Disclaimer: I don't own High school DxD or Nasuverse
Inspired by M.A.H.Q.R.M.G.I by KSLCross and Gaming DxD by EyesOfChaos
"…*sigh*… Looking for a part-time job is such a drag." I muttered to the sky in boredom and annoyance as I walked the streets of Dublin, trying to find a place where I can get a part-time job for some cash… Such a drag. I wish that finding a job was fast and easy, with the bonus of being an interesting and fun work that I would like.
But in all honesty, I'm just bored because there's nothing interesting happening in my boring daily life. I have normal grades in school, a few friends, and an average family. Normal may not be a bad thing, but it gets dull. I can only hope that there's something that would make things far more interesting that would kill my boredom.
*Ring~* *Ring~*
I heard the unmistakable ringtone from my phone, the ringtone that gives the signal that I've got a new message. So I took out my phone from my pocket and turned it on to see who the messenger is… I just hope that it's not my brother again, bugging me to buy Monster Hunter World for him.
"What's this?" I said out loud when an unknown message was sent to my mail, with the title of the message called [An Adventure Awaits!]. Being the curious type, I clicked the message to open for shits and giggles… But I didn't expect my phone to suddenly start to shine brightly that it caused my vision to turn white and my mind to blank out.
"Grmmm… My head…" I groaned while getting up from whatever I'm sleeping on right now. Is this what it feels like to have a hangover? If so, then-
What. The. Fuck?
My eyes widen in shock and confusion, with the pain in my head gone as I'm unable to process the thing that I'm seeing right now into my brain. I'm currently staring at a menu screen, exactly like the kind that players would find in a video game. Seems normal, right? Well, it would be if it wasn't for the fact that it's floating in midair…
So either this was the most realistic Virtual Reality game that I've got myself in, which I'm pretty sure that I never have or heard before, or my life had just been turned into an actual video game. The screen in question displayed a title screen with nothing but the words [GAMER] in big, bold letters in the centre, with the word [Start] boxed underneath.
With no other options and no way to dismiss the menu, I pressed the start button. The screen immediately changed to a Paragraph-long welcome menu that read as such:
Welcome, new [Gamer]! You have been randomly selected to become 1 of the [Gamers] and have been randomly deposited into a world via random number generator! In order to make this transition as smooth as possible, we have slightly altered this universe so that to everyone else, you have always existed!
Well, I guess that solves 1 major issue. Now, I don't have to worry about some super entity to know that I didn't exist here in the first place. Now the things that are still left unanswered are: Where the hell am I, who can I trust in this world… And most of all, who was the wise guy that sent me here!?
Well, that's it. Have fun, and don't die too early!
Wait, what? I thought of saying something about the last comment, but I remembered video game info don't answer questions and decided to just shut my mouth "*sigh*... Might as well look at my stats." I muttered to myself before the status window actually appeared in front of me.
Character Name: Raiga Kōjiro
Alignment: None
LvL: 1 EXP: 0%
Profession: The Gamer and Student of Kuoh Academy
Title: None
Class: None
HP: 100/100 Regen: 1 per hour
MP: 100/100 Regen: 0.5 per minute
Point: 0
Money: 0
LvL: Level, a basic measure of experience and estimate of strength. When you get enough EXP you will level up and gain status points.
HP: A representation of your life force and health. When HP reaches zero you die.
MP: A representation of your magic energy. Used to perform skills.
STR: Governs brute force. The higher your strength the higher your physical output will be, whether be it attacks, movement or defence.
END: Governs physical endurance. The greater your endurance the greater your stamina and defence will be. Increases HP capacity and HP regen.
AGI: Governs reflexes, agility, coordination, speed, and accuracy. The higher it is, the higher your speed, critical rate, dodge rate, and accuracy will be.
MAG: Governs magical energy. Increases mana pool, increases your mana control and efficiency, mana regen, magic damage, and magic defence.
LUCK: Luck controls how many events will be in your favour, and governs the quality and frequency of favourable opportunities. Increases drop rates, chance for critical hits and favourability of events. Does not increase naturally unless you experience a streak of good luck.
NP: The embodiment of the ultimate mysteries of a hero that symbolises one's existence, through historical facts and anecdotes. They can be physical weapons, such as swords, lances, and bows, or support items, such as rings and crowns. They can also be abstract concepts, like unique abilities, unique means of attacks, curses, and changes to the environment and its physical properties.
…Wait, I've become a something like a Pseudo-Servant? Servants in from [Type-Moon] always have their stats ranked by letters, plus I have a blank section for NP that obviously stands for Noble Phantasm. If that was the case, then how did I became Pseudo-Servant when I've done nothing worth being recorded into the Throne of Heroes?
Anyways, so from what I've seen so far, I can safely assume that message has decided to throw me into the world of [High School DxD] if that my [Profession] as a [Student of Kuoh Academy] are any indication. In any typical SI fanfic, the OC is usually turned into a Devil by Rias and serves her as whatever [Evil Pieces] she used while following the canon timeline… But I feel like doing something different compared to joining Rias and her Peerage.
But I should probably get just a little bit stronger before anything since nobody would take me seriously nor will I survive in a fight if I'm such a weakling right now. I need to check out my Skills and plan what abilities that I might need in the future.
"Skills list!"
"..." Silence was all I got... Maybe I'm saying it wrong.
"Skills!" To my relief. A window appears in front of me, showing me what other skills I currently have.
Skills List:
[Gamer's Mind] - Passive -
Description: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through in most circumstances. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological and mental status effects.
[Gamer's Body] - (Default) - Passive -
Description: Grant's a body that allows the user to live the real world like a game. Pain from damage does not last after a few seconds. Sleeping restores HP, MP and heals all temporary status effects.
Class Skills:
[Independent Action] - Rank: A+ - Passive -
Description: The ability to remain independent even when rejecting the Magical Energy supply from one's Master; the ability that allows for action even in the absence of the Master. With a Rank of A+ that exceeds even A, the support of a Master is unnecessary even while unleashing a large amount of Magical Energy.
[Riding] - Rank: C - Passive -
Description: A Class Skill of Rider and Saber class Servants, denoting the ability to ride mounts and vehicles. With a Rank of C, most vehicles and animals can be handled with above-average skill. However, cannot ride the likes of Phantasmal Species such as Monstrous Beasts.
Personal Skill:
[Discernment of the Poor] - Rank: C - Passive -
Description: The ability to see through the opponent's character and attribute. With a Rank of C, the user can't be tricked by lies of his/her enemy.
So I currently have 3 Servant Skills, 2 Class Skills, and a single Personal Skill… It makes me wonder if I can obtain more Servant Skills thanks to [Fiction Adaption]. [Eternal Arms Mastership] and [Presence Concealment] would be very useful when I need to survive against a powerful enemy or escape from a very dangerous situation.
I began to look around the room, searching for some clothes to put on, but then decided to take in everything there was to see. After all, if I'm going to live here for the foreseeable future, I might as well familiarise myself.
The walls were a plain, whitish-grey colour. The closet opposite the wall my bed was sidled up to, with shuttered, wooden doors slid halfway shut, revealing a few jackets and shirts, as well as an opened blue plastic bin.
Posted up on the wall next to the door is a cork board with multiple pieces of paper and post-it notes tacked onto it, but I couldn't read them from where I'm sitting. Underneath the cork board was a wooden desk with multiple sheets of paper with an old inkwell and a fountain pen on top, as well as a black laptop pushed up against the wall to make space for more paper.
In front of the desk was a black leather chair with wheels on the bottom. Besides the brown oak door was a metal trashcan, half full with fast-food wrappings and discarded crumpled-up paper balls.
On the wall to the right was a flat-screen T.V. sitting atop a polished wooden dresser. In front of the television was a sleek, black gaming console that I recognised as a PS4, with a wireless controller sitting atop it. I looked behind me, on the wall where the bed was, to see a set of bay windows, with the greyish curtains drawn. Some way down on the same wall was a full-body mirror.
Beside the bed was a metal dresser with a digital alarm clock on top. The clock read 7:23 am, Saturday. Besides the alarm clock was a sleek, silver smartphone with a picture of an orange on the back, with a brown leather wallet underneath it and a ring of several keys on top of it. Behind the alarm clock was a small ceramic lamp, complete with a lampshade.
You have gained a new [Skill] through a special action!
[Observe] - Active - LvL: 1/100 EXP: 0% MP cost: 1
Description: A skill to observe objects and beings that allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained. The greater the amount of knowledge and insight the user possesses, more information will be displayed.
Heh, I didn't expect that I would gain that just Skill by looking around my home. Now, I know I could create skills without the need of Skill Books, which I believe I would get 1 sooner or later. Well, time to test out my new Skill "[Observe]." I said out loud while I look at the pillow on my bed.
[Pillow] - Rank: F - Durability: 178/200 - Def: 0
Description: It a pillow. What did you think it was?
…I don't know if I should feel insulted or not from the last part of the description. After testing out my Skill, I stood up off of the bed and pull opened the top drawer, taking out a random pair of underwear and slipping them on, before rifling through the bottom drawer and pulling out a pair of socks. With both of those on, I stood up and walked over to the closet, pulling out a pair of black slacks, a sky blue t-shirt, and a grey jacket.
I noticed a letter located on the deck, which made me curious about its contents so I walked over towards it before picking it up to see who the name of the sender: Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg…
I rubbed my eyes and re-read the name to make sure that I'm not seeing things because I'm hoping that it's not the actual Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg: The Wizard Marshall, Master of the 'Kaleidoscope' and the crazy Troll of the Nasuverse… Okay, the last one might not be an actual title of his but it certainly fits him because there's also one thing that happens to a chap like me when that guy is involved:
Throwing him/her into a parallel world to be his entertainment.
Now that I know who was the wise guy that throw me in [High School DxD], I'm not really surprised about it anymore considering who the wise guy was. I might as well look at the letter to see what that guy has to say to me.
Instead of getting a piece of paper inside, I found 8 cards in its place… Taking them out of the mail quickly and spread them out within my hands, my eyes widen as I stare at 8 [Class Cards]… I've never expected to get so many of them at all. I can understand if it's just a card or 2 of them, but not all the regular [Class Cards] along with another card that I don't exactly recognise.
The card shows a Templar Knight in a battle stance, with a shield strapped on the knight's left arm while wielding a mace on the right hand… So this the [Shielder Class Card]? I didn't expect the templar knight to be used, but I'm not complaining.
But I wonder… Is Zelretch being generous, or do the use of the [Class Cards] have a major mana consumption for using them?
I looked at the cards with a curious expression now, wondering who are the Heroic Spirits that reside in the cards… Curiosity getting the best of me, I picked the [Archer Class Card] and placed the others on the table.
I can feel my heart beating from excitement and nervousness, the former from the idea of transforming into a Servant and latter because I'm also cautious of the possible mana consumption of using the [Class Cards]…
Well, I'll never know if I don't try it out "INSTALL ARCHER!"
I declared, my voice sounding a bit different for that instance, while the card glowed brightly before I felt a rush of power flow through me... So, this is what power feels like? I have to say, it feels awesome!
Facing a mirror to take a look at myself, I saw that my clothing has changed. I now wear stereotypical black cowboy fatigues, complete with the hat and a red scarf around my neck. There's a holster on the left side of the belt, with a revolver resting inside it… So the Heroic Spirit of the [Archer Class Card] is Billy the Kid. I've played FGO long enough to recognise the characters, especially looking at the weapons.
Now, time to check out if I've gained some of Billy's Skills after the Install "Skills."
Skills List:
[Gamer's Mind] - Passive -
Description: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through in most circumstances. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological and mental status effects.
[Gamer's Body] - (Default) - Passive -
Description: Grant's a body that allows the user to live the real world like a game. Pain from damage does not last after a few seconds. Sleeping restores HP, MP and heals all temporary status effects.
[Observe] - Active - LvL: 1/100 - EXP: 8% - MP cost: 1
Description: A skill to observe objects and beings that allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained. The greater the amount of knowledge and insight the user possesses, more information will be displayed.
Class Skills:
[Independent Action] - Rank: A+ - Passive -
Description: The ability to remain independent even when rejecting the Magical Energy supply from one's Master; the ability that allows for action even in the absence of the Master. With a Rank of A+ that exceeds even A, the support of a Master is unnecessary even while unleashing a large amount of Magical Energy.
[Riding] - Rank: C - Passive -
Description: A Class Skill of Rider and Saber class Servants, denoting the ability to ride mounts and vehicles. With a Rank of C, most vehicles and animals can be handled with above-average skill. However, cannot ride the likes of Phantasmal Species such as Monstrous Beasts.
Personal Skill:
[Discernment of the Poor] - Rank: C - Passive -
Description: The ability to see through the opponent's character and attribute. With a Rank of C, the user can't be tricked by lies of his/her enemy.
[Marksmanship] - Rank: A++ - Passive -
Description: A Skill representing all-around shooting techniques, which includes quick drawing and trick shooting by means of small arms. At Rank A++, he's a once-in-a-century genius.
[Quick Draw] - Rank: A+ - Passive -
Description: The ability to quickly draw a pistol from the holster and fire it accurately on a target.
[Eye of the Mind (False)] - Rank: C - Passive -
Description: A natural talent to foresee/sense and avoid danger on the basis of an innate 6th sense, intuition, or prescience. The accuracy of this instinct can be augmented by experience. The ability also grants an effect of offering resistance against penalties caused by visual obstructions.
So I do obtain Billy's Skills while in Install mode with a [Class Card], and they also affect my own Skills since my [Riding] went slightly higher than before. After closing the box, sat back down the chair and relaxed. I'm going to wait and see how long can I hold the [Archer Class Card] form.
"…This is odd, why am I still in this form?" I asked myself, looking at my clothes before turning to the clock. I know that 10 mins isn't that long of a time, but I speculated that the form would last 4 minutes considering my low MP. In fact, I felt feel nothing draining my MP at all.
I guess that I should have just used [Obverse] to get a much more info about the [Class Cards]. Picking up the [Saber Class Card], I looked at it to try out if it's possible to mentally activate my Skill. When nothing happened, I decided to just voice it out "[Observe]."
[Class Cards] - Rank: A - Durability: Unknown - Def: Unknown
Description: Also called Servant Cards are artefacts created for the Ainsworth Holy Grail War, a system of summoning Heroic Spirits similar to Servants. Differing from allowing a Heroic Spirit to manifest, the cards encapsulate the Heroic Spirits, used by the participants of the Holy Grail War to fight amongst each other.
…Looks like I put my hopes a bit too high on a Skill that I just obtained. There's nothing that tells me about the abilities that I would gain if I [Install] the [Saber Class Card]. Hell, it didn't even identify the card in front of me as [Saber Class Card]. Now I have to figure things out on my own since the [Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya] Manga didn't give that much info about the [Class Cards].
Getting up from the chair, I walked out of my room and headed to the backyard to create an important Skill that would help me level up. I gather mana around my hand and try to follow how the manga did it, where I could see my right hand started to have a blue outline covering it.
You have entered an Instant Dungeon: Zombie.
You have gained a new Skill through special action!
[ID CREATE] - Active - LvL: 1/100 - EXP: 50% - MP cost: 100
Description: A skill to create an instant dungeon, you can bring other in only if you wish to do so yourself.
Current dungeon available: Zombies
Looks like it worked, but I kinda thought that I would gain [Territory Creation] as well if I obtained [ID CREATE]. Not that it matters since I'm not someone with a mindset of a Magus that would use something boring like a Workshop.
I felt a few beings started to pop up out of nowhere and started to gather the area. I tensed up my left while slowly walking towards a small group of zombies, ready to draw the revolver and shoot them in the first sign of danger-
I drew my weapon and shot the wise guy that tried to sneak up on me, which made me look at it to see the Hunter from [Left4Dead]… I didn't expect the zombies from that game to appear in this dungeon, but it just made things a bit more interesting than ever.
I shot 5 more zombies that ran towards me, parts of their heads blown off by headshots. When the revolver was out of bullets, I released the empty shells before closing the cylinder instinctively while I felt a slight drain of my MP… So the mana cost is reloading the revolver with new bullets? That explains the lack of a bullet pouch on Billy's belt.
I did a big backflip to escape the rather large crowd of zombies that were gathering near me, taking a look-
I twisted my body to avoid something long that was about to grab me, while I turned my head to look at the attack to see a Smoker… "You should just keep your weed to yourself!" I shouted while aiming my revolver towards my attacker with a smirk on my face.
I landed back on the ground, squatting a bit to lessen the stress on my legs. Looking back at the horde of zombies that gathered, I tilted my hat to make a shadow that covers my eyes, smirking at the horde with excitement. This is going to be a good and fun work out!
- 3 hours later -
I let out a sigh while falling down on a couch in my living room, being physical and mentally exhausted from the fight. I choose to call it a day when I ran of MP, which also forced me out of Install mode, and I escaped using the same way that Han Jee-Han does in the manga. [ID Escape].
I might as well look at my stats while I'm resting to see if there are any changes "Stats."
Character Name: Raiga Kōjiro
Alignment: None
LvL: 3 EXP: 68%
Profession: The Gamer and Student of Kuoh Academy
Title: None
Fame: None
HP: 140/140 Regen: 1 per hour
MP: 160/160 Regen: 1.2 per minute
So despite levelling twice and the changes of my HP, MP and the Regens, the ranks of my stats haven't changed. I can only guess that none of them is worth giving it the rank of D or even D- (If such a rank even exists in the Nasuverse)… It's going to take a lot of training for any of my stats to rank up from E, but I'm not going to give up something this interesting! I better make something to eat before entering another dungeon to grind, because I can't keep going on an empty stomach.