A Week Later Winterfell.
"While I have heard grandfather say you sleep with dogs, I never figured I would actually find you among them," Joffery said as he stood by the Kennels where Tyrion was just waking up.
"What do you need nephew?" Tyrion asked tiredly.
"Well first I want to know why you are sleeping with the hounds, were you really that desperate that a bitch could do it for you?" Joffery mocked.
"For your information, I have been spending the past three days almost without rest trying to find a way to wake the young Stark, and I was exhausted and so found a place with adequate straw and laid down, the dogs made it slightly more comfortable as your dog of a guard would know," Tyrion said referring to Joffery's guard a man named Sandor Clegane but generally known as the Hound.
"I agree, dogs do make sleep more comfortable," The Hound said with a small laugh.
"Now nephew what did you actually need, I am sure that you did not just come to mock me," Tyrion said calmly.
"Well if you must know my mother has been looking for you," Joffery said simply.
"Is that so, well I have spent quite a bit of time with her and your father, they have been with Lord and Lady Stark trying to console them since they did lose your older brother back before he was born. What is it that she needs?" Tyrion asked confused.
"We ride for Kings Landing today," Joffery said simply.
"Oh, yes, I had nearly forgotten about that, I wonder how well Ser Hadrian will do with riding as he has been doing more work than I have in trying to help Bran, and also act as a guard over him when my brother is unavailable, I wonder if he ever sleeps," Tyrion said thoughtfully.
"Aye, that boy is a piece of work, probably will work himself to death if he is not careful," The Hound said nodding his head.
"Well not really my problem is it?" Joffery said cockily.
"I suppose not, now before you leave you will call on Lord and Lady Stark and offer your sympathies," Tyrion said simply.
"What good will my sympathies do them, if their son dies, he dies, and the world is better off," Joffery said proudly.
"Perhaps, perhaps not, but it is expected of you, your absence has already been noted, as your younger brother and sister have spent time with the Stark family or watching over Bran, but you have not and so people are starting to question where you go," Tyrion said simply.
"But the boy means nothing to me, he is the second-born son so will unlikely ever become much even if he survives," Joffery said before Tyrion smacked him across the face.
"One more word and I will hit you again, Bran Stark is the son of Lord Stark, Lord Stark was the second son of his father, and his father was the second son of his grandfather, Bran may well be one of the leaders of one of the eight great houses when you become king," Tyrion said coldly.
"My mother…" Joffery started before Tyrion smacked him again.
"Go, tell my sister, but first you will go and plead the Lord and Lady Starks forgiveness for not aiding in the watch of their son, and that all your prayers are with them and for their son, do you understand?" Tyrion asked coldly.
"You can't," Joffery said before Tyrion smacked him again.
"That's true I can't but I do have your father's ear and since he is close friends with Lord Stark if he gets word, well, do you understand where I am going with this?" Tyrion asked before Joffery quickly walked away.
"The Prince will remember that Lord Imp," The Hound said with a smile.
"Good, and if he starts to forget, be a good hound and remind him for me, now I am going to check on Bran before I get breakfast, will I see you at the meal?" Tyrion asked kindly.
"Perhaps, perhaps," The Hound said as he watched Tyrion walk away.
"How is he?" Tyrion asked Harry as he entered the infirmary.
"He is stable, Maester Luwin and I believe he should wake within the next week or so, but will unlikely ever walk again, and almost certainly will not remember why he was climbing or why he placed a straw mat under the tower that he was at, but he should live, unless the Gods decide to turn against us all of a sudden," Harry said weakly.
"When was the last time you got any sleep, Ser Hadrian?" Tyrion asked concerned for his friend and student.
"Last night," Harry said weakly.
"I somehow doubt that, please be honest with me," Tyrion said as he noticed Robert and Ned in the doorway.
"I am being honest I did," Harry said weakly.
"I agree with the Imp, Ser Hadrian, you seem weak for one who slept last night, how many hours have you gotten in the past week?" Ned asked as he walked in.
"Enough," Harry said simply.
"How many are you claiming to be enough, and for that matter, when was the last time you got a decent meal?" Robert asked in a tone that demanded an honest and complete answer.
"24 hours," Harry said shortly.
"24 hours in the past week, past three days, past how long?" Ned asked getting irritated at Harry's short answers.
"Since Bran fell," Harry said dejectedly.
"Why are you not sleeping, exactly?" Robert asked irritated.
"It's my fault that Bran is in this condition," Harry said sadly.
"How exactly is it your fault, you were sparing with Ser Jamie, how are you to blame?" Tyrion asked glaring at Harry.
"I promised Lady Stark to make sure Bran did not climb the walls and I failed, I broke my promise, and so I need to fix it," Harry said stubbornly.
"I do remember Catelyn saying that, but she also said that she made Bran promise not to climb anymore, now as Lord Stark, I command you to go with Tyrion and get something to eat before you go and rest until we depart in 6 hours or so, I will have Robb get your gear ready because I cannot have a guard who is nearly dead, as a nearly dead guard is just as good as no guard at all. Besides Luwin said there is nothing more you can do according to all of the books in the library," Ned said firmly.
"But…" Harry tried to protest.
"Go," Ned said leaving no room to argue.
"Of course Lord Stark," Harry said before following Tyrion down to the Hall where Cersei, Jamie, Myrcella, and Tommen were eating.
"Little brother, Ser Hadrian," Jamie said as Tyrion moved to sit down.
"Beloved siblings," Tyrion replied.
"Ser Jamie, your Grace," Harry said still standing.
"Hadrian what are you doing still standing? Come sit," Tyrion said moving so there was room for Harry who waited while looking at Cersei.
"Yes, Ser Hadrian please sit down and eat with us," Cersei said after noticing Harry looking to her for permission.
"Thank you, your grace," Harry said before sitting down.
"Is Bran going to die?" Myrcella asked once Harry was sitting down.
"Hopefully not, as of right now he is stable but still out of consciousness," Tyrion said simply as Harry ate slowly.
"What do you mean he is stable, is he going to live or not?" Cersei asked confused.
"He is more likely than not to live, however when he will wake is still uncertain, though he will likely never walk again, nor be able to remember the events that transpired just before his fall," Harry said as Tyrion saw his siblings let out a small sign once Harry mentioned his lack of memory.
"Its a mercy, though how will he get around without being able to walk, especially here in the frozen North?" Cersei asked simply.
"Only the gods know, perhaps there will come a large man who can carry him, I honestly don't have a clue," Tyrion said sadly.
"Very well, now has the brother of Lord Stark convinced you not to go to the Wall because even I see that idea a bit beyond you," Jamie asked Tyrion confusing Harry.
"You are taking the black, Lord Tyrion?" Harry asked in shock.
"And become celibate, heavens no, the whores from Dorne to Kings Landing would mourn me too much, no I am going to see the greatest structure ever build in Westeros, see the noble Nights Watch, and piss off the Wall, which is practically the edge of the world," Tyrion said simply.
"My children do not need to hear your filth, come we will prepare to depart," Cersei said beckoning for her two children to follow her out of the hall.
"Well this will be an interesting trip won't it, an heir to a Lord going to the wall and a Bastard going south to Kings Landing, Hadrian whenever you are finished eating perhaps we can spar," Jamie said as he stood.
"I'm sorry but that will not be possible as Lord Stark and the King have ordered Ser Hadrian to get some rest as he has gotten less than 24 hours of sleep the past week," Tyrion said causing Harry to glare at him.
"Very well, I will find someone else to spar with then, until later," Jamie said before he too left.