Wednesday, 25 December 2019

8:30 PM AEST – Australian Eastern Standard Time GMT+10

A Naruto and the Witcher Crossover

Disclaimer: "Naruto" is a property of Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, and Studio Pierrot; and "The Witcher" Game Series is owned by CD Projekt RED and the Books belongs Mr Andrzej Sapkowski.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, historical events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Reader discretion is advised.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Romance, Fantasy, Horror?

Warnings: Strong Violence, Strong Language, Sexual Content, Politics

Tags: Ancient/Immortal/Serious Naruto/Minor Crossover (A bit of Lord of the Rings and mentions of my other fanfics)/Limes/Lemon/Multiple pairing

Universe: Animeverse/Gameverse

Series: The Legend of the Maelstrom

"Jutsus/Spells/Time change/ Place change"

"Otherworldly Beings/Monsters Talking"

"Otherworldly Beings/Monsters Speaking"


"Normal Speaking"

"Elder Speech/Nilfgaardian/Skellige Dialect"

"Normal Thinking/Telepathy speaking"

"In the beginning of this war, most thought that Nilfgaard's victory was assured, they were wrong."

- Naruto Uzumaki

Act 2: In Ciri's Footsteps on No Man's Land

Chapter 3: The Nilfgaardian Connection

Story Start.

Velen, Temeria… or was it Nilfgaard? Borders have changed drastically in the past few months, and it will continue to change, whether in favour of Redania or Nilfgaard, only time can tell… that and gold, and even more gold. Naruto knew he'd have to do some massive actions in this war in the North, and as Ambassador Henry var Attre said, Nilfgaard does not want a war against him, and he had to take some serious thoughts about it.

Now, as he passed under a withered tree used as gallows for scums, peasants, and all, Nilfgaard did not care about the differences.

Speak against the Empire and the Emperor, you die.

Steal a bread from a merchant for your child, you die.

Attack Imperial soldiers, you die.

Piss as much as the general direction of anything related to Nilfgaard, you die.

"For a so-called advanced civilization, they're no different than the rest…" he thought as he rode Rochallor in silence with his old friend, Geralt.

"Aetheria isn't like that," replied Kaguya while he silently nodded.

"But the Holy Aetherian Empire is worlds away from here, I don't think they'll come in this backwater of a world unless the Lord Father decides otherwise and the Holy Father beckons, but anyway, looking at Velen from here, I feel a lot of work coming already."

"Well, you do what you think is best, besides, New Gondolin is merely one call away."

Naruto hummed himself as he continued his ride along Geralt whose cat-like eyes watched for everything around them.

"This place looks like shit," said the Witcher.

"It has its own charms," quipped Naruto while Geralt snorted.

"Let's head for Inn at the Crossroads," said Geralt before he saw Naruto's gaze turned to the entire region. "Unless you'd like to make some clones to scour Velen?"

The deity sighed loudly and looked at the setting sun to their west. "That'd be a good idea, three or four clones would suffice, just like with White Orchard."

"Go with three, I think that's better."

-Inn at the Crossroads-

True enough, Naruto made four reinforced clones and sent them along the way. One for Oxenfurt, the other to Novigrad, the third went ahead of their path, through Mulbrydale, the last one went deeper in Velen and thus, he ordered them, build his influence to the people, so that it may yield some good rewards in the near future.

He would need it, with the war on full swing, the common folk would want to have something or someone to stand with during these times of trouble, and his goal is to be that pillar and foundation of their faith.

Naruto and Geralt rode their horses near a major ford in the river and came upon an inn, set on the crossroads in Velen, thus the name - Inn at the Crossroads.

The two dismounted and left their horses near the inn's trough then entered the modest establishment. The two went straight to the innkeeper, a modest man, of average height and build, a full beard adorned his face.

"Greet'ngs, how can I help?" the innkeep greeted as Naruto took a seat on a barstool.

Geralt followed Naruto's action and sat beside the man. "Looking for a man. Goes by Hendrik."

"What you want with 'im?" asked the Innkeep, suspicion arose from his tone, but it was ignored.

"Wanna talk to him," replied the Witcher tersely.

"What about?"

Naruto noticed that his friend was being led around since they haven't ordered anything yet, so he voiced what Geralt was going to say.

"Give him a bottle of something strong, Innkeep," he said, then they heard galloping through the hamlet, and the Innkeep's attitude changed to panic.

"You gotta go! I'll open the back way for ya!"

"No," said Naruto with a small smile. "I'll handle this with a simple trick."

Geralt raised an eyebrow, amused at what he thought Naruto would do, the Innkeep didn't believe him, then a group of men in armour burst into the tavern.

"Innkeep! Vodka!" shouted by the apparent leader of the group, then the group noticed Geralt and his two swords.

"Who's this 'un?" asked one of the men to his friend.

"Brave warrior looks like. Got two swords, see?"

The first man shook his head then turned to Geralt. "Oi, grey boy! What's the point of havin' two swords?"

"Wonder if he keeps an extra prick in his trousers, too," said the third man to himself.

"You fuckin' deaf?" the first man shouted then walked closer to Geralt and he finally noticed Naruto. "Gonna say who you are, or do I need to loosen your tongue with me knife?"

The Innkeep watched the altercation in fear, while Geralt waited for Naruto to make his move, and not a second later, the golden-haired man turned to the men, eyes rippled purple.

"Go take a walk deep in the woods, but first, leave your weapons and your pouches…"

It was a mental order coated in Genjutsu; something he was terrible with during his younger days, but with his eyes, it was a piece of cake.

And a piece of cake it was.

The Innkeep watched in surprise as the men stopped talking and their eyes became empty as they dropped their weapons and their pouches, then walked outside like dead men.

"What'd you do?"

"Made them take a walk," replied Naruto as he stood up and picked up the pouches of the men. "You'll not see them again, not alive at least."

The Innkeep decided not to question the man again and just sighed to himself; this was beyond him.

"Thanks for not startin' a row with those swine." Naruto merely waved him off and Geralt went straight to the point.

"We're looking for Hendrik."

Geralt's eyes focused on the Innkeep and he gulped loudly.

"Man lives in Heatherton."

Geralt sighed to himself. "Don't know where that is."

The Innkeep looked apologetic and replied immediately. "Other side of the hill. Look thataway this morn and saw a strange glow."

Naruto's eyes narrowed as the Innkeep continued.

"Imperials on the raid, perhaps, but who knows…"

"What do you know about Hendrik?" Naruto asked the man who hummed to himself.

"Odd fellow," he started. "Arrived from who knows where for no apparent reason."

"Shacked up with a widow whose husband was stabbed for a scrap of bread."

Geralt nodded. "Baron's men don't like strangers."

"Aye, an' he stays out o' their way. Always seem to know when they're comin', always manages to disappear."

-Heatherton: Later-

The village where they went was at the foot of the western mountains, across the river, and it appeared to be completely deserted.

"Looks like winter came and left within one night," surmised Naruto as Geralt walked forward into the abandoned village, then they came upon a lone old man, with a torch on one hand as he tried to drive away rabid dogs from his door.

Geralt was about to draw his steel sword until a blast of magic turned the rabid dogs into piles of ash, he then looked back saw Naruto's ring glowed in a blue hue.

The blond gave a smile while he just shook his head and went to the man.

"Begone! Leave me be, whoever you is! Get away!"

Geralt weaved the Axii sign and calmed the man. "Calm down. It's over."

The man calmed down and his voice turned quiet. "Aye, it's over…"

"All's past, never to be restored," the man lamented as he sat on a bench nearby.

"Looking for a man named Hendrik. Supposed to live in this village," inquired by Geralt while the man shivered.

"Aye, he did…" he said as he glanced a house nearby. "No longer."

"They nabbed 'im in that hut," he motioned at the thatched hut. "If you'd o' heard the cries, sir… if you'd o' heard how a man can scream… how he can suffer."

Naruto closed his eyes, but they were here for information, and so he spoke. "Tell us what happened here. In order."

"They took 'em… took 'em all…"

The man shivered in fear once more as he recalled the events prior. "The sun was waning, see… and the dusk went crimson like blood."

"Though to meself, 'Strange. The toads - I cannot hear them.' I know not what happened there, save terror through and through. Hendrik screamed, then he begged. By the end, he could do naught but moan…"

"Dammit!" cursed the Witcher as the man continued.

"Weren't here long, the terrors. Yet the village froze like the heart of winter…"

"Were you in that hut when they rode off?" The man shook his head.

"No. And I'll not set foot there. Never," he stated much clarity and the two left him.

A cold, spine-tingling wind came to them as they approached the hut. Death was on the air, a cold, frozen death that did not belong in this world.

"Just wonderful."

Naruto could hear the sarcasm in the Witcher's unemotional voice as they entered the hut and saw a deceased man, most likely Hendrik, but couldn't be identified.

"Face scorched, hard to identify," observed Geralt as he kneeled down beside the corpse.

He came closer and checked the pockets of the man. "Trouser's stiff as if hung out to dry mid-winter."

"Well, winter did come here last night, so…" said Naruto while Geralt shook his head. "He's cold as ice, check the boots, safest place to hide things."

True enough, Geralt took out Hendrik's boots and found a simple key from one of them.

"Now then, a draft… where is it?" He looked around and saw Naruto punched a hole in the floor.

"Here's your draft, the key is now useless," joked Naruto before he dropped down the hidden basement and scanned the place as Geralt followed him down.

With his senses, Geralt found a false candlestick and pulled it down, and it revealed a chest behind the shelf.

"Hmm… interesting," he mused as Naruto watched him. "A ledger… payment for a sack of grain… amount due for a charcoal shipment… Hendrik was masquerading as a merchant, hey Naruto, look at this."

Geralt handed the ledger to Naruto who looked down the notes mixed in the entries. "Hoh, very clever. 'Missing and Wanted'. 'Subject appeared in Skellige. Also sighted in Novigrad'. 'Appearance unchanged. Ashen hair. Scar on her face'. 'Avoids contact with others'. Hmm, good girl."

"Sounds like she's running away from something or someone."

The Witcher concurred.

"'Drunken Swine', interesting man," mused Naruto as he continued reading. "'So-called baron hosted subject at his castle, or should I say illegally-appropriated fort…' 'Reason unknown'. 'Talk to the baron at Crow's Perch'."

"That sounds like an interesting man, to say the least, probably shouldn't call him as a drunken swine in his face."

Geralt nodded again, then Naruto's eyes caught something. "What's this? 'Clashed with a Witch'?"

"'Subject landed in a swamp, encountered a witch'. 'Conflict ensued. Cause unknown'. 'Find the witch'. 'Talk to the peasantry - village of Midcopse'."

Naruto handed back the ledger to Geralt who then looked at the last entry.

"'Caution Advised'. 'I'm being observed. Don't know by whom or why. Unsettling signs…' 'Dog ran off'. 'Water in bucket froze solid'. 'Strange glow observed in the sky. Ill omen, peasants say'," read Geralt as he stood up.

"Wild Hunt… somehow they learned Hendrik was searching for Ciri," said Geralt before he closed the ledger and took it with him.

"Baron and a witch, not very useful at all, but they'll do," said Naruto as he went upstairs.

"But I learned to expect less from Nilfgaardians."

A/N: Sorry for a long delay.


Kaguya Ōtsutsuki 大筒木カグヤ

Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon

A/N: Anyone else that deserves to be here? Just one or two more and that's it. Give your thoughts in the reviews and PM, no flames needed, I tend to ignore them but they're rather annoying, and please, NO GUEST reviews, I have blocked guest reviews in my settings so please, use your FanFiction account and if you don't have one, create one, it is very easy.

If you have any questions, or if you want to play some video games with me, contact me in any of these accounts:

Discord: Ex-Durandal 24#9066

Steam: Pope Pius XIII (Profile pic is the Flag of the Vatican City State)

The Elder Scrolls Online: NarutoUzumaki24 - Megaserver: PC-North America

Blizzard (Overwatch): ExDurandal24#1315 - Server: Americas

GOG Galaxy: Jello242

Uplay: bfigu

Xbox: JelloUzumaki24

Fate/Grand Order (NA - English): Bonjello, 267,838,861 - Main Account

Fate/Grand Order (NA): Pius XIII, 517,360,382 - Second Account with Musashi-chan

Fate/Grand Order (JP - Japanese): Augustus, 960,768,286 - Beginner Account

Fate/Grand Order (JP): Claudius, 453,568,669 - Endgame Account

Merry Christmas and may God bless you all, see you next year.