You heard it right, everyone. As of right now, Mr. Alaska is OFFICIALLY returning to the world of FanFiction.

But before anything, let me get something off my chest...

For all of you who I had left waiting all these years for updates, I am truly sorry. I admit, after a while, writing sadly started to feel like a chore to me. It didn't make me feel as happy as it did when I started out all them years back. I'm now 22 and working full-time in retail...

But, that's not all I have to be sorry for. I have been getting messages all this time too, and barely replying back to ANY of them. To all those who messaged me and never got a reply, you guys are the ones I'm the MOST sorry to. I've left you all hanging all these years without even giving you an answer as to why I have been gone. Truth is, I have no good excuse as to why. I guess after I quit writing, I just wanted to get away from it all. I was so depressed that the one thing I loved most in the world (writing) became dull and seemingly meaningless, I just turned away from it all, not wanting to tell everyone that I was all but giving up...

From the bottom of my heart, I apologize... To all the people who enjoyed everything I wrote as of 2013. To all the ones who reviewed, followed and fav'd all my stories. And to all of those who STILL like my stories and continue to ask me to keep them going. After seeing all the comments, followers and so on building up, I decided I've been away for far too long.

So, as of today, Mr. Alaska is be returning to the keyboard and try to give back to all of those who are still cheering me on. And, since my Ed, Edd n' Eddy story seems to be what's on most of my readers' minds, that will be the FIRST to be updated... Well, after this post, anyway. XD

But again, thank you to all of you who have continued to read and like my work...

It feels good to be back...