yell joined the brown haired boy's screams, most likely the original source for the one that drew him here, as bright wings burst out of the girl's back, a sigh of relief as if keeping them hidden had been a terrible pai- what was a girl doing with bloody wings in the first place!? She was practically nude before his very eyes, the parts of Takumi's mind wanting to continue watching to see the result of this incredibly weird change wrestling furiously for the part who could only continue to repeat in its astonished monotone.

"Dear god. She's bloody wearing nothing in public. Literally anyone could see this now."

But then there was some odd looking dark liquid that seeped down onto her intimate parts, writhing and slithering about before it solidified into what could barely class as lingerie, the black thong and bra struggling to cover what they held behind their seemingly flimsy fabric. Her eyes casually turned onto Takumi, the librarian stepping back at the vicious smirk that burst onto the lady's face at him, the boy who had originally been there left only to gape in shock as the rest of the strange sentient fluid formed spiked shoulder pads and long gloves and boots, additional belt like fabric latching onto her breasts and forming chains upon her neck like a demented collar.

"Well I can't say that I didn't have fun messing about with you today my dear Issei." The woman quipped with the same vicious smile, clearly referring to the frightened boy in front of Takumi. "You know, considering how childish you act, things could've gone far, far worse. Thanks a lot for the bracelet, it was so incredibly sweet of you to get as well. Even so, it's time to die, including you!"

A lengthy spear of crimson light formed in her hand in a second, only a widening of his eyes needed before Takumi was shoving the boy named Issei away, a cry escaping him as the spear barely grazed the librarian's flesh. Was this similar to the power utilised by those girls to arrive on his doorstep? Was this weird, weird power something they could call upon too? And Takumi thought the knives the first girl had was a bit strange… But there was no time left for thought as a second spear materialised in the attacking woman's hand, ready to strike him down in a single blow.

"Well, even if you somehow managed to avoid my first hit, I will only need a second strike!" the winged woman declared as she moved forward, a speed far too great for Takumi to match meaning that the second crimson spear held in her hand was still held in her hand mere moments later – only also attached Issei's chest straight through. A cough had more blood flowing out of the boy, the disappearance of the spear, simply shrivelling away like nothing more than a prune until it disappeared, leaving nothing to stem the coming flow of the life liquid from Issei. "I hope you don't mind the fact that I must eliminate you. You're too much of a risk for us and any people who witness our acts must be eliminated. If you want anything to blame, might as well just put it on the one who gave Issei his sacred gear! Surely he also found it fate to bring you to this location to fall at the same time!"

But it was simply not to be, for in the time it took for a third version of the strange woman's weapon to materialise a dense fog overtook the area, a far cry from the initial pristine sky that cleansed the heart and soul. No longer did the great auburn of the evening reign dominant, a thick smock of grey falling over everything save for Takumi himself, who was left looking around furiously trying to find an escape. After all, there was a full blown murderer in the fog before him and now he had no idea where she was; there was literally nothing that he could do to keep himself from being murdered himself save for running into the mystery of the fog.

A hand came up in self-defence at the first sounds of footsteps that echoed through the fog upon the stone pathway, but as soon as the black dressed girl from the library plodded into view with a smile upon her face, Takumi was quick to embrace the confused white haired girl as hard as possible, a thousand scolds sitting upon his lips.

"What are you doing outside of the library!? How did you even get out!? It's not safe out here right now, okay?" Takumi quickly rambled out, the girl catching everything as she nodded without any signs of self-preservation, the smile simply remaining upon her face as she excitedly gave her answer.

"Don't worry about it! Now Jack's going to help me protect you master!" the girl declared, a moment of confusion passing through the librarian's mind before it quickly was swallowed by the hell known as dread. It was so fierce that even the small repeat of the title master went completely unnoticed, Takumi squinting as he looked into the darkness of the surrounding mist for the second girl. SO she was somewhere in this fog as well? And she wasn't with the second girl beside him? Sure, she had those knives at hands, but that doesn't mean anything against this odd woman! "Ah, I can tell you my name now! Master, I am Alice, Caster, and Jack is Jack, the Assassin. It's nice to meet you!"

Caster? Assassin? It certainly explained the weapons, that's for sure, but what the hell was the other girl, Jack, doing being an assassin? What did being a Caster even mean for Alice? Takumi's thoughts were broken by the frustrated cries of the winged woman from somewhere within the mist, the very same mist that Jack was now wandering and wondering within.

"Where have you gone!? As soon as I find you, you're dead just like Issei! You cannot escape the Fallen Angel Raynare for long!" the near naked woman cried, a small deadpan hum escaping Takumi. So her name was Raynare then? Well, it seemed like it was a time for name revelations.

"The Mist: Darkened Misty Metropolis…" a voice whispered out through the darkness of the fog, youthful and far too serious for the age of the speaker as Takumi looked around futilely, probably in the same vein as Raynare as the voice remained too disguised for them to find. "You tried to hurt my master… and now it's time for you to pay.

"Wait, what's Jack going to do?" Surely she couldn't have known that he was going to be attacked; just how quickly did they manage to break through the door!? And then there was the whole issue of somehow making their way through the fog that had somehow descended upon them…

"Master… did you not think the circle we're standing in was weird?" Alice questioned, Takumi's feverish pacing pausing as he took in his surroundings. Indeed, it was not just a simple free spot within the fog, but a perfect circle that flowed around them, completely in ignorance of the space around the pair of them. It was almost as if… "Yep! Jack's made this just for us! It's one of her special abilities!"

Well that made her go up his WTF list. Just what were these children capable of doing then if the little white haired waif had managed to summon up all of this smog from nowhere? A hesitant look into the smog had Takumi draw back, coughing madly from the inhalation; it was just like the spoke of in old England, where the industrial revolution had made the place pretty much toxic to live in. a sudden cry of pain had Takumi trying to turn to the source, a pathway forming within the swirling grey for Alice to march her way down, the librarian trying to keep up with the exuberance the black dressed girl was showing. There, they found a surprising sight, Raynare turning up a venomous glare towards the two as Takumi subconsciously pushed the girl behind his back.

There had once been perfect flesh, skin unblemished by the flaws of nature or not that plagued the majority of people. It was almost heavenly in design, probably due to the way that she claimed herself to be a fallen angel, but that was no more. As a result of what could only be the strange weapons in the hands of Jack, the smooth skin she was blessed with before was left only in a terrible state, several great gashes leaking blood as Raynare placed her fingers upon the crimson slices, a futile attempt to prevent the blood from running. The cuts covered a great amount of her body, the fallen struggling to even breath as she glared up towards Takumi, unable to properly stand. It made sense to the brown haired man; why would a child be nice and end it in a single hit when they could just go wild and hoped the person hurting their new parent would stop?

"What did you do? You're lucky that you managed to get… whatever it was to help you, otherwise you would be on your knees before me!" Raynare growled out, but it would only take a second for Takumi to drown out his moral compass for a second, a strange fist with nails poised resulting in a great scream from the fallen angel as she called herself, the first white haired girl from the library coming at the odd call with a bright smile as she latched onto Takumi's leg.

"What do you think Daddy? Did I do good?" Jack asked, a silent nod havig her beaming in excitement before a moment later had it mutated into a great frown of anger as a pink eyed look moved to the fallen angel upon the ground. "It's not fair. Alice wanted to show off, so I can't kill this lady myself. I wanted to see her womb!"

Now wasn't that something disturbing to hear from a young child? Raynare couldn't hold back the wince that came from such a thought, a phantom pain in her abdomen barely able to realise the agony she would go through if such a thing were to come up. It was fortunate then that Alice stepped up in Jack's place, the same continually cheerful grin upon her visage as she clutched her hands together, her chance to impress her master and new father coming into the light as the fog surrounded them for no escape.

"Aykroyd in celluloid.

Acrostic sadistic.

Everyone here is ordinary.

Birds being birds and people being people is nice, isn't it?

Your name, I will take.

Nameless Forest."

And for Raynare, the world morphed.

There was an endless forest around the girl as she woke up, though her attention as more upon the perfectly flawless skin that was left behind in her transportation? Why would they take the time to heal her wounds when she was clearly an unwanted enemy? It had to be those girls; the man showed absolutely no sign of being even aware of the supernatural, let alone that she was going to purposely attack that boy, so it couldn't have been premediated by him.

"Damn you! Wherever you are, I will get my revenge! You will rue the day you ever messed with-!" but her words were lost upon an unreactive tongue. Why would it not let itself finish her promise? It wasn't as if she wouldn't be able to keep it after all! It would simply be a case of finding the nearest village and she would be able to return to finish the job! But that still left the question of why would her words halt?

It was her name, Raynare suddenly realised. Was it Raynare who realised? Whenever she tried to come up with a name, her mind fell completely flat, as if the information had been completely torn from her mind. What did they think they would do by making her unable to remember her name? as soon as she would be able to return home from this accursed forest, she would simply ask one of her old friends and everything would be fine once more. A little memory loss wouldn't do all that much damage.

Her friends, yes… who were they again? She certainly had them, there was no doubt about that, but their names were simply evading her. Their silhouettes were vague within her mind scape. Struggling to form, but perhaps if she focused upon the idea extremely hard…! They were… men, right? No, they were definitely female. But her mind kept throwing up the idea of a man! Had she taken on a husband? No, that's impossible, there was no way she could've taken on someone as a permanent lover!

"But why?" she muttered as she looked to trembling fingers. Why was there such an incredible disbelief at the thought of taking a husband? She was a beautiful girl fairly clever and it wasn't as if she was socially awkward, so why was there a distaste for the idea of taking on a permanent relationship? Wasn't that the normal thing people did? Maybe it was the same reason why she was wearing such a strange outfit. Perhaps she worked in an odd business which made having such relationships extremely awkwa… oh god, was she a prostitute!?

What a weird thought… the idea hit it as strange. Wasn't being a prostitute a job usually reserved for girls? Did that mean it was a girl? Even looking down at itself didn't reveal much, its eyes going blurry as it continued to wander through the endless forest without purpose. Was there more that it needed to remember? What else could it possibly remember? Did it have a home? Where was it from? Who had put it in this terrible forest? It was starting to get tired but its feet continued their needless journey, trudging along without any form of enthusiasm.

Thoughts began to drain away from its mind like a sieve, barely able to even hold the most important information about itself. Gone were such useless pieces of knowledge like education, friends and family or age. Birthdays of friends or its sizes were thrown out of the window without worry and the name of her home was completely lost without issue. It was barely able to recall the basic ability to walk, how to count and use the strange spells it had at its disposal being way more disposable. Words were left to drift away on the wind, thoughts becoming gibberish as they refused to be materialised, all of the languages gifted to her fleeing as if they were in a war zone. Was this a forest? There was certainly a lot of… no, what were they? Why were there a lot of them?

Before it even could tell what was happening to itself, its arms began to disappear, not that it gave a second thought about it; was there meant to be anything there in the first place anyway? The same happened with its legs, though it wasn't as if it was walking, that ability dissolved like sugar for the sweetest of… it couldn't remember. What was sugar anyway? As eyes melted away, the figure forgetting how to see, or hear, or smell, or that it ever had wings or hair, there was little left for it to do but obliviously continue to meaninglessly wander without the ability to wander.

Eventually, it forgot how to use its bladder, various foul excrements plaguing the forest's floor as the its body forgot how to keep the heart pumping, not that it mattered; it also forgot how to make the diaphragm keep her breathing, or the cells respiring. They disappeared as well, melting away upon there was little more than a blank faceless head resting upon the ground of the forest, but even that was made to disappear with time. There was no one left within the endless forest, the name Raynare forgotten by all within that strange world. First, Raynare forgot everything she had learnt about the world and others. Then she had forgot everything that that she had learnt about herself and then, it forgot just how its body was mean to function, trying to do something it had no chance of comprehending.

And in the endless forest, it forgot that it existed in the first place.

As Rias and Akeno approached through the Gremory magic circle, a blazing red light filling the night as the two looked down upon the fallen body. Rias flipped back the long tresses of red that threatened to enter her blue eyed vision, her school uniform fortunate enough to be saved from the combat. Beside her, Akeno made sure to keep the ponytail that trailed down her back out of the way as her pink orbs gazed across the area as she too scanned the area.

"So it's true then. There has been a great battle here. There's a great amount of magic in the air." Rias remarked, her eyes closed as she gently ran her hand across the fallen body of Issei, careful to avoid the blood that pooled beneath his body. "Akeno, are you able to recognise the signatures of those involved?"

"Even though there's so much magic in the air, I can't seem to recognise the signatures. Either someone's managed to infiltrate Kuoh, or someone already in Kuoh has suddenly become able to utilise magic." The black haired girl answered, the area practically seeping in strange energy. "It's not exactly the type we're used to either… I can't determine what it is other than it isn't based upon the elements save for a tiny semblance to water."

"Ah, so we're working with a water user, or possibly multiple then?" Rias mused, a small giggle escaping her as she reached into her pocket. With a few pieces, this resurrection would be easy enough and then it was simply a case of helping him heal up; it was the ones who had participated in the battle who were more pressing. "Sona never mentioned trying to help out Issei and it would be rude to simply try poaching someone I already placed a reservation on."

"Ah, it appears that there's a great focus of energy come this area Rias." Akeno called out, the redhead turning to where Akeno focused her attentions upon a bloodstain without a body, a lack of a trail leading to some direction meaning that either the body had managed to disappear magically or had managed to plug the type of wounds that had managed to produce such a copious amount of blood. "It feels… strange. As if there's been a lot of earth base magic here, but the ground is undisturbed and there are no examples of any sort of plants."

"Plants? Now that one's a bit rarer. That should narrow it down a bit I suppose." Rias declared, the crimson pieces in her hand sinking down into Issei's chest, the soft movements of his breathing making a smile appear upon the girl's face. "For now though, we should go and try to heal Issei. I'll take that job myself, so could I trouble you to clean this place up?"

"My my, shoving the hard work to someone else as you get close to Issei? What a lazy president I have!" Akeno giggled with a hand to her cheek, a scoff escaping Rias as she teleported through her magic circle with her new acquisition leaving just the black haired girl alone in the damaged area. There was a slight acidity to the air that seemed out of place in the clean Kuoh, one that had Akeno pondering the possibilities.

"I suppose even if there was a bit of interference, the president got what she wanted. Whether it was the best way of doing it is perhaps a little bit of a different conversation, but never the less, I have a job." Akeno sighed as her magic began to clean away the blood, a simple task for one of her magical calibur. There were numerous things you could do with the blood of a fallen angel, which it should be considering the people they had seen with Issei, but at the level Akeno and Rias were working out, it was much better and easier to simply get rid of all of the damning evidence. There were also the holes in various objects which she had to deal with, the trees fairly reasonable to leave as is.

"Oh? What is this?" her hand graced the small piece of paper that fell from the air, its origin completely shrouded from Akeno's sight. After her initial scan proved useless, the black haired schoolgirl merely gave a shrug as she continued her work, pocketing the small note for the end of her mission. It didn't take much before it was all better, the fountain fortunately fixed in the time her barrier was still active; there was no chance of someone coming across anything more a young schoolgirl choosing to go to the fountain on a clean night.

The paper was relatively new in Akeno's hand, turning it freely to check for any spells. With nothing more to find, it was a simple task to look for the cursive. Why someone would choose to leave a simple note in response to the attack they failed to stop, let alone leave anything that could possibly reveal the ones who battled here, was completely unknown to Akeno but it wasn't long before she let out a chuckle at its contents.

"Oh my, what a threatening letter from this person, and in such a cute manner too. How am I meant to take such a thing? I suppose it's best to take this hoe with me. I'll show it to Rias in the morning." Akeno decided, a small gaze around the area before she entered her own magic circle and disappeared from sight, the shrine she made her home (Or rather, Rias was able to get and turn into Akeno's home.) waiting peacefully. A good cup of tea would be nice before bed after all, especially after such a strange little note. There was not a second word to be said after Akeno's disappearance, but there were some wo swore that a strange voice, that of a girl, whispered upon the wind melodiously,

You want to play? We'll play with you!

We'll come up with fun things to do!

We'll make you dance, we'll watch you fight,

We'll make you do bad things all night!

Force you to swallow old used grease,

Trap you with a hundred rabid geese!

We'll see if you ever break when you bend.

We'll make sure the fun will never end!

And I suppose I'll end it there! So tell me, what do you think of this story? Unlike my other grade 2 story (Grade 1 is where the chapters are three thousand words apiece) this one was written in one fell swoop, so I wouldn't be surprised if there is a little drop in the quality. Anyway, there's more where that came from, so stay tuned for the next chapter!

Super hero time! See you next time!