'I do not own RWBY. It was created by Monty Oum, and is owned By Rooster Teeth.'

Note: Hello ladies and gentlemen! A bit has changed, and I've been through a lot since last writing a chapter here.

For example: I've switched from briefs to boxer briefs. I write in cambria instead of arial. I got a job, and left a job. Bought a PS4, played the best games. Started a story in a different Fandom. I think there might be a girl that kind of likes me, but I'm not entirely sure. I keep my blinds open, to let in that sunlight. I feel better than I have in a year! Really! I haven't felt so good about myself in a long time.

Now, I know this author's note isn't perfect. It hardly explains how busy this last year was, and how much I've tried to come back, but have just been unable to… Really I felt the fandom was getting to a level of toxicity I just couldn't handle, but now I'm back. I still have Volume 6 to watch, and a bunch of RWBY Chibi,

If all goes according to plan, there should be a chapter from me for each story of mine this week, except for When Life Gives You Lemons. Currently the only one that needs writing is The Woman Whisperer. You can from now on check the chapter progress status on my profile.

So yeah. This is no April Fool's joke. (Though I briefly considered uploading the entire 'Bee Movie' script.)

Criminal Mastermind!


For some reason the plans had changed a bit.

Over the last few days, the plan had originally been to wait inside of Mountain Glenn, supervising the White Fang lunatics and making sure they were completing their goals on time before they could finally get to attacking in the middle of the Vytal Festival… But since then things had derailed, so to speak.

The plan to acquire the Paladin had gone wrong, with Jaune's old boss Roman himself being captured as he tried to finish the job… For some reason Neo had been nowhere to be found that night, and Jaune couldn't get ahold of her. Had she been there, Roman would've likely been able to fend off the three teen girls instead of getting his ass handed to him like a pussy.

Jaune shook his head just thinking about it. His teeth clenched.

Being entirely fair to his boss, there wasn't only three teen girls, but also one funny looking albino-like kid as well as two guys nobody knew or liked according to what DusterGram was saying about the situation. Posting all sorts of shit on their stories, the students of Beacon Academy gave Jaune a very easy look into their lives when looking for where they were keeping his boss.

All he had to do was follow, and then get followed back, and he was in!

If only he hadn't misunderstood that advice earlier in life and gotten that restraining order… How was he meant to know Neo was talking about cyber-space, and not following them in physical space when she couldn't talk?

Returning his mind to the matter at hand, Jaune scrubbed his chest with a good lather of soap before rinsing and giving his little buddy a wash. Stepping out of the shower, he wrapped a towel around himself as his feet made contact with the cold concrete of the mountain bathroom.

Looking around at the communal makeshift change room, he tried his best to spot any current residents of Mountain Glenn. Thankfully, it appeared as though nobody else was there to observe him changing… And it wasn't that Jaune was not comfortable with his body, it was just that having a bunch of men he didn't know watching him change wasn't the preferred past time of Remnant's most wanted man.

Or at least, not any more! That therapy really had done wonders.

Fixing up his suit and tie, he checked his scroll in one hand as he walked through the halls. Making sure everyone was checking in on their group chat, Jaune nodded to himself before putting it away, and exiting the hall onto a balcony overlooking what was previously the Grand Mountain Station.

"Good morning boss!"

"Deery! How's it going?" He said, taking his coffee from the radical terrorist turned secretary.

"Alright, though we still don't have any clocks, so I was just lying about it being morning." She said a bit sweetly, and Jaune gulped down a swig before tossing the cup off the rails. There was a pained scream, but at this point Larry should've stopped standing there every day at four in the evening.

"Well, it's good you're doing good." Putting his hands back on the rails, he looked over the train cars. "I assume we're accelerating according to schedule? While I'm sure a few days won't matter, a few weeks would have my head on a pike."


"The weapon, not the fish." Jaune said, before briefly continuing. "And it would definitely not be me giving head to a pike Faunus."

"O-of course." Stuttering at his mention of giving head, Deery looked over the rest of the place with him. "Well boss, we've got a few more things to do for tonight, but we're generally on track… And that seems to have you in a good mood despite the news."

That, right there, that's what turned his mind a bit more to the moment. "What do you mean despite the news? Are they trash talking me again? See, that's fake news! One minute they love me, the next they don't, they need to make up their minds. They certainly can't be saying I did or said one thing one moment, and then did something else the next."

"No, it's not that at all." Shaking her head, the appropriately named deer faunus, Deery, began to pull out her scroll to show Jaune the news before reconsidering. "Well, maybe it's best if you don't know a-actually… You know what? I-I actually have something to go do! You gave me an appointment-"

Reaching forwards to her hand, Jaune attempted to snatch the scroll rather than go on his own, if only to save himself a few seconds of work, but she dodged and twisted out of his way. Gods damn it, if it hadn't been for him increasing their level of training it would've never been possible.

The two of them danced, dueling it out for a brief moment before Jaune, getting immensely close for a moment to grabbing the scroll, caused Deery to simply hurl her scroll off the edge of the balcony. Landing in a for-some-reason-open crate of fire dust vials, it went up, causing the fire alarm to go off, and begin dousing him and his entire terrorist cell in water from the sprinklers.

"Are you kidding me right now?"

Now dripping wet for a second reason, Deery scampered backwards from the drenched Jaune, and bolted down a side passageway. Face souring, Jaune sighed, and looked down over his guys. One thankfully had the brains to go turn off the sprinklers, while another came about carrying a stack of industrial sized towels.

Wasn't the first time.

"Someone get me a scroll!" Jaune said, getting their attention. When they didn't look overly enthused, he raised his voice and tried again. "I'm sorry, did you not hear? Your lord high supreme leader for the time being is ordering someone to THROW ME A SCROLL!"

Managing to catch the two hurled at him like missiles from below, he opened them both and merged them for a larger, pad style of viewing the news. Crouching and resting it on the floor in front of him, he navigated to a new site before looking at the top story.

'Winter Schnee, Arrested! General Ironwood of Atlas to address the nation at nine! Sister says no criminal doing was done, and that this Winter Hunt must be put to and end before it wastes any more tax dollars.'

"Shiiiiiiiiit." Taking a deep breath, he rose to his full height, before checking his watch. Four in the afternoon, he just woke up… Things were already going wrong. Surely, she had to have been caught on purpose correct?

Oh gods, what if Winter was relying on him to go save her? He simply must save his Snow Succubus, and even if that was a bit white-knight-ish, it was probably for the best he free her, yes? She'd dropped off the map like Neo had, however now that she'd been captured by Ironwood things were likely far different from any situation Neo was in.

There was only one bright side of this, and it was that there was no way she was on Ironwood's side anymore, or hunting Jaune… Of course, that would put an end to their game of cat and mouse, but at the same time open potential avenues to a beautiful partnership.

'I can't just abandon what orders Salem and Cinder have given me… They need for me to be here, to keep things in order. We all know Adam is too busy rocking out to My Chemical Romance to care about being a good leader…'

Going over things in his mind more and more, he played with the Skull-Jack on his right hand. The wrist mounted extendable blade was useful, but apparently had a battery life. He was wasting a bit of it with his fiddling, but it turns out the satisfying click of the button to turn it on was helpful for his thought train.

"Boss? Several of our guys aren't checking in." Finally speaking up from the side of the Rogue, one of his men looked increasingly nervous. "We don't know for certain, but it might have something to do with what our scouts saw last night."

Once more, he sighed. "What did I say yesterday? We're in freaking Mountain Glenn. Overrun by Grimm, remember? If Vale wanted to come back, they would've put a bit more effort into it, sending in tanks, or an army, or something. I highly doubt that they'd send a few girls and a tall green haired man to do anything… No -we all know how pent up Sascha's been lately-, that was a figment of his imagination."

"Though, why he'd be dreaming of three girls and one middle aged man at the same time as a dog I have no idea… In fact, I should fire Sascha. Is that bestiality or normal for him?" Jaune asked, getting no answer back as the man looked more and more uncomfortable.

"See? Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? Here we are, a real sausage fest, nothing but our chainsaw blades down here to comfort us… It makes sense that we'd start seeing things we're attracted to." Looking down at his watch again he checked the time. "Now I don't know about you, but we need to get to work."

Being reminded that he was here, that he was their boss removed any intense developed need to go and run off to rescue Winter at a moments notice. After all, she was a big girl, she could take care of herself… If a Atlesian Specialist couldn't withstand Atlesian torture techniques, how much of a specialist could she really be?

After all, how would Winter be able to stand Jaune's mother if she couldn't even endure that?

No, he needed to stay here, and ensure he got the job done. Whatever reason Cinder had for calling him to move up the attack was, she and Salem had discussed it and it had been approved. That meant that doing anything that would interfere with their perfect plans would definitely alter his entire working relationship with them.

And he couldn't have that.

Leaving the raised balcony, he headed to the desk left out for him below, and began checking some boxes on some forms. Paperwork. No greater enemy to humanity was known. Why it was not thrown at the grimm puzzled him, but not enough to make it worth more mental pursuit.

Things were quiet for the next few hours, until it was time to sleep. Getting up from his seat, he looked at the guys still getting work done. More carefully than they'd ever done anything in their lives before, they moved the giant train bombs into the carts, before shutting the hatch. They'd be turned on remotely, and given a timer so there was no mishaps.

Couldn't have OSHA showing up again.

Hearing a sharp crack, he quickly glanced around. Seeing nothing, but keeping an eye out, Jaune took one more moment before feeling a gentle tap on the shoulder. Turning and twisting, he looked both ways before sliding off the desk and looking behind where he'd been seated.

What the hell was that?

Once more there was a sharp crack, and this time he identified it from the huge amounts of dust pouring down from the ceiling. Cracking further, it gave a deep groan before collapsing, dropping huge blocks of rubble.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Doing nothing to stop the oncoming pandemonium, Jaune shoved someone out of the way and ran for the train. Aura coursed through his legs, pulsating from his chest and he felt it warm him up.

Skipping and dodging back behind a train car, he whipped out his Skull-Jack before reconsidering and instead taking out the umbrella kept within his coat. Expanding, the pocket sized version elongated to be his preferred weapon.

It had been a good investment.

Also taking out the custom handgun, he peeked around the corner before charging out, umbrella in one hand, handgun in the other. Sliding across the dust he took several blind shots and heard someone cry out. Spinning to one knee, he clicked a button on the handle and the umbrella shot open, giving him a bulletproof shield as the camera feed began displaying on the inside fabric.

As the dust settled, he advanced like a hoplite, before quickly nearing the original zone of the cry. Steeling himself, he advanced making some complicated and somewhat handicapped hand gestures to his men behind him. Finding what it appears had caused the mess, Jaune looked at the fallen lump of black and red, poking it with his umbrella and getting a groan, before someone cried out.

"Oh my god someone shot Josh!"

"She did it! Her! This person-girl-thing right here! I saw it! She did it with e-" Quickly glancing about the body of their failed intruder, he poked and found metal. Bending down, he picked up a surprisingly heavy red brick. "- well I guess she didn't do it with this thing, but you know maybe."

Holding it closer as he tried closing the umbrella, and accidentally pulling the handle of the red brick, it expanded quickly and violently, launching him backwards and tearing into his aura before landing on the ground in a heap of expensive metal.

Groaning, he looked down at what now appeared to be a huge bush trimmer. "Are you sure she shot him because it seems like she stabbed him? Ah, no, looks like there's some sort of scope-gun bit here. Alas, I took her down with my bullets, and that's why I happened to shoot around the same time."

One of his guys came up from behind him, after understanding that the complicated set of hand gestures had meant to follow behind closely. "Well how'd we only hear the shots coming from your gun then?"

"Err-" He looked around for a moment before looking at the huge, gaping hole in the ceiling. It wasn't his first time starting into such a void, and it seemed like life wouldn't let it be the last. "Well clearly she has a silencer built into the casing of the handle. Only a ridiculous assassin would want to kill someone without a silencer."

Nodding, the guy seemed to find it reasonable, before his brows furrowed and became hidden behind one of the masks his organization seemed to love so much.

Whatever their obsession with boOOooOooOOOoNneE(?!) was, it couldn't be healthy.

'Shouldn't she be bleeding?" Looking down he spotted indeed that the young-ish girl, while on the ground seemingly unconscious, was in fact not bleeding. The red cloak gave him the feeling that he could've fibbed his way out, before Jaune came to a conclusion that made far more sense.

"The same way she survived that fall! Aura! You lads have it don't you?" He said, looking over the troops of the White Fang, before getting a whole bunch of shaking heads. "Well why the shit are you guys here then? Grimm are scary as hell! Not to mention you're shooting people, and getting shot at!"

"Deery? Deery!" Looking around, Jaune eventually spotted his now masked up secretary, and looked her in the eyes. "You guys really don't have aura?"

"We do not."

"Jeez, if your superiors took like ten minutes they could win, you know? I mean, how often are there full fighting forces of people with aura? I mean, it would make their, and your jobs so much safer! Idiots." Sighing, he looked at the girl on the ground.

She seemed a bit strange looking. Dressed in all black like a bit of a goth, she had silver crosses clasping her sleeves shut, and clasping a bright red cloak to her head. Looking at the almost obnoxiously high boots, he shook his head.

"Her mother should've never let her out of the house dressed like that" Walking away a bit, he twirled the umbrella and put it away. "Now someone get to Deery's bedroom and get me some of her restrainment equipment, on the double!"

"Real handcuffs or fake handcuffs sir?" A grunt asked. From now on, he should really call them all the same name… Perhaps Larry? Perhaps not… That was exactly what Roman did, and he was better than that.

At least, that's what he was told.

"Real, of course. What do you take me for, a fool? Rope too if you may." Looking around, he spotted the shattered moon out of the giant hole. Filling their cave with light, the stars above seemed to twinkle brightly. "I know she has some."

"Gather round everyone!" Jaune said, making a 'come here' gesture with both hands. A bit like a cult leader really, but if they were normal and not KoolAid addicts. "Everyone come on, I've got to outline the next bits of what we're doing, I guess."

Letting everyone settle in, he coughed into his fist before starting. What would Cinder say in this situation? Would she try and rally everyone for their common goal? Would she speak to them at all? Would she try and scare them, into submission? He could do that, after all to them he just took down a teenage girl with four shots, heroically saving one of their own from her wrath.

"-ink he's dying."

"-oesn't sound right."

Realizing now he'd been coughing for a full two minutes into his fist, and that the drenched condition of his throat reduced him to simply hacking into his hand like a lunatic, he straightened out before putting on his most charming face.

Brushing some hair out of his eyes, Jaune could practically feel them swoon. Moonlight shining down, he was illuminated, as the girl was restrained, and everyone waited, anticipation building until they couldn't take it. You could cut the air in there with a spoon.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the White Fang!" Straightening with pride, they waited for him to continue. He fisted the air with a dramatic pump. "I know not what just happened, other than a assassin tried removing one of our own, likely in an effort to take out me! Now, we must remain vigilant!"

They roared in agreement, whooping and making a strange animal noise here and there.

"We have been through tough stuff before!" He looked around at them all. Different, yet the same. Each had their own animal feature, from antlers to ears, to tails to the occasional strange tongue. "We've faced hardships! We've been told we can't do paperwork, we've been told we can't do shit!"

"But did we stop!? Did we, the fine, criminal underbelly of Vale give up when faced with a little bit of jail time!?" He looked at them, and they shook their heads vigorously, eating up his words. "Fuck no we didn't! We went right back out, and commit more crimes, because the justice system is broken!"

"Yeah!" Came a chorus of response.

"Lawyers can't keep us down! Those snakes can't take our freedom!" He said, being louder and louder, letting his voice raise to the top of his lungs. "They cannot stop us from being here after our nine-to-five job to support a terrorist cause! They cannot stop us at all!"


"They may try their hardest! They may try their limpest! But we will not stop! No matter the hatred against your cause, our cause… Your people, my people, we will succeed! We have to succeed, don't you understand?! You have the Rogue on your side! There's no stopping us when we work together!"


"Have I ever failed you before!?" Jaune roared, ramping them up. He waved them upwards. "Do any of you doubt me!?"

"NO!" Came the voracious response, leading them to all begin whooping and hollering. Some took to firing their guns in the air, making more and more noise. "Rogue! Rogue! Rogue! Rogue!"



"FUCK YEAH IT IS!" Screaming with them, Jaune let himself a moment to be lost in the truly tribal screaming and shouting of excitement as he raised their morale. "Now everyone get back to work double-time we've got a schedule to keep!"

It was only two minutes later that Jaune heard the very distinctive 'ahem' of a grunt trying to get his attention. Nodding to the man, he tried looking as professional as possible despite the rather passionate speech a little while ago.

"What is it?"

"Sir, the prisoner is awake. What should we do with her?" He asked, looking towards the Rogue for guidance. Taking a moment to think about the solution to this very carefully, Jaune ran through the possible scenarios.

He could simply have her left tied up here, and let the grimm get to her, but that would be far to drawn out, and give her time to escape, like the classic hero. He could simply execute her for trying to kill him, as that was what she was clearly here to do, but he would rather not set any precedent for the death penalty while being the most wanted man on Remnant.

Jaune could let the troops have their fun, but that would be a dark and unexpected turn for his tale to take, so that was off the table. He was sure that them repeatedly destroying her in Smash Bros would become too publicized and too cruel anyways.

Execution was off the table, slow painful evil villain death was off the table, intense brutal gaming was off the table. What was left for him to do to her? Torture? Wasn't a bad idea, but what information would he be looking for and how would he go about it?

Personally, he didn't know the single best way to torture a teenage girl.

Maybe lead her on for four to eight months, getting ever closer online, but never getting closer in real life, making her think that he was interested in her, before dropping a hint to one of her friends that he did indeed, therefore getting her to confess to him and then embarrass her by saying no?

Gods, that was far to cruel.

"Alright, for one, don't call her a prisoner… Or a hostage… Those terms both have a bit of an image problem in the press. How about collateral friendships? Oh! Better! Forced Friendships! That's a good one." Jaune said, and the man nodded, enthused. It was clear he thought of the Rogue as a visionary.

"Just uhh, toss her on the train. We'll drop her off at an orphanage when we do the attack, and let her be moved through the foster care system." He said, continuing his thoughts. That was a good solution. It would put the assassin-ess out of the equation for a good period of time, and possibly scar her for life.

"Isn't she a bit old for adoption?" Said the grunt, grunting as he did so. Doubting the leader now?


"Woah, hold it right there Mr." Jaune said, walking over and pointing at him. "Age doesn't matter when it comes to pure, platonic love. I mean, I guess it does if they're dead or something, but it's never too late to be adopted… After all, we're like a family aren't we?"

Looking out over his White Fang, terrorist animal person family, Jaune had never been more satisfied as a criminal. "See this? This is what it's all about. The teamwork! The great speeches like the one earlier. Being a criminal isn't about what we gain for ourselves, but what we give to our fellows."

Patting him on the shoulder, he left his hand there before nodding.

"Hey. It's okay if you didn't know that. We all make mistakes. Some more than others, but that's fine. Remember, you're still early in your career of criminal enterprising… You've got plenty of time to learn how to be a pro, and one day… Maybe one day, you can be on par with even myself."

Looking from the man's shoulder to his face, Jaune saw his eyes. Not really, because of the mask, but it felt like it, for a moment, that the terrible black smouldering eyes of the mask were normal. Then, he noticed the wetness, the rolling of a tear from beneath the mask, dripping off onto the man's chest.

"S-sir, thank you." Sniffling, the man continued. "I haven't known closeness like that since the death of my wi-"

"I didn't want your life story, guy, I wanted for you to go get the forced friend ready for transportation, okay?" Sending the weeping man on his way, Jaune must admit he felt a bit bad about that. Shrugging, he continued.

Oh well.

Looking towards the train, he saw that his speech truly did have an effect on his group. They were working harder than ever, at a later time in the night than they'd ever worked before… And with what efficiency! There seemed to be fewer clumsy little accidents, and dare he say it, they almost seemed competent as a unit for once.

That was a feat that deserved praise from his high command.

Unfortunate that while he was able to use the internet, there was no scroll signal here. Otherwise he'd be able to call up his Queen, and report to her directly. Instead he was stuck using the reliable, but rather slow carrier pigeon to Vale. It certainly wasn't great for emergency messages.

"L-let me go! You don't know who you're messing with! Arghhhhh!" Looking in surprise as his forced friend was dragged from a side hallway towards a cart, it seems like she was actually physically quite weak. Though, the cuteness that seemed to appear from her silver eyes and reddish black hair almost acted like a defensive trait of evolution.

How could someone bring themselves to hurt something like that?

Alas, faunus were more evolved still, and didn't care about how much she pleaded or puppy dog eyed, she simply was put onto the train. Tossed in, in the ropes and handcuffs that'd been secured from Deery's room, she was quickly muffled by the train walls.


Now turning to look at the even more surprising whoop of celebration, Jaune raised a singular eyebrow and sauntered over, arriving at the scene with style. "What's going on here folks? Partying on the job isn't tolerated, rule number three."

"It's not that boss, it's that technically we have enough dust here to complete our objective now! The bombs are wired up, and the train loaded and everything! We've got more than enough dust on the front hammerhead to bust into Vale like a nut from an acorn." The grunt said, popping the cork of some champagne.

Briefly, Jaune had a moment of thought. How was everyone finished so quickly? Surely they couldn't have been slacking off for the entire two weeks that they'd been there, generally moving everything like they were working, and only today they actually bothered doing the work, right?

Surely not, right?

"Alright well, remember, after rule one: don't leave towels on the floor, and rule two: don't tell Michael, rule three is that you can't be partying on the job." Jaune said, taking the champagne from him. It was a cheap thing, and actually seemed to be nothing but a lame sparkling cider from the country.

Looking awfully dejected now, the lads got back to work loading up, while Jaune looked on with a smile.

Noticing a flash of light to his left, Jaune's eyes widened and he reached into his coat to grab his shield-brella, but it was soon too late. The fire etched closer, and singed his aura, sending him flying back, as he was tackled by a hound of hell.

~oOo~ Criminal Mastermind! ~oOo~

Note: How's everyone feeling? Do I still have it? I figure with a bit more polishing, I'll be back to the way I was in no time at all! The chapters will hardly be released quickly and frequently, but when I have one ready, I'll put one out.

Now, another announcement: I am looking for people to Beta read for me. This message is going out on all the story updates I release this week. I would preferably like one person for each story of mine. So, if you're a die hard fan, and know what the hell is going on with grammar, then send me a PM on here, and we can discuss things a bit further.

Announcement number two!: I'm going to be making a Discord server for anyone that wants to be on there, to ask questions, or pose suggestions, or talk about RWBY in what I'm hoping I can manage to keep a very tight ship. More to be talked about that next chapter release, probably.

Guys, I know I've been gone a long time. Thank you all for waiting as long as you did. I know it may not have been an easy wait, and you may have lost interest, or moved on from RWBY as a whole, and I don't blame you. But I must say, I will finish the stories I put here. That I promise you.

Now drink a Pepsi, and have a wonderful evening, everyone.

Review Responses:

God Eater Fenrir-chan: By now you meant a year from now right?

K1NG and J0K3R: Yup. Making people rebel is kinda his specialty.

desdelor97: Review that again! Please!
Glasses Writer: Ladies do love it.

ZHsteven: These authors are all really smart… Also, they're good people. Still talk every day.

commandosquirrel: In the time I've been gone my ideas on romance have changed. We'll see.

ChaosJeff: He wouldn't. Nobody would.

DuplicateUserName: Everyone has yet to see the truth! Also, the 'M' scenes is what WLGYL is for. It's a dumping place for must smut I would put in a 'T' story that I won't put in there since some readers can't handle it.

FateBurn: Very nice review.

p0k3: I've bought a PS4 since last updating! God, it's wonderful. Still a PC guy mainly, but the PS4 is a good console.

Umbrardor: It's her legal name! Also, I've played God of War. Finished it at Christmas 2018. Great game.

Sm0keyPanda: Thanks!

Benthino: Payday's a great game.

infadinityfollower: I will give you more!

X3runner: Whitley incoming. Detainment question answered.

fall equinox 1: Thanks!

NyaNyaKittyFace: If you really want Jaune in the shower: I'll consider another scene.

R-king 93: She is. Winter needs more development.

casvalo03o: Not sure. Something that ain't good.

willcraftNEX: Yup.

DahakStaz: The ending… Is not that. She will not die, or be corrupted.

JustAddMilk; Thanks!

Guest: You mean dramatic music isn't always playing for you guys?

TypedSomeWords: They love the guy. He's very charismatic.

The Impossible Muffin: I apologize, but a year is too long a gap to continue this conversation.

briskpillow642: I put it down too, but now I'm here. Whitley's more of an asshole.

Big Bad Beowolf: I have a plan.

SCAgamer: Thanks!

Smashgunner: Thank you! I've polished myself further since beginning writing The Empty Thrones, and I think I'm a better writer now then a year ago. I hope my good quality continues.

WhiteRoseShipper: It's now been less than a minute.

decodelifehacker: That's fine, but what's the point commenting on it?

Fireshared: Haha, thanks very much.

Truely Wantless: Thanks! I ramble a bit sometimes too, it's fine. Glad to see you have it a chance.

Jake: Thanks.

damienfoxy: It was an hiatus that was never meant to happen, but it will be finished. Maybe not soon, and there may be a hiatus again at some point, but it will be finished.

Adoravke: Thanks! The update is now :D

Broken Requiem: I'm on the edge of my seat too!

KarimHD: Glad to see you feel that way!
T51b Moridin: It's now been 12, but I'm back.

LandlordTheLordOfTheSeas: Me too.

adbelvd: Your hope did good.

Good evening, folks! Have a wonderful April Fool's Day!
