Alright my loyal fans. I know it has been many years since I have last updated you on the status of True Shinobi. I have read the chapters. I have read all my reviews. I love each and everyone of you readers who took the time to review and read. Those who gave it a chance and ultimately gave up on it I appreciate your time. I realized back then that this fanfic was my way of lashing out at things I personally didn't like about Naruto at the time.
I loved Naruto since I grew up with it and grew up with him. I grew into a man and a writer in my own write. Naruto was once one of my favorite anime and manga and honestly was the list manga I ever read. I had seen anime, but didn't know of manga since I didn't always have internet or access to comic stores or libraries with a manga section growing up. I loved the themes, the characters, and the ideas. Never giving up, being an underdog and rising to become the best you can be. The execution later on is where I started to at first disagree with, but finally become disinterest.
I won't bore you with my life story anymore. You want to know the status of True Shinobi. In short I am rewriting it. I don't want to hate on Naruto anymore and I feel a lot of the story I had planned would make Naruto more dark and jaded and only show my hatred for Naruto. I had the Chunin Exam and Conclusion for True Shinobi before a time skip and new story would start with an aged Naruto dealing with the conclusion of True Shinobi. To summarize I planned to kill off my OCs so Naruto would have to deal with his own world.
I want to take True Shinobi in a more hopeful light and emphasize the ideas I feel Naruto excels at. I want True Shinobi to focus on Naruto and the bonds that make him. I want to focus on the series planned characters and bring out their personalities more and keep OCs to an absolute minimum. While I had fun writing some of my characters, Naruto is filled with tons of characters that didn't get their time. I have an entire world to write about and to fully detail what is a True Shinobi.
To my many fans I want to say thank you for reading. For growing with me in my writing style and I hope the next few chapters show my more mature style. I am giving this version of True Shinobi and all my other works on my account until the end of March before I delete them. The new story will take center stage and focus. Speaking of I am thinking of ideas for the new story. Should I title it:
True Shinobi
Bonds of a True Shinobi
Naruto: True Shinobi
True Shinobi Ways