Author has written 15 stories for Naruto, Anime X-overs, Inuyasha, X-Men, Soul Eater, DC Superheroes, Bleach, Teen Titans, Cartoon X-overs, Street Fighter, Hōrō Musuko/放浪息子, Brütal Legend, Legion of Super Heroes, Justice League, Misc. Cartoons, and Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. These are all my older works, so I'm sorry, but everything here has been discotinued. I will not be continuing these stories. They are dead. Done. Gone. Kaput. I have no more inspiration for them, and will not have any in the future. I have no desire to continue them in any way, shape, or form. Do Not message me either here, or on my new profile asking for updates or for me to revisit them. I will block you. I've recently moved operations over to: Why you ask? Because I felt like starting fresh and anew, without all of my older works hanging over my head. Feel free to read these if you like, and check out the new stuff I'm working on over on the new account. Either way, I hope you enjoy these stories, and that they inspire you as fellow fanfic writers. Later days! |
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