Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer was created by the amazing Joss Whedon, and Naruto by the equally awesome Masashi Kishimoto. I am writing purely for the entertainment of myself and (hopefully) others.
Any time someone is speaking Japanese in-front of Buffy, it will be in bold.
Enjoy, and thank you for your reviews!
Chapter 5
Buffy couldn't help but be amused as her new friend talked her ear off, never mind the fact that she had no idea what he was saying. Possibly telling her a story, from his animated gestures and different pitched voices. She kept the majority of her attention on the boy but took this time to get familiar with her surroundings.
The room held one door 3 beds down, but as she was sure this was a hospital that would get her nowhere. A large window occupied the wall on her other side, close enough that she could see they were definitely not on the ground floor. Unless she decided to blow a hole in the wall, that was the best option.
Buffy glanced at the masked man when he moved to lean in front of the window. Naruto kept calling him Ka-ka-sensei but if that was his name she felt really, really bad for him.
"Naruto, that's enough for now. Can you get the medic?" Kakashi asked, turning a page in his little orange book. The boy nodded, disappearing down the hallway shouting the whole way.
She huffed lightly, "I wasn't going to jump out the window… yet."
The silver haired jonin had, in fact, caught sight of her studying the room and moved in case she decided to act rashly. He observed her interaction with Naruto to see if she truly had no idea what they were saying—he believed she didn't—but this girl was still a mystery no matter how innocent she looked.
When she ran a hand through her messy hair her shoulder twinged. Buffy peeked inside the white hospital top at the thin, almost non-existent wound on her shoulder. "That's one problem solved." she sighed, settling back against the pillow.
Thankfully Naruto burst through the door before she was forced to endure an awkward silence. Sadly a woman entered behind him, dressed in the oddest hospital garb, but from the clipboard in her hand it was clear he had been sent for the nurse.
"Ah, Kakashi-san, I did not believe that the patient is already awake! We predicted that she would remain unconscious for at least a day due to the high grade of toxin circulating her system." the med-nin flipped through the chart and set it aside. "I'll perform a basic examination."
Buffy eyed the woman warily as she approached her, waiting to be poked and prodded.
What she wasn't expecting was to feel a spike of energy not unlike the men in the forest, or for the nurses hands to start glowing. She leaned away when the woman tried to place a hand on her shoulder. "Uhh, am I the only one seeing this?"
Naruto caught sight of her apprehensive look. "What's wrong Buffy? I know it's annoying, but it's just a check up!" he tried to encourage her, but the young woman continued to struggle against the medic.
"Miss, please stay still, I only want to check your wound—"
Kakashi put his book away and waited. Was Buffy's shock at the nurse's use of chakra because she was a civilian and not used to such procedures? Or did she not want to be examined encase they found something telling within her body?
"In my experience glow-y hands do not equal a good time!" she protested, shoving the covers off and ducking under the woman's arms, slipping out of the bed. Buffy didn't make it far when an arm wrapped around her waist like a vice. She halfheartedly fought his hold before going limp—easy as it would be to break free from his grip, she was supposed to be incognito-girl.
And really, they went through the trouble to help her while she was unconscious, why would they turn around and harm her? She resorted to glaring up at the masked man, "I'll remember this."
Kakashi set her back on the bed, watching her flinch slightly when the nurse finally placed her hand on the young woman's shoulder to began her exam.
"Next time I'll just put her under!" the med-nin muttered.
"Maybe she just doesn't like mean old ladies," Naruto grumbled in his new friend's defense, missing the indignant look the med-nin shot the boy.
Once the nurse was finished Kakashi gestured to the door. "I'll walk you out." He stared pointedly at Naruto, a "stay right here and wait for me to come back" look that even with his face mostly covered his student recognized easily. Glancing at Buffy, who returned his gaze unperturbed, he stepped into the hall.
"From the earlier stimulation of cells around her shoulder her wound is almost completely healed. As far as I can tell she is perfectly healthy, except for the faintest trace of toxin in her system but even that is quickly being fought by her immune system."
"Is that level of healing normal for a civilian?" he inquired.
"Not often, but it is not unheard of. Her chakra levels are low, though whether that is due to her current state has yet to be seen."
Kakashi nodded. "Thank you, please send out your findings as soon as possible."
"Yes, Kakashi-san."
Not sure if I made it clear previously but Kakashi is her "guard" at the moment, so that is why the medic is telling him Buffy's info—plus she is in this state of sort of patient/potential prisoner so I don't think OSHA really applies lol.
Thank you for reading!