Alright. I'm back. Sorta, anyway I do have some pretty good reasons for being gone so long and I won't be updating quite as often in general for a number of them.

First and foremost, I got sick. Not COVID, don't worry, but sick nonetheless. That problem is the most minor one and should clear itself up in a few days, maybe a week. As a consequence of this, I'm out of work until HR clears me which could take a while. On the bright side, that gives me more free time so that's a thing.

The second reason is that I'm going back to college once again which brings its own problems. Most of them time-related, thankfully that won't be a concern until late August and it's likely that I'll be taking online classes anyway. Speaking of late August, my birthday is in that month so meh, might slow things down there, but not majorly.

There is some good news though. The gacha gods decided to throw me, and by extension Izuku, a pretty huge bone. And a hilarious one at that considering the continuity I'm using for this story, kukuku.

However it wouldn't do to summon them this early, Izuku still needs to actually progress a bit before he gets even more overpowered eh? There's more good news but I'll leave that for the end of the chapter, see you at the bottom of the page!

Story start!

It was the day after All Might's battle trial and my relationship with my classmates has been...Complicated would be the best word. Though with Kacchan in said class It was to be expected. He's been avoiding me ever since Emiya's display yesterday...At least he wasn't trying to kill me anymore.

Thankfully the rest of the class was significantly warmer towards me. Relatively speaking, a few of them were intimidated by me for some reason. 'More accurately at me.' Could he really blame them? Emiya was terrifying in action, especially when he was playing the villain.

Though I did make some actual friends! Five of them to be exact, Uraraka, Iida, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, and through him Ashido joined my not-so-little friend group. It's only been a day and I've already made more friends than I've ever had all my life!... Wait that's really sad actually.

And then there was All Might's reaction to me using Emiya during the battle trial. He was still a little embarrassed about that.

'I understand that OFA did a number on you yesterday, and since Emiya IS part of your quirk I'm willing to let this slide. Using every aspect of your quirk is essential for a hero, just don't grow dependant ok? You still need to learn how to become your own hero, not just hang on the coattails of the past.'

That speech still gave me chills, what was I thinking? Taking the easy way out like that. While I was in the middle of my self-induced depression I didn't notice Yaoyorozu walking towards me while I walked to school, making me jump as she tapped my shoulder to grab my attention. "!"

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you Midoriya-san. I thought I'd walk with you to school since I saw you from the window." She said while pointing at a nearby limo, who's chauffeur was giving him the thumbs up and a grin for some reason.

'Eh? A limo...Why is that guy smirking at me?' Not wanting to be rude I calm down and fall into the same pace as Yaoyorozu as we approach the school. The closer we got, the louder it got and we soon found out why when we saw a veritable army of reporters stalking outside the school's perimeter.

"W-what's going on?" Chants of 'All Might' and 'interview' could be heard from the gathered reporters. "Right, stupid question. Excuse me, can you make some room? We need to get to class!" "You fool! You caught their attention. Run, run for your peace of mind!" 'Don't you mean life? And isn't that a bit excessive' "No that comes late- Forget it, you're wasting time you fool!"

"A student? Are you a member of the hero course?! Are you in All Might's class?! Please answer a few of our questions!" Several dozen variations of these questions and requests rang out, nearly deafening me as Yaoyorozu and I were forced to run away towards the safety of U.A's barrier.

Minutes later in class, 3rd person POV

You survived your first encounter with the media, +3 SQ

'Wait really? Not that I'm complaining but that was relatively tame for something that earned me 3 whole quartz.' Was it a joke? A warning of things to come? Or was he just overthinking things?

"Midoriya-kun, are you ok? You've been starring at the wall for two minutes straight without blinking." Yaoyorozu asked, the rest of the gang equally concerned. Ah crap, he pulled a Deku again.

"Y-yeah, I was just in deep thought for a second there." Izuku shook the self-deprecation off and reassured his new friends.

"Was it about your quirk? Can you talk about it a bit more? It looks super complicated...And really strong." Uraraka asked with her usual enthusiasm, her ending statement getting nods from everyone else who was listening in.

"O-oh, ok. I don't mind but it might take a while. You see my quirk is divided into three major parts. First, it allows me to summon a variety of items with various effects. The items that I summon are part of a huge inventory that gets new additions regularly, though these additions are completely random." Izuku went into full nerd mode over his own quirk, taking out a notepad full of data and illustrations so quickly that the others could have sword he summoned them.

He also summoned Emiya's bow for emphasis using the Include function. "This bow for example is incredibly durable and can only be used correctly by someone with super strength." And they believed it, the material alone felt almost alien to anyone who saw it. Almost reminding them of black fighter jet armor.

At this point, the class was paying full attention to the powerful weapon created by Izuku's quirk, and his quality note-taking skills to a slightly lesser extent.

"Wow, these are pretty good. You're really thorough when it comes to your own quirk, It's surprising to think you've only had it for a few months." Satou commented, asking to see them for himself and further shocking everyone when he turned the page to see that everyone else's quirks were also part of Izuku's database.

"Hehe, It's a hobby of mine. I've always found quirks to be so interesting so I took the time to get to know each of them. I planned on being an info based hero before I got my quirk but even after I unlocked it the habit never died.

"You were planning to be a hero without a quirk?! That's gotta be the ballsiest thing I've ever heard, and honestly, with these notes, I think you just might have been able to pull it off, the amount of detail you have on my quirk already is kinda scary…" Satou said, impressed. Bakugo just scoffed and muttered 'stalker' under his breath.

"T-thanks. Nobody ever took me seriously when I said it, that really means a lot to me Satou-kun." Izuku gave him a beaming smile, completely taking everyone by surprise with his genuine, almost fragile sounding gratitude.

'I feel like I'm missing something here.' The collective thought went through the confused student's minds. Why would such a powerful, intelligent person have so little confidence in himself? And why would nobody acknowledge his obvious talent before now? Little did they know, but those questions would have to wait for another time since Aizawa entered the room seconds later.

"All right listen up, I just had to deal with the overly excited media outside and I'm in a bad mood. You all did well in yesterday's battle training. Midoriya, I'm going to need an update on your quirk information by the end of the week. Your original description of it is nowhere near good enough." That got Izuku to jump a bit, he really should have seen that coming.

"Finally, we will be doing a homeroom activity. You'll be picking a class president, I don't care how just have it done by the end of the day and don't bother me until then." The annoyed teacher promptly zipped up his sleeping bag and went into his usual comatose state.

"...Well, that happened. How should we decide on class president anyway?" Mineta chose to ignore the fact that their teacher basically left them to their own devices and instead focused on the issue at hand.

"I for one think it should be decided democratically, that way we will know that whoever is chosen deserves the position." Ida suggested, barely hiding the fact that he desperately wanted it himself. This was met with mixed results.

"Democratic my ass, we all know everyone will just vote for themselves. And if by some fluke of nature a single extra gets two votes then they win without proving anything." Bakugo spat out, not trusting the extras to know what was good for them.

"Rudeness aside, Bakugo-san has a point, none of us really know each other too well, and having just one vote kinda discourages us from wasting it. How about we use the instant runoff system? It will take a little longer but this way we can really decide which of us deserves it. While we're at it we might as well introduce ourselves, that should help us decide." Iida suggested, starting off with the introductions herself.

"My name is Iida Tenya, I am from Soumei academy and my quirk is named Engine. I was the class president of all my classes from junior high and I believe that I'm perfectly qualified to lead our class to achieve our full potential!" He introduced himself with the discipline of a military officer, and then immediately ruined it when he nervously looked at everyone else to see how he did.

"So we have a veteran here? The competition's pretty tough but a man's gotta push through anyway, right? I'm Kirishima Eijiro, I'm no veteran but guarantee that if I get elected I'd be the manliest choice possible! Oh yeah, my quirk is called Hardening. No prizes for whoever guesses what it does." The redhead of the group introduced himself boisterously, patting Iida on the back to show that he did well and that he respected his courage for going first.

And with that, the students introduced themselves one by one each either making valid cases for why they should be the class president...Or they were like Bakugo and Mineta who immediately distanced themselves from the group, either through impudent rage or from sheer awkward perversion. This went on until Yaoyorozu's turn came up who's quirk brought on another question that was stuck in everyone's mind.

"My name is Yaoyorozu Momo and my quirk is called Creation. I can synthesize any material or object that I know the atomic structure of, and that I can imagine in my mind. However larger objects take longer to make. And I firmly believe that I'm qualified for the position, thank you." Her introduction was pretty basic but then again, what more could be said this early.

"Yaoyorozu? Isn't that the name of a famous hero power-couple from way back?" Sero asked which Yaoyorozu confirmed. "Cool, so you already have a bit of pedigree on your side. And that quirk sounds super cool too! Kinda like Midoriya-san's right?" He finished putting the spotlight on the greenette.

"O-oh, yeah I guess it's a little similar." He stuttered slightly at the sudden attention. Might as well get it over with. "H-hello, my name is Midoriya Izuku, and my quirk is called the Throne of Heroes. I've only had my quirk for a little while so far but this is the gist of what it can do, you already heard one aspect of it but I might as well explain all three:" He took a deep breath before continuing, his voice becoming faster and higher pitch in the minds of everyone else the more information he gave out.

"It allows me to summon a variety of things with an even wider variety of effects, including objects, locations, pocket dimensions, and even skill sets which I can use as my own. Currently, I have over one hundred different summons at the moment, however, the accumulation rate on those items is completely random. Though that randomness is also a blessing in a way, given the amount of versatility it affords me. Currently, I can cause destruction at a large scale or in very precise amounts, my own range of attack varies though my upper limit is somewhere within four kilometers. Additionally, I have some healing capabilities though I've never tested them. I also have a variety of transportation methods that can be used by others, though again I haven't tested them yet." Just before his audience's ears started to bleed Izuku decided to end his massive mutter spree and finish up his introduction.

"I-I'm not sure if I'm qualified to be in a leadership position but I promise I'll try my absolute best if I do get elected!" He finished with a shy smile, noticing that he went off the deep end once again.

"...What the actual hell dude. Your quirk explanation is longer than all of ours combined!" Jirou yelled, breaking the fourth wall from the utter overpowered bullshit that just came out of Izuku's mouth.

"E-eh? Did I say something wrong?"

No, you didn't little green, you're fine. You just unknowingly flexed a little too hard and your classmates need some time to readjust their sense of reality. Mind broken high school students aside, this is the end of the chapter.

Originally I was planning on doing the full manga chapter's events here but...I ran out of time, I have another huge project going on and I'm 80% done with its first chapter! I really want to get that done by the end of the month so please be patient.

That's the second piece of good news btw, another story is coming. A big one, and one that will expand the little multiverse lore that I've created for myself thus far. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and those to come, thank you for your patience and have a great day!