Chapter 19

Warm Welcome

Sorry guys that it took too long :P

"I see, so that's what happened" Saitama crossed his arms whiles wearing his infamous deadpanned face.

"Eh hehe…yeah" Kimihito replied scratching the back of his head awkwardly

Yet again a large misunderstanding had happened but was immediately fixed thanks to the bald hero's sudden unintended intervention.

In Saitama's new house all of his guests were welcomed in, gathering the living room the bald hero was still somewhat amazed that all of them mange fit including his own two Home-stays and Genos as well.

"Oh that's right" Kimihito approached Saitama and with him was a small box inside it was gifts such as teas and sweets when greeting new the neighbours. "We'd like to welcome you to the neighbourhood"

The bald hero peered into the box and was surprise at what he saw; 'A cake!' A small sliver line of drool escaped the hero's lips, on his shoulder Kali popped out like a second head her eyes shining with glee at the sight of the cake, her tail swaying back and forth happily.

"Thank you so much mister" Kali warm heartedly thank him with a big smile on her face

"You're welcome" Kimihito patted her head earning himself a pout from Miia and Suu


"By the way, Sensei I haven't introduced you to the others yet have I?" Kimihito stood up and approached Mero's wheelchair before pushing her closer for the bald hero to see "This is Mero"

"It is a pleasure meet you kind sir. My name is Mero Meroune Lorelei but please call me Mero" Mero lifted her skirt slightly and bowed to the bald hero

"Hi" Replied Saitama as he stared at her tail "Are you some kind of mermaid?"

"Why yes, I am a mermaid" The mermaid chirped back

Next was Rachnera, she walked up next to Kimihito and in front of the bald hero

"Hello. I'm an exchange student living with honey, thank you for taking care of him" Rachnera said bowing to Saitama respectively

"Oh hello…mmm" The bald hero kept looking at all her eight legs, Rachnera took notice of this and slightly raised an eye brow in displeasure

"Is there something the matter?" The spider woman frowned slightly her tone getting irritated

"Oh its nothing, I just think you're legs looks cool" The bald hero gave her a small smile and a thumbs up.

Any irritation Rachnera had for the bald hero was gone in a mire second as she wasn't prepared for such a compliment, a small blush appeared on her face and she couldn't help but look away from him.

"W-why thank you, I do try my best to look good for honey especially considering his weird leg fetish, Eh he he he" Rachnera replied looking away from him and crossing her arms.

Kimihito sweat drop from the situation before coughing to get everyone attention

"And this is Lala" Kimihito introduce the dullahan next, Saitama took a good look at her and saw her head being carried in her arms

"I am Dullahan…The Guiders of souls, the reapers of death….consider yourself honoured to meet one such as myself. Know that being of service to a dullahan, an agent of death is the greatest honor for one of the world of the living" Lala drawn out her scythe and struck a pose

"...Huh?" Saitama couldn't get more confused than he already is from the disembodied head's introduction.

"Insolent human…how arrogant you must be to look down upon me…" Lala's eye brow wrinkled as she stared at the bald hero

Looking her for a moment Saitama gave a small though before a sudden conclusion hit him.

"Chuunibyou?" (Eight grader syndrome) Saitama said looking at Kimihito who in said just lowered his head almost out of shame.

"Yes" Was the only response that came out of him with his head down, hiding his own embarrassing dark past.

Saitama stared at him for a moment, feeling that he might have touched a sensitive subject the bald hero decided to leave it alone

Saitama's attention was drawn from his student Kimihito to Centorea and a familiar harpy, a slime and a lamia just like Iara

"You guys were with Kirito yesterday, right?" the bald hero asked,

"It's Kimihito Sensei…" The pokered face human added quietly

When Saitama asked that question Genos froze slightly, remembering the incident, guilt still lingering within him.

"Yes, we were there in the day of the incident, but one does not simply forgive such hostility towards innocent bystanders" Centorea stated glaring at Genos

"THAT'S RIGHT, THAT BUCKET OF BOLTS ALMOST COOKED ME ALIVE" Miia said pointing an accusing finger towards the cyborg

"If anything that would be the first time Miia made something that was edible" Rachnera commented under her breath with a smug grin

"WHAT DID YOU SAY SPIDER LEGS!?" Miia's vain throbbed

Feeling the guilt building up inside him the cyborg stood up and bowed on all fours catching all of them in surprise expect Saitama who was too busy looking at the cake

"The mistake I have committed was indeed unforgiveable" Genos began "My insolence, Pride and goal to become the ideal hero like my master got in the way and I attacked you without question, I see I still have a lot to learn on my part" the raised his head and looked at them pleading "My word alone will not help in forgiving my error therefore I will accept any punishments given to me and hopefully all of you will grant me forgiveness"

Centorea stood there feeling the remorse word for word that came out of the cyborg, looking for any lies or deception but found none. Miia looking in awe, trying to find a reason to hate him but she had a hard time and just turned around and pouted "Hmmpf!"

"We for forgive you already, please just stand up its too embarrassing!" Kimihito said all too quickly

Papi stood closer to the cyborg with a curious expression, tilting her head to the side out of confusing

"Who are you?" the harpy asked already taking three steps and forgetting the whole ordeal completely

Kimihito rush forward to the harpy's side, quickly explaining her tendency to forget things completely, the cyborg nodded understanding her situation.

Putting the cake down the bald hero stood up.

"By the way I think I should start introducing my home-stays as well" the bald hero stood up and picked up Kali who was perched up on his shoulders and set her gently down on the floor

(I have no idea how big Kali is so I guess I'll just say around the same as Suu and Papi's height, but I guess I can make her a chibi version when needed like Umaru-chan)

"This is Kali, say hello" Saitama said and gave her a small push, Kali played with her tail nervously before hesitantly looking up at the others

"Hello…" the murmured before quickly retreating behind Saitama out of shyness

The room was instantly filled with 'awws' from the little catgirl's innocent nature, Iara on the other hand was yet a again starting to have a nose bleed from pure cuteness she was witnessing.

"And the is Iara" The bald hero said pointing to the lamia casually

Quickly wiping her nose from the blood, the younger lamia gave a small bow and introduced herself

"N-nice to meet you all, my name is Iara" though she was a little bashful at first, her bashfulness was far from Kali's.

Miia stared at her for a moment, slightly astonished to see another one of her own species. Iara caught her gaze and blush at the intensity of how much the older Lamia was looking at her.

"Wow. It's like looking at a mirror" Miia commented a small sparkle in her eye.

Again, Iara blushed at the complement than looked at the bald hero who in turn just gave her thumbs up.

"You're right, she does look a lot like you" Kimihito said adding to the Iara growing redness.

Looking at her closely, her resemblances was indistinguishable from Miia's, with the exception of the color of her tail, a dark blue scheme with small bits of red, almost making a pattern.

"T-t-thank you" with a blush clear on her face, Iara gave a small bow and retreated behind the bald hero.

With the two home-stays out of the way it was the cyborgs turn. Centorea turned towards Genos with a glare still in her eye

"And you? I believe we have not had a proper introduction" Centorea firmly stated, crossing her arm the cyborg.

Looking at Saitama for a second, Genos seemed to ask for an approval. The bald hero sighed before nodding his head

The cyborg stood up from his seat and faced the small crowd in front of him.

The cyborg began "I am Genos, class-S hero rank 14, Disciple of the great hero 'Caped baldy'"

Saitama cringed at the words his self-proclaimed disciple said and could hear the suppressed laugher coming for his guests, whiles looking around he could see half of the giving him a sympathetic looking whiles the other half looked away when the bald hero's gaze met them. In Saitama's mind he was cursing the hero association for giving him such a terrible name, though it did match his appearance perfectly.

Genos continued on, telling them of all the heroic feats Saitama had done the moment he met him, from how he saved the young cyborg from a mosquito monster, the battle in the house of evolution, the meteor threatening to destroy the city, to the fight with the deep sea king where he not only saved the people but also the reputation of the other heroes, and finally the fight in the large aircraft that destroyed city-A, ultimately saving the earth.

"Are you really a super hero papa?" The young little neko asked Saitama with star filled eyes, her tall swaying back and forth

The bald hero gave a small smile at Kali's wonder filled reaction, petting her head and rubbing one of her ears the bald hero nodded "Yeah, I guess you can call it that"

"Nyaaa~" Kali purred at the hero's gentle touch

Centorea gave the bald hero a suspicious look and yet again crossed her arms "I do not believe such far fetch claims without any sort evidences to show"

"Cerea?" Kimihito eyes widen from the centaur's sudden debunk to the stories

The Cyborg stood up with slightly displeased look on his face as he stared at the female centaur, his body gave off a faint glow, radiating the room with heat that everyone felt

"Though I am truly sorry for causing such a misunderstanding…" Genos looked at her with a small glare "...But I will not tolerate any insults towards my sensei"

"Whiles I do respect sensei as well, to tell tales of such feats without any proof…" Centorea trailed off with an awkward stare as her and the bald hero's eye met "Not to sound disrespecting but tis truly unheard of."

"Then I proposed a sparring match, to show one capabilities and skills" He and the female centaur stared at each other before a small grin appeared on Centorea's face

"Very well" Centorea stood up and held a hand up "Then I shall await for the match"

Kimihito signed "And I thought we were got going to a friendly conversation"

"Looks friendly to me" Saitama shrugged.


The busy streets of the town were teeming with life in the early morning just as the sun has reached its highest in the sky, ready to start a new day. The shopping district's stands opening their businesses for incoming customers. One of those customers was a certain bald hero who just happen to snag a good deal on some premium cuts of meat, satisfied with the goods, Saitama was set to going home, just thinking of what he'll cook for his home-stays and disciple .

"Man, I was lucky to have that last pack of tofu as well" the bald hero sighed in content as he looked at the goods he had bought.

Walking back home Saitama heard a strange sound coming from a random alley as he came to a stop. Deciding to investigate it for obvious reason of his job, the bald hero wandered around looking for the source for the sound

'This seems familiar' the bald thought with a small sense of nostalgia when he found his two home-stays.

Walking to the end of the alley, Saitama found himself face to face with a little girl that was just slightly taller than Kali, her long silver hair swaged with the brisk breeze of the early morning wind as she looked at him with her blood red eyes that seems to hold no emotion other than wonder, her slightly ripped dark cloak covered with small dips of blood, dragging itself when she approached closer to the bald hero.

"Yo" the bald hero casually greeted with his blank expression that seemed to match hers

Tilting her head to the side out of curiosity, the little girl came closer to the bald hero, inspecting him, poking at him, and sniffing him every now and then.

"Ehh, Hello?" Saitama called out, weirded out by the bizarre greeting, even more so when she started climbing his back

As she came close to his neck, she could just feel the blood running down it, inhaling his scent and just taking in the smell.

"Hello?" Saitama called out again but got no response

Suddenly the girl's eyes showed a more predatory look, her mouth opened to revealing sharp fangs and the lust for blood was clear in the aura she emitted. Ready to strike the hero's neck, the girl raised her fangs high before forcefully bringing it down on him, but before they made contact with the hero's neck the light of the rising sun hit Saitama's head, reflecting rays of light everywhere.

"AHHH!" the girl howled in pain as the rays of sun coming off the bald hero's head was almost burning her, hastily she got off of him and retreated to the very edge of the alley, hiding in a very little shadows left.

"Are okay?" Saitama asked worriedly, walking closer to the girl to see if she was alright.

But as he came closer to her so did the rays of light

"DAAAAA, G-get away from me y-y-you light bulb headed freak!" the girl retreated even further into the end to the alley, feeling one of the rays of light almost hitting her

Saitama ignored her insult and saw her reaction to the sunlight as he got closer, slowly he bended down so the sunlight wasn't hitting his head. Walking towards her, the bald hero looked at her for a second.

"Are you like a vampire are something?" Saitama asked, kneeling down to her level.

The vampire girl looked away as if out of shame, but soon her stomach started to growl so loudly that it was heard throughout the whole alley. With an enormously large red blush on her face she covered her face out of embarrassment.

"You hungry?"

Hearing those words coming from the bald hero, the vampire girl looked up at him with a blush on her face.

"N-no" she replied quickly but her stomach betrayed her, growling loudly telling Saitama otherwise

Turning away from him, the vampire girl faced the wall and pouted out of embarrassment, looking at her for a second the bald hero scooted closer to her and reached out his hand.

The vampire girl filched slightly, fearing what this stranger will do to her she retreated to the end of the alley, her back hitting the wall telling her there was nowhere left to run.

"It's alright, I won't hurt you" Saitama said giving a reassuring smile.

"W-why should I trust you?" she anxiously replied

"Well…" the bald hero began "I wouldn't blame you for not trusting someone you just meet" Saitama scratched the back of his head, just thinking of anyway he convinced her "I just want to help you out a guess" with a shrug of his shoulders

"What do you get out of this?" her eyes darted around his

The bald hero paused for a moment, looking at the girl in front of him with his deadpan expression.

"Nothing really, I just wanted to help you out" the bald hero said with a small smile whiles offering his hand to the girl

Skeptical of the Saitama's word the vampire girl looked at his face, trying to find any form of lies or disseat in his features but found none, weather it was because of his heroic nature or carefree attitude, the way he spoke was also somewhat trusting.

Hesitantly the little girl held on to his hand and found a welcoming warmth. Something that she rarely felt in her life which made her cheeks glow a red hue.

"Come on" helping her up back to her feet the bald hero was now set to go back home. But one thing occurred to the bald hero's mind just as he was about to leave the alley; how was he going to take her home if she can't be in the sunlight and at the early morning?









Bonus to those who have waited…

Kali rolled the ball of yarn all over the house again and again, seemly never bored of such a simple item. The sound of playful meowing echoed throughout the house as Iara lazily took a nap on the couch. The ball of yarn rolling again this time it was too fast for her to catch in her hands and thus gave chase


As the little neko caught her prey, it seemed to fight back


This time rolling with the ball of yarn and being entangled in it, the poor little creature was trapped in a web of her own making, try as she might the young neko only found herself in more knots and yarn.

"I-Iara? A little help please?" Kali turned she head only to find the lamia sleeping heavily.

With small tear filling her eyes the young neko began to desperately free herself from the binding, suddenly the door opened to Saitama holding a bag of goods in hand

"I'm home" The bald hero called out

"PAPA HELP!" Kali cried out with tear in her eyes.