Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the Naruto or RWBY franchises. Comments/Criticism is fina as long as it isn't just hate or flaming

Thank you and please enjoy

Nora's a Mommy

-Chapter 35-

-Last Time-

"Hmmm, it has been quite chaotic," The grey-haired man agreed with a slow nod before taking a long slow sip of his coffee. "However we should still remain vigilant for as bad as it's been, I have the feeling there is yet worse to come."

*Sigh* "…I knew you were going to say that."


"Here we are, this is the one I want you to find," Pulling back the hand she was petting with, she stuck her now drenched hand in front of the creature's jaws, prompting it to sniff in a seemingly curious manner before a forked tongue flicked out and lapped up a small bit of the blood, its eyes glowing brighter as it did so. "This is the one I want you to kill."

-And Now-

The sun had just finished rising up over the horizon, illuminating Beacon Academy with its gentle rays whilst a soft and pleasantly warm breeze blew by, this peacefulness contrasting with the fractured cement and scorched ground littering the area. Meanwhile, off in the distance, the clear spires of Crystal Glenn sparkled in the early morning light and bathed the land around it in an aurora of colors.

This quiet and tranquil scene was only broken by the soft clicking sound of heels on stone as someone made their way across the courtyard, only pausing briefly to take in their surroundings before continuing on their way.

After wandering around in a seemingly random manner for several minutes, they arrived at the dorms section of the school, where a few stray early rising students stared at them in shock as they passed by with a polite wave.

Once again several minutes would pass by as the person navigated the hallways, and briefly hopping into an elevator that took them up a few floors, idly noting all the signs of recent and/or incomplete repairs all over the place.

Eventually, they arrived at their apparent destination, a battered looking door with the number 414. Glancing at a small slip of paper they were holding, showing the exact same numbers written on it along with some small almost illegible writing, the person hesitated for only a moment before reaching out with a slender hand.


"Whazza… is somes at the door?"

"I think so, someone should go see who it is."

"Not it."

"Sorry, I'm getting changed."

"Me too."

"Ugh, it's too early for this."

"Has anyone seen my hairbrush?"

"Hey, keep it down or you'll wake up Naru."

"Myyyyaaa… nee-chans noisy…"

"Oh great, now look what you guys did."


"It's fine, just keep it- What are you doing Naruto?"

*Click* *Creeaak*

The door swung open slowly to reveal the absolutely adorable sight of very sleepy Naruto in his fox onesie, rubbing one of his eyes with a tail while the rest swayed behind him lazily. Looking up at the person for a few moments, the little whiskered blonde's head tilted to the side a bit.

"Blake-neechan?" He mumbled in confusion, his blurry morning vision only ably to make a vaguely familiar female figure in black with kitty ears, before hugging their legs with a sleepy yawn. "Ohayōgozaimasu."

"Oh, well aren't you a cute little-Whoa!" 'Blake' tried to say, only to be cut off when Naruto hoisted her up with his tails and pulled her into the room. Inside, the cat person was greeted by the sight of a half-awake Nora in her bed, Ren making a pot of coffee, Jaune struggling to get out of his tangled mess of sheets of a bed, and Weiss rifling around in a large suitcase with a bad case of bedhead.

After closing the door, the sleepy nine-tailed child then made his way back to his bed and promptly flopped back down, already asleep again as he snuggled with his adopted sis.

Just one little bitty itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny problem…

"Uhhh, excuse me, I think there has been a misunderstanding." 'Blake' wasn't actually Blake.

Struggling vainly against her fluffy bindings looked just like an older and more mature Blake, even wearing a similar style of black and white clothing. However, in contrast to the B of RWBY's pale complexion, the unknown woman was more tanned whilst her feline ears were noticeably larger, fluffier, and had two gold piercings on each.

As everyone else in the room was wondering who this newly arrived… guest was as she squirmed against her fluffy bindings, their answer soon came when Blake and Pyrrha stepped out of the restroom, the former freezing upon seeing her pseudo-doppelganger.

"M-Mom!?" The cat faunus exclaimed in shock, getting the entrapped woman's, along with everyone else's, attention.

"Blake! Oh, I'm so happy I found you finally! I was starting to get so worried!" Blake's mother exclaimed happily while attempting to get up, only for her to be swiftly reminded of her current predicament when she was yoinked back down to a softly growling Naruto. "Dear me, this little one has quite the strong grip, doesn't he? Could somebody lend me a hand please?"

"Here, I got this," Nora stated, scooting a bit closer and wrapping an arm around her son's waist, making him growl a bit louder in his sleep for a few moments until she started gently scratching the top of his head with the other. The effect was almost immediate as the little whiskered child settled down and his tails went limp, allowing Blake's mom to slip free. "Sorry about that ma'am, Naruto tends to be a bit clingy in his sleep."

"It's no problem dear, kids will be kids after all," The woman said with an understanding nod whilst she straightened up her clothes, which had gotten a bit disheveled during her impromptu detainment, before holding out a hand towards the orangette. "Oh, where are my manners, I am Kali Belladonna."

"Nice to meet'cha, I'm Nora," Nora said, accepting the offered handshake whilst continuing to scratch Naruto's head with her free one. "This is Naruto, that's Ren by the coffee pot, Jaune's the one losing a fight to his bed, the bedhead is Ice Queen-" "Hey!" "-and the one by Blake is Pyrrha."

"Hello Mrs. Belladonna."

"Hi Mrs. B."

"Why does everyone keep calling me Ice Queen!?"

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance ma'am."

"The pleasure is all mine," The now named Kali said with a polite bow whilst everyone muttered out their own greetings. "I apologize if I came at an inconvenient time, but it was a very long flight here and I just really wanted to see if my little alley cat was alright."

"MOM! I told you not to call me that!" Blake exclaimed, her face flushing red as a few not-so-quiet snickers reached her ears whilst her mother just smiled innocently, before the younger faunus yelped in pain when a shoe smacked into her face. "Ow! The fu-"

"What part of keep it down don't you understand?" Nora asked in a quiet yet menacing tone, another shoe primed and ready for throwing as she sent the B of team RWBY a sour look. Glaring back at the orangette as she rubbed her sore nose, Blake looked ready to retort when Kali suddenly popped up next to her and looped their arms together.

"As I was saying, I just really wanted to see for myself that you were okay, what with all the craziness going on here these last few months," She told the younger ravenette, genuine concern and worry palpable in her tone as she spoke. "How about we go out and get something to eat while we catch up, I heard the food here is top quality."

Without waiting for a response, Kali all but dragged Blake along as she headed for the door, waving over her shoulder to the rest of the room as she went by.

"It was so nice to meet you all, I hope we can meet again at a more appropriate time, bye."


"Well… she seemed nice." Pyrrha said after a moment of silence, snapping the rest of the room's occupants out of their thoughts as they went back to their previous activities.

"And very polite, I like her so far." Weiss added with an approving nod.

"You think we can get some embarrassing stories about the little alley cat out of her?" Nora asked as she smiled 'innocently', earning a dull look from Ren.

"Nora, no."

"Nora, yes."

-Halls of Beacon-


"Are you okay dear?" Kali asked in mild concern when Blake shivered out of the blue, despite it being rather warm out, before sneezing loudly.

"I'm fine, probably just dust in the air or something." The younger Belladonna said, waving off the elder faunus's concern as she wiped her nose.

"Are you sure?" As she spoke, Kali placed a hand on Blake's forehead to check her temperature. "You know they say that a lot of stress can make one more prone to catching a cold and-"

Sighing exasperatedly, Blake grabbed her mother's hand and pushed it away with a pointed look. "I'm FINE mom, I promise."

"Alright, alright, if you say so, you can't blame a mother for worrying for her child, can you?" Kali asked rhetorically, smiling gently as she rested her hand on her daughter's shoulder. In response however, Blake turned away and her head drooped, refusing to make eye contact as her expression shifted to one of shame and regret.

"Even… even after what happened the last time we spoke?" She asked back softly, causing the elder ravenette's smile to turn somber.

"Of course, you are my little alley cat after all," Wrapping her free arm around her daughter's waist, the mother pulled her in to a side hug while kissing the side of her forehead. "Nothing you could do would ever make me stop worrying or caring for you."

"Moooom…" Blake groaned out in protest, despite the small smile that formed on her lips at the woman's words.

"That argument was ages ago dear, there was a lot going on and we were all stressed out," Kali continued undeterred. "So you had a little breakdown, it happens."

"I don't think smashing up our house while calling dad a boot licking humanist politician bastard counts as a 'little breakdown'." Blake mumbled out in shame, getting Kali to sigh with a shake of her head.

"Blake, at the time a huge scandal from the Schnee Dust Company had just been unearthed, the White Fang was splintering apart, there were riots everywhere, terrorist strikes left and right, three separate assassination attempts on your father, and Sienna is still recovering from her own attempted assassination during the Coup de Tat." With each fact listed down by Kali, Blake couldn't help but flinch harder and harder.

Whilst the tensions between humans and faunus had been steadily growing ever since the White Fang had started turning towards violence, that incident with the child labor mine had been the metaphoric straw that finally broke the camel's back. It had been complete and utter chaos for months everywhere for sure, but none more so than in her home country Menagerie.

People had rioted, demanding that something be done about such a horrible act, none of them appeased by the 'meager' compensations that the SDC had been forced to hand over, such as several shipments of free Dust and supplies. Some had even took drastic action and tried to have her father, the leader of Menagerie killed so they could take over and declare war on the dust company.

And then the was how the once mostly unified force of the White Fang had shattered practically overnight, the group splitting into several different factions that wanted to focus on their own goals.

One such faction renamed itself the New Fangs, which her father took command of as a militia force and had focus on the White Fangs original goals. Sadly though, progress was not well going as far and as far as she knew he barely had more than a hundred people supporting him, many of which were the oldest and most dedicated members of the original White Fang cause.

Sienna Khan, the now former High Leader of the White Fang, had also formed her own division called the Tiger's Freedom after being forced to flee for her life when she was ousted from her previous position. Horrified at what her former comrades had stooped too, which was in no small part thanks to her own actions, she was trying to amend her mistakes with her current organization acting more like a militia force, whose primary goals was protecting Menagerie and other Faunus settlements.

And lastly, the largest splinter-group, the Neo-White Fang ended up turning to complete violence under the new leadership of Adam, who had completely snapped at hearing what had happened. This was the faction pretty much everyone knew of, full of men and women wanting payback for all the crap they'd had to put up with and not afraid to get bloody to do so.

During all this chaos, Blake had briefly returned home to her folks, hoping for some support and to be supportive. However, after just a few days of constant arguments, debates, and a few near death experiences from angry rioters, her emotionally strained mind couldn't handle it anymore and she'd snapped at her father, harshly, and ran off again.

By the time she'd calmed down, her guilt at the cruel and unfair things she'd said weighed on her too much to turn back so she'd opted for heading to Vale instead, to become a Huntress and really start making a difference at last.

"Now tell me, is a stressed-out teen having an emotional breakdown and throwing a tantrum really that surprising with all that going on at once?" Kali asked, jarring Blake back to the present.


"Exactly, so just let it go already," With her point made, the older ravenette eased up her grip as she allowed some space to form between her and her daughter again. "Now then, where exactly is the cafeteria? Because I have no idea where we're going."

Sighing again, only this time in a good-natured way as her smile returned, Blake rolled her eyes as she took the lead, her chest feeling just a bit lighter as the guilt she'd kept bottled up faded a bit. "We're almost there, it's just around this next corner and down the hall. If we hurry we can get there before all the tuna salad is gone."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Kali asked, drooling a bit with an excited gleam in her eyes that Blake shared as their pace noticeably quickened. "And after we eat we can get all caught up. Oh, I can't wait to tell you all about your brothers and sisters."

"Yeah, yeah, and I can tell you all about my team." Blake retorted with an amused shake of her head as her mother practically skipped along in excitement.

"Wait… did you say brothers and sisters!?"

-Meanwhile, Recovery Ward-

With a quiet almost soundless yawn, Neo's slowly roused from her slumber, her face scrunching up as the sun's rays shined onto her face through a nearby window. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, the ice-cream themed girl sent a mild glare at the inanimate glass pane, internally cursing it for ruining her nice dream while idly scratching the side of her cheek beside her oxygen mask.


In an instant, Neo's attention was quickly snapped to the other side of the room when her ears suddenly picked up the sound of the door closing. Not seeing anyone aside from a still sleeping forms of Amber, Yang, Ruby, and Penny though, her duel-colored gaze narrowed suspiciously as she glanced around at every corner of the room until finally noticing something out of place right on her own nightstand.

Sitting on the plain metal counter was a unsealed white envelope, innocently propped up against a lamp all by its lonesome, with 'Neo' written in perfect cursive. Eyes widening as she could recognize that writing anywhere, Neopolitan immediately grabbed it and flicked it open, allowing the small sheet of paper covered in similar writing within to slide into her free hand.

To my favorite Ice-Cream Gal,

I heard what happened from a friend and figured I'd stop by to see how you were doing. Sorry I couldn't stay and chat, but business is hectic right now and I gotta catch up on my paperwork. Let me know when your feeling a bit better, I'll be waiting for ya with a bucket of your favorite rocky road.

-Yours Truly, the Fancy Candlestick

P.S. Don't take too long, my style just ain't up to par without my #2 around, ya hear?

Unable to help herself, a small joyful smile formed on Neo's lips as she reread the letter several times, before hugging it to her chest and then carefully tucking both it and its envelope under her pillow.

"Uuuuugh… my head," And not a moment too soon either as one Yang Xiao-Long sat up with a pained groan while gingerly rubbing her bruised and battered face. "God, I should only have a headache this bad if I had a lot more fun the night before."

At these words, Neo's usual Cheshire grin returned as she picked up her scroll and started typing. [Are you sure about that? I thought you had a smashing good time.]

"Huh?" Blinking in confusion at the synthetic voice, Yang groggily glanced over at the injured illusionist. "Oh, hey Neo, glad to see you're alright. You had us really worried for a bit."

[So I've been told.] The mute girl retorted with a shrug before gesturing towards the busty blonde. [How about yourself? Feeling alright after that total ass-whooping Ruby gave you?]

"Hey! It wasn't that ba-" *Bamf* Yang started to yell indignantly, only to be cut off by a pillow smacking into her face. "What the fuck!?"

"Keep it down Yang, I'm trying to sleep." The perpetrator of said thrown pillow, none other than Ruby, grumbled out as she sent her older sister an annoyed look that was heavily emphasized by the still dark bags under her eyes while snuggling back into her covers.

However, as she was doing so, the inactive form of Penny glowed briefly before the chibi-sized gynoid pushed herself up with an adorable yawn. "Sleep cycle complete, good morning-MPH!"

"Oh my Oum! You are adorable!" Yang exclaimed as she reached over to Ruby's bed and scooped Penny up into her arms, any anger she'd felt washed away by the sheer cuteness of the tiny robo-girl. "I just wanna hug you and pet you and cuddle you forever!"

"Mmph! Mmm! Mmm! Mph!" Penny tried to say something as she flailed around in the Yang's grasp, but was unfortunately completely muffled by the blonde's large bust.

"I just said to keep it down guys!" Ruby shouted as she sat up, grabbed Penny, and tried to wrench the poor orangette free of her sister's grasp…

"Hey! Let her go!"

"No way! I wanna snuggle with her a bit!"

"She's not a teddy bear Yang!"

"Of course not! She's my new cute kitty girl bestie!"


…Emphasis on tried.

"Hmmm, is it morning already?" Unnoticed to either of the squabbling siblings, their loud argument ended up rousing the last sleeping occupant in the room. Weakly rubbing her eye on the unbandaged half of her face, Amber tilted her head to take in the sight of the raven-redhead and blonde duo fighting over Penny. "Those two certainly seem energetic, don't they?"

[I was just thinking the same thing] Neo said with a silent giggle, cringing slightly as pain flared through her back in protest. [Sorry if we woke you up]

"It's no problem at all, I always was a bit of an early riser anyway," The injured Maiden said, waving off the mute girl's concerns before patting her stomach. "Besides, if you hadn't my stomach most certainly would have, I'm starving."


"Sounds like I'm not the only one either." Amber added with a soft giggle as Neo blushed lightly in embarrassment and cupped her own growling belly.

[Something to eat would be nice] The Ice-cream themed teen agreed as her hand snaked down to the side of her bed and pressed the call button.

A few minutes later, a casually dressed yet completely awake Prof. Peach came walking in with a cart laden with several trays of food. Thankfully by then, both Ruby and Yang had settled back down after the latter finally stopped trying to abduct Penny, who was currently perched on the former's head as she fixed her outfit.

"Hello everyone, you all seem to be feeling a bit better," The pinkette doctor slash professor said in a cheery tone whilst setting a tray down for each person. Ruby and Yang were served pancakes with fruit sides, Amber got a bowl of oatmeal and yogurt, and Neo was given a plain Omelet and yogurt too.

"Hope you're all hungry, because I brought some grub."

"Sweet! Thanks Professor P!" Yang said as she dug into her food, somehow not spilling a single drop of syrup despite how… enthusiastic she was eating. On the other hand, both Ruby and Amber ate at much more sedate paces, the former seemingly deep in thought about something whilst the latter just didn't have the energy to move that much.

Whilst those four, including Penny whom was happily munching on a large grape, were able to dig in without issue though, Neo unfortunately had to wait until Peach replaced her oxygen mask with a nasal cannula first.

As the tubing was slid into place and air was puffed directly up her nose, the tri-color girl couldn't help but squirm a bit while her face scrunched up in discomfort.

"Yeah, yeah, I know it's a bit uncomfortable, but you'll just have to deal with it until your lungs have recovered." The pinkette stated after she was done, moving over to the various machines currently hooked up to Neo. When Cinder had stabbed the mute girl, she'd not only punctured her lungs but also ended up leaving several shards of obsidian in her back that'd chipped off the blades, both of which needed extensive surgery to fix.

[Is this really necessary though?] Neo asked, fiddling with the hose as she ate until Peach gently slapped her hand away. [I can breathe just fine]

"Young lady, if I had a lien for every time a patient told me they were 'just fine' I could probably buy the entire kingdom of Vale," The professor retorted dryly, idly swatting the girl's hand away again as she moved on to Amber's bed. "I'm the one with the medical license here, not you, so stop complaining and finish your food."

Pouting playfully, Neo sighed silently in mock defeat as she did what Peach said, before sticking her tongue out childishly when the pinkette turned away, getting the rest of the room's occupants to giggle.

A relaxed silence settled after that as the girls enjoyed their meals, with the professor joining them once she finished checking each of them over.

*Knock-knock* "Excuse me, am I intruding on anything?" Said silence was finally broken several minutes later as a pair of newcomers made their presence known.

The first one, and the one who'd spoke in the first place, was an elderly man with dark skin, greyed hair and beard, and wearing a faded green cap and semi-casual dress clothes. The most eye-catching thing about him though, was the chair he was seated in which looked like a high-tech wheelchair, only the wheels themselves had been replaced with four long mechanical legs.

Yet that still paled in comparison to the girl standing beside that man, if you could call her a girl that is, for she was clearly a robot just like Penny. However, unlike the currently chibi-sized orangette's original or even her new forms though, this new girl's design was far less… subtle with her mechanical nature.

Standing at exactly four feet tall and having the appearance of a young child, the new robo-girl had purple metal on top of her head that was molded almost perfectly into the shape of short hair with two ponytails, two metallic spikes on either side of her head in lieu of ears, and semi-bulky robotic limbs. Her chest looked similar to modern knight armor, with the addition of a glowing orange crystal orb right where the collar bone would be and symmetrical glowing orange lines spread out across her whole body.

Literally the only part of her body that actually looked truly human was the girl's face itself, aside from a small bandage like patch across the bridge of her nose. As for clothes, she wore a pair of black and red pantaloons, a cute baggy white cap with a red bow, and a long ragged red cloak with a lily lapel.

Caught off guard by the unexpected arrival of these two, let alone their appearances, no-one in the room said anything as they simply stared on at them with wide eyes.

"PAPA!" At least, that was the case for everyone but Penny, who cheered loudly as she launched herself across the room and landing perfectly on the old man's lap, where she immediately started snuggling with his chest.

""Papa?"" [Papa?] Ruby, Yang, and Neo parroted with shocked looks whilst Amber simply tilted her head curiously.

"Penny?" The elderly man asked, an equally shocked look on his own face as he grabbed the little kitty girl and hefted her up to eye level. "Oh my, I was told you'd been damaged recently but is that really you sweetie?"

"Uh-huh! I missed you so much! Did you miss me papa? Did you?" Penny rambled on as she wiggled around in his grasp, trying to hug him again which he was quick to reciprocate this time.

"Oh, of course I missed you sweetie," He said as he rested the tiny orangette against the crook of his neck and gently rubbed her head. After a moment though, he held her back up and began looking her over with a critical eye, examining every inch of her thoroughly before sighing in relief. "I was so worried when I got here to check up on you and heard you'd been hurt. Thank Oum that you're okay… well, okayish."

"You should be thanking my friend Ruby actually," Penny said while wiggling out of his grip, perching herself on the man's shoulder and pointing towards Ruby's still stunned form. "If it wasn't for her, I'd be nothing but fried circuits right now."

"Ah, then in that case you have my sincerest thanks young lady." The old man said while bowing towards the injured Scythe user, snapping her out of her stupor with a light blush on her cheeks.

"T-there's no need for that Mr. Polendina, I'm always happy to help a friend out." She said with a slight stutter, fiddling with her hands nervously.

"Nonsense, you deserve it and more, especially if all my daughter's emails are to be believed," Mr. Polendina stated with a kind smile as he picked Penny back up off his shoulder and set her down on his lap again. "And please, call me Pietro."

"And I am Poppi, it is nice to make your acquaintances," The robo-girl beside him finally spoke, her voice polite and soft if not a bit clipped sounding, bowing politely to everyone in the room before turning back to the now named Pietro and Penny. "I am especially happy to finally meet you sister, father told me much about you since my activation."

The moment these words left the now named Poppi's lips, Penny's eyes seemed to turn to sparkles as her lips curled up in a hug smile. "…I have a sister?"

"Affirmative, I-"

"I HAVE A SISTER!" Penny cut Poppi off with a joyful shout as she pounced onto the purplette's chest. "This is soooo awesome! I always wanted a sibling! Now we can do all those sister things Ruby told me about like sleepovers and boy talk and…"

The kitty chibi girl continued to ramble on and on excitedly as she clung tightly to her new sister, who in turn looked a bit confused albeit happy as she cupped her arms under the smaller robot so she wouldn't fall.

Meanwhile, Pietro simply smiled softly at the pair's interaction for a few more moments before turning his attention back to the rest of the room, or more specifically Ruby. Typing something onto his chair's interface, the machine walked itself over and settled between the scythe user and her sister's beds.

"Again, I can't thank you enough for what you've done, Penny told me all about what you've been doing for her while she was here," He said while reaching over and patting the hooded girl's hand. "You have no idea how relieved I was to hear that she had such a talented tinkerer like yourself helping her out when she needed it."

"I'm pretty sure Penny was exaggerating a bit, I'm not that great." Ruby mumbled sheepishly as she glanced away, her cheeks really starting to burn red from the praise.

"Oh really?" Pietro asked, his smile gaining a hint of amusement to it as Ruby nodded. "Then would I be wrong in assuming that you were the one who built Penny's current body?"

"Well no-"

"And were you not the one who built the micro high-capacity data and aura energy processor core she's inside?" The elderly man continued, making the raven-redhead blink in surprise.

"Yeah, but how did-"

"Penny told me about all the modifications you made, she wanted to make sure I was okay with them and all," Pietro stated, getting an understanding nod from the Ruby, before gesturing over at his daughters. "In fact, it was your ideas for her that inspired me to create Poppi."

"Wha… Really?" Ruby asked, her embarrassment fading away into awed disbelief as her eyes shifted to the robotic duo.

"Why yes indeed, and ifI'm being honest here, the other reason I came here originally was so I could personally talk to the brilliant young mind who indirectly helped me with the two greatest creations I've ever made," The crippled inventor said proudly, chuckling a bit when Ruby's embarrassed blush returned full force. "So, do you still say my daughter was exaggerating now?"

Ruby couldn't bring herself to respond verbally after all that, so she just shook her head as she continued to wring her hands.

"Hey, if you really did get all those ideas from my sis, then wouldn't that make her their grandma then?" Yang chipped in out of the blue with a mischievous smirk, causing everyone in the room to suddenly pause at the busty blonde's words.

"That logic is sound, designation changed from friend of sister to grandmother." Poppi stated a second later as a soft ping like sound rang out, causing the Scythe-user's face to rapidly turn pure red.



-Diplomatic Dorm-

"Ugh, I hate paperwork, I hate mornings, and I really ahte paperwork in the morning." Tsunade grumbled, rolling her wrist as she finished meticulously writing down the events of the last week down on a scroll. As per her duties as an ambassador, it was required that she file a full in-depth report each week about any and all important events that went down, and boy were there a lot of them this week.

It also didn't help that she had to wear gloves the whole time otherwise the mucus on her hands would get smeared all over the paper AND her ever persistent apprentice insisted on waking her up at the crack of dawn to write the damn thing.

Once the dull throbbing ache in her wrist died away some, the deceptively young looking blonde carefully rolled the scroll up and set it to the side before flopping down against the desk she was at with a tired groan.

"It's too early for this crap."

Why did she always have to have such shitty luck? Seriously, one of her 'guards' almost causes a political mess, some part of the school seemed to get destroyed every time she turned around, and Kami only knows what trouble that nine tailed child she was supposed to be keeping an eye on got himself into.

Couldn't she just once have a nice, quiet, relaxing day to herself that she could drown away in booze and gambling? Was that too much to ask?

"Tsunade-sama, we've gotten a reply from Hokage-sama."

"I guess it is." Tsunade groaned upon hearing her apprentice walk into the room and place a scroll beside her.

-End Chapter-

AN: Mostly emotional and world building stuff this chapter. Internet cookie to those who know where Poppi is from. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please review.