I Do Not Own Naruto or Final Fantasy X. Mashashi Kishimoto and Square Enix own these titles and I do not make any money for these stories...

Though at times I wish I did...

It was a nice summer day to take a stroll and listen to the birds chirping as he traveled village to village. A gentle breeze wafted around him and he inhaled it, taking in just how fresh and cool it was. It was so invigorating...

So unlike it was just six months before at the end of the Fourth Great Shinobi War.

While it had only lasted five days, those five days were horrendous and caused untold damages that could never be repaired to the shinobi, their villages and the landscape that would forever be scarred by the war. This very spot he stood was marred by the damages of Kabuto and Tobi.

The air was fouled by the stench of blood and waste. Bodies of both the Shinobi Alliance and the mass clones of the one known as Zetsu littered the landscape. The anguished screams of the injured having a limb amputated still haunted many that heard them.

And now that it was over a great deal of their forces had enlisted for retirement but had to be kept on due to the lack of numbers left for the Great Five. It would take so long to recover from the damages that they couldn't let anyone retire until they were back on their feet and many knew that would take decades.

The Alliance had agreed to stay together and ease the transition as one so they could keep their forces strong. Their pride was no longer intact and they had to settle on this agreement for no one of the villages was capable of defending itself properly.

Their forces were spread out amongst the villages and even shinobi that held grudges in the villages they were ordered to settle within were making great contributions and helping everyone in the cause for each village lost so much.

Konoha had literally been wiped off the map previously, just days before the war, by Pein and with the loss of Yamato and other great shinobi the village itself would take a great deal of time to recover.

Iwa, Kiri and Suna had lost a great deal of their forces during the short-span of the war. They had suffered so many losses that they were dealing with inner-turmoil caused by the grieving citizens that had lost their spouses and children making their rebuilding process ever more slower than it already was.

Kumo had taken what would be considered the least damaging in a sense however they felt the sting just as much. They had lost many of their elites with on the A, Darui and Kirabi making it through along with two of the trio that he remembered and would have difficulties restoring power within their village.

Yet they worked in unison, as one, to get through these difficult times. They stood by each other and made it work even when they butted heads.

Jiraiya would have loved to see this day almost as much as he loved to peep on women, specifically Tsunade. And he would have been proud that he, his final pupil, led the charge and helped bring this about.

It was he that turned the tides and brought around even the hardest of hearts to his ideas. Even the toughest and most stubborn of the Kages, A and Onoki, were moved by his strength of heart, will and body in their darkest time. And it was he who ended the war though he couldn't take full credit.

A revived Itachi took care of Kabuto and stopped the Edo Tensei just in the nick of time and ever ninja played their part and helped bring it to a full end.

It was he, however, that saved so many on the frontlines with his wide spread Shadow Clones. He was the one that stopped some of the most difficult of the revived shinobi and helped turn the tide. And he was the one that took care of Tobi and learned his true identity and revealed it to the Alliance as Uchiha Kagami.

And finally it was he who defeated and captured Sasuke and brought him back, tied up in a heavy duty wire and chakra cuffs. Unfortunately he was unable to turns the Uchiha from his ways but at least he made the last Uchiha civil enough for people that visited him in his cell.

There was no way he wasn't going to be punished for his crimes against the Alliance, mostly Konoha and Kumo, and he was simply being let off easily so that the clan could be rebuilt within the next few decades. Ino, Sakura and a few girls he didn't know made sure of that.

To be blunt, he was quite upset that Sakura decided to be part of the group and willingly chose to be one of the surrogate mothers for the Uchiha clan. He had tried to convince her otherwise but in the end her decision was final and he couldn't change her mind which soured his mood. He still crushed after her.

It also hurt to hear that Hinata, the girl who proclaimed her love to him and defend him from Pein, had fallen for Chouji during the short time the war lasted for his heroics and overcoming the obstacles, saving her life quite a few times in the process.

However in the end it didn't hurt him all that much. Hinata had never really knew him and only had fallen in love with his determination and his will, something Chouji showed during the War and had the Hyuuga fall for him. And honestly he was happy for both of them, though his heart ached at the loss of yet another he cared for.

But there wasn't much he could do other than that so he let it be. A lot of love bloomed during those five days and to be honest it wasn't something he was going to throw a fit over. She didn't scorn him on purpose, still admitting she cared deeply for him but not in the way she had before, and Chouji was a good friend.

The worst news came much, much later and was why he was wandering the lands with Sannin status, having been granted by the council of Kages for his actions in the war.

The next Rokudaime had been announced... And it was Hatake Kakashi, not him.

To be honest, this was the one thing that had riled Naruto into a fit. There was no one better for the job then he was and even Kakashi told him he rather have him, his student, take the role for what he had done and shown to everyone. But in the end it was Tsunade's decision and that what truly irked him.

She, his godmother, had scorned him and that left an empty pit in his stomach.


"WHY?" Naruto roared as he barged into the rebuilt Hokage's office, just as many where expecting and was the reason why no ANBU bothered to jump to the Hokage's aid.

He had the right to be furious. He had done much for this village and his goal had just been taken from him for that much longer.

Sighing as she pushed aside some of the papers she had been working on, Tsunade looked up at the young man that she had watched grow before her own eyes. It just saddened her it had to come to this. "Naruto... I am sorry. You have every right to vent and I won't dock you or think less of you for it but... I am standing by my decision."

Growling at the buxom blonde Hokage, Naruto clenched his fists tightly and narrowed his eyes ever so slightly at these words. "Why? That is what I want to know! Why is it not me? What have I not done?"

Sadly gazing at the young sage, Tsunade took a deep breath. "Your accomplishments, while great and while everyone is very, very thankful for... Aren't enough. You lack one very important requirement that keeps you from rising to this position..."

Looking on impatiently, waiting as Tsunade paused and not caring for the remorseful glint coming from the Hokage's eyes, the Fifth finished with great regret. "You are only a chunin by the laws of Konoha and therefor are unable to qualify for the position of Hokage as only a shinobi of jounin rank may take the title."

"WHAT?" Naruto's voice echoed throughout the room and very well could be heard throughout the village.

It wouldn't have surprised anyone from the sheer unveiled anger and the indecency to hear that was the only reason Naruto wasn't up for the job.

"That is the only thing that is holding me back?" He continued on it at least a more controlled, even if he was close to losing it, tone though the edge had even the ANBU on guard.

It sounded as like the voice of someone that had broken, something many were accustomed to thanks to the trials they went through, and the worst person that could happen to was a jinchuuriki that had more power to throw around than most were able to even comprehend.

"You're telling me... That everything... EVERYTHING I DID..." Even Tsunade leaned back in her chair as chakra began to visibly form around Naruto, thankfully not in the Kyuubi's golden aura, before dissipating and leaving a crestfallen Naruto with tears welling in his eyes. "Was it all for nothing?"

Falling to his knees, not bothering to wipe the tears that flowed freely down his cheeks, Naruto cracked and his sobs filled the room. "All I ever did was for this village... I gave up so much, protected as many as I could and aspired for the top only to be denied? What the hell was it all for?"

In the next instant the test was tossed into the wall, leaving a deep crack in it, and papers showed the room as Tsunade went straight the weeping blonde and wrapped him in a tense yet tender embrace. "No... No it was. You did everything right..."

She soon realized those words didn't help in the slightest as Naruto began to cry harder and she wanted to hit herself for them. Of course that wasn't going to help him. To hear he did everything right but wasn't even considered for what he believed to be his title for the taking...

That was simply torture.

So instead she held onto him and coaxed him with relaxing yet grief ridden words. "I'm sorry... I am ever so sorry..."

(Flashback End)

Needless to say he still hadn't forgiven her.

When he pressed her later for why she couldn't promote him to jounin like how Suna did for Gaara before promoting him to Kazekage Tsunade stated that Gaara had been a chunin for six months, the minimum time one had to wait for promotion to jounin, while he was recently instated as a chunin due to his accomplishments.

And by six months' time Kakashi would be Hokage and there would be a great amount of time before a new Hokage was actively sought for unless a crisis occur and Kakashi was put out of commission. And that was something Naruto wasn't hoping for.

He respected Kakashi and while he felt jaded that his sensei, who admitted he was beyond even his level and abilities, he wished him no harm. He had a good relationship with the Cyclops and he knew the scarecrow would make a good Hokage...

Just not nearly as good as he would be.

At the very least Tsunade granted him Sannin leave, after it was premised by the other four Kages, and was allowed to travel throughout their lands and stop at the villages. Of course each time he stopped at one of the main villages there was a temptation to stay there that he had to overcome just to head out.

Like in Suna Gaara was willing to claim him as a shinobi of his village and would help groom him to become the Rokudaime Kazekage. That was difficult to pass up as it was coming right after the events in Konoha and he seriously was tempted to take the offer, if accepted by the other Kages which he doubted would be too willing to let him just go to another village and not theirs.

He was a popular commodity and everyone knew his allegiance to Konoha had waned.

Hell, he was hit on by Mei during his time in the Mist and he damn near ended up with a bed with her... Or so he told to the public. He wasn't willing to admit that she got the better of him and seduced him into a night of passionate love. Thankfully she wasn't one to sit and tell and he got out of that situation with his dignity intact.

It was almost a similar situation in Iwa with Kurotsuchi but thankfully his experience with Mei had taught him quite a deal and he was able to turn the tables with her... Though that didn't stop the girl from her original goal in the slightest and once again Naruto left with his dignity intact, though far more satisfied.

At least in Kumo he wasn't seduced by the lures of power or women. They only wanted him to bolster their strength in terms compared to the others due to losing their elites, though they weren't above trying to seduce him with the two. They just didn't want to go that far in order to do so.

And his time there was enjoyable as he trained against with Kirabi and was taught the Black Lighting Arts from Darui as compensation for saving their asses. It was a nice little gift really as they proved to be very useful techniques and, unknown to them; he was experimenting with how to turn Black Lighting into an armor technique like A used.

But in the end, despite everything, Naruto still felt empty and a sense of longing. He really no longer had a purpose and despite all the site seeing, setting up a spy network of his own to keep tabs on everyone and meeting old friends it had all lost its meaning.

There was nothing to do and that left one very, very bored Uzumaki Naruto. And with great boredom came an incredibly stupid idea.

"Hey Kurama." Naruto spoke out loud as there wasn't anyone around to call him crazy before finding a place to meditate, against a tree on the road, and entered his mind to see the great kitsune. "Is it possible to travel back in time or even into the future?"

"Okay, what the hell?" Kurama twitched as he responded to his vessel seemingly idiotic question. "I know you wouldn't be asking just for the hell of it. What is it that you want to do boy?"

"Yeah..." Naruto scratched the back of his head and looked sheepishly at the fox demon. "I was thinking since it finally seems to be at a time of peace that doesn't look like it is on the verge of dissolving... I was thinking what if we could go back in time or even into the future."

Owlishly blinking at his vessel, just wondering how bored and scorned his vessel was to even be thinking of such an idea, Kurama shook his head. He would humor the boy with a response. "Time travel to the past is possible thanks to the seals you ningen have made over the years... But it is incredibly stupid. Just think about all the paradoxes that could come from you messing with the past. You could very well shatter everything you've worked for."

"Good point... Didn't think about that." Naruto winced as that was the last thing he wanted to do. While there were a lot of horrible things that had happened he could very well cause this timeline to seize existing was something he wasn't willing to be the cause of. "Wait... But what if I did go back into the past originally and help set this entire up?"

"I seriously doubt it Naruto... I seriously doubt it." Kurama shook his head and wanted to roll his eyes. "And while going into the future is all and good as you can't cause any serious damage... It isn't recommended. When you do so a copy of you is left in this era and goes on as it would have if you were here and when you arrive in your destination time, a time where you don't exist as let's not even get into the doppleganger scenarios, you could theoretically end up in bed with your daughter or grand-daughter the way you've been rutting lately."

Simply blinking back at the fox, Naruto again winced. "Okay... That takes that option away. No way in hell I want to end up having sex with my own decedents... Wait... YOU'VE BEEN WATCHING ME IN BED?"

"Of course dingus. What else am I going to do while locked up behind these bars?" Kurama responded as if it was only natural and shrugged his shoulders.

And Naruto could only sagely nod his head in response. The Nine Tails had a point.

However one last idea came to him and he snapped his fingers. "What about traveling through dimensions that are currently within the same linear time era as ours?"

Again blinking owlishly at Naruto, Kurama was left agape at that idea and once again had to wonder just how scorned and bored the blonde had to be. However this time a small smirk appeared on the fox's lips. "Now that is an idea I can get behind. A whole new world to explore, plunder and terrorize..."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Naruto stopped the fox as it was about to go on one of his tangents about destruction and mayhem and he wasn't going to have it. "There will be no 'terrorizing' if we do this. The plundering was a given as I'm not going to dimensionally travel without having some kind of trophy before coming back but the real reason is..."

"You still feel as if there is good left to be done." Kurama spoke in a slightly annoyed tone with his vessel, not understanding how he was just so good, but sighed in defeat. "Well... There is a problem with great idea. Only one being has ever traveled between dimensions and I'm not so sure how she's going to react to me asking how she did it..."

"Matatabi?" Naruto asked, having a feeling that it was the two tailed nekomata that Kyuubi was speaking of.

"How in the hell did you figure that out? I didn't even leave any clues!" Kurama yelled at Naruto, angry and begrudgingly curious on just how in the blazes he figured that out.

"Well her name means travel again and I know she is female thanks to that night a few days ago..." Naruto spouted off before trailing off with a slight amount of drool escaping from the corner of his lips. "Damn she had a damn fine body..."

"You're telling me..." Kurama perversely agreed and giggled under his massive breath before getting back to the point. "Well, back to business. Since you have a better relationship with her why don't you convince her to give the secrets of dimensional travel to us so we can get off this rock and take our loot?"

"Yeah, yeah... Back to the land of Iron." Naruto exited his mind, cracked and popped his neck and stood up, gazing down the road he had just come from. "This might actually be fun..."

"And maybe I'll finally find my purpose again."

A/N: Yay! A new story! Okay but seriously now, a new story and I know some of you are going, UGH AGAIN!, but here me out. I've had this story building for over the last few weeks and while this starting point isn't the best, or really even original at that, I kind of wanted to get this started since my notes are complete, my direction has been set and I feel like I could go on writing this story for quite a while and maybe finish it. And I think this story is destined for greatness as it has been epic as I've been playing it over my mind over and over again.

And yes, this is a Naruto/Final Fantasy X crossover but that won't start until chapter three, maybe four. There will also be slight crossovers with other of the Final Fantasies but I won't spoil any of that until the time comes. Just expect to see things that would only make their appearance in other games in the series.

Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it and be sure to tune in for the next chapter. Oh, and the pairing so far is a small harem though I might change that later.


"So Naruto-kun... What brings you back here? Are you here to ravish me once more? Shall I find a good spot?"

"No, though I thoroughly wish I came back for that... I'm here unfortunately on business."

"Ah... And I so wanted Chomei to join us. Oh well, what is it you are here for?"

"Oh son of a..." "BITCH!"

End Preview:

Thought a little sneak peek might keep everyone interested. Peace Out.