A Naruto and the Middle-earth Saga (The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings) Crossover

Disclaimer: All in my short life, I've never own very expensive things except for my life and my family. So there is no way in heaven and hell I own Tolkien's Legendarium or Kishimoto's work. These titles belongs to their respective creators.

A/N: Went through spell check.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Romance, Fantasy

Warnings: Violence, Strong Language

Tags: Godlike/Immortal/Badass/Intelligent/Overpowered/Serious Naruto/Minor crossovers/Small Harem

Universe: Animeverse/Bookverse/Movieverse

Series: The Legend of the Maelstrom

"Jutsus/Spells/Time change/ Place change"

"Otherworldly Beings Talking"

"Otherworldly Beings Thinking"


"Normal Speaking"

"Normal Thinking/Telepathy speaking"

"I've seen death more than anyone else in this Earth. I've seen worlds at peace and beyond saving. It is too hard for me to see more people suffer because of evil, but I hate to see people who are good and then becomes bad. My heart cannot hold the pain of seeing families broken. And here am I, in your Halls of Valor, listening to your pleadings. Tell me, why should I help you?"

-Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto

Act 1 - A Help Comes

Chapter 1: The Beginning

"Tell me again, my former student. Why should I help you and with your problems?" A hooded man stood in the front of a council as the person that this man stared at and he flinched while the rest were silent.

"You betrayed my trust! I told you that it was a bad idea to create another word while you let your original world burn. You gave a promise. A promise that you swear you would never break and yet, you did. Tell me, was it bad enough that you wanted me to serve you and bow to you. Bow!? Who in the fuck do you think am I huh? Your bodyguard? I don't fucking bow to anyone! I'm just wasting my time here." The hooded person began to walk away, but he was stopped by the man he was talking to and he bowed lowly to the ground, his forehead touching the cold marble floor.

"FATHER!" Shouted by the rest of the people sitting in their thrones in the council as the hooded man looked to the person who is kneeling in his feet with emotionless eyes.

"Please, help the world I formed. I will give you anything, just help us...please you must help. You are the only person who can help this world." The man on his feet cried as he tried to plead to the hooded man.

"Anything you say? Hmm." The older looking man on his feet, nodded as he raised his head.

"To think you said that I should bow to you and serve you years ago... yet here you are, bowing at my feet like a beggar who has nothing left and those people are still better than you. You who created this world, begging for help. Is the reason why you cannot do this on your own is because of the rules you Gods follows? Or is it something else?" The hooded man removed his hood to show his handsome face. Untamed blonde hair that reaches to his shoulders, piercing azure blue eyes and three whisker-like marks on his cheeks.

"It is because of the rules we created… and I also cannot bring death to my own blood." The old man on his feet rose his head and looked the blonde-haired man. He didn't expect to see the blonde man to smile a bit and a chuckle was heard next.

"You are really a foolish student Eru… you created rules which includes you and your Valar cannot intervene, with the living things below you. That rule is foolish, if I were you, I will be with my creations as much as possible."

"I'm really sorry, teacher. Please help us, you can ask anything you want after you finish what we ask of you."

"You may be a foolish student, but you are still my student. Fine, but in one condition…

=Time skip: Undetermined amount of time later circa year 1500 of the Second Age=

"Celebrimbor, your people were deceived." A voice came from a shadow on the Elf's side.

"I know, but it is too late to change back the things that were made. Even with Vilya, Narya and Nenya sent away untouched, they are still lesser than Annatar's, no, Sauron the Deceiver's Ring of Power. We alone cannot hope to withstand against him." The Elf's name, Celebrimor is a Ñoldorin prince, last of the House of Fëanor, replied to the voice from the shadow.

"Yes, we can." The voice replied.

"How?" Celebrimor replied as the man's blue eyes pierced the darkness.

"I will help you forge me a ring, to combat Sauron's own. One that cannot be corrupted by the Dark Power, and the one that will rule them all. Sauron's ring will not be the one ruling them all. Do not tell anyone, even your family and closest friends. This will be between us and us alone. And before you ask if I have the power to combat Sauron, no, I have the power to conquer all of Valinor myself and not exhausted yet, and I will still be able fight Morgoth unscathed." Celebrimor's eyes widened as the strength of the person he is talking to.

"But why would you need a ring to combat Sauron's if you can take him yourself without it?"

"The future will tell it, my friend and this will be the Twenty-first Ring of Power, and it will be the strongest of all."

"Fine, let's begin… Naruto."

=Time skip: Approximately 2200 years later=

"We are going to muster our forces in Imladris and join with Elrond's company of Elves. Is that the plan?" An aged man wearing a silver armor with a white tree adorns his chest guard stood on a round table.

"Yes… and we still have time to make our plans in Rivendell and forge our weapons, then begin marching to Hithaeglir." Replied by an Elf who wears a golden armor adorned with different patterns and a circlet on his head.

"Is that all, Gil-galad?" The elf, now named Gil-galad shook his head.

"No Elendil, my friend… we will talk more about our plans when Elrond is with us in Rivendell."

"What about you, Milord Naruto?" Elendil, the name of the man asked Naruto who came out from the shadows.

Naruto, who is wearing a golden Elven armor with a golden cloak with his emblem of red whirlpool, walks towards to the two kings. One, the High King of the Ñoldor, and the second is the High King of Arnor and Gondor. Both were highly respected by Naruto because of their courage to face whatever threatens what they consider family, one the values that Naruto taught to his students: "Always protect those people you deem precious to you, sacrifice your life if it must be the payment."

"Yes, it would be good to meet with the son of Eärendil. He is a wise and strong person even before he was your herald Gil-galad. Even when there was still Beleriand, I met him and his twin, Elros when they were young back in Sirion and that was still back in the First Age." He replied as the other two nodded.

"Very well, when do we move the host?" Elendil the Tall asked.

"We can today, but I will send a messenger to Rivendell about our arrival." Gil-galad said as he began walking out of the room with Elendil following him. Leaving Naruto on his thoughts.

"I think that would be wise." He vanished in a golden flash, leaving the room empty and cold.

=With Gil-galad and Elendil=

"Where is he?"

"No idea, probably went ahead. You know him, he doesn't like to show himself with a lot of people, especially like this big, and that is just what he is. But in time, he will have no choice but to show himself to a lot of people. You know, he has only shown himself in a huge crowd a few times back in the War of the Wrath."

"War of the Wrath? What is that? When did it happened?"

"It's better if you don't know, those times were the darkest of the times and I wish that they would be forgotten."

"I see Milord Gil-galad, very well then, shall we meet our hosts and march to Rivendell?"

"Let's go."

=With Naruto=

"Did I make the right decision, dear…?"

"I'm sure you did my dear, and I think you will enjoy fighting Sauron as much as you had fun when you fought Morgoth when one of your closest friends was murdered by that filth."

"I hope you're right because I don't regret whatever I have done, but I swear if Morgoth will be able to break the Doors of the Night, I will tear off his heart and crush it like a bug; and then, the Second Music will be sung and it will be better than the first one."

"I will be waiting for that day. Do you remember when you got that sword on your waist?"

"Of course I do, it was a very sad day. The day Fingolfin died…"

=Flashback: Unknown amount of time ago=

The sky is dark, fire surrounded the battlefield. In the embers you can see two figures, one small and the other is a giant. If you look closer, you would see an Elf Lord is wearing a silver armor and wielding a glowing sword, the other is a monster, wearing a pitch black armor that is adorned with spikes, you can see the eyes of this giant are red and his helm has three shining stones that adorned the helm that covered his whole head.

"You're only delaying the inevitable, die now, in vain." The giant slammed his fiery Warhammer to the Elf who dodged it creating a crater with flaming rocks on it.

"No, the one who will perish tonight is you, Morgoth!" The Elf Lord shouted the name of the giant, Morgoth, but was promptly smashed to the ground, but managed to stand up and injured Morgoth by slashing his legs and arms as the Elf managed to jump on Morgoth's left arm and stabbed it but was knocked down and was able to get up the second time.

"Then you're a fool, Fingolfin, no one can stand up against me! I'm the strongest of the Valar and I will destroy anything good on this Earth." Morgoth clashed with Fingolfin, Warhammer versus sword. Both are fighting in standstill, but Fingolfin, the name of the Elf Lord is badly injured with many wounds on his body, while Morgoth's wounds can be seen on his legs and arms but not as bad as Fingolfin's.

"And you will fail on that! HRAAGGGGGHHHHH!" He charged to Morgoth, head on as they clashed once more, Ringil and Grond. Fingolfin managed to dodge a hit, but was kicked in the chest and crashed to the ground for the third time.

"ARRGGHHH!" He moaned in pain but he still managed to stand up, several wounds he got, all severe but he still fought on.

"You only rush to your death, but I commend your courage, for standing against me." Morgoth kicked Fingolfin's neck to the ground with all his strength, breaking it, life began to drain out of Fingolfin's eyes, but with one last desperate stroke he had managed to lacerate Morgoth's heel, leaving limp for the rest of his miserable days and so passes Fingolfin Ñolofinwë of House of Finwë, High King of the Ñoldor and King of Hithlum.

Morgoth laughed, but was stopped as he kneeled in pain from his wounds. He was about to pick up the fallen king, however a huge eagle swept down and slashed Morgoth's face, leaving him scarred for the rest of his life. A figure jumped off the back of the eagle and raised his right hand then all the sudden, Morgoth, flew back and went straight to his fortress, creating more destruction along the way as the force of that attack destroyed the Gates of Angband and was closed.

The man looked down to the body of Fingolfin and sighed.

"Thorondor, would you carry his body and be given a kingly burial?" The man said, sorrow can be traced on his voice walking towards the body of Fingolfin, and picked up his sword and removing its sheath from Fingolfin's waist.

The great eagle from earlier landed near the man and nodded. This eagle is no mere great eagle. This is Thorondor, the King of the Eagles, greatest of all eagles as his wingspan is 30 fathoms, he was sent by the King of the Valar, Manwë to watch over the Noldor when they arrived in Beleriand years ago.

"It would be the only thing I can do for him, Milord Naruto." The man, who was Naruto nodded as a tear fell from his eyes but he sensed something.

"You should go now, I sensed his horse nearby, I'll be with you later, bring him atop the highest mountain in the Echoriath while I will call his sons in Gondolin. Go!" He brandished Fingolfin's sword after he cleaned it of Morgoth's blood with a cloth that seemingly came out of nowhere.

"Ringil. I shall wield you with as you will be the only remembrance I will have of my best friend…" Fingolfin's sword, Ringil is an Elvish make and it will glow blue when Orcs and Goblins are nearby. When it hit an enemy, they will feel the coldness of the blade, at night, it glittered like ice in the light of the stars. This blade a great effect on Morgoth, seeing that this blade wounded him seven times and made him limp for the rest of his days.

Ringil is a one-and-a-half-handed sword, forged for Fingolfin, it had a golden scabbard with different elvish patterns on it and jeweled hilt, there are also small patterns etched on it and runes written on the blade while it's color is white and gold. The runes are written in Sindarin and it says: "Fingolfin Aran Ñoldorin, Tortha gar a matha Ringil, Vegil Glamdring gud daelo. Gurth an Glamhoth" which is roughly translated into the Common Tongue as: "Fingolfin, King of the Noldor, wields, has, and holds the sword Ringil. Foe of Morgoth's realm. Death to the Orcs".

Naruto walked towards Fingolfin's steed and he saw the white horse with silver saddle unharmed, he knew this horse witnessed the battle between Morgoth and Fingolfin, it must have hurt to see its master died.

"Rochallor, come with me. You and this sword are the only thing that will remind me that I had a best friend named Fingolfin." The horse, named Rochallor went towards Naruto slowly and it lets him patted its head.

"Will you bear me, just like you did with the King?" The horse nodded and Naruto smiled slightly and mounted the King's steed and rode fast as the wind towards the direction of Gondolin, but after a few kilometers, they vanished in the air as Naruto used a jutsu to teleport them in the Encircling Mountains.

=Flashback end: Back with Naruto=

"Fond memories… eh Naruto…"

"Yeah, you know me Kaguya, my dear. I have never forgotten any of those who have passed away in that age and all of them dear to me."

"Yes… I know. But before I forgot, where did you hide Glamdring, Orcrist and that little dagger again?" Kaguya asked him as he raised his eyebrows.

"Hmm… I hid them in the caves in the Ettenmoors, near the Misty Mountains, they will not be found there by any man since they were hidden by a huge rock, unless a troll would destroy the stone covering the weapons."

"Right… -" She was about to reply, but someone has spoken to Naruto.

"I thought you went ahead Milord?" A male voice was heard from behind.

"No, Gil-galad, I just went to get Rochallor, did you think I would leave that horse here?" He raised his eyebrows to the King who had the decency to rub the back of his head.

"Hehehe… not really, since that horse always wanted to be with you. What on earth did you even do to make that horse react to you?" The Elven-king asked.

"Nothing really, Rochallor had been like that since I'm the only one he has left ever since Fingolfin, his last rider died in battle." Gil-galad grimaced, he knew of whom Naruto speaks, the First Dark Lord. Morgoth.

"It was a sad day, for both the Elves and Orcs, they didn't even created a song for it because the sorrow is too great and still remember the face of his sons when Thorondor brought his body to Gondolin. You were only a young elf boy back then…" Naruto sighed as he looks at the gray sky while Gil-galad listened.

"A storm is coming, go and I will meet your armies at Imladris. Boe I'waen, Galu (Sindarin: I must go, good luck)." Naruto mounted his steed and rode away towards the gates of Amon Sûl down the hill to Imladris.

"Namárië, Melda heru! (Quenya: Farewell, beloved lord!)" Gil-galad walk back towards their armies and went to prepare what he needs to do before marching to Rivendell.

"Until our next meeting…" He muttered as he approached Elendil.

Back to Naruto…

"Noro lim, Rochallor, Noro lim!" Naruto shouted as they went pass the Gates of Amon Sûl towards the east to Rivendell as the guards at the gate bowed at him.

As soon as he left the fortress, he used the Great East Road straight to Rivendell, but the distance from Amon Sûl and the Hidden Valley would be 12 days if he is on foot, and if the weather is forgiving. However, Rochallor is one of the fastest steeds in Middle-earth so, it would only take a 6 to 7 day ride to the Hidden Valley.

A/N: Well, here's my go a Lord of the Rings/ Naruto crossover, I hope you like it. A bit short since I'm really busy with the Block Exams here in my school is tomorrow and I still need to finish off the new chapter in my High School DxD and Naruto Crossover.


A/N: I have a few people in my mind, but Kaguya is a definite yes.

A/N: I'm currently looking for ideas in my coming Naruto and The Witcher Series crossover, I wonder if I should make Geralt a female. What do you think? PM me.