Reviews for Blessed with a Hero's Heart
DasChinButton chapter 12 . 7/23
First off I absolutely love it so far but I gotta ask will we ever go back to the mha verse? This is one of the few crossovers I've seen that have Izuku leave and I would love to see the effects this has. Overall though great story. I think that Izuku makes an excellent druid.
Fushes chapter 12 . 7/19
Can you do a Omake of Izuku being transported to Percy Jackson Universe with the Druid Powers? Imagine how many Nature Spirits will be unto him :D.
dragonfighter11 chapter 12 . 7/14
Really hope you dont make the harem too big. Also looking forward to more, wonder how OP Izuku will be by the end of this? Also, is there going to be lemons or nah?
Ben Shetenhelm chapter 12 . 7/11
dude, I'm loving the story so far. I really hope it continues after into mha. Preferably with izuku being resurrected at the moment of his death in a green cocoon for his "quirk awakening" and thrashing ole slime kun into Oblivion.
John Lasko chapter 6 . 7/10
"The skill allowed him to add or remove properties from any plant he touches for an hour"

English is weird, does it mean he has to hold a plant for 1 hour to modify the properties, or the modified properties only hold for an hour?
freddy.lane.1 chapter 12 . 7/9
...okay, the others i can handle being messed with. But not Wiz and YunYun, so yall have a damn good reason as to why she broke that mirror and said those particular words.
Delekmaster chapter 12 . 7/8
Ya know, now that I think about it. The cover for the story could use a change to it.
dulllime chapter 12 . 7/8
dulllime chapter 10 . 7/8
this is great, thank you for taking time to make this series.
Cer015 chapter 12 . 7/7
omg i love this story! just found it too. please keep up the great work :]
Onishin Tsukitenshi chapter 12 . 7/7
Regarding the omake in the last chapter, I hope that a party takes the dungeon quest and finds out what happened from Keel after he reforms. Then the Guild finds out that Kyouya and co tried to illegally take a quest to make easy money without telling anyone.
Sum9 chapter 12 . 7/6
Adorable times between the cast once again. Poor poor Izuku. I hope this doesn't haunt him. He always wanted to be a hero. Seems a fitting punishment for that treacherous mage.

Liza and Chika are as adorable and fit in with the group very well. Good to see Yun-Yun finally make her debut once more, though I was not ready for Izuku's painful memories to get mixed up with the friendship orb. He truly is a hug magnet, huh?
vparadox12122000 chapter 12 . 7/6
lol great job on the chapter and omake. Great character development and bonding moment as well. I wonder what would Yunyun's reaction be when she learns that Izuku thought Megumin about science, like if he where ever gonna teach another Crimson demon he would say "Never split the atom" or something.
Guest chapter 12 . 7/5
You know it's pretty cool you right this fanfiction for Izuku, than the canon.
May I ask if this story continued or discontinued?
If not please update.
Gilgamesh King of Mongrels chapter 1 . 7/4
Damn normies. Kazuma is a way better protagonist than this Normie ass shounen generic cardboard cut-our piece of shit.
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