Not an actual update, I know.

I can go into a long list of reasons I've been absent, but it boils down to the huge shift in the world around me as I started college. Everything from the classes to the lifestyle is completely different from anything else I've experienced in my life, and it threw me off. There were days I would just sit in front of my computer and stare at the next chapter and I just couldn't write. Other days I couldn't even bring myself to open my laptop to try writing.

But I'm back now, and I'm going to finish this story, not a rush finish, but finish it well.

And a part of that is is going to come from rewriting. There are pieces of what I thought was foreshadowing that turned out just to be nonsense that went nowhere. I also despise time travel, so the eclipse gate arc is going to be either heavily changed from canon or dropped completely. I want to tie everything in the Fairy Tail world together before ending the story, the obvious points being Acnologia and Zeref, as well as Tartarus, Alvarez, and Lumen Histoire. After going over the notes I had for ending the story and rereading what I've written so far, I've realised I need to clean up what I've got before continuing.

An update to an update- Happy Easter everyone who celebrates and no offense to everyone who doesn't. I've gone through chapters 1-15 and made any small changes, grammatical and plot line wise that I felt were needed, but from chapter 16, the second task, on, there are going to be a lot of changes. Which, of course, takes a hot sec of time. I'm updating the first chunk today as promised, but the other chapter rewrites will come maybe once a day from here on, that's the goal at least. I don't think I'll have to rewrite any of the GMG arc, but the time between that and the return from the wizarding world definitely needs some background. So after I finish the GMG, the next planned arc will be a flashback arc to what happened in between.

Thank you to everyone for sticking with this story so far and making it everything it has become. As an author, getting positive feedback and well thought out criticism means so much to me.

Happy Reading -Centurion Africanus