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![]() Author has written 10 stories for Catherine, Regular Show, Mass Effect, and Amazing World of Gumball. BIG PROFILE UPDATE: Hello everyone! Long time, no see. If you're reading this, then you've probably read the chapter updates to the stories that I never completed or just wandered on here in curiosity of where the hell I've been. In short, I've moved on from Fanfiction and want to write original works of my own, not based on other properties. I also don't you use DeviantArt anymore. Even though I won't be writing stories on Fanfiction anymore, the stories I do have, will stay up and if you ever need any help writing a story, I'll be happy to assist. Also, I'm part of a team right now, working on a project called, "Project Nakti" a furry fantasy universe created by the furry community. For more info: ht*tp://*en.wi*/wi*ki/Pr*oject_Nakti (without the stars) Here is my new contact information: Sites I use: FurAffinity: htt*ps://www.fur*affin*/us*er/devilishlyhandsome49/ (without the stars) Weasyl: ht*tps://www.wea*/~devilishlyhandsome49 (without the stars) Furry Network: ht*tps://beta.fur*/dev/ (without the stars) Furrific: ht*tps://www.fur*/DevilishlyHandsome49/info (without the stars) Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/GeoffTheWarrior49 Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DevilHandsome49 FictionPress: https://www.fictionpress.info/u/1036006/ Sites I don't use anymore: DeviantArt: ht*tp://tfs*49.devi*antar*/ (without the stars) Ways you can contact me: Skype: bamcam30 Telegram: Dev49 Discord: Dev-Furry Jesus#0247 Gaming Info: My PSN: DevilishlyHandso Steam: KeybladeWielder49 All time favorite games Kingdom Hearts series Uncharted series Ratchet and Clank series The Sims 2 Heavy Rain Mass Effect 2 (Will soon be Mass Effect 3 :D) Mass Effect 3 (The ending though...no comment) Spider Man (And I mean the old one on the first Playstation) Catherine Shadow of the Colossus Assassin's Creed series Red Dead Redemption Thrillville Series Far Cry 3 (And that only names a few ;) ) Favorite hobbies Writing, playing video games, lego collecting, drawing every now and again, and just relaxing. I used to be into movies, but that slowly died down due to two things: I became a gamer and realized that they do better storytelling than movies and there just aren't that many movies that interest me nowadays and I don't really have the money. Pretty much I'm just me, with a bit...ok alot of a nerdy side. Matter a fact if you were to put me as a Sims 3 character, my five traits would be: Artistic, Friendly, Good Sense of Humor, Ambitious. ( I don't really have an exact physical trait.) I'm also always happy to help new authors as long as I know about the material your fanfics are coming from. I'm not an expert, but I'll help you as best as I can Extra Info My writing style: I like to make things fast paced, while still leaving room for description, but mostly leaving it to the reader's imagination. If you have noticed from my fanfics, I focus heavily on dialogue and character's thoughts. To me, it brings more depth to the characters in the story. Description is tedious for me, seeing how some descriptions drag on a little too long and I want to change that by making it short but helpful. I write when I watch TV or have some kind of sound in the background. There are times though, when I need it completely quiet to put down an important aspect in the story. Tips? Plan out what to write first in a simple outline, then writing it will fill in the rest. Stay focused. Have a snack while you're writing to keep you energy up. There are times when you are in the zone and if you lose focus, you may never get it back. Don't hold back. Whatever is in your mind, let it go. If needed, edit it if it doesn't seem to work later on. Just don't doubt yourself too much. It will mess you up on how to write the story. Read other fanfics or books, to see varying writing formats (right or wrong) it gives you a better outlook on things. Other than that, trust your instinct and use your own judgement. |