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![]() Author has written 5 stories for Disgaea, Fallout, Naruto, and Kingdom Hearts. Name: Catilleon or Cat. Age: Second year of university. Gender: XY 30/6/2013: After almost a year and a half I've started updating again. It's been a long time and I can't really excuse the long period but University hit me pretty hard and I lost a great deal of confidence in my writing skills. More than anything else living in the city for the first time and possesing little social skills made it difficult to handle people and it all got a little depressing after a while. I hope to update more regularly and crawl out of the creative hole I've dug myself into. Art Vicious Calm Kyuyo & Nagi- http:///#/d3kpseg Recommended Web-comics Cause before I was addicted to FanFiction I was addicted to Web-comics, go figure. Romantically Apocalypse (Actually this one is where my Avatars from. Twisted humor and post apocalyptia at it's finest. Purty too) Looking For Group (The world needs more Richard... just don't let him near me) MegaTokyo (Okay, if your even only a little into web-comics you've no doubt heard of this one but it got me into the whole thing) Exterminatus Now (This got me into the weird web-comics) Antihero for Hire (Not much to look at art wise but one of the funniest things I have ever read. Period) Dresdan Codak (Absolutely gorgous. IQ requirement for understanding) Cyinide and Happiness (For when I'm feeling morbid) Sandra and Woo (Like Calvin and Hobbs with more geek references) Blue Comics (Had the longest prologue ever but still good) Weregeek (Geek humour abounds) Applegeeks (and by extension Applegeeks Lite) Three Panel Soul (Prettiest comic strip I know of) Penny Arcade (Once again everyone probably knows of this one) pVp (The horror behind gaming magazines) Unsound of Mind (Rather nice art for something on Drunk Duck) Death Brigade (Really nice art for something on Drunk Duck) Land of Joel (Not dissimilar to Unsound of Mind at least in terms of randomness) Sodium Eyes (It takes a certain kind of mind to enjoy this) Erfworld (For when you get tired of life there's table top gaming) Kastle Comics (Comic book humor) Preferred Pairings Naruto NarutoxHinata (I don't really care what people say I can never hate this pairing) ShikamaruxTemari (Once again I can't hate this pairing) NarutoxTenten (I don't really know where this came from but I really like it) NarutoxHanabi (Oddly cute) NarutoxIsaribi (Once again oddly cute. Hmmm NarutoxHanabixIsaribi min-Harem... it could work) NarutoxIno (I've read some good fics with this) NarutoxAnko (Perferably a young Anko large age differences make me uncomfortable at times) femNarutoxHaku (I have an odd soft spot for femNaru fics and I think this evens out the NarutoxfemHaku fics) NarutoxfemHaku (Not to say I don't like those too) femNarutoxSasuke (Peferably non crazy and non asshole Sasuke. If you're looking for good fics from this pairing I would suggest the authour TooDarnLazy) femNarutoxKyubi (I have a fic for this now check out Vicious Calm) NarutoxfemKyubi NagatoxKonan (Yay Pein[hugs Pein plush]) NarutoxHarem (I suppose it could be done well in a serious fic but I find my favorite Harem fics are usually comedies) Digimon TakatoxRika (This is my favorite pairing and very close to my OTP) TakuyaxIzumi DavisxHikari (I don't like TK all that much and Davis does get the short end of the stick sometimes) MLP: FiM Twilight x Trixie Twilight x Rainbow Dash Twilight x Fluttershy Twilight x Applejack Rarity x Fluttershy Final Fantasy CloudxYuffie (It's pretty crack but I love it) CloudxTerra (I blame this on Dissidia fiction) CloudxLightning (If there were any more similar it would be incest) I now have a story for the above three pairings, please read I Belong To Nobody CidxLightning (The Cid from XIII just to specify) Legend of Zelda LinkxTetra (I do actually prefer this over LinkxZelda, kinda weird) LinkxZelda (Still fun) LinkxMinda (Odd but what do I care) Disgaea FlonnexLaharl (One of my favorites) MaoxRasberyl AlmazxSapphire (Ah Almaz he gets so little love) AdellxRozalin AxelxYukimaru (I've seen one fic for this but I like it) AxelxPlienar (Actually I came up with this as a joke but it could be cute) |