So I rolled the dice and ended up with this. From now on I'll divide my time between my "reading" story and this one. Before we start I gotta give out a quick shout out to Magnus9284, the creator of "Blessed with a Hero's Heart" a Konosuba/Myhero crossover that I enjoyed reading. This is my attempt at doing something similar, mostly because I think we have a distinct lack of Konosuba fanfiction in general. Anyway I'll link his account and story at the end.
Also I'm modifying the Konosuba world so that it can act a bit more like a classic video game/tabletop game ala D&D or WOW just to make it easier to scale things. The world of Konosuba is just too irregular to use for power scaling. A level one human adventurer is basically just human, a level one goddess turned mortal is apparently many times stronger, yet a trash mob like one of the giant toads could tank hits. Physical resistance or not that's some serious bs right there.
'So that's what that feels like.' Was Izuku's first coherent thought after dying of exhaustion from fighting Muscular. He ended up winning at least, in his mind anyway, with the injuries that Muscular sustained Kouta would be safe until help arrived.
He knew the risks of pushing himself too hard and he paid for it. In a last ditch effort he managed to call forth over 100% of One for All across his whole body, not just his arms. This gave him more than enough power to overwhelm the villain. But at a cost. The energy expenditure was too much for him, add that to the full body injuries he sustained from using One for All at that level, plus the blood loss that he suffered before that and you only one result.
"I died.." Izuku said aloud, depression hitting him after he realized that all the pain in his body was gone, leaving nothing but phantom pains from earlier. He looked down at his hands, flashing back to what happened.
"That's correct Izuku-kun." Said a soft, kind voice right in front of him. Izuku was startled out of his flashback by this and his head shot up to see who spoke. In front of him was a beautiful woman, no beautiful was an understatement, she looked almost divine.
'And considering I'm dead that might be literal.' Izuku thought before composing himself. "I have a lot of questions but one is the most important right now. Did everyone survive the attack?" I asked trying to keep the desperation out of my voice. She smiled kindly at me and answered.
"Yes, thanks to your bravery, and selfless sacrifice everyone managed to live through the event. However young Kouta was struck with grief over your death.." She said careful not to add the fact that his friend was kidnapped, there was nothing he could do to change that so it would be best if he was kept in the dark, everything worked out for the most part, and she didn't want to make him panic.
"Thank goodness, I'm just happy to know that what I did wasn't for nothing." Izuku said, letting out a sigh of relief.
"I'm sure you must have many questions but please allow me to answer a few of them. My name is Eris, I am the goddess of fortune. One of my duties is to watch over the souls of the recently deceased. About 3 years ago I had been given dominion over your world, specifically over the souls who died truly heroic deaths after living lives of selflessness and virtue. As a matter of fact your the first soul to make it here, congratulations!" Eris said jovially.
Izuku was honestly touched, of all the people that lived in his world, he was the only one to qualify to come here? It was one hell of a confidence booster and it brought a few tears to his eyes. "Thank you. I don't know if I deserve this, there are plenty of heroes that die every year. What about them shouldn't they be here too?" Izuku asked in confusion.
"They were heroes yes, at least by your world's definition. They enforced the law and saved lives, however not many did so for truly selfless reasons. They earned their place in heaven however only you have earned the chance that I'll be giving you today." Eris explained, getting Izuku's full attention now. What could a goddess want to offer him?
"Normally when a person dies they have 2 options, they can go to whichever afterlife they qualify for. In your case heaven. Or they can return to live another life in the human world, without any of their memories." Eris explained.
'Huh… So Kacchan's swan dive joke had some merit to it after all.' Izuku thought wistfully, remembering the not so good times with his friend/bully. Even after everything that happened between them, he would sincerely miss his old friend.
"You however, are being given a third option. You see, there exists another world out there, very similar to a magical fantasy world that would appear in a video game from your own world. It is currently being attacked by a demon king, his mighty army has destroyed so much that many of the souls from there have refused to reincarnate which has caused a population decrease." Eris summed up the situation before telling him what it meant for him.
"In order to circumvent this and hopefully eliminate the threat at the same time, the gods have decided to send humans who have died in other worlds to fight off the demon king's army as heroes." Eris explained the situation, Izuku paid attention as best as he could. So far this world sounded like it needed help. If this conversation is going where he thought, then he would do so without hesitation.
"Which is why you are here. We ask of you to help this world in its time of need." Eris went on only to be interrupted. "I accept!" Eris was shocked by the instant answer, he looked at him as if to question his decision but he continued. "If I don't help those in need, then what kind of hero would I be? I may be dead but my goal hasn't changed, I will be a hero! And if you'll let me, sending me to this new world will allow me to be just that." Izuku said resolutely, no hesitation in his voice.
"I-I knew you were heroic, being sent here was proof. But.. to hear such conviction in your words, you truly are worthy of receiving two gifts!" Eris said, looking at Izuku with newfound respect for his heroic attitude.
"Gifts? What are you talking about Eris-sama?" Izuku asked not knowing the finer details about reincarnation.
"Ahh, that's my mistake, you see when a human is reincarnated they receive a gift from the gods in order to help them fight off the demon king. You however will be given two as a reward for living a life worthy of a hero. It can be anything, a powerful item, a boon that surpassed all others, even a fictional power that you've seen before!" Eris explained, Izuku grew more and more excited at the prospect after hearing that.
"T-that's incredible, any power at all!" Izuku asked while Eris just nodded, smiling at his enthusiasm. Izuku was searching through his brain, trying to think of two powers that would be invaluable to him. Before that though he needed to confirm a few things.
"Will I be able to speak the same language as the local people?" It would be problematic if he couldn't, especially if there wasn't any context to learn from when he got there. Thankfully Eris filled him in. "Of course, you will receive knowledge on this world's language directly, along with that you will receive some starting gear to help you start off your journey." She explained helpfully.
"Anyway, if it's any help you can check out the power catalogue over there, if there isn't anything in there that you like, you might still get some ideas from it." She handed him the book, he thanked her and began looking through it. He noticed a power called alchemy, it gave him a good idea, but he needed to confirm something first.
"Thank you… I've decided on what I would like to have as my two gifts." He said, getting a surprised look from Eris, most would take a lot longer to decide. "For the first, I want to ask if it's possible to ask for a modified version of an existing skill." He said. "Yes, that's possible, most just take copies of other powers but they can modify them to best suit their needs." She confirmed.
"Ok then, before I explain I just need to ask one more question. Does the magic of this world still follow the basic laws of physics, even if it's just the energy conservation element?" He asked.
"Yes for the most part magic operates on the laws of equivalent exchange. If you were to say create an explosion to destroy a large boulder, you would need to expand an equal amount of energy in mana to do so." Eris explained not knowing where he was going with this.
"Ok, then the skill I want is the ability to transmute anything that I touch. For example, If I touched a stone, I could turn it into another material, or I could convert all of the matter in that stone into energy with as close to 100% efficiency as possible." He explained, Eris just looked dumbfounded at how simple yet devastating such an ability would be.
"I should probably warn you, an ability like that will be incredibly difficult to use, the mana costs alone would be massive." She tried to warn him, most didn't consider that their gifts would also need power to use.
"I thought as much, which is why I wanted the process to work both ways. For example I could take any object and then convert it into pure mana, circumventing the need to use my own reserves, or giving me the ability to instantly regenerate any mana that I use." He explained his reasoning, earning him another awestruck look from Eris. This boy just cracked the issue of a mortal's finite mana supply so casually! And this was just his first gift!
"T-t-that's very clever of you Izuku-kun, your really smart you know… Anyway, what about the second gift? Although I think your first is already more than enough." Eris complimented him and asked for his second idea.
"Thank you for the praise Eris-sama. it means a lot coming from a goddess!" He thanked her while blushing. "Anyway my second request is a bit simpler, I just want to be able to access the internet from my home world. I won't ask for anything unreasonable like being able to talk to people from there, but having an item, preferably an unbreakable/unstealable one that could access all that information would be a great help!" He explained, mostly he just wanted reference material to help with his transmutation skill, but he wouldn't deny that having access to his world's entertainment would be a great help too.
'And he does it again, another simple item in theory but completely invaluable to him with his new abilities.' Eris thought in admiration. "Of course, both gifts are well within our power to grant. I'm sure that you'll be a great hero Izuku-kun." She said as she prepared the magic circle that would send him away.
"Not so fast, Eris-chan!" Came a voice from the void, as suddenly as she was heard, an angelic woman appeared before them, she had short blond hair and green eyes, but her most striking feature were the angel wings on her back.
"Ah, Tenshi-chan, how may I help you? I was in the middle of sending Izuku-kun here to his new life." Eris asked in confusion, it was rare for an angel to visit a goddess, especially if they were in the middle of work.
"Sorry to say this, but the elder gods caught wind of your little trips to the human world." She said, getting Eris to pale considerably. "As punishment they decided that you would be sent to the human world, and that you will not be allowed back until the demon king was taken care of. Sorry about this, I'm just following orders." The angel said apologetically.
'Wait, so as a punishment for going to the human world, I'm being sent to the human world, for as long as I want?' Eris asked herself in confusion. Deciding to stay quiet she just frowned and nodded, hoping to make it look like she thought of it as a punishment. 'Sometimes I question the intelligence of my fellow gods.' Eris said sadly, thinking about a certain senpai she knew.
Izuku was too stunned to respond in time, he and Eris were lifted into the air and sent to their next destination. He swore to himself to apologize to Eris for not defending her, and to help her return to her home as quickly as possible. And with his new gifts, even if he couldn't cut it, he would give it one hell of a try.
Open field just outside of Axel
Izuku woke up with a start, he started looking around and accessing his surroundings. The first thing he saw was a walled off city a few kilometers away. He realized where he was, and remembered what happened. He also noticed that he had a bag with him, the bag that he usually used for his classes at U.A, speaking of which he was in his U.A uniform rather than the destroyed, casual clothes that he wore when he fought Muscular.
'The gods must have given me these as part of my starting gear. Wait. gods! Eris-sama!" Panicking he tried searching for Eris only to realize that she was lying right next to him, still asleep.
"Hey Eris-sama! Wake up, please wake up!" He called out, trying to shake her awake. After a few seconds she opened her eyes and knew what had happened. "I'm so sorry, I should have defended you back there. I'm not sure how that would have changed things but I feel ashamed for just letting someone as nice as you be punished without even a complaint!" He apologized immediately.
Eris just smiled at him as she got to her feet, his selflessness was endearing but he was way too hard on himself. "It's ok Izuku-kun, in all honesty this is hardly a punishment. I tend to come down here for fun on occasion and this just gives me an excuse to do it permanently!" She said trying to get him to calm down.
"O-ok, but still, I'm ashamed for not stepping in, it's the principle of the matter. You helped me so much and I did nothing to repay you! If you really want to stay in this world, then let me help you while your here. It would be the least I could do." He said with determination. Eris just giggled at him.
"It should be me who's helping you, my little hero. But if that's how you feel, then let's be partners instead. I might want to stay here, but I still have work to do in purgatory and I'm sure you still want to stop the demon king. So our goals align, I'll be in your care." She said giving him her signature wink.
Izuku was blushing by the end of that, he just nodded agreeing with what she said. "S-so I guess we should head out, you said this place was like a fantasy world so I assume there is an adventurers guild or something right?" He asked getting a nod of confirmation from the goddess.
"Right on the first try. Normally I would go there in my human form, sadly I was brought here looking like I usually do and I can't turn back so I doubt anyone will recognize me. Luckily I have a friend that might be able to help us, so we should go see her before we do anything else." She told him the plan. "Sure, you know this place better than me so lead the way Eris-sama."
"Ok, but please don't call me by that name, I'm a goddess remember, if people figured out who I was it could end up bad. Oh and before we go I should warn you that my friend is a little… Eccentric." She said before walking off, leaving behind a confused Izuku who tried to keep up.
Hope you all enjoyed this first chapter, expect another one in a day or two.
Here are the links to my inspiration.
Author: w u/1663154/M agnus9284
Story: /s/13 128750/1/Ble ssed-with-a-H ero-s-Heart