The Fate Of Monsters

By: I*C*U*

Chapter I:

-Fuyuki City-

Sipping her tea, Integra observed as Seras completed the circle, squeezing forth the final ounces of blood from the murderer's butchered remains, to finish, with a flourish, the Hellsing family signature emblazoned upon the seal. She pursed her lips, taking one last sip of her now frigid Earlgrey, before rising out of her seat and approaching the Vampire. Finally. They could begin.

On her way over, she set down her cup atop a nearby dissection table, situated far off to the side and away from the center of the room where the circle lay spread, glistening in the dark. Integra strode forward, paces measured as she took her place at the front of the seal, digging into her pocket to pull forth a cigar.

Lighting it, she took a breath and closed her eyes. This had better work, she thought with a frown. She still had an earful to give to that worthless dog, and if this bloody ritual didn't pull him out of whatever existential hole the Major had dropped him into, she would be pissed.

For months, she had poured over the hundreds of ancient texts 'procured' from the Magus association, and gleaning all that she could on the subject of summoning. From the materials needed to begin the ritual, to the process in which they needed to be conducted. All of this, she had amassed in an effort to reach her ultimate goal, of calling forth, not a Hero, but a beast. A Monster, for all intents and purposes, that did not belong within the Throne of Heroes.

To do this she would need to circumvent the standard procedures of the Grail's summoning ritual and establish a specific route for which the Grail would have no choice but to call forth the being of her choosing, to take on the role of her servant. Primarily, the main challenge of such an endeavor would lie in her need to divert, and redirect, the Grail's connection from the Throne of Heroes. From there, specifying just whom she desired to summon would be simple enough. She merely had to follow standard protocol for the summoning and provide a tangible link to the being she had chosen to call forth.

The Cromwell Seal they had drawn would act as such a medium, alongside the Vampire's personal coffin, and the presence of Seras herself, one of King's own coven. If that was not enough, they had also brought forth the remnants of both the Jackal and Casull handguns, as well as the vampire's favorite orange tinted glasses.

Before that however, they needed to defile the ritual. To twist and desecrate the summoning to such an extent, that the Throne of Heroes itself, would be forced to actively deny the Grail access to its stores. They had begun, by utilizing, in place of animal blood, human - from the worst humanity itself had to offer. Rapists. Kidnappers. Psychopaths and madmen. It was that very reason they were even in this decrepit morgue in the first place, as it was the inevitable location of many of the deceased inmates from the city's local penitentiary.

From there they had altered the chant, changed the seal, and had even seriously considered performing a ritual sacrifice, before deciding against it. In fact, they had already procured their offering quite a few days ago, an utterly infuriating young serial killer with a penchant for murdering children in the most horrific of fashions.

But, in the end, this was only under the assumption that the Grail was in fact, at least partially Omnipotent, as so many Magi have said it to be. If so, then surely reaching between the fabrics of space to pull forth the basic equivalent of a Demon Lord couldn't be that much of a challenge for such an all powerful entity. If not, then obviously, someone was going to pay for wasting her time, and the time thereafter that she would have to use to conduct yet another summoning ritual.

Absently, she glanced at the seals emblazoned upon her hand - A rather abstract rendition of a Vampire's gaping jaws. In truth, when she had first discovered them on her person, she had initially assumed that someone had cursed her. After all, while the Hellsings themselves were mostly non-magical, they had never been strangers to magic itself, particularly in regards to its more unseemly capabilities.

She had been furious and immediately demanded the head of whomever had placed the mark upon her. It was only after the visions began, along with her own active research, did she realize that they were actually 'command seals' - powerful, ingrained magic bestowed upon her by a faux Holy Grail, crafted by Magi, said to be capable of granting any wish to the winner of some ridiculously convoluted battle royale they had been hosting for centuries. Her family, she had learned, had been keeping tabs on the thing for generations, watching for any sign of the artifact being used for evil.

At that point in time, they had been content, it seemed, simply to watch from the sidelines as silent observers, but Integra, pragmatist that she was, was of an entirely different perspective. To her, it seemed as though God himself had given her a perfect opportunity, to destroy the Grail. After all, desire was a powerful thing. One phrase, one sentence, and the whole bloody world could be sent spiraling towards its destruction.

It wasn't a matter of 'if', in her mind, but 'when'. Whether it happened now during this war, or in the war hereafter was irrelevant. Sooner or later, some crazed Magi would eventually bring an end to the world itself, and it would not be pretty.

Thus, the plan was simple. She would use her position as a participant in the war to her advantage, and win the Grail for herself. At which point, she would then wish upon the sacred chalice, its own destruction.

It would be dangerous, yes, considering that she would be facing off against several veteran Magi, but she was more than confident in her chances at victory, particularly when considering her choice of company. Either way, the Queen herself had already given her blessings for the mission. It was now an official assignment in the name if Britain, and they were finally ready to join the fray.

And really, the faster they got this summoning over with, the faster she could get out of this disgusting morgue. She simply could not stand the smell in here any longer. Rotting corpses coincided by the smoke of candles, it was utterly revolting.

"Are we clear to begin the summoning Seras?" She spoke.

"Yes Milady," the Vampire nodded. "All the guards have been taken care of and I've left Pip to watch the door. No one will be disturbing us."

"Good. Then let us begin."

Seras stepped into the circle, and Integra began the incantation, extending her arm and closing her eyes.

"Fill. Fill. Have your fill of flesh and blood.

Let fire and brimstone be the essence.

Let death and damnation be thine hold.

Let rise a scream against the wind that shall fall.

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom shut.

Let it be declared now;

Your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your swords.

Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail.

Answer, if you would once more submit to this will and this truth.

An oath shall be sworn here.

I shall carry all burdens Heaven hath cast upon you;

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell.

From the Seventh Ring of Purgatory, attended to by the seven great demons of sin.

Come forth from the ring of restraint, destroyer of the holy balance!"


A shudder in the dark, a single conscience breaking free, of the countless souls writhing in a pitch black void.

He could hear it. Feel it. A voice, a call, oh so very familiar - strong, firm, and yet wholly and undeniably, wrong.

Dear Integra, the Vampire thought amusedly, allowing himself to fall into the strength of the pull. So, you have come once more to free your servant from his confines.

A deep resounding chuckle. How very generous of you.

Your servant, shall come as beckoned.


The results were near instantaneous.

The moment she had finished the chant, the world itself had darkened around them. The shadows throughout the room, twisting and converging towards the seal to form a tall dark mass of pulsing, wriggling centipedes that clicked and hissed. Integra pursed her lips in distaste. How unseemly.

Quickly, Seras hopped back from where she stood, a small soft smile seen clearly upon her lips. "Master..." She whispered reverently, watching as the darkness steadily took shape, forming arms, legs, a wicked grin and two laughing red eyes.

"So you've come." Integra stated, taking a long drawn breath of her cigar.

The figure chuckled. "As you have commanded." It replied with a bow.

"What classification are you?"

"Caster. Or so the Grail has told me."

Integra hummed in response. She had expected as much. The Vampire's sheer demonic power would allow him only to fit that one particular class. Still, it was somewhat disconcerting to be perfectly honest, as that meant she would still have to deal with the constant threat of Assassin throughout the rest of the war. Something, she was sure, would prove exceedingly annoying as time went on.

Regardless, it seemed as though the summoning was a success. Who knew Magi could actually tell the truth.

"I see." She replied, releasing a breath. "Very well then. Let us finish this quickly. We have much to discuss and I'd rather not do it standing here in this, hovel."

Integra extended her arm. "I do hereby, under my name: Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, accept the terms of the Holy Grail, as the Master of Caster."

"And by my title of Servant Caster, do I hereby accept the terms of the Grail, and acknowledge Lady Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, as my lord and Master." The Shadow followed suit, loosing a cackle as a flash of energy rippled through the air. Integra lowered her arm, the seals on her hand now surging with new found power.

"It is done." She said aloud, glasses glinting as she met the Vampire's eyes. She smiled darkly, then promptly strode towards the corner of the room where a young man sat frozen, properly bound and gagged. Interestingly enough, she noted that the young killer looked far more in awe of the situation, rather than in any actual fear. It was a sight that disturbed Integra far more than she was willing to admit. With a quick hand, she tore off his gag.

"You wanted to see a monster?" She began, towering imperiously above the other, her features a scowl. "Well here he is."

She turned towards her Servant. "Alucard, your dinner."

The murderer grinned. "So Cooool!"


Kariya was perplexed.

He hadn't the slightest idea about what to feel, let alone think, when it came to his Servant. Berserker was an absolute mystery. For one, the man was completely lucid. He knew exactly what he was doing, at all times, in all situations. He was calm, collected, and still hadn't spoken a single word to the former Matou heir since his summoning. And Kariya was damn sure, the man knew how to talk. Particularly since he was doing it right now, comforting a crying little boy at the edge of a playground, while Kariya rested at the benches.

He sighed. Oh well, at least with the way Berserker was, he didn't have to expend any extra energy in order to keep him under control. Whether that be due to the effects of his legend, or simply him suppressing his Mad Enhancement, Kariya did not know. But for now, he would take it as a small consolation. After all, the less energy he had to spend, the slower worms' rate of progression would become, granting him at least a partial reprieve from the near constant pain still wracking his system.

Still though, he had to wonder, just who in the world was Berserker? Clearly. Just from his appearance, Kariya could tell he was a priest of sorts. Not a saint, he figured, as no saint, would ever allow themselves to fall so low as to become a mad beast, that was Berserker's classification. So an Executor most likely, but just how an Executor of all people would end up as a heroic spirit was beyond him. They were the Church's shadow, their silent blade that lurked in the dark, hidden from the public eye. Thus amongst the masses, no true legend of any single Executor could ever come about, for even if one did, it would have to survive the efforts of the Church in seeking to snuff it out. And at that, Kariya frowned, for that left only one final explanation.

Berserker was a hero within the Church. Unknown to the outside world, but revered within the inner machinations of the Vatican and Clergy. That must have been the reason why the Old Worm had been so adamant that he leave the manor, the moment his Servant had been summoned. He had never seen the other magus so wary, so unsettled. It was clear to Kariya now, as he thought back on it, that Zouken knew exactly who Berserker was, and as always, hadn't bothered to share that little tidbit of information with him before he left. How typical, he thought bitterly.

Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Kariya raised his gaze to once more look upon his servant. Easily, the man stood a near seven feet tall, with short spiked blonde hair, and giant red scar that ran across the left side of his face. His eyes were a vivid green, his jaw strong and heavy set, and covered with stubble. He wore a pair of simple wire frame glasses and standard priest robe, beneath a long a grey overcoat. Though perhaps the most unique aspect of his appearance would be his hands, or more specifically, the gloves he wore upon them.

Speak with the Dead.

Jesus Christ is in Heaven.

Kariya didn't know exactly what was so significant about those particular phrases but he would commit them to memory regardless. Who knows, it might just be the key to finding out his servant's identity. He watched Berserker ruffle the little boy's hair.

"... Okay? Now get going then." Berserker smiled. "And remember, violence is never the answer. Unless of course, you're dealing with Monsters and Heretics." He laughed, before glancing towards Kariya, sending shivers down his spine. "In which case, feel free to rip'em apart as much as you bloody well like!"

The little boy beamed. "Yes Father!"



Class: Caster

Master: Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing

True Name: Alucard/Dracula, formerly Vlad III

An alternate interpretation of the Wallachian Prince Vlad III, that turned his back on God, and was turned into a monster for his sins against humanity. As such, he never became a Heroic Spirit, and was damned to wander the world for eternity, searching tirelessly for a human capable of ending his unlife.

Gender: Male

Titles: The King of Vampires. The No Life King. The Dragon of Wallachia. The Monster Who Rejects God.

Height/Weight: Variable

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

Strength: B

Endurance: A

Agility: B

Mana: EX

Luck: -

Noble Phantasm: C - EX

Casull and Jackal Handguns: C (Anti-Unit)

Two custom built handguns designed by Walter C. Dornez.

Hellsing ARMS .454 Cassull Auto - A semi-automatic pistol used for rapid fire assaults and enemy suppression.

Hellsing Combat Pistol 'Jackal' - A veritable hand-cannon.

Both weapons possess infinite ammunition, but still require the action of reloading.

Souls Of The Damned: EX (Anti-Army)

The amalgamation of the innumerable lost souls assimilated by Caster. They are his personal army, and act as the main source of prana used to sustain his being.

Manifesting as the Vampire 's personal Coffin and as a Reality Marble when fully loosed, the phantasm exist as an entirely separate entity, connected to, but no longer part of Caster himself, due to the restrictions of the Grail.

Can only be fully released under the orders of a Command Seal.

Class Skills:

Item Construction/Territory Creation: D

Skills leeched from the many Magi Caster has consumed over time, but degraded significantly due to not being part of Caster's true capabilities.

Personal Skills:

Omnipresence: EX

Garnered by Caster after absorbing the artificial Vampire - Schrodinger, this ability allows Caster to exhibit and manipulate the effects of quantum reality, giving him the power to exist wherever and however he may desire. Furthermore, this skill allows Caster to personally manipulate his own state of reality, and can be summed up with the mere statement: "I think, therefore I am." As such, the ability requires full cognitive thought and a minimum amount of attention to utilize, as Caster must be able to actively picture the location or state in which he wishes to appear.

This skill is usable only due to the fact that Caster is now a singular entity, separate from his Noble Phantasm: Souls of the Damned. Furthermore, when the aforementioned phantasm is fully released, this skill can no longer be used.

Blessings of Blood: A++

Allows Caster to assimilate the souls of fallen enemies, and utilize their abilities, knowledge and skills, as his own.

Precognition: C

The passive ability to peer into the near future. Allows Caster to predict and react accordingly to the movements and attacks of his opponents.

Mystic Eyes of Enchantment and Revelation: B+

Allows Caster to subjugate and read the minds of all those that he locks eyes with. Can be resisted with Magic Resistance: B or higher.


Class: Berserker

Master: Kariya Matou

True Name: Alexander Anderson

A legendary Executor and Regenerator of the Vatican, borne through the fusion of human technology and advanced Thaumaturgy. Awarded with the title of Paladin, Anderson was an inspirational figure and the defacto leader of the Iscariot Organization and its many Executors. During his final mission, he thrust into his heart the sacred nail of Helena, leading to his transformation into a Monster of God.

Gender: Male

Titles: Judas Priest. Dust to Dust Anderson. Off with its Head Anderson. Saint Guillotine.

Height/Weight: 90kg

Alignment: Lawful Nuetral

Strength: B (A)

Endurance: A (A+)

Agility: B (A)

Mana: D (C)

Luck: A (A+)

Noble Phantasm: C - EX

Sacred Armaments: C (Anti-Unit)

Berserker is capable of wielding an endless supply of sacred weaponry, ranging from his famed bayonets to his throwing knives and personal bible used for creating barriers. Damage inflicted by these weapons is bolstered when the opponent is of demonic origin.

Nail Of Helena: A (A++) (Anti-Unit - Anti-Army)

Berserker's main Noble Phantasm, allowing him to manifest an endless number of writhing thorns from his person, capable of being controlled at will. Once Mad Enhancement is activated, Berserker can fully manifest himself as these thorns, and is capable of enshrouding them in sacred flame.

Divine Aria: EX (Anti-Unit)

A single use ability, that allows Berserker to call upon the Holy Father and Creator for an instantaneous act of support - granting him Complete Invincibility (Rank: EX to all stats) for a limited amount of time.

Class Skills:

Mad Enhancement: A

Capable of use, only under the orders of a Command Seal.

Personal Skills:

Regeneration: EX

Granted to Berserker due to his induction as a Regenerator and further bolstered by the Holy powers of the Nail of Helena when under the effects of Mad Enhancement, this skill allows Berserker to withstand fatal and debilitating injuries with ease so long as his heart, where the Nail remains embedded, is left undamaged.

Divinity: B

As a Monster of the Almighty Father, Berserker is given limited Divinity, allowing him to utilize the 'Purge Defense' technique to shatter enemy defenses.

Protection of the Faith: A+

A skill possessed only by those who have sacrificed themselves for a religious view, granting near impenetrable defense against all forms of magic, save for only the strongest of spells.

If Alucard and Anderson seem too overpowered, please tell me. I will attempt to amend the mistakes as soon as possible. It is just really hard not to make either of them seem overpowered, particularly when both their abilities alone take up almost a quarter of their respective wiki pages haha...

However, I digress, and Thank you for reading.