Disclaimer: Don't own them!
Chapter 1: Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.
She wasn't yet used to wake up like this: her almost naked body half covered by her dark purple sheets, the delicious scent of cigar and spices pervading her hair, and the pillows, and everything around; his body pressed against hers, wrapping her waist with his strong arms, both of them almost becoming a single being, one attached to the other. Every time she was about to open her eyes to the day light, she thought of a quick pray, for everything was actually real when she looked around; for it not to be some perfect, crazy dream.
But it was no dream; for the first time in her life, things seemed to be working right, and this realization made her hug Remy tighter, like wishing he wouldn't suddenly disappear. A few moments later, he sighed deeply in content; then raised his face from where it had been resting: between Rogue's breasts.
"Bon jour, chere" he greeted, strands of brown hair half covering his eyes.
"Bon jour, Sugah". He had to chuckle, both as an answer to her flirty, sassy smile, and also because he couldn't help but melting inside when she spoke French, even if it was a single word, or two.
"Uh, cherie, y' know what happens…" he leant over her, repeatedly kissing her neck and shoulders, "…when Remy… hears y' talkin' in French?"
"Ah've got certain idea" she laughed, "but hey, hey… Remy…"
"Oui?" he mumbled, his face still buried in her neck.
"Hey, stop it!"
"Why?" he met her eyes, with a puppy dog expression that could have convinced any girl of surrendering to his wishes; any girl that didn't know him any better, and Rogue for sure knew him better than anybody.
"'Cause yah're not even supossed t' be here, hun'".
"But, cherie, everybody already knows I sleep here most o' de times… it ain't my fault y' be a better roommate dan Pyro, back with de Acolytes."
"Yeah" she rolled her eyes, "but it's not like they're thrilled 'bout it, remember?". Remy sensed his own neck with a hand; it was a good thing it was still in one piece, considering that morning, about four months ago, when Logan caught him sneaking out of Rogue's bedroom. "Besides…" she continued, biting her bottom lip; had he forgotten it, or what? "…Today's the day, isn't it?"
Remy cupped her face between his hands, surprised at that tiny hint of worry or doubt in her face.
"T'day's gonna be perfect. Je promets". She smiled, slightly caressing his unshaved chin with the tip of her fingers.
"Yah ARE gonna show up, aren't yah? Or else, Ah'll have t' rip off your eyes, throw your butt down a cliff…" his mock worried expression became stronger when hearing this, "…or something equally painful Ah'll have time t' figure out".
"Dat won't be necessary, chere. Remy only runs away from weddings when he ain't in love", and saying this, they joined into a deep, passionate kiss… that lasted until the door was suddenly knocked three, five, maybe eight times.
"Hey Rogue! Are you, like, still sleeping? Can I come in?" Kitty's perky voice came from the other side. It was a good thing she had finally learnt not to just phase through doors and walls, scaring people out and catching them in the most peculiar activities. The mansion could seem a big place to live, but it gets way smaller when you completely loose your privacy because of heads that appear through walls, telepaths, and a guy that can smell you and your little secrets a mile away. Nope, not a big place at all.
"See? Gawd, Ah knew this would happen" Rogue whispered, urgently trying to find her tank top among the messy sheets.
"But we be marryin' t'day; who cares?" he said lazily, dropping light kisses on her back.
"Come on Rogue! It's almost midday! We totally gotta get your make up, and get you dressed, and everything!"
"Ah don't" Rogue admitted, ignoring Kitty's commands once again, while putting on her top. "But yah're naked, sugah".
"Uh… oui. Should better put somethin' on, an'…"
"Nah, just hide".
"Hide?! Chere, we're not seventeen anymore".
"Hide under the damn bed! Or Ah'll make yah walk outta this house just like this, in your birth suit".
"Bien" he frowned mischievously, and started to do as she asked. "But only 'cause I don't want the ladies of this house to get restless".
"Shhhh!" She giggled and fixed the sheets as well as possible, and then, trying her voice to sound like she had just woken up, she yelled:
"Eh… yeah, come in".
The girl immediately phased the door, but not walking: she was pretty much jumping in excitement, her pony tail waving up and down behind her head.
"Oh my God, I can't believe you're still here when there's so much to do, Rogue! This gotta be, like, the most important day of your whole life…!"
"It is, Kit!"
"…and you're here lazing around like it's January 1st, or somethin'… Oh!" she abruptly raised her brows. "It's not like Remy was here, right?"
"Here?! Nah! Not today. He's with… his family now; they all came".
"Wow! Aren't you, like, totally nervous? I would, I mean, it's his family, and they'll probably be, like, watching your every move, specially since they had another wife in mind for him and… oh… oh… I mean…" She used to let herself go so much when she talked, that sometimes she didn't even realize of what she was saying.
"Hey, no worries!" Rogue calmed her down, smiling. "All that's over an' done. That Cajun's mine now".
The younger girl giggled, and continued speaking:
"Anyway… actually, I came 'cause I wanted to give you something". Her expression became kind of solemn this time. "Rogue, you're like my sister, you know? And, wow, you're getting married, and that's like… WOW, you know? So, I wanted to give you this". She handed her friend a small blue box, which she opened carefully. It was a tiny and beautiful hairclip, with sparkling stones.
"You know you gotta wear something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue; did you know that? And well, this could be, like, the old one: it was my grandmother's".
Rogue held it in her hands, staring at it and then back at Kitty repeatedly. She didn't have a grandmother, or a mother that would give her something like this. That's why it meant so much.
"Kit… wow, it's beautiful… thanks, Ah…" but then she was interrupted by Kitty's hug.
"You're welcome! I knew you'd totally love it. And oh! I made breakfast today" she informed her, while standing up from the bed and walking towards the door. "It's in the microwave, if you want some". Rogue's stomach twitched, at the thought of having indigestion on her wedding day.
"Sure! Thanks, Ah'll come down in a while".
"Fine, but hurry up! The make up and hair people will be here at two o'clock, 'kay? Wow, I'm so excited!" and saying this, she disappeared through the door.
"So, dis Cajun be all yours, hein?" Remy hinted while appearing from under the bed.
"Of course" Rogue laughed. "Isn't it true?"
"It is, cherie: every single part of me. Je t'aime" he whispered, while resting a light kiss on her lips.
"Ah love yah too… now, go away! Yah heard Kitty: Ah've got a weddin' t' get ready for".
After taking a shower, having something to eat (not Kitty's uncertain pancakes) and receiving congratulations from almost everybody in the house, Rogue went back to her bedroom. There were still a couple of things to figure out, like the place they'd live: Remy's father had given him a nice apartment as a wedding present, but she didn't know if she was ready to leave the mansion.
Anyway, she didn't want to think about it right now; after all she had gone through in her lifetime, this one should be the least of her worries. So she decided to relax a little, and opened the closet; there it was: her white, gorgeous wedding dress. She really felt like some kind of Cinderella, as stupid as it could sound; she never ever thought she would have all this, and now, it was actually happening, and she wanted to stay and live forever in every second of this day.
"Hey! Rogue!" Kitty suddenly phased the door again, making Rogue gasp. Well, maybe she hadn't totally learnt.
"Gosh, Kit, yah scared me!"
"Sorry! I…" before she could continue, Jean stormed inside the bedroom too; she seemed worried, which wasn't common on her.
"We have a situation" the red haired girl stated.
"It's, like, a total catastrophe!" Kitty confirmed.
Rogue took a deep breath; she should have expected something bad would happen.
Note: Hey! Thanks for reading this, and please don't forget to let me know what you think about this crazy idea I come up with now. I don't know how weddings are celebrated in other parts of the world, but if you see (read) something that makes you wonder "What was that?", well, it's something that would probably happen in a wedding here, in Venezuela. And why are Rogue and Remy getting married like people would do in here? 'Cause it's my fic! :-P So well, remember I'm still learning English; oh, this one will have 4 to 5 chapters, just wanted to let you know.